void JXButton::SetShortcuts ( const JCharacter* list ) { JXWindow* w = GetWindow(); w->ClearShortcuts(this); w->InstallShortcuts(this, list); const JBoolean wasReturnButton = itsIsReturnButtonFlag; itsIsReturnButtonFlag = kJFalse; if (list != NULL) { JString shortcuts = list; if (shortcuts.Contains("^M") || shortcuts.Contains("^m")) { itsIsReturnButtonFlag = kJTrue; } } const JSize borderWidth = GetBorderWidth(); if (!wasReturnButton && itsIsReturnButtonFlag) { SetBorderWidth(borderWidth+1); } else if (wasReturnButton && !itsIsReturnButtonFlag && borderWidth > 0) { SetBorderWidth(borderWidth-1); } Refresh(); }
JXMenuBar::JXMenuBar ( JXContainer* enclosure, const HSizingOption hSizing, const VSizingOption vSizing, const JCoordinate x, const JCoordinate y, const JCoordinate w, const JCoordinate h ) : JXWidget(enclosure, hSizing, vSizing, x,y, w,h), itsOverflowMenu(NULL), itsIgnoreWidthChangedCount(0) { itsMenus = new JPtrArray<JXMenu>(JPtrArrayT::kForgetAll); assert( itsMenus != NULL ); SetBorderWidth(kJXDefaultBorderWidth); JXDockManager* dockMgr; if (JXGetDockManager(&dockMgr)) { Move(JXDocktab::kWidth, 0); AdjustSize(-JXDocktab::kWidth, 0); JXDocktab* tab = new JXDocktab(enclosure, hSizing == kFixedRight ? kFixedRight : kFixedLeft, vSizing, x, y, JXDocktab::kWidth, h); assert( tab != NULL ); } }
GMMessageDragSource::GMMessageDragSource ( GMessageViewDir* dir, JXContainer* enclosure, const HSizingOption hSizing, const VSizingOption vSizing, const JCoordinate x, const JCoordinate y, const JCoordinate w, const JCoordinate h ) : JXImageWidget(enclosure, hSizing, vSizing, x,y, w,h) { itsDir = dir; JXImage* icon = new JXImage(GetDisplay(), envelope_front); assert( icon != NULL ); icon->ConvertToRemoteStorage(); SetImage(icon, kJTrue); SetHint(kHintText); SetBorderWidth(0); // targets for DND itsMessageXAtom = GetDisplay()->RegisterXAtom(kDragMessagesXAtomName); }
void JXInputField::SetTable ( JXEditTable* table ) { assert( itsTable == NULL && table != NULL ); itsTable = table; WantInput(kJTrue, kJTrue); SetBorderWidth(1); }
JXBorderRect::JXBorderRect ( JXContainer* enclosure, const HSizingOption hSizing, const VSizingOption vSizing, const JCoordinate x, const JCoordinate y, const JCoordinate w, const JCoordinate h ) : JXDecorRect(enclosure, hSizing, vSizing, x,y, w,h) { SetBorderWidth(1); }
Widget::Widget ( JXContainer* enclosure, const HSizingOption hSizing, const VSizingOption vSizing, const JCoordinate x, const JCoordinate y, const JCoordinate w, const JCoordinate h ) : JXWidget(enclosure, hSizing, vSizing, x, y, w, h) { // We have to tell JXWidget that we want a border. // Only then will DrawBorder() get called. SetBorderWidth(kJXDefaultBorderWidth); }
JXImageCheckbox::JXImageCheckbox ( JXContainer* enclosure, const HSizingOption hSizing, const VSizingOption vSizing, const JCoordinate x, const JCoordinate y, const JCoordinate w, const JCoordinate h ) : JXCheckbox(enclosure, hSizing, vSizing, x,y, w,h) { itsImage = NULL; itsOwnsImageFlag = kJTrue; SetBorderWidth(kJXDefaultBorderWidth); }
JXButton::JXButton ( JXContainer* enclosure, const HSizingOption hSizing, const VSizingOption vSizing, const JCoordinate x, const JCoordinate y, const JCoordinate w, const JCoordinate h ) : JXWidget(enclosure, hSizing, vSizing, x,y, w,h) { itsIsReturnButtonFlag = kJFalse; itsIsPushedFlag = kJFalse; SetBorderWidth(kJXDefaultBorderWidth); }
JXImageWidget::JXImageWidget ( JXContainer* enclosure, const HSizingOption hSizing, const VSizingOption vSizing, const JCoordinate x, const JCoordinate y, const JCoordinate w, const JCoordinate h ) : JXScrollableWidget(NULL, enclosure, hSizing, vSizing, x,y, w,h) { itsImage = NULL; itsOwnsImageFlag = kJTrue; itsAdjustBoundsTask = NULL; SetBorderWidth(0); }
JXRadioGroup::JXRadioGroup ( JXContainer* enclosure, const HSizingOption hSizing, const VSizingOption vSizing, const JCoordinate x, const JCoordinate y, const JCoordinate w, const JCoordinate h ) : JXWidget(enclosure, hSizing, vSizing, x,y, w,h) { itsButtons = new JPtrArray<JXRadioButton>(JPtrArrayT::kForgetAll); assert( itsButtons != NULL ); itsSelection = NULL; SetBorderWidth(kFrameDownWidth + kFrameUpWidth); }
