Пример #1
	//! called during the initialization of the entity
	void TrailEntity::Init()
		GraphicComponent* gc = GetComponent<GraphicComponent>();
		if (!gc)
			gc = snew GraphicComponent();
			AddComponent(gc, true);

		auto numTriangles = (m_NumEdges - 1) * 2;
		auto numVertices = numTriangles * 3;
		auto vb = GraphicsDriver::Instance()->CreateVertexBuffer();
		vb->SetVertices(snew Vertex3D[numVertices], numVertices, Vertex3D::VF_Pos | Vertex3D::VF_UV | Vertex3D::VF_Color);

		auto startingPos = GetAbsolutePosition();
		for (uint i = 0; i < m_NumEdges; ++i)

Пример #2
inline void CD3DXPMeshObject::SetDetailLevel( float fLevel )
	DWORD num_min_verts = m_vecpPMesh[0]->GetMinVertices();
	DWORD num_max_verts = m_vecpPMesh.back()->GetMaxVertices();

	DWORD num_target_verts = num_min_verts + (DWORD)( (float)(num_max_verts - num_min_verts) * fLevel );

	SetNumVertices( num_target_verts );
Пример #3
void update_mvertex_network(UVertexNetwork vn, MVertexNetwork& mvn) {
  assert(vn.vertices == mvn.vertices.get());
  assert(vn.cpoints == mvn.cpoints.get());

  // mvn.num_vertices = NumVertices(vn);
  // mvn.num_cpoints = NumCPoints(vn);
  SetNumVertices(NumVertices(vn), &mvn);
  SetNumCPoints(NumCPoints(vn), &mvn);
Пример #4

MVertexNetwork make_mvertex_network() {
  MVertexNetwork mvn;
  mvn.header.reset(new int[2]);
  SetNumVertices(0, &mvn);
  mvn.vertex_array_capacity = 64;
  mvn.vertices = shared_array<Vertex>(new Vertex[64]);

  SetNumCPoints(0, &mvn);
  mvn.cpoint_array_capacity = 0;
  mvn.cpoints = shared_array<GeomPoint>();

  UVertexNetwork uvn = make_vertex_network(mvn);
  update_mvertex_network(uvn, mvn);
  return mvn;
Пример #5
MS3Dmodel::MS3Dmodel(char * filename)
	//Initialize textures handles array
	m_hTex = NULL;

	//Stage 1: Read binary file into temporary structures in main memory
	ms3d_header header;
	word NumVertices;
	ms3d_vertex *pvert;
	word NumTriangles;
	ms3d_triangle *ptri;
	word NumGroups;
	ms3d_group *pgrp;
	word NumMaterials;
	ms3d_material *pmat;

	GLuint i, j;
	const int tmpstrsize = 150;
	char tmpstr[tmpstrsize];
	std::fstream file;
	file.open(filename, std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary);
	if (file.is_open())
	{	//Due to strange alignment issues (header structure should have a sizeof 14 but is 16) each member will be read separately
		//Read header
		file.read((char*)(&header.id), 10 * sizeof(char));
		file.read((char*)(&header.version), sizeof(int));
		//Read number of vertices
		file.read((char*)(&NumVertices), sizeof(word));
		//Allocate space for vertices information
		pvert = new ms3d_vertex[NumVertices];
		//Read vertex information
		for (i = 0; i<NumVertices; i++)
			file.read((char*)&pvert[i].flags, sizeof(byte));
			file.read((char*)&pvert[i].vertex, 3 * sizeof(float));
			file.read((char*)&pvert[i].boneId, sizeof(char));
			file.read((char*)&pvert[i].referenceCount, sizeof(byte));
		//Read number of triangles
		file.read((char*)(&NumTriangles), sizeof(word));
		//Allocate space for triangles information
		ptri = new ms3d_triangle[NumTriangles];
		//Read triangle information
		for (i = 0; i<NumTriangles; i++)
			file.read((char*)&ptri[i].flags, sizeof(word));
			file.read((char*)&ptri[i].vertexIndices, 3 * sizeof(word));
			file.read((char*)&ptri[i].vertexNormals, 9 * sizeof(float));
			file.read((char*)&ptri[i].s, 3 * sizeof(float));
			file.read((char*)&ptri[i].t, 3 * sizeof(float));
			file.read((char*)&ptri[i].smoothingGroup, sizeof(byte));
			file.read((char*)&ptri[i].groupIndex, sizeof(byte));
		//Read number of groups
		file.read((char*)(&NumGroups), sizeof(word));
		//Allocate space for groups information
		pgrp = new ms3d_group[NumGroups];
		//Read group information
		for (i = 0; i<NumGroups; i++)
			file.read((char*)&pgrp[i].flags, sizeof(byte));
			file.read((char*)&pgrp[i].name, 32 * sizeof(char));
			file.read((char*)&pgrp[i].numtriangles, sizeof(word));
			pgrp[i].triangleIndices = new word[pgrp[i].numtriangles];
			for (j = 0; j<pgrp[i].numtriangles; j++)
				file.read((char*)&pgrp[i].triangleIndices[j], sizeof(word));
			file.read((char*)&pgrp[i].materialIndex, sizeof(char));
		//Read number of materials
		file.read((char*)(&NumMaterials), sizeof(word));
		//Allocate space for material information
		pmat = new ms3d_material[NumMaterials];
		//Read material information
		for (i = 0; i<NumMaterials; i++)
			file.read((char*)&pmat[i].name, 32 * sizeof(char));
			file.read((char*)&pmat[i].ambient, 4 * sizeof(float));
			file.read((char*)&pmat[i].diffuse, 4 * sizeof(float));
			file.read((char*)&pmat[i].specular, 4 * sizeof(float));
			file.read((char*)&pmat[i].emissive, 4 * sizeof(float));
			file.read((char*)&pmat[i].shininess, sizeof(float));
			file.read((char*)&pmat[i].transparency, sizeof(float));
			file.read((char*)&pmat[i].mode, sizeof(char));
			file.read((char*)&pmat[i].texture, 128 * sizeof(char));
			file.read((char*)&pmat[i].alphamap, 128 * sizeof(char));
		//Close model file

