Пример #1
// Helper method to get the layout properties from the PrintLayout xml resource.
void MgPrintLayout::GetLayoutPropertiesFromXml(MgXmlUtil* pXmlUtil)
    CHECKNULL(pXmlUtil, L"MgPrintLayout.GetLayoutPropertiesFromXml()");


    // Retrieve values from the xml document
    DOMElement* root = pXmlUtil->GetRootNode();
    CHECKNULL(root, L"MgPrintLayout.GetLayoutProperitesFromXml()");

//  DOMElement* pageProperties = pXmlUtil->GetElementNode(root, "PageProperties");

    DOMElement* backgroundColor = pXmlUtil->GetElementNode(root, "BackgroundColor");

    wstring szRed;
    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(backgroundColor, "Red", szRed);

    wstring szGreen;
    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(backgroundColor, "Green", szGreen);

    wstring szBlue;
    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(backgroundColor, "Blue", szBlue);

    DOMElement* layoutProperties = pXmlUtil->GetElementNode(root, "LayoutProperties");

    wstring szShowTitle;
    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(layoutProperties, "ShowTitle", szShowTitle, false);

    wstring szShowLegend;
    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(layoutProperties, "ShowLegend", szShowLegend, false);

    wstring szShowScalebar;
    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(layoutProperties, "ShowScaleBar", szShowScalebar, false);

    wstring szShowNorthArrow;
    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(layoutProperties, "ShowNorthArrow", szShowNorthArrow, false);

    wstring szShowUrl;
    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(layoutProperties, "ShowURL", szShowUrl, false);

    wstring szShowDateTime;
    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(layoutProperties, "ShowDateTime", szShowDateTime, false);

    wstring szShowCustomLogos;
    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(layoutProperties, "ShowCustomLogos", szShowCustomLogos, false);

    wstring szShowCustomText;
    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(layoutProperties, "ShowCustomText", szShowCustomText, false);

    DOMNode* customLogosNode = pXmlUtil->GetElementNode(root, "CustomLogos", false);
    if (NULL != customLogosNode)
        DOMNodeList* customLogosNodeList = pXmlUtil->GetNodeList(customLogosNode, "Logo");
        if (NULL != customLogosNodeList)
            for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < customLogosNodeList->getLength(); ++i)
                MgCustomLogoInfo logoInfo;
                wstring positionX;
                wstring positionY;
                wstring positionUnits;
                wstring resId;
                wstring name;
                wstring sizeWidth;
                wstring sizeHeight;
                wstring sizeUnits;
                wstring rotation;

                DOMNode* logoNode = customLogosNodeList->item(i);
                DOMNode* logoPositionNode = pXmlUtil->GetElementNode(logoNode, "Position", false);
                if (NULL != logoPositionNode)
                    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(logoPositionNode, "Left", positionX, false);
                    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(logoPositionNode, "Bottom", positionY, false);
                    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(logoPositionNode, "Units", positionUnits, false);
                    if (!positionUnits.empty()
                        && positionUnits != L"meters" && positionUnits != L"inches" && positionUnits != L"percent")
                        // invalid print layout position units
                        throw new MgInvalidPrintLayoutPositionUnitsException(L"MgPrintLayout.GetLayoutPropertiesFromXml", __LINE__, __WFILE__, NULL, L"", NULL);
                pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(logoNode, "ResourceId", resId, false);
                pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(logoNode, "Name", name, false);
                DOMNode* logoSizeNode = pXmlUtil->GetElementNode(logoNode, "Size", false);
                if (NULL != logoSizeNode)
                    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(logoSizeNode, "Width", sizeWidth, false);
                    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(logoSizeNode, "Height", sizeHeight, false);
                    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(logoSizeNode, "Units", sizeUnits, false);
                    if (!sizeUnits.empty()
                        && sizeUnits != L"inches" && sizeUnits != L"meters")
                        // invalid print layout size units
                        throw new MgInvalidPrintLayoutSizeUnitsException(L"MgPrintLayout.GetLayoutPropertiesFromXml", __LINE__, __WFILE__, NULL, L"", NULL);
                pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(logoNode, "Rotation", rotation, false);
                logoInfo.SetX( MgUtil::StringToDouble(positionX) );
                logoInfo.SetY( MgUtil::StringToDouble(positionY) );
                logoInfo.SetPositionUnits( positionUnits );
                logoInfo.SetResourceId( resId );
                logoInfo.SetName( name );
                logoInfo.SetWidth( MgUtil::StringToDouble(sizeWidth) );
                logoInfo.SetHeight( MgUtil::StringToDouble(sizeHeight) );
                logoInfo.SetSizeUnits( sizeUnits );
                logoInfo.SetRotation( MgUtil::StringToDouble(rotation) );


    DOMNode* customTextNode = pXmlUtil->GetElementNode(root, "CustomText", false);
    if (NULL != customTextNode)
        DOMNodeList* customTextNodeList = pXmlUtil->GetNodeList(customTextNode, "Text");
        if (NULL != customTextNodeList)
            for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < customTextNodeList->getLength(); ++i)
                MgCustomTextInfo textInfo;
                wstring positionX;
                wstring positionY;
                wstring positionUnits;
                wstring value;
                wstring fontName;
                wstring fontHeight;
                wstring fontSizeUnits;

