StepMotionBlurFilter::StepMotionBlurFilter(BMediaAddOn* pAddOn) : // * init base classes BMediaNode(s_nodeName), // (virtual base) BBufferConsumer(B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO), BBufferProducer(B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO), BControllable(), BMediaEventLooper(), // * init connection state m_outputEnabled(true), m_downstreamLatency(0), m_processingLatency(0), // * init add-on stuff m_pAddOn(pAddOn) { // the rest of the initialization happens in NodeRegistered(). BParameterWeb *web = new BParameterWeb(); BParameterGroup *main = web->MakeGroup(Name()); BContinuousParameter *pimpact = main->MakeContinuousParameter(P_IMPACT, B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO, "Blur latency (%)", "MotionBalance", "", 0.0, 100.0, 1.0); BContinuousParameter *pstep = main->MakeContinuousParameter(P_STEP, B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO, "Step period (frames)", "MotionBalance", "", 1, 30, 1.0); impact=50; step_period = 5; tmp_buffer=NULL; count=0; fLastImpactChange = system_time(); /* After this call, the BControllable owns the BParameterWeb object and * will delete it for you */ SetParameterWeb(web); fRoster = BMediaRoster::Roster(); fRoster->RegisterNode(this); }
void VideoRecorderNode::NodeRegistered() { INFO("VideoRecorderNode::NodeRegistered()\n"); if (initStatus != B_OK) { ReportError(B_NODE_IN_DISTRESS); return; } filterInput.destination.port = ControlPort(); = 0; filterInput.source = media_source::null; filterInput.node = Node(); strcpy(, "VideoRecorderNode Input"); filterInput.format.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO; filterInput.format.u.raw_video = media_raw_video_format::wildcard; //**replace with wildcard filterInput.format.u.raw_video.display.format=B_RGB32; SetParameterWeb(GetParameterWeb()); Run(); INFO("ERROR CODES\n"); /* INFO("\tB_BAD_VALUE=%ld\n",B_BAD_VALUE); INFO("\tB_NO_INIT=%ld\n",B_NO_INIT); INFO("\tB_MISMATCHED_VALUES=%ld\n",B_MISMATCHED_VALUES);*/ // INFO("\tB_NO_INIT=%ld\n",B_NO_INIT); }
OffsetFilter::OffsetFilter(BMediaAddOn* pAddOn) : // * init base classes BMediaNode(s_nodeName), // (virtual base) BBufferConsumer(B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO), BBufferProducer(B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO), BControllable(), BMediaEventLooper(), // * init connection state m_outputEnabled(true), m_downstreamLatency(0), m_processingLatency(0), // * init add-on stuff m_pAddOn(pAddOn) { // the rest of the initialization happens in NodeRegistered(). BParameterWeb *web = new BParameterWeb(); BParameterGroup *main = web->MakeGroup(Name()); BContinuousParameter *pDELTA_X = main->MakeContinuousParameter(P_DELTA_X, B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO, "X Offset", "OffSetBalance", "", 0, 1000.0, 1.0); BContinuousParameter *pDELTA_Y = main->MakeContinuousParameter(P_DELTA_Y, B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO, "Y Offset", "OffSetBalance", "", 0, 1000.0, 1.0); DELTA_X=0; DELTA_Y=0; fLastOffSetChange = system_time(); /* After this call, the BControllable owns the BParameterWeb object and * will delete it for you */ SetParameterWeb(web); fRoster = BMediaRoster::Roster(); fRoster->RegisterNode(this); }
void FireWireDVNode::RefreshParameterWeb() { TRACE("FireWireDVNode::RefreshParameterWeb enter\n"); fWeb = CreateParameterWeb(); SetParameterWeb(fWeb); TRACE("FireWireDVNode::RefreshParameterWeb finished\n"); }
