Пример #1
// Override all damage
int CGMan :: TakeDamage( entvars_t* pevInflictor, entvars_t* pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType )
	pev->health = pev->max_health / 2; // always trigger the 50% damage aitrigger

	if ( flDamage > 0 )

	if ( flDamage >= 20 )
	return TRUE;
Пример #2
// CheckAmmo - overridden for the grunt because he actually
// uses ammo! (base class doesn't)
void CFriend :: CheckAmmo ( void )
	if ( m_cAmmoLoaded <= 0 )
Пример #3
// If there's a player around, watch him.
void CTalkMonster :: PrescheduleThink ( void )
	if ( !HasConditions ( bits_COND_SEE_CLIENT ) )
		SetConditions ( bits_COND_CLIENT_UNSEEN );
Пример #4
void CBaseMonster :: Killed( entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib )
	unsigned int	cCount = 0;
	BOOL			fDone = FALSE;

	CBaseEntity* theBaseEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(pevAttacker->owner);
		theBaseEntity = CBaseEntity::Instance(pevAttacker);
	if ( HasMemory( bits_MEMORY_KILLED ) )
		if ( ShouldGibMonster( iGib ) )

	Remember( bits_MEMORY_KILLED );

	// clear the deceased's sound channels.(may have been firing or reloading when killed)
	EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_WEAPON, "common/null.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
	m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_DEAD;
	// Make sure this condition is fired too (TakeDamage breaks out before this happens on death)
	SetConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE );
	// tell owner ( if any ) that we're dead.This is mostly for MonsterMaker functionality.
	CBaseEntity *pOwner = CBaseEntity::Instance(pev->owner);
	if ( pOwner )
		pOwner->DeathNotice( pev );

	if	( ShouldGibMonster( iGib ) )
	else if ( pev->flags & FL_MONSTER )
		SetTouch( NULL );
	// don't let the status bar glitch for players.with <0 health.
	if (pev->health < -99)
		pev->health = 0;
	//pev->enemy = ENT( pevAttacker );//why? (sjb)
	m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_DEAD;

Пример #5
void ParserMgr::InitializeFull()
    ScopeTracker st("ParserMgr::InitializeFull", std::this_thread::get_id());
Пример #6
// Look - overriden for the roach, which can virtually see 
// 360 degrees.
void CRoach :: Look ( int iDistance )
	CBaseEntity	*pSightEnt = NULL;// the current visible entity that we're dealing with
	CBaseEntity	*pPreviousEnt;// the last entity added to the link list 
	int			iSighted = 0;

	// DON'T let visibility information from last frame sit around!
	ClearConditions( bits_COND_SEE_HATE |bits_COND_SEE_DISLIKE | bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY | bits_COND_SEE_FEAR );

	// don't let monsters outside of the player's PVS act up, or most of the interesting
	// things will happen before the player gets there!
	if ( FNullEnt( FIND_CLIENT_IN_PVS( edict() ) ) )

	m_pLink = NULL;
	pPreviousEnt = this;

	// Does sphere also limit itself to PVS?
	// Examine all entities within a reasonable radius
	// !!!PERFORMANCE - let's trivially reject the ent list before radius searching!
	while ((pSightEnt = UTIL_FindEntityInSphere( pSightEnt, pev->origin, iDistance )) != NULL)
		// only consider ents that can be damaged. !!!temporarily only considering other monsters and clients
		if (  pSightEnt->IsPlayer() || FBitSet ( pSightEnt->pev->flags, FL_MONSTER ) )
			if ( /*FVisible( pSightEnt ) &&*/ !FBitSet( pSightEnt->pev->flags, FL_NOTARGET ) && pSightEnt->pev->health > 0 )
				// NULL the Link pointer for each ent added to the link list. If other ents follow, the will overwrite
				// this value. If this ent happens to be the last, the list will be properly terminated.
				pPreviousEnt->m_pLink = pSightEnt;
				pSightEnt->m_pLink = NULL;
				pPreviousEnt = pSightEnt;

