void ContourOpAttributes::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("ContourOpAttributes"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; if((node = searchNode->GetNode("contourNLevels")) != 0) SetContourNLevels(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("contourValue")) != 0) SetContourValue(node->AsDoubleVector()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("contourPercent")) != 0) SetContourPercent(node->AsDoubleVector()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("contourMethod")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 3) SetContourMethod(ContourMethod(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { ContourMethod value; if(ContourMethod_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetContourMethod(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("minFlag")) != 0) SetMinFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("maxFlag")) != 0) SetMaxFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("min")) != 0) SetMin(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("max")) != 0) SetMax(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("scaling")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetScaling(ContourScaling(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { ContourScaling value; if(ContourScaling_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetScaling(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("variable")) != 0) SetVariable(node->AsString()); }
void NamespaceAttributes::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("NamespaceAttributes"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; if((node = searchNode->GetNode("type")) != 0) SetType(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("subsets")) != 0) SetSubsets(node->AsIntVector()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("min")) != 0) SetMin(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("max")) != 0) SetMax(node->AsInt()); }
PRBool nsSMILTimedElement::SetAttr(nsIAtom* aAttribute, const nsAString& aValue, nsAttrValue& aResult, nsresult* aParseResult) { PRBool foundMatch = PR_TRUE; nsresult parseResult = NS_OK; if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::begin) { parseResult = SetBeginSpec(aValue); } else if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::dur) { parseResult = SetSimpleDuration(aValue); } else if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::end) { parseResult = SetEndSpec(aValue); } else if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::fill) { parseResult = SetFillMode(aValue); } else if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::max) { parseResult = SetMax(aValue); } else if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::min) { parseResult = SetMin(aValue); } else if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::repeatCount) { parseResult = SetRepeatCount(aValue); } else if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::repeatDur) { parseResult = SetRepeatDur(aValue); } else if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::restart) { parseResult = SetRestart(aValue); } else { foundMatch = PR_FALSE; } if (foundMatch) { aResult.SetTo(aValue); if (aParseResult) { *aParseResult = parseResult; } } return foundMatch; }
void VectorAttributes::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("VectorAttributes"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; if((node = searchNode->GetNode("glyphLocation")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetGlyphLocation(GlyphLocation(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { GlyphLocation value; if(GlyphLocation_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetGlyphLocation(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("useStride")) != 0) SetUseStride(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("stride")) != 0) SetStride(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("nVectors")) != 0) SetNVectors(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineStyle")) != 0) SetLineStyle(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineWidth")) != 0) SetLineWidth(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("scale")) != 0) SetScale(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("scaleByMagnitude")) != 0) SetScaleByMagnitude(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("autoScale")) != 0) SetAutoScale(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("headSize")) != 0) SetHeadSize(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("headOn")) != 0) SetHeadOn(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("colorByMag")) != 0) SetColorByMag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("useLegend")) != 0) SetUseLegend(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("vectorColor")) != 0) vectorColor.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("colorTableName")) != 0) SetColorTableName(node->AsString()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("invertColorTable")) != 0) SetInvertColorTable(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("vectorOrigin")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 3) SetVectorOrigin(OriginType(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { OriginType value; if(OriginType_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetVectorOrigin(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("minFlag")) != 0) SetMinFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("maxFlag")) != 0) SetMaxFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("limitsMode")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetLimitsMode(LimitsMode(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { LimitsMode value; if(LimitsMode_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetLimitsMode(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("min")) != 0) SetMin(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("max")) != 0) SetMax(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineStem")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetLineStem(LineStem(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { LineStem value; if(LineStem_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetLineStem(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("geometryQuality")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetGeometryQuality(Quality(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { Quality value; if(Quality_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetGeometryQuality(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("stemWidth")) != 0) SetStemWidth(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("origOnly")) != 0) SetOrigOnly(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("glyphType")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetGlyphType(GlyphType(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { GlyphType value; if(GlyphType_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetGlyphType(value); } } }
Triangle::Triangle( PointPtr const it ): mFirst( it ) { Check(); SetMin(); }
void Spinner::SetRange(int32 min, int32 max) { SetMin(min); SetMax(max); }
void SurfaceFilterAttributes::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("SurfaceFilterAttributes"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; if((node = searchNode->GetNode("limitsMode")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetLimitsMode(LimitsMode(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { LimitsMode value; if(LimitsMode_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetLimitsMode(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("minFlag")) != 0) SetMinFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("maxFlag")) != 0) SetMaxFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("scaling")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 3) SetScaling(Scaling(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { Scaling value; if(Scaling_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetScaling(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("skewFactor")) != 0) SetSkewFactor(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("min")) != 0) SetMin(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("max")) != 0) SetMax(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("zeroFlag")) != 0) SetZeroFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("variable")) != 0) SetVariable(node->AsString()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("useXYLimits")) != 0) SetUseXYLimits(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("generateNodalOutput")) != 0) SetGenerateNodalOutput(node->AsBool()); }
