Пример #1

Called every time a client is placed fresh in the world:
after the first ClientBegin, and after each respawn
Initializes all non-persistant parts of playerState
void ClientSpawn(gentity_t *ent) {
    int		index;
    vec3_t	spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
    gclient_t	*client;
    int		i;
    clientPersistant_t	saved;
    clientSession_t		savedSess;
    int		persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT];
    gentity_t	*spawnPoint;
    gentity_t *tent;
    int		flags;
    int		savedPing;
//	char	*savedAreaBits;
    int		accuracy_hits, accuracy_shots;
    int		eventSequence;
    char	userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

    index = ent - g_entities;
    client = ent->client;


    // find a spawn point
    // do it before setting health back up, so farthest
    // ranging doesn't count this client
    if ( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
        spawnPoint = SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint (
                         spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
    } else if (g_gametype.integer >= GT_CTF ) {
        // all base oriented team games use the CTF spawn points
        spawnPoint = SelectCTFSpawnPoint (
                         spawn_origin, spawn_angles,
                         !!(ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT));
        // the first spawn should be at a good looking spot
        if ( !client->pers.initialSpawn && client->pers.localClient )
            client->pers.initialSpawn = qtrue;
            spawnPoint = SelectInitialSpawnPoint(spawn_origin, spawn_angles,
                                                 !!(ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT));
            // don't spawn near existing origin if possible
            spawnPoint = SelectSpawnPoint (
                             spawn_origin, spawn_angles, !!(ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT));
    client->pers.teamState.state = TEAM_ACTIVE;

    // always clear the kamikaze flag
    ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_KAMIKAZE;

    // toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
    // and never clear the voted flag
    flags = ent->client->ps.eFlags & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_VOTED | EF_TEAMVOTED);
    flags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;

    // clear everything but the persistant data

    saved = client->pers;
    savedSess = client->sess;
    savedPing = client->ps.ping;
//	savedAreaBits = client->areabits;
    accuracy_hits = client->accuracy_hits;
    accuracy_shots = client->accuracy_shots;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {
        persistant[i] = client->ps.persistant[i];
    eventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence;

    Com_Memset (client, 0, sizeof(*client));

    client->pers = saved;
    client->sess = savedSess;
    client->ps.ping = savedPing;
//	client->areabits = savedAreaBits;
    client->accuracy_hits = accuracy_hits;
    client->accuracy_shots = accuracy_shots;
    client->lastkilled_client = -1;

    for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {
        client->ps.persistant[i] = persistant[i];
    client->ps.eventSequence = eventSequence;
    // increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn
    client->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] = client->sess.sessionTeam;

    client->airOutTime = level.time + 12000;

    trap_GetUserinfo( index, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo) );
    // set max health
    client->pers.maxHealth = 100;
    /*atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap" ) );
    if ( client->pers.maxHealth < 1 || client->pers.maxHealth > 100 ) {
    	client->pers.maxHealth = 100;
    // clear entity values
    client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = client->pers.maxHealth;
    client->ps.eFlags = flags;

    ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
    ent->client = &level.clients[index];
    ent->takedamage = qtrue;
    ent->inuse = qtrue;
    ent->classname = "player";
    ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
    ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
    ent->die = player_die;
    ent->waterlevel = 0;
    ent->watertype = 0;
    ent->flags = 0;

    VectorCopy (playerMins, ent->r.mins);
    VectorCopy (playerMaxs, ent->r.maxs);

    client->ps.clientNum = index;

    client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = ( 1 << WP_MACHINEGUN );
    if ( g_gametype.integer == GT_TEAM ) {
        client->ps.ammo[WP_MACHINEGUN] = 50;
    } else {
        client->ps.ammo[WP_MACHINEGUN] = 50;

    client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_GAUNTLET );
    client->ps.ammo[WP_GAUNTLET] = -1;
    client->ps.ammo[WP_GRAPPLING_HOOK] = -1;

    // health will count down towards max_health
    if (g_gametype.integer == GT_ELIMINATION || g_gametype.integer == GT_FT) {
        ent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = 2 * client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH];
    } else {
        ent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] + 25;

    G_SetOrigin( ent, spawn_origin );
    VectorCopy( spawn_origin, client->ps.origin );

    // the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
    client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED;

    trap_GetUsercmd( client - level.clients, &ent->client->pers.cmd );
    SetClientViewAngle( ent, spawn_angles );
    // don't allow full run speed for a bit
    client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
    client->ps.pm_time = 100;

    client->respawnTime = level.time;

    client->inactivityTime = level.time + g_inactivity.integer * 1000;
    client->latched_buttons = 0;

    // set default animations
    client->ps.torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND;
    client->ps.legsAnim = LEGS_IDLE;

    if (!level.intermissiontime) {
        if (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR) {
            // force the base weapon up
            client->ps.weapon = WP_MACHINEGUN;
            client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY;
            // fire the targets of the spawn point
            G_UseTargets(spawnPoint, ent);
            // select the highest weapon number available, after any spawn given items have fired
            client->ps.weapon = 1;

            for (i = WP_NUM_WEAPONS - 1 ; i > 0 ; i--) {
                if (client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << i)) {
                    client->ps.weapon = i;
            // positively link the client, even if the command times are weird
            VectorCopy(ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin);

            tent = G_TempEntity(ent->client->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN);
            tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;

            trap_LinkEntity (ent);
    } else {
        // move players to intermission
    // run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor,
    // initialize animations and other things
    client->ps.commandTime = level.time - 100;
    ent->client->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.time;

    client->sess.spectatorState = SPECTATOR_NOT;
    ClientThink( ent-g_entities );
    // run the presend to set anything else
    ClientEndFrame( ent );

    // clear entity state values
    BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
Пример #2
void jp_portal_touch( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, trace_t *trace ) {
	//Remove the touch function for a while to avoid flooding
	self->genericValue1 = level.time;
	self->touch = NULL;

	if ( self->s.health != -1 ) {
		vector3 tpPos;
		vector3 sourceVelocity, destVelocity;
		vector3 sourceNormal, destNormal;

		//Fetch normals
		VectorCopy( &self->s.boneAngles1, &sourceNormal );
		VectorCopy( &g_entities[self->s.health].s.boneAngles1, &destNormal );

		//Set position to teleport to
		VectorCopy( &g_entities[self->s.health].s.origin, &tpPos );
		VectorMA( &tpPos, 32.0f, &destNormal, &tpPos );

		//BEGIN position
		if ( other->client ) {
			qboolean isNPC = (other->s.eType == ET_NPC);
			uint32_t eFlags = other->client->ps.eFlags ^ EF_TELEPORT_BIT;
			VectorCopy( &tpPos, &other->client->ps.origin );
			other->client->ps.origin.z += 1.0f;
			SetClientViewAngle( other, &other->client->ps.viewangles );
			other->client->ps.eFlags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;
			BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &other->client->ps, &other->s, qtrue );
			if ( isNPC )
				other->s.eType = ET_NPC;
			other->s.eFlags = eFlags;
			VectorCopy( &other->client->ps.origin, &other->r.currentOrigin );
		else {
			VectorCopy( &tpPos, &other->s.pos.trBase );
		//END position

		//BEGIN velocity
		if ( other->client ) {//Players and NPCs
			float	reflectFactor;
			vector3	exitVector;
			vector3	velNormal;
			float	length;
			vector3	debugLine;

			VectorNormalize2( &other->client->ps.velocity, &velNormal );
			reflectFactor = 2 * DotProduct( &sourceNormal, &velNormal );

			VectorCopy( &other->client->ps.velocity, &sourceVelocity );
			length = VectorLength( &sourceVelocity );

			exitVector.x = velNormal.x - reflectFactor * sourceNormal.x;
			exitVector.y = velNormal.y - reflectFactor * sourceNormal.y;
			exitVector.z = velNormal.z - reflectFactor * sourceNormal.z;

			VectorMA( &self->s.origin, -128.0f, &velNormal, &debugLine );
			G_TestLine( &debugLine, &self->s.origin, 0xF0, 7500 );

			MatrixMultiply3f( self->portal_matrix, &exitVector, &destVelocity );

			VectorMA( &g_entities[self->s.health].s.origin, 128.0f, &destVelocity, &debugLine );
			G_TestLine( &g_entities[self->s.health].s.origin, &debugLine, 0x0F, 7500 );

			VectorScale( &destVelocity, length, &destVelocity );
		else {//Projectiles
			byteAlias_t ba;
			float velocity;
			ba.i = other->genericValue1; // stored during missile creation
			velocity = ba.f;
			//	VectorScale( destNormal, velocity, other->s.pos.trDelta );
			VectorMA( &other->s.pos.trBase, velocity, &destNormal, &other->s.pos.trDelta );
			other->s.pos.trTime = level.time;
			other->nextthink = level.time + other->genericValue2;

		//VectorSet( destVelocity, destNormal.x*speed, destNormal.y*speed, destNormal.z*speed );
		if ( other->client ) {//Players and NPCs
			VectorCopy( &destVelocity, &other->client->ps.velocity );
			other->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_DUCKED;
			other->s.solid = 0;
		else {//Projectiles
			VectorCopy( &destVelocity, &other->s.pos.trDelta );
			VectorCopy( &tpPos, &other->r.currentOrigin );
		//END velocity

		g_entities[self->s.health].genericValue1 = level.time;
		g_entities[self->s.health].touch = NULL;

Called every time a client is placed fresh in the world:
after the first ClientBegin, and after each respawn
Initializes all non-persistant parts of playerState
void ClientSpawn( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *spawn, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles )
  int                 index;
  vec3_t              spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
  gclient_t           *client;
  int                 i;
  clientPersistant_t  saved;
  clientSession_t     savedSess;
  int                 persistant[ MAX_PERSISTANT ];
  gentity_t           *spawnPoint = NULL;
  int                 flags;
  int                 savedPing;
  int                 teamLocal;
  int                 eventSequence;
  char                userinfo[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
  vec3_t              up = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
  int                 maxAmmo, maxClips;
  weapon_t            weapon;

  index = ent - g_entities;
  client = ent->client;

  teamLocal = client->pers.teamSelection;

  // only start client if chosen a class and joined a team
  if( client->pers.classSelection == PCL_NONE && teamLocal == TEAM_NONE )
    client->sess.spectatorState = SPECTATOR_FREE;
  else if( client->pers.classSelection == PCL_NONE )
    client->sess.spectatorState = SPECTATOR_LOCKED;

  if( origin != NULL )
    VectorCopy( origin, spawn_origin );

  if( angles != NULL )
    VectorCopy( angles, spawn_angles );

  // find a spawn point
  // do it before setting health back up, so farthest
  // ranging doesn't count this client
  if( client->sess.spectatorState != SPECTATOR_NOT )
    if( teamLocal == TEAM_NONE )
      spawnPoint = SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint( spawn_origin, spawn_angles );
    else if( teamLocal == TEAM_ALIENS )
      spawnPoint = SelectAlienLockSpawnPoint( spawn_origin, spawn_angles );
    else if( teamLocal == TEAM_HUMANS )
      spawnPoint = SelectHumanLockSpawnPoint( spawn_origin, spawn_angles );
    if( spawn == NULL )
      G_Error( "ClientSpawn: spawn is NULL\n" );

    spawnPoint = spawn;

    if( ent != spawn )
      //start spawn animation on spawnPoint
      G_SetBuildableAnim( spawnPoint, BANIM_SPAWN1, qtrue );

      if( spawnPoint->buildableTeam == TEAM_ALIENS )
        spawnPoint->clientSpawnTime = ALIEN_SPAWN_REPEAT_TIME;
      else if( spawnPoint->buildableTeam == TEAM_HUMANS )
        spawnPoint->clientSpawnTime = HUMAN_SPAWN_REPEAT_TIME;

  // toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
  flags = ent->client->ps.eFlags & ( EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_VOTED | EF_TEAMVOTED );
  flags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;
  G_UnlaggedClear( ent );

  // clear everything but the persistant data

  saved = client->pers;
  savedSess = client->sess;
  savedPing = client->ps.ping;

  for( i = 0; i < MAX_PERSISTANT; i++ )
    persistant[ i ] = client->ps.persistant[ i ];

  eventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence;
  memset( client, 0, sizeof( *client ) );

  client->pers = saved;
  client->sess = savedSess;
  client->ps.ping = savedPing;
  client->lastkilled_client = -1;

  for( i = 0; i < MAX_PERSISTANT; i++ )
    client->ps.persistant[ i ] = persistant[ i ];

  client->ps.eventSequence = eventSequence;

  // increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn
  client->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPAWN_COUNT ]++;
  client->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPECSTATE ] = client->sess.spectatorState;

  client->airOutTime = level.time + 12000;

  trap_GetUserinfo( index, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );
  client->ps.eFlags = flags;

  //Com_Printf( "ent->client->pers->pclass = %i\n", ent->client->pers.classSelection );

  ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
  ent->client = &level.clients[ index ];
  ent->takedamage = qtrue;
  ent->inuse = qtrue;
  ent->classname = "player";
  ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
  ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
  ent->die = player_die;
  ent->waterlevel = 0;
  ent->watertype = 0;
  ent->flags = 0;

  // calculate each client's acceleration
  ent->evaluateAcceleration = qtrue;

  client->ps.stats[ STAT_WEAPONS ] = 0;
  client->ps.stats[ STAT_WEAPONS2 ] = 0;
  client->ps.stats[ STAT_SLOTS ] = 0;

  client->ps.eFlags = flags;
  client->ps.clientNum = index;

  BG_ClassBoundingBox( ent->client->pers.classSelection, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, NULL, NULL, NULL );

  if( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_NOT )
    client->pers.maxHealth = client->ps.stats[ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ] =
      BG_Class( ent->client->pers.classSelection )->health;
    client->pers.maxHealth = client->ps.stats[ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ] = 100;

  // clear entity values
  if( ent->client->pers.classSelection == PCL_HUMAN )
    BG_AddWeaponToInventory( WP_BLASTER, client->ps.stats );
    BG_AddUpgradeToInventory( UP_MEDKIT, client->ps.stats );
    weapon = client->pers.humanItemSelection;
  else if( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_NOT )
    weapon = BG_Class( ent->client->pers.classSelection )->startWeapon;
    weapon = WP_NONE;

  maxAmmo = BG_Weapon( weapon )->maxAmmo;
  maxClips = BG_Weapon( weapon )->maxClips;
  BG_AddWeaponToInventory( weapon, client->ps.stats );
  client->ps.ammo = maxAmmo;
  client->ps.clips = maxClips;

  ent->client->ps.stats[ STAT_CLASS ] = ent->client->pers.classSelection;
  ent->client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] = ent->client->pers.teamSelection;

  ent->client->ps.stats[ STAT_BUILDABLE ] = BA_NONE;
  ent->client->ps.stats[ STAT_STATE ] = 0;
  VectorSet( ent->client->ps.grapplePoint, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );

  // health will count down towards max_health
  ent->health = client->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] = client->ps.stats[ STAT_MAX_HEALTH ]; //* 1.25;

  //if evolving scale health
  if( ent == spawn )
    ent->health *= ent->client->pers.evolveHealthFraction;
    client->ps.stats[ STAT_HEALTH ] *= ent->client->pers.evolveHealthFraction;

  //clear the credits array
  for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ )
    ent->credits[ i ] = 0;

  client->ps.stats[ STAT_STAMINA ] = MAX_STAMINA;

  G_SetOrigin( ent, spawn_origin );
  VectorCopy( spawn_origin, client->ps.origin );

#define UP_VEL  150.0f
#define F_VEL   50.0f

  //give aliens some spawn velocity
  if( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_NOT &&
      client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_ALIENS )
    if( ent == spawn )
      //evolution particle system
      G_AddPredictableEvent( ent, EV_ALIEN_EVOLVE, DirToByte( up ) );
      spawn_angles[ YAW ] += 180.0f;
      AngleNormalize360( spawn_angles[ YAW ] );

      if( spawnPoint->s.origin2[ 2 ] > 0.0f )
        vec3_t  forward, dir;

        AngleVectors( spawn_angles, forward, NULL, NULL );
        VectorScale( forward, F_VEL, forward );
        VectorAdd( spawnPoint->s.origin2, forward, dir );
        VectorNormalize( dir );

        VectorScale( dir, UP_VEL, client->ps.velocity );

      G_AddPredictableEvent( ent, EV_PLAYER_RESPAWN, 0 );
  else if( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_NOT &&
           client->ps.stats[ STAT_TEAM ] == TEAM_HUMANS )
    spawn_angles[ YAW ] += 180.0f;
    AngleNormalize360( spawn_angles[ YAW ] );

  // the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
  client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED;

  trap_GetUsercmd( client - level.clients, &ent->client->pers.cmd );
  SetClientViewAngle( ent, spawn_angles );

  if( !( client->sess.spectatorState != SPECTATOR_NOT ) )
    trap_LinkEntity( ent );

    // force the base weapon up
    client->ps.weapon = WP_NONE;
    client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY;

  // don't allow full run speed for a bit
  client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
  client->ps.pm_time = 100;

  client->respawnTime = level.time;
  client->lastKillTime = level.time;

  client->inactivityTime = level.time + g_inactivity.integer * 1000;
  client->latched_buttons = 0;

  // set default animations
  client->ps.torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND;
  client->ps.legsAnim = LEGS_IDLE;

  if( level.intermissiontime )
    MoveClientToIntermission( ent );
    // fire the targets of the spawn point
    if( !spawn )
      G_UseTargets( spawnPoint, ent );

    // select the highest weapon number available, after any
    // spawn given items have fired
    client->ps.weapon = 1;

    for( i = WP_NUM_WEAPONS - 1; i > 0 ; i-- )
      if( BG_InventoryContainsWeapon( i, client->ps.stats ) )
        client->ps.weapon = i;

  // run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor,
  // initialize animations and other things
  client->ps.commandTime = level.time - 100;
  ent->client->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.time;
  ClientThink( ent-g_entities );

  // positively link the client, even if the command times are weird
  if( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_NOT )
    BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
    VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );
    trap_LinkEntity( ent );

  // must do this here so the number of active clients is calculated
  CalculateRanks( );

  // run the presend to set anything else
  ClientEndFrame( ent );

  // clear entity state values
  BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
Пример #4
qboolean PM_AdjustAnglesForSpinningFlip( gentity_t *ent, usercmd_t *ucmd, qboolean anglesOnly )
    vec3_t	newAngles;
    float	animLength, spinStart, spinEnd, spinAmt, spinLength;
    animNumber_t	spinAnim;

    if ( ent->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_JUMPFLIPSTABDOWN )
        spinStart = 300.0f;//700.0f;
        spinEnd = 1400.0f;
        spinAmt = 180.0f;
    else if ( ent->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_JUMPFLIPSLASHDOWN1 )
        spinStart = 300.0f;//700.0f;//1500.0f;
        spinEnd = 1400.0f;//2300.0f;
        spinAmt = 180.0f;
        if ( !anglesOnly )
            if ( !ent->s.number )
                cg.overrides.active &= ~CG_OVERRIDE_3RD_PERSON_VOF;
                cg.overrides.thirdPersonVertOffset = 0;
        return qfalse;
    animLength = PM_AnimLength( ent->client->clientInfo.animFileIndex, spinAnim );
    float elapsedTime = (float)(animLength-ent->client->ps.legsAnimTimer);
    //face me
    if ( elapsedTime >= spinStart && elapsedTime <= spinEnd )
        spinLength = spinEnd - spinStart;
        VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.viewangles, newAngles );
        newAngles[YAW] = ent->angle + (spinAmt * (elapsedTime-spinStart) / spinLength);
        if ( ent->client->ps.viewEntity <= 0 || ent->client->ps.viewEntity >= ENTITYNUM_WORLD )
        {   //don't clamp angles when looking through a viewEntity
            SetClientViewAngle( ent, newAngles );
        ucmd->angles[PITCH] = ANGLE2SHORT( ent->client->ps.viewangles[PITCH] ) - ent->client->ps.delta_angles[PITCH];
        ucmd->angles[YAW] = ANGLE2SHORT( ent->client->ps.viewangles[YAW] ) - ent->client->ps.delta_angles[YAW];
        if ( anglesOnly )
            return qtrue;
    else if ( anglesOnly )
        return qfalse;
    //push me
    if ( ent->client->ps.legsAnimTimer > 300 )//&& ent->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE )
    {   //haven't landed or reached end of anim yet
        if ( ent->s.number || !player_locked )
            vec3_t pushDir, pushAngles = {0,ent->angle,0};
            AngleVectors( pushAngles, pushDir, NULL, NULL );
            if ( DotProduct( ent->client->ps.velocity, pushDir ) < 100 )
                VectorMA( ent->client->ps.velocity, 10, pushDir, ent->client->ps.velocity );
    //do a dip in the view
    if ( !ent->s.number )
        float viewDip = 0;
        if ( elapsedTime < animLength/2.0f )
        {   //starting anim
            viewDip = (elapsedTime/animLength)*-120.0f;
        {   //ending anim
            viewDip = ((animLength-elapsedTime)/animLength)*-120.0f;
        cg.overrides.active |= CG_OVERRIDE_3RD_PERSON_VOF;
        cg.overrides.thirdPersonVertOffset = cg_thirdPersonVertOffset.value+viewDip;
        //pm->ps->viewheight = standheight + viewDip;
    return qtrue;
Пример #5
qboolean PM_AdjustAngleForWallRun( gentity_t *ent, usercmd_t *ucmd, qboolean doMove )
    if (( ent->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT || ent->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT ) && ent->client->ps.legsAnimTimer > 500 )
    {   //wall-running and not at end of anim
        //stick to wall, if there is one
        vec3_t	rt, traceTo, mins = {ent->mins[0],ent->mins[1],0}, maxs = {ent->maxs[0],ent->maxs[1],24}, fwdAngles = {0, ent->client->ps.viewangles[YAW], 0};
        trace_t	trace;
        float	dist, yawAdjust;

        AngleVectors( fwdAngles, NULL, rt, NULL );
        if ( ent->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT )
            dist = 128;
            yawAdjust = -90;
            dist = -128;
            yawAdjust = 90;
        VectorMA( ent->currentOrigin, dist, rt, traceTo );
        gi.trace( &trace, ent->currentOrigin, mins, maxs, traceTo, ent->s.number, ent->clipmask, (EG2_Collision)0, 0);
        if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f && trace.plane.normal[2] == 0.0f )
        {   //still a vertical wall there
            //FIXME: don't pull around 90 turns
            //FIXME: simulate stepping up steps here, somehow?
            if ( ent->s.number || !player_locked )
                if ( ent->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT )
                    ucmd->rightmove = 127;
                    ucmd->rightmove = -127;
            if ( ucmd->upmove < 0 )
                ucmd->upmove = 0;
            if ( ent->NPC )
            {   //invalid now
                VectorClear( ent->client->ps.moveDir );
            //make me face perpendicular to the wall
            ent->client->ps.viewangles[YAW] = vectoyaw( trace.plane.normal )+yawAdjust;
            if ( ent->client->ps.viewEntity <= 0 || ent->client->ps.viewEntity >= ENTITYNUM_WORLD )
            {   //don't clamp angles when looking through a viewEntity
                SetClientViewAngle( ent, ent->client->ps.viewangles );
            ucmd->angles[YAW] = ANGLE2SHORT( ent->client->ps.viewangles[YAW] ) - ent->client->ps.delta_angles[YAW];
            if ( ent->s.number || !player_locked )
                if ( doMove )
                    //push me forward
                    vec3_t	fwd;
                    float	zVel = ent->client->ps.velocity[2];
                    if ( zVel > forceJumpStrength[FORCE_LEVEL_2]/2.0f )
                        zVel = forceJumpStrength[FORCE_LEVEL_2]/2.0f;
                    if ( ent->client->ps.legsAnimTimer > 500 )
                    {   //not at end of anim yet
                        fwdAngles[YAW] = ent->client->ps.viewangles[YAW];
                        AngleVectors( fwdAngles, fwd, NULL, NULL );
                        //FIXME: or MA?
                        float speed = 175;
                        if ( ucmd->forwardmove < 0 )
                        {   //slower
                            speed = 100;
                        else if ( ucmd->forwardmove > 0 )
                            speed = 250;//running speed
                        VectorScale( fwd, speed, ent->client->ps.velocity );
                    ent->client->ps.velocity[2] = zVel;//preserve z velocity
                    VectorMA( ent->client->ps.velocity, -128, trace.plane.normal, ent->client->ps.velocity );
                    //pull me toward the wall, too
                    //VectorMA( ent->client->ps.velocity, dist, rt, ent->client->ps.velocity );
            ucmd->forwardmove = 0;
            return qtrue;
        else if ( doMove )
        {   //stop it
            if ( ent->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_RIGHT )
            else if ( ent->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_WALL_RUN_LEFT )
    return qfalse;
Пример #6
void SandCreature_Attack( qboolean miss )
	//FIXME: make it able to grab a thermal detonator, take it down, 
	//		then have it explode inside them, killing them 
	//		(or, do damage, making them stick half out of the ground and
	//		screech for a bit, giving you a chance to run for it!)

