Пример #1
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgThread::SetThreadKey(nsMsgKey threadKey)
  m_threadKey = threadKey;
  // by definition, the initial thread key is also the thread root key.
  // gotta set column in meta row here.
  return m_mdbDB->UInt32ToRowCellColumn(
                    m_metaRow, m_mdbDB->m_threadIdColumnToken, threadKey);
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgThread::SetThreadKey(nsMsgKey threadKey)
  NS_ASSERTION(m_threadKey == nsMsgKey_None || m_threadKey == threadKey,
               "shouldn't be changing thread key");
  m_threadKey = threadKey;
  // by definition, the initial thread key is also the thread root key.
  // gotta set column in meta row here.
  return m_mdbDB->UInt32ToRowCellColumn(
                    m_metaRow, m_mdbDB->m_threadIdColumnToken, threadKey);
nsresult nsMsgThread::ReparentChildrenOf(nsMsgKey oldParent, nsMsgKey newParent, nsIDBChangeAnnouncer *announcer)
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;

  uint32_t numChildren;
  uint32_t childIndex = 0;


  nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> curHdr;
  if (numChildren > 0)
    for (childIndex = 0; childIndex < numChildren; childIndex++)
      rv = GetChildHdrAt(childIndex, getter_AddRefs(curHdr));
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && curHdr)
        nsMsgKey threadParent;

        if (threadParent == oldParent)
          nsMsgKey curKey;

          if (announcer)
            announcer->NotifyParentChangedAll(curKey, oldParent, newParent, nullptr);
          // if the old parent was the root of the thread, then only the first child gets
          // promoted to root, and other children become children of the new root.
          if (newParent == nsMsgKey_None)
            newParent = curKey;
  return rv;
Пример #4
nsresult nsMsgThread::RerootThread(nsIMsgDBHdr *newParentOfOldRoot, nsIMsgDBHdr *oldRoot, nsIDBChangeAnnouncer *announcer)
  nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> ancestorHdr = newParentOfOldRoot;
  nsMsgKey newRoot;
  mdb_pos outPos;

  nsMsgKey newHdrAncestor;
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  // loop trying to find the oldest ancestor of this msg
  // that is a parent of the root. The oldest ancestor will
  // become the root of the thread.
    if (newHdrAncestor != nsMsgKey_None && newHdrAncestor != m_threadRootKey && newHdrAncestor != newRoot)
      newRoot = newHdrAncestor;
      rv = m_mdbDB->GetMsgHdrForKey(newRoot, getter_AddRefs(ancestorHdr));
  while (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && ancestorHdr && newHdrAncestor != nsMsgKey_None && newHdrAncestor != m_threadRootKey
    && newHdrAncestor != newRoot);
  ReparentNonReferenceChildrenOf(oldRoot, newRoot, announcer);
  if (ancestorHdr)
    nsIMsgDBHdr *msgHdr = ancestorHdr;
    nsMsgHdr* rootMsgHdr = static_cast<nsMsgHdr*>(msgHdr);          // closed system, cast ok
    nsIMdbRow *newRootHdrRow = rootMsgHdr->GetMDBRow();
    // move the  root hdr to pos 0.
    m_mdbTable->MoveRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), newRootHdrRow, -1, 0, &outPos);
  return rv;
Пример #5
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgThread::AddChild(nsIMsgDBHdr *child, nsIMsgDBHdr *inReplyTo, PRBool threadInThread,
                                    nsIDBChangeAnnouncer *announcer)
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  nsMsgHdr* hdr = static_cast<nsMsgHdr*>(child);          // closed system, cast ok
  PRUint32 newHdrFlags = 0;
  PRUint32 msgDate;
  nsMsgKey newHdrKey = 0;
  PRBool parentKeyNeedsSetting = PR_TRUE;

  nsIMdbRow *hdrRow = hdr->GetMDBRow();
  if (msgDate > m_newestMsgDate)

  if (newHdrFlags & MSG_FLAG_WATCHED)
    SetFlags(m_flags | MSG_FLAG_WATCHED);

  child->AndFlags(~(MSG_FLAG_WATCHED), &newHdrFlags);
  // These are threading flags that the child may have set before being added
  // to the database.
  PRUint32 protoThreadFlags;
  child->GetUint32Property("ProtoThreadFlags", &protoThreadFlags);
  SetFlags(m_flags | protoThreadFlags);
  // Clear the flag so that it doesn't fudge anywhere else
  child->SetUint32Property("ProtoThreadFlags", 0);

  PRUint32 numChildren;
  PRUint32 childIndex = 0;

  // get the num children before we add the new header.

