Пример #1
void uart_recv_int_handler() {
#ifdef __USE18F26J50
    if (DataRdy1USART()) {
        uc_ptr->buffer[uc_ptr->buflen] = Read1USART();
#ifdef __USE18F46J50
    if (DataRdy1USART()) {
        uc_ptr->buffer[uc_ptr->buflen] = Read1USART();
    if (DataRdyUSART()) {
        uc_ptr->buffer[uc_ptr->buflen] = ReadUSART();

        // check if a message should be sent
        if (uc_ptr->buflen == MAXUARTBUF) {
            ToMainLow_sendmsg(uc_ptr->buflen, MSGT_UART_DATA, (void *) uc_ptr->buffer);
            uc_ptr->buflen = 0;

        ToMainLow_sendmsg(uc_ptr->buflen, MSGT_UART_DATA, (void *) uc_ptr->buffer);
#ifdef __USE18F26J50
    if (USART1_Status.OVERRUN_ERROR == 1) {
#ifdef __USE18F46J50
    if (USART1_Status.OVERRUN_ERROR == 1) {
    if (USART_Status.OVERRUN_ERROR == 1) {
        // we've overrun the USART and must reset
        // send an error message for this
        RCSTAbits.CREN = 0;
        RCSTAbits.CREN = 1;
        ToMainLow_sendmsg(0, MSGT_OVERRUN, (void *) 0);

void uart_trans_int_handler() {
    unsigned char msgbuffer[MSGLEN+1];
    unsigned char msgtype;
    signed char length;
    unsigned char start;
    length = SensorData_recvmsg(start, MSGLEN, &msgtype, (void *) msgbuffer);
    //unsigned char msg[6];
    //msg[0] = 0x0;
//    i = i << 1;
    if (msgtest[0] == 0xFF) {
        msgtest[0] = 0x0;

    msgtest[1] = 0xA;
    msgtest[2] = 0x00;
    msgtest[3] = msgtest[0];
    msgtest[4] = 0xFF;
    msgtest[5] = 0x0;

//    if (length == 0) {
//        PIE1bits.TX1IE = 0x0;
//    }
    TXREG1 = msgtest[index];

    if (index == 6) {
        index = 0;
        msgtest[0] = msgtest[0] - 0x5;
        PIE1bits.TX1IE = 0x0;

void init_uart_recv(uart_comm *uc) {
    uc_ptr = uc;
    uc_ptr->buflen = 0;

void uart_send(int length, unsigned char *msg_buffer) {
    int i = 0;
    for (i; i < length; i++) {
        //TXREG1 = msg_buffer[i];
        uc_ptr->buffer[i] = msg_buffer[i];
    PIE1bits.TX1IE = 0x0;
Пример #2
void main(void) {
    char c;
    signed char length;
    unsigned char msgtype;
    unsigned char last_reg_recvd;
    uart_comm uc;
    i2c_comm ic;
    unsigned char msgbuffer[MSGLEN + 1];
    unsigned char i;
    uart_thread_struct uthread_data; // info for uart_lthread
    timer1_thread_struct t1thread_data; // info for timer1_lthread
    timer0_thread_struct t0thread_data; // info for timer0_lthread

#ifdef __USE18F2680
    OSCCON = 0xFC; // see datasheet
    // We have enough room below the Max Freq to enable the PLL for this chip
    OSCTUNEbits.PLLEN = 1; // 4x the clock speed in the previous line
#ifdef __USE18F45J10
    OSCCON = 0x82; // see datasheeet
    OSCTUNEbits.PLLEN = 0; // Makes the clock exceed the PIC's rated speed if the PLL is on
#ifdef __USE18F26J50
    OSCCON = 0xE0; // see datasheeet
    OSCTUNEbits.PLLEN = 1;
#ifdef __USE18F46J50
    OSCCON = 0xE0; //see datasheet
    OSCTUNEbits.PLLEN = 1;

    TRISEbits.TRISE0 = 0x0;
    LATEbits.LE0 = 0x0;
    LATEbits.LE0 = 0x1;

    TRISCbits.TRISC7 = 0x1; // input RX
    TRISCbits.TRISC6 = 0x0; // output TX

    SPBRGH1 = 0x00;
    SPBRG1 = 0xcf;

    TXSTA1bits.BRGH = 1;
    BAUDCON1bits.BRG16 = 1;
    TXSTA1bits.SYNC = 0;
    RCSTA1bits.SPEN = 0x1;
    TXSTA1bits.TXEN = 0x1;
    Something is messed up.
    The PIC selected is not supported or the preprocessor directives are wrong.

    // initialize my uart recv handling code

    // initialize the i2c code

    // init the timer1 lthread

    // initialize message queues before enabling any interrupts

#ifndef __USE18F26J50
    // set direction for PORTB to output
    TRISB = 0x0;
    LATB = 0x0;

    // how to set up PORTA for input (for the V4 board with the PIC2680)
            PORTA = 0x0;	// clear the port
            LATA = 0x0;		// clear the output latch
            ADCON1 = 0x0F;	// turn off the A2D function on these pins
            // Only for 40-pin version of this chip CMCON = 0x07;	// turn the comparator off
            TRISA = 0x0F;	// set RA3-RA0 to inputs