JX3DWidget::JX3DWidget ( JXContainer* enclosure, const HSizingOption hSizing, const VSizingOption vSizing, const JCoordinate x, const JCoordinate y, const JCoordinate w, const JCoordinate h ) : JXWidget(enclosure, hSizing, vSizing, x,y, w,h), itsShowFocusFlag(kJTrue), itsStartPos(3) { itsCamera = NULL; SetBorderWidth(kJXDefaultBorderWidth); SetBackColor(GetColormap()->GetBlackColor()); SetFocusColor(GetColormap()->GetBlackColor()); // can't do this until JXMesaCamera can give the buffer pixmap to Mesa // GetWindow()->UsePixmapAsBackground(kJTrue); }
void QGraph::LoadSettings(QSettings *pSettings) { int k; QString FontName; QFont lgft; bool bs, ba; int s,w; int r,g,b; double f; pSettings->beginGroup(m_GraphName); { //read variables r = pSettings->value("AxisColorRed",255).toInt(); g = pSettings->value("AxisColorGreen",255).toInt(); b = pSettings->value("AxisColorBlue",255).toInt(); SetAxisColor(QColor(r,g,b)); k = pSettings->value("AxisStyle",0).toInt(); SetAxisStyle(k); k = pSettings->value("AxisWidth",1).toInt(); SetAxisWidth(k); r = pSettings->value("TitleColorRed",255).toInt(); g = pSettings->value("TitleColorGreen",255).toInt(); b = pSettings->value("TitleColorBlue",255).toInt(); SetTitleColor(QColor(r,g,b)); r = pSettings->value("LabelColorRed",255).toInt(); g = pSettings->value("LabelColorGreen",255).toInt(); b = pSettings->value("LabelColorBlue",255).toInt(); SetLabelColor(QColor(r,g,b)); FontName = pSettings->value("TitleFontName","Comic Sans MS").toString(); lgft.setFamily(FontName); lgft.setPointSize(pSettings->value("TitleFontSize",8).toInt()); SetTitleLogFont(&lgft); FontName = pSettings->value("LabelFontName","Comic Sans MS").toString(); lgft.setFamily(FontName); lgft.setPointSize(pSettings->value("LabelFontSize",8).toInt()); SetLabelLogFont(&lgft); r = pSettings->value("XMajGridColorRed",90).toInt(); g = pSettings->value("XMajGridColorGreen",90).toInt(); b = pSettings->value("XMajGridColorBlue",90).toInt(); bs = pSettings->value("XMajGridShow",true).toBool(); s = pSettings->value("XMajGridStyle",1).toInt(); w = pSettings->value("XMajGridWidth",1).toInt(); SetXMajGrid(bs,QColor(r,g,b),s,w); r = pSettings->value("YMajGridColorRed",90).toInt(); g = pSettings->value("YMajGridColorGreen",90).toInt(); b = pSettings->value("YMajGridColorBlue",90).toInt(); bs = pSettings->value("YMajGridShow",true).toBool(); s = pSettings->value("YMajGridStyle",1).toInt(); w = pSettings->value("YMajGridWidth",1).toInt(); SetYMajGrid(bs,QColor(r,g,b),s,w); r = pSettings->value("XMinGridColorRed",50).toInt(); g = pSettings->value("XMinGridColorGreen",50).toInt(); b = pSettings->value("XMinGridColorBlue",50).toInt(); ba = pSettings->value("XMinGridAuto",true).toBool(); bs = pSettings->value("XMinGridShow",false).toBool(); s = pSettings->value("XMinGridStyle",2).toInt(); w = pSettings->value("XMinGridWidth",1).toInt(); f = pSettings->value("XMinGridUnit", 0.01).toDouble(); SetXMinGrid(bs,ba,QColor(r,g,b),s,w,f); r = pSettings->value("YMinGridColorRed",50).toInt(); g = pSettings->value("YMinGridColorGreen",50).toInt(); b = pSettings->value("YMinGridColorBlue",50).toInt(); ba = pSettings->value("YMinGridAuto",true).toBool(); bs = pSettings->value("YMinGridShow",false).toBool(); s = pSettings->value("YMinGridStyle",2).toInt(); w = pSettings->value("YMinGridWidth",1).toInt(); f = pSettings->value("YMinGridUnit",0.01).toDouble(); SetYMinGrid(bs,ba,QColor(r,g,b),s,w,f); r = pSettings->value("BorderColorRed",200).toInt(); g = pSettings->value("BorderColorGreen",200).toInt(); b = pSettings->value("BorderColorBlue",200).toInt(); s = pSettings->value("BorderStyle",0).toInt(); w = pSettings->value("BorderWidth",2).toInt(); m_bBorder = pSettings->value("BorderShow", true).toBool(); SetBorderColor(QColor(r,g,b)); SetBorderStyle(s); SetBorderWidth(w); r = pSettings->value("BackColorRed",0).toInt(); g = pSettings->value("BackColorGreen",20).toInt(); b = pSettings->value("BackColorBlue",20).toInt(); SetBkColor(QColor(r,g,b)); m_bYInverted = pSettings->value("Inverted", false).toBool(); m_X = pSettings->value("XVariable",1).toInt(); m_Y = pSettings->value("YVariable",0).toInt(); } pSettings->endGroup(); }