		SetNumVertices(NumTriangles * 3);
		for (i = 0; i<NumTriangles; i++)
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 0].Pos.x = pvert[ptri[i].vertexIndices[0]].vertex[0];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 0].Pos.y = pvert[ptri[i].vertexIndices[0]].vertex[1];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 0].Pos.z = pvert[ptri[i].vertexIndices[0]].vertex[2];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 0].Pos.w = 1.0f;

			m_pVertices[3 * i + 1].Pos.x = pvert[ptri[i].vertexIndices[1]].vertex[0];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 1].Pos.y = pvert[ptri[i].vertexIndices[1]].vertex[1];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 1].Pos.z = pvert[ptri[i].vertexIndices[1]].vertex[2];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 1].Pos.w = 1.0f;

			m_pVertices[3 * i + 2].Pos.x = pvert[ptri[i].vertexIndices[2]].vertex[0];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 2].Pos.y = pvert[ptri[i].vertexIndices[2]].vertex[1];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 2].Pos.z = pvert[ptri[i].vertexIndices[2]].vertex[2];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 2].Pos.w = 1.0f;

			m_pVertices[3 * i + 0].Norm.x = ptri[i].vertexNormals[0][0];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 0].Norm.y = ptri[i].vertexNormals[0][1];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 0].Norm.z = ptri[i].vertexNormals[0][2];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 0].Norm.w = 0.0f;

			m_pVertices[3 * i + 1].Norm.x = ptri[i].vertexNormals[1][0];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 1].Norm.y = ptri[i].vertexNormals[1][1];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 1].Norm.z = ptri[i].vertexNormals[1][2];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 1].Norm.w = 0.0f;

			m_pVertices[3 * i + 2].Norm.x = ptri[i].vertexNormals[2][0];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 2].Norm.y = ptri[i].vertexNormals[2][1];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 2].Norm.z = ptri[i].vertexNormals[2][2];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 2].Norm.w = 0.0f;

			m_pVertices[3 * i + 0].Tex.x = ptri[i].s[0];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 0].Tex.y = ptri[i].t[0];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 0].Tex.z = 0.0f;
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 0].Tex.w = 1.0f;

			m_pVertices[3 * i + 1].Tex.x = ptri[i].s[1];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 1].Tex.y = ptri[i].t[1];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 1].Tex.z = 0.0f;
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 1].Tex.w = 1.0f;

			m_pVertices[3 * i + 2].Tex.x = ptri[i].s[2];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 2].Tex.y = ptri[i].t[2];
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 2].Tex.z = 0.0f;
			m_pVertices[3 * i + 2].Tex.w = 1.0f;

		m_hTex = new GLuint[m_uiNumSubsets];

		for (i = 0; i<m_uiNumSubsets; i++)
			ResizeSubset(i, pgrp[i].numtriangles);
			for (j = 0; j<4; j++)
				m_pSubsets[i].Material.Ambient[j] = pmat[pgrp[i].materialIndex].ambient[j];
				m_pSubsets[i].Material.Diffuse[j] = pmat[pgrp[i].materialIndex].diffuse[j];
				m_pSubsets[i].Material.Emissive[j] = pmat[pgrp[i].materialIndex].emissive[j];
				m_pSubsets[i].Material.Specular[j] = pmat[pgrp[i].materialIndex].specular[j];
			if (pmat[pgrp[i].materialIndex].shininess != 0.0f)
				m_pSubsets[i].Material.Shininess[0] = pmat[pgrp[i].materialIndex].shininess;
				m_pSubsets[i].Material.Shininess[0] = 1.0f;

