TransformObject::TransformObject(void) { SetPosition(Vector3f()); SetRotation(Vector3f()); SetScale(1.0f); }
Matrix4x4::Matrix4x4(const Quaternion& q) { SetRotation(q); }
void Entity::ScriptSetRotation( const float rotation ) { SetRotation( Ogre::Degree( rotation ) ); }
/*virtual*/ void Bullet::HandleCollision(const IEntity* other) /*override*/ { const Character* temp = reinterpret_cast<const Character*>(other); if (temp && owner && owner->GetOwner() && (temp->GetIsEnemy() != owner->GetOwner()->GetIsEnemy())) { // create a hit marker to indicate damage SGD::Color enemyColor; if (temp->GetIsEnemy()) enemyColor = SGD::Color::Yellow; else enemyColor = SGD::Color::Blue; // dispatch a hit marker message only if the other object actually has health if (temp->GetCurrHealth() > 0.f) { CreateHitMarkerMsg* msg = new CreateHitMarkerMsg((int)(GetDamage()), m_ptPosition, m_fRotation - Math::to_radians(180.f), enemyColor); SGD::MessageManager::GetInstance()->QueueMessage(msg); } } // avoid shooting yourself unless its a deflected bullet if ((owner->GetOwner() != temp && !deflectBullet) || (owner->GetOwner() == temp && deflectBullet)) { #pragma region Brawler const Character* testCharacter = reinterpret_cast<const Character*>(other); Character* testNonConstCharacter = const_cast<Character*>(testCharacter); // player hit by bullet if (GameplayState::GetInstance()->player && testCharacter->GetLevel() >= 1) { if (testCharacter && testCharacter->GetClass() == ClassType::Brawler && testCharacter == GameplayState::GetInstance()->player->GetCharacter()) { // damage player Takes GameplayState::GetInstance()->fBaseDamageTaken = GetDamage(); GameplayState::GetInstance()->fPassiveDamageTaken = testNonConstCharacter->GetWeapon()->GetDamage(); } } if (owner->GetGunType() == Weapon::GunType::chainsawLauncher && owner->GetOwner()->GetClass() == ClassType::Brawler) { if (reinterpret_cast<BuzzsawLauncher*>(owner)->GetisBrawlActive()) { if (owner->GetOwner()->GetLevel() >= 21) owner->GetOwner()->SetCurrCooldown(owner->GetOwner()->GetCurrCoolDown() - 0.5f); if (owner->GetOwner()->GetLevel() >= 11) owner->GetOwner()->ModifyHealth(owner->GetOwner()->GetStat(StatType::strength)*0.35f); } } #pragma endregion if (temp && owner && owner->GetOwner() && owner->GetOwner()->GetClass() == ClassType::Cyborg && owner->GetOwner()->GetLevel() >= 18 && damage >= temp->GetCurrHealth()) { vector<NPC*> hits = GameplayState::GetInstance()->npcs; int lightning = 0; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < hits.size() && lightning <= 2; x++) { float length = (hits[x]->getCharacter()->GetPosition() - temp->GetPosition()).ComputeLength(); if (length < 300.0f && hits[x]->getCharacter()->GetIsEnemy() != owner->GetOwner()->GetIsEnemy() && hits[x]->getCharacter() != temp) { hits[x]->getCharacter()->ModifyHealth(-owner->GetOwner()->GetStat(StatType::accuracy)*0.5f); lightning++; if (owner->GetOwner()->GetLevel() >= 24) { Stun* stun = new Stun(hits[x]->getCharacter()); stun->SetDuration(1.0f); Radiation* rad = new Radiation(hits[x]->getCharacter()); rad->SetStacks(5); hits[x]->getCharacter()->AddStatusAilment(stun); hits[x]->getCharacter()->AddStatusAilment(rad); } } } if (lightning > 0) SGD::AudioManager::GetInstance()->PlayAudio(GameplayState::GetInstance()->chain_lightnin); } const Character* tempEnemy = dynamic_cast<const Character*>(other); Character* newEnemy = const_cast<Character*>(tempEnemy); if (tempEnemy && owner && owner->GetOwner() && owner->GetOwner()->GetClass() == ClassType::Gunslinger && owner->GetOwner()->GetLevel() >= 24) { int theOdds = rand() % 100 + 1; // gunslinger passive debug code GameplayState::GetInstance()->nRiccochetOdds = theOdds; if (theOdds < 45 && tempEnemy->GetIsEnemy() != owner->GetOwner()->GetIsEnemy()) { // adjust angle to aim at another enemy (see chain lightning: cyborg lv 18 - line 120) // instead of destroying, redirect to another (and don't destroy) // if no other near, destroy this Weapon* tempWeapon = newEnemy->GetWeapon(); // gunslinger debug code for (unsigned i = 0; i < GameplayState::GetInstance()->npcs.size(); i++) { if (GameplayState::GetInstance()->npcs[i]->getCharacter() != tempEnemy) { SGD::Vector tempDiff = GameplayState::GetInstance()->npcs[i]->getCharacter()->GetPosition() - GetPosition(); //tempDiff.Normalize(); float tempDist = tempDiff.ComputeLength(); if (tempDist < 300) { // calculate angle to new target float toTarget = atan2(tempDiff.y, tempDiff.x); SGD::Vector newVelocity = GetVelocity(); // set the velocity to the newly rotated velocity SetVelocity(newVelocity.ComputeRotated(toTarget)); SetRotation(toTarget); SGD::AudioManager::GetInstance()->PlayAudio(GameplayState::GetInstance()->trickShot); break; } } } } } if (owner && owner->GetOwner() && owner->GetOwner()->GetClass() == ClassType::Medic && owner->GetOwner()->GetLevel() >= 24 && temp && damage >= temp->GetCurrHealth()*1.2f) { vector<NPC*> hits = GameplayState::GetInstance()->npcs; if ((GameplayState::GetInstance()->player->GetCharacter()->GetPosition() - temp->GetPosition()).ComputeLength() < 300.0f) { GameplayState::GetInstance()->player->GetCharacter()->ModifyHealth((temp->GetHealth())*0.1f); Emitter* heals = GameplayState::GetInstance()->CreateEmitter("heals", (temp != nullptr)); heals->lifeTime = 0.25f; } for (unsigned int x = 0; x < hits.size(); x++) { float length = (hits[x]->getCharacter()->GetPosition() - temp->GetPosition()).ComputeLength(); if (length < 300.0f && !hits[x]->getCharacter()->GetIsEnemy()) { hits[x]->getCharacter()->ModifyHealth((temp->GetHealth())*0.05f); Emitter* heals = GameplayState::GetInstance()->CreateEmitter("heals", (temp != nullptr)); heals->lifeTime = 0.25f; //visual effect } } SGD::AudioManager::GetInstance()->PlayAudio(GameplayState::GetInstance()->tranfusion); } if (GetOwner()->bulType.size() == 0) { if (tempEnemy && owner && owner->GetOwner() && (tempEnemy->GetIsEnemy() != owner->GetOwner()->GetIsEnemy())) { if (critPassive) SGD::AudioManager::GetInstance()->PlayAudio(GameplayState::GetInstance()->crit_shot); // allocate a message to destroy this instance DestroyEntityMsg* msg = new DestroyEntityMsg(this); // dispatch destroy message SGD::MessageManager::GetInstance()->QueueMessage(msg); } } // allocate a message to destroy this instance if the bullet is not peircing for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GetOwner()->bulType.size(); i++) { //if its a peircing bullet, don't continue to where you delete the bullet if (GetOwner()->bulType[i] == BulletType::fmj || GetOwner()->bulType[i] == BulletType::FMJFTW) { break; } if (owner && owner->GetOwner() && owner->GetOwner()->GetClass() == ClassType::Gunslinger && owner->GetOwner()->GetLevel() >= 24 && GameplayState::GetInstance()->nTheOdds < 45); // do nothing else if (!deflectBullet && i == GetOwner()->bulType.size() - 1) { // allocate a message to destroy this instance if you make it through the entire vector of bullet types and don't find fmj or fmjftw DestroyEntityMsg* msg = new DestroyEntityMsg(this); // dispatch destroy message SGD::MessageManager::GetInstance()->QueueMessage(msg); } } deflectBullet = false; } }
void Transform2D::SetRotationRad(const glm::float32& rad) { SetRotation(Angle::FromRadians(rad)); }
void UKUIMaterialInterfaceComponent::SetRotationStruct( const FRotator& rRotation ) { SetRotation( rRotation.Pitch, rRotation.Yaw, rRotation.Yaw ); }
FirstPersonCamera::FirstPersonCamera(float nearClip, float farClip, float fov, float aspect) : PerspectiveCamera(nearClip, farClip, fov, aspect) { SetRotation(XMFLOAT2(0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f); UpdateProjection(); }
_Use_decl_annotations_ HRESULT WINAPI DXGISwapChainProxy::SetRotation(DXGI_MODE_ROTATION rotation) { auto const swap_chain = static_cast<IDXGISwapChain1*>(swap_chain_); return swap_chain->SetRotation(rotation); }
void RigidBody::HandleTargetRotation(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData) { // Copy the smoothing target rotation to the rigid body if (!physicsWorld_ || !physicsWorld_->IsApplyingTransforms()) SetRotation(static_cast<SmoothedTransform*>(GetEventSender())->GetTargetWorldRotation()); }
void CameraClass::SetRotation(D3DXVECTOR3 dr) { SetRotation(dr.x, dr.y, dr.z); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CasteroidIGC HRESULT CasteroidIGC::Initialize(ImissionIGC* pMission, Time now, const void* data, int dataSize) { ZeroMemory(&m_builderseensides, sizeof(bool) * c_cSidesMax); //Imago 8/10 TmodelIGC<IasteroidIGC>::Initialize(pMission, now, data, dataSize); ZRetailAssert (data && (dataSize == sizeof(DataAsteroidIGC))); { DataAsteroidIGC* dataAsteroid = (DataAsteroidIGC*)data; m_asteroidDef = dataAsteroid->asteroidDef; IclusterIGC* cluster = pMission->GetCluster(dataAsteroid->clusterID); ZRetailAssert (cluster); { HRESULT rc = Load(0, m_asteroidDef.modelName, m_asteroidDef.textureName, m_asteroidDef.iconName, c_mtStatic | c_mtHitable | c_mtDamagable | c_mtSeenBySide | c_mtPredictable); assert (SUCCEEDED(rc)); SetRadius((float)m_asteroidDef.radius); SetPosition(dataAsteroid->position); { Orientation o(dataAsteroid->forward, dataAsteroid->up); SetOrientation(o); } // Turkey 01/2014 AME is bugged, rotation axis should be a normalized vector Rotation r = dataAsteroid->rotation; Vector axis = r.axis().Normalize(); r.axis(axis); SetRotation(r); SetSignature(dataAsteroid->signature); m_fraction = dataAsteroid->fraction; if (m_fraction > 1.0f) m_fraction = 1.0f; // Turkey 01/2014 AME is bugged, gives rocks 100.4% hitpoints (241/240) if (dataAsteroid->name[0] != '\0') SetName(dataAsteroid->name); else SetSecondaryName(dataAsteroid->name + 1); SetCluster(cluster); //Xynth #100 7/2010 Need to initialize oreseenbyside for all sides for (SideLinkIGC* psl = this->GetMission()->GetSides()->first(); psl != NULL; psl = psl->next()) { IsideIGC* pside = psl->data(); oreSeenBySide.Set(pside, 0.0); } m_lastUpdateOre = 0.0; //Xynth #132 7/2010 Should update first time this is mined m_inhibitUpdate = false; //Xynth #225 9/10 m_inhibitCounter = -1; #ifdef DEBUG { //Verify that there is no pre-existing asteroid with the same ID for (AsteroidLinkIGC* pal = pMission->GetAsteroids()->first(); (pal != NULL); pal = pal->next()) { assert (pal->data()->GetObjectID() != m_asteroidDef.asteroidID); } } #endif pMission->AddAsteroid(this); } } return S_OK; }
