bool cMenuSearchResultsForList::BuildList() { time_t now = time(NULL); int current = Current(); Clear(); eventObjects.Clear(); searchResults->SortBy(m_bSort? CompareEventTime: CompareEventChannel); for (cSearchResult* pResultObj = searchResults->First(); pResultObj; pResultObj = searchResults->Next(pResultObj)) { if (ignoreRunning && now > pResultObj->event->StartTime()) continue; Add(new cMenuSearchResultsItem(pResultObj->event, modeYellow == showEpisode, false, menuTemplate, pResultObj->search)); eventObjects.Add(pResultObj->event); } if (Count()) SetCurrent(Get(0)); SetHelpKeys(); SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); return true; }
// --- cMenuSearchMain --------------------------------------------------------- cMenuSearchMain::cMenuSearchMain(void) :cOsdMenu("", GetTab(1), GetTab(2), GetTab(3), GetTab(4), GetTab(5)) { #if VDRVERSNUM >= 10728 SetMenuCategory(mcSchedule); #endif helpKeys = -1; otherChannel = 0; toggleKeys = 0; shiftTime = 0; InWhatsOnMenu = false; InFavoritesMenu = false; cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(cDevice::CurrentChannel()); schedules = cSchedules::Schedules(schedulesLock); if (channel) { cMenuWhatsOnSearch::SetCurrentChannel(channel->Number()); if (EPGSearchConfig.StartMenu == 0 || forceMenu != 0) PrepareSchedule(channel); SetHelpKeys(); cMenuWhatsOnSearch::currentShowMode = showNow; // timeb tnow; //ftime(&tnow); //isyslog("duration epgs sched: %d", tnow.millitm - gl_time.millitm + ((tnow.millitm - gl_time.millitm<0)?1000:0)); } if ((EPGSearchConfig.StartMenu == 1 || forceMenu == 1) && forceMenu != 2) { InWhatsOnMenu = true; AddSubMenu(new cMenuWhatsOnSearch(schedules, cDevice::CurrentChannel())); } if (forceMenu == 3) ShowSummary(); }
cMenuEpgTimers::cMenuEpgTimers(void) :cOsdMenu(tr("Timers"), 2, CHNUMWIDTH, 10, 6, 6), SwitchTimersLock(&SwitchTimers) { if (strcmp(Skins.Current()->Name(), "Reel") == 0) #if APIVERSNUM < 10700 SetCols(3, 10, 6, 10, 6); #else #if REELVDR && APIVERSNUM >= 10718 SetCols(3, 12, 7, 6); #else SetCols(3, 12, 7, 12, 7); #endif /* REELVDR && APIVERSNUM >= 10718 */ #endif #if REELVDR && APIVERSNUM >= 10718 EnableSideNote(true); #endif helpKeys = -1; Set(); SetCurrent(First()); SetHelpKeys(); /* get timer state */ TimerState_=0; Timers.Modified(TimerState_); #ifdef USEMYSQL LastEventID_ = -1; LastEventID_ = Timers.GetLastEventID(); #endif }
bool cMenuSearchResultsForBlacklist::BuildList() { int current = Current(); time_t now = time(NULL); cSearchResults* pSearchResults = blacklist->Run(); Clear(); eventObjects.Clear(); if (pSearchResults) { pSearchResults->SortBy(m_bSort? CompareEventTime: CompareEventChannel); for (cSearchResult* pResultObj = pSearchResults->First(); pResultObj; pResultObj = pSearchResults->Next(pResultObj)) { if (ignoreRunning && now > pResultObj->event->StartTime()) continue; Add(new cMenuSearchResultsItem(pResultObj->event, modeYellow == showEpisode, false)); eventObjects.Add(pResultObj->event); } delete pSearchResults; } if (Count()) SetCurrent(Get(0)); SetHelpKeys(); cString szTitle = cString::sprintf("%d %s - %s", Count(), tr("Blacklist results"), blacklist->search); SetTitle(szTitle); SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); return true; }
eOSState cMenuSetupTimers::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { eOSState state = cMenuSetupSubMenu::ProcessKey(Key); const char* ItemText = Get(Current())->Text(); int iOnDefRecDir = 0; int iOnDefTimerCheck = 0; if (!HasSubMenu()) { if (strstr(ItemText, tr("Default recording dir")) == ItemText) iOnDefRecDir = 1; else if (strstr(ItemText, tr("Default timer check method")) == ItemText) iOnDefTimerCheck = 1; } SetHelpKeys(); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kBlue: if (!HasSubMenu()) { if (iOnDefRecDir == 1) state = AddSubMenu(new cMenuDirSelect(data->defrecdir)); if (iOnDefTimerCheck == 1) state = AddSubMenu(new cMenuDefTimerCheckMethod()); } break; case kOk: return osBack; default: break; } } return state; }
