Пример #1
void CPlayer::Reset ( void )
    //Called when resetMapInfo is called to reset per player information that is reset in the clientside implimentation of resetMapInfo. This stops our functions clientside and serverside possibly returning different results.
    memset ( &m_fStats[0], 0, sizeof ( m_fStats ) );
    m_pPlayerStatsPacket->Clear ( );
    SetPlayerStat ( 24, 569.0f );           // default max_health

    m_pClothes->DefaultClothes ();    
    m_bHasJetPack = false;

    // Removed
    //m_bForcedScoreboard = false;
    m_bForcedMap = false;
    m_ucInterior = 0;
    m_usDimension = 0;
    //m_pKeyBinds->Clear ();
    m_bCursorShowing = false;

    // Added
    m_ucFightingStyle = 15; // STYLE_GRAB_KICK

    SetNametagText ( NULL );
    m_ucAlpha = 255;

    // Make sure the nametag color is no longer overridden
    RemoveNametagOverrideColor ();

    m_bNametagShowing = true;
    m_usModel = 0;
Пример #2
void CClientPlayer::Reset ( void )
    // stats
    for ( unsigned short us = 0 ; us <= NUM_PLAYER_STATS ; us++ )
        if ( us == MAX_HEALTH )
            SetStat ( us, 569.0f );
            SetStat ( us, 0.0f );

    // model
    SetModel ( 0 );

    // clothes        
    GetClothes ()->DefaultClothes ( false );

    // jetpack
    SetHasJetPack ( false );

    // fight-style
    SetFightingStyle ( STYLE_GRAB_KICK );

    // rebuild
    RebuildModel ();

    // Nametag
    SetNametagText ( m_strNick );
    m_bNametagShowing = true;

    // Otherwize default to white
    m_ucNametagColorR = 255;
    m_ucNametagColorG = 255;
    m_ucNametagColorB = 255;
    m_bNametagColorOverridden = false;

    SetAlpha ( 255 );
Пример #3
CClientPlayer::CClientPlayer ( CClientManager* pManager, ElementID ID, bool bIsLocalPlayer ) : ClassInit ( this ), CClientPed ( pManager, 0, ID, bIsLocalPlayer )
    // Initialize
    m_pManager = pManager;
    m_bIsLocalPlayer = bIsLocalPlayer;

    SetTypeName ( "player" );

    m_bNametagColorOverridden = false;
    m_uiPing = 0;

    m_usLatency = 0;

    m_uiPlayerSyncCount = 0;
    m_uiKeySyncCount = 0;
    m_uiVehicleSyncCount = 0;

    m_ulLastPuresyncTime = 0;
    m_bHasConnectionTrouble = false;    

    m_bForce = false;
    m_bDoExtrapolatingAim = false;

    m_bNetworkDead = false;

    m_voice = NULL;

    // If it's the local player, add the model
    if ( m_bIsLocalPlayer )
        // Set us as the local player in the player manager
        if ( !pManager->GetPlayerManager ()->GetLocalPlayer () )
            pManager->GetPlayerManager ()->SetLocalPlayer ( this );

        CClientPlayer * pLocalPlayer = this;
        // Enable voice playback for local player
        if ( pLocalPlayer->GetVoice() == NULL )
            //If voice is enabled
            CClientPlayerVoice * pVoice = new CClientPlayerVoice ( this, g_pClientGame->GetVoiceRecorder() );
            pLocalPlayer->SetPlayerVoice ( pVoice );
        // Enable weapon processing for players
        m_remoteDataStorage->SetProcessPlayerWeapon ( true );

        // Enable voice playback for remote players
        if ( g_pClientGame->GetVoiceRecorder()->IsEnabled() ) //If voice is enabled
            m_voice = new CClientPlayerVoice ( this, g_pClientGame->GetVoiceRecorder() );

    // Set all our default stats
    m_pTeam = NULL;

    m_bNametagShowing = true;
    m_ucNametagColorR = 255;
    m_ucNametagColorG = 255;
    m_ucNametagColorB = 255;
    m_ulLastNametagShow = 0;
    SetNametagText ( m_strNick );

    // Add us to the player list
    m_pManager->GetPlayerManager ()->AddToList ( this );

#ifdef MTA_DEBUG
    m_bShowingWepdata = false;
    m_LastPuresyncType = PURESYNC_TYPE_NONE;