                DOMNode* textNode = customTextNodeList->item(i);
                DOMNode* textPositionNode = pXmlUtil->GetElementNode(textNode, "Position", false);
                if (NULL != textPositionNode)
                    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(textPositionNode, "Left", positionX, false);
                    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(textPositionNode, "Bottom", positionY, false);
                    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(textPositionNode, "Units", positionUnits, false);
                    if (!positionUnits.empty()
                        && positionUnits != L"percent" && positionUnits != L"meters" && positionUnits != L"inches")
                        // invalid print layout position units
                        throw new MgInvalidPrintLayoutPositionUnitsException(L"MgPrintLayout.GetLayoutPropertiesFromXml", __LINE__, __WFILE__, NULL, L"", NULL);
                DOMNode* fontNode = pXmlUtil->GetElementNode(textNode, "Font", false);
                if (NULL != fontNode)
                    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(fontNode, "Name", fontName, false);
                    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(fontNode, "Height", fontHeight, false);
                    pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(fontNode, "Units", fontSizeUnits, false);
                    if (!fontSizeUnits.empty()
                        && fontSizeUnits != L"points" && fontSizeUnits != L"meters" && fontSizeUnits != L"inches")
                        // invalid print layout font size units
                        throw new MgInvalidPrintLayoutFontSizeUnitsException(L"MgPrintLayout.GetLayoutPropertiesFromXml", __LINE__, __WFILE__, NULL, L"", NULL);
                pXmlUtil->GetElementValue(textNode, "Value", value, false);
                textInfo.SetX( MgUtil::StringToDouble( positionX ) );
                textInfo.SetY( MgUtil::StringToDouble( positionY ) );
                textInfo.SetPositionUnits( positionUnits );
                textInfo.SetValue( value );
                textInfo.SetFontName( fontName );
                textInfo.SetFontHeight( MgUtil::StringToDouble( fontHeight ) );
                textInfo.SetSizeUnits( fontSizeUnits );


    // Set MgPrintLayout values
    INT32 nRed = MgUtil::StringToInt32( szRed );
    INT32 nGreen = MgUtil::StringToInt32( szGreen );
    INT32 nBlue = MgUtil::StringToInt32( szBlue );
    m_bgColor = new MgColor(nRed, nGreen, nBlue, 255);

    ShowTitle() = MgUtil::StringToBoolean( szShowTitle );

    ShowLegend() = MgUtil::StringToBoolean( szShowLegend );

    ShowScalebar() = MgUtil::StringToBoolean( szShowScalebar );

    ShowNorthArrow() = MgUtil::StringToBoolean( szShowNorthArrow );

    ShowUrl() = MgUtil::StringToBoolean( szShowUrl );

    ShowDateTime() = MgUtil::StringToBoolean( szShowDateTime );

    ShowCustomLogos() = MgUtil::StringToBoolean( szShowCustomLogos );

    ShowCustomText() = MgUtil::StringToBoolean( szShowCustomText );

Пример #2
 void main(void) {

	REFTEMPO referencia;
	uint8_t date[6] = {0x00,0x00,0x0C,0x1B,0x08,0x10};
	uint8_t modo_atual = START, aberta = 0x00;
	uint16_t leituras_salvas= 0;

	LCD_Write("    BEM VINDO!!!", 1);
	LCD_Write("  MEDIDOR DE AGUA!", 2);


	StartMonit(date, &referencia);

	while(1) {

//		OpenValve();
//		Delay(5000);
//		CloseValve();
//		Delay(5000);

		recebeDadosBluetooth = Bluetooth_RecebeDados();
		char comando;
//		char temp[5];
//		for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
//			temp[i] = recebeDadosBluetooth[i];
//		}
		comando = recebeDadosBluetooth[5];
		if(comando == '1'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "atual") == 0 ){
			LCD_Write("       ENVIA", 0);
			LCD_Write("       ULTIMO", 1);
			LCD_Write("       VALOR", 2);

			DADOMEDIDA ultimo;
			uint16_t mes_atual = referencia.end_proxmes - 0x1173;
			if(referencia.end_diaria.word - 3 != mes_atual)
				ultimo = EEPROM_PegaLeitura(referencia.end_diaria.word - 6);
				ultimo.med.word = 0;

		if(comando == '2'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "anter") == 0 ){
			LCD_Write("       ENVIA", 0);
			LCD_Write("       MEDIA ", 1);
			LCD_Write("       ANUAL", 2);
			DADOANUAL media;
			media = EEPROM_PegaMedia(referencia.end_proxano.word - 9);
            uint32_t valor = ((media.acu_hi.word*65536) + media.acu_lo.word)/media.cnt_ms.word;			

 		if(comando == '3'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "histo") == 0 ){
			LCD_Write("       ENVIA ", 1);
			LCD_Write("     HISTORICO", 2);
			B16 cal;
			uint16_t mem_mes = MES1;
			uint8_t day[3];
			uint8_t hour[3];
			for(int ind_mes = 0; ind_mes < 6; ind_mes++) {
				mem_mes = mem_mes + (ind_mes*0x1173);
				cal = GetMesAno(mem_mes);				
				for(int ler = 0; ler < 744; ler++) {
					hist = LeSequencia((ind_mes*0x1173), ler);
					day[0] = his.datetime[0];
					day[1] = cal.byte[1];
					day[2] = cal.byte[0];
					hour[0] = his.datetime[1];
					hour[1] = his.datetime[2];
					hour[2] = his.datetime[3];
					Bluetooth_EnviaDados(hist.med.word, day, hour);
		if(comando == '4'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "reset") == 0 ){
			LCD_Write("        RESET", 1);
			LCD_Write("       MEMORIA", 2);
		if(comando == '5'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "ajust") == 0 ){
			LCD_Write("  RECEBENDO DADOS", 0);
			//recebe data
			char imprime[15];
			char auxData[6] = "999999";
			while(auxData[0] == '9'){
				recebeDadosBluetooth = Bluetooth_RecebeDados();
				for(index = 0; index < 6; index++){
					auxData[index] = recebeDadosBluetooth[index];
			date[3] = ((auxData[0] - 0x30 ) * 10) + (auxData[1] - 0x30);
			date[4] = ((auxData[2] - 0x30 ) * 10) + (auxData[3] - 0x30);
			date[5] = ((auxData[4] - 0x30 ) * 10) + (auxData[5] - 0x30);
			sprintf(imprime, "DATA %02d/%02d/%02d", date[3], date[4], date[5]);
			LCD_Write(imprime, 1);
			//recebe hora
			char auxTime[6] = "999999";
			while(auxTime[0] == '9'){
				recebeDadosBluetooth = Bluetooth_RecebeDados();
				for(index = 0; index < 6; index++){
					auxTime[index] = recebeDadosBluetooth[index];
			date[2] = ((auxTime[0] - 0x30 ) * 10) + (auxTime[1] - 0x30);
			date[1] = ((auxTime[2] - 0x30 ) * 10) + (auxTime[3] - 0x30);
			date[0] = ((auxTime[4] - 0x30 ) * 10) + (auxTime[5] - 0x30);
			sprintf(imprime, "HORA %02d:%02d:%02d", date[2], date[1], date[0]);
			LCD_Write(imprime, 2);