eOSState cMenuSetupMailNotification::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { int iTemp_MailUseAuth = data->MailUseAuth; int iTemp_sendMailOnSearchtimers = data->sendMailOnSearchtimers; int iTemp_mailViaScript = data->mailViaScript; const char* ItemText = Get(Current())->Text(); bool bAuthPassWasInEditMode = false; if (ItemText && strlen(ItemText) > 0 && strstr(ItemText, IndentMenuItem(tr("Auth password"))) == ItemText) bAuthPassWasInEditMode = InEditMode(ItemText, IndentMenuItem(tr("Auth password")), tmpMailAuthPass); eOSState state = cMenuSetupSubMenu::ProcessKey(Key); ItemText = Get(Current())->Text(); bool bAuthPassIsInEditMode = false; if (ItemText && strlen(ItemText) > 0 && strstr(ItemText, IndentMenuItem(tr("Auth password"))) == ItemText) bAuthPassIsInEditMode = InEditMode(ItemText, IndentMenuItem(tr("Auth password")), tmpMailAuthPass); if (bAuthPassWasInEditMode && !bAuthPassIsInEditMode) { strcpy(data->MailAuthPass, tmpMailAuthPass); string strHidden(strlen(data->MailAuthPass), '*'); strcpy(tmpMailAuthPass, strHidden.c_str()); Set(); Display(); } if (!bAuthPassWasInEditMode && bAuthPassIsInEditMode) { strcpy(tmpMailAuthPass, ""); Set(); Display(); state = cMenuSetupSubMenu::ProcessKey(Key); } if (iTemp_MailUseAuth != data->MailUseAuth || iTemp_mailViaScript != data->mailViaScript || iTemp_sendMailOnSearchtimers != data->sendMailOnSearchtimers) { Set(); Display(); } SetHelpKeys(); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kOk: return osBack; case kBlue: if (data->mailViaScript) return TestMailAccount(); else return osContinue; default: break; } } return state; }
eOSState cMenuSearchMain::Shift(int iMinutes) { shiftTime += iMinutes; cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(currentChannel); PrepareSchedule(channel); Display(); SetHelpKeys(); return osContinue; }
void cMenuSetupSearchtimers::Set() { int current = Current(); Clear(); helpTexts.clear(); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Use search timers"), &data->useSearchTimers, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$'Search timers' can be used to automatically create timers for events that match your search criterions.")); if (data->useSearchTimers) { Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Update interval [min]"), &data->UpdateIntervall, 1, 9999)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify here the time intervall to be used when searching for events in the background.")); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" SVDRP port"), &data->SVDRPPort, 1, 99999)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Programming of new timers or timer changes is done with SVDRP. The default value should be correct, so change it only if you know what you are doing.")); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(IndentMenuItem(trVDR("Setup.Recording$Default priority")), &data->DefPriority, 0, MAXPRIORITY)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify here the default priority of timers created with this plugin. This value can also be adjusted for each search itself.")); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(IndentMenuItem(trVDR("Setup.Recording$Default lifetime (d)")), &data->DefLifetime, 0, MAXLIFETIME)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify here the default lifetime of timers/recordings created with this plugin. This value can also be adjusted for each search itself.")); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(IndentMenuItem(trVDR("Setup.Recording$Margin at start (min)")), &data->DefMarginStart)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify here the default start recording margin of timers/recordings created with this plugin. This value can also be adjusted for each search itself.")); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(IndentMenuItem(trVDR("Setup.Recording$Margin at stop (min)")), &data->DefMarginStop)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify here the default stop recording margin of timers/recordings created with this plugin. This value can also be adjusted for each search itself.")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("No announcements when replaying")), &data->noAnnounceWhileReplay, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Set this to 'yes' if you don't like to get any announcements of broadcasts if you currently replay anything.")