//Backdrop headup display graphics - instrument panels & crosshairs void DrawHUD() { //Black out side panels SetLineWidth(5); int i, j; for (i=0; i<8; i++) for (j=0; j<8; j++) { Plot(i*5,j*5,BLACK); Plot(120+i*5,j*5,BLACK); } SetLineWidth(1); //Some concentric circles DrawCircle(arrowX, arrowY, 19, RED); DrawCircle(radarX, radarY, 19, GREEN); //Crosshairs Color crosshair; if (LineHitsObject(cameraPos, cameraAngle) == tankObjectIndex) { crosshair = RED; } else { crosshair = WHITE; } DrawLine(80, 40, 80, 80, crosshair); DrawLine(60, 60, 100, 60, crosshair); DrawCircle(80, 60, 10, crosshair); //lives for (i = 0; i< lives; i++) DrawImage(tankImage, 45 + i * 25, 6, WHITE); //score SetTextColor(YELLOW); DrawText(45, 15, "%d", score); }
static void SetScreenMode (id0_int_t mode) { switch (mode) { case 1: BE_ST_SetScreenMode(3); SetLineWidth(80); break; case 3: BE_ST_SetScreenMode(0xd); SetLineWidth(40); break; } }
void avtContourPlot::SetAtts(const AttributeGroup *a) { needsRecalculation = atts.ChangesRequireRecalculation(*(const ContourAttributes*)a); atts = *(const ContourAttributes*)a; if (atts.GetContourMethod() == ContourAttributes::Level) { numLevels = atts.GetContourNLevels(); } else if (atts.GetContourMethod() == ContourAttributes::Value) { numLevels = (int)atts.GetContourValue().size(); } else { numLevels = (int)atts.GetContourPercent().size(); } SetColors(); SetLineWidth(atts.GetLineWidth()); SetLineStyle(atts.GetLineStyle()); SetLegend(atts.GetLegendFlag()); if (atts.GetWireframe()) { behavior->SetAntialiasedRenderOrder(ABSOLUTELY_LAST); levelsMapper->SetSpecularIsInappropriate(true); } else { behavior->SetAntialiasedRenderOrder(DOES_NOT_MATTER); levelsMapper->SetSpecularIsInappropriate(false); } }
BOOL CDRFilter::AddAttributesToArrowheadPath(NodePath *P, DocColour *Col, INT32 LineWidth, LineCapType Cap, JointType Join) { if(P->InkPath.IsFilled) { // it's a filled path, so it need to be filled with the colour and have no line // colour SetPathFilled(TRUE); if(!SetLineColour(DocColour(COLOUR_TRANS)) || !SetFillColour(*Col)) return FALSE; } else { // it's not a filled colour, so don't fill it and stroke it with the line width and colour if(!SetLineColour(*Col) || !SetLineWidth(LineWidth) || !SetLineCap(Cap) || !SetJoinType(Join)) return FALSE; } // apply the attributes to the object // If not filled, then set the ignore bit on the fill attribute. // if (P->InkPath.IsFilled == FALSE) // CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = TRUE; // else CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = FALSE; // Add attributes to the path, if they are different from the default... BOOL Result = AttributeManager::ApplyBasedOnDefaults(P, CurrentAttrs); // DeleteCurrentAttrs(); // SetUpCurrentAttrs(); // Enable the fill attribute again CurrentAttrs[ATTR_FILLGEOMETRY].Ignore = FALSE; return Result; }
void graph() { //Draw a simple graph // To see the output of this macro, click begin_html <a href="gif/graph.gif">here</a>. end_html //Author: Rene Brun TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","A Simple Graph Example",200,10,700,500); c1->SetFillColor(42); c1->SetGrid(); const Int_t n = 20; Double_t x[n], y[n]; for (Int_t i=0;i<n;i++) { x[i] = i*0.1; y[i] = 10*sin(x[i]+0.2); printf(" i %i %f %f \n",i,x[i],y[i]); } auto gr = new TGraph(n,x,y); gr->SetLineColor(2); gr->SetLineWidth(4); gr->SetMarkerColor(4); gr->SetMarkerStyle(21); gr->SetTitle("a simple graph"); gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X title"); gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y title"); gr->Draw("ACP"); // TCanvas::Update() draws the frame, after which one can change it c1->Update(); c1->GetFrame()->SetFillColor(21); c1->GetFrame()->SetBorderSize(12); c1->Modified(); }