	//FIXME: effect and sound
	//FIXME: shootable during this anim?
	if ( !NPC->enemy->client )
	//don't do anything else while in this anim
	TIMER_Set( NPC, "attacking", NPC->client->ps.legsAnimTimer );
	float playerDist = Distance( player->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin );
	if ( playerDist < 256 )
		//FIXME: tone this down
		CGCam_Shake( 0.75f*playerDist/128.0f, NPC->client->ps.legsAnimTimer );

	if ( miss )
	{//purposely missed him, chance of knocking him down
		//FIXME: if, during the attack anim, I do end up catching him close to my mouth, then snatch him anyway...
		if ( NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->client )
			vec3_t dir2Enemy;
			VectorSubtract( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, dir2Enemy );
			if ( dir2Enemy[2] < 30 )
				dir2Enemy[2] = 30;
			if ( g_spskill->integer > 0 )
				float enemyDist = VectorNormalize( dir2Enemy );
				//FIXME: tone this down, smaller radius
				if ( enemyDist < 200 && NPC->enemy->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE )
					float throwStr = ((200-enemyDist)*0.4f)+20;
					if ( throwStr > 45 )
						throwStr = 45;
					G_Throw( NPC->enemy, dir2Enemy, throwStr );
					if ( g_spskill->integer > 1 )
					{//knock them down, too
						if ( NPC->enemy->health > 0 
							&& Q_flrand( 50, 150 ) > enemyDist )
						{//knock them down
							G_Knockdown( NPC->enemy, NPC, dir2Enemy, 300, qtrue );
							if ( NPC->enemy->s.number < MAX_CLIENTS )
							{//make the player look up at me
								vec3_t vAng;
								vectoangles( dir2Enemy, vAng );
								VectorSet( vAng, AngleNormalize180(vAng[PITCH])*-1, NPC->enemy->client->ps.viewangles[YAW], 0 );
								SetClientViewAngle( NPC->enemy, vAng );
		NPC->enemy->activator = NPC; // kind of dumb, but when we are locked to the Rancor, we are owned by it.
		NPC->activator = NPC->enemy;//remember him
		//this guy isn't going anywhere anymore
		NPC->enemy->contents = 0;
		NPC->enemy->clipmask = 0;

		if ( NPC->activator->client )
			NPC->activator->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_HELD_BY_SAND_CREATURE;
			if ( NPC->activator->health > 0 && NPC->activator->client )
				G_AddEvent( NPC->activator, Q_irand(EV_DEATH1, EV_DEATH3), 0 );
				TossClientItems( NPC );
				if ( NPC->activator->NPC )
				{//no more thinking for you
					NPC->activator->NPC->nextBStateThink = Q3_INFINITE;
			if ( !NPC->activator->s.number )
				cg.overrides.thirdPersonCameraDamp = 0;
				cg.overrides.thirdPersonRange = 120;
			NPC->activator->s.eFlags |= EF_HELD_BY_SAND_CREATURE;
Пример #7
void emplaced_gun_use( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator )
	vec3_t fwd1, fwd2;

	if ( self->health <= 0 )
		// can't use a dead gun.

	if ( self->svFlags & SVF_INACTIVE )
		return; // can't use inactive gun

	if ( !activator->client )
		return; // only a client can use it.

	if ( self->activator )
		// someone is already in the gun.

	// We'll just let the designers duke this one out....I mean, as to whether they even want to limit such a thing.
	if ( self->spawnflags & EMPLACED_FACING )
		// Let's get some direction vectors for the users
		AngleVectors( activator->client->ps.viewangles, fwd1, NULL, NULL );

		// Get the guns direction vector
		AngleVectors( self->pos1, fwd2, NULL, NULL );

		float dot = DotProduct( fwd1, fwd2 );

		// Must be reasonably facing the way the gun points ( 90 degrees or so ), otherwise we don't allow to use it.
		if ( dot < 0.0f )

	// don't allow using it again for half a second
	if ( self->delay + 500 < level.time )
		int	oldWeapon = activator->s.weapon;

		if ( oldWeapon == WP_SABER )
			self->alt_fire = activator->client->ps.saberActive;

		// swap the users weapon with the emplaced gun and add the ammo the gun has to the player
		activator->client->ps.weapon = self->s.weapon;
		Add_Ammo( activator, WP_EMPLACED_GUN, self->count );
		activator->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_EMPLACED_GUN );

		// Allow us to point from one to the other
		activator->owner = self; // kind of dumb, but when we are locked to the weapon, we are owned by it.
		self->activator = activator;

		if ( activator->weaponModel >= 0 )
			// rip that gun out of their hands....
			gi.G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model( activator->ghoul2, activator->weaponModel );
			activator->weaponModel = -1;

extern void ChangeWeapon( gentity_t *ent, int newWeapon );
		if ( activator->NPC )
			if ( activator->weaponModel >= 0 )
				// rip that gun out of their hands....
				gi.G2API_RemoveGhoul2Model( activator->ghoul2, activator->weaponModel );
				activator->weaponModel = -1;

// Doesn't work?
//				activator->maxs[2] += 35; // make it so you can potentially shoot their head
//				activator->s.radius += 10; // increase ghoul radius so we can collide with the enemy more accurately
//				gi.linkentity( activator );

			ChangeWeapon( activator, WP_EMPLACED_GUN );
		else if ( activator->s.number == 0 )
			// we don't want for it to draw the weapon select stuff
			cg.weaponSelect = WP_EMPLACED_GUN;
			CG_CenterPrint( "@INGAME_EXIT_VIEW", SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.95 );
		// Since we move the activator inside of the gun, we reserve a solid spot where they were standing in order to be able to get back out without being in solid
		if ( self->nextTrain )
		{//you never know
			G_FreeEntity( self->nextTrain );
		self->nextTrain = G_Spawn();
		//self->nextTrain->classname = "emp_placeholder";
		self->nextTrain->contents = CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP|CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP;//hmm... playerclip too now that we're doing it for NPCs?
		G_SetOrigin( self->nextTrain, activator->client->ps.origin );
		VectorCopy( activator->mins, self->nextTrain->mins );
		VectorCopy( activator->maxs, self->nextTrain->maxs );
		gi.linkentity( self->nextTrain );

		//need to inflate the activator's mins/maxs since the gunsit anim puts them outside of their bbox
		VectorSet( activator->mins, -24, -24, -24 );
		VectorSet( activator->maxs, 24, 24, 40 );

		// Move the activator into the center of the gun.  For NPC's the only way the can get out of the gun is to die.
		VectorCopy( self->s.origin, activator->client->ps.origin );
		activator->client->ps.origin[2] += 30; // move them up so they aren't standing in the floor
		gi.linkentity( activator );

		// the gun will track which weapon we used to have
		self->s.weapon = oldWeapon;

		// Lock the player
		activator->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON;
		activator->owner = self; // kind of dumb, but when we are locked to the weapon, we are owned by it.
		self->activator = activator;
		self->delay = level.time; // can't disconnect from the thing for half a second

		// Let the gun be considered an enemy
		self->svFlags |= SVF_NONNPC_ENEMY;
		self->noDamageTeam = activator->client->playerTeam;

		// FIXME: don't do this, we'll try and actually put the player in this beast
		// move the player to the center of the gun
//		activator->contents = 0;
//		VectorCopy( self->currentOrigin, activator->client->ps.origin );

		SetClientViewAngle( activator, self->pos1 );

		//FIXME: should really wait a bit after spawn and get this just once?
		self->waypoint = NAV_FindClosestWaypointForEnt( self, WAYPOINT_NONE );
#ifdef _DEBUG
		if ( self->waypoint == -1 )
			gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: no waypoint for emplaced_gun %s at %s\n", self->targetname, vtos(self->currentOrigin) );

		G_Sound( self, G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/emplaced/emplaced_mount.mp3" ));
Пример #8

Called every time a client is placed fresh in the world:
after the first ClientBegin, and after each respawn
Initializes all non-persistant parts of playerState
void ClientSpawn(gentity_t *ent) {
	int		index;
	vec3_t	spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gclient_t	*client;
	int		i;
	clientPersistant_t	saved;
	clientSession_t		savedSess;
	int		persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT];
	gentity_t	*spawnPoint;
	int		flags;
	int		savedPing;
//	char	*savedAreaBits;
	int		accuracy_hits, accuracy_shots;
	int		savedEvents[MAX_PS_EVENTS];
	int		eventSequence;
	char	userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	index = ent - g_entities;
	client = ent->client;

	// find a spawn point
	// do it before setting health back up, so farthest
	// ranging doesn't count this client
	if ( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		spawnPoint = SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint (
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else if (g_gametype.integer >= GT_CTF ) {
		// all base oriented team games use the CTF spawn points
		spawnPoint = SelectCTFSpawnPoint (
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else {
		do {
			// the first spawn should be at a good looking spot
			if ( !client->pers.initialSpawn && client->pers.localClient ) {
				client->pers.initialSpawn = qtrue;
				spawnPoint = SelectInitialSpawnPoint( spawn_origin, spawn_angles );
			} else {
				// don't spawn near existing origin if possible
				spawnPoint = SelectSpawnPoint (
					spawn_origin, spawn_angles);

			// Tim needs to prevent bots from spawning at the initial point
			// on q3dm0...
			if ( ( spawnPoint->flags & FL_NO_BOTS ) && ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
				continue;	// try again
			// just to be symetric, we have a nohumans option...
			if ( ( spawnPoint->flags & FL_NO_HUMANS ) && !( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
				continue;	// try again


		} while ( 1 );
	client->pers.teamState.state = TEAM_ACTIVE;

	// always clear the kamikaze flag
//	ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_KAMIKAZE;

	// toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
	// and never clear the voted flag
	flags = ent->client->ps.eFlags & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_VOTED | EF_TEAMVOTED);
	flags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;

	// clear everything but the persistant data

	saved = client->pers;
	savedSess = client->sess;
	savedPing = client->ps.ping;
//	savedAreaBits = client->areabits;
	accuracy_hits = client->accuracy_hits;
	accuracy_shots = client->accuracy_shots;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {
		persistant[i] = client->ps.persistant[i];
	// also save the predictable events otherwise we might get double or dropped events
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_PS_EVENTS; i++) {
		savedEvents[i] = client->ps.events[i];
	eventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence;

	memset (client, 0, sizeof(*client));

	client->pers = saved;
	client->sess = savedSess;
	client->ps.ping = savedPing;
//	client->areabits = savedAreaBits;
	client->accuracy_hits = accuracy_hits;
	client->accuracy_shots = accuracy_shots;
	client->lastkilled_client = -1;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {
		client->ps.persistant[i] = persistant[i];

// CORKSCREW this caused a bug... dunno why really :/

//	for (i = 0; i < MAX_PS_EVENTS; i++) {
//		client->ps.events[i] = savedEvents[i];
//	}
//	client->ps.eventSequence = eventSequence;

	// increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn
	client->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] = client->sess.sessionTeam;

	client->airOutTime = level.time + 12000;

	trap_GetUserinfo( index, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo) );
	// set max health
	client->pers.maxHealth = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap" ) );
	if ( client->pers.maxHealth < 1 || client->pers.maxHealth > 100 ) {
		client->pers.maxHealth = 100;
	// clear entity values
	client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = client->pers.maxHealth;
	client->ps.eFlags = flags;

	ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	ent->client = &level.clients[index];
	ent->takedamage = qtrue;
	ent->inuse = qtrue;
	ent->classname = "player";
	ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	ent->die = player_die;
	ent->waterlevel = 0;
	ent->watertype = 0;
	ent->flags = 0;

	VectorCopy (playerMins, ent->r.mins);
	VectorCopy (playerMaxs, ent->r.maxs);

	client->ps.clientNum = index;

	client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = ( 1 << WP_RAILGUN );
	client->ps.ammo[WP_RAILGUN] = 999;
	client->ps.weapon = WP_RAILGUN;

	// health will count down towards max_health
	ent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] + 25;

	G_SetOrigin( ent, spawn_origin );
	VectorCopy( spawn_origin, client->ps.origin );

	// the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED;

	trap_GetUsercmd( client - level.clients, &ent->client->pers.cmd );
	SetClientViewAngle( ent, spawn_angles );

	if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {

	} else {
		G_KillBox( ent );
		trap_LinkEntity (ent);

		// force the base weapon up
		client->ps.weapon = WP_RAILGUN;
		client->ps.weaponstate = WEAPON_READY;

	// don't allow full run speed for a bit
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
	client->ps.pm_time = 100;

	client->respawnTime = level.time;
	client->inactivityTime = level.time + g_inactivity.integer * 1000;
	client->latched_buttons = 0;

	// set default animations
	client->ps.torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND;
	client->ps.legsAnim = LEGS_IDLE;

	if ( level.intermissiontime ) {
		MoveClientToIntermission( ent );
	} else {
		// fire the targets of the spawn point
		G_UseTargets( spawnPoint, ent );

	// run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor,
	// initialize animations and other things
	client->ps.commandTime = level.time - 100;
	ent->client->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.time;
	ClientThink( ent-g_entities );

	// positively link the client, even if the command times are weird
	if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
		VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );
		trap_LinkEntity( ent );

	// run the presend to set anything else
	ClientEndFrame( ent );

	// clear entity state values
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
Пример #9

This will be called once for each client frame, which will
usually be a couple times for each server frame on fast clients.