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("Recreate timers after deletion")), &data->TimerProgRepeat, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Set this to 'yes' if you want timers to be recreated with the next search timer update after deleting them.")); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("Check if EPG exists for ... [h]")), &data->checkEPGHours, 0, 999)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify how many hours of future EPG there should be and get warned else after a search timer update.")); if (data->checkEPGHours > 0) { Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("Warn by OSD"),2), &data->checkEPGWarnByOSD, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Set this to 'yes' if you want get warnings from the EPG check via OSD.")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("Warn by mail"),2), &data->checkEPGWarnByMail, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Set this to 'yes' if you want get warnings from the EPG check by mail.")); // create the char array for the menu display if (menuitemsChGr) delete [] menuitemsChGr; menuitemsChGr = ChannelGroups.CreateMenuitemsList(); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("Channel group to check"),2), &data->checkEPGchannelGroupNr, ChannelGroups.Count()+1, menuitemsChGr)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify the channel group to check.")); } } Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Ignore PayTV channels"), &data->ignorePayTV, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Set this to 'yes' if don't want to see events on PayTV channels when searching for repeats.")); Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Search templates"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Here you can setup templates for your searches.")); Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Blacklists"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Here you can setup blacklists which can be used within a search to exclude events you don't like.")); Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Channel groups"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Here you can setup channel groups which can be used within a search. These are different to VDR channel groups and represent a set of arbitrary channels, e.g. 'FreeTV'.")); SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); SetHelpKeys(); }
void cMenuSetupMailNotification::Set() { int current = Current(); Clear(); helpTexts.clear(); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Search timer notification"), &data->sendMailOnSearchtimers, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Set this to 'yes' if you want to get an email notification about the search timers that where programmed automatically in the background.")); if (data->sendMailOnSearchtimers) { Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("Time between mails [h]")), &data->sendMailOnSearchtimerHours, 0, 999999, "")); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specifiy how much time in [h] you would\nlike to have atleast between two mails.\nWith '0' you get a new mail after each\nsearch timer update with new results.")); } Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Timer conflict notification"), &data->sendMailOnConflicts, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Set this to 'yes' if you want to get an email notification about the timer conflicts.")); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem(tr("Send to"), data->MailAddressTo, sizeof(data->MailAddressTo), MailBoxChars)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify the email address where notifications should be sent to.")); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Mail method"), &data->mailViaScript, 2, MailMethod)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify here the method to use when sending mails.\nYou can choose between\n - 'sendmail': requires a properly configured email system\n - '': simple script for mail delivery")); if (data->mailViaScript) { cOsdItem* sep = new cOsdItem(tr("--- Email account ---")); sep->SetSelectable(false); Add(sep); AddHelp(" dummy"); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem(tr("Email address"), data->MailAddress, sizeof(data->MailAddress), MailBoxChars)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify the email address where notifications should be sent from.")); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem(tr("SMTP server"), data->MailServer, sizeof(data->MailServer), HostNameChars)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify the SMTP server that should deliver the notifications. If it's using a port different from the default(25) append the port with \":port\".")