// create and register a parameter web void AudioFilterNode::initParameterWeb() { ASSERT(m_parameterSet); BParameterWeb* web = new BParameterWeb(); BString groupName = Name(); groupName << " Parameters"; BParameterGroup* group = web->MakeGroup(groupName.String()); m_parameterSet->populateGroup(group); SetParameterWeb(web); }
void AbstractFileInterfaceNode::NodeRegistered(void) { CALLED(); // set up our parameter web SetParameterWeb(MakeParameterWeb()); // start the BMediaEventLooper thread SetPriority(B_REAL_TIME_PRIORITY); Run(); }
void ESDSinkNode::NodeRegistered(void) { CALLED(); if (fInitCheckStatus != B_OK) { ReportError(B_NODE_IN_DISTRESS); return; } // media_input *input = new media_input; fInput.format = fPreferredFormat; fInput.destination.port = ControlPort(); = 0; fInput.node = Node(); sprintf(, "output %ld",; fOutput.format = fPreferredFormat; fOutput.destination = media_destination::null; fOutput.source.port = ControlPort(); = 0; fOutput.node = Node(); sprintf(, "input %ld",; // Set up our parameter web fWeb = MakeParameterWeb(); SetParameterWeb(fWeb); /* apply configuration */ #ifdef PRINTING bigtime_t start = system_time(); #endif int32 index = 0; int32 parameterID = 0; const void *data; ssize_t size; while(fConfig.FindInt32("parameterID", index, ¶meterID) == B_OK) { if(fConfig.FindData("parameterData", B_RAW_TYPE, index, &data, &size) == B_OK) SetParameterValue(parameterID, TimeSource()->Now(), data, size); index++; } #ifdef PRINTING PRINT(("apply configuration in : %lld\n", system_time() - start)); #endif SetPriority(B_REAL_TIME_PRIORITY); Run(); }
FlipTransition::FlipTransition(BMediaAddOn* pAddOn) : // * init base classes BMediaNode(s_nodeName), // (virtual base) BBufferConsumer(B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO), BBufferProducer(B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO), BControllable(), BMediaEventLooper(), // * init connection state m_outputEnabled(true), m_downstreamLatency(0), m_processingLatency(0), // * init add-on stuff m_pAddOn(pAddOn) { // the rest of the initialization happens in NodeRegistered(). BParameterWeb *web = new BParameterWeb(); BParameterGroup *main = web->MakeGroup(Name()); BContinuousParameter *pstate = main->MakeContinuousParameter(P_STATE,B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO,"State (%)","","",0.0,100.0,1.0); BContinuousParameter *pdx = main->MakeContinuousParameter(P_X,B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO,"X offset (%)","","",0.0,100.0,1.0); BContinuousParameter *pdy = main->MakeContinuousParameter(P_Y,B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO,"Y offset (%)","","",0.0,100.0,1.0); BContinuousParameter *pr = main->MakeContinuousParameter(P_RED,B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO,"Background Redness","","",0.0,255.0,1.0); BContinuousParameter *pg = main->MakeContinuousParameter(P_GREEN,B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO,"Background Greeness","","",0.0,255.0,1.0); BContinuousParameter *pb = main->MakeContinuousParameter(P_BLUE,B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO,"Background Blueness","","",0.0,255.0,1.0); BDiscreteParameter *pmode = main->MakeDiscreteParameter(P_MODE,B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO,"Mode",""); pmode->AddItem(0,"Horizontal"); pmode->AddItem(1,"Vertical"); pmode->AddItem(2,"Both"); TState = 0; Mode = 0; Red=Green=Blue=0; Dx=Dy=50; fLastStateChange = system_time(); firstInputBufferHere = false; secondInputBufferHere = false; buffers = NULL; transitionBuffer = NULL; /* After this call, the BControllable owns the BParameterWeb object and * will delete it for you */ SetParameterWeb(web); fRoster = BMediaRoster::Roster(); fRoster->RegisterNode(this); }