			//DIA - MES - ANO
		if(comando == '6'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "abrir") == 0 ){
			LCD_Write("    ABRE VALVULA", 0);
			LCD_Write("---------/ /--------", 2);
		if(comando == '7'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "fecha") == 0 ){
			LCD_Write("   FECHA VALVULA", 0);
			LCD_Write("--------------------", 2);
		if(comando == '8'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "volts") == 0 ){
			char imprime[10];
			float volt = bateria / 1.67;
			sprintf(imprime, "BATERIA = %.2f V", volt); // 9.0v -> 2.18V
			LCD_Write(imprime, 1);
			volt = rede / 2;
			sprintf(imprime, "REDE = %.2f V", volt); //12.4V -> 2.80V
			LCD_Write(imprime, 2);

		Scan(&referencia, &modo_atual, &tempo_passado, &pulsos_contados, &leituras_salvas);

		if(modo_atual == ENABLED)	{
			TimerEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A);
		} else if(modo_atual == RESTART || modo_atual == DISABLED) {
			TimerDisable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A);
			modo_atual = START;

		if(modo_atual != DISABLED) {
			if(aberta == 0x00) {
				aberta = 0x01;
		} else {
			if(aberta == 0x01) {
				aberta = 0x00;

Пример #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	//vector<rPowers> PowerTable;
	int Omega, NumShortTerms, Ordering, IsTriplet, ShPower;
	double Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Mu, Lambda1, Lambda2, Lambda3, Kappa;
	double **PhiHPhi, **PhiPhi;
	vector <double> B(1, 0.0), ARow(1, 0.0), ShortTerms;
	double SLS = 0.0, SLC = 0.0;
	QuadPoints q;
	int sf, l;
	double r2Cusp, r3Cusp;
	int Node = 0, TotalNodes = 1;
	ifstream ParameterFile, FileShortRange;
	ofstream OutFile;
	//int NodeStart, NodeEnd;
	time_t TimeStart, TimeEnd;
#ifdef USE_MPI
	char ProcessorName[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
	MPI_Status MpiStatus;
	int MpiError, ProcNameLen;

	//@TODO: Will MPI time be different?
	TimeStart = time(NULL);

	// Initialize global constants.
	PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029L;

	if (argc < 5) {
		cerr << "Not enough parameters on the command line." << endl;
		cerr << "Usage: Scattering kappa parameterfile.txt shortrangefile.psh results.txt" << endl;
		cout << endl;
	cout << setprecision(18);

	// MPI initialization
	//@TODO: Check MpiError.
#ifdef USE_MPI
	MpiError = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);  // All MPI programs start with MPI_Init; all 'N' processes exist thereafter.
	MpiError = MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &TotalNodes);  // Find out how big the SPMD world is
	MpiError = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Node);  // and what this process's rank is.
	MpiError = MPI_Get_processor_name(ProcessorName, &ProcNameLen);
	string LogName;
	if (argc > 5)
		LogName = argv[5];
		LogName = "test.log";
	//MpiError = MPI_File_open(MPI_COMM_WORLD, (char*)LogName.c_str(), MPI_MODE_WRONLY | MPI_MODE_CREATE, MPI_INFO_NULL, &MpiLog);
	//cout << "Node " << Node << " of " << TotalNodes << " on " << ProcessorName << endl;

	// The following code here just shows what the nodes are and how many threads each has.
	stringstream ThreadStringStream;
	int ThreadStrLen;
	int MaxThreads = omp_get_max_threads();
	ThreadStringStream << MaxThreads << " threads on Node " << Node << " of " << TotalNodes << " on " << ProcessorName;
	if (Node == 0) {
		cout << endl << ThreadStringStream.str() << endl;
		for (int i = 1; i < TotalNodes; i++) {
			MpiError = MPI_Recv(&ThreadStrLen, 1, MPI_INT, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
			char *StringStream = new char[ThreadStrLen+1];
			MpiError = MPI_Recv(StringStream, ThreadStrLen, MPI_CHAR, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
			StringStream[ThreadStrLen] = NULL;
			cout << StringStream << endl;
		cout << endl;
	else {
		ThreadStrLen = ThreadStringStream.str().length();
		const char *ThreadString = ThreadStringStream.str().c_str();
		MpiError = MPI_Send(&ThreadStrLen, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MpiError = MPI_Send((void*)ThreadString, ThreadStrLen, MPI_CHAR, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	Node = 0;

	if (Node == 0) {
		if (!ParameterFile.is_open()) {
			cout << "Could not open parameter file...exiting." << endl;
		if (!OutFile.is_open()) {
			cout << "Could not open output file...exiting." << endl;
		OutFile << setprecision(18);

		ReadParamFile(ParameterFile, q, Mu, ShPower, Lambda1, Lambda2, Lambda3, r2Cusp, r3Cusp);

		// Read in short-range short-range elements.  These have already been calculated by the PsHBound program.
		//  We are reading in only the binary versions (they were originally text files).
		FileShortRange.open(argv[3], ios::in | ios::binary);
		if (FileShortRange.fail()) {
			cerr << "Unable to open file " << argv[3] << " for reading." << endl;

		// Create short-range short-range terms
		// Read in omega and nonlinear parameters.
		if (!ReadShortHeader(FileShortRange, Omega, IsTriplet, Ordering, NumShortTerms, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, l)) {
			cerr << argv[3] << " is not a valid Ps-H short-range file...exiting." << endl;

		// Calculate number of terms for a given omega. Do we need to compare to the one in the short-range file above?
		NumShortTerms = CalcPowerTableSize(Omega);

