Пример #1
static DialogRef DrawDialogTheSystem6or7Way(void)
	DialogItemType itemType;
	Handle itemHandle;
	Rect itemBox;
	DialogRef theDialog = GetNewDialog(256, NULL, (WindowRef)-1L);
	if (theDialog == NULL) return(NULL);
	// Move it!
	MoveWindow(GetDialogWindow(theDialog), 10, 271, false);
	// Setting the check box
	GetDialogItem(theDialog, 2, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
	SetControlValue((ControlHandle)itemHandle, 1);
	// Setting a radio button
	GetDialogItem(theDialog, 3, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
	SetControlValue((ControlHandle)itemHandle, 1);
	// Setting the draw proc for the user item
	GetDialogItem(theDialog, 13, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
	gUserH = (itemBox.left + itemBox.right) / 2;
	gUserV = (itemBox.top + itemBox.bottom) / 2;
	SetDialogItem(theDialog, 13, itemType, (Handle)&MyDrawUserItem, &itemBox);
	// Setting the action proc for the scroll bar so that the PageUp/PageDown/Up/Down buttons work
	GetDialogItem(theDialog, 14, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
	SetControlAction((ControlHandle)itemHandle, ScrollBarActionProc);
Пример #2
static void RunDialogTheSystem6or7Way(DialogRef theDialog)
	SInt16 itemHit;
	DialogItemType itemType;
	Handle itemHandle;
	Rect itemBox;
	do {
		ModalDialog(MySystem6or7DialogFilter, &itemHit);
		switch (itemHit)
			case 2:
				// we enable or disable the user item depending on whether the box is checked or not
				GetDialogItem(theDialog, itemHit, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
				SInt16 enable = GetControlValue((ControlHandle)itemHandle);
				SetControlValue((ControlHandle)itemHandle, 1 - enable);
				GetDialogItem(theDialog, 13, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
				SetDialogItem(theDialog, 13, enable?userItem+itemDisable:userItem, itemHandle, &itemBox);
				HideDialogItem(theDialog, 13);
				ShowDialogItem(theDialog, 13);
			case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7:
				// one radio button was chosen, let's adjust them all (we could also remember the last one...)
				int i;
				for (i = 3; i <= 7; i++)
					GetDialogItem(theDialog, i, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
					SetControlValue((ControlHandle)itemHandle, (i == itemHit)?1:0);
			case 14:
				// the indicator of the scroll bar was moved so let's display the value in the first edit box
				// this is System 6 or 7 style so the controls can only handle 16 bits value (hence a max of 32767)
				GetDialogItem(theDialog, itemHit, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
				SInt16 newValue = GetControlValue((ControlHandle)itemHandle);
				Str255 theStr;
				NumToString(newValue, theStr);
				GetDialogItem(theDialog, 9, &itemType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
				SetDialogItemText(itemHandle, theStr);
				SelectDialogItemText(theDialog, 9, 0, 32767);
	} while (!(itemHit == ok));
Пример #3
   UnRegisterPopUpDialog() is used when you have a popup that you
   want to turn off, not in the sense of being static but in the
   sense of not being there at all.  You should erase the popup
   on the screen with PopErase, and then call this procedure to
   set the handle to nil (instead of PopDraw) so it won't get
void UnRegisterPopUpDialog(long  dialogID, DialogPtr theDialog)
 #ifndef IBM
   short                theType;
   Handle               itemHandle;
   Rect                 itemBox;
   short                i;