// BMediaEventLooper methods void ToneProducer::NodeRegistered() { FPRINTF(stderr, "ToneProducer::NodeRegistered\n"); // output init moved to ctor // e.moon [4jun99] // Set up our parameter web mWeb = make_parameter_web(); SetParameterWeb(mWeb); // Start the BMediaEventLooper thread SetPriority(B_REAL_TIME_PRIORITY); Run(); }
void LoggingConsumer::NodeRegistered() { log_message logMsg; = TimeSource()->Now(); mLogger->Log(LOG_REGISTERED, logMsg); // publish our parameter web mWeb = build_parameter_web(); SetParameterWeb(mWeb); // Set our priority and start the BMediaEventLooper's thread SetPriority(mPriority); Run(); // Initialize as much of our input as we can, now that the Media Kit really "knows" about us mInput.destination.port = ControlPort(); = 0; mInput.node = Node(); strcpy(, "Logged input"); }
void EqualizerNode::InitParameterWeb(void) { fWeb = new BParameterWeb(); BParameterGroup* fParamGroup = fWeb->MakeGroup("EqualizerNode Parameters"); BParameterGroup* fFControlGroup = fParamGroup->MakeGroup("FilterControl"); fFControlGroup->MakeDiscreteParameter(P_MUTE,B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE,"Mute", B_ENABLE); fFControlGroup->MakeDiscreteParameter(P_BYPASS,B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE,"ByPass", B_ENABLE); BNullParameter* label; BParameterGroup* group; BContinuousParameter* value; group = fParamGroup->MakeGroup("Pre Amp"); label = group->MakeNullParameter(P_PREAMP_LABEL, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "Pre Amp", B_GENERIC); value = group->MakeContinuousParameter(P_PREAMP, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "", B_GAIN, "dB", -8.0, 8.0, 0.1); label->AddOutput(value); value->AddInput(label); for (int i = 0; i < fEqualizer.BandCount(); i++) { char freq[32]; sprintf(freq,"%gHz",fEqualizer.BandFrequency(i)); group = fParamGroup->MakeGroup(freq); label = group->MakeNullParameter(P_BAND_LABELS + i, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, freq, B_GENERIC); value = group->MakeContinuousParameter(P_BANDS + i, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "", B_GAIN, "dB", -16.0, 16.0, 0.1); label->AddOutput(value); value->AddInput(label); } SetParameterWeb(fWeb); }
void VideoRecorderNode::SetParameterValue(int32 id, bigtime_t when, const void *value, size_t size) { // *last_change = fLastSelectionChange; if (id == VIDEO_FORMAT) { if (size == sizeof(uint32)) { videoFormat=*((uint32 *)value); media_format_family mffFamily=(media_format_family)videoFormat; INFO("%ld selected\n",videoFormat); // media_format_family mffFamily=*((media_format_family *)formatList->ItemAt(videoFormat)); //videoFileFormat=*((media_file_format *)formatList->ItemAt(videoFormat)); // INFO("build codec with %s\n",videoFileFormat.pretty_name); // BuildCodecMenu(; BuildCodecMenu(mffFamily); SetParameterWeb(web); // StartControlPanel(NULL); } } else if (id == VIDEO_CODEC) { if (size == sizeof(int32)) videoCodec= *((uint32 *)value); } else if (id = VIDEO_QUALITY) { if (size == sizeof(float)) INFO("QUALITY=%lf\n",*((float *)value)); videoQuality=*((float *)value); } }