  // if this is an empty thread, set the root key to this header's key
  if (numChildren == 0)

  if (m_mdbTable)
    m_mdbTable->AddRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), hdrRow);
    if (! (newHdrFlags & MSG_FLAG_READ))
  if (inReplyTo)
    nsMsgKey parentKey;
    parentKeyNeedsSetting = PR_FALSE;
  // check if this header is a parent of one of the messages in this thread

  PRBool hdrMoved = PR_FALSE;
  nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> curHdr;
  PRUint32 moveIndex = 0;

  PRTime newHdrDate;

  // This is an ugly but simple fix for a difficult problem. Basically, when we add
  // a message to a thread, we have to run through the thread to see if the new
  // message is a parent of an existing message in the thread, and adjust things
  // accordingly. If you thread by subject, and you have a large folder with
  // messages w/ all the same subject, this code can take a really long time. So the
  // pragmatic thing is to say that for threads with more than 1000 messages, it's
  // simply not worth dealing with the case where the parent comes in after the
  // child. Threads with more than 1000 messages are pretty unwieldy anyway.
  // See Bug 90452

  if (numChildren < 1000)
    for (childIndex = 0; childIndex < numChildren; childIndex++)
      nsMsgKey msgKey;

      rv = GetChildHdrAt(childIndex, getter_AddRefs(curHdr));
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && curHdr)
        if (hdr->IsParentOf(curHdr))
          nsMsgKey oldThreadParent;
          mdb_pos outPos;
          // move this hdr before the current header.
          if (!hdrMoved)
            m_mdbTable->MoveRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), hdrRow, -1, childIndex, &outPos);
            hdrMoved = PR_TRUE;
            nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> curParent;
            m_mdbDB->GetMsgHdrForKey(oldThreadParent, getter_AddRefs(curParent));
            if (curParent && hdr->IsAncestorOf(curParent))
              nsMsgKey curParentKey;
              if (curParentKey == m_threadRootKey)
                m_mdbTable->MoveRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), hdrRow, -1, 0, &outPos);
                RerootThread(child, curParent, announcer);
                parentKeyNeedsSetting = PR_FALSE;
            else if (msgKey == m_threadRootKey)
              RerootThread(child, curHdr, announcer);
              parentKeyNeedsSetting = PR_FALSE;
          if (msgKey == newHdrKey)
            parentKeyNeedsSetting = PR_FALSE;

          // OK, this is a reparenting - need to send notification
          if (announcer)
            announcer->NotifyParentChangedAll(msgKey, oldThreadParent, newHdrKey, nsnull);
#ifdef DEBUG_bienvenu1
          if (newHdrKey != m_threadKey)
            printf("adding second level child\n");
        // Calculate a position for this child in date order
        else if (!hdrMoved && childIndex > 0 && moveIndex == 0)
          PRTime curHdrDate;

          if (LL_CMP(newHdrDate, <, curHdrDate))
            moveIndex = childIndex;
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgThread::GetRootHdr(int32_t *resultIndex, nsIMsgDBHdr **result)