void avtCurvePlot::SetAtts(const AttributeGroup *a) { needsRecalculation = atts.ChangesRequireRecalculation(*(const CurveAttributes*)a); atts = *(const CurveAttributes*)a; double rgba[4]; atts.GetCurveColor().GetRgba(rgba); curveLegend->SetColor(rgba); if (atts.GetShowLegend()) { curveLegend->LegendOn(); } else { curveLegend->LegendOff(); } SetLineWidth(atts.GetLineWidth()); SetLineStyle(atts.GetLineStyle()); decoMapper->SetLabelColor(rgba); decoMapper->SetLabelVisibility(atts.GetShowLabels()); renderer->SetAtts(atts); behavior->GetInfo().GetAttributes().SetWindowMode(WINMODE_CURVE); }
// Colored table void FancyTable(wxArrayString& header, wxArrayPtrVoid& data) { // Colors, line width and bold font SetFillColour(wxColour(255,0,0)); SetTextColour(255); SetDrawColour(wxColour(128,0,0)); SetLineWidth(.3); SetFont(wxS(""),wxS("B")); //Header double w[4] = {40,35,40,45}; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < header.GetCount(); i++) { Cell(w[i],7,header[i],wxPDF_BORDER_FRAME, 0, wxPDF_ALIGN_CENTER, 1); } Ln(); // Color and font restoration SetFillColour(wxColour(224,235,255)); SetTextColour(0); SetFont(wxS("")); // Data int fill = 0; size_t j; for (j = 0; j < data.GetCount(); j++) { wxArrayString* row = (wxArrayString*) data[j]; Cell(w[0],6,(*row)[0],wxPDF_BORDER_LEFT | wxPDF_BORDER_RIGHT,0,wxPDF_ALIGN_LEFT,fill); Cell(w[1],6,(*row)[1],wxPDF_BORDER_LEFT | wxPDF_BORDER_RIGHT,0,wxPDF_ALIGN_LEFT,fill); Cell(w[2],6,(*row)[2],wxPDF_BORDER_LEFT | wxPDF_BORDER_RIGHT,0,wxPDF_ALIGN_RIGHT,fill); Cell(w[3],6,(*row)[3],wxPDF_BORDER_LEFT | wxPDF_BORDER_RIGHT,0,wxPDF_ALIGN_RIGHT,fill); Ln(); fill = 1 - fill; } Cell((w[0]+w[1]+w[2]+w[3]),0,wxS(""),wxPDF_BORDER_TOP); }
//Setup void Start() { OpenFileSystem(); OpenGraphics(); SetLineWidth(1); //needed otherwise we draw huge thick points! //Register bitmaps OpenImageRegister(); logoImage = RegisterImage(_binary_Images_battle_bmp_start,_binary_Images_battle_bmp_end - _binary_Images_battle_bmp_start); signatureImage = RegisterImage(_binary_Images_rorschach_bmp_start,_binary_Images_rorschach_bmp_end - _binary_Images_rorschach_bmp_start); tankImage = RegisterImage(_binary_Images_tank_bmp_start,_binary_Images_tank_bmp_end - _binary_Images_tank_bmp_start); CloseImageRegister(); sweepStepCount=0; ResetTimer(); arrowRefAngle=0; sweepAngle = 2 * PI / SWEEPSTEPS; arrowX=20; arrowY=20; radarX=140; radarY=20; sweepArm.x=140; sweepArm.y=20; oldKeystate=0; refreshCount=0; //Load calibration data, if any exists rotateSleep = ROTATESLEEP; LoadCalibration(); Splash(); }
void MuReco( ) { TCut CPdg = "_tracks_Pdg==13||_tracks_Pdg==211"; TFile *inFileMC; //gStyle->SetOptStat(0); inFileMC = new TFile("ERAnaOneToOneMuReco.root"); inFileMC->cd(); TTree* _algoMuMC_tree = (TTree*)(inFileMC->Get("_ana1to1_tree")); TCanvas *C1 = new TCanvas("C1","C1",600,600); C1->cd(); auto cut2 = new TH1D("cut2","Muon deposited Energy; E_{#mu} [MeV];Count",20,0,800); _algoMuMC_tree->Draw("_tracks_DepEnFromLength>>cut2",CPdg,""); cut2->SetLineWidth(3); cut2->SetLineColor(kRed); cut2->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); C1->SaveAs("MuRecoEn.png"); // TFile *inFileReco; // inFileReco = new TFile("ERAnaOneToOneMuMC.root"); // inFileReco->cd(); // TTree* _algoMuReco_tree = (TTree*)(inFileReco->Get("_ProtonSel_tree")); }
bool wxGISDisplay::CheckDrawAsPoint(const OGREnvelope &Envelope, double dfLineWidth, bool bIsRing, double dOffsetX, double dOffsetY, bool bCheckEnvelope) { OGREnvelope TestEnv; TestEnv = Envelope; if(!IsDoubleEquil(m_dAngleRad, 0.0)) { RotateEnvelope(TestEnv, -m_dAngleRad, m_dRotatedBoundsCenterX, m_dRotatedBoundsCenterY); } if(bCheckEnvelope && !m_CurrentBoundsRotated.Intersects(TestEnv)) return true; double EnvWidth = Envelope.MaxX - Envelope.MinX; double EnvHeight = Envelope.MaxY - Envelope.MinY; World2DCDist(&EnvWidth, &EnvHeight); double dfR = (fabs(EnvWidth) + fabs(EnvHeight)) * .5; if (dfR <= MINPOLYDRAWAREA) { if(bIsRing) { SetLineWidth( dfLineWidth + dfLineWidth ); } else { SetLineWidth( dfLineWidth ); } if (dfR >= MINPOLYAREA) { wxCriticalSectionLocker locker(m_CritSect); cairo_move_to(m_saLayerCaches[m_nCurrentLayer].pCairoContext, Envelope.MinX + dOffsetX, Envelope.MinY + dOffsetY); cairo_line_to(m_saLayerCaches[m_nCurrentLayer].pCairoContext, Envelope.MaxX + dOffsetX, Envelope.MaxY + dOffsetY); } else { DrawPointFast(Envelope.MinX, Envelope.MinY, dOffsetX, dOffsetY); } SetLineCap(CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND); return true; } return false; }