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Use SMTP authentication"), &data->MailUseAuth, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Set this to 'yes' if your account needs authentication to send mails.")); if (data->MailUseAuth) { Add(new cMenuEditStrItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("Auth user")), data->MailAuthUser, sizeof(data->MailAuthUser), UserNameChars)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify the auth user, if this account needs authentication for SMTP.")); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("Auth password")), tmpMailAuthPass, sizeof(tmpMailAuthPass), PasswordChars)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify the auth password, if this account needs authentication for SMTP.")); } } SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); SetHelpKeys(); }
eOSState cMenuSetupSearchtimers::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { int iTemp_useSearchTimers = data->useSearchTimers; int iTemp_checkEPGHours = data->checkEPGHours; int iOnSearchTemplates = 0; int iOnBlacklists = 0; int iOnChannelGroups = 0; eOSState state = cMenuSetupSubMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (iTemp_useSearchTimers != data->useSearchTimers || iTemp_checkEPGHours != data->checkEPGHours) { Set(); Display(); } const char* ItemText = Get(Current())->Text(); if (!HasSubMenu()) { if (strstr(ItemText, tr("Search templates")) == ItemText) iOnSearchTemplates = 1; else if (strstr(ItemText, tr("Blacklists")) == ItemText) iOnBlacklists = 1; if (strstr(ItemText, tr("Channel groups")) == ItemText) iOnChannelGroups = 1; } SetHelpKeys(); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kBlue: if (!HasSubMenu()) { if (iOnSearchTemplates == 1) state = AddSubMenu(new cMenuEPGSearchTemplate(NULL, NULL, false)); else if (iOnBlacklists == 1) state = AddSubMenu(new cMenuBlacklists); else if (iOnChannelGroups == 1) state = AddSubMenu(new cMenuChannelGroups); } break; case kOk: return osBack; default: break; } } return state; }
void cMenuSetupEPGMenus::Set() { int current = Current(); Clear(); helpTexts.clear(); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem( tr("Ok key"), &data->useOkForSwitch, 2, OkKeyMode)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Choose here the behaviour of key 'Ok'. You can use it to display the summary or to switch to the corresponding channel.\nNote: the functionality of key 'blue' (Switch/Info/Search) depends on this setting.")); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Red key"), &data->redkeymode, 2, RedKeyMode)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Choose which standard function ('Record' or 'Commands') you like to have on the red key.\n(Can be toggled with key '0')")); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Blue key"), &data->bluekeymode, 2, BlueKeyMode)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Choose which standard function ('Switch'/'Info' or 'Search') you like to have on the blue key.\n(Can be toggled with key '0')")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Show progress in 'Now'"), &data->showProgress, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Shows a progressbar in 'Overview - Now' that informs about the remaining time of the current event.")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Show channel numbers"), &data->showChannelNr, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Display channel numbers in 'Overview - Now'.\n\n(To completely define your own menu look please inspect the MANUAL)")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Show channel separators"), &data->showChannelGroups, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Display VDR channel groups as separators between your channels in 'Overview - Now'.")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Show day separators"), &data->showDaySeparators, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Display a separator line at day break in 'Schedule'.")