void CLjz153View::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) 
	// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
//	if (picNum != 0)
//	{
//	}else{
//		AfxMessageBox("没有图像");
// 	}
	CScrollView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
Пример #2
/*! \brief Searches for a given show name
    \param showName The show name to search for
    \return A QList of ShowDetail containing the show information of search results
    \sa ShowDetail

    Using QNetworkAccessManager and QNetworkReply, a blocking connection is made
    to an XML service provider (in this case TVRage), for the results of the user
    submitted search.
    Once the XML data is retrived, it is parsed with QXmlStreamReader and
    necessary ShowDetial objects are contructed and returned.
QList< ShowDetail > ShowHolder::Search( QString const& showName )
    QEventLoop waitLoop;
    QNetworkAccessManager netManager;
    QNetworkReply* netReply = netManager.get( QNetworkRequest( QUrl( "http://services.tvrage.com/feeds/search.php?show=" + showName ) ) );
    QObject::connect( netReply, SIGNAL( finished() ), &waitLoop, SLOT( quit() ) );

    QList< ShowDetail > results;
    QXmlStreamReader xmlData;
    xmlData.addData( netReply->readAll() );

    while( !xmlData.atEnd() )
        if( xmlData.readNextStartElement() )
            if( xmlData.name() == "show" )
                results.append( ShowDetail() );
            else if( xmlData.name() == "showid" )
                results.back().id = xmlData.readElementText().toInt();
            else if( xmlData.name() == "name" )
                results.back().name = xmlData.readElementText();
            else if( xmlData.name() == "started" )
                results.back().start = xmlData.readElementText();
            else if( xmlData.name() == "ended" )
                results.back().end = xmlData.readElementText();
            else if( xmlData.name() == "status" )
                results.back().status = xmlData.readElementText();
            else if( xmlData.name() == "genre" )
                if( !results.back().genre.isEmpty() )
                    results.back().genre += "; ";
                results.back().genre += xmlData.readElementText();


    return results;
Пример #3
void YAddingSong::OnInit(TNotifyUI& msg)