		Kappa = atof(argv[1]);

		if (IsTriplet == 0)	sf = 1;
		else if (IsTriplet == 1) sf = -1;
		else {
			cout << "IsTriplet parameter incorrect in " << argv[3] << endl;

		WriteHeader(OutFile, l, IsTriplet);

		cout << "Omega: " << Omega << endl;
		cout << "Number of terms: " << NumShortTerms << endl;
		cout << "Alpha: " << Alpha << "  Beta: " << Beta << "  Gamma: " << Gamma << endl;
		cout << "Mu: " << Mu << endl;
		cout << "Shielding power: " << ShPower << endl;
		cout << "Kappa: " << Kappa << endl;
		cout << "Lambda: " << Lambda1 << " " << Lambda2 << " " << Lambda3 << endl;

		cout << endl << "Number of quadrature points" << endl;
		cout << "Long-long:                     " << q.LongLong_r1 << " " << q.LongLong_r2Leg << " " << q.LongLong_r2Lag << " " << q.LongLong_r3Leg << " " << q.LongLong_r3Lag << " " << q.LongLong_r12 << " " << q.LongLong_r13 << " " << q.LongLong_phi23 << endl;
		cout << "Long-long 2/r23 term:          " << q.LongLongr23_r1 << " " << q.LongLongr23_r2Leg << " " << q.LongLongr23_r2Lag << " " << q.LongLongr23_r3Leg << " " << q.LongLongr23_r3Lag << " " << q.LongLongr23_phi12 << " " << q.LongLongr23_r13 << " " << q.LongLongr23_r23 << endl;
		cout << "Short-long with qi = 0:        " << q.ShortLong_r1 << " " << q.ShortLong_r2Leg << " " << q.ShortLong_r2Lag << " " << q.ShortLong_r3Leg << " " << q.ShortLong_r3Lag << " " << q.ShortLong_r12 << " " << q.ShortLong_r13 << " " << q.ShortLong_phi23 << endl;
		cout << "Short-long 2/r23 with qi = 0:  " << q.ShortLongr23_r1 << " " << q.ShortLongr23_r2Leg << " " << q.ShortLongr23_r2Lag << " " << q.ShortLongr23_r3Leg << " " << q.ShortLongr23_r3Lag << " " << q.ShortLongr23_r12 << " " << q.ShortLongr23_phi13 << " " << q.ShortLongr23_r23 << endl;
		cout << "Short-long (full) with qi > 0: " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r1 << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r2Leg << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r2Lag << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r3Leg << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r3Lag << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r12 << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r13 << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_phi23 << endl;
		cout << endl;
		cout << "Cusp parameters" << endl;
		cout << r2Cusp << " " << r3Cusp << endl;
		cout << endl;

		if (NumShortTerms > 0) {
			// Allocate memory for the overlap matrix and point PhiPhiP to rows of PhiPhi so we
			//  can access it like a 2D array but have it in contiguous memory for LAPACK.
			PhiPhi = new double*[NumShortTerms*2];
			PhiPhi[0] = new double[NumShortTerms*NumShortTerms*4];
			for (int i = 1; i < NumShortTerms*2; i++) {
				PhiPhi[i] = PhiPhi[i-1] + NumShortTerms*2;
			// Read in the <phi|phi> matrix elements.
			FileShortRange.read((char*)PhiPhi[0], NumShortTerms*NumShortTerms*4*sizeof(double));

			// Allocate memory for the <phi|H|phi> matrix and point PhiHPhiP to rows of PhiHPhi so we
			//  can access it like a 2D array but have it in contiguous memory for LAPACK.
			PhiHPhi = new double*[NumShortTerms*2];
			PhiHPhi[0] = new double[NumShortTerms*NumShortTerms*4];
			for (int i = 1; i < NumShortTerms*2; i++) {
				PhiHPhi[i] = PhiHPhi[i-1] + NumShortTerms*2;
			// Read in the <phi|H|phi> matrix elements.
			FileShortRange.read((char*)PhiHPhi[0], NumShortTerms*NumShortTerms*4*sizeof(double));

			// Allocate matrix of short-range - short-range terms.

			//@TODO: Remove next line.
			//memset(ShortTerms, 0, NumShortTerms*NumShortTerms*4*sizeof(double));  // Initialize to all 0.

	//@TODO: Check results of MpiError.
#ifdef USE_MPI
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&Omega, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&NumShortTerms, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&Ordering, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&IsTriplet, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&Mu, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&ShPower, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&Kappa, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&Lambda1, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&Lambda2, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&Lambda3, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&Alpha, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&Beta, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&Gamma, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&r2Cusp, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&r3Cusp, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&sf, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&l, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&ShPower, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	MpiError = MPI_Bcast(&q, sizeof(q), MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

	//@TODO: Remove next line.
	//memset(ARow, 0, (NumShortTerms+1)*sizeof(double));  // Initialize to all 0.
	//memset(B, 0, (NumShortTerms+1)*sizeof(double));  // Initialize to all 0.

	vector <rPowers> PowerTableQi0, PowerTableQiGt0;
	vector <vector <rPowers> > PowerTableQi0Array(TotalNodes), PowerTableQiGt0Array(TotalNodes);
	vector <double> AResultsQi0, BResultsQi0, AResultsQiGt0, BResultsQiGt0;
	vector <double> AResultsQi0Final, BResultsQi0Final, AResultsQiGt0Final, BResultsQiGt0Final;
	int NumTerms, NumTermsQi0, NumTermsQiGt0;

	NumTerms = CalcPowerTableSize(Omega);

	if (Node == 0) {
		NumTermsQi0 = CalcPowerTableSizeQi0(Omega, Ordering, 0, NumShortTerms);
		NumTermsQiGt0 = CalcPowerTableSizeQiGt0(Omega, Ordering, 0, NumShortTerms);

		// The *2 comes from the 2 types of symmetry
		AResultsQi0.resize(NumTermsQi0*2, 0.0);
		AResultsQiGt0.resize(NumTermsQiGt0*2, 0.0);
		BResultsQi0.resize(NumTermsQi0*2, 0.0);
		BResultsQiGt0.resize(NumTermsQiGt0*2, 0.0);