				// don't add the Enemy's relationship to the conditions. We only want to worry about conditions when
				// we see monsters other than the Enemy.
				switch ( IRelationship ( pSightEnt ) )
				case	R_FR:		
					iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_FEAR;	
				case	R_NO:
					ALERT ( at_console, "%s can't asses %s\n", STRING(pev->classname), STRING(pSightEnt->pev->classname ) );
	SetConditions( iSighted );
Пример #7
void CBaseMonster::Look(int iDistance)
    int iSighted = 0;
    ClearConditions(bits_COND_SEE_HATE | bits_COND_SEE_DISLIKE | bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY | bits_COND_SEE_FEAR | bits_COND_SEE_NEMESIS | bits_COND_SEE_CLIENT);
    m_pLink = NULL;

    CBaseEntity *pSightEnt = NULL;
    CBaseEntity *pList[100];
    Vector delta = Vector(iDistance, iDistance, iDistance);
    int count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox(pList, 100, pev->origin - delta, pev->origin + delta, FL_CLIENT | FL_MONSTER);

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        pSightEnt = pList[i];

        if (pSightEnt != this && pSightEnt->pev->health > 0)
            if (IRelationship(pSightEnt) != R_NO && FInViewCone(pSightEnt) && !FBitSet(pSightEnt->pev->flags, FL_NOTARGET) && FVisible(pSightEnt))
                if (pSightEnt->IsPlayer())
                    iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_CLIENT;

                pSightEnt->m_pLink = m_pLink;
                m_pLink = pSightEnt;

                if (pSightEnt == m_hEnemy)
                    iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY;

                switch (IRelationship(pSightEnt))
                case R_NM:
                    iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_NEMESIS;
                case R_HT:
                    iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_HATE;
                case R_DL:
                    iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_DISLIKE;
                case R_FR:
                    iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_FEAR;
                case R_AL:

Пример #8
int CMGargantua::TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType )
	ALERT( at_aiconsole, "CMGargantua::TakeDamage\n");

	if ( IsAlive() )
		if ( !(bitsDamageType & GARG_DAMAGE) )
			flDamage *= 0.01;
		if ( bitsDamageType & DMG_BLAST )
			SetConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE );

	return CMBaseMonster::TakeDamage( pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType );
Пример #9
// NextScheduledTask - increments the ScheduleIndex
void CBaseMonster :: NextScheduledTask ( void )
	ASSERT( m_pSchedule != NULL );

	m_iTaskStatus = TASKSTATUS_NEW;

	if ( FScheduleDone() )
		// just completed last task in schedule, so make it invalid by clearing it.
		SetConditions( bits_COND_SCHEDULE_DONE );
Пример #10
int CGargantua::TakeDamage( CBaseEntity* pInflictor, CBaseEntity* pAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType )
	ALERT( at_aiconsole, "CGargantua::TakeDamage\n");

	if ( IsAlive() )
		if ( !(bitsDamageType & GARG_DAMAGE) )
			flDamage *= 0.01;
		if ( bitsDamageType & DMG_BLAST )
			SetConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE );

	return CBaseMonster::TakeDamage( pInflictor, pAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType );
Пример #11
void CGargantua::OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo& info )
	ALERT( at_aiconsole, "CGargantua::OnTakeDamage\n");

	CTakeDamageInfo newInfo = info;

	if ( IsAlive() )
		if ( !( newInfo.GetDamageTypes() & GARG_DAMAGE) )
			newInfo.GetMutableDamage() *= 0.01;
		if ( newInfo.GetDamageTypes() & DMG_BLAST )
			SetConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE );

	CBaseMonster::OnTakeDamage( newInfo );
Пример #12
void CTalkMonster :: Touch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	// Did the player touch me?
	if ( pOther->IsPlayer() )
		// Ignore if pissed at player
		if ( m_afMemory & bits_MEMORY_PROVOKED )

		// Stay put during speech
		if ( IsTalking() )

		// Heuristic for determining if the player is pushing me away
		float speed = fabs(pOther->GetAbsVelocity().x) + fabs(pOther->GetAbsVelocity().y);
		if ( speed > 50 )
			SetConditions( bits_COND_CLIENT_PUSH );
			MakeIdealYaw( pOther->GetAbsOrigin() );
Пример #13
void CMTalkMonster :: TalkTouch( edict_t *pOther )
	// Did the player touch me?
	if ( UTIL_IsPlayer(pOther) )
		// Ignore if pissed at player
		if ( m_afMemory & bits_MEMORY_PROVOKED )

		// Stay put during speech
		if ( IsTalking() )