nuiOutliner::nuiOutliner(nuiPathGenerator* pPath, float linewidth) { mpPath = pPath; SetLineWidth(linewidth); mLineJoin = nuiLineJoinBevel; mLineCap = nuiLineCapBut; mMiterLimit = 0.5; }
//Draw radar dots on HUD void DrawRadarDots(bool clear) { int i; int x, y; Point3d transformed; SetLineWidth(3); //only the tank is largest for(i=1; i<=world.numObjects; i++) { transformed=TransformPoint(world.objects[i].centre, cameraPos, cameraAngle); if (i==2) //rest of objects a little smaller SetLineWidth(2); //draw transformed point on radar x = (int)(transformed.x / 200.0 * 20.0); y = (int)(transformed.z / 200.0 * 20.0); if (qsqrt(x * x + y * y) < 20) { //if within circle Plot(x + radarX, radarY - y, (clear ? BLACK : world.objects[i].colour)); } } SetLineWidth(1); }
void MultiCurveAttributes::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("MultiCurveAttributes"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; if((node = searchNode->GetNode("defaultPalette")) != 0) defaultPalette.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("changedColors")) != 0) SetChangedColors(node->AsUnsignedCharVector()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("colorType")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetColorType(ColoringMethod(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { ColoringMethod value; if(ColoringMethod_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetColorType(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("singleColor")) != 0) singleColor.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("multiColor")) != 0) multiColor.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineStyle")) != 0) SetLineStyle(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineWidth")) != 0) SetLineWidth(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("yAxisTitleFormat")) != 0) SetYAxisTitleFormat(node->AsString()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("useYAxisTickSpacing")) != 0) SetUseYAxisTickSpacing(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("yAxisTickSpacing")) != 0) SetYAxisTickSpacing(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("displayMarkers")) != 0) SetDisplayMarkers(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("markerVariable")) != 0) SetMarkerVariable(node->AsString()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("displayIds")) != 0) SetDisplayIds(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("idVariable")) != 0) SetIdVariable(node->AsString()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("legendFlag")) != 0) SetLegendFlag(node->AsBool()); }
mitk::Material::Material( ) { InitializeStandardValues(); SetColor( GetColor() ); SetColorCoefficient( GetColorCoefficient() ); SetSpecularColor( GetSpecularColor() ); SetSpecularCoefficient( GetSpecularCoefficient() ); SetSpecularPower( GetSpecularPower() ); SetOpacity( GetOpacity() ); SetInterpolation( GetInterpolation() ); SetRepresentation( GetRepresentation() ); SetLineWidth( GetLineWidth() ); }
mitk::Material::Material( mitk::Material::Color color, vtkFloatingPointType colorCoefficient, vtkFloatingPointType specularCoefficient, vtkFloatingPointType specularPower, vtkFloatingPointType opacity ) { InitializeStandardValues(); SetColor( color ); SetColorCoefficient( colorCoefficient ); SetSpecularColor( GetSpecularColor() ); SetSpecularCoefficient( specularCoefficient ); SetSpecularPower( specularPower ); SetOpacity( opacity ); SetInterpolation( GetInterpolation() ); SetRepresentation( GetRepresentation() ); SetLineWidth( GetLineWidth() ); }
