Пример #1
void C_BaseViewModel::ApplyBoneMatrixTransform( matrix3x4_t& transform )
	if ( ShouldFlipViewModel() )
		matrix3x4_t viewMatrix, viewMatrixInverse;

		// We could get MATERIAL_VIEW here, but this is called sometimes before the renderer
		// has set that matrix. Luckily, this is called AFTER the CViewSetup has been initialized.
		const CViewSetup *pSetup = view->GetPlayerViewSetup();
		AngleMatrix( pSetup->angles, pSetup->origin, viewMatrixInverse );
		MatrixInvert( viewMatrixInverse, viewMatrix );

		// Transform into view space.
		matrix3x4_t temp, temp2;
		ConcatTransforms( viewMatrix, transform, temp );
		// Flip it along X.
		// (This is the slower way to do it, and it equates to negating the top row).
		//matrix3x4_t mScale;
		//SetIdentityMatrix( mScale );
		//mScale[0][0] = 1;
		//mScale[1][1] = -1;
		//mScale[2][2] = 1;
		//ConcatTransforms( mScale, temp, temp2 );
		temp[1][0] = -temp[1][0];
		temp[1][1] = -temp[1][1];
		temp[1][2] = -temp[1][2];
		temp[1][3] = -temp[1][3];

		// Transform back out of view space.
		ConcatTransforms( viewMatrixInverse, temp, transform );
Пример #2
// Purpose: 
int C_BaseViewModel::InternalDrawModel( int flags )
	CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
	if ( ShouldFlipViewModel() )
		pRenderContext->CullMode( MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CW );

	int ret = BaseClass::InternalDrawModel( flags );

	pRenderContext->CullMode( MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CCW );

	return ret;
Пример #3
const Vector &C_BaseViewModel::GetRenderOrigin()
	m_vecRender = BaseClass::GetRenderOrigin();

	if ( ShouldFlipViewModel() )

		Assert( nSlot != -1 );
		const CViewSetup *pViewSetup = view->GetPlayerViewSetup( nSlot );

		Vector right, delta = m_vecRender - pViewSetup->origin;
		AngleVectors( pViewSetup->angles, NULL, &right, NULL );
		float flRight = DotProduct( right, delta );

		m_vecRender += right * flRight * -2.0f;

	return m_vecRender;
Пример #4
// Purpose: Render the weapon. Draw the Viewmodel if the weapon's being carried
//			by this player, otherwise draw the worldmodel.
int C_BaseViewModel::DrawModel( int flags )
	if ( !m_bReadyToDraw )
		return 0;

	if ( flags & STUDIO_RENDER )
		// Determine blending amount and tell engine
		float blend = (float)( GetFxBlend() / 255.0f );

		// Totally gone
		if ( blend <= 0.0f )
			return 0;

		// Tell engine
		render->SetBlend( blend );

		float color[3];
		GetColorModulation( color );
		render->SetColorModulation(	color );
	CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
	if ( ShouldFlipViewModel() )
		pRenderContext->CullMode( MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CW );

	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = GetOwningWeapon();
	int ret;
	// If the local player's overriding the viewmodel rendering, let him do it
	if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsOverridingViewmodel() )
		ret = pPlayer->DrawOverriddenViewmodel( this, flags );
	else if ( pWeapon && pWeapon->IsOverridingViewmodel() )
		ret = pWeapon->DrawOverriddenViewmodel( this, flags );
		ret = BaseClass::DrawModel( flags );

	pRenderContext->CullMode( MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CCW );

	// Now that we've rendered, reset the animation restart flag
	if ( flags & STUDIO_RENDER )
		if ( m_nOldAnimationParity != m_nAnimationParity )
			m_nOldAnimationParity = m_nAnimationParity;
		// Tell the weapon itself that we've rendered, in case it wants to do something
		if ( pWeapon )
			pWeapon->ViewModelDrawn( this );

	return ret;
Пример #5
// Purpose: Render the weapon. Draw the Viewmodel if the weapon's being carried
//			by this player, otherwise draw the worldmodel.
int C_BaseViewModel::DrawModel( int flags, const RenderableInstance_t &instance )
	if ( !m_bReadyToDraw )
		return 0;

	if ( flags & STUDIO_RENDER )
		// Determine blending amount and tell engine
		float blend = (float)( instance.m_nAlpha / 255.0f );

		// Totally gone
		if ( blend <= 0.0f )
			return 0;

		// Tell engine
		render->SetBlend( blend );

		float color[3];
		GetColorModulation( color );
		render->SetColorModulation(	color );
	CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
	if ( ShouldFlipViewModel() )
		pRenderContext->CullMode( MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CW );

	int ret = 0;
	C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	C_BaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = GetOwningWeapon();

	// If the local player's overriding the viewmodel rendering, let him do it
	if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsOverridingViewmodel() )
		ret = pPlayer->DrawOverriddenViewmodel( this, flags, instance );
	else if ( pWeapon && pWeapon->IsOverridingViewmodel() )
		ret = pWeapon->DrawOverriddenViewmodel( this, flags, instance );
		ret = BaseClass::DrawModel( flags, instance );

	pRenderContext->CullMode( MATERIAL_CULLMODE_CCW );