		// Heuristic for determining if the player is pushing me away
		float speed = fabs(pOther->v.velocity.x) + fabs(pOther->v.velocity.y);
		if ( speed > 50 )
			SetConditions( bits_COND_CLIENT_PUSH );
			MakeIdealYaw( pOther->v.origin );
Пример #14

The damage is coming from inflictor, but get mad at attacker
This should be the only function that ever reduces health.
bitsDamageType indicates the type of damage sustained, ie: DMG_SHOCK

Time-based damage: only occurs while the monster is within the trigger_hurt.
When a monster is poisoned via an arrow etc it takes all the poison damage at once.

int CBaseMonster :: TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType )
	float	flTake;
	Vector	vecDir;

	if (!pev->takedamage)
		return 0;

	if ( !IsAlive() )
		return DeadTakeDamage( pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType );

	if ( pev->deadflag == DEAD_NO )
		// no pain sound during death animation.
		PainSound();// "Ouch!"

	//!!!LATER - make armor consideration here!
	flTake = flDamage;

	// set damage type sustained
	m_bitsDamageType |= bitsDamageType;

	// grab the vector of the incoming attack. ( pretend that the inflictor is a little lower than it really is, so the body will tend to fly upward a bit).
	vecDir = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
	if (!FNullEnt( pevInflictor ))
		CBaseEntity *pInflictor = CBaseEntity :: Instance( pevInflictor );
		if (pInflictor)
			vecDir = ( pInflictor->Center() - Vector ( 0, 0, 10 ) - Center() ).Normalize();
			vecDir = g_vecAttackDir = vecDir.Normalize();

	// add to the damage total for clients, which will be sent as a single
	// message at the end of the frame
	// todo: remove after combining shotgun blasts?
	if ( IsPlayer() )
		if ( pevInflictor )
			pev->dmg_inflictor = ENT(pevInflictor);

		pev->dmg_take += flTake;

		// check for godmode or invincibility
		if ( pev->flags & FL_GODMODE )
			return 0;

	// if this is a player, move him around!
	if ( ( !FNullEnt( pevInflictor ) ) && (pev->movetype == MOVETYPE_WALK) && (!pevAttacker || pevAttacker->solid != SOLID_TRIGGER) )
		pev->velocity = pev->velocity + vecDir * -DamageForce( flDamage );

	// do the damage
	pev->health -= flTake;

	// HACKHACK Don't kill monsters in a script.  Let them break their scripts first
	if ( m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT )
		SetConditions( bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE );
		return 0;

	if ( pev->health <= 0 )
		g_pevLastInflictor = pevInflictor;

		if ( bitsDamageType & DMG_ALWAYSGIB )
			Killed( pevAttacker, GIB_ALWAYS );
		else if ( bitsDamageType & DMG_NEVERGIB )
			Killed( pevAttacker, GIB_NEVER );
			Killed( pevAttacker, GIB_NORMAL );

		g_pevLastInflictor = NULL;

		return 0;

	// react to the damage (get mad)
	if ( (pev->flags & FL_MONSTER) && !FNullEnt(pevAttacker) )
		if ( pevAttacker->flags & (FL_MONSTER | FL_CLIENT) )
		{// only if the attack was a monster or client!
			// enemy's last known position is somewhere down the vector that the attack came from.
			if (pevInflictor)
				if (m_hEnemy == NULL || pevInflictor == m_hEnemy->pev || !HasConditions(bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY))
					m_vecEnemyLKP = pevInflictor->origin;
				m_vecEnemyLKP = pev->origin + ( g_vecAttackDir * 64 ); 

			MakeIdealYaw( m_vecEnemyLKP );

			// add pain to the conditions 
			// !!!HACKHACK - fudged for now. Do we want to have a virtual function to determine what is light and 
			// heavy damage per monster class?
			if ( flDamage > 0 )

			if ( flDamage >= 20 )

	return 1;
Пример #15
BOOL CBaseMonster::CineCleanup()
	CCineMonster *pOldCine = m_pCine;