		AResultsQi0Final.resize(NumTermsQi0*2, 0.0);
		AResultsQiGt0Final.resize(NumTermsQiGt0*2, 0.0);
		BResultsQi0Final.resize(NumTermsQi0*2, 0.0);
		BResultsQiGt0Final.resize(NumTermsQiGt0*2, 0.0);

		PowerTableQi0.resize(NumTermsQi0*2, rPowers(Alpha, Beta, Gamma));
		PowerTableQiGt0.resize(NumTermsQiGt0*2, rPowers(Alpha, Beta, Gamma));
		GenOmegaPowerTableQi0(Omega, l, Ordering, PowerTableQi0, 0, NumShortTerms-1);
		GenOmegaPowerTableQiGt0(Omega, l, Ordering, PowerTableQiGt0, 0, NumShortTerms-1);

#ifdef USE_MPI
	double NumTermsQi0Proc, NumTermsQiGt0Proc;
	vector <int> NumTermsQi0Array(TotalNodes), NumTermsQiGt0Array(TotalNodes);

	MpiError = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	// Tell all processes what terms they should be evaluating.
	if (Node == 0) {
		NumTermsQi0Proc = (double)NumTermsQi0 / (double)TotalNodes;  //@TODO: Need the typecast?
		NumTermsQiGt0Proc = (double)NumTermsQiGt0 / (double)TotalNodes;  //@TODO: Need the typecast?
		int Qi0Pos = (int)NumTermsQi0Proc, QiGt0Pos = (int)NumTermsQiGt0Proc;
		for (int i = 1; i < TotalNodes; i++) {
			//@TODO: Do we need to save these values in an array?
			NumTermsQi0Array[i] = int(NumTermsQi0Proc * (i+1)) - int(NumTermsQi0Proc * i);
			NumTermsQiGt0Array[i] = int(NumTermsQiGt0Proc * (i+1)) - int(NumTermsQiGt0Proc * i);
			MpiError = MPI_Send(&NumTermsQi0Array[i], 1, MPI_INT, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MpiError = MPI_Send(&NumTermsQiGt0Array[i], 1, MPI_INT, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			cout << "Node " << i << ": " << NumTermsQi0Array[i] << " " << NumTermsQiGt0Array[i] << endl;

			for (int j = 0; j < NumTermsQi0Array[i]; j++, Qi0Pos++) {
				PowerTableQi0Array[i][j] = PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos];
				//cout << i << ": " << PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos].ki + PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos].li + PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos].mi + PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos].ni + PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos].pi + PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos].qi << " - " <<
				//	PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos].ki << " " << PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos].li << " " << PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos].mi << " " << PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos].ni << " " << PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos].pi << " " << PowerTableQi0[Qi0Pos].qi << endl;
#ifdef VERBOSE
			cout << endl;
			for (int j = 0; j < NumTermsQiGt0Array[i]; j++, QiGt0Pos++) {
				PowerTableQiGt0Array[i][j] = PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos];
#ifdef VERBOSE
				cout << i << ": " << PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos].ki + PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos].li + PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos].mi + PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos].ni + PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos].pi + PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos].qi << " - " <<
					PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos].ki << " " << PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos].li << " " << PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos].mi << " " << PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos].ni << " " << PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos].pi << " " << PowerTableQiGt0[QiGt0Pos].qi << endl;

			//@TODO: How safe is this?
			MpiError = MPI_Send(&PowerTableQi0Array[i][0], sizeof(rPowers)*NumTermsQi0Array[i], MPI_BYTE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
			MpiError = MPI_Send(&PowerTableQiGt0Array[i][0], sizeof(rPowers)*NumTermsQiGt0Array[i], MPI_BYTE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		NumTermsQi0Array[0] = int(NumTermsQi0Proc);
		NumTermsQiGt0Array[0] = int(NumTermsQiGt0Proc);
		NumTermsQi0 = NumTermsQi0Array[0];
		NumTermsQiGt0 = NumTermsQiGt0Array[0];

		//AResultsQi0.resize(NumTermsQi0*2, 0.0);
		//AResultsQiGt0.resize(NumTermsQiGt0*2, 0.0);
		//BResultsQi0.resize(NumTermsQi0*2, 0.0);
		//BResultsQiGt0.resize(NumTermsQiGt0*2, 0.0);

		//@TODO: Temporary?
		int NumTermsQi0Temp = CalcPowerTableSizeQi0(Omega, Ordering, 0, NumShortTerms);
		for (int i = 0; i < NumTermsQi0; i++) {
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].ki = PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0Temp+i].ki;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].li = PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0Temp+i].li;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].mi = PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0Temp+i].mi;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].ni = PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0Temp+i].ni;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].pi = PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0Temp+i].pi;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].qi = PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0Temp+i].qi;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].alpha = PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0Temp+i].alpha;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].beta = PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0Temp+i].beta;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].gamma = PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0Temp+i].gamma;
		int NumTermsQiGt0Temp = CalcPowerTableSizeQiGt0(Omega, Ordering, 0, NumShortTerms);
		for (int i = 0; i < NumTermsQiGt0; i++) {
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].ki = PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+i].ki;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].li = PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+i].li;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].mi = PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+i].mi;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].ni = PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+i].ni;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].pi = PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+i].pi;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].qi = PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+i].qi;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].alpha = PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+i].alpha;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].beta = PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+i].beta;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].gamma = PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+i].gamma;

		cout << "Node " << 0 << ": " << NumTermsQi0Array[0] << " " << NumTermsQiGt0Array[0] << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < NumTermsQiGt0; i++) {
			//cout << 0 << ": " << PowerTableQi0[i].ki + PowerTableQi0[i].li + PowerTableQi0[i].mi + PowerTableQi0[i].ni + PowerTableQi0[i].pi + PowerTableQi0[i].qi << " - " <<
			//		PowerTableQi0[i].ki << " " << PowerTableQi0[i].li << " " << PowerTableQi0[i].mi << " " << PowerTableQi0[i].ni << " " << PowerTableQi0[i].pi << " " << PowerTableQi0[i].qi << endl;
#ifdef VERBOSE
			cout << 0 << ": " << PowerTableQiGt0[i].ki + PowerTableQiGt0[i].li + PowerTableQiGt0[i].mi + PowerTableQiGt0[i].ni + PowerTableQiGt0[i].pi + PowerTableQiGt0[i].qi << " - " <<
					PowerTableQiGt0[i].ki << " " << PowerTableQiGt0[i].li << " " << PowerTableQiGt0[i].mi << " " << PowerTableQiGt0[i].ni << " " << PowerTableQiGt0[i].pi << " " << PowerTableQiGt0[i].qi << endl;
		cout << endl;
	else {
		MpiError = MPI_Recv(&NumTermsQi0, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
		MpiError = MPI_Recv(&NumTermsQiGt0, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);