mitk::Material::Material( vtkFloatingPointType red, vtkFloatingPointType green, vtkFloatingPointType blue, vtkFloatingPointType opacity ) { InitializeStandardValues(); SetColor( red, green, blue ); SetColorCoefficient( GetColorCoefficient() ); SetSpecularColor( GetSpecularColor() ); SetSpecularCoefficient( GetSpecularCoefficient() ); SetSpecularPower( GetSpecularPower() ); SetOpacity( opacity ); SetInterpolation( GetInterpolation() ); SetRepresentation( GetRepresentation() ); SetLineWidth( GetLineWidth() ); m_Name = ""; }
void SimpleHistogram() { // Create a histogram with 64 bins and an x axis ranging from 0 to 16 auto h = new TH1F("myPyHisto", "Productivity;C++ Knowledge;Productivity", 64, 0, 16); // Fill it with random numbers distributed according to a linear function ("pol1") h->FillRandom("pol1"); // Change its line width with a thicker one h->SetLineWidth(4); // Draw! h->Draw(); }
mitk::Material::Material( Color color, double opacity ) { InitializeStandardValues(); SetColor( color ); SetColorCoefficient( GetColorCoefficient() ); SetSpecularColor( GetSpecularColor() ); SetSpecularCoefficient( GetSpecularCoefficient() ); SetSpecularPower( GetSpecularPower() ); SetOpacity( opacity ); SetInterpolation( GetInterpolation() ); SetRepresentation( GetRepresentation() ); SetLineWidth( GetLineWidth() ); m_Name = ""; }
void fillrandom() { TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","The FillRandom example",200,10,700,900); auto pad1 = new TPad("pad1","The pad with the function",0.05,0.50,0.95,0.95); auto pad2 = new TPad("pad2","The pad with the histogram",0.05,0.05,0.95,0.45); pad1->Draw(); pad2->Draw(); pad1->cd(); gBenchmark->Start("fillrandom"); // // A function (any dimension) or a formula may reference // an already defined formula // auto form1 = new TFormula("form1","abs(sin(x)/x)"); auto sqroot = new TF1("sqroot","x*gaus(0) + [3]*form1",0,10); sqroot->SetParameters(10,4,1,20); pad1->SetGridx(); pad1->SetGridy(); pad1->GetFrame()->SetBorderMode(-1); pad1->GetFrame()->SetBorderSize(5); sqroot->SetLineColor(4); sqroot->SetLineWidth(6); sqroot->Draw(); auto lfunction = new TPaveLabel(5,39,9.8,46,"The sqroot function"); lfunction->Draw(); c1->Update(); // // Create a one dimensional histogram (one float per bin) // and fill it following the distribution in function sqroot. // pad2->cd(); pad2->GetFrame()->SetBorderMode(-1); pad2->GetFrame()->SetBorderSize(5); auto h1f = new TH1F("h1f","Test random numbers",200,0,10); h1f->SetFillColor(45); h1f->FillRandom("sqroot",10000); h1f->Draw(); c1->Update(); // // Open a ROOT file and save the formula, function and histogram // TFile myfile("fillrandom.root","RECREATE"); form1->Write(); sqroot->Write(); h1f->Write(); gBenchmark->Show("fillrandom"); }
void ZeroLine::ReloadResource() { line->Release(); utilLine->Release(); D3DXCreateLine(ZeroApp->GetDevice(), &line); D3DXCreateLine(ZeroApp->GetDevice(), &utilLine); line->SetAntialias(true); line->SetPatternScale(1.0f); utilLine->SetAntialias(true); utilLine->SetPatternScale(1.0f); if (lineWidth != -1) SetLineWidth(lineWidth); if (lineHeight != -1) SetLinePattern(lineHeight); }
mitk::Material::Material( double red, double green, double blue, double colorCoefficient, double specularCoefficient, double specularPower, double opacity ) { InitializeStandardValues(); SetColor( red, green, blue ); SetColorCoefficient( colorCoefficient ); SetSpecularColor( GetSpecularColor() ); SetSpecularCoefficient( specularCoefficient ); SetSpecularPower( specularPower ); SetOpacity( opacity ); SetInterpolation( GetInterpolation() ); SetRepresentation( GetRepresentation() ); SetLineWidth( GetLineWidth() ); m_Name = ""; }
