Пример #1
void CServerDoc::CalcBounding(CDC* pDC, CServerNode* pNodeStart,
	CPoint ptStart, CSize& sizeMax)

	// select correct font for the document
	CFont font;
	CFont* pOldFont = SelectDocFont(pDC, font);

	// calculate the bounding rect
	pNodeStart->CalcBounding(pDC, ptStart, sizeMax);

	// restore state of the dc
	if (pOldFont != NULL)
Пример #2
int CServerDoc::DrawTree(CDC* pDC, CPoint ptStart, CServerNode* pNodeSel,
	CServerNode* pRoot)
	if (pRoot == NULL)
		pRoot = m_pRoot;
	// select correct font for the document
	CFont font;
	CFont* pOldFont = SelectDocFont(pDC, font);
	if (pOldFont == NULL)
		return -1;

	// draw the hierachy list
	int iResult = pRoot->DrawTree(pDC, ptStart, pNodeSel);

	// restore state of the dc
	return iResult;
Пример #3
void CGelView::DrawGel(CDC* pDC, CRect rcBounds) 
	char tBuff[128];
    CBrush bBrush;
	bBrush.CreateSolidBrush( RGB(255,255,255) );
	pDC->FillRect( &rcBounds, &bBrush );
	pDC->SetBkColor( RGB(255,255,255) );

	CSize docSize = GetGelSize();

	double ypi = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY);
	double xpi = pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX);

	int x = (int)((double)docSize.cx/100.0 * xpi);
	int y = (int)((double)docSize.cy/100.0 * ypi);

	int xoff = rcBounds.TopLeft().x;
	int yoff = rcBounds.TopLeft().y;

	int YSpace = (int)(ypi / 24.0);
	int XSpace = (int)(xpi / 24.0);

	// Lets draw graph always ...
	CFont fontTmp;
	CFont* pOldFont = SelectDocFont(pDC, fontTmp, 900);

	CPen nPen( PS_SOLID, m_LineWidth, RGB(0,0,0) );
    CPen* oPen = pDC->SelectObject(&nPen);

	CSize fontSize = pDC->GetTextExtent( "X", 1 );
	int NamesHeight = 0;
	POSITION gPos = m_listGel.GetHeadPosition();
	while ( gPos != NULL ) {
		SGel *pSGel = (SGel *)m_listGel.GetNext(gPos);
		CString strName = pSGel->Sequence->GetTitle();
		strName = strName.Left(10);

		CSize fontSize = pDC->GetTextExtent( strName, strName.GetLength() );
		int iHeight = fontSize.cx;
		if ( iHeight > NamesHeight ) NamesHeight = iHeight;


//	int xborder = (int)((double)x * .05);

  	_snprintf( tBuff, 127, "%d", m_MaxY );	// = "1.0";
	CSize tstrsz;
	tstrsz = pDC->GetTextExtent( tBuff, strlen(tBuff) );
	int xborder = tstrsz.cx + XSpace;

	int yborder = (int)(xpi / 24.0);

	yborder += m_LineWidth;

	pDC->MoveTo(xoff + (xborder), yoff + (NamesHeight + YSpace - m_LineWidth) );
	pDC->LineTo(xoff + (xborder),yoff + (y - yborder));
	pDC->LineTo(xoff + (x - XSpace),yoff + (y - yborder));
	pDC->LineTo(xoff + (x - XSpace),yoff + ( NamesHeight + YSpace - m_LineWidth ));
	pDC->LineTo(xoff + (xborder ),yoff + (NamesHeight + YSpace - m_LineWidth ));

	int GraphWidth = (x - XSpace) - xborder;

	int drl = 1;
	while ( drl < m_MinY ) {
		if ( drl * 10 > m_MinY ) break;
		drl = drl * 10;
	double YRange = m_MaxY - (double)drl + 1;

	double dblYMult = (double)y - (yborder + NamesHeight + YSpace);

	if ( m_listGel.GetCount() != 0 ) {

		int GelCount = m_listGel.GetCount();
		int dWidth = GraphWidth - ( GelCount * m_LineWidth * 2 );
		int BandWidth = dWidth / GelCount;

		int Band = 0;

		gPos = m_listGel.GetHeadPosition();
		while ( gPos != NULL ) {
			SGel *pSGel = (SGel *)m_listGel.GetNext(gPos);
			CString strName = pSGel->Sequence->GetTitle();
			strName = strName.Left(10);

			double dblXVal = (Band * BandWidth) + (Band * m_LineWidth * 2) - (m_LineWidth * 2);