If "g_synchronousClients 1" is set, this will be called exactly
once for each server frame, which makes for smooth demo recording.
void ClientThink_real( gentity_t *ent ) {
	gclient_t	*client;
	pmove_t		pm;
	int			oldEventSequence;
	int			msec;
	int			i;
	usercmd_t	*ucmd;

	client = ent->client;

	// don't think if the client is not yet connected (and thus not yet spawned in)
	if (client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED) {
	// mark the time, so the connection sprite can be removed
	ucmd = &ent->client->pers.cmd;

	// sanity check the command time to prevent speedup cheating
	if ( ucmd->serverTime > level.time + 200 ) {
		ucmd->serverTime = level.time + 200;
//		G_Printf("serverTime <<<<<\n" );
	if ( ucmd->serverTime < level.time - 1000 ) {
		ucmd->serverTime = level.time - 1000;
//		G_Printf("serverTime >>>>>\n" );

	msec = ucmd->serverTime - client->ps.commandTime;
	// following others may result in bad times, but we still want
	// to check for follow toggles
	if ( msec < 1 && client->sess.spectatorState != SPECTATOR_FOLLOW ) {
	if ( msec > 200 ) {
		msec = 200;

	if ( pmove_msec.integer < 8 ) {
		trap_Cvar_Set("pmove_msec", "8");
	else if (pmove_msec.integer > 33) {
		trap_Cvar_Set("pmove_msec", "33");

	if ( pmove_fixed.integer || client->pers.pmoveFixed ) {
		ucmd->serverTime = ((ucmd->serverTime + pmove_msec.integer-1) / pmove_msec.integer) * pmove_msec.integer;
		//if (ucmd->serverTime - client->ps.commandTime <= 0)
		//	return;

	// check for exiting intermission
	if ( level.intermissiontime ) {
		ClientIntermissionThink( client );

	// spectators don't do much
	if ( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		if ( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_SCOREBOARD ) {
		SpectatorThink( ent, ucmd );

	if (ent && ent->client && (ent->client->ps.eFlags & EF_INVULNERABLE))
		if (ent->client->invulnerableTimer <= level.time)
			ent->client->ps.eFlags &= ~EF_INVULNERABLE;

	// check for inactivity timer, but never drop the local client of a non-dedicated server
	if ( !ClientInactivityTimer( client ) ) {

	// clear the rewards if time
	if ( level.time > client->rewardTime ) {

	if ( client->noclip ) {
		client->ps.pm_type = PM_NOCLIP;
	} else if ( client->ps.eFlags & EF_DISINTEGRATION ) {
		client->ps.pm_type = PM_NOCLIP;
	} else if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) {
		client->ps.pm_type = PM_DEAD;
	} else {
		if (client->ps.forceGripChangeMovetype)
			client->ps.pm_type = client->ps.forceGripChangeMovetype;
			client->ps.pm_type = PM_NORMAL;

	client->ps.gravity = g_gravity.value;

	// set speed
	client->ps.speed = g_speed.value;
	client->ps.basespeed = g_speed.value;

	if (ent->client->ps.duelInProgress)
		gentity_t *duelAgainst = &g_entities[ent->client->ps.duelIndex];

		//Keep the time updated, so once this duel ends this player can't engage in a duel for another
		//10 seconds. This will give other people a chance to engage in duels in case this player wants
		//to engage again right after he's done fighting and someone else is waiting.
		ent->client->ps.fd.privateDuelTime = level.time + 10000;

		if (ent->client->ps.duelTime < level.time)
			//Bring out the sabers
			if (ent->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER && ent->client->ps.saberHolstered &&
				if (!saberOffSound || !saberOnSound)
					saberOffSound = G_SoundIndex("sound/weapons/saber/saberoffquick.wav");
					saberOnSound = G_SoundIndex("sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav");

				ent->client->ps.saberHolstered = qfalse;
				G_Sound(ent, CHAN_AUTO, saberOnSound);

				G_AddEvent(ent, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 2);

				ent->client->ps.duelTime = 0;

			if (duelAgainst && duelAgainst->client && duelAgainst->inuse &&
				duelAgainst->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER && duelAgainst->client->ps.saberHolstered &&
				if (!saberOffSound || !saberOnSound)
					saberOffSound = G_SoundIndex("sound/weapons/saber/saberoffquick.wav");
					saberOnSound = G_SoundIndex("sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav");

				duelAgainst->client->ps.saberHolstered = qfalse;
				G_Sound(duelAgainst, CHAN_AUTO, saberOnSound);

				G_AddEvent(duelAgainst, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 2);

				duelAgainst->client->ps.duelTime = 0;
			client->ps.speed = 0;
			client->ps.basespeed = 0;
			ucmd->forwardmove = 0;
			ucmd->rightmove = 0;
			ucmd->upmove = 0;

		if (!duelAgainst || !duelAgainst->client || !duelAgainst->inuse ||
			duelAgainst->client->ps.duelIndex != ent->s.number)
			ent->client->ps.duelInProgress = 0;
			G_AddEvent(ent, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 0);
		else if (duelAgainst->health < 1 || duelAgainst->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] < 1)
			ent->client->ps.duelInProgress = 0;
			duelAgainst->client->ps.duelInProgress = 0;

			G_AddEvent(ent, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 0);
			G_AddEvent(duelAgainst, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 0);

			//Winner gets full health.. providing he's still alive
			if (ent->health > 0 && ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0)
				if (ent->health < ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH])
					ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = ent->health = ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH];

				if (g_spawnInvulnerability.integer)
					ent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_INVULNERABLE;
					ent->client->invulnerableTimer = level.time + g_spawnInvulnerability.integer;

			trap_SendServerCommand( ent-g_entities, va("print \"%s %s\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname, G_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME", "PLDUELWINNER")) );
			trap_SendServerCommand( duelAgainst-g_entities, va("print \"%s %s\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname, G_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME", "PLDUELWINNER")) );
			//Private duel announcements are now made globally because we only want one duel at a time.
			if (ent->health > 0 && ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0)
				trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("cp \"%s %s %s!\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname, G_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME", "PLDUELWINNER"), duelAgainst->client->pers.netname) );
			{ //it was a draw, because we both managed to die in the same frame
				trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("cp \"%s\n\"", G_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME", "PLDUELTIE")) );
			vec3_t vSub;
			float subLen = 0;

			VectorSubtract(ent->client->ps.origin, duelAgainst->client->ps.origin, vSub);
			subLen = VectorLength(vSub);

			if (subLen >= 1024)
				ent->client->ps.duelInProgress = 0;
				duelAgainst->client->ps.duelInProgress = 0;

				G_AddEvent(ent, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 0);
				G_AddEvent(duelAgainst, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 0);

				trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("print \"%s\n\"", G_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME", "PLDUELSTOP")) );

	if ( client->ps.powerups[PW_HASTE] ) {
		client->ps.speed *= 1.3;

	if (client->ps.usingATST && ent->health > 0)
	{ //we have special shot clip boxes as an ATST
		ent->r.contents |= CONTENTS_NOSHOT;
		ent->r.contents &= ~CONTENTS_NOSHOT;
		client->damageBoxHandle_Head = 0;
		client->damageBoxHandle_RLeg = 0;
		client->damageBoxHandle_LLeg = 0;

	//rww - moved this stuff into the pmove code so that it's predicted properly
	//BG_AdjustClientSpeed(&client->ps, &client->pers.cmd, level.time);

	// set up for pmove
	oldEventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence;

	memset (&pm, 0, sizeof(pm));

	if ( ent->flags & FL_FORCE_GESTURE ) {
		ent->flags &= ~FL_FORCE_GESTURE;
		ent->client->pers.cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_GESTURE;

	if (ent->client && ent->client->ps.fallingToDeath &&
		(level.time - FALL_FADE_TIME) > ent->client->ps.fallingToDeath)
	{ //die!
		player_die(ent, ent, ent, 100000, MOD_FALLING);
		ent->client->ps.fallingToDeath = 0;

		G_MuteSound(ent->s.number, CHAN_VOICE); //stop screaming, because you are dead!

	if (ent->client->ps.otherKillerTime > level.time &&
		ent->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE &&
		ent->client->ps.otherKillerDebounceTime < level.time)
		ent->client->ps.otherKillerTime = 0;
		ent->client->ps.otherKiller = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	else if (ent->client->ps.otherKillerTime > level.time &&
		ent->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE)
		if (ent->client->ps.otherKillerDebounceTime < (level.time + 100))
			ent->client->ps.otherKillerDebounceTime = level.time + 100;

//	WP_ForcePowersUpdate( ent, msec, ucmd); //update any active force powers
//	WP_SaberPositionUpdate(ent, ucmd); //check the server-side saber point, do apprioriate server-side actions (effects are cs-only)

	if ((ent->client->pers.cmd.buttons & BUTTON_USE) && ent->client->ps.useDelay < level.time)
		ent->client->ps.useDelay = level.time + 100;

	pm.ps = &client->ps;
	pm.cmd = *ucmd;
	if ( pm.ps->pm_type == PM_DEAD ) {
	else if ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) {
	else {
		pm.tracemask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	pm.trace = trap_Trace;
	pm.pointcontents = trap_PointContents;
	pm.debugLevel = g_debugMove.integer;
	pm.noFootsteps = ( g_dmflags.integer & DF_NO_FOOTSTEPS ) > 0;

	pm.pmove_fixed = pmove_fixed.integer | client->pers.pmoveFixed;
	pm.pmove_msec = pmove_msec.integer;

	pm.animations = bgGlobalAnimations;//NULL;

	pm.gametype = g_gametype.integer;

	VectorCopy( client->ps.origin, client->oldOrigin );

	if (level.intermissionQueued != 0 && g_singlePlayer.integer) {
		if ( level.time - level.intermissionQueued >= 1000  ) {
			pm.cmd.buttons = 0;
			pm.cmd.forwardmove = 0;
			pm.cmd.rightmove = 0;
			pm.cmd.upmove = 0;
			if ( level.time - level.intermissionQueued >= 2000 && level.time - level.intermissionQueued <= 2500 ) {
				trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, "centerview\n");
			ent->client->ps.pm_type = PM_SPINTERMISSION;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CLIENTS ; i++ )
		if (g_entities[i].inuse && g_entities[i].client)
			pm.bgClients[i] = &g_entities[i].client->ps;

	if (ent->client->ps.saberLockTime > level.time)
		gentity_t *blockOpp = &g_entities[ent->client->ps.saberLockEnemy];

		if (blockOpp && blockOpp->inuse && blockOpp->client)
			vec3_t lockDir, lockAng;

			//VectorClear( ent->client->ps.velocity );
			VectorSubtract( blockOpp->r.currentOrigin, ent->r.currentOrigin, lockDir );
			//lockAng[YAW] = vectoyaw( defDir );
			vectoangles(lockDir, lockAng);
			SetClientViewAngle( ent, lockAng );

		if ( ( ent->client->buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) && ! ( ent->client->oldbuttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) )
		if (ent->client->ps.saberLockHits > 2)
			if (!ent->client->ps.saberLockAdvance)
				ent->client->ps.saberLockHits -= 3;
			ent->client->ps.saberLockAdvance = qtrue;
		ent->client->ps.saberLockFrame = 0;
		//check for taunt
		if ( (pm.cmd.generic_cmd == GENCMD_ENGAGE_DUEL) && (g_gametype.integer == GT_TOURNAMENT) )
		{//already in a duel, make it a taunt command
			pm.cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_GESTURE;