		MpiError = MPI_Recv(&PowerTableQi0[0], sizeof(rPowers)*NumTermsQi0, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
		MpiError = MPI_Recv(&PowerTableQiGt0[0], sizeof(rPowers)*NumTermsQiGt0, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);

		// Create phi2 terms
		for (int i = 0; i < NumTermsQi0; i++) {
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].ki = PowerTableQi0[i].ki - l;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].li = PowerTableQi0[i].li + l;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].mi = PowerTableQi0[i].mi;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].ni = PowerTableQi0[i].ni;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].pi = PowerTableQi0[i].pi;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].qi = PowerTableQi0[i].qi;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].alpha = PowerTableQi0[i].alpha;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].beta = PowerTableQi0[i].beta;
			PowerTableQi0[NumTermsQi0+i].gamma = PowerTableQi0[i].gamma;
		for (int i = 0; i < NumTermsQiGt0; i++) {
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].ki = PowerTableQiGt0[i].ki - l;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].li = PowerTableQiGt0[i].li + l;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].mi = PowerTableQiGt0[i].mi;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].ni = PowerTableQiGt0[i].ni;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].pi = PowerTableQiGt0[i].pi;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].qi = PowerTableQiGt0[i].qi;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].alpha = PowerTableQiGt0[i].alpha;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].beta = PowerTableQiGt0[i].beta;
			PowerTableQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i].gamma = PowerTableQiGt0[i].gamma;
	//cout << "Node " << Node << ": " << NodeStart << " " << NodeEnd << endl;
	MpiError = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//#ifdef USE_MPI
//	MpiError = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//	// Tell all processes what terms they should be evaluating.
//	if (Node == 0) {
//		NumTermsProc = (double)(NumShortTerms+1) / (double)TotalNodes;  //@TODO: Need the typecast?
//		for (int i = 1; i < TotalNodes; i++) {
//			NodeStart = NumTermsProc * i;
//			NodeEnd = NumTermsProc * (i+1) - 1;
//			MpiError = MPI_Send(&NodeStart, 1, MPI_INT, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//			MpiError = MPI_Send(&NodeEnd, 1, MPI_INT, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//		}
//		// This is the set of values for the root node to take.
//		NodeStart = 0;
//		NodeEnd = NumTermsProc * (Node+1) - 1;
//		}
//	else {
//		MpiError = MPI_Recv(&NodeStart, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
//		MpiError = MPI_Recv(&NodeEnd, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
//	}
//	MpiError = MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
//	//@TODO: To clean this up some, we could just output this in the loop above for node 0.
//	cout << "Node " << Node << ": " << NodeStart << " " << NodeEnd << endl;
//	NumTermsProc = (double)(NumShortTerms+1);
//	NodeStart = 0;
//	NodeEnd = NumTermsProc * (Node+1) - 1;

	//TimeStart = time(NULL);
	//CalcARowAndBVector(Node, NumTerms, Omega, PowerTable, AResults, ARow, BResults, B, SLS, q, r2Cusp, r3Cusp, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Kappa, Mu, sf);
	CalcARowAndBVector(Node, NumTermsQi0, NumTermsQiGt0, Omega, PowerTableQi0, PowerTableQiGt0, AResultsQi0, AResultsQiGt0, ARow, BResultsQi0, BResultsQiGt0, B, SLS, SLC, l, q, r2Cusp, r3Cusp, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Kappa, Mu, Lambda1, Lambda2, Lambda3, ShPower, sf);
	//TimeEnd = time(NULL);
	//cout << "Time elapsed: " << difftime(TimeEnd, TimeStart) << endl;
	//OutFile << "Time elapsed: " << difftime(TimeEnd, TimeStart) << endl;

#ifdef USE_MPI
	if (Node == 0) {
		//@TODO: Temporary
		int NumTermsQi0Temp = CalcPowerTableSizeQi0(Omega, Ordering, 0, NumShortTerms);
		int NumTermsQiGt0Temp = CalcPowerTableSizeQiGt0(Omega, Ordering, 0, NumShortTerms);

		for (int i = 0; i < NumTermsQi0; i++) {
			AResultsQi0Final[i] = AResultsQi0[i];
			AResultsQi0Final[NumTermsQi0Temp+i] = AResultsQi0[NumTermsQi0+i];
			BResultsQi0Final[i] = BResultsQi0[i];
			BResultsQi0Final[NumTermsQi0Temp+i] = BResultsQi0[NumTermsQi0+i];
		for (int i = 0; i < NumTermsQiGt0; i++) {
			AResultsQiGt0Final[i] = AResultsQiGt0[i];
			AResultsQiGt0Final[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+i] = AResultsQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i];
			BResultsQiGt0Final[i] = BResultsQiGt0[i];
			BResultsQiGt0Final[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+i] = BResultsQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0+i];

