void CConfigDlg::LoadFromReg() { SelectPlaylist(); CButton *shuffle = (CButton*)GetDlgItem( IDC_CHECK_SHUFFLE ); shuffle->SetCheck( (((bool)m_reg[_T("Shuffle")])?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED) ); m_secondsSlider.SetPos( m_reg[_T("IncreaseTime")] ); m_increase.SetCheck( (((bool)m_reg[_T("IncreaseVolume")]) ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED) ); OnBnClickedIncreaseCheck(); ((CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_DO_MUTE))->SetCheck( (((bool)m_reg[_T("MuteOnReturn")]) ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED) ); ((CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_ENABLE_SNOOZE))->SetCheck( (((bool)m_reg[_T("EnableSnooze")]) ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED) ); OnBnClickedEnableSnooze(); CButton *runatstartup = (CButton*)GetDlgItem( IDC_STARTUP_CHECK ); RegMap t(HKEY_CURRENT_USER); t = t[_T("Software")][_T("Microsoft")][_T("Windows")][_T("CurrentVersion")][_T("Run")]; runatstartup->SetCheck( ((t.has_key(_T("iSnooze")))?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED) ); long st = 0xff & (long)m_reg[_T("SnoozeTime")]; if( st < 1 ) st = 1; if( st > 60 ) st = 60; TCHAR tm[4]; _stprintf( tm, _T("%d"), st ); GetDlgItem(IDC_SNOOZE_TIME)->SetWindowText( tm ); m_minimize.SetCheck( (((bool)m_reg[_T("MinimizeOnAlarm")])?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED) ); //LoadTimeFromReg(); LoadAlarmsFromReg(); FillAlarmsList(); SetTimeDlg(); }
virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) { switch (widget) { case MTSW_LIST_LEFT: { // add to playlist int y = this->GetRowFromWidget(pt.y, widget, 0, FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL); if (_msf.playlist < 4) return; if (!IsInsideMM(y, 0, BaseMusic::GetUsedSet()->num_available)) return; byte *p = _playlists[_msf.playlist]; for (uint i = 0; i != NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST - 1; i++) { if (p[i] == 0) { /* Find the actual song number */ for (uint j = 0; j < NUM_SONGS_AVAILABLE; j++) { if (GetTrackNumber(j) == y + 1) { p[i] = j + 1; break; } } p[i + 1] = 0; this->SetDirty(); SelectSongToPlay(); break; } } break; } case MTSW_LIST_RIGHT: { // remove from playlist int y = this->GetRowFromWidget(pt.y, widget, 0, FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL); if (_msf.playlist < 4) return; if (!IsInsideMM(y, 0, NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST)) return; byte *p = _playlists[_msf.playlist]; for (uint i = y; i != NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST - 1; i++) { p[i] = p[i + 1]; } this->SetDirty(); SelectSongToPlay(); break; } case MTSW_CLEAR: // clear for (uint i = 0; _playlists[_msf.playlist][i] != 0; i++) _playlists[_msf.playlist][i] = 0; this->SetDirty(); StopMusic(); SelectSongToPlay(); break; case MTSW_ALL: case MTSW_OLD: case MTSW_NEW: case MTSW_EZY: case MTSW_CUSTOM1: case MTSW_CUSTOM2: // set playlist SelectPlaylist(widget - MTSW_ALL); StopMusic(); SelectSongToPlay(); break; } }
void CConfigDlg::OnBnClickedButton1() { CComboBox *playlists = (CComboBox*)GetDlgItem( IDC_PLAYLISTS ); int selected = playlists->GetCurSel(); playlists->ResetContent(); m_playlists.clear(); m_plids.clear(); GetPlaylists(); FillBoxes(); if( selected < playlists->GetCount() ) playlists->SetCurSel( selected ); else SelectPlaylist(); }
virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) { switch (widget) { case WID_M_PREV: // skip to prev if (!_song_is_active) return; SkipToPrevSong(); this->SetDirty(); break; case WID_M_NEXT: // skip to next if (!_song_is_active) return; SkipToNextSong(); this->SetDirty(); break; case WID_M_STOP: // stop playing _settings_client.music.playing = false; break; case WID_M_PLAY: // start playing _settings_client.music.playing = true; break; case WID_M_MUSIC_VOL: case WID_M_EFFECT_VOL: { // volume sliders int x = pt.x - this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(widget)->pos_x; byte *vol = (widget == WID_M_MUSIC_VOL) ? &_settings_client.music.music_vol : &_settings_client.music.effect_vol; byte new_vol = x * 127 / this->GetWidget<NWidgetBase>(widget)->current_x; if (_current_text_dir == TD_RTL) new_vol = 127 - new_vol; if (new_vol != *vol) { *vol = new_vol; if (widget == WID_M_MUSIC_VOL) MusicVolumeChanged((new_vol * new_vol) / 127); // Kinda logarithmic scale this->SetDirty(); } _left_button_clicked = false; break; } case WID_M_SHUFFLE: // toggle shuffle _settings_client.music.shuffle ^= 1; this->SetWidgetLoweredState(WID_M_SHUFFLE, _settings_client.music.shuffle); this->SetWidgetDirty(WID_M_SHUFFLE); StopMusic(); SelectSongToPlay(); this->SetDirty(); break; case WID_M_PROGRAMME: // show track selection ShowMusicTrackSelection(); break; case WID_M_ALL: case WID_M_OLD: case WID_M_NEW: case WID_M_EZY: case WID_M_CUSTOM1: case WID_M_CUSTOM2: // playlist SelectPlaylist(widget - WID_M_ALL); StopMusic(); SelectSongToPlay(); break; } }
virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) { switch (widget) { case WID_MTS_LIST_LEFT: { // add to playlist if (_settings_client.music.playlist < 4) return; int id_m = this->left_sb->GetScrolledRowFromWidget(pt.y, this, WID_MTS_LIST_LEFT, WD_FRAMERECT_TOP, this->resize.step_height); if (!IsInsideMM(id_m, 0, BaseMusic::GetUsedSet()->num_available)) return; byte *p = _playlists[_settings_client.music.playlist]; for (uint i = 0; i != NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST - 1; i++) { if (p[i] == 0) { /* Find the actual song number */ for (uint j = 0; j < NUM_SONGS_AVAILABLE; j++) { if (GetTrackNumber(j) == id_m + 1) { p[i] = j + 1; break; } } p[i + 1] = 0; this->right_sb->SetCount(GetNumberOfTracksOfTracklist()); this->SetDirty(); SelectSongToPlay(); break; } } break; } case WID_MTS_LIST_RIGHT: { // remove from playlist if (_settings_client.music.playlist < 4) return; int id_m = this->right_sb->GetScrolledRowFromWidget(pt.y, this, WID_MTS_LIST_RIGHT, WD_FRAMERECT_TOP, this->resize.step_height); if (!IsInsideMM(id_m, 0, NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST)) return; byte *p = _playlists[_settings_client.music.playlist]; for (uint i = id_m; i != NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST - 1; i++) { p[i] = p[i + 1]; } this->right_sb->SetCount(GetNumberOfTracksOfTracklist()); this->SetDirty(); SelectSongToPlay(); break; } case WID_MTS_CLEAR: // clear for (uint i = 0; _playlists[_settings_client.music.playlist][i] != 0; i++) _playlists[_settings_client.music.playlist][i] = 0; this->right_sb->SetCount(GetNumberOfTracksOfTracklist()); this->SetDirty(); StopMusic(); SelectSongToPlay(); break; case WID_MTS_ALL: case WID_MTS_OLD: case WID_MTS_NEW: case WID_MTS_EZY: case WID_MTS_CUSTOM1: case WID_MTS_CUSTOM2: // set playlist SelectPlaylist(widget - WID_MTS_ALL); this->right_sb->SetCount(GetNumberOfTracksOfTracklist()); this->SetDirty(); StopMusic(); SelectSongToPlay(); break; } }
virtual void OnClick(Point pt, int widget, int click_count) { switch (widget) { case WID_MTS_LIST_LEFT: { // add to playlist int y = this->GetRowFromWidget(pt.y, widget, 0, FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL); if (_settings_client.music.playlist < 4) return; if (!IsInsideMM(y, 0, BaseMusic::GetUsedSet()->num_available)) return; byte *p = _playlists[_settings_client.music.playlist]; for (uint i = 0; i != NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST - 1; i++) { if (p[i] == 0) { /* Find the actual song number */ for (uint j = 0; j < NUM_SONGS_AVAILABLE; j++) { if (GetTrackNumber(j) == y + 1) { p[i] = j + 1; break; } } p[i + 1] = 0; this->SetDirty(); ResetPlaylist(); break; } } break; } case WID_MTS_LIST_RIGHT: { // remove from playlist int y = this->GetRowFromWidget(pt.y, widget, 0, FONT_HEIGHT_SMALL); if (_settings_client.music.playlist < 4) return; if (!IsInsideMM(y, 0, NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST)) return; byte *p = _playlists[_settings_client.music.playlist]; for (uint i = y; i != NUM_SONGS_PLAYLIST - 1; i++) { p[i] = p[i + 1]; } this->SetDirty(); ResetPlaylist(); break; } case WID_MTS_MUSICSET: { int selected = 0; DropDownList *dropdown = BuildMusicSetDropDownList(&selected); ShowDropDownList(this, dropdown, selected, widget, 0, true, false); break; } case WID_MTS_CLEAR: // clear for (uint i = 0; _playlists[_settings_client.music.playlist][i] != 0; i++) _playlists[_settings_client.music.playlist][i] = 0; this->SetDirty(); StopMusic(); ResetPlaylist(); break; case WID_MTS_ALL: case WID_MTS_OLD: case WID_MTS_NEW: case WID_MTS_EZY: case WID_MTS_CUSTOM1: case WID_MTS_CUSTOM2: // set playlist SelectPlaylist(widget - WID_MTS_ALL); StopMusic(); ResetPlaylist(); break; } }