			sprintf_s(tmpstr, tmpstrsize, "Textures\\%s", &pmat[pgrp[i].materialIndex].texture);

			for (j = 0; j<pgrp[i].numtriangles; j++)
				m_pSubsets[i].pIndices[3 * j] = 3 * (pgrp[i].triangleIndices[j]);
				m_pSubsets[i].pIndices[3 * j + 1] = (3 * (pgrp[i].triangleIndices[j])) + 1;
				m_pSubsets[i].pIndices[3 * j + 2] = (3 * (pgrp[i].triangleIndices[j])) + 2;

		delete[] pvert;
		delete[] ptri;
		delete[] pgrp;
		delete[] pmat;
Пример #6
	//! called during the update of the entity
	void TrailEntity::Update()
		const auto& pos = GetAbsolutePosition();
		auto vb = GetComponent<GraphicComponent>()->GetVertexBuffer();

		// update points
		for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Points.size(); ++i)
			auto& point = m_Points[i];
			auto factor = (float)i / (m_Points.size() - 1);
			auto duration = Math::Lerp(0.0f, m_TrailDuration, factor);
			point = Math::Damp(point, pos, g_fDeltaTime, duration);

		// discard points that are too close to each other
		auto thresholdSQ = m_Treshold*m_Treshold;
		std::vector<Vector3> points;
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_Points.size()-1; ++i)
			auto& point1 = m_Points[i];
			auto& point2 = m_Points[i+1];
			auto distSQ = (point1 - point2).GetLengthSquared();
			if (distSQ < thresholdSQ)


		if (points.size() > 1)
			auto vertices = reinterpret_cast<Vertex3D*>(vb->GetVertices());
			uint vtx = 0;
			auto texU = 0.0f;
			auto step = 1.0f / (points.size() - 1);
			auto factor = 1.0f;
			auto alphaFactor = 1.0f;
			for (int i = 0; i < (int)points.size() - 1; ++i)
				const auto& v1 = points[i];
				const auto& v2 = points[i + 1];
				const auto& dir1 = (v2 - v1).Normalized();
				Vector3 dir2;
				auto afterNext = i+2;
				if (afterNext < (int)points.size())
					dir2 = (points[afterNext] - v2).Normalized();
					dir2 = dir1;

				auto thickness1 = m_Thickness*factor;
				auto thickness2 = m_Thickness*(factor - step);
				auto vLateralAxe1 = dir1.CrossProduct(Vector3::Up)*thickness1;
				auto vLateralAxe2 = dir2.CrossProduct(Vector3::Up)*thickness2;
				vertices[vtx + 0].UV = Vector2::Create(texU, 0.0f); vertices[vtx + 0].Pos = v1 + vLateralAxe1;
				vertices[vtx + 1].UV = Vector2::Create(texU, 1.0f); vertices[vtx + 1].Pos = v1 - vLateralAxe1;
				vertices[vtx + 2].UV = Vector2::Create(texU + m_UPerSegment, 0.0f); vertices[vtx + 2].Pos = v2 + vLateralAxe2;
				vertices[vtx + 3].UV = Vector2::Create(texU + m_UPerSegment, 0.0f); vertices[vtx + 3].Pos = v2 + vLateralAxe2;
				vertices[vtx + 4].UV = Vector2::Create(texU, 1.0f); vertices[vtx + 4].Pos = v1 - vLateralAxe1;
				vertices[vtx + 5].UV = Vector2::Create(texU + m_UPerSegment, 1.0f); vertices[vtx + 5].Pos = v2 - vLateralAxe2;
				// update alpha
				auto alpha1 = alphaFactor;
				auto alpha2 = alphaFactor - (step * m_FadeFactor);
				auto color1 = Color::Create(Color::White.RGB, Math::Clamp(alpha1, 0.0f, alpha1));
				auto color2 = Color::Create(Color::White.RGB, Math::Clamp(alpha2, 0.0f, alpha2));
				vertices[vtx + 0].color = color1;
				vertices[vtx + 1].color = color1;
				vertices[vtx + 2].color = color2;
				vertices[vtx + 3].color = color2;
				vertices[vtx + 4].color = color1;
				vertices[vtx + 5].color = color2;

				vtx += 6;
				texU += m_UPerSegment;
				factor -= step;
				alphaFactor -= (step * m_FadeFactor);