  *result = nullptr;
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;

  if (m_threadRootKey != nsMsgKey_None)
    rv = GetChildHdrForKey(m_threadRootKey, result, resultIndex);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && *result)
      // check that we're really the root key.
      nsMsgKey parentKey;
      if (parentKey == nsMsgKey_None)
        return rv;
#ifdef DEBUG_David_Bienvenu
    printf("need to reset thread root key\n");
    uint32_t numChildren;
    nsMsgKey threadParentKey = nsMsgKey_None;

    for (uint32_t childIndex = 0; childIndex < numChildren; childIndex++)
      nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> curChild;
      rv  = GetChildHdrAt(childIndex, getter_AddRefs(curChild));
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && curChild)
        nsMsgKey parentKey;

        if (parentKey == nsMsgKey_None)
          if (*result)
            NS_WARNING("two top level msgs, not good");
          if (resultIndex)
            *resultIndex = childIndex;
          NS_ADDREF(*result = curChild);
          ReparentMsgsWithInvalidParent(numChildren, threadParentKey);
          //            return NS_OK;
  if (!*result)
    // if we can't get the thread root key, we'll just get the first hdr.
    // there's a bug where sometimes we weren't resetting the thread root key
    // when removing the thread root key.
    if (resultIndex)
      *resultIndex = 0;
    rv = GetChildHdrAt(0, result);
  if (!*result)
    return rv;
  // Check that the thread id of the message is this thread.
  nsMsgKey threadId = nsMsgKey_None;
  if (threadId != m_threadKey)
  return rv;
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgThread::AddChild(nsIMsgDBHdr *child, nsIMsgDBHdr *inReplyTo, bool threadInThread,
                                    nsIDBChangeAnnouncer *announcer)
  nsresult rv = NS_OK;
  nsMsgHdr* hdr = static_cast<nsMsgHdr*>(child);          // closed system, cast ok
  uint32_t newHdrFlags = 0;
  uint32_t msgDate;
  nsMsgKey newHdrKey = 0;
  bool parentKeyNeedsSetting = true;

  nsIMdbRow *hdrRow = hdr->GetMDBRow();
  if (msgDate > m_newestMsgDate)

  if (newHdrFlags & nsMsgMessageFlags::Watched)
    SetFlags(m_flags | nsMsgMessageFlags::Watched);

  child->AndFlags(~(nsMsgMessageFlags::Watched), &newHdrFlags);
  // These are threading flags that the child may have set before being added
  // to the database.
  uint32_t protoThreadFlags;
  child->GetUint32Property("ProtoThreadFlags", &protoThreadFlags);
  SetFlags(m_flags | protoThreadFlags);
  // Clear the flag so that it doesn't fudge anywhere else
  child->SetUint32Property("ProtoThreadFlags", 0);

  uint32_t numChildren;
  uint32_t childIndex = 0;

  // get the num children before we add the new header.

  // if this is an empty thread, set the root key to this header's key
  if (numChildren == 0)

  if (m_mdbTable)
    m_mdbTable->AddRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), hdrRow);
    if (! (newHdrFlags & nsMsgMessageFlags::Read))
  if (inReplyTo)
    nsMsgKey parentKey;
    parentKeyNeedsSetting = false;
  // check if this header is a parent of one of the messages in this thread

  bool hdrMoved = false;
  nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> curHdr;
  uint32_t moveIndex = 0;

  PRTime newHdrDate;

  // This is an ugly but simple fix for a difficult problem. Basically, when we add
  // a message to a thread, we have to run through the thread to see if the new
  // message is a parent of an existing message in the thread, and adjust things
  // accordingly. If you thread by subject, and you have a large folder with
  // messages w/ all the same subject, this code can take a really long time. So the
  // pragmatic thing is to say that for threads with more than 1000 messages, it's
  // simply not worth dealing with the case where the parent comes in after the
  // child. Threads with more than 1000 messages are pretty unwieldy anyway.
  // See Bug 90452

  if (numChildren < 1000)
    for (childIndex = 0; childIndex < numChildren; childIndex++)
      nsMsgKey msgKey;

      rv = GetChildHdrAt(childIndex, getter_AddRefs(curHdr));
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && curHdr)
        if (hdr->IsParentOf(curHdr))
          nsMsgKey oldThreadParent;
          mdb_pos outPos;
          // move this hdr before the current header.
          if (!hdrMoved)
            m_mdbTable->MoveRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), hdrRow, -1, childIndex, &outPos);
            hdrMoved = true;
            nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> curParent;
            m_mdbDB->GetMsgHdrForKey(oldThreadParent, getter_AddRefs(curParent));
            if (curParent && hdr->IsAncestorOf(curParent))
              nsMsgKey curParentKey;
              if (curParentKey == m_threadRootKey)
                m_mdbTable->MoveRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), hdrRow, -1, 0, &outPos);
                RerootThread(child, curParent, announcer);
                parentKeyNeedsSetting = false;
            else if (msgKey == m_threadRootKey)
              RerootThread(child, curHdr, announcer);
              parentKeyNeedsSetting = false;
          if (msgKey == newHdrKey)
            parentKeyNeedsSetting = false;