    //Initialize the ADC module

    // initialize Timers
    OpenTimer0(TIMER_INT_ON & T0_16BIT & T0_SOURCE_INT & T0_PS_1_64);
#ifdef __USE18F26J50
    // MTJ added second argument for OpenTimer1()
    OpenTimer1(TIMER_INT_ON & T1_SOURCE_FOSC_4 & T1_PS_1_8 & T1_16BIT_RW & T1_OSC1EN_OFF & T1_SYNC_EXT_OFF,0x0);
#ifdef __USE18F46J50
    OpenTimer1(TIMER_INT_ON & T1_SOURCE_FOSC_4 & T1_PS_1_8 & T1_16BIT_RW & T1_OSC1EN_OFF & T1_SYNC_EXT_OFF,0x0);
    OpenTimer1(TIMER_INT_ON & T1_PS_1_8 & T1_16BIT_RW & T1_SOURCE_INT & T1_OSC1EN_OFF & T1_SYNC_EXT_OFF);

    // Decide on the priority of the enabled peripheral interrupts
    // 0 is low, 1 is high
    // Timer1 interrupt
    IPR1bits.TMR1IP = 0;
    // USART RX interrupt
    IPR1bits.RCIP = 0;
    // I2C interrupt
    IPR1bits.SSPIP = 1;

    // configure the hardware i2c device as a slave (0x9E -> 0x4F) or (0x9A -> 0x4D)
#if 1
    // Note that the temperature sensor Address bits (A0, A1, A2) are also the
    // least significant bits of LATB -- take care when changing them
    // They *are* changed in the timer interrupt handlers if those timers are
    //   enabled.  They are just there to make the lights blink and can be
    //   disabled.
    // If I want to test the temperature sensor from the ARM, I just make
    // sure this PIC does not have the same address and configure the
    // temperature sensor address bits and then just stay in an infinite loop
#ifdef __USE18F2680
    LATBbits.LATB1 = 1;
    LATBbits.LATB0 = 1;
    LATBbits.LATB2 = 1;
    for (;;);

    // must specifically enable the I2C interrupts
    PIE1bits.SSPIE = 1;

    // configure the hardware USART device
#ifdef __USE18F26J50
        USART_CONT_RX & USART_BRGH_LOW, 0x19);
#ifdef __USE18F46J50
        USART_CONT_RX & USART_BRGH_LOW, 0x19);
        USART_CONT_RX & USART_BRGH_LOW, 0x19);

    // Peripheral interrupts can have their priority set to high or low
    // enable high-priority interrupts and low-priority interrupts

    /* Junk to force an I2C interrupt in the simulator (if you wanted to)
    PIR1bits.SSPIF = 1;
    goto 0x08

    // printf() is available, but is not advisable.  It goes to the UART pin
    // on the PIC and then you must hook something up to that to view it.
    // It is also slow and is blocking, so it will perturb your code's operation
    // Here is how it looks: printf("Hello\r\n");

    // loop forever
    // This loop is responsible for "handing off" messages to the subroutines
    // that should get them.  Although the subroutines are not threads, but
    // they can be equated with the tasks in your task diagram if you
    // structure them properly.
    while (1) {
        // Call a routine that blocks until either on the incoming
        // messages queues has a message (this may put the processor into
        // an idle mode)

        // At this point, one or both of the queues has a message.  It
        // makes sense to check the high-priority messages first -- in fact,
        // you may only want to check the low-priority messages when there
        // is not a high priority message.  That is a design decision and
        // I haven't done it here.
        length = ToMainHigh_recvmsg(MSGLEN, &msgtype, (void *) msgbuffer);
        if (length < 0) {
            // no message, check the error code to see if it is concern
            if (length != MSGQUEUE_EMPTY) {
                // This case be handled by your code.
        } else {
            switch (msgtype) {
                case MSGT_TIMER0:
                    timer0_lthread(&t0thread_data, msgtype, length, msgbuffer);
                case MSGT_I2C_DATA:
                case MSGT_I2C_DBG:
                    // Here is where you could handle debugging, if you wanted
                    // keep track of the first byte received for later use (if desired)
                    last_reg_recvd = msgbuffer[0];
                case MSGT_I2C_RQST:
                    // Generally, this is *NOT* how I recommend you handle an I2C slave request
                    // I recommend that you handle it completely inside the i2c interrupt handler
                    // by reading the data from a queue (i.e., you would not send a message, as is done
                    // now, from the i2c interrupt handler to main to ask for data).
                    // The last byte received is the "register" that is trying to be read
                    // The response is dependent on the register.
                    switch (last_reg_recvd) {
                        case 0xaa:
                            length = 2;
                            msgbuffer[0] = 0x55;
                            msgbuffer[1] = 0xAA;
                        case 0xa8:
                            length = 1;
                            msgbuffer[0] = 0x3A;
                        case 0xa9:
                            length = 1;
                            msgbuffer[0] = 0xA3;
                    start_i2c_slave_reply(length, msgbuffer);
                    // Your code should handle this error

        // Check the low priority queue
        length = ToMainLow_recvmsg(MSGLEN, &msgtype, (void *) msgbuffer);
        if (length < 0) {
            // no message, check the error code to see if it is concern
            if (length != MSGQUEUE_EMPTY) {
                // Your code should handle this situation
        } else {
            switch (msgtype) {
                case MSGT_TIMER1:
                    timer1_lthread(&t1thread_data, msgtype, length, msgbuffer);
                case MSGT_OVERRUN:
                case MSGT_UART_DATA:
                    SensorData_recvmsg(MSGLEN, &msgtype, (void *) msgbuffer);
                    unsigned int *msgval;
                    msgval = (unsigned int *) msgbuffer;
                    unsigned int val = *msgval;
                    uart_lthread(&uthread_data, msgtype, length, &val);

                    //unsigned char *msgbuf = msgbuffer;
                    //unsigned int* newval = (unsigned int *) msgbuf;
                    //*newval is the ADC result in hex format
                    //uart_lthread(&uthread_data, msgtype, length, msgbuffer);
                    // Your code should handle this error