	// am I linked to a cinematic?
		// okay, reset me to what it thought I was before
		m_pCine->m_hTargetEnt = NULL;
		pev->movetype         = m_pCine->m_saved_movetype;
		pev->solid            = m_pCine->m_saved_solid;
		pev->effects          = m_pCine->m_saved_effects;
		// arg, punt
		pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_STEP; // this is evil
		pev->solid    = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
	m_pCine      = NULL;
	m_hTargetEnt = NULL;
	m_pGoalEnt   = NULL;
	if(pev->deadflag == DEAD_DYING)
		// last frame of death animation?
		pev->health    = 0;
		pev->framerate = 0.0;
		pev->solid     = SOLID_NOT;
		pev->deadflag = DEAD_DEAD;
		UTIL_SetSize(pev, pev->mins, Vector(pev->maxs.x, pev->maxs.y, pev->mins.z + 2));

		if(pOldCine && FBitSet(pOldCine->pev->spawnflags, SF_SCRIPT_LEAVECORPSE))
			SetUse(NULL);   // BUGBUG -- This doesn't call Killed()
			SetThink(NULL); // This will probably break some stuff
			SUB_StartFadeOut(); // SetThink( SUB_DoNothing );
		// This turns off animation & physics in case their origin ends up stuck in the world or something
		pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
		pev->effects |= EF_NOINTERP; // Don't interpolate either, assume the corpse is positioned in its final resting place
		return FALSE;

	// If we actually played a sequence
	if(pOldCine && pOldCine->m_iszPlay)
		if(!(pOldCine->pev->spawnflags & SF_SCRIPT_NOSCRIPTMOVEMENT))
			// reset position
			Vector new_origin, new_angle;
			GetBonePosition(0, new_origin, new_angle);

			// Figure out how far they have moved
			// We can't really solve this problem because we can't query the movement of the origin relative
			// to the sequence.  We can get the root bone's position as we do here, but there are
			// cases where the root bone is in a different relative position to the entity's origin
			// before/after the sequence plays.  So we are stuck doing this:

			// !!!HACKHACK: Float the origin up and drop to floor because some sequences have
			// irregular motion that can't be properly accounted for.

			Vector oldOrigin = pev->origin;

			// UNDONE: ugly hack.  Don't move monster if they don't "seem" to move
			// this really needs to be done with the AX,AY,etc. flags, but that aren't consistantly
			// being set, so animations that really do move won't be caught.
			if((oldOrigin - new_origin).Length2D() < 8.0)
				new_origin = oldOrigin;

			pev->origin.x = new_origin.x;
			pev->origin.y = new_origin.y;
			pev->origin.z += 1;

			pev->flags |= FL_ONGROUND;
			int drop = DROP_TO_FLOOR(ENT(pev));

			// Origin in solid?  Set to org at the end of the sequence
			if(drop < 0)
				pev->origin = oldOrigin;
			else if(drop == 0) // Hanging in air?
				pev->origin.z = new_origin.z;
				pev->flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND;
			// else entity hit floor, leave there

			// pEntity->pev->origin.z = new_origin.z + 5.0; // damn, got to fix this

			UTIL_SetOrigin(pev, pev->origin);
			pev->effects |= EF_NOINTERP;

		// We should have some animation to put these guys in, but for now it's idle.
		// Due to NOINTERP above, there won't be any blending between this anim & the sequence
		m_Activity = ACT_RESET;
	// set them back into a normal state
	pev->enemy = NULL;
	if(pev->health > 0)
		m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_IDLE; // m_previousState;
		// Dropping out because he got killed
		// Can't call killed() no attacker and weirdness (late gibbing) may result
		m_IdealMonsterState = MONSTERSTATE_DEAD;
		pev->deadflag = DEAD_DYING;
		pev->deadflag = DEAD_NO;

	//	SetAnimation( m_MonsterState );
	ClearBits(pev->spawnflags, SF_MONSTER_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT);

	return TRUE;
Пример #16
// Look - Base class monster function to find enemies or 
// food by sight. iDistance is distance ( in units ) that the 
// monster can see.
// Sets the sight bits of the m_afConditions mask to indicate
// which types of entities were sighted.
// Function also sets the Looker's m_pLink 
// to the head of a link list that contains all visible ents.
// (linked via each ent's m_pLink field)
void CBaseMonster :: Look ( int iDistance )
	int	iSighted = 0;

	// DON'T let visibility information from last frame sit around!

	m_pLink = NULL;

	CBaseEntity	*pSightEnt = NULL;// the current visible entity that we're dealing with

	CBaseEntity *pList[100];

	Vector delta = Vector( iDistance, iDistance, iDistance );

