// Initialize the dialog options:
    // Set color or B&W plot option
    bool tmp;
    m_config->Read( PLOT_MODECOLOR_KEY, &tmp, true );
    setModeColor( tmp );

    // Set plot or not frame reference option
    m_config->Read( PLOT_FRAME_REFERENCE_KEY, &tmp, true );
    setPlotFrameRef( tmp );

    // Set HPGL plot origin to center of paper of left bottom corner
    m_config->Read( PLOT_HPGL_ORIGIN_KEY, &tmp, false );
    SetPlotOriginCenter( tmp );

    m_config->Read( PLOT_HPGL_PAPERSIZE_KEY, &m_HPGLPaperSizeSelect, 0 );

    // HPGL Pen Size is stored in mm in config
    m_config->Read( PLOT_HPGL_PEN_SIZE_KEY, &m_HPGLPenSize, 0.5 );
    m_HPGLPenSize *= IU_PER_MM;

    // Switch to the last save plot format
    long plotfmt;
    m_config->Read( PLOT_FORMAT_KEY, &plotfmt, 0 );

    switch( plotfmt )
    case PLOT_FORMAT_POST: m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 0 ); break;
    case PLOT_FORMAT_PDF:  m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 1 ); break;
    case PLOT_FORMAT_SVG:  m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 2 ); break;
    case PLOT_FORMAT_DXF:  m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 3 ); break;
    case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL: m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 4 ); break;

    // Set the default line width (pen width which should be used for
    // items that do not have a pen size defined (like frame ref)
    m_defaultLineWidth.SetValue( GetDefaultLineThickness() );

    // Initialize HPGL specific widgets
    m_penWidth.SetValue( m_HPGLPenSize );

    // Plot directory
    wxString path = m_parent->GetPlotDirectoryName();
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
    path.Replace( '/', '\\' );
    m_outputDirectoryName->SetValue( path );
// Initialize the dialog options:
    SetFocus();    // make the ESC work

    // Set paper size option
    m_PaperSizeOption->SetSelection( m_pageSizeSelect );

    // Set color or B&W plot option
    bool tmp;
    m_config->Read( PLOT_MODECOLOR_KEY, &tmp, true );
    setModeColor( tmp );

    // Set plot or not frame reference option
    m_config->Read( PLOT_FRAME_REFERENCE_KEY, &tmp, true );
    setPlotFrameRef( tmp );

    // Set HPGL plot origin to center of paper of left bottom corner
    m_config->Read( PLOT_HPGL_ORIGIN_KEY, &tmp, false );
    SetPlotOriginCenter( tmp );

    m_config->Read( PLOT_HPGL_PAPERSIZE_KEY, &m_HPGLPaperSizeSelect, 0 );
    m_HPGLPaperSizeOption->SetSelection( m_HPGLPaperSizeSelect );

    // HPGL Pen Size is stored in mm in config
    m_config->Read( PLOT_HPGL_PEN_SIZE_KEY, &m_HPGLPenSize, 0.5 );
    m_HPGLPenSize *= IU_PER_MM;

    // Switch to the last save plot format
    long plotfmt;
    m_config->Read( PLOT_FORMAT_KEY, &plotfmt, 0 );
    switch( plotfmt )
        case PLOT_FORMAT_POST:
            m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 0 );

        case PLOT_FORMAT_PDF:
            m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 1 );

        case PLOT_FORMAT_SVG:
            m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 2 );

        case PLOT_FORMAT_DXF:
            m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 3 );

        case PLOT_FORMAT_HPGL:
            m_plotFormatOpt->SetSelection( 4 );

    // Set the default line width (pen width which should be used for
    // items that do not have a pen size defined (like frame ref)
    AddUnitSymbol( *m_defaultLineWidthTitle, g_UserUnit );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_DefaultLineSizeCtrl, GetDefaultLineThickness() );

    // Initialize HPGL specific widgets
    AddUnitSymbol( *m_penHPLGWidthTitle, g_UserUnit );
    PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_penHPGLWidthCtrl, m_HPGLPenSize );
    m_HPGLPaperSizeOption->SetSelection( m_HPGLPaperSizeSelect );

    // Hide/show widgets that are not always displayed:
    wxCommandEvent cmd_event;
    OnPlotFormatSelection( cmd_event );