void SurfaceAttributes::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("SurfaceAttributes"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; if((node = searchNode->GetNode("legendFlag")) != 0) SetLegendFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lightingFlag")) != 0) SetLightingFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("surfaceFlag")) != 0) SetSurfaceFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("wireframeFlag")) != 0) SetWireframeFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("limitsMode")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetLimitsMode(LimitsMode(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { LimitsMode value; if(LimitsMode_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetLimitsMode(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("minFlag")) != 0) SetMinFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("maxFlag")) != 0) SetMaxFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("colorByZFlag")) != 0) SetColorByZFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("scaling")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 3) SetScaling(Scaling(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { Scaling value; if(Scaling_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetScaling(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineStyle")) != 0) SetLineStyle(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineWidth")) != 0) SetLineWidth(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("surfaceColor")) != 0) surfaceColor.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("wireframeColor")) != 0) wireframeColor.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("skewFactor")) != 0) SetSkewFactor(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("min")) != 0) SetMin(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("max")) != 0) SetMax(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("colorTableName")) != 0) SetColorTableName(node->AsString()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("invertColorTable")) != 0) SetInvertColorTable(node->AsBool()); }
void ContourAttributes::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("ContourAttributes"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; // Set the default palette from the values in the DataNode. if((node = searchNode->GetNode("defaultPalette")) != 0) defaultPalette.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("colorType")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 3) SetColorType(ColoringMethod(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { ColoringMethod value; if(ColoringMethod_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetColorType(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("colorTableName")) != 0) SetColorTableName(node->AsString()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("legendFlag")) != 0) SetLegendFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("invertColorTable")) != 0) SetInvertColorTable(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineStyle")) != 0) SetLineStyle(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineWidth")) != 0) SetLineWidth(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("singleColor")) != 0) singleColor.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("contourNLevels")) != 0) SetContourNLevels(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("contourValue")) != 0) SetContourValue(node->AsDoubleVector()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("contourPercent")) != 0) SetContourPercent(node->AsDoubleVector()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("contourMethod")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 3) SetContourMethod(Select_by(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { Select_by value; if(Select_by_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetContourMethod(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("minFlag")) != 0) SetMinFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("maxFlag")) != 0) SetMaxFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("min")) != 0) SetMin(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("max")) != 0) SetMax(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("scaling")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetScaling(Scaling(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { Scaling value; if(Scaling_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetScaling(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("wireframe")) != 0) SetWireframe(node->AsBool()); }
void avtVectorGlyphMapper::CustomizeMappers(void) { if (setMin) { SetMin(min); } else { SetMinOff(); } if (setMax) { SetMax(max); } else { SetMaxOff(); } // // It is probable that the mappers defaults did not actually get set, so // explicitly do that here. // SetMappersMinMax(); if (glyphFilter != NULL) { for (int i = 0 ; i < nGlyphFilters ; i++) { if (glyphFilter[i] != NULL) { glyphFilter[i]->SetSourceConnection(glyph); if (scaleByMagnitude) glyphFilter[i]->SetScaleModeToScaleByVector(); else glyphFilter[i]->SetScaleModeToDataScalingOff(); if (GetInput()->GetInfo().GetAttributes().GetSpatialDimension() == 2) glyphFilter[i]->SetTreatVectorsAs2D(1); } if (normalsFilter[i] != NULL) { normalsFilter[i]->SetNormalTypeToCell(); } } } if (colorByMag) { ColorByMagOn(); } else if (colorByScalar) { ColorByScalarOn(scalarName); } else { ColorByMagOff(glyphColor); } for (int i = 0; i < nMappers; i++) { if (actors[i] != NULL) { mappers[i]->SetLookupTable(lut); vtkProperty *prop = actors[i]->GetProperty(); prop->SetLineStipplePattern(LineStyle2StipplePattern(lineStyle)); prop->SetLineWidth(LineWidth2Int(lineWidth)); } } SetScale(scale); SetDefaultRange(); }
void HistogramAttributes::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("HistogramAttributes"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; if((node = searchNode->GetNode("basedOn")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetBasedOn(BasedOn(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { BasedOn value; if(BasedOn_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetBasedOn(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("histogramType")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 3) SetHistogramType(BinContribution(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { BinContribution value; if(BinContribution_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetHistogramType(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("weightVariable")) != 0) SetWeightVariable(node->AsString()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("limitsMode")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetLimitsMode(LimitsMode(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { LimitsMode value; if(LimitsMode_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetLimitsMode(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("minFlag")) != 0) SetMinFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("maxFlag")) != 0) SetMaxFlag(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("min")) != 0) SetMin(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("max")) != 0) SetMax(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("numBins")) != 0) SetNumBins(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("domain")) != 0) SetDomain(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("zone")) != 0) SetZone(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("useBinWidths")) != 0) SetUseBinWidths(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("outputType")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 2) SetOutputType(OutputType(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { OutputType value; if(OutputType_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetOutputType(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineStyle")) != 0) SetLineStyle(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("lineWidth")) != 0) SetLineWidth(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("color")) != 0) color.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("dataScale")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 3) SetDataScale(DataScale(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { DataScale value; if(DataScale_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetDataScale(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("binScale")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 3) SetBinScale(DataScale(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { DataScale value; if(DataScale_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetBinScale(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("normalizeHistogram")) != 0) SetNormalizeHistogram(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("computeAsCDF")) != 0) SetComputeAsCDF(node->AsBool()); }