void World::RunWorld() { std::srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(NULL))); uint32 flags = 0; flags += b2Draw::e_shapeBit; flags += b2Draw::e_jointBit; flags += b2Draw::e_aabbBit; flags += b2Draw::e_pairBit; flags += b2Draw::e_centerOfMassBit; WindowManager::I().GetDebugDraw().SetFlags(flags); SetDebugDraw(&WindowManager::I().GetDebugDraw()); // Since the Box2D world is tuned for meters, and works with averagely sized objects, // we'll zoom in with the view. sf::View view; view.setSize(sf::Vector2f(80, 60)); view.setCenter(sf::Vector2f(40, 30)); WindowManager::I().setView(view); auto obj = std::make_shared<ObjectBase>(OSTCircle, 1.0f, true); auto obj2 = std::make_shared<ObjectBase>(OSTRectangle, 15.0f, false); auto obj3 = std::make_shared<ObjectBase>(OSTRectangle, 15.0f, false); auto obj4 = std::make_shared<ObjectBase>(OSTRectangle, 15.0f, false); obj->SetPosition(40, 10); obj2->SetPosition(40, 51.5); obj3->SetPosition(70, 43); obj3->SetRotation(b2_pi / 4.0f); obj4->SetPosition(10, 45); obj4->SetRotation(b2_pi / 8.0f + b2_pi); while (WindowManager::I().isOpen()) { // Handle events sf::Event event; while (WindowManager::I().pollEvent(event)) { // Window closed or escape key pressed: exit if ((event.type == sf::Event::Closed) || ((event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) && (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape))) { WindowManager::I().close(); break; } } float32 timeStep = 1.0f / 60.0f; int32 velocityIterations = 6; int32 positionIterations = 2; Step(timeStep, velocityIterations, positionIterations); obj->Move(); WindowManager::I().clear(sf::Color::Black); DrawDebugData(); WindowManager::I().display(); } }
TInt CNVGCSIcon::DoDrawL(const TSize aSize) { TInt ret = KErrNone; vgSetPaint(iFillPaint, VG_FILL_PATH); vgSetPaint(iStrokePaint, VG_STROKE_PATH); iLastFillPaintColor = 0; iLastStrkePaintColor = 0; iLastFillPaintType = 0; iLastStrokePaintType = 0; VGfloat lCurrentPathMatrix[9]; vgGetMatrix(lCurrentPathMatrix); vgSeti(VG_MATRIX_MODE, VG_MATRIX_PATH_USER_TO_SURFACE); vgLoadMatrix(lCurrentPathMatrix); SetRotation(); #ifdef __MIRROR_ vgScale(1.0f, -1.0f); vgTranslate(0, (VGfloat)(-aSize.iHeight) ); #endif SetViewBoxToViewTransformationL(aSize); vgSeti(VG_MATRIX_MODE, VG_MATRIX_PATH_USER_TO_SURFACE); VGfloat currentMatrix[9]; vgGetMatrix(currentMatrix); iNVGIconData->BeginRead(); while (!iNVGIconData->EOF()) { switch (iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L()) { case EPath: { VGPath path = (VGPath)iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L(); VGPaintMode paintMode = (VGPaintMode)iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L(); if (path == VG_INVALID_HANDLE) { vgDrawPath(iPath, paintMode); } else { vgDrawPath(path, paintMode); } break; } case EPathData: { if (iPath != VG_INVALID_HANDLE) { VGint numSegments; VGubyte * pathSegments = 0; VGubyte * pathData = 0; numSegments = iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L(); pathSegments = new (ELeave) VGubyte[numSegments]; CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupArray, pathSegments)); if (pathSegments) { iNVGIconData->ReadL(pathSegments, numSegments); VGint coordinateCount = iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L(); pathData = new (ELeave) VGubyte[coordinateCount * 4]; if (pathData) { CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CleanupArray, pathData)); iNVGIconData->ReadL(pathData, coordinateCount * 4); vgClearPath(iPath, VG_PATH_CAPABILITY_APPEND_TO); vgAppendPathData(iPath, numSegments, pathSegments, pathData); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); } break; } case EPaint: { DrawPaintL(iFillPaint, VG_MATRIX_FILL_PAINT_TO_USER, iLastFillPaintType, iLastFillPaintColor, VG_FILL_PATH); break; } case EColorRamp: { iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L(); break; } case ETransform: { TInt flag; VGfloat transformMatrix[9]; TPtr8 tmPtr((TUint8 *)transformMatrix, 9 * sizeof(VGfloat)); iNVGIconData->ReadL(tmPtr, 9 * sizeof(VGfloat)); flag = iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L(); vgLoadMatrix(currentMatrix); if (flag) { vgMultMatrix(transformMatrix); } } break; case EStrokeWidth: { VGfloat strokeWidth = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L(); vgSetf(VG_STROKE_LINE_WIDTH, strokeWidth); break; } case EStrokeMiterLimit: { VGfloat miterLimit = iNVGIconData->ReadReal32L(); vgSetf(VG_STROKE_MITER_LIMIT, miterLimit); break; } case EStrokeLineJoinCap: { VGint lineJoin = iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L(); VGint cap = iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L(); vgSeti(VG_STROKE_JOIN_STYLE, (VGJoinStyle)lineJoin); vgSeti(VG_STROKE_CAP_STYLE, (VGCapStyle)cap); break; } case EStrokePaint: { DrawPaintL(iStrokePaint, VG_MATRIX_STROKE_PAINT_TO_USER, iLastStrokePaintType, iLastStrkePaintColor, VG_STROKE_PATH); break; } case EStrokeColorRamp: { iNVGIconData->ReadInt32L(); break; } default: { User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); break; } } } iNVGIconData->EndRead(); return ret; }
TransformObject::TransformObject(Vector3f position, Vector3f eulerRotationAngles, Vector3f scale) { SetPosition(position); SetRotation(eulerRotationAngles); SetScale(scale); }