          // OK, this is a reparenting - need to send notification
          if (announcer)
            announcer->NotifyParentChangedAll(msgKey, oldThreadParent, newHdrKey, nullptr);
#ifdef DEBUG_bienvenu1
          if (newHdrKey != m_threadKey)
            printf("adding second level child\n");
        // Calculate a position for this child in date order
        else if (!hdrMoved && childIndex > 0 && moveIndex == 0)
          PRTime curHdrDate;

          if (newHdrDate < curHdrDate)
            moveIndex = childIndex;
  // If this header is not a reply to a header in the thread, and isn't a parent
  // check to see if it starts with Re: - if not, and the first header does start
  // with re, should we make this header the top level header?
  // If it's date is less (or it's ID?), then yes.
  if (numChildren > 0 && !(newHdrFlags & nsMsgMessageFlags::HasRe) && !inReplyTo)
    PRTime topLevelHdrDate;

    nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> topLevelHdr;
    rv = GetRootHdr(nullptr, getter_AddRefs(topLevelHdr));
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && topLevelHdr)
      if (newHdrDate < topLevelHdrDate)
        RerootThread(child, topLevelHdr, announcer);
        mdb_pos outPos;
        m_mdbTable->MoveRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), hdrRow, -1, 0, &outPos);
        hdrMoved = true;
        parentKeyNeedsSetting = false;
        // ### need to get ancestor of new hdr here too.
        // argh, here we'd need to adjust all the headers that listed
        // the demoted header as their thread parent, but only because
        // of subject threading. Adjust them to point to the new parent,
        // that is.
        ReparentNonReferenceChildrenOf(topLevelHdr, newHdrKey, announcer);
  // OK, check to see if we added this header, and didn't parent it.

  if (numChildren > 0 && parentKeyNeedsSetting)

  // Move child to keep thread sorted in ascending date order
  if (!hdrMoved && moveIndex > 0)
    mdb_pos outPos;
    m_mdbTable->MoveRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), hdrRow, -1, moveIndex, &outPos);

  // do this after we've put the new hdr in the thread
  bool isKilled;
  if ((m_flags & nsMsgMessageFlags::Ignored || isKilled) && m_mdbDB)
    m_mdbDB->MarkHdrRead(child, true, nullptr);
#ifdef DEBUG_David_Bienvenu
  nsMsgKey msgHdrThreadKey;
  NS_ASSERTION(msgHdrThreadKey == m_threadKey, "adding msg to thread it doesn't belong to");
#ifdef DEBUG_bienvenu1
  nsMsgDatabase *msgDB = static_cast<nsMsgDatabase*>(m_mdbDB);
  return rv;
Пример #8
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgThread::AddChild(nsIMsgDBHdr *child, nsIMsgDBHdr *inReplyTo, PRBool threadInThread, 
                                    nsIDBChangeAnnouncer *announcer)
  nsresult ret = NS_OK;
  nsMsgHdr* hdr = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsMsgHdr*, child);          // closed system, cast ok
  PRUint32 newHdrFlags = 0;
  PRUint32 msgDate;
  nsMsgKey newHdrKey = 0;
  PRBool parentKeyNeedsSetting = PR_TRUE;
  nsIMdbRow *hdrRow = hdr->GetMDBRow();
  if (msgDate > m_newestMsgDate)

  if (newHdrFlags & MSG_FLAG_IGNORED)
    SetFlags(m_flags | MSG_FLAG_IGNORED);

  if (newHdrFlags & MSG_FLAG_WATCHED)
    SetFlags(m_flags | MSG_FLAG_WATCHED);