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Show radio channels"), &data->showRadioChannels, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Show also radio channels.")); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Limit channels from 1 to"), &data->maxChannelMenuNow, 0, 9999)); AddHelp(tr("Help$If you have a large channel set you can speed up things when you limit the displayed channels with this setting. Use '0' to disable the limit.")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("'One press' timer creation"), &data->onePressTimerCreation, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$When a timer is created with 'Record' you can choose between an immediate creation of the timer or the display of the timer edit menu.")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Show channels without EPG"), &data->showEmptyChannels, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Choose 'yes' here if you want to display channels without EPG in 'Overview - Now'. 'Ok' on these entries switches the channel.")); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr("Time interval for FRew/FFwd [min]"), &data->timeShiftValue, 1, 9999)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Choose here the time interval which should be used for jumping through the EPG by pressing FRew/FFwd.\n\n(If you don't have those keys, you can toggle to this functionality pressing '0' and get '<<' and '>>' on the keys green and yellow)")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Toggle Green/Yellow"), &data->toggleGreenYellow, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify if green and yellow shall also be switched when pressing '0'.")); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem( tr("Show favorites menu"), &data->showFavoritesMenu, 4, FavoritesMenuMode)); AddHelp(tr("Help$A favorites menu can display a list of your favorite broadcasts. Enable this if you want an additional menu besides 'Now' and 'Next'\nAny search can be used as a favorite. You only have to set the option 'Use in favorites menu' when editing a search.")); if (data->showFavoritesMenu) { Add(new cMenuEditIntItem( IndentMenuItem(tr("for the next ... hours")), &data->FavoritesMenuTimespan, 1, 9999)); AddHelp(tr("Help$This value controls the timespan used to display your favorites.")); } SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); SetHelpKeys(); }
void cMenuSetupTimers::Set() { int current = Current(); Clear(); helpTexts.clear(); //Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Use VDR's timer edit menu"), &data->useVDRTimerEditMenu, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); //AddHelp(tr("Help$This plugin has it's own timer edit menu extending the original one with some extra functionality like\n- an addtional directory entry\n- user-defined days of week for repeating timers\n- adding an episode name\n- support for EPG variables (see MANUAL)")); Add(new cMenuEditStrItem(tr("Default recording dir"), data->defrecdir, sizeof(data->defrecdir))); AddHelp(tr("Help$When creating a timer you can specify here a default recording directory.")); Add(new cMenuEditStraItem(tr("Add episode to manual timers"), &data->addSubtitleToTimer, 3, AddSubtitleMode)); AddHelp(tr("Help$If you create a timer for a series, you can automatically add the episode name.\n\n- never: no addition\n- always: always add episode name if present\n- smart: add only if event lasts less than 80 mins.")); //Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Default timer check method"))); //AddHelp(tr("Help$Manual timers can be checked for EPG changes. Here you can setup the default check method for each channel. Choose between\n\n- no checking\n- by event ID: checks by an event ID supplied by the channel provider.\n- by channel and time: check by the duration match.")); SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); SetHelpKeys(); }