		cout << " Node " << Node << " (" << ProcessorName << ") finished computation at " << ShowTime() << endl;
		// ResultsQi0 and ResultsQiGt0 already have process 0's results.
		//  Gather the results from the rest of the processes.
		int nQi0 = NumTermsQi0Array[0], nQiGt0 = NumTermsQiGt0Array[0];
		// IMPORTANT NOTE! i++ must be at the end, or else it increments before nQi0 and nQiGt0.
		for (int i = 1; i < TotalNodes; nQi0 += NumTermsQi0Array[i], nQiGt0 += NumTermsQiGt0Array[i], i++) {
			// Phi1 terms
			MpiError = MPI_Recv(&AResultsQi0Final[nQi0], NumTermsQi0Array[i], MPI_DOUBLE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
			MpiError = MPI_Recv(&BResultsQi0Final[nQi0], NumTermsQi0Array[i], MPI_DOUBLE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
			MpiError = MPI_Recv(&AResultsQiGt0Final[nQiGt0], NumTermsQiGt0Array[i], MPI_DOUBLE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
			MpiError = MPI_Recv(&BResultsQiGt0Final[nQiGt0], NumTermsQiGt0Array[i], MPI_DOUBLE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
			// Phi2 terms
			MpiError = MPI_Recv(&AResultsQi0Final[NumTermsQi0Temp+nQi0], NumTermsQi0Array[i], MPI_DOUBLE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
			MpiError = MPI_Recv(&BResultsQi0Final[NumTermsQi0Temp+nQi0], NumTermsQi0Array[i], MPI_DOUBLE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
			MpiError = MPI_Recv(&AResultsQiGt0Final[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+nQiGt0], NumTermsQiGt0Array[i], MPI_DOUBLE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
			MpiError = MPI_Recv(&BResultsQiGt0Final[NumTermsQiGt0Temp+nQiGt0], NumTermsQiGt0Array[i], MPI_DOUBLE, i, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MpiStatus);
	else {
		cout << " Node " << Node << " (" << ProcessorName << ") finished computation at " << ShowTime() << endl;
		// Phi1 terms
		MpiError = MPI_Send(&AResultsQi0[0], NumTermsQi0, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MpiError = MPI_Send(&BResultsQi0[0], NumTermsQi0, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MpiError = MPI_Send(&AResultsQiGt0[0], NumTermsQiGt0, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MpiError = MPI_Send(&BResultsQiGt0[0], NumTermsQiGt0, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		// Phi2 terms
		MpiError = MPI_Send(&AResultsQi0[NumTermsQi0], NumTermsQi0, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MpiError = MPI_Send(&BResultsQi0[NumTermsQi0], NumTermsQi0, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MpiError = MPI_Send(&AResultsQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0], NumTermsQiGt0, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MpiError = MPI_Send(&BResultsQiGt0[NumTermsQiGt0], NumTermsQiGt0, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
	AResultsQi0Final = AResultsQi0;
	BResultsQi0Final = BResultsQi0;
	AResultsQiGt0Final = AResultsQiGt0;
	BResultsQiGt0Final = BResultsQiGt0;

	if (Node == 0) {
		//@TODO: Put directly into A and B
		vector <double> AResults(NumShortTerms*2), BResults(NumShortTerms*2);
		CombineResults(Omega, Ordering, AResultsQi0Final, AResultsQiGt0Final, AResults, 0, NumShortTerms);
		CombineResults(Omega, Ordering, BResultsQi0Final, BResultsQiGt0Final, BResults, 0, NumShortTerms);

		for (int i = 0; i < NumShortTerms*2; i++) {
			ARow[i+1] = AResults[i];
		for (int i = 0; i < NumShortTerms*2; i++) {
			B[i+1] = BResults[i];

		int Multiplier;
		if (l == 0) Multiplier = 1;  // S-wave only has a single symmetry
		else Multiplier = 2;

		cout << endl << endl << "A matrix row" << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < NumShortTerms*Multiplier+1; i++) {
			cout << i << " " << ARow[i] << endl;

		cout << endl << "B vector" << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < NumShortTerms*Multiplier+1; i++) {
			cout << i << " " << B[i] << endl;
		cout << endl;

		// Construct the rest of the matrix A with the short-range - short-range terms.
		for (int i = 0; i < NumShortTerms*2; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < NumShortTerms*2; j++) {
				ShortTerms[i*NumShortTerms*2+j] = PhiHPhi[i][j] - 0.5*Kappa*Kappa * PhiPhi[i][j] + 1.5*PhiPhi[i][j];

	if (Node == 0) {
		//@TODO: Move further up.
		// Output results to file
		if (Ordering == 0)
			OutFile << "Using Denton's ordering" << endl;
			OutFile << "Using Peter Van Reeth's ordering" << endl;

		OutFile << "Omega: " << Omega << endl;
		OutFile << "Number of terms: " << NumShortTerms << endl;
		OutFile << "Alpha: " << Alpha << "  Beta: " << Beta << "  Gamma: " << Gamma << endl;
		OutFile << "Mu: " << Mu << endl;
		OutFile << "Shielding power: " << ShPower << endl;
		OutFile << "Kappa: " << Kappa << endl;
		OutFile << "Lambda: " << Lambda1 << " " << Lambda2 << " " << Lambda3 << " " << endl;

		OutFile << endl << "Number of quadrature points" << endl;
		OutFile << "Long-long:                     " << q.LongLong_r1 << " " << q.LongLong_r2Leg << " " << q.LongLong_r2Lag << " " << q.LongLong_r3Leg << " " << q.LongLong_r3Lag << " " << q.LongLong_r12 << " " << q.LongLong_r13 << " " << q.LongLong_phi23 << endl;
		OutFile << "Long-long 2/r23 term:          " << q.LongLongr23_r1 << " " << q.LongLongr23_r2Leg << " " << q.LongLongr23_r2Lag << " " << q.LongLongr23_r3Leg << " " << q.LongLongr23_r3Lag << " " << q.LongLongr23_phi12 << " " << q.LongLongr23_r13 << " " << q.LongLongr23_r23 << endl;
		OutFile << "Short-long with qi = 0:        " << q.ShortLong_r1 << " " << q.ShortLong_r2Leg << " " << q.ShortLong_r2Lag << " " << q.ShortLong_r3Leg << " " << q.ShortLong_r3Lag << " " << q.ShortLong_r12 << " " << q.ShortLong_r13 << " " << q.ShortLong_phi23 << endl;
		OutFile << "Short-long 2/r23 with qi = 0:  " << q.ShortLongr23_r1 << " " << q.ShortLongr23_r2Leg << " " << q.ShortLongr23_r2Lag << " " << q.ShortLongr23_r3Leg << " " << q.ShortLongr23_r3Lag << " " << q.ShortLongr23_r12 << " " << q.ShortLongr23_phi13 << " " << q.ShortLongr23_r23 << endl;
		OutFile << "Short-long (full) with qi > 0: " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r1 << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r2Leg << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r2Lag << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r3Leg << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r3Lag << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r12 << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_r13 << " " << q.ShortLongQiGt0_phi23 << endl;
		OutFile << endl;
		OutFile << "Cusp parameters" << endl;
		OutFile << r2Cusp << " " << r3Cusp << endl;
		OutFile << endl;