void VideoProducer::NodeRegistered() { if (fInitStatus != B_OK) { ReportError(B_NODE_IN_DISTRESS); return; } /* Set up the parameter web */ //TODO: remove and put sensible stuff there BParameterWeb *web = new BParameterWeb(); BParameterGroup *main = web->MakeGroup(Name()); BParameterGroup *g; /* g = main->MakeGroup("Color"); BDiscreteParameter *state = g->MakeDiscreteParameter( P_COLOR, B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO, "Color", "Color"); state->AddItem(B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(0x00ff0000), "Red"); state->AddItem(B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(0x0000ff00), "Green"); state->AddItem(B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(0x000000ff), "Blue"); */ BParameter *p; g = main->MakeGroup("Info"); p = g->MakeTextParameter( P_INFO, B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO, "", "Info", 256); int32 id = P_LAST; if (fCamDevice) { #ifndef SINGLE_PARAMETER_GROUP main = web->MakeGroup("Device"); #endif fCamDevice->AddParameters(main, id); if (fCamDevice->Sensor()) { #ifndef SINGLE_PARAMETER_GROUP main = web->MakeGroup("Sensor"); #endif fCamDevice->Sensor()->AddParameters(main, id); } } fColor = B_HOST_TO_LENDIAN_INT32(0x00ff0000); fLastColorChange = system_time(); /* After this call, the BControllable owns the BParameterWeb object and * will delete it for you */ SetParameterWeb(web); fOutput.node = Node(); fOutput.source.port = ControlPort(); = 0; fOutput.destination = media_destination::null; strcpy(, Name()); /* Tailor these for the output of your device */ fOutput.format.type = B_MEDIA_RAW_VIDEO; fOutput.format.u.raw_video = media_raw_video_format::wildcard; fOutput.format.u.raw_video.interlace = 1; fOutput.format.u.raw_video.display.format = B_RGB32; fOutput.format.u.raw_video.field_rate = FIELD_RATE; // XXX: mmu /* Start the BMediaEventLooper control loop running */ Run(); }
// create and register a parameter web void FlangerNode::initParameterWeb() { BParameterWeb* pWeb = new BParameterWeb(); BParameterGroup* pTopGroup = pWeb->MakeGroup("FlangerNode Parameters"); BNullParameter* label; BContinuousParameter* value; BParameterGroup* g; // mix ratio g = pTopGroup->MakeGroup("Mix ratio"); label = g->MakeNullParameter( P_MIX_RATIO_LABEL, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "Mix ratio", B_GENERIC); value = g->MakeContinuousParameter( P_MIX_RATIO, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "", B_GAIN, "", 0.0, 1.0, 0.05); label->AddOutput(value); value->AddInput(label); // sweep rate g = pTopGroup->MakeGroup("Sweep rate"); label = g->MakeNullParameter( P_SWEEP_RATE_LABEL, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "Sweep rate", B_GENERIC); value = g->MakeContinuousParameter( P_SWEEP_RATE, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "", B_GAIN, "Hz", 0.01, 10.0, 0.01); label->AddOutput(value); value->AddInput(label); // sweep range: minimum delay g = pTopGroup->MakeGroup("Delay"); label = g->MakeNullParameter( P_DELAY_LABEL, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "Delay", B_GENERIC); value = g->MakeContinuousParameter( P_DELAY, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "", B_GAIN, "ms", 0.1, s_fMaxDelay/2.0, 0.1); label->AddOutput(value); value->AddInput(label); // sweep range: maximum g = pTopGroup->MakeGroup("Depth"); label = g->MakeNullParameter( P_DEPTH_LABEL, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "Depth", B_GENERIC); value = g->MakeContinuousParameter( P_DEPTH, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "", B_GAIN, "ms", 1.0, s_fMaxDelay/4.0, 0.1); label->AddOutput(value); value->AddInput(label); // feedback g = pTopGroup->MakeGroup("Feedback"); label = g->MakeNullParameter( P_FEEDBACK_LABEL, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "Feedback", B_GENERIC); value = g->MakeContinuousParameter( P_FEEDBACK, B_MEDIA_NO_TYPE, "", B_GAIN, "", 0.0, 1.0, 0.01); label->AddOutput(value); value->AddInput(label); // * Install parameter web SetParameterWeb(pWeb); }