	// Find only monsters/clients in box, NOT limited to PVS
	int count = UTIL_EntitiesInBox( pList, 100, pev->origin - delta, pev->origin + delta, FL_CLIENT|FL_MONSTER );
	for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		pSightEnt = pList[i];
		if ( pSightEnt != this && pSightEnt->pev->health > 0 )
			// the looker will want to consider this entity
			// don't check anything else about an entity that can't be seen, or an entity that you don't care about.
			if ( IRelationship( pSightEnt ) != R_NO && FInViewCone( pSightEnt ) && !FBitSet( pSightEnt->pev->flags, FL_NOTARGET ) && FVisible( pSightEnt ) )
				if ( pSightEnt->IsPlayer() )
					// if we see a client, remember that (mostly for scripted AI)
					iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_CLIENT;

				pSightEnt->m_pLink = m_pLink;
				m_pLink = pSightEnt;

				if ( pSightEnt == m_hEnemy )
					// we know this ent is visible, so if it also happens to be our enemy, store that now.
					iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY;

				// don't add the Enemy's relationship to the conditions. We only want to worry about conditions when
				// we see monsters other than the Enemy.
				switch ( IRelationship ( pSightEnt ) )
				case	R_NM:
					iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_NEMESIS;		
				case	R_HT:		
					iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_HATE;		
				case	R_DL:
					iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_DISLIKE;
				case	R_FR:
					iSighted |= bits_COND_SEE_FEAR;
				case    R_AL:
					ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "%s can't assess %s\n", STRING(pev->classname), STRING(pSightEnt->pev->classname ) );
	SetConditions( iSighted );
Пример #17
// The damage is coming from inflictor, but get mad at attacker
// This should be the only function that ever reduces health.
// bitsDamageType indicates the type of damage sustained, ie: DMG_SHOCK
// Time-based damage: only occurs while the monster is within the trigger_hurt.
// When a monster is poisoned via an arrow etc it takes all the poison damage at once.
int CBaseMonster::__MAKE_VHOOK(TakeDamage)(entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType)
	if (pev->takedamage == DAMAGE_NO)
		return 0;

	if (!IsAlive())
		return DeadTakeDamage(pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType);

	if (pev->deadflag == DEAD_NO)
		// no pain sound during death animation.

	// LATER: make armor consideration here!
	float flTake = flDamage;

	// set damage type sustained
	m_bitsDamageType |= bitsDamageType;

	// grab the vector of the incoming attack. ( pretend that the inflictor is a little lower than it really is, so the body will tend to fly upward a bit).
	Vector vecDir(0, 0, 0);

	if (!FNullEnt(pevInflictor))
		CBaseEntity *pInflictor = CBaseEntity::Instance(pevInflictor);

		if (pInflictor)
			vecDir = (pInflictor->Center() - Vector(0, 0, 10) - Center()).Normalize();
			// TODO: fix test demo
			vecDir = NormalizeSubtract<
				float_precision, float, float_precision, float_precision
				>(Center(), pInflictor->Center() - Vector(0, 0, 10));
			vecDir = g_vecAttackDir = vecDir.Normalize();

	// add to the damage total for clients, which will be sent as a single
	// message at the end of the frame
	// TODO: remove after combining shotgun blasts?
	if (IsPlayer())
		if (pevInflictor)
			pev->dmg_inflictor = ENT(pevInflictor);

		pev->dmg_take += flTake;

	pev->health -= flTake;

	if (m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_SCRIPT)
		return 0;

	if (pev->health <= 0.0f)
		g_pevLastInflictor = pevInflictor;

		if (bitsDamageType & DMG_ALWAYSGIB)
			Killed(pevAttacker, GIB_ALWAYS);

		else if (bitsDamageType & DMG_NEVERGIB)
			Killed(pevAttacker, GIB_NEVER);
			Killed(pevAttacker, GIB_NORMAL);

		g_pevLastInflictor = NULL;
		return 0;
	if ((pev->flags & FL_MONSTER) && !FNullEnt(pevAttacker))
		if (pevAttacker->flags & (FL_MONSTER | FL_CLIENT))
			if (pevInflictor)
				if (m_hEnemy == NULL || pevInflictor == m_hEnemy->pev || !HasConditions(bits_COND_SEE_ENEMY))
					m_vecEnemyLKP = pevInflictor->origin;
				m_vecEnemyLKP = pev->origin + (g_vecAttackDir * 64);


			if (flDamage > 20.0f)

			if (flDamage >= 20.0f)

	return 1;
Пример #18
void CLeech::SwimThink( void )
	TraceResult		tr;
	float			flLeftSide;
	float			flRightSide;
	float			targetSpeed;
	float			targetYaw = 0;
	CBaseEntity		*pTarget;

	if ( FNullEnt( FIND_CLIENT_IN_PVS( edict() ) ) )
		pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT(1,1.5);
		pev->velocity = g_vecZero;
		pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;

	targetSpeed = LEECH_SWIM_SPEED;

	if ( m_waterTime < gpGlobals->time )

	if ( m_stateTime < gpGlobals->time )