		int Multiplier;
		if (l == 0) Multiplier = 1;  // S-wave only has a single symmetry
		else Multiplier = 2;

		OutFile << "A matrix row" << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < NumShortTerms*Multiplier+1; i++) {
			OutFile << i << " " <<  ARow[i] << endl;
		OutFile << endl << "B vector" << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < NumShortTerms*Multiplier+1; i++) {
			OutFile << i << " " << B[i] << endl;

		//cout << "SLS Term: " << SLS << endl;
		//cout << "SLC Term: " << SLC << endl;
		//cout << "SLC - CLS: " << SLC - B[0] << endl << endl;
		cout << endl << "SLS Term" << endl << SLS << endl;
		cout << endl << "SLC Term" << endl << SLC << endl;
		cout << "SLC - CLS: " << SLC - B[0] << endl << endl;
		OutFile << endl << "SLS Term" << endl << SLS << endl;
		OutFile << endl << "SLC Term" << endl << SLC << endl;
		OutFile << "SLC - CLS: " << SLC - B[0] << endl << endl;

		double KohnPhase, InvKohnPhase, ComplexKohnPhase;
		KohnPhase = Kohn(NumShortTerms, ARow, B, ShortTerms, SLS);
		InvKohnPhase = InverseKohn(NumShortTerms, ARow, B, ShortTerms, SLS);
		ComplexKohnPhase = ComplexKohnT(NumShortTerms, ARow, B, ShortTerms, SLS);
		cout << "Kohn phase shift: " << KohnPhase << endl;
		cout << "Inverse Kohn phase shift: " << InvKohnPhase << endl;
		cout << "Complex Kohn phase shift: " << ComplexKohnPhase << endl << endl;
		OutFile << "Kohn phase shift: " << KohnPhase << endl;
		OutFile << "Inverse Kohn phase shift: " << InvKohnPhase << endl;
		OutFile << "Complex (T-matrix) Kohn phase shift: " << ComplexKohnPhase << endl << endl;

		double CrossSection = 4.0 * PI * sin(KohnPhase) * sin(KohnPhase);  // (2l+1) = 1 with l = 0
		cout << "Kohn partial wave cross section: " << CrossSection << endl;
		OutFile << "Kohn Partial wave cross section: " << CrossSection << endl;
		CrossSection = 4.0 * PI * sin(InvKohnPhase) * sin(InvKohnPhase);
		cout << "Inverse Kohn partial wave cross section: " << CrossSection << endl;
		OutFile << "Inverse Kohn partial wave cross section: " << CrossSection << endl;
		CrossSection = 4.0 * PI * sin(ComplexKohnPhase) * sin(ComplexKohnPhase);
		cout << "Complex (T-matrix) Kohn partial wave cross section: " << CrossSection << endl << endl;
		OutFile << "Complex (T-matrix) Kohn partial wave cross section: " << CrossSection << endl << endl;

	// Cleanup
	if (Node == 0) {
		TimeEnd = time(NULL);
		cout << "Time elapsed: " << difftime(TimeEnd, TimeStart) << endl;
		OutFile << "Time elapsed: " << difftime(TimeEnd, TimeStart) << endl;
		if (NumShortTerms > 0) {
			delete [] PhiHPhi[0];
			delete [] PhiHPhi;
			delete [] PhiPhi[0];
			delete [] PhiPhi;
	cout << endl;

#ifdef USE_MPI
	//MpiError = MPI_File_close(&MpiLog);
	MpiError = MPI_Finalize();

	return 0;
Пример #4
void main(void) {

	LCD_Write("    BEM VINDO!!!", 1);
	LCD_Write("  MEDIDOR DE AGUA!", 2);


	StartMonit(date, &referencia);

	while(1) {

		recebeDadosBluetooth = Bluetooth_RecebeDados();
		char comando;
//		char temp[5];
//		for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
//			temp[i] = recebeDadosBluetooth[i];
//		}
		comando = recebeDadosBluetooth[5];
		if(comando == '1'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "atual") == 0 ){
		if(comando == '2'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "anter") == 0 ){
 		if(comando == '3'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "histo") == 0 ){
		if(comando == '4'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "reset") == 0 ){
		if(comando == '5'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "ajust") == 0 ){
		if(comando == '6'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "abrir") == 0 ){
		if(comando == '7'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "fecha") == 0 ){
		if(comando == '8'){
	//	if( strcmp(temp, "volts") == 0 ){

		Scan(&referencia, &modo_atual, &tempo_passado, &pulsos_contados, &leituras_salvas);

			if(aberta == 0x00) {     					// SE VALVULA AINDA FECHADA, ABRIR VALVULA
				aberta = 0x01;

			if(modo_atual == ENABLED)	{               // DETECTOU AGUA, INICIA MONITORAMENTO COM TIMER
				TimerEnable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A);
			} else if(modo_atual == RESTART ) {         // TEMPO DE LEITURA, PREPARO E ENVIO (16s) -> REINICIA PROCESSO
				TimerDisable(TIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A);
				modo_atual = START;
		} else {									     // ESTADO DESABILITADO, FALTA AGUA
			if(aberta == 0x01) {						 // SE VALVULA AINDA ABERTA, FECHA VALVULA
				aberta = 0x00;

			modo_atual = START;