	// Now that we've rendered, reset the animation restart flag
	if ( flags & STUDIO_RENDER )
		if ( m_nOldAnimationParity != m_nAnimationParity )
			m_nOldAnimationParity = m_nAnimationParity;

		// Tell the weapon itself that we've rendered, in case it wants to do something
		if ( pWeapon )
			pWeapon->ViewModelDrawn( this );

		if ( vm_debug.GetBool() )

			int line = 16;
			CStudioHdr *hdr = GetModelPtr();
			engine->Con_NPrintf( line++, "%s: %s(%d), cycle: %.2f cyclerate: %.2f playbackrate: %.2f\n", 
				GetSequenceName( GetSequence() ),
				GetSequenceCycleRate( hdr, GetSequence() ),
			if ( hdr )
				for( int i=0; i < hdr->GetNumPoseParameters(); ++i )
					const mstudioposeparamdesc_t &Pose = hdr->pPoseParameter( i );
					engine->Con_NPrintf( line++, "pose_param %s: %f",
						Pose.pszName(), GetPoseParameter( i ) );

			// Determine blending amount and tell engine
			float blend = (float)( instance.m_nAlpha / 255.0f );
			float color[3];
			GetColorModulation( color );
			engine->Con_NPrintf( line++, "blend=%f, color=%f,%f,%f", blend, color[0], color[1], color[2] );
			engine->Con_NPrintf( line++, "GetRenderMode()=%d", GetRenderMode() );
			engine->Con_NPrintf( line++, "m_nRenderFX=0x%8.8X", GetRenderFX() );

			color24 c = GetRenderColor();
			unsigned char a = GetRenderAlpha();
			engine->Con_NPrintf( line++, "rendercolor=%d,%d,%d,%d", c.r, c.g, c.b, a );

			engine->Con_NPrintf( line++, "origin=%f, %f, %f", GetRenderOrigin().x, GetRenderOrigin().y, GetRenderOrigin().z );
			engine->Con_NPrintf( line++, "angles=%f, %f, %f", GetRenderAngles()[0], GetRenderAngles()[1], GetRenderAngles()[2] );

			if ( IsEffectActive( EF_NODRAW ) )
				engine->Con_NPrintf( line++, "EF_NODRAW" );

	return ret;
void CBaseViewModel::CalcViewModelView( CBasePlayer *owner, const Vector& eyePosition, const QAngle& eyeAngles )
	// UNDONE: Calc this on the server?  Disabled for now as it seems unnecessary to have this info on the server
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	QAngle vmangoriginal = eyeAngles;
	QAngle vmangles = eyeAngles;
	Vector vmorigin = eyePosition;

	CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = m_hWeapon.Get();
	//Allow weapon lagging
	if ( pWeapon != NULL )
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
		if ( !prediction->InPrediction() )
			// add weapon-specific bob 
			pWeapon->AddViewmodelBob( this, vmorigin, vmangles );
#if defined ( CSTRIKE_DLL )
			CalcViewModelLag( vmorigin, vmangles, vmangoriginal );
	// Add model-specific bob even if no weapon associated (for head bob for off hand models)
	AddViewModelBob( owner, vmorigin, vmangles );
#if !defined ( CSTRIKE_DLL )
	// This was causing weapon jitter when rotating in updated CS:S; original Source had this in above InPrediction block  07/14/10
	// Add lag
	CalcViewModelLag( vmorigin, vmangles, vmangoriginal );

#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
	if ( !prediction->InPrediction() )
		// Let the viewmodel shake at about 10% of the amplitude of the player's view
		vieweffects->ApplyShake( vmorigin, vmangles, 0.1 );	

	if( UseVR() )
		g_ClientVirtualReality.OverrideViewModelTransform( vmorigin, vmangles, pWeapon && pWeapon->ShouldUseLargeViewModelVROverride() );

	SetLocalOrigin( vmorigin );
	SetLocalAngles( vmangles );

#ifdef SIXENSE
	if( g_pSixenseInput->IsEnabled() && (owner->GetObserverMode()==OBS_MODE_NONE) && !UseVR() )
		const float max_gun_pitch = 20.0f;

		float viewmodel_fov_ratio = g_pClientMode->GetViewModelFOV()/owner->GetFOV();
		QAngle gun_angles = g_pSixenseInput->GetViewAngleOffset() * -viewmodel_fov_ratio;

		// Clamp pitch a bit to minimize seeing back of viewmodel
		if( gun_angles[PITCH] < -max_gun_pitch )
			gun_angles[PITCH] = -max_gun_pitch; 

#ifdef WIN32 // ShouldFlipViewModel comes up unresolved on osx? Mabye because it's defined inline? fixme
		if( ShouldFlipViewModel() ) 
			gun_angles[YAW] *= -1.0f;

		vmangles = EyeAngles() +  gun_angles;

		SetLocalAngles( vmangles );