				1 + xoff + ((int)dblXVal + xborder) + ( BandWidth / 2 ) - ( fontSize.cx / 2 ),
				yoff + (NamesHeight + YSpace - m_LineWidth - 2), 
				ETO_CLIPPED, CRect ( xoff, yoff, xoff + x, yoff + y ), 
				strName, strName.GetLength(), NULL


			int wdrl = drl;
			int inc = drl;
			while ( wdrl < m_MaxY ) {

				double dblYVal = 1.0 - (log (double( wdrl - drl + 1)) / log(YRange));

				dblYVal *= dblYMult;
				int tyloc = yoff + (NamesHeight + YSpace + (int)dblYVal - 1);

					1 + xoff + ((int)dblXVal + BandWidth + xborder + m_LineWidth+ m_LineWidth), 
					1 + xoff + ((int)dblXVal + BandWidth + xborder + m_LineWidth+ m_LineWidth + m_LineWidth), 
					1 + xoff + ((int)dblXVal + BandWidth + xborder + m_LineWidth+ m_LineWidth), 

				wdrl += inc;
				if ( wdrl == inc * 10 ) {
					inc = inc * 10;



		pDC->SelectObject( pOldFont );
		pOldFont = SelectDocFont(pDC, fontTmp, 0);

		int yinc = ((y - yborder) - (NamesHeight + YSpace ))/4;

		pDC->MoveTo(xoff + (xborder),yoff + ( NamesHeight + YSpace ));
		pDC->LineTo(xoff + (xborder - XSpace),yoff + ( NamesHeight + YSpace ));
		pDC->LineTo(xoff + (xborder),yoff + ( NamesHeight + YSpace ));

  		_snprintf( tBuff, 127, "%d", m_MaxY );	// = "1.0";
		CSize tstrsz;
		tstrsz = pDC->GetTextExtent( tBuff, strlen(tBuff) );
		// pDC->LPtoDP( &tstrsz );

			xoff + (xborder - XSpace - tstrsz.cx), 
			yoff + (NamesHeight + YSpace) - tstrsz.cy,  
			ETO_CLIPPED, CRect ( xoff, yoff, xoff + x, yoff + y ), 
			tBuff, strlen(tBuff), NULL 

		int wdrl = drl;
		int inc = drl;
		while ( wdrl < m_MaxY ) {

			double dblYVal = 1.0 - (log (double( wdrl - drl + 1)) / log(YRange));

			dblYVal *= dblYMult;
			int tyloc = yoff + (NamesHeight + YSpace + (int)dblYVal - 1);

			pDC->MoveTo(xoff + (xborder),tyloc);
			pDC->LineTo(xoff + (xborder - XSpace),tyloc);
			pDC->LineTo(xoff + (xborder),tyloc);

			if ( wdrl == inc || wdrl == inc *5 ) {
				pDC->MoveTo(xoff + (xborder),tyloc);
				pDC->LineTo(xoff + (xborder - XSpace),tyloc);
				pDC->LineTo(xoff + (xborder),tyloc);
				_snprintf( tBuff, 127, "%d", wdrl );	// = ".75";
				tstrsz = pDC->GetTextExtent( tBuff, strlen(tBuff) );

					xoff + (xborder - XSpace - tstrsz.cx), 
					tyloc -(tstrsz.cy/2),  
					ETO_CLIPPED, CRect ( xoff, tyloc-(tstrsz.cy/2), xoff + x, (tyloc -(tstrsz.cy/2)) + y ), 
					tBuff, strlen(tBuff), NULL 

			wdrl += inc;
			if ( wdrl == inc * 10 ) {
				inc = inc * 10;

		// For assumed Y Scale = 0 - 1.0
		// Create a red pen.
		pDC->SelectObject( oPen );
		nPen.CreatePen( PS_SOLID, m_LineWidth, RGB(255,0,0) );
		oPen = pDC->SelectObject(&nPen);

		Band = 0;

		gPos = m_listGel.GetHeadPosition();
		while ( gPos != NULL ) {
			SGel *pSGel = (SGel *)m_listGel.GetNext(gPos);

			double dblXVal = (Band * BandWidth) + (Band * m_LineWidth * 2);

			int FragCount = pSGel->arrGelLoc.GetSize();

			for ( int i=0; i < FragCount; ++i ) {
				double ss = pSGel->arrGelLoc[i] / 100000000.0;
				double dblYVal = 1.0 - (log( (ss * YRange) - drl + 1) / log(YRange));

				dblYVal *= dblYMult;

					1 + xoff + ((int)dblXVal + xborder), 
					yoff + (NamesHeight + YSpace + (int)dblYVal - 1)
					1 + xoff + ((int)dblXVal + BandWidth + xborder) - (m_LineWidth * 2),
					yoff + (NamesHeight + YSpace +  (int)dblYVal - 1)
					1 + xoff + ((int)dblXVal + xborder), 
					yoff + (NamesHeight + YSpace + (int)dblYVal - 1)




	pDC->SelectObject( oPen );

	pDC->SelectObject( pOldFont );