 #ifdef IBM
   for ( i = 0 ; i < sa_numPopUps ; i++ )
      if (sa_popTable[i].dialogID == dialogID) {
         GetDialogItem(theDialog, sa_popTable[i].popupItemNum, &theType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
         SetDialogItem(theDialog, sa_popTable[i].popupItemNum, userItem, nil, &itemBox);
void do_about_box( void)
	GrafPtr oldPort;
	DialogPtr dptr;
	short item, itemType;
	Handle itemHdl;
	Rect itemRect;

	dptr = GetNewDialog( rAboutBox, nil, (WindowPtr)-1L);
	if( dptr == (DialogPtr)0){
		Handle items = NewHandle( sizeof(missing_DITL));
		static Rect bounds = {40, 20, 150, 340};

		if( ! items) return;
		BlockMove( missing_DITL, *items, sizeof(missing_DITL));

		dptr = NewColorDialog( nil, &bounds, (unsigned char*)"\005About",
					false, dBoxProc, (WindowPtr)-1L, false, 0, items);
	if( dptr == (DialogPtr)0) return;
	GetPort (&oldPort);
	SetPort (GetDialogPort(dptr));
	GetDialogItem( dptr, ok, &itemType, &itemHdl, &itemRect);
	InsetRect( &itemRect, -4, -4);
	SetDialogItem( dptr, 6, userItem + itemDisable, (Handle)outline_hook_upp, &itemRect);

	FlushEvents( everyEvent, 0);
        ShowWindow( GetDialogWindow(dptr));

	do {
		ModalDialog( about_filter_upp, &item);
	} while( item != ok);

	DisposeDialog( dptr);
	SetPort( oldPort);
Пример #5
   RegisterPopUpDialog() is used to fill in the dialogPtr field
   of a PopTable entry and to set the user item procs of that
   dialog's popup items once you have loaded the dialog and have
   the dialog pointer.
void RegisterPopUpDialog(long dialogID, DialogPtr theDialog)
   short i;

 #ifndef IBM
   short                theType;
   Handle               itemHandle;
   Rect                 itemBox;

   for ( i = 0 ; i < sa_numPopUps ; i++ )
      if (sa_popTable[i].dialogID == dialogID) {
			sa_popTable[i].dialogPtr = theDialog;
			#ifndef IBM
			GetDialogItem(theDialog, sa_popTable[i].popupItemNum, &theType, &itemHandle, &itemBox);
			SetDialogItem(theDialog, sa_popTable[i].popupItemNum, userItem, nil, &itemBox);
			SetDialogItemHandle(theDialog, sa_popTable[i].popupItemNum, (Handle)PopDraw);
			PopDraw(theDialog, sa_popTable[i].popupItemNum);
			LoadPopupMenu(theDialog, sa_popTable[i].menuID, sa_popTable[i].popupItemNum);
Пример #6
   PopDraw() is the function associated with the user item that
   invokes the popup menu.  We draw the box to look like a menu
   cell, and then call the appropriate drawProc to fill in the
   cell with the actual contents.  If the drawProc is nil, we
   draw the menu item as text.  We gray the cell if the menu
   is disabled.  Finally, we draw a down arrow to indicate that
   the button is a popup menu.

   If the popup item is static, we only draw the cell contents.
pascal_ifMac void PopDraw(DialogPtr theDialog, short itemNum)
   GrafPtr        savePort;
   short          theType;
   Handle         itemHandle;
   Rect           itemBox;
   Rect           cellBox;
   MenuHandle     theMenu;
   //SysEnvRec      theWorld;
   RGBColor       SaveBack, SaveFore, DefaultBack, DefaultFore;
   char           name[256];
   short          i;
   short          drawStringFlag;

   // Added by Glen to code for support of Type-in Pop-Up menus
   // if drawStringFlag  = 1 then we don't draw text string ...
   drawStringFlag = 0;

   for ( i = 0 ; i < sa_numPopUps ; i++ )
      if ( (sa_popTable[i].dialogPtr == theDialog) && (sa_popTable[i].popupItemNum == itemNum) )
                              if (i == sa_numPopUps)
      { SysBeep(1); return; }    // should not happen since the dialog must have been registered
                                             // for PopDraw to have been called

  // SysEnvirons(curSysEnvVers,&theWorld);