void TriggerET::InitializeEntity( Entity& entity, const EntityModuleParameters* spawnParams) const { auto gameEM = entity.GetModule<GameEM>(); auto physicsEM = entity.GetModule<PhysicsEM>(); auto sceneEM = entity.GetModule<SceneEM>(); const auto params = static_cast<const TriggerEMParams*>(spawnParams); auto& timeController = params->m_timeController; auto& comboController = params->m_comboController; auto& player = params->m_player; auto triggerType = params->m_triggerType; auto trigger = std::unique_ptr<Trigger>( new Trigger(triggerType, player, comboController, timeController)); auto collisionBox = std::unique_ptr<CollisionBox>(new CollisionBox()); switch (triggerType) { case TriggerTypeBoost30: case TriggerTypeBoost45: case TriggerTypeBoost60: collisionBox->SetPosition(Vec3f(0.0f, 100.0f, -1.175f)); collisionBox->SetDimensions(Vec3f(0.5f, 100.0f, 0.625f)); break; case TriggerTypeSlow: case TriggerTypeAngle: case TriggerTypeStop: case TriggerTypeBlock: collisionBox->SetPosition(Vec3f(0.0f, 100.0f, -0.55f)); collisionBox->SetDimensions(Vec3f(0.5f, 100.0f, 1.25f)); break; } physicsEM->AddCollisionShape(std::move(collisionBox)); physicsEM->SetCollisionListener(trigger.get()); physicsEM->SetImmovable(true); gameEM->SetGameObject(std::move(trigger)); std::string activeTextureFilePath; std::string inactiveTextureFilePath; switch(triggerType) { case TriggerTypeBoost30: activeTextureFilePath = "Triggers/Boost30Active.png"; inactiveTextureFilePath = "Triggers/Boost30Inactive.png"; break; case TriggerTypeBoost45: activeTextureFilePath = "Triggers/Boost45Active.png"; inactiveTextureFilePath = "Triggers/Boost45Inactive.png"; break; case TriggerTypeBoost60: activeTextureFilePath = "Triggers/Boost60Active.png"; inactiveTextureFilePath = "Triggers/Boost60Inactive.png"; break; case TriggerTypeSlow: activeTextureFilePath = "Triggers/SlowActive.png"; inactiveTextureFilePath = "Triggers/SlowInactive.png"; break; case TriggerTypeAngle: activeTextureFilePath = "Triggers/Angle.png"; inactiveTextureFilePath = activeTextureFilePath; break; case TriggerTypeStop: activeTextureFilePath = "Triggers/StopActive.png"; inactiveTextureFilePath = "Triggers/StopInactive.png"; break; case TriggerTypeBlock: activeTextureFilePath = "Triggers/BlockActive.png"; inactiveTextureFilePath = "Triggers/BlockInactive.png"; break; } auto activeModel = Model("nanaka/models/billboard.nmdl"); Material activeMaterial(activeModel.GetMaterial()); activeMaterial.SetTexture(Texture(activeTextureFilePath)); activeModel.SetMaterial(activeMaterial); activeModel.SetPosition(Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); activeModel.SetRotation(Quat::NoRot()); activeModel.SetScale(Vec3f(2.0f, 1.0f, 4.0f)); sceneEM->SetAttachment<Model>(s_gfxIdActive, activeModel); auto inactiveModel = Model("nanaka/models/billboard.nmdl"); Material inactiveMaterial(inactiveModel.GetMaterial()); inactiveMaterial.SetTexture(Texture(inactiveTextureFilePath)); inactiveModel.SetMaterial(inactiveMaterial); inactiveModel.SetPosition(Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); inactiveModel.SetRotation(Quat::NoRot()); inactiveModel.SetScale(Vec3f(2.0f, 1.0f, 4.0f)); sceneEM->SetAttachment<Model>(s_gfxIdInactive, inactiveModel); }
void Graphics_Mesh(bool isOpenGLMode) { StartGraphicsTest(); SetGLEnable(isOpenGLMode); asd::Log* log = asd::Log_Imp::Create(L"graphics.html", L"メッシュ"); auto window = asd::Window_Imp::Create(640, 480, asd::ToAString(L"メッシュ").c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(window != nullptr); auto file = asd::File_Imp::Create(); ASSERT_TRUE(file != nullptr); auto graphics = asd::Graphics_Imp::Create(window, isOpenGLMode ? asd::GraphicsDeviceType::OpenGL : asd::GraphicsDeviceType::DirectX11, log, file, false, false); ASSERT_TRUE(graphics != nullptr); auto renderer3d = new asd::Renderer3D(graphics, asd::RenderSettings()); ASSERT_TRUE(renderer3d != nullptr); renderer3d->SetWindowSize(asd::Vector2DI(640, 480)); auto mesh1 = CreateMesh(graphics); auto mesh2 = CreateMesh(graphics); auto deformer = CreateDeformer(graphics); auto animation = CreateAnimation(); SetMeshBone(mesh2); mesh1->SendToGPUMemory(); mesh2->SendToGPUMemory(); auto cameraObject = new asd::RenderedCameraObject3D(graphics); cameraObject->SetPosition(asd::Vector3DF(0, 0, 10)); cameraObject->SetFocus(asd::Vector3DF(0, 0, 0)); cameraObject->SetFieldOfView(20.0f); cameraObject->SetZNear(1.0f); cameraObject->SetZFar(20.0f); cameraObject->SetWindowSize(asd::Vector2DI(800, 600)); auto meshObject1 = new asd::RenderedModelObject3D(graphics); meshObject1->AddMesh(mesh1); meshObject1->SetPosition(asd::Vector3DF(1, 0, 0)); meshObject1->SetRotation(asd::Vector3DF(20.0f, 20.0f, 0.0f)); auto meshObject2 = new asd::RenderedModelObject3D(graphics); meshObject2->AddMesh(mesh2); meshObject2->SetDeformer(deformer.get()); meshObject2->SetPosition(asd::Vector3DF(-1, 0, 0)); meshObject2->SetRotation(asd::Vector3DF(20.0f, 20.0f, 0.0f)); meshObject2->AddAnimationClip(asd::ToAString("anime1").c_str(), animation.get()); meshObject2->PlayAnimation(0, asd::ToAString("anime1").c_str()); auto lightObject = new asd::RenderedDirectionalLightObject3D(graphics); lightObject->SetRotation(asd::Vector3DF(30, 160, 0)); renderer3d->AddObject(cameraObject); renderer3d->AddObject(meshObject1); renderer3d->AddObject(meshObject2); renderer3d->AddObject(lightObject); int32_t time = 0; while (window->DoEvent()) { graphics->Begin(); graphics->Clear(true, false, asd::Color(0, 0, 0, 255)); renderer3d->Flip(1); renderer3d->BeginRendering(1); asd::Sleep(100); renderer3d->EndRendering(); graphics->SetRenderTarget(nullptr, nullptr); graphics->Clear(true, false, asd::Color(0, 0, 0, 255)); renderer3d->RenderResult(); graphics->Present(); graphics->End(); if (time == 10) { SAVE_SCREEN_SHOT(graphics, 0); } if (time == 11) { window->Close(); } time++; } meshObject1->Release(); meshObject2->Release(); cameraObject->Release(); lightObject->Release(); delete renderer3d; graphics->Release(); file->Release(); window->Release(); delete log; }