	Pmove (&pm);

	if (pm.checkDuelLoss)
		if (pm.checkDuelLoss > 0 && pm.checkDuelLoss <= MAX_CLIENTS)
			gentity_t *clientLost = &g_entities[pm.checkDuelLoss-1];

			if (clientLost && clientLost->inuse && clientLost->client && Q_irand(0, 40) > clientLost->health)
				vec3_t attDir;
				VectorSubtract(ent->client->ps.origin, clientLost->client->ps.origin, attDir);

				clientLost->client->ps.forceHandExtend = HANDEXTEND_NONE;
				clientLost->client->ps.forceHandExtendTime = 0;

				gGAvoidDismember = 1;
				G_Damage(clientLost, ent, ent, attDir, clientLost->client->ps.origin, 9999, DAMAGE_NO_PROTECTION, MOD_SABER);

				if (clientLost->health < 1)
					gGAvoidDismember = 2;
					G_CheckForDismemberment(clientLost, clientLost->client->ps.origin, 999, (clientLost->client->ps.legsAnim&~ANIM_TOGGLEBIT));

				gGAvoidDismember = 0;

		pm.checkDuelLoss = 0;

	case 0:
		if ( g_gametype.integer == GT_TOURNAMENT )
		{//already in a duel, made it a taunt command
		ForceSpeed(ent, 0);
		ForceThrow(ent, qfalse);
		ForceThrow(ent, qtrue);
		if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_SEEKER)) &&
			G_ItemUsable(&ent->client->ps, HI_SEEKER) )
			G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_SEEKER, 0);
			ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] &= ~(1 << HI_SEEKER);
		if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_SHIELD)) &&
			G_ItemUsable(&ent->client->ps, HI_SHIELD) )
			G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_SHIELD, 0);
			ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] &= ~(1 << HI_SHIELD);
		if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_MEDPAC)) &&
			G_ItemUsable(&ent->client->ps, HI_MEDPAC) )
			G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_MEDPAC, 0);
			ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] &= ~(1 << HI_MEDPAC);
		if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_BINOCULARS)) &&
			G_ItemUsable(&ent->client->ps, HI_BINOCULARS) )
			if (ent->client->ps.zoomMode == 0)
				G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_BINOCULARS, 1);
				G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_BINOCULARS, 2);
		if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_BINOCULARS)) &&
			G_ItemUsable(&ent->client->ps, HI_BINOCULARS) )
			if (ent->client->ps.zoomMode == 0)
				G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_BINOCULARS, 1);
				G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_BINOCULARS, 2);
		if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_SENTRY_GUN)) &&
			G_ItemUsable(&ent->client->ps, HI_SENTRY_GUN) )
			G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_SENTRY_GUN, 0);
			ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] &= ~(1 << HI_SENTRY_GUN);

	// save results of pmove
	if ( ent->client->ps.eventSequence != oldEventSequence ) {
		ent->eventTime = level.time;
	if (g_smoothClients.integer) {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityStateExtraPolate( &ent->client->ps, &ent->s, ent->client->ps.commandTime, qtrue );
	else {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &ent->client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
	SendPendingPredictableEvents( &ent->client->ps );

	if ( !( ent->client->ps.eFlags & EF_FIRING ) ) {
		client->fireHeld = qfalse;		// for grapple

	// use the snapped origin for linking so it matches client predicted versions
	VectorCopy( ent->s.pos.trBase, ent->r.currentOrigin );

	VectorCopy (pm.mins, ent->r.mins);
	VectorCopy (pm.maxs, ent->r.maxs);

	ent->waterlevel = pm.waterlevel;
	ent->watertype = pm.watertype;

	// execute client events
	ClientEvents( ent, oldEventSequence );

	if ( pm.useEvent )
		//TODO: Use
//		TryUse( ent );

	// link entity now, after any personal teleporters have been used
	trap_LinkEntity (ent);
	if ( !ent->client->noclip ) {
		G_TouchTriggers( ent );

	// NOTE: now copy the exact origin over otherwise clients can be snapped into solid
	VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );

	//test for solid areas in the AAS file
//	BotTestAAS(ent->r.currentOrigin);

	// touch other objects
	ClientImpacts( ent, &pm );

	// save results of triggers and client events
	if (ent->client->ps.eventSequence != oldEventSequence) {
		ent->eventTime = level.time;

	// swap and latch button actions
	client->oldbuttons = client->buttons;
	client->buttons = ucmd->buttons;
	client->latched_buttons |= client->buttons & ~client->oldbuttons;

	// Did we kick someone in our pmove sequence?
	if (client->ps.forceKickFlip)
		gentity_t *faceKicked = &g_entities[client->ps.forceKickFlip-1];

		if (faceKicked && faceKicked->client && (!OnSameTeam(ent, faceKicked) || g_friendlyFire.integer) &&
			(!faceKicked->client->ps.duelInProgress || faceKicked->client->ps.duelIndex == ent->s.number) &&
			(!ent->client->ps.duelInProgress || ent->client->ps.duelIndex == faceKicked->s.number))
			if ( faceKicked && faceKicked->client && faceKicked->health && faceKicked->takedamage )
			{//push them away and do pain
				vec3_t oppDir;
				int strength = (int)VectorNormalize2( client->ps.velocity, oppDir );

				strength *= 0.05;

				VectorScale( oppDir, -1, oppDir );

				G_Damage( faceKicked, ent, ent, oppDir, client->ps.origin, strength, DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR, MOD_MELEE );

				if ( faceKicked->client->ps.weapon != WP_SABER ||
					 faceKicked->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel < FORCE_LEVEL_3 ||
					 (!BG_SaberInAttack(faceKicked->client->ps.saberMove) && !PM_SaberInStart(faceKicked->client->ps.saberMove) && !PM_SaberInReturn(faceKicked->client->ps.saberMove) && !PM_SaberInTransition(faceKicked->client->ps.saberMove)) )
					if (faceKicked->health > 0 &&
						faceKicked->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0 &&
						faceKicked->client->ps.forceHandExtend != HANDEXTEND_KNOCKDOWN)
						if (Q_irand(1, 10) <= 3)
						{ //only actually knock over sometimes, but always do velocity hit
							faceKicked->client->ps.forceHandExtend = HANDEXTEND_KNOCKDOWN;
							faceKicked->client->ps.forceHandExtendTime = level.time + 1100;
							faceKicked->client->ps.forceDodgeAnim = 0; //this toggles between 1 and 0, when it's 1 we should play the get up anim

						faceKicked->client->ps.otherKiller = ent->s.number;
						faceKicked->client->ps.otherKillerTime = level.time + 5000;
						faceKicked->client->ps.otherKillerDebounceTime = level.time + 100;

						faceKicked->client->ps.velocity[0] = oppDir[0]*(strength*40);
						faceKicked->client->ps.velocity[1] = oppDir[1]*(strength*40);
						faceKicked->client->ps.velocity[2] = 200;

				G_Sound( faceKicked, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( va("sound/weapons/melee/punch%d", Q_irand(1, 4)) ) );

		client->ps.forceKickFlip = 0;

	// check for respawning
	if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) {
		// wait for the attack button to be pressed
		if ( level.time > client->respawnTime && !gDoSlowMoDuel ) {
			// forcerespawn is to prevent users from waiting out powerups
			if ( g_forcerespawn.integer > 0 && 
				( level.time - client->respawnTime ) > g_forcerespawn.integer * 1000 ) {
				respawn( ent );
			// pressing attack or use is the normal respawn method
			if ( ucmd->buttons & ( BUTTON_ATTACK | BUTTON_USE_HOLDABLE ) ) {
				respawn( ent );
		else if (gDoSlowMoDuel)
			client->respawnTime = level.time + 1000;

	// perform once-a-second actions
	ClientTimerActions( ent, msec );

	G_UpdateClientBroadcasts ( ent );
Пример #10
void TeleportPlayer( gentity_t *player, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles ) {
	gentity_t	*tent;

	// use temp events at source and destination to prevent the effect
	// from getting dropped by a second player event
	if ( player->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
	if ( player->client->sess.sessionTeam < TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		tent = G_TempEntity( player->client->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_OUT );
		tent->s.clientNum = player->s.clientNum;

		tent = G_TempEntity( origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN );
		tent->s.clientNum = player->s.clientNum;

	// unlink to make sure it can't possibly interfere with G_KillBox
	trap_UnlinkEntity (player);

	VectorCopy ( origin, player->client->ps.origin );
	player->client->ps.origin[2] += 1;

	// spit the player out
	AngleVectors( angles, player->client->ps.velocity, NULL, NULL );
	VectorScale( player->client->ps.velocity, 400, player->client->ps.velocity );
	player->client->ps.pm_time = 160;		// hold time
	player->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;

	// toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
	player->client->ps.eFlags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;

//unlagged - backward reconciliation #3
	// we don't want players being backward-reconciled back through teleporters
	G_ResetHistory( player );
//unlagged - backward reconciliation #3

	// set angles
	SetClientViewAngle( player, angles );

	// kill anything at the destination
	if ( player->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
	if ( player->client->sess.sessionTeam < TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		G_KillBox (player);
		// Tequila comment: G_KillBox will set dontTelefrag as needed
		if (player->client->dontTelefrag) {
			G_Printf(S_COLOR_MAGENTA "TeleportPlayer: Telefrag case delayed at respawn for %s...\n",player->client->pers.netname);
			trap_SendServerCommand( player->s.clientNum, va("print \"Go away %s\n\"",player->client->pers.netname) );
			// So we will link the player entity later with normal content
			player->r.contents = 0;

	// save results of pmove
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &player->client->ps, &player->s, qtrue );

	// use the precise origin for linking
	VectorCopy( player->client->ps.origin, player->r.currentOrigin );

	if ( player->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
	if ( player->client->sess.sessionTeam < TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		trap_LinkEntity (player);

/*QUAKED misc_teleporter_dest (1 0 0) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 -16)
Point teleporters at these.
Now that we don't have teleport destination pads, this is just
an info_notnull
void SP_misc_teleporter_dest( gentity_t *ent ) {

// Imported from WoP OpenSource project

/*QUAKED misc_externalmodel (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
"model"		arbitrary .md3 file to display
"wait"		time in seconds before the animation begins

static void Think_AnimationExternalmodel( gentity_t *ent ) {

	if(ent->animationEnd>ent->animationStart) {
		ent->s.frame = (int)((float)level.time*0.001f*ent->animationFPS)%(ent->animationEnd-ent->animationStart);
		ent->s.frame += ent->animationStart;

		ent->nextthink = level.time + ANIMATION_THINKTIME;

void SP_misc_externalmodel( gentity_t *ent )
	ent->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex( ent->model );
//	VectorSet (ent->mins, -16, -16, -16);
//	VectorSet (ent->maxs, 16, 16, 16);
	trap_LinkEntity (ent);

	G_SetOrigin( ent, ent->s.origin );
	VectorCopy( ent->s.angles, ent->s.apos.trBase );

	if(ent->animationEnd>ent->animationStart && ent->animationFPS>0.0f) {
		ent->think = Think_AnimationExternalmodel;

		ent->nextthink = level.time + ANIMATION_THINKTIME;

		// Tequila: Support for new entity features
		if (ent->wait>0.0f)
			ent->nextthink += (int)(ent->wait*1000);

/*QUAKED misc_model (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
"model"		arbitrary .md3 file to display
void SP_misc_model( gentity_t *ent ) {

#if 0
	ent->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex( ent->model );
	VectorSet (ent->mins, -16, -16, -16);
	VectorSet (ent->maxs, 16, 16, 16);
	trap_LinkEntity (ent);

	G_SetOrigin( ent, ent->s.origin );
	VectorCopy( ent->s.angles, ent->s.apos.trBase );
	G_FreeEntity( ent );


void locateCamera( gentity_t *ent ) {
	vec3_t		dir;
	gentity_t	*target;
	gentity_t	*owner;

	owner = G_PickTarget( ent->target );
	if ( !owner ) {
		G_Printf( "Couldn't find target for misc_portal_surface\n" );
		G_FreeEntity( ent );
	ent->r.ownerNum = owner->s.number;

	// frame holds the rotate speed
	if ( owner->spawnflags & 1 ) {
		ent->s.frame = 25;
	} else if ( owner->spawnflags & 2 ) {
		ent->s.frame = 75;

	// swing camera ?
	if ( owner->spawnflags & 4 ) {
		// set to 0 for no rotation at all
		ent->s.powerups = 0;
	else {
		ent->s.powerups = 1;
	// set to 0 for no rotation at all
	ent->s.powerups = 1;

	// clientNum holds the rotate offset
	ent->s.clientNum = owner->s.clientNum;

	VectorCopy( owner->s.origin, ent->s.origin2 );