bool cMenuSearchResultsForSearch::BuildList() { bool hasResults = false; int current = Current(); Clear(); time_t now = time(NULL); cSearchResults* pSearchResults = searchExt->Run(modeBlue == showNoPayTV?1:0, false, 0, NULL, modeBlue != showTimerPreview); Clear(); eventObjects.Clear(); if (pSearchResults) { pSearchResults->SortBy(m_bSort? CompareEventTime: CompareEventChannel); for (cSearchResult* pResultObj = pSearchResults->First(); pResultObj; pResultObj = pSearchResults->Next(pResultObj)) { if (ignoreRunning && now > pResultObj->event->StartTime()) continue; if (!(searchExt->useAsSearchTimer && searchExt->avoidRepeats && modeBlue == showTimerPreview)) pResultObj->needsTimer = false; hasResults = true; Add(new cMenuSearchResultsItem(pResultObj->event, modeYellow == showEpisode, pResultObj->needsTimer, menuTemplate)); eventObjects.Add(pResultObj->event); } delete pSearchResults; } if (Count()) SetCurrent(Get(0)); SetHelpKeys(true); cString szTitle = cString::sprintf("%d %s - %s", Count(), tr("Search results"), searchExt->search); SetTitle(szTitle); SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); return hasResults; }
void cMenuSetupSearchtimers::Set() { int current = Current(); Clear(); helpTexts.clear(); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(tr("Use search timers"), &data->useSearchTimers, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$'Search timers' can be used to automatically create timers for events that match your search criterions.")); if (data->useSearchTimers) { Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(tr(" Update interval [min]"), &data->UpdateIntervall, 1, 9999)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify here the time intervall to be used when searching for events in the background.")); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify here the default lifetime of timers/recordings created with this plugin. This value can also be adjusted for each search itself.")); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("Setup.Recording$Time Buffer at Start (min)")), &data->DefMarginStart)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify here the default start recording margin of timers/recordings created with this plugin. This value can also be adjusted for each search itself.")); Add(new cMenuEditIntItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("Setup.Recording$Time Buffer at End (min)")), &data->DefMarginStop)); AddHelp(tr("Help$Specify here the default stop recording margin of timers/recordings created with this plugin. This value can also be adjusted for each search itself.")); Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("No announcements when replaying")), &data->noAnnounceWhileReplay, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Set this to 'yes' if you don't like to get any announcements of broadcasts if you currently replay anything.")); #ifdef REELVDR Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("Show pip on announcements")), &data->showPipOnAnnounce, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Set this to 'yes' if you want to show up the pip window with the announced channel.")); #endif Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem(IndentMenuItem(tr("Recreate timers after deletion")), &data->TimerProgRepeat, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Set this to 'yes' if you want timers to be recreated with the next search timer update after deleting them.")); } Add(new cMenuEditBoolItem( tr("Without PayTV channels"), &data->ignorePayTV, trVDR("no"), trVDR("yes"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Set this to 'yes' if don't want to see events on PayTV channels when searching for repeats.")); Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Search templates"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Here you can setup templates for your searches.")); Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Blacklists"))); AddHelp(tr("Help$Here you can setup blacklists which can be used within a search to exclude events you don't like.")); // Add(new cOsdItem(tr("Channel groups"))); // AddHelp(tr("Help$Here you can setup channel groups which can be used within a search. These are different to VDR channel groups and represent a set of arbitrary channels, e.g. 'FreeTV'.")); SetCurrent(Get(current)); Display(); SetHelpKeys(); }
