Пример #1
QSize FilterWidget::sizeHint (void) const
	HIRect optimalBounds;
	EventRef event;
	CreateEvent(0, kEventClassControl, kEventControlGetOptimalBounds,
		GetCurrentEventTime(), kEventAttributeUserEvent, &event);
	GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamControlOptimalBounds, typeHIRect,
		0, sizeof(HIRect), 0, &optimalBounds);
	return QSize(optimalBounds.size.width + 200, optimalBounds.size.height - 4);
Пример #2
	Handle events of kEventClassControl that get sent to the Frame
OSStatus HandleStarFrameControlEvents(
	EventHandlerCallRef inCallRef,
	EventRef inEvent,
	StarFrameData* frameData)
	OSStatus retVal = eventNotHandledErr;

	switch(GetEventKind(inEvent)) {
		case kEventControlInitialize :
			retVal = HandleStarFrameInitialize(inCallRef, inEvent, frameData);

		case kEventControlOwningWindowChanged : {
			// We only want the star-shaped opaque area of our frame view to
			// draw.  Everything else should be transparent.  To accomplish that
			// we change the features of the owning window so that only the
			// content we draw shows up on screen
			WindowRef newWindow = GetControlOwner(frameData->hiSelf);
			HIWindowChangeFeatures(newWindow, 0, kWindowIsOpaque);
		} break;

		case kEventControlBoundsChanged : {
			retVal = HandleStarFrameBoundsChanged(inCallRef, inEvent, frameData);
		} break;

        case kEventControlDraw : {
			HIRect			bounds;
			CGContextRef	cgContext;

			HIViewGetBounds(frameData->hiSelf, &bounds);
			float radius = fmin(CGRectGetWidth(bounds) / 2.0, CGRectGetHeight(bounds) / 2.0);

			GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamCGContextRef, typeCGContextRef, NULL, sizeof(cgContext), NULL, &cgContext );
			if(NULL != cgContext) {
				HIThemeMenuDrawInfo drawInfo;
				CGPathRef starPath = CreatePathForStarFrame(frameData, radius);

				drawInfo.version = 0;
				drawInfo.menuType = frameData->menuType;

				// HIThemeDrawMenuBackground is designed to draw the pin striped background
				// of standard menus.  Our menu is a star and so HIThemeDrawMenuBackground may not be
				// appropriate in this case.  Nevertheless, we'll draw the standard menu background for
				// this menu and clip it to a star.
				CGContextClearRect(cgContext, bounds);
				CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, radius, radius);
				CGContextAddPath(cgContext, starPath);
				CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, -radius, -radius);
				HIThemeDrawMenuBackground(&bounds, &drawInfo, cgContext, kHIThemeOrientationNormal);

				// The pin striping looks a bit odd sort of floating out by itself.  We'll also add
				// a lovely gray line to help emphasize the boundary
				CGContextTranslateCTM(cgContext, radius, radius);
				CGContextAddPath(cgContext, starPath);
				CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(cgContext, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0);
				CGContextSetLineWidth(cgContext, 1.0);
				starPath = NULL;

			retVal = noErr;
		} break;

		// Mac OS X v10.4 introduced a Window Manager bug.
		// The workaround is to implement the kEventControlGetFrameMetrics handler.
		// Even after the bug is fixed, the workaround will not be harmful.
		case kEventControlGetFrameMetrics: {
			HIViewRef contentView = NULL;

			// If we can find our content view, ask it for our metrics
			verify_noerr(HIViewFindByID(frameData->hiSelf, kHIViewWindowContentID, &contentView));
			if(NULL != contentView) {
				retVal = SendEventToEventTargetWithOptions( inEvent, GetControlEventTarget( contentView ), kEventTargetDontPropagate );
		} break;


	return retVal;