  // if (theWorld.hasColorQD) {
  if (ColorQDAvailable()) {
      DefaultMenuColors(&DefaultFore, &DefaultBack);
      if (sa_popTable[i].bStatic) {
         DefaultFore = SaveFore;
         DefaultBack = SaveBack;

   theMenu = GetMenuHandle(sa_popTable[i].menuID);
   if (!theMenu) { SysBeep(1); return; }
   /* change item's width to match the menu */
   if (sa_popTable[i].itemWidth == 0) {
      if (sa_popTable[i].drawProc == nil)
        // itemBox.right = itemBox.left + (**theMenu).menuWidth + 20 + 2;
         itemBox.right = itemBox.left + GetMenuWidth(theMenu) + 20 + 2;
         //itemBox.right = itemBox.left + (**theMenu).menuWidth + 2;
         itemBox.right = itemBox.left + GetMenuWidth(theMenu) + 2;
   else if (sa_popTable[i].itemWidth == -1) {  // Type-in Pop-Up Menu
      itemBox.right = itemBox.left + 20 + 2;
      drawStringFlag = 1;
      itemBox.right = itemBox.left + sa_popTable[i].itemWidth + 2;

   /* draw the box */
   if (TRUE) { // !sa_popTable[i].bStatic
     // if (theWorld.hasColorQD) RGBBackColor(&DefaultBack);
     if (ColorQDAvailable()) RGBBackColor(&DefaultBack);
      EraseRect( &itemBox );
     // if (theWorld.hasColorQD) RGBForeColor(&SaveFore);
     if (ColorQDAvailable())  RGBForeColor(&SaveFore);
	 // if (sa_popTable[i].bStatic) PenPat((ConstPatternParam)&qd.gray);
	  //if (sa_popTable[i].bStatic) PenPat((ConstPatternParam)&GRAY_BRUSH());
	  //if (sa_popTable[i].bStatic) PenPat((ConstPatternParam)&GRAY_BRUSH);
	  if (sa_popTable[i].bStatic) PenPatQDGlobalsGray();
      /* draw the shadow */
      MoveTo(itemBox.left + 3, itemBox.bottom);
      Line((itemBox.right - itemBox.left) - 3, 0);
      Line(0, -((itemBox.bottom - itemBox.top) - 2));
      EraseRect( &itemBox );

   /* draw the current item in the box */

  // if (theWorld.hasColorQD) RGBForeColor(&DefaultFore);
    if (ColorQDAvailable()) RGBForeColor(&DefaultFore);

   // Draw text if no Type-in Pop-Up
   if(drawStringFlag == 0){
      if (sa_popTable[i].drawProc != nil) {
         cellBox = itemBox;
         InsetRect(&cellBox, 1, 1);
         (* sa_popTable[i].drawProc) (theMenu,
                                                &cellBox,         // so the drawProc gets the same-size rect,
                                                                      // whether it's drawing in the menu or in the pop-box
                                                true,           // since we are indeed drawing a pop box item
      else {
         MoveTo(itemBox.left + 15, itemBox.top + 4 + (itemBox.bottom - itemBox.top)/2);
         GetMenuItemText(theMenu, sa_popTable[i].lastItemSelected, (unsigned char *)name);
         DrawString((unsigned char *)name);

   if (TRUE) { // !sa_popTable[i].bStatic
      /* cover the item in gray if the menu is disabled */
     // if (!((**theMenu).enableFlags & ENABLE_BIT)) {
	 	 Boolean menuIsEnabled = IsMenuItemEnabled(theMenu,0);
	 	 Boolean menuIsEnabled = (**theMenu).enableFlags & ENABLE_BIT;
      if (!menuIsEnabled) {
         //if (theWorld.hasColorQD) RGBForeColor(&DefaultBack);
         if (ColorQDAvailable()) RGBForeColor(&DefaultBack); 
         else ForeColor(whiteColor);
        // if (theWorld.hasColorQD) RGBForeColor(&DefaultFore);
         if (ColorQDAvailable()) RGBForeColor(&DefaultFore);
         else ForeColor(blackColor);

      /* draw the down arrow */
      itemBox.left = itemBox.right - 20;
      DrawArrow(&itemBox, kDown, sa_popTable[i].bStatic);

   //if (theWorld.hasColorQD) {
   if (ColorQDAvailable()) {