void CheckBoxObject::LoadFromXml(const TiXmlElement * elem) { if ( elem->FirstChildElement( "String" ) == NULL || elem->FirstChildElement( "String" )->Attribute("value") == NULL ) { cout << "Les informations concernant le texte d'un objet Text manquent."; } else { SetString(elem->FirstChildElement("String")->Attribute("value")); } if ( elem->FirstChildElement( "Checked" ) == NULL || elem->FirstChildElement( "Checked" )->Attribute("value") == NULL ) { cout << "Les informations concernant le texte d'un objet Text manquent."; } else { int checked = 0; elem->FirstChildElement("Checked")->QueryIntAttribute("value", &checked); SetChecked(static_cast<bool>(checked)); } if ( elem->FirstChildElement( "Font" ) == NULL || elem->FirstChildElement( "Font" )->Attribute("value") == NULL ) { cout << "Les informations concernant la police d'un objet Text manquent."; } else { SetFont(elem->FirstChildElement("Font")->Attribute("value")); } if ( elem->FirstChildElement( "CharacterSize" ) == NULL || elem->FirstChildElement( "CharacterSize" )->Attribute("value") == NULL ) { cout << "Les informations concernant la taille du texte d'un objet Text manquent."; } else { float size = 12; elem->FirstChildElement("CharacterSize")->QueryFloatAttribute("value", &size); SetCharacterSize(size); } //Background Scheme if ( elem->FirstChildElement( "BackgroundColorScheme" ) == NULL ) { cout << "Widgets Extension Warning : Unable to load background color full scheme."; } else { backgroundColor->LoadFromXml(elem->FirstChildElement( "BackgroundColorScheme" )); } //Border Scheme if ( elem->FirstChildElement( "BorderColorScheme" ) == NULL ) { cout << "Widgets Extension Warning : Unable to load border color full scheme."; } else { borderColor->LoadFromXml(elem->FirstChildElement( "BorderColorScheme" )); } //Text Scheme if ( elem->FirstChildElement( "TextColorScheme" ) == NULL ) { cout << "Widgets Extension Warning : Unable to load text color full scheme."; } else { textColor->LoadFromXml(elem->FirstChildElement( "TextColorScheme" )); } //Check Scheme if ( elem->FirstChildElement( "CheckColorScheme" ) == NULL ) { cout << "Widgets Extension Warning : Unable to load check color full scheme."; } else { checkColor->LoadFromXml(elem->FirstChildElement( "CheckColorScheme" )); } if ( elem->FirstChildElement( "BorderWidth" ) == NULL || elem->FirstChildElement( "BorderWidth" )->Attribute("value") == NULL ) { cout << "Widgets Extension Warning : Unable to load width of border"; } else { float borderW = 12; elem->FirstChildElement("BorderWidth")->QueryFloatAttribute("value", &borderW); SetBorderWidth(borderW); } if ( elem->FirstChildElement( "Padding" ) == NULL || elem->FirstChildElement( "Padding" )->Attribute("value") == NULL ) { cout << "Widgets Extension Warning : Unable to load padding"; } else { float pad = 12; elem->FirstChildElement("Padding")->QueryFloatAttribute("value", &pad); SetPadding(pad); } if ( elem->FirstChildElement( "BoxSize" ) == NULL || elem->FirstChildElement( "BoxSize" )->Attribute("value") == NULL ) { cout << "Widgets Extension Warning : Unable to load box size"; } else { int boxS = 14; elem->FirstChildElement("BoxSize")->QueryIntAttribute("value", &boxS); SetBoxSize(boxS); } if ( elem->FirstChildElement( "CheckSignSize" ) == NULL || elem->FirstChildElement( "CheckSignSize" )->Attribute("value") == NULL ) { cout << "Widgets Extension Warning : Unable to load check sign size"; } else { int checkS = 6; elem->FirstChildElement("CheckSignSize")->QueryIntAttribute("value", &checkS); SetCheckSignSize(checkS); } UpdateProperties(); }