Пример #1
// Creates one of our simple document windows and returns a ref to it.
WindowRef MyCreateNewDocumentWindow(void)
    IBNibRef nib;
    WindowRef window = NULL;
	OSStatus status;

    // Create one of our special main document windows
    status = CreateNibReference(CFSTR("main"), &nib);
	require_noerr( status, CantGetNIBRef );
    status = CreateWindowFromNib(nib, CFSTR("MainDocumentWindow"), &window);
	require_noerr( status, CantCreateWindow );

	// Set its default options
	status = MySetTextViewOptions(GetTextViewFromWindow(window));
	check_noerr( status );

	// Make the window transparent
	status = MakeWindowTransparent(window);
	check_noerr( status );

	// Make the TextView partially transparent
	status = TextViewSetAlpha(GetTextViewFromWindow(window), 0.25);
	check_noerr( status );

	// Initialize the window title and proxy icon
	status = SetWindowTitleWithCFString(window, CFSTR("Untitled"));
	check_noerr( status );
	status = SetWindowProxyCreatorAndType(window, kUnknownType, kUnknownType, kOnSystemDisk);
	check_noerr( status );

	// Show the window

	// Cleanup
	return window;
Пример #2
boolean wpedit (hdlexternalvariable hvariable, hdlwindowinfo hparent, ptrfilespec fs, bigstring bstitle, rectparam rzoom) {

	// 2006-09-16 creedon: on Mac, set window proxy icon
	// 5.0b18 dmb: further protection: set flwindowopen bit before newchildwindow, which will yield
	// 1997-04-17 dmb: protect against globals smashing under Windows
	// 5.0.2b6 dmb: added flwindowopen loop to handle Windows async overlap
	register hdlwpvariable hv = (hdlwpvariable) hvariable;
	register hdlwprecord hwp;
	Rect rwindow;
	WindowPtr w;
	hdlwindowinfo hi;
	if (!wpverbinmemory ((hdlexternalvariable) hv)) // couldn't swap it into memory
		return (false);
	hwp = (hdlwprecord) (**hv).variabledata; // it's in memory
	while ((**hwp).flwindowopen) { // bring to front, return true
		if (shellfinddatawindow ((Handle) hwp, &hi)) {
			if ((*rzoom).top > -2)
				shellbringtofront (hi);
			return (true);

			if (!shellyield (false))
				return (false);
	rwindow = (**hwp).windowrect; // window comes up where it was last time
	(**hwp).flwindowopen = true;

	if (!newchildwindow (idwpconfig, hparent, &rwindow, rzoom, bstitle, &w)) {
		(**hwp).flwindowopen = false;

		return (false);
	wpdata = hwp; // copy into global
	getwindowinfo (w, &hi);
	(**hi).hdata = (Handle) hwp;
	if ( fs != nil ) {
		(**hi).fspec = *fs;
			if (macfilespecisresolvable (fs))
				SetWindowProxyCreatorAndType (w, 'LAND', 'FTwp', kOnSystemDisk);
	shellpushglobals (w);

	wplinkwindowinfo ();
	shellpopglobals ();
	// (**hwp).flwindowopen = true;
	if ((**hwp).fldirty)
		shellsetwindowchanges (hi, true);

	windowzoom (w); // show the window to the user. do last, or we'd have to push globals
	return (true);
	} // wpedit
Пример #3
boolean menuedit (hdlexternalvariable hvariable, hdlwindowinfo hparent, ptrfilespec fs, bigstring bstitle, rectparam rzoom) {
	// 2006-09-16 creedon: on Mac, set window proxy icon
	// 5.0d19 dmb: set flwindowopen; use locals, not menu globals.
	register hdlmenuvariable hv = (hdlmenuvariable) hvariable;
	hdlmenurecord hm;
	Rect rwindow;
	WindowPtr w;
	hdlwindowinfo hi;
	if ((**hv).flinmemory) {
		if (shellfinddatawindow ((Handle) (**hv).variabledata, &hi)) {
			if ((*rzoom).top > -2)
				shellbringtofront (hi);
			return (true);
	if (!menuverbinmemory (hv)) // error swapping menurecord into memory
		return (false);
	hm = (hdlmenurecord) (**hv).variabledata;
	rwindow = (**hm).menuwindowrect; // window comes up where it was last time
	if (!newchildwindow (idmenueditorconfig, hparent, &rwindow, rzoom, bstitle, &w)) 
		return (false);
	getwindowinfo (w, &hi);
	(**hi).hdata = (Handle) hm; // link data into shell's structure
	if ( fs != nil ) {
		(**hi).fspec = *fs;
			if (macfilespecisresolvable (fs))
				SetWindowProxyCreatorAndType ( w, 'LAND', 'FTmb', kOnSystemDisk );
	shellpushglobals (w);
	meeditmenurecord ();
	shellpopglobals ();
	(**hm).flwindowopen = true;
	if ((**hm).fldirty)
		shellsetwindowchanges (hi, true);
	windowzoom (w); // show the window to the user
	return (true);
	} // menuedit