eOSState cMenuEpgTimers::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { //int TimerNumber = HasSubMenu() ? Count() : -1; eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); #if REELVDR && APIVERSNUM >= 10718 if (Key != kNone && state != osUnknown) ShowEventDetailsInSideNote(); #endif if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { /// Löschen | Neu | Ein/Aus | (frei) | Info case kOk: Timers.Count() ? state = Edit() : state = New(); break; case kRed: state = Delete(); break; // must go through SetHelpKeys()! case kGreen: return New(); break; case kYellow: state = OnOff(); break; case kBlue: return osContinue; break; case kInfo: return Info(); break; default: break; } } /* redraw osd *ONLY* if Timers were modified and it is not a submenu, not with everykey stroke! */ #if 0 #ifdef USEMYSQL if (!HasSubMenu() && (Timers.Modified(TimerState_) || (Timers.GetLastEventID() != LastEventID_))) #else if (!HasSubMenu() && (Timers.Modified(TimerState_) || (lastSet != time(0)))) #endif #else // We want to see changes in timers flag so we need to poll... if (!HasSubMenu() && (lastSet != time(0))) #endif { Set(); SetHelpKeys(); Display(); #ifdef USEMYSQL LastEventID_ = Timers.GetLastEventID(); #endif } else if (!HasSubMenu()) switch(Key) // update the info buttons { default: break; case kUp: case kUp|k_Repeat: case kDown: case kDown|k_Repeat: case kRight: case kRight|k_Repeat: case kLeft: case kLeft|k_Repeat: //activity of current timer may have chanched helpKeys = -1; SetHelpKeys(); break; } /* if (TimerNumber != -1 && TimerNumber != Timers.Count()) { Set(); SetHelpKeys(); Display(); } else if (Key != kNone && !HasSubMenu()) { Set(); SetHelpKeys(); //Display(); } */ return state; }
eOSState cMenuSearchResults::Record(void) { UpdateCurrent(); cMenuSearchResultsItem *item = (cMenuSearchResultsItem *)Get(Current()); if (item) { if (item->timerMatch == tmFull) { eTimerMatch tm = tmNone; cTimer *timer = Timers.GetMatch(item->event, &tm); if (timer) { if (EPGSearchConfig.useVDRTimerEditMenu) return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditTimer(timer)); else return AddSubMenu(new cMenuMyEditTimer(timer, false, item->event)); } } cTimer *timer = new cTimer(item->event); PrepareTimerFile(item->event, timer); cTimer *t = Timers.GetTimer(timer); if (EPGSearchConfig.onePressTimerCreation == 0 || t || !item->event || (!t && item->event && item->event->StartTime() - (Setup.MarginStart+2) * 60 < time(NULL))) { if (t) { delete timer; timer = t; } if (EPGSearchConfig.useVDRTimerEditMenu) return AddSubMenu(new cMenuEditTimer(timer, !t)); else return AddSubMenu(new cMenuMyEditTimer(timer, !t, item->event)); } else { string fullaux = ""; string aux = ""; if (item->event) { const cEvent* event = item->event; int bstart = event->StartTime() - timer->StartTime(); int bstop = timer->StopTime() - event->EndTime(); int checkmode = DefTimerCheckModes.GetMode(timer->Channel()); aux = UpdateAuxValue(aux, "channel", NumToString(timer->Channel()->Number()) + " - " + CHANNELNAME(timer->Channel())); aux = UpdateAuxValue(aux, "update", checkmode); aux = UpdateAuxValue(aux, "eventid", event->EventID()); aux = UpdateAuxValue(aux, "bstart", bstart); aux = UpdateAuxValue(aux, "bstop", bstop); fullaux = UpdateAuxValue(fullaux, "epgsearch", aux); } #ifdef USE_PINPLUGIN aux = ""; aux = UpdateAuxValue(aux, "protected", timer->FskProtection() ? "yes" : "no"); fullaux = UpdateAuxValue(fullaux, "pin-plugin", aux); #endif SetAux(timer, fullaux); Timers.Add(timer); gl_timerStatusMonitor->SetConflictCheckAdvised(); timer->Matches(); Timers.SetModified(); LogFile.iSysLog("timer %s added (active)", *timer->ToDescr()); if (HasSubMenu()) CloseSubMenu(); if (Update()) Display(); SetHelpKeys(); } } return osContinue; }
eOSState cMenuSearchMain::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { bool HadSubMenu = HasSubMenu(); eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (exitToMainMenu == 1) { exitToMainMenu = 0; return osBack; } if (!HasSubMenu() && HadSubMenu) UpdateCurrent(); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case kFastRew: if (HasSubMenu() && !InWhatsOnMenu && !InFavoritesMenu) { /* if (Count()) { CursorUp(); return ShowSummary(); } */ } else return Shift(-EPGSearchConfig.timeShiftValue); case kFastFwd: if (HasSubMenu() && !InWhatsOnMenu && !InFavoritesMenu) { /* if (Count()) { CursorDown(); return ShowSummary(); } */ } else return Shift(EPGSearchConfig.timeShiftValue); case kRecord: case kRed: if(HasSubMenu()) { UpdateCurrent(); state = Record(); break; } if (Count()) { if (EPGSearchConfig.redkeymode==toggleKeys) state = Record(); else { cMenuMyScheduleItem *mi = (cMenuMyScheduleItem *)Get(Current()); if (mi) { if (mi->event) { return AddSubMenu(new cMenuSearchCommands(tr("EPG Commands"),mi->event)); } } } } break; case k0: if(!HasSubMenu()) { toggleKeys = 1 - toggleKeys; SetHelpKeys(true); } state = osContinue; break; case k1...k9: if (!HasSubMenu()) return Commands(Key); else state = osContinue; break; case kGreen: if (schedules) { if (HasSubMenu() && !InWhatsOnMenu && !InFavoritesMenu) { if (Count()) { // CursorUp(); // return ShowSummary(); } } else if (toggleKeys == 0 || (toggleKeys == 1 && EPGSearchConfig.toggleGreenYellow == 0)) { int ChannelNr = cDevice::CurrentChannel(); if (Count()) { cMenuMyScheduleItem* Item = (cMenuMyScheduleItem *)Get(Current()); if (Item && Item->event) { cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByChannelID(Item->event->ChannelID(), true, true); if (channel) ChannelNr = channel->Number(); } } if (cMenuWhatsOnSearch::currentShowMode == showFavorites) { InFavoritesMenu = true; return AddSubMenu(new cMenuFavorites()); } else { InWhatsOnMenu = true; return AddSubMenu(new cMenuWhatsOnSearch(schedules, ChannelNr)); } } else { cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(currentChannel-1,-1); if (channel) { PrepareSchedule(channel); if (channel->Number() != cDevice::CurrentChannel()) { otherChannel = channel->Number(); } Display(); } SetHelpKeys(true); return osContinue; } } case kYellow: if (schedules) { if (HasSubMenu()) { if (Count()) { // CursorDown(); // return ShowSummary(); } } else if (toggleKeys == 0 || (toggleKeys == 1 && EPGSearchConfig.toggleGreenYellow == 0)) { cMenuWhatsOnSearch::currentShowMode = showNext; InWhatsOnMenu = true; return AddSubMenu(new cMenuWhatsOnSearch(schedules, cMenuWhatsOnSearch::CurrentChannel())); } else { cChannel *channel = Channels.GetByNumber(currentChannel+1,1); if (channel) { PrepareSchedule(channel); if (channel->Number() != cDevice::CurrentChannel()) { otherChannel = channel->Number(); } Display(); } SetHelpKeys(true); return osContinue; } } break; case kBlue: if (HasSubMenu()) { UpdateCurrent(); return Switch(); } if (EPGSearchConfig.bluekeymode==toggleKeys) return Switch(); else return ExtendedSearch(); break; case kInfo: case kOk: if (Count()) return ShowSummary(); break; default: break; } } if (!HasSubMenu()) { cChannel *ch = cMenuWhatsOnSearch::ScheduleChannel(); InWhatsOnMenu = false; InFavoritesMenu = false; if (ch) { // when switch from the other menus to the schedule, try to keep the same time if (cMenuWhatsOnSearch::shiftTime) { time_t diff = cMenuWhatsOnSearch::seekTime - time(NULL); shiftTime = (diff + (diff>0?30:-30)) / 60 ; } else shiftTime = 0; PrepareSchedule(ch); if (ch->Number() != cDevice::CurrentChannel()) { otherChannel = ch->Number(); } Display(); } else if ((HadSubMenu || gl_TimerProgged) && Update()) { if (gl_TimerProgged) // when using epgsearch's timer edit menu, update is delayed because of SVDRP { gl_TimerProgged = 0; SetHelpKeys(); } Display(); } if (Key != kNone) SetHelpKeys(); if (gl_InfoConflict) { gl_InfoConflict = 0; if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Timer conflict! Show?"))) return AddSubMenu(new cMenuConflictCheck()); } } return state; }
eOSState cMenuSearchResults::ProcessKey(eKeys Key) { bool HadSubMenu = HasSubMenu(); eOSState state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); if (!HasSubMenu() && HadSubMenu) // navigation in summary could have changed current item, so update it UpdateCurrent(); if (state == osUnknown) { switch (Key) { case k0: if(!HasSubMenu()) { toggleKeys = 1 - toggleKeys; SetHelpKeys(true); } state = osContinue; break; case kGreen: state = OnGreen(); break; case kYellow: state = OnYellow(); break; case kOk: case kInfo: if(HasSubMenu()) { state = cOsdMenu::ProcessKey(Key); break; } if (Count()) state = ShowSummary(); else state = osBack; break; default: break; } } if (!HasSubMenu()) { if ((HadSubMenu || gl_TimerProgged) && Update()) { if (gl_TimerProgged) // when using epgsearch's timer edit menu, update is delayed because of SVDRP { gl_TimerProgged = 0; SetHelpKeys(); } Display(); } if (Key != kNone) SetHelpKeys(); if (gl_InfoConflict) { gl_InfoConflict = 0; if (Interface->Confirm(tr("Timer conflict! Show?"))) state = AddSubMenu(new cMenuConflictCheck()); } } return state; }