void avtTopologyPlot::SetColors() { std::vector < std::string > labels(4); LevelColorMap levelColorMap; labels[0] = avtTopologyFilter::labelNames[0]; labels[1] = avtTopologyFilter::labelNames[1]; labels[2] = avtTopologyFilter::labelNames[2]; labels[3] = avtTopologyFilter::labelNames[3]; ColorAttributeList cal(atts.GetMultiColor()); int numColors = cal.GetNumColors(); // // Create colors from original color table. // unsigned char *colors = new unsigned char[numColors * 4]; unsigned char *cptr = colors; for(int i = 0; i < numColors; i++) { cal[i].SetAlpha((unsigned char)(255 * opacity[i])); *cptr++ = (unsigned char)cal[i].Red(); *cptr++ = (unsigned char)cal[i].Green(); *cptr++ = (unsigned char)cal[i].Blue(); *cptr++ = (unsigned char)cal[i].Alpha(); // // Create a label-to-color-index mapping // levelColorMap.insert(LevelColorMap::value_type(labels[i], i)); } avtLUT->SetLUTColorsWithOpacity(colors, numColors); levelsMapper->SetColors(cal, needsRecalculation); levelsLegend->SetLevels(labels); levelsMapper->SetLabelColorMap(levelColorMap); levelsLegend->SetLabelColorMap(levelColorMap); delete [] colors; SetLineWidth(atts.GetLineWidth()); SetLineStyle(atts.GetLineStyle()); }
void CToolsCtlPanelText::UpdateCalendarTextControls(CAGSymCalendar* pCalendarSym) { CAGSpec* pAGSpec = pCalendarSym->GetActiveSpec(); if (!pAGSpec) return; // Update the FillType control SetFillType(pAGSpec->m_FillType); // Update the FillColor control SetFillColor(pAGSpec->m_FillColor); // Update the FillColor2 control SetFillColor2(pAGSpec->m_FillColor2); // Update the LineWidth control SetLineWidth(pAGSpec->m_LineWidth); // Update the LineColor control SetLineColor(pAGSpec->m_LineColor); // Update the Title control //SetTitleText(pCalendarSym->GetActivePanelTitle()); //UpdateFillCtrls(); //UpdateLineCtrls(); ShowHideColors(); // Update the TextSize control SetTextSize(abs(pAGSpec->m_Font.lfHeight)); // Update the Font control LOGFONT& SymFont = pAGSpec->m_Font; SetFontControl(&pAGSpec->m_Font, true/*bClearIfBad*/); // Update the text style controls m_ButtonBold.Check(SymFont.lfWeight != FW_NORMAL); m_ButtonItalic.Check(!!SymFont.lfItalic); m_ButtonUnderline.Check(!!SymFont.lfUnderline); // Update the Vertical adjustment controls UpdateTextAlignCtrls(pCalendarSym); }
void CToolsCtlPanelGraphics::UpdateControls() { CDocWindow* pDocWindow = m_pCtp->GetDocWindow(); CAGDoc* pAGDoc = (!pDocWindow ? NULL : pDocWindow->GetDoc()); CAGSym* pSym = m_pCtp->m_pDocWindow->GetSelectedItem(); if (!pSym) return; if (pSym->IsGraphic()) { CAGSymGraphic* pGraphicSym = (CAGSymGraphic*)pSym; if (pSym->IsRectangle()) SetShapeName("Rectangle"); else if (pSym->IsEllipse()) SetShapeName("Circle/Ellipse"); else if (pSym->IsLine()) SetShapeName("Line"); else if (pSym->IsShape()) { SetShapeName(((CAGSymDrawing*)pSym)->GetShapeName()); } // Update the Fill controls SetFillType(pGraphicSym->GetFillType()); SetFillColor(pGraphicSym->GetFillColor()); SetFillColor2(pGraphicSym->GetFillColor2()); // Update the Line control SetLineWidth(pGraphicSym->GetLineWidth()); SetLineColor(pGraphicSym->GetLineColor()); //UpdateFillCtrls(); //UpdateLineCtrls(); ShowHideColors(); } }
void nGraphics::DrawCursor(const nVector2& position,float internal,float external,float angle,const nColor& color) { SetLineWidth(2); nMatrix4 matRot,matTrans,matFinal; D3DXMatrixRotationZ(&matRot,angle); D3DXMatrixTranslation(&matTrans,position.x,position.y,0.0f); matFinal = matRot * matTrans; nVector2 lines[2]; lines[0] = nVector2(internal,internal); lines[1] = nVector2(external,external); D3DXVec2TransformCoordArray((LPD3DXVECTOR2)lines,sizeof(nVector2),(LPD3DXVECTOR2)lines,sizeof(nVector2),&matFinal,2); DrawLines(lines,2,color); lines[0] = nVector2(-internal,internal); lines[1] = nVector2(-external,external); D3DXVec2TransformCoordArray((LPD3DXVECTOR2)lines,sizeof(nVector2),(LPD3DXVECTOR2)lines,sizeof(nVector2),&matFinal,2); DrawLines(lines,2,color); lines[0] = nVector2(internal,-internal); lines[1] = nVector2(external,-external); D3DXVec2TransformCoordArray((LPD3DXVECTOR2)lines,sizeof(nVector2),(LPD3DXVECTOR2)lines,sizeof(nVector2),&matFinal,2); DrawLines(lines,2,color); lines[0] = nVector2(-internal,-internal); lines[1] = nVector2(-external,-external); D3DXVec2TransformCoordArray((LPD3DXVECTOR2)lines,sizeof(nVector2),(LPD3DXVECTOR2)lines,sizeof(nVector2),&matFinal,2); DrawLines(lines,2,color); }