  child->AndFlags(~(MSG_FLAG_WATCHED | MSG_FLAG_IGNORED), &newHdrFlags);
  PRUint32 numChildren;
  PRUint32 childIndex = 0;
  // get the num children before we add the new header.
  // if this is an empty thread, set the root key to this header's key
  if (numChildren == 0)
  if (m_mdbTable)
    m_mdbTable->AddRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), hdrRow);
    if (! (newHdrFlags & MSG_FLAG_READ))
  if (inReplyTo)
    nsMsgKey parentKey;
    parentKeyNeedsSetting = PR_FALSE;
  // check if this header is a parent of one of the messages in this thread
  PRBool hdrMoved = PR_FALSE;
  nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> curHdr;

  // This is an ugly but simple fix for a difficult problem. Basically, when we add
  // a message to a thread, we have to run through the thread to see if the new
  // message is a parent of an existing message in the thread, and adjust things
  // accordingly. If you thread by subject, and you have a large folder with
  // messages w/ all the same subject, this code can take a really long time. So the
  // pragmatic thing is to say that for threads with more than 1000 messages, it's
  // simply not worth dealing with the case where the parent comes in after the
  // child. Threads with more than 1000 messages are pretty unwieldy anyway.
  // See Bug 90452

  if (numChildren < 1000)
    for (childIndex = 0; childIndex < numChildren; childIndex++)
      nsMsgKey msgKey;
      ret = GetChildHdrAt(childIndex, getter_AddRefs(curHdr));
      if (NS_SUCCEEDED(ret) && curHdr)
        if (hdr->IsParentOf(curHdr))
          nsMsgKey oldThreadParent;
          mdb_pos outPos;
          // move this hdr before the current header.
          if (!hdrMoved)
            m_mdbTable->MoveRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), hdrRow, -1, childIndex, &outPos);
            hdrMoved = PR_TRUE;
            nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> curParent;
            m_mdbDB->GetMsgHdrForKey(oldThreadParent, getter_AddRefs(curParent));
            if (curParent && hdr->IsAncestorOf(curParent))
              nsMsgKey curParentKey;
              if (curParentKey == m_threadRootKey)
                m_mdbTable->MoveRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), hdrRow, -1, 0, &outPos);
                RerootThread(child, curParent, announcer);
                parentKeyNeedsSetting = PR_FALSE;
            else if (msgKey == m_threadRootKey)
              RerootThread(child, curHdr, announcer);
              parentKeyNeedsSetting = PR_FALSE;
          if (msgKey == newHdrKey)
            parentKeyNeedsSetting = PR_FALSE;
          // OK, this is a reparenting - need to send notification
          if (announcer)
            announcer->NotifyParentChangedAll(msgKey, oldThreadParent, newHdrKey, nsnull);
  #ifdef DEBUG_bienvenu1
          if (newHdrKey != m_threadKey)
            printf("adding second level child\n");
  // If this header is not a reply to a header in the thread, and isn't a parent
  // check to see if it starts with Re: - if not, and the first header does start
  // with re, should we make this header the top level header?
  // If it's date is less (or it's ID?), then yes.
  if (numChildren > 0 && !(newHdrFlags & MSG_FLAG_HAS_RE) && !inReplyTo)
    PRTime newHdrDate;
    PRTime topLevelHdrDate;
    nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> topLevelHdr;
    ret = GetRootHdr(nsnull, getter_AddRefs(topLevelHdr));
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(ret) && topLevelHdr)
      if (LL_CMP(newHdrDate, <, topLevelHdrDate))
        RerootThread(child, topLevelHdr, announcer);
        mdb_pos outPos;
        m_mdbTable->MoveRow(m_mdbDB->GetEnv(), hdrRow, -1, 0, &outPos);
        parentKeyNeedsSetting = PR_FALSE;
        // ### need to get ancestor of new hdr here too.
        // argh, here we'd need to adjust all the headers that listed 
        // the demoted header as their thread parent, but only because
        // of subject threading. Adjust them to point to the new parent,
        // that is.
        ReparentNonReferenceChildrenOf(topLevelHdr, newHdrKey, announcer);