	ClearConditions( bits_COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1 );
	switch( m_MonsterState )
		pTarget = m_hEnemy;
		if ( !pTarget )
			// Chase the enemy's eyes
			m_height = pTarget->pev->origin.z + pTarget->pev->view_ofs.z - 5;
			// Clip to viable water area
			if ( m_height < m_bottom )
				m_height = m_bottom;
			else if ( m_height > m_top )
				m_height = m_top;
			Vector location = pTarget->pev->origin - pev->origin;
			location.z += (pTarget->pev->view_ofs.z);
			if ( location.Length() < 40 )
				SetConditions( bits_COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1 );
			// Turn towards target ent
			targetYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( location );

			targetYaw = UTIL_AngleDiff( targetYaw, UTIL_AngleMod( pev->angles.y ) );

			if ( targetYaw < (-LEECH_TURN_RATE*0.75) )
				targetYaw = (-LEECH_TURN_RATE*0.75);
			else if ( targetYaw > (LEECH_TURN_RATE*0.75) )
				targetYaw = (LEECH_TURN_RATE*0.75);
				targetSpeed *= 2;


		if ( m_zTime < gpGlobals->time )
			float newHeight = RANDOM_FLOAT( m_bottom, m_top );
			m_height = 0.5 * m_height + 0.5 * newHeight;
			m_zTime = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT( 1, 4 );
		if ( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 100 ) < 10 )
			targetYaw = RANDOM_LONG( -30, 30 );
		pTarget = NULL;
		// oldorigin test
		if ( (pev->origin - pev->oldorigin).Length() < 1 )
			// If leech didn't move, there must be something blocking it, so try to turn
			m_sideTime = 0;


	m_obstacle = ObstacleDistance( pTarget );
	pev->oldorigin = pev->origin;
	if ( m_obstacle < 0.1 )
		m_obstacle = 0.1;

	// is the way ahead clear?
	if ( m_obstacle == 1.0 )
		// if the leech is turning, stop the trend.
		if ( m_flTurning != 0 )
			m_flTurning = 0;

		m_fPathBlocked = FALSE;
		pev->speed = UTIL_Approach( targetSpeed, pev->speed, LEECH_SWIM_ACCEL * LEECH_FRAMETIME );
		pev->velocity = gpGlobals->v_forward * pev->speed;

		m_obstacle = 1.0 / m_obstacle;
		// IF we get this far in the function, the leader's path is blocked!
		m_fPathBlocked = TRUE;

		if ( m_flTurning == 0 )// something in the way and leech is not already turning to avoid
			Vector vecTest;
			// measure clearance on left and right to pick the best dir to turn
			vecTest = pev->origin + (gpGlobals->v_right * LEECH_SIZEX) + (gpGlobals->v_forward * LEECH_CHECK_DIST);
			UTIL_TraceLine(pev->origin, vecTest, missile, edict(), &tr);
			flRightSide = tr.flFraction;

			vecTest = pev->origin + (gpGlobals->v_right * -LEECH_SIZEX) + (gpGlobals->v_forward * LEECH_CHECK_DIST);
			UTIL_TraceLine(pev->origin, vecTest, missile, edict(), &tr);
			flLeftSide = tr.flFraction;

			// turn left, right or random depending on clearance ratio
			float delta = (flRightSide - flLeftSide);
			if ( delta > 0.1 || (delta > -0.1 && RANDOM_LONG(0,100)<50) )
				m_flTurning = -LEECH_TURN_RATE;
				m_flTurning = LEECH_TURN_RATE;
		pev->speed = UTIL_Approach( -(LEECH_SWIM_SPEED*0.5), pev->speed, LEECH_SWIM_DECEL * LEECH_FRAMETIME * m_obstacle );
		pev->velocity = gpGlobals->v_forward * pev->speed;
	pev->ideal_yaw = m_flTurning + targetYaw;