	// see if the portal_camera has a target
	target = G_PickTarget( owner->target );
	if ( target ) {
		VectorSubtract( target->s.origin, owner->s.origin, dir );
		VectorNormalize( dir );
	} else {
		G_SetMovedir( owner->s.angles, dir );

	ent->s.eventParm = DirToByte( dir );
Пример #11

Called every time a client is placed fresh in the world:
after the first ClientBegin, and after each respawn
Initializes all non-persistant parts of playerState
void ClientSpawn(gentity_t *ent) {
	int		index;
	vec3_t	spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gclient_t	*client;
	int		i;
	clientPersistant_t	saved;
	clientSession_t		savedSess;
	int		persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT];
	gentity_t	*spawnPoint;
	int		flags;
	int		savedPing;
//	char	*savedAreaBits;
	int		accuracy_hits, accuracy_shots;
	int		eventSequence;
//	char	userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];
	forcedata_t			savedForce;
	void		*ghoul2save;
	int		saveSaberNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	int		wDisable = 0;

	index = ent - g_entities;
	client = ent->client;

	if (client->ps.fd.forceDoInit)
	{ //force a reread of force powers
		WP_InitForcePowers( ent );
		client->ps.fd.forceDoInit = 0;
	// find a spawn point
	// do it before setting health back up, so farthest
	// ranging doesn't count this client
	if ( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		spawnPoint = SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint ( 
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else if (g_gametype.integer == GT_CTF || g_gametype.integer == GT_CTY) {
		// all base oriented team games use the CTF spawn points
		spawnPoint = SelectCTFSpawnPoint ( 
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	else if (g_gametype.integer == GT_SAGA)
		spawnPoint = SelectSagaSpawnPoint ( 
						spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	else {
		do {
			// the first spawn should be at a good looking spot
			if ( !client->pers.initialSpawn && client->pers.localClient ) {
				client->pers.initialSpawn = qtrue;
				spawnPoint = SelectInitialSpawnPoint( spawn_origin, spawn_angles );
			} else {
				// don't spawn near existing origin if possible
				spawnPoint = SelectSpawnPoint ( 
					spawn_origin, spawn_angles);

			// Tim needs to prevent bots from spawning at the initial point
			// on q3dm0...
			if ( ( spawnPoint->flags & FL_NO_BOTS ) && ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
				continue;	// try again
			// just to be symetric, we have a nohumans option...
			if ( ( spawnPoint->flags & FL_NO_HUMANS ) && !( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) ) {
				continue;	// try again


		} while ( 1 );
	client->pers.teamState.state = TEAM_ACTIVE;

	// toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
	// and never clear the voted flag
	flags = ent->client->ps.eFlags & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_VOTED | EF_TEAMVOTED);
	flags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;

	// clear everything but the persistant data

	saved = client->pers;
	savedSess = client->sess;
	savedPing = client->ps.ping;
//	savedAreaBits = client->areabits;
	accuracy_hits = client->accuracy_hits;
	accuracy_shots = client->accuracy_shots;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {
		persistant[i] = client->ps.persistant[i];
	eventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence;

	savedForce = client->ps.fd;

	ghoul2save = client->ghoul2;

	saveSaberNum = client->ps.saberEntityNum;

	memset (client, 0, sizeof(*client)); // bk FIXME: Com_Memset?

	//rww - Don't wipe the ghoul2 instance or the animation data
	client->ghoul2 = ghoul2save;

	//or the saber ent num
	client->ps.saberEntityNum = saveSaberNum;

	client->ps.fd = savedForce;

	client->ps.duelIndex = ENTITYNUM_NONE;

	client->pers = saved;
	client->sess = savedSess;
	client->ps.ping = savedPing;
//	client->areabits = savedAreaBits;
	client->accuracy_hits = accuracy_hits;
	client->accuracy_shots = accuracy_shots;
	client->lastkilled_client = -1;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++ ) {
		client->ps.persistant[i] = persistant[i];
	client->ps.eventSequence = eventSequence;
	// increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn
	client->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] = client->sess.sessionTeam;

	client->airOutTime = level.time + 12000;

//	trap_GetUserinfo( index, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo) );
	// set max health
	client->pers.maxHealth = 100;//atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap" ) );
	if ( client->pers.maxHealth < 1 || client->pers.maxHealth > 100 ) {
		client->pers.maxHealth = 100;
	// clear entity values
	client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = client->pers.maxHealth;
	client->ps.eFlags = flags;

	ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	ent->client = &level.clients[index];
	ent->takedamage = qtrue;
	ent->inuse = qtrue;
	ent->classname = "player";
	ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	ent->die = player_die;
	ent->waterlevel = 0;
	ent->watertype = 0;
	ent->flags = 0;
	VectorCopy (playerMins, ent->r.mins);
	VectorCopy (playerMaxs, ent->r.maxs);

	client->ps.clientNum = index;
	//give default weapons
	client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = ( 1 << WP_NONE );

	if (g_gametype.integer == GT_HOLOCRON)
		//always get free saber level 1 in holocron
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_SABER );	//these are precached in g_items, ClearRegisteredItems()
		if (client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABERATTACK])
			client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_SABER );	//these are precached in g_items, ClearRegisteredItems()
		{ //if you don't have saber attack rank then you don't get a saber
			client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= (1 << WP_STUN_BATON);

	if (g_gametype.integer == GT_TOURNAMENT)
		wDisable = g_duelWeaponDisable.integer;
		wDisable = g_weaponDisable.integer;

	if (!wDisable || !(wDisable & (1 << WP_BRYAR_PISTOL)))
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_BRYAR_PISTOL );
	else if (g_gametype.integer == GT_JEDIMASTER)
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_BRYAR_PISTOL );

	if (g_gametype.integer == GT_JEDIMASTER)
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] &= ~(1 << WP_SABER);
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= (1 << WP_STUN_BATON);

	if (client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_BRYAR_PISTOL))
		client->ps.weapon = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL;
	else if (client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & (1 << WP_SABER))
		client->ps.weapon = WP_SABER;
		client->ps.weapon = WP_STUN_BATON;

	client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] |= ( 1 << HI_BINOCULARS );

	client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] = 0;
	client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM] = 0;

	if ( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
		client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = 0;
		client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] = 0;
		client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEM] = 0;

	client->ps.ammo[AMMO_BLASTER] = 100; //ammoData[AMMO_BLASTER].max; //100 seems fair.
//	client->ps.ammo[AMMO_POWERCELL] = ammoData[AMMO_POWERCELL].max;
//	client->ps.ammo[AMMO_FORCE] = ammoData[AMMO_FORCE].max;
//	client->ps.ammo[AMMO_METAL_BOLTS] = ammoData[AMMO_METAL_BOLTS].max;
//	client->ps.ammo[AMMO_ROCKETS] = ammoData[AMMO_ROCKETS].max;
	client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] = ( 1 << WP_BRYAR_PISTOL);
	if ( g_gametype.integer == GT_TEAM ) {
		client->ps.ammo[WP_BRYAR_PISTOL] = 50;
	} else {
		client->ps.ammo[WP_BRYAR_PISTOL] = 100;
	client->ps.rocketLockIndex = MAX_CLIENTS;
	client->ps.rocketLockTime = 0;

	//rww - Set here to initialize the circling seeker drone to off.
	//A quick note about this so I don't forget how it works again:
	//ps.genericEnemyIndex is kept in sync between the server and client.
	//When it gets set then an entitystate value of the same name gets
	//set along with an entitystate flag in the shared bg code. Which
	//is why a value needs to be both on the player state and entity state.
	//(it doesn't seem to just carry over the entitystate value automatically
	//because entity state value is derived from player state data or some
	client->ps.genericEnemyIndex = -1;

	client->ps.isJediMaster = qfalse;

	client->ps.fallingToDeath = 0;

	//Do per-spawn force power initialization
	WP_SpawnInitForcePowers( ent );

	// health will count down towards max_health
	ent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH];// * 1.25;		Boot - no extra 25 hp on start.

	// Start with a small amount of armor as well.
	client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] * 0.25;

	G_SetOrigin( ent, spawn_origin );
	VectorCopy( spawn_origin, client->ps.origin );

	// the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED;

	trap_GetUsercmd( client - level.clients, &ent->client->pers.cmd );
	SetClientViewAngle( ent, spawn_angles );

	if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {

	} else {
		G_KillBox( ent );
		trap_LinkEntity (ent);

		// force the base weapon up
		client->ps.weapon = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL;
		client->ps.weaponstate = FIRST_WEAPON;


	// don't allow full run speed for a bit
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
	client->ps.pm_time = 100;

	client->respawnTime = level.time;
	client->inactivityTime = level.time + g_inactivity.integer * 1000;
	client->latched_buttons = 0;

	// set default animations
	client->ps.torsoAnim = WeaponReadyAnim[client->ps.weapon];
	client->ps.legsAnim = WeaponReadyAnim[client->ps.weapon];

	if ( level.intermissiontime ) {
		MoveClientToIntermission( ent );
	} else {
		// fire the targets of the spawn point
		G_UseTargets( spawnPoint, ent );

		// select the highest weapon number available, after any
		// spawn given items have fired
		client->ps.weapon = 1;
		for ( i = WP_NUM_WEAPONS - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- ) {
			if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] & ( 1 << i ) ) {
				client->ps.weapon = i;

	// run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor,
	// initialize animations and other things
	client->ps.commandTime = level.time - 100;
	ent->client->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.time;
	ClientThink( ent-g_entities );

	// positively link the client, even if the command times are weird
	if ( ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
		VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );
		trap_LinkEntity( ent );

	if (g_spawnInvulnerability.integer)
		ent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_INVULNERABLE;
		ent->client->invulnerableTimer = level.time + g_spawnInvulnerability.integer;

	// run the presend to set anything else
	ClientEndFrame( ent );

	// clear entity state values
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
Пример #12
void JKG_GrappleUpdate( gentity_t *self )
	gentity_t *grappler = &g_entities[self->client->grappleIndex];

	if (!grappler->inuse || !grappler->client || grappler->client->grappleIndex != self->s.number ||
		!BG_InGrappleMove(grappler->client->ps.torsoAnim) || !BG_InGrappleMove(grappler->client->ps.legsAnim) ||
		!BG_InGrappleMove(self->client->ps.torsoAnim) || !BG_InGrappleMove(self->client->ps.legsAnim) ||
		!self->client->grappleState || !grappler->client->grappleState ||
		grappler->health < 1 || self->health < 1 ||
		!G_PrettyCloseIGuess(self->client->ps.origin[2], grappler->client->ps.origin[2], 4.0f))
		self->client->grappleState = 0;
		if ((BG_InGrappleMove(self->client->ps.torsoAnim) && self->client->ps.torsoTimer > 100) ||
			(BG_InGrappleMove(self->client->ps.legsAnim) && self->client->ps.legsTimer > 100))
		{ //if they're pretty far from finishing the anim then shove them into another anim
			if (self->client->ps.torsoAnim == BOTH_KYLE_MISS)
			{ //providing the anim set succeeded..
				self->client->ps.weaponTime = self->client->ps.torsoTimer;
		vec3_t grapAng;

		VectorSubtract(grappler->client->ps.origin, self->client->ps.origin, grapAng);

		if (VectorLength(grapAng) > 64.0f)
		{ //too far away, break it off
			if ((BG_InGrappleMove(self->client->ps.torsoAnim) && self->client->ps.torsoTimer > 100) ||
				(BG_InGrappleMove(self->client->ps.legsAnim) && self->client->ps.legsTimer > 100))
				self->client->grappleState = 0;

				if (self->client->ps.torsoAnim == BOTH_KYLE_MISS)
				{ //providing the anim set succeeded..
					self->client->ps.weaponTime = self->client->ps.torsoTimer;
			vectoangles(grapAng, grapAng);
			SetClientViewAngle(self, grapAng);

			if (self->client->grappleState >= 20)
			{ //grapplee
				//try to position myself at the correct distance from my grappler
				float idealDist;
				vec3_t gFwd, idealSpot;
				trace_t trace;

				if (grappler->client->ps.torsoAnim == BOTH_KYLE_PA_1)
				{ //grab punch
					idealDist = 46.0f;
				{ //knee-throw
					idealDist = 34.0f;