CUmbralMap::CUmbralMap(const MapLayoutPtr& mapLayout) { for(const auto& resourceItem : mapLayout->GetResourceItems()) { if(resourceItem.type == '\0trb' || resourceItem.type == '\0txb') { CResourceManager::GetInstance().LoadResource(resourceItem.resourceId,; } } const auto& layoutNodes = mapLayout->GetLayoutNodes(); //Build bg parts for(const auto& nodePair : layoutNodes) { if(auto bgPartObjectNode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CMapLayout::BGPARTS_BASE_OBJECT_NODE>(nodePair.second)) { auto bgPartObject = CreateBgPartObject(mapLayout, bgPartObjectNode); assert(bgPartObject); m_bgPartObjects.insert(std::make_pair(nodePair.first, bgPartObject)); } } for(const auto& nodePair : layoutNodes) { if(auto instanceNode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CMapLayout::INSTANCE_OBJECT_NODE>(nodePair.second)) { auto refNodeIterator = layoutNodes.find(instanceNode->refNodePtr); if(refNodeIterator == std::end(layoutNodes)) continue; CVector3 instancePosition(instanceNode->posX, instanceNode->posY, instanceNode->posZ); CQuaternion instanceRotY(CVector3(0, -1, 0), instanceNode->rotY); auto refNode = refNodeIterator->second; if(auto unitTreeObjectNode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CMapLayout::UNIT_TREE_OBJECT_NODE>(refNode)) { for(const auto& item : unitTreeObjectNode->items) { auto refNodeIterator = layoutNodes.find(item.nodePtr); assert(refNodeIterator != std::end(layoutNodes)); if(refNodeIterator == std::end(layoutNodes)) continue; auto refNode = refNodeIterator->second; if(auto bgPartsBaseObjectNode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CMapLayout::BGPARTS_BASE_OBJECT_NODE>(refNode)) { auto bgPartObjectIterator = m_bgPartObjects.find(item.nodePtr); assert(bgPartObjectIterator != std::end(m_bgPartObjects)); if(bgPartObjectIterator == std::end(m_bgPartObjects)) continue; auto tempNode = Palleon::CSceneNode::Create(); tempNode->AppendChild(bgPartObjectIterator->second); tempNode->SetPosition(instancePosition); tempNode->SetRotation(instanceRotY); tempNode->UpdateTransformations(); tempNode->TraverseNodes( [&] (const Palleon::SceneNodePtr& node) { if(auto mesh = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CUmbralMesh>(node)) { auto instance = mesh->CreateInstance(); m_instances.push_back(instance); } return true; } ); } } } else if(auto bgPartObjectNode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CMapLayout::BGPARTS_BASE_OBJECT_NODE>(refNode)) { auto bgPartObjectIterator = m_bgPartObjects.find(refNodeIterator->first); assert(bgPartObjectIterator != std::end(m_bgPartObjects)); if(bgPartObjectIterator == std::end(m_bgPartObjects)) continue; auto tempNode = Palleon::CSceneNode::Create(); tempNode->AppendChild(bgPartObjectIterator->second); tempNode->SetPosition(instancePosition); tempNode->SetRotation(instanceRotY); tempNode->UpdateTransformations(); tempNode->TraverseNodes( [&] (const Palleon::SceneNodePtr& node) { if(auto mesh = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CUmbralMesh>(node)) { auto instance = mesh->CreateInstance(); m_instances.push_back(instance); } return true; } ); } } } }
void MODEL::DoDryRewet( PROJECT* project, int* dried, int* wetted ) { DRYREW *dryRew = ®ion->dryRew; region->Connection( 0L ); int del = 0; int wel = 0; if( dryRew->method == 1 ) { // mark nodes and elements to be rewetted ------------------------------------------------------ wel = region->Rewet( dryRew->rewetLimit, dryRew->rewetPasses, project ); // mark dry nodes and elements ----------------------------------------------------------------- del = region->Dry( dryRew->dryLimit, dryRew->countDown ); } else if( dryRew->method == 2 ) { region->DryRewet( dryRew->dryLimit, dryRew->rewetLimit, dryRew->countDown, &del, &wel ); } else if( dryRew->method == 3 ) { region->RewetDry( dryRew->dryLimit, dryRew->rewetLimit, dryRew->countDown, &del, &wel ); } /* // future work ... else if( dryRew->method == 4 ) { // determine dynamic boundary ------------------------------------------------------------------ region.DynamicBound( np, node, *elem, dryRew->dryLimit, project ); } */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # ifdef _MPI_ del = project->subdom.Mpi_sum( del ); wel = project->subdom.Mpi_sum( wel ); # endif char text [200]; sprintf( text, "\n (MODEL::DoDryRewet) %d elements have got dry\n", del ); REPORT::rpt.Output( text, 3 ); sprintf( text, "\n (MODEL::DoDryRewet) %d elements have got wet\n", wel ); REPORT::rpt.Output( text, 3 ); int dryRewFlag = del + wel; if( dryRewFlag ) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // exchange information on dry nodes on interfaces # ifdef _MPI_ if( project->subdom.npr > 1 ) { MPI_Comm_Dry( project, true ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reset wetted area, in case of dry nodes that are not dry in adjacent subdomains // added on 20.04.2006, sc if( dryRew->method == 2 || dryRew->method == 3 ) { int wetted = 0; for( int n=0; n<region->Getnp(); n++ ) { NODE* nd = region->Getnode(n); nd->mark = false; double H = nd->v.S - nd->zor; if( H < dryRew->dryLimit ) { SF( nd->flag, NODE::kDry ); } else if( isFS(nd->flag, NODE::kDry) ) { nd->mark = true; CF( nd->flag, NODE::kDry ); wetted++; } CF( nd->flag, NODE::kMarsh ); nd->z = nd->zor; } if( dryRew->method == 2 ) { region->DryRewet( dryRew->dryLimit, dryRew->rewetLimit, dryRew->countDown, &del, &wel ); } else if( dryRew->method == 3 ) { region->RewetDry( dryRew->dryLimit, dryRew->rewetLimit, dryRew->countDown, &del, &wel ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MPI_Comm_Dry( project, false ); wetted = project->subdom.Mpi_sum( wetted ); sprintf( text, "\n (MODEL::DoDryRewet) %d interface nodes have got wet\n", wetted ); REPORT::rpt.Output( text, 3 ); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // reset interface flags: kInface, kInface_DN and kInface_UP; this is // necessary for the correct ordering of equations in EQS::ResetEqOrder() project->subdom.SetInface( region ); # endif // #ifdef _MPI_ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // determine 1D boundary elements and ---------------------------------------------------------- // set up slip velocity boundary conditions Initialize(); SetNormal(); SetRotation(); region->SetSlipFlow(); REPORT::rpt.PrintTime( 3 ); // ================================================================================================ # ifdef kDebug_1 for( int n=0; n<region->Getnp(); n++ ) { NODE* ndbg = region->Getnode(n); switch( ndbg->Getname() ) { case 3654: REPORT::rpt.Message( "\n" ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "### NODE %6d: inface = %d\n", ndbg->Getname(), ndbg->flag&NODE::kInface ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "### : inface_dn = %d\n", ndbg->flag&NODE::kInface_DN ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "### : inface_up = %d\n", ndbg->flag&NODE::kInface_UP ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "\n" ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "### : dry = %d\n", ndbg->flag&NODE::kDry ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "### : marsh = %d\n", ndbg->flag&NODE::kMarsh ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "### : H = %f\n", ndbg->v.S - ndbg->zor ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "\n" ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "### : bound = %d\n", ndbg->flag&NODE::kBound ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "### : inflow = %d\n", ndbg->flag&NODE::kInlet ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "### : outflow = %d\n", ndbg->flag&NODE::kOutlet ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "### : rotat = %d\n", ndbg->flag&NODE::kRotat ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "### : noMoment = %d\n", ndbg->flag&NODE::kNoMoment ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "\n" ); REPORT::rpt.Message( "### : countDown = %d\n", ndbg->countDown ); { SUB* sub = ndbg->sub; while( sub ) { REPORT::rpt.Message( "### SUBDOM %4d: dry = %d\n", sub->no+1, sub->dry ); sub = sub->next; } } break; } } # endif // ================================================================================================ } else { // set up structure for connection of nodes to elements ---------------------------------------- // dry elements are not taken into consideration region->Connection( ELEM::kDry ); } if( dried ) *dried = del; if( wetted ) *wetted = wel; region->firstDryRew = false; }
void CScriptMoveType::SetPhysics(const float3& _pos, const float3& _vel, const float3& _rot) { SetPosition(_pos); SetVelocity(_vel); SetRotation(_rot); }
extern "C" void Function_GetChainOrientationProbabilityTest(char ** input_string, int*_ptCount, double* _separationCutOff, int* corr_counts_out, double* _systemSize) { int ptCount = _ptCount[0]; double separationCutOff = _separationCutOff[0]; double systemSize = _systemSize[0]; std::string input(*input_string); std::stringstream in_stream; in_stream << "{\"value0\": \""; in_stream << input; in_stream << "\"}"; cereal::JSONInputArchive arch(in_stream); std::vector<CParticleBase> particles; for (int i = 0; i < ptCount; ++i) { particles.push_back(CParticleBase()); } arch.loadBinaryValue(&particles[0], sizeof(CParticleBase) * ptCount); particles = std::vector<CParticleBase>(); double displ = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ auto pt = CParticleBase(); pt.Coordinates = i*0.9 + displ; particles.push_back(pt); } // displ = 12; // for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ // auto pt = CParticleBase(); // pt.Coordinates = i*0.9 + displ; // // particles.push_back(pt); // } // // displ = 24; // for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ // auto pt = CParticleBase(); // pt.Coordinates = i*0.9 + displ; // pt.Rotation = CQuaternion(M_PI, CVector(0, 1, 0)); // particles.push_back(pt); // } // // displ = 36; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ auto pt = CParticleBase(); pt.Coordinates = i*0.9 + displ; pt.SetRotation(CQuaternion(M_PI, CVector(0, 1, 0))); particles.push_back(pt); } displ = 48; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ auto pt = CParticleBase(); pt.Coordinates = i*0.9 + displ; pt.SetRotation(CQuaternion(M_PI, CVector(0, 1, 0))); particles.push_back(pt); } bool chain_1 = particles[0].GetOrientation().Z > 0; bool chain_2 = true; int chainLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) { auto& pt = particles[i]; auto& pt_next = particles[get_next(i, ptCount)]; auto cosTheta = pt.GetOrientation().Z; auto cosTheta_next = pt_next.GetOrientation().Z; chain_2 = cosTheta_next > 0; if(pt.GetDistanceRight(pt_next, systemSize).GetLength() <= separationCutOff && cosTheta * cosTheta_next >= 0){ chainLength++; } else { // ll, rl, lr, rr if (chain_1 && chain_2) corr_counts_out[3]++; if (!chain_1 && chain_2) corr_counts_out[2]++; if (chain_1 && !chain_2) corr_counts_out[1]++; if (!chain_1 && !chain_2) corr_counts_out[0]++; if (chain_1) { corr_counts_out[4]++; } else { corr_counts_out[5]++; } corr_counts_out[6] += chainLength; chainLength = 0; chain_1 = chain_2; } } }
FirstPersonCamera::FirstPersonCamera() : PerspectiveCamera() { SetRotation(XMFLOAT2(0.0f, 0.0f), 0.0f); UpdateProjection(); }
void Snake::Update(float dt) { if(m_isStopped) { return; } //Update the powerup effects before doing anything updatePowerups(dt); Vector2 pos = m_grid->GetIntermediatePosition(this); Vector2 oldPos = pos; Vector2 oldGridPos = m_grid->WorldSpaceToGrid(pos); float rot = 0; switch(m_direction) { case DirectionUp: pos.Y += m_movespeed * dt; break; case DirectionDown: pos.Y -= m_movespeed * dt; rot = 180; break; case DirectionLeft: pos.X -= m_movespeed * dt; rot = 90; break; case DirectionRight: pos.X += m_movespeed * dt; rot = 270; break; } m_grid->SetIntermediatePosition(this, pos); Vector2 newGridPos = m_grid->WorldSpaceToGrid(pos); if(oldGridPos != newGridPos) { /** Only update the rotation on positional changes. */ SetRotation(rot); if(!m_requestedDirections.empty()) { while(isOppositeDirection(m_requestedDirections.front())) { m_requestedDirections.pop(); if(m_requestedDirections.empty()) { break; } } if(!m_requestedDirections.empty()) { m_direction = m_requestedDirections.front(); m_requestedDirections.pop(); } } if(m_biteTimer > 1) { SetSprite(getSnakeHeadPath(false)); } m_biteTimer++; /** The snake head has moved a cell. Adjust the tail. */ std::deque<Actor*>::iterator it = m_tail.begin(); Vector2 prior = oldPos; float priorRot = GetRotation(); /** Insert a tailpiece right after the head. */ if(m_numConsumed != 0) { addTailPiece(prior); m_numConsumed--; } else { for(; it != m_tail.end(); ++it) { /** Shift all tail members to the position of the member prior to itself. */ Vector2 tmp = m_grid->GetIntermediatePosition(*it); m_grid->SetIntermediatePosition(*it, prior); float tmpRot = (*it)->GetRotation(); bool isCorner = false; if(*it != m_tail.back()) { if(tmpRot != priorRot) { chooseCornerOrientation(*it, priorRot, prior); isCorner = true; } else { (*it)->SetSprite("Resources/Images/snake/snake_body.png"); } } (*it)->SetRotation(priorRot); priorRot = tmpRot; prior = tmp; } } } m_grid->Update(dt); }
void Transform2D::SetRotationDeg(const glm::float32& deg) { SetRotation(Angle::FromDegrees(deg)); }
bool cPlayer::LoadFromDisk() { LoadPermissionsFromDisk(); // Log player permissions, cause it's what the cool kids do LOGINFO("Player %s has permissions:", m_PlayerName.c_str() ); for( PermissionMap::iterator itr = m_ResolvedPermissions.begin(); itr != m_ResolvedPermissions.end(); ++itr ) { if( itr->second ) LOGINFO("%s", itr->first.c_str() ); } AString SourceFile; Printf(SourceFile, "players/%s.json", m_PlayerName.c_str() ); cFile f; if (!f.Open(SourceFile, cFile::fmRead)) { // This is a new player whom we haven't seen yet, bail out, let them have the defaults return false; } AString buffer; if (f.ReadRestOfFile(buffer) != f.GetSize()) { LOGWARNING("Cannot read player data from file \"%s\"", SourceFile.c_str()); return false; } f.Close(); //cool kids play nice Json::Value root; Json::Reader reader; if (!reader.parse(buffer, root, false)) { LOGWARNING("Cannot parse player data in file \"%s\", player will be reset", SourceFile.c_str()); } Json::Value & JSON_PlayerPosition = root["position"]; if (JSON_PlayerPosition.size() == 3) { SetPosX(JSON_PlayerPosition[(unsigned int)0].asDouble()); SetPosY(JSON_PlayerPosition[(unsigned int)1].asDouble()); SetPosZ(JSON_PlayerPosition[(unsigned int)2].asDouble()); m_LastPosX = GetPosX(); m_LastPosY = GetPosY(); m_LastPosZ = GetPosZ(); m_LastFoodPos = GetPosition(); } Json::Value & JSON_PlayerRotation = root["rotation"]; if (JSON_PlayerRotation.size() == 3) { SetRotation ((float)JSON_PlayerRotation[(unsigned int)0].asDouble()); SetPitch ((float)JSON_PlayerRotation[(unsigned int)1].asDouble()); SetRoll ((float)JSON_PlayerRotation[(unsigned int)2].asDouble()); } m_Health = root.get("health", 