void CToolsPanelText2::UpdateCalendarTextControls(CAGSymCalendar* pCalendarSym) { CAGSpec* pAGSpec = pCalendarSym->GetActiveSpec(); if (!pAGSpec) return; // Update the FillType control SetFillType(pAGSpec->m_FillType); // Update the FillColor control SetFillColor(pAGSpec->m_FillColor); // Update the FillColor2 control SetFillColor2(pAGSpec->m_FillColor2); // Update the LineWidth control SetLineWidth(pAGSpec->m_LineWidth); // Update the LineColor control SetLineColor(pAGSpec->m_LineColor); ShowHideColors(); }
void avtWellBorePlot::SetAtts(const AttributeGroup *a) { const WellBoreAttributes *newAtts = (const WellBoreAttributes *)a; needsRecalculation = atts.ChangesRequireRecalculation(*newAtts); atts = *newAtts; if (WellBoreFilter != NULL) WellBoreFilter->SetAttributes(*newAtts); if (newAtts->GetNWellBores() == 0) return; SetColors(); SetLegend(atts.GetLegendFlag()); SetLineWidth(atts.GetWellLineWidth()); SetLineStyle(atts.GetWellLineStyle()); decoMapper->SetScale(atts.GetWellNameScale()); decoMapper->SetLabelVisibility(true); }
void AxesArray::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("AxesArray"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; if((node = searchNode->GetNode("visible")) != 0) SetVisible(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("ticksVisible")) != 0) SetTicksVisible(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("autoSetTicks")) != 0) SetAutoSetTicks(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("autoSetScaling")) != 0) SetAutoSetScaling(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineWidth")) != 0) SetLineWidth(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("axes")) != 0) axes.SetFromNode(node); }
void VectorAttributes::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("VectorAttributes"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; if((node = searchNode->GetNode("glyphLocation")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetGlyphLocation(GlyphLocation(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { GlyphLocation value; if(GlyphLocation_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetGlyphLocation(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("useStride")) != 0) SetUseStride(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("stride")) != 0) SetStride(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("nVectors")) != 0) SetNVectors(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineStyle")) != 0) SetLineStyle(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineWidth")) != 0) SetLineWidth(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("scale")) != 0) SetScale(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("scaleByMagnitude")) != 0) SetScaleByMagnitude(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("autoScale")) != 0) SetAutoScale(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("headSize")) != 0) SetHeadSize(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("headOn")) != 0) SetHeadOn(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("colorByMag")) != 0) SetColorByMag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("useLegend")) != 0) SetUseLegend(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("vectorColor")) != 0) vectorColor.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("colorTableName")) != 0) SetColorTableName(node->AsString()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("invertColorTable")) != 0) SetInvertColorTable(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("vectorOrigin")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 3) SetVectorOrigin(OriginType(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { OriginType value; if(OriginType_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetVectorOrigin(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("minFlag")) != 0) SetMinFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("maxFlag")) != 0) SetMaxFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("limitsMode")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetLimitsMode(LimitsMode(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { LimitsMode value; if(LimitsMode_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetLimitsMode(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("min")) != 0) SetMin(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("max")) != 0) SetMax(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineStem")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetLineStem(LineStem(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { LineStem value; if(LineStem_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetLineStem(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("geometryQuality")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetGeometryQuality(Quality(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { Quality value; if(Quality_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetGeometryQuality(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("stemWidth")) != 0) SetStemWidth(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("origOnly")) != 0) SetOrigOnly(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("glyphType")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetGlyphType(GlyphType(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { GlyphType value; if(GlyphType_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetGlyphType(value); } } }
void SubsetAttributes::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("SubsetAttributes"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; if((node = searchNode->GetNode("colorType")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 3) SetColorType(ColoringMethod(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { ColoringMethod value; if(ColoringMethod_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetColorType(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("colorTableName")) != 0) SetColorTableName(node->AsString()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("invertColorTable")) != 0) SetInvertColorTable(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("filledFlag")) != 0) SetFilledFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("legendFlag")) != 0) SetLegendFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineStyle")) != 0) SetLineStyle(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineWidth")) != 0) SetLineWidth(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("singleColor")) != 0) singleColor.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("multiColor")) != 0) multiColor.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("subsetNames")) != 0) SetSubsetNames(node->AsStringVector()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("subsetType")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 6) SetSubsetType(Subset_Type(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { Subset_Type value; if(Subset_Type_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetSubsetType(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("opacity")) != 0) SetOpacity(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("wireframe")) != 0) SetWireframe(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("drawInternal")) != 0) SetDrawInternal(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("smoothingLevel")) != 0) SetSmoothingLevel(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("pointSize")) != 0) SetPointSize(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("pointType")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 8) SetPointType(PointType(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { PointType value; if(PointType_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetPointType(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("pointSizeVarEnabled")) != 0) SetPointSizeVarEnabled(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("pointSizeVar")) != 0) SetPointSizeVar(node->AsString()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("pointSizePixels")) != 0) SetPointSizePixels(node->AsInt()); }