				AngleVectors(grappler->client->ps.viewangles, gFwd, 0, 0);
				VectorMA(grappler->client->ps.origin, idealDist, gFwd, idealSpot);

				trap_Trace(&trace, self->client->ps.origin, self->r.mins, self->r.maxs, idealSpot, self->s.number, self->clipmask);
				if (!trace.startsolid && !trace.allsolid && trace.fraction == 1.0f)
				{ //go there
					G_SetOrigin(self, idealSpot);
					VectorCopy(idealSpot, self->client->ps.origin);
			else if (self->client->grappleState >= 1)
			{ //grappler
				if (grappler->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER)
				{ //make sure their saber is shut off
					if (!grappler->client->ps.saberHolstered)
						grappler->client->ps.saberHolstered = 2;
						if (grappler->client->saber[0].soundOff)
							G_Sound(grappler, CHAN_AUTO, grappler->client->saber[0].soundOff);
						if (grappler->client->saber[1].soundOff &&
							G_Sound(grappler, CHAN_AUTO, grappler->client->saber[1].soundOff);

				//check for smashy events
				if (self->client->ps.torsoAnim == BOTH_KYLE_PA_1)
				{ //grab punch
                    if (self->client->grappleState == 1)
					{ //smack
						if (self->client->ps.torsoTimer < 3400)
							int grapplerAnim = grappler->client->ps.torsoAnim;
							int grapplerTime = grappler->client->ps.torsoTimer;

							G_Damage(grappler, self, self, NULL, self->client->ps.origin, 10, 0, MOD_MELEE);
							//G_Sound( grappler, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( va( "sound/weapons/melee/punch%d", Q_irand( 1, 4 ) ) ) );

							//it might try to put them into a pain anim or something, so override it back again
							if (grappler->health > 0)
								grappler->client->ps.torsoAnim = grapplerAnim;
								grappler->client->ps.torsoTimer = grapplerTime;
								grappler->client->ps.legsAnim = grapplerAnim;
								grappler->client->ps.legsTimer = grapplerTime;
								grappler->client->ps.weaponTime = grapplerTime;
					else if (self->client->grappleState == 2)
					{ //smack!
						if (self->client->ps.torsoTimer < 2550)
							int grapplerAnim = grappler->client->ps.torsoAnim;
							int grapplerTime = grappler->client->ps.torsoTimer;

							G_Damage(grappler, self, self, NULL, self->client->ps.origin, 10, 0, MOD_MELEE);
							//G_Sound( grappler, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( va( "sound/weapons/melee/punch%d", Q_irand( 1, 4 ) ) ) );

							//it might try to put them into a pain anim or something, so override it back again
							if (grappler->health > 0)
								grappler->client->ps.torsoAnim = grapplerAnim;
								grappler->client->ps.torsoTimer = grapplerTime;
								grappler->client->ps.legsAnim = grapplerAnim;
								grappler->client->ps.legsTimer = grapplerTime;
								grappler->client->ps.weaponTime = grapplerTime;
					{ //SMACK!
						if (self->client->ps.torsoTimer < 1300)
							vec3_t tossDir;

							G_Damage(grappler, self, self, NULL, self->client->ps.origin, 30, 0, MOD_MELEE);
							//G_Sound( grappler, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( va( "sound/weapons/melee/punch%d", Q_irand( 1, 4 ) ) ) );

							self->client->grappleState = 0;

							VectorSubtract(grappler->client->ps.origin, self->client->ps.origin, tossDir);
							VectorScale(tossDir, 500.0f, tossDir);
							tossDir[2] = 200.0f;

							VectorAdd(grappler->client->ps.velocity, tossDir, grappler->client->ps.velocity);

							if (grappler->health > 0)
							{ //if still alive knock them down
								grappler->client->ps.forceHandExtend = HANDEXTEND_KNOCKDOWN;
								grappler->client->ps.forceHandExtendTime = level.time + 1300;
				else if (self->client->ps.torsoAnim == BOTH_KYLE_PA_2)
				{ //knee throw
                    if (self->client->grappleState == 1)
					{ //knee to the face
						if (self->client->ps.torsoTimer < 3200)
							int grapplerAnim = grappler->client->ps.torsoAnim;
							int grapplerTime = grappler->client->ps.torsoTimer;

							G_Damage(grappler, self, self, NULL, self->client->ps.origin, 20, 0, MOD_MELEE);
							//G_Sound( grappler, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( va( "sound/weapons/melee/punch%d", Q_irand( 1, 4 ) ) ) );

							//it might try to put them into a pain anim or something, so override it back again
							if (grappler->health > 0)
								grappler->client->ps.torsoAnim = grapplerAnim;
								grappler->client->ps.torsoTimer = grapplerTime;
								grappler->client->ps.legsAnim = grapplerAnim;
								grappler->client->ps.legsTimer = grapplerTime;
								grappler->client->ps.weaponTime = grapplerTime;
					else if (self->client->grappleState == 2)
					{ //smashed on the ground
						if (self->client->ps.torsoTimer < 2000)
							//G_Damage(grappler, self, self, NULL, self->client->ps.origin, 10, 0, MOD_MELEE);
							//don't do damage on this one, it would look very freaky if they died
							G_EntitySound( grappler, CHAN_VOICE, G_SoundIndex("*pain100.wav") );
							//G_Sound( grappler, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( va( "sound/weapons/melee/punch%d", Q_irand( 1, 4 ) ) ) );
					{ //and another smash
						if (self->client->ps.torsoTimer < 1000)
							G_Damage(grappler, self, self, NULL, self->client->ps.origin, 30, 0, MOD_MELEE);
							//G_Sound( grappler, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( va( "sound/weapons/melee/punch%d", Q_irand( 1, 4 ) ) ) );

							//it might try to put them into a pain anim or something, so override it back again
							if (grappler->health > 0)
								grappler->client->ps.torsoTimer = 1000;
								//G_SetAnim(grappler, &grappler->client->pers.cmd, SETANIM_BOTH, BOTH_GETUP3, SETANIM_FLAG_OVERRIDE|SETANIM_FLAG_HOLD, 0);
								grappler->client->grappleState = 0;
							{ //override death anim
								grappler->client->ps.torsoAnim = BOTH_DEADFLOP1;
								grappler->client->ps.legsAnim = BOTH_DEADFLOP1;

							self->client->grappleState = 0;
				{ //?
Пример #13
void TeleportPlayer( gentity_t *player, vec3_t origin, vec3_t angles, qboolean spit ) {
    gentity_t	*tent;

    // use temp events at source and destination to prevent the effect
    // from getting dropped by a second player event
    	if ( player->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
    if ( (g_gametype.integer == GT_FREEZE && !is_spectator( player->client )) ||
            (g_gametype.integer != GT_FREEZE && player->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR) ) {
        tent = G_TempEntity( player->client->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_OUT );
        tent->s.clientNum = player->s.clientNum;

        tent = G_TempEntity( origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN );
        tent->s.clientNum = player->s.clientNum;

    // unlink to make sure it can't possibly interfere with G_KillBox
    //player->relink = 0;
    trap_UnlinkEntity (player);

    VectorCopy ( origin, player->client->ps.origin );
    player->client->ps.origin[2] += 1;

    // spit the player out
    if (spit == qtrue) {
        AngleVectors( angles, player->client->ps.velocity, NULL, NULL );
        VectorScale( player->client->ps.velocity, 400, player->client->ps.velocity );
        player->client->ps.pm_time = 160;		// hold time
        player->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;

    // toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
    player->client->ps.eFlags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;

//unlagged - backward reconciliation #3
    // we don't want players being backward-reconciled back through teleporters
    G_ResetHistory( player );
//unlagged - backward reconciliation #3

    // set angles
    if (player->client->pers.fixedTeleporterAngles == qfalse)
        SetClientViewAngle( player, angles );

    // kill anything at the destination
    	if ( player->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
    if ( (g_gametype.integer == GT_FREEZE && !is_spectator( player->client )) ||
            (g_gametype.integer != GT_FREEZE && player->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR) ) {
        G_KillBox (player);

    // save results of pmove
    BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &player->client->ps, &player->s, qtrue );

    // use the precise origin for linking
    VectorCopy( player->client->ps.origin, player->r.currentOrigin );

    	if ( player->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
    if ( (g_gametype.integer == GT_FREEZE && !is_spectator( player->client )) ||
            (g_gametype.integer != GT_FREEZE && player->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR) ) {
        trap_LinkEntity (player);
Пример #14

Called every time a client is placed fresh in the world:
after the first ClientBegin, and after each respawn
Initializes all non-persistant parts of playerState
void ClientSpawn(gentity_t *ent) {
	int                index;
	vec3_t             spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gclient_t          *client;
	int                i;
	clientPersistant_t saved;
	clientSession_t    savedSess;
	int                persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT];
	gentity_t          *spawnPoint;
	int                flags;
	int                savedPing;
	int                savedTeam;
	qboolean           update = qfalse;
	save_position_t    *pos   = NULL;

	index  = ent - g_entities;
	client = ent->client;


	client->pers.lastSpawnTime = level.time;

	if (client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_AXIS && client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_ALLIES) {
		spawnPoint = SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint(spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else {
		spawnPoint = SelectPlayerSpawnPoint(client->sess.sessionTeam, spawn_origin, spawn_angles, client->sess.spawnObjectiveIndex);

	client->pers.teamState.state = TEAM_ACTIVE;

	// toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
	flags  = ent->client->ps.eFlags & EF_TELEPORT_BIT;
	flags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;
	flags |= (client->ps.eFlags & EF_VOTED);
	// clear everything but the persistant data

	ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_MOUNTEDTANK;

	// Nico, notify timerun_stop
	notify_timerun_stop(ent, 0);
	ent->client->sess.timerunActive = qfalse;

	saved     = client->pers;
	savedSess = client->sess;
	savedPing = client->ps.ping;
	savedTeam = client->ps.teamNum;

	for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++) {
		persistant[i] = client->ps.persistant[i];

	memset(client, 0, sizeof (*client));

	client->pers       = saved;
	client->sess       = savedSess;
	client->ps.ping    = savedPing;
	client->ps.teamNum = savedTeam;

	for (i = 0 ; i < MAX_PERSISTANT ; i++) {
		client->ps.persistant[i] = persistant[i];

	// increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn


	client->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM]        = client->sess.sessionTeam;
	client->ps.persistant[PERS_HWEAPON_USE] = 0;

	client->airOutTime = level.time + 12000;

	// clear entity values
	client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = client->pers.maxHealth;
	client->ps.eFlags                 = flags;

	ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	ent->client            = &level.clients[index];
	ent->takedamage        = qtrue;
	ent->inuse             = qtrue;
	ent->classname = "player";
	ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;

	// DHM - Nerve :: Init to -1 on first spawn;
	ent->props_frame_state = -1;

	ent->die        = player_die;
	ent->waterlevel = 0;
	ent->watertype  = 0;
	ent->flags      = 0;

	VectorCopy(playerMins, ent->r.mins);
	VectorCopy(playerMaxs, ent->r.maxs);

	// Ridah, setup the bounding boxes and viewheights for prediction
	VectorCopy(ent->r.mins, client->ps.mins);
	VectorCopy(ent->r.maxs, client->ps.maxs);

	client->ps.crouchViewHeight = CROUCH_VIEWHEIGHT;
	client->ps.standViewHeight  = DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT;
	client->ps.deadViewHeight   = DEAD_VIEWHEIGHT;

	client->ps.crouchMaxZ = client->ps.maxs[2] - (client->ps.standViewHeight - client->ps.crouchViewHeight);

	client->ps.runSpeedScale    = 0.8;
	client->ps.sprintSpeedScale = 1.1;
	client->ps.crouchSpeedScale = 0.25;
	client->ps.weaponstate      = WEAPON_READY;

	// Rafael

	client->ps.friction = 1.0;
	// done.