0).asInt(); m_AirLevel = root.get("air", MAX_AIR_LEVEL).asInt(); m_FoodLevel = root.get("food", MAX_FOOD_LEVEL).asInt(); m_FoodSaturationLevel = root.get("foodSaturation", MAX_FOOD_LEVEL).asDouble(); m_FoodTickTimer = root.get("foodTickTimer", 0).asInt(); m_FoodExhaustionLevel = root.get("foodExhaustion", 0).asDouble(); m_LifetimeTotalXp = (short) root.get("xpTotal", 0).asInt(); m_CurrentXp = (short) root.get("xpCurrent", 0).asInt(); //SetExperience(root.get("experience", 0).asInt()); m_GameMode = (eGameMode) root.get("gamemode", eGameMode_NotSet).asInt(); m_Inventory.LoadFromJson(root["inventory"]); m_LoadedWorldName = root.get("world", "world").asString(); LOGD("Player \"%s\" was read from file, spawning at {%.2f, %.2f, %.2f} in world \"%s\"", m_PlayerName.c_str(), GetPosX(), GetPosY(), GetPosZ(), m_LoadedWorldName.c_str() ); return true; }
//============================================================================= void CTransformComponent2::UpdateRotation (Radian delta) { SetRotation(GetRotation() + delta); }
void Item::Update() { frame++; auto engine = STGEngine::GetInstance(); auto player = engine->GetPlayer(); auto playerPos = player->GetPosition(); auto difX = position.x - playerPos.x; auto difY = position.y - playerPos.y; if (goToPlayer && player->IsDead() == false) { if (GetSpeed() > 7.0f) { SetSpeed(7.0f); SetAcSpeed(0.0f); } if (difX*difX + difY*difY < 64) { OnGot(); return; } SetAngle(Math::ToAngle(-difX, -difY)); SetRotation(GetAngle()); } Sprite::Update(); if (goToPlayer && player->IsDead() == false) //Already disposed { return; } if (frame > 40) { SetAngle(270.0f); SetAcSpeed(0.05f); SetRotation(0.0f); } if (GetSpeed() > 1.5f) { SetSpeed(1.5f); SetAcSpeed(0.0f); } if (player->IsDead()) { return; } float dist; if (player->IsHiSpeed()) { dist = hitRange + player->GetHiSpeedItemRange(); if (difX*difX + difY*difY < dist*dist) { GoToPlayer(); } } else { dist = hitRange + player->GetLowSpeedItemRange(); if (difX*difX + difY*difY < dist*dist) { GoToPlayer(); } } if (playerPos.y > player->GetItemGetHeight()) { gotFromHigh = true; GoToPlayer(); } if (position.y < -32 || position.y > 480) { MarkDestroy(); } }
void GroupNode::CopyAsChildren(Scene* scene, GroupNode* root) { const std::vector<SceneNode*>& tocopy_children = root->Children(); std::deque<SceneNode*> to_process(tocopy_children.begin(), tocopy_children.end()); SetTranslation(root->Translation()); SetRotation(root->Rotation()); SetScale(root->Scale()); SetVisible(root->Visible()); while (!to_process.empty()) { SceneNode* to_copy = to_process.front(); to_process.pop_front(); SceneNode* node_copy = nullptr; switch (to_copy->NodeType()) { case SceneNodeType::kGroupNode: { GroupNode* child = scene->MakeGroup(this, Scene::kAutoName); GroupNode* group_to_copy = dynamic_cast<GroupNode*>(to_copy); child->CopyAsChildren(scene, group_to_copy); node_copy = child; } break; case SceneNodeType::kCameraNode: { CameraNode* child = scene->MakeCamera(this, Scene::kAutoName); const CameraNode* camera_to_copy = dynamic_cast<const CameraNode*>(to_copy); child->CopyFrom(*camera_to_copy); node_copy = child; } break; case SceneNodeType::kLightNode: { LightNode* child = scene->MakeLight(this, Scene::kAutoName); const LightNode* light_to_copy = dynamic_cast<const LightNode*>(to_copy); // *child = *light_to_copy; (void)light_to_copy; node_copy = child; } break; case SceneNodeType::kDrawNode: { DrawNode* node_to_copy = dynamic_cast<DrawNode*>(to_copy); DrawNode* child = scene->MakeDrawNode(this, Scene::kAutoName); for (const Drawable::Ptr& item : node_to_copy->Drawables()) { child->Add(item); } node_copy = child; } break; } node_copy->SetTranslation(to_copy->Translation()); node_copy->SetRotation(to_copy->Rotation()); node_copy->SetScale(to_copy->Scale()); node_copy->SetVisible(to_copy->Visible()); } }
wrapper.PrepareAccelerometer(); wrapper.WaitForInitialization(); //The example... CogitareComputing::Pico::Engine picoEngine("LD33", 640, 480, 60, vs, fs, CogitareComputing::Pico::SystemSpecificData(&wrapper)); picoEngine.PlayOggMusic("trudelutt2.ogg", false); auto sound = picoEngine.GetSound("powerup.wav"); auto msh = picoEngine.LoadMesh("picocube.obj"); auto gob = std::make_shared<CogitareComputing::Pico::SimpleGameObject>(msh); picoEngine.AddGameObject(gob); picoEngine.SetCameraPos(CogitareComputing::Pico::Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f)); gob->SetPosition(CogitareComputing::Pico::Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f)); picoEngine.SetLight(CogitareComputing::Pico::Vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); auto angle = 0.0f; sound->Play(false); picoEngine.Run([&picoEngine, &gob, &angle](double elapsed) { glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); if (picoEngine.IsKeyDown(27)) return false; gob->SetRotation(CogitareComputing::Pico::Vec3(angle, angle, angle)); angle += 0.1f; return true; }); picoEngine.RemoveGameObject(gob->Id()); }
void Camera::SetTarget(const core::vector3df &target) { SetRotation( (target - GetAbsolutePosition()).getHorizontalAngle() ); }
void Camera::UpdateRotation(float xTurn, float yTurn, float zTurn) { SetRotation(m_rotationX + xTurn, m_rotationY + yTurn, m_rotationZ + zTurn); }