	// TTimo
	// retrieve from the persistant storage (we use this in pmoveExt_t beause we need it in bg_*)
	client->pmext.bAutoReload = client->pers.bAutoReloadAux;
	// done

	client->ps.clientNum = index;

	trap_GetUsercmd(client - level.clients, &ent->client->pers.cmd);    // NERVE - SMF - moved this up here

	if (client->sess.playerType != client->sess.latchPlayerType) {
		update = qtrue;

	client->sess.playerType = client->sess.latchPlayerType;

	if (client->sess.playerWeapon != client->sess.latchPlayerWeapon) {
		client->sess.playerWeapon = client->sess.latchPlayerWeapon;
		update                    = qtrue;

	client->sess.playerWeapon2 = client->sess.latchPlayerWeapon2;

	if (update) {



	client->pers.maxHealth = 125;
	client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = client->pers.maxHealth;

	client->pers.cmd.weapon = ent->client->ps.weapon;
// dhm - end

	ent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH];

	G_SetOrigin(ent, spawn_origin);
	VectorCopy(spawn_origin, client->ps.origin);

	// the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED;

	SetClientViewAngle(ent, spawn_angles);

	if (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR) {

	client->inactivityTime   = level.time + g_inactivity.integer * 1000;
	client->latched_buttons  = 0;
	client->latched_wbuttons = 0;   //----(SA)	added

	// fire the targets of the spawn point
	G_UseTargets(spawnPoint, ent);

	// run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor,
	// initialize animations and other things
	client->ps.commandTime           = level.time - 100;
	ent->client->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.time;
	ClientThink(ent - g_entities);

	// positively link the client, even if the command times are weird
	if (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR) {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityState(&client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue);
		VectorCopy(ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin);

	// run the presend to set anything else

	// set idle animation on weapon
	ent->client->ps.weapAnim = ((ent->client->ps.weapAnim & ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) ^ ANIM_TOGGLEBIT) | PM_IdleAnimForWeapon(ent->client->ps.weapon);

	// clear entity state values
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState(&client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue);

	// show_bug.cgi?id=569

	// RF, start the scripting system
	if (client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR) {

		// RF, call entity scripting event
		G_Script_ScriptEvent(ent, "playerstart", "");

	// Nico, autoload position
	if (ent->client->pers.autoLoad && !ent->client->sess.lastDieWasASelfkill && (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_AXIS || ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_ALLIES)) {
		if (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_ALLIES) {
			pos = ent->client->sess.alliesSaves;
		} else {
			pos = ent->client->sess.axisSaves;

		if (pos->valid) {
			VectorCopy(pos->origin, ent->client->ps.origin);

			// Nico, load angles if cg_loadViewAngles = 1
			if (ent->client->pers.loadViewAngles) {
				SetClientViewAngle(ent, pos->vangles);

			// Nico, load saved weapon if cg_loadWeapon = 1
			if (ent->client->pers.loadWeapon) {
				ent->client->ps.weapon = pos->weapon;


			if (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] < 100 && ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0) {
				ent->health = 100;
Пример #15
Called every time a client is placed fresh in the world:
after the first ClientBegin, and after each respawn
Initializes all non-persistant parts of playerState
void ClientSpawn(gentity_t *ent)
	int		index;
	vec3_t	spawn_origin, spawn_angles;
	gclient_t	*client;
	clientPersistant_t	saved;
	clientSession_t		savedSess;
	int				persistant[MAX_PERSISTANT];
	gentity_t		*spawnPoint;
	gentity_t		*tent;
	int		flags;
	int		eventSequence;
	char	userinfo[MAX_INFO_STRING];

	index = ent - g_entities;
	client = ent->client;

	// follow other players when eliminated
	if (!level.warmupTime && g_gametype.integer == GT_ELIMINATION
		&& client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR)
		if (level.roundStarted) {
			client->sess.spectatorState = SPECTATOR_FREE;
			client->eliminated = qtrue;
		} else {
			client->sess.spectatorState = SPECTATOR_NOT;
			client->eliminated = qfalse;


	// find a spawn point
	// do it before setting health back up, so farthest
	// ranging doesn't count this client
	if (client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR) {
		SelectSpectatorSpawnPoint(spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else if (g_gametype.integer == GT_DEFRAG) {
		spawnPoint = SelectDefragSpawnPoint(spawn_origin, spawn_angles);
	} else if (g_gametype.integer == GT_CTF) {
		spawnPoint = SelectCTFSpawnPoint(client->sess.sessionTeam,
			spawn_origin, spawn_angles, !!(ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT));
	} else if (client->pers.lastKiller) {
		spawnPoint = SelectSpawnPoint(client->pers.lastKiller->ps.origin, spawn_origin,
			spawn_angles, ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT);
	} else {
		spawnPoint = SelectSpawnPoint(client->ps.origin, spawn_origin,
			spawn_angles, ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT);

	if (!spawnPoint) {
		G_Error("Cannot find a spawn point.\n");

	// toggle the teleport bit so the client knows to not lerp
	flags = ent->client->ps.eFlags & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT);
	flags ^= EF_TELEPORT_BIT;

	// unlagged - backward reconciliation #3
	// we don't want players being backward-reconciled to the place they died
	G_ResetHistory( ent );
	// and this is as good a time as any to clear the saved state
	ent->client->saved.leveltime = 0;

	// clear everything but the persistant data

	saved = client->pers;
	savedSess = client->sess;
	eventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence;
	Com_Memcpy(persistant, client->ps.persistant, sizeof persistant);

	Com_Memset(client, 0, sizeof(*client));

	client->pers = saved;
	client->sess = savedSess;
	client->ps.eventSequence = eventSequence;
	Com_Memcpy(client->ps.persistant, persistant, sizeof client->ps.persistant);

	// increment the spawncount so the client will detect the respawn
	client->ps.persistant[PERS_TEAM] = client->sess.sessionTeam;

	client->airOutTime = level.time + 12000;

	trap_GetUserinfo(index, userinfo, sizeof(userinfo));
	// set max health
	client->pers.maxHealth = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "handicap"));
	if (client->pers.maxHealth < 1 || client->pers.maxHealth > 100) {
		client->pers.maxHealth = 100;
	// clear entity values
	client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] = client->pers.maxHealth;
	client->ps.eFlags = flags;

	ent->s.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	ent->client = &level.clients[index];
	ent->takedamage = qtrue;
	ent->inuse = qtrue;
	ent->classname = "player";
	ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_BODY;
	ent->clipmask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	ent->die = player_die;
	ent->waterlevel = 0;
	ent->watertype = 0;
	ent->flags &= ~FL_NO_KNOCKBACK;
	ent->flags &= ~FL_FORCE_GESTURE;

	VectorCopy(playerMins, ent->r.mins);
	VectorCopy(playerMaxs, ent->r.maxs);

	client->ps.clientNum = index;


	if (g_gametype.integer == GT_ELIMINATION) {
		client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] * 2;
		client->ps.stats[STAT_ARMOR] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] * 1.5;
	} else {
		client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH] + 25;
	ent->health = client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH];

	G_SetOrigin(ent, spawn_origin);
	VectorCopy(spawn_origin, client->ps.origin);

	// the respawned flag will be cleared after the attack and jump keys come up
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_RESPAWNED;

	trap_GetUsercmd(client - level.clients, &ent->client->pers.cmd);
	SetClientViewAngle(ent, spawn_angles);
	// don't allow full run speed for a bit
	client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
	client->ps.pm_time = 100;

	client->respawnTime = level.time;
	client->inactivityTime = level.time + g_inactivity.integer * 1000;
	client->latched_buttons = 0;

	// set default animations
	client->ps.torsoAnim = TORSO_STAND;
	client->ps.legsAnim = LEGS_IDLE;

	if (level.intermissiontime) {
		// move players to intermission
	} else if (ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR) {

		// fire the targets of the spawn point
		G_UseTargets(spawnPoint, ent);

		// positively link the client, even if the command times are weird
		VectorCopy(ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin);

		tent = G_TempEntity(ent->client->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_IN);
		tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;

		trap_LinkEntity (ent);

	// run a client frame to drop exactly to the floor,
	// initialize animations and other things
	client->ps.commandTime = level.totalTime - 100;
	client->pers.cmd.serverTime = level.totalTime;
	// run the presend to set anything else, follow spectators wait
	// until all clients have been reconnected after map_restart
	if (ent->client->sess.spectatorState != SPECTATOR_FOLLOW) {

	// clear entity state values
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState(&client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue);
Пример #16
void emplaced_gun_use( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, gentity_t *activator )
	vec3_t fwd1, fwd2;

	if ( self->health <= 0 )
		// can't use a dead gun.

	if ( self->svFlags & SVF_INACTIVE )
		return; // can't use inactive gun

	if ( !activator->client )
		return; // only a client can use it.

	if ( self->activator )
		// someone is already in the gun.

	if ( other && other->client && G_IsRidingVehicle( other ) )
	{//can't use eweb when on a vehicle

	if ( activator && activator->client && G_IsRidingVehicle( activator ) )
	{//can't use eweb when on a vehicle

	// We'll just let the designers duke this one out....I mean, as to whether they even want to limit such a thing.
	if ( self->spawnflags & EMPLACED_FACING )
		// Let's get some direction vectors for the users
		AngleVectors( activator->client->ps.viewangles, fwd1, NULL, NULL );

		// Get the guns direction vector
		AngleVectors( self->pos1, fwd2, NULL, NULL );

		float dot = DotProduct( fwd1, fwd2 );

		// Must be reasonably facing the way the gun points ( 90 degrees or so ), otherwise we don't allow to use it.
		if ( dot < 0.0f )

	// don't allow using it again for half a second
	if ( self->delay + 500 < level.time )
		int	oldWeapon = activator->s.weapon;

		if ( oldWeapon == WP_SABER )
			self->alt_fire = activator->client->ps.SaberActive();

		// swap the users weapon with the emplaced gun and add the ammo the gun has to the player
		activator->client->ps.weapon = self->s.weapon;
		Add_Ammo( activator, WP_EMPLACED_GUN, self->count );
		activator->client->ps.stats[STAT_WEAPONS] |= ( 1 << WP_EMPLACED_GUN );

		// Allow us to point from one to the other
		activator->owner = self; // kind of dumb, but when we are locked to the weapon, we are owned by it.
		self->activator = activator;

		G_RemoveWeaponModels( activator );

extern void ChangeWeapon( gentity_t *ent, int newWeapon );
		if ( activator->NPC )
			ChangeWeapon( activator, WP_EMPLACED_GUN );
		else if ( activator->s.number == 0 )
			// we don't want for it to draw the weapon select stuff
			cg.weaponSelect = WP_EMPLACED_GUN;
			CG_CenterPrint( "@SP_INGAME_EXIT_VIEW", SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.95 );
		// Since we move the activator inside of the gun, we reserve a solid spot where they were standing in order to be able to get back out without being in solid
		if ( self->nextTrain )
		{//you never know
			G_FreeEntity( self->nextTrain );
		self->nextTrain = G_Spawn();
		//self->nextTrain->classname = "emp_placeholder";
		self->nextTrain->contents = CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP|CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP;//hmm... playerclip too now that we're doing it for NPCs?
		G_SetOrigin( self->nextTrain, activator->client->ps.origin );
		VectorCopy( activator->mins, self->nextTrain->mins );
		VectorCopy( activator->maxs, self->nextTrain->maxs );
		gi.linkentity( self->nextTrain );

		//need to inflate the activator's mins/maxs since the gunsit anim puts them outside of their bbox
		VectorSet( activator->mins, -24, -24, -24 );
		VectorSet( activator->maxs, 24, 24, 40 );

		// Move the activator into the center of the gun.  For NPC's the only way the can get out of the gun is to die.
		VectorCopy( self->s.origin, activator->client->ps.origin );
		activator->client->ps.origin[2] += 30; // move them up so they aren't standing in the floor
		gi.linkentity( activator );

		// the gun will track which weapon we used to have
		self->s.weapon = oldWeapon;

		// Lock the player
		activator->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON;
		activator->owner = self; // kind of dumb, but when we are locked to the weapon, we are owned by it.
		self->activator = activator;
		self->delay = level.time; // can't disconnect from the thing for half a second

		// Let the gun be considered an enemy
		//Ugh, so much AI code seems to assume enemies are clients, maybe this shouldn't be on, but it's too late in the game to change it now without knowing what side-effects this will have
		self->svFlags |= SVF_NONNPC_ENEMY;
		self->noDamageTeam = activator->client->playerTeam;

		// FIXME: don't do this, we'll try and actually put the player in this beast
		// move the player to the center of the gun
//		activator->contents = 0;
//		VectorCopy( self->currentOrigin, activator->client->ps.origin );

		SetClientViewAngle( activator, self->pos1 );

		//FIXME: should really wait a bit after spawn and get this just once?
		self->waypoint = NAV::GetNearestNode(self);
#ifdef _DEBUG
		if ( self->waypoint == -1 )
			gi.Printf( S_COLOR_RED"ERROR: no waypoint for emplaced_gun %s at %s\n", self->targetname, vtos(self->currentOrigin) );

		G_Sound( self, G_SoundIndex( "sound/weapons/emplaced/emplaced_mount.mp3" ));
		G_Force( self, G_ForceIndex( "fffx/weapons/emplaced/emplaced_mount", FF_CHANNEL_TOUCH ) );
#endif // _IMMERSION

		if ( !(self->spawnflags&EMPLACED_PLAYERUSE) || activator->s.number == 0 )
		{//player-only usescript or any usescript
			// Run use script
			G_ActivateBehavior( self, BSET_USE );