Пример #1
void D10State::setRect() {

	ods("D3D10: SetRect");

	float w = static_cast<float>(uiWidth);
	float h = static_cast<float>(uiHeight);

	float left   = static_cast<float>(uiLeft) - 0.5f;
	float top    = static_cast<float>(uiTop) - 0.5f;
	float right  = static_cast<float>(uiRight) + 0.5f;
	float bottom = static_cast<float>(uiBottom) + 0.5f;

	float texl = (left) / w;
	float text = (top) / h;
	float texr = (right + 1.0f) / w;
	float texb = (bottom + 1.0f) / h;

	left = 2.0f * (left / vp.Width) - 1.0f;
	right = 2.0f * (right / vp.Width) - 1.0f;
	top = -2.0f * (top / vp.Height) + 1.0f;
	bottom = -2.0f * (bottom / vp.Height) + 1.0f;

	ods("D3D10: Vertex (%f %f) (%f %f)", left, top, right, bottom);

	// Create vertex buffer
	SimpleVertex vertices[] = {
		{ SimpleVec3(left, top, 0.5f), SimpleVec2(texl, text) },
		{ SimpleVec3(right, top, 0.5f), SimpleVec2(texr, text) },
		{ SimpleVec3(right, bottom, 0.5f), SimpleVec2(texr, texb) },
		{ SimpleVec3(left, bottom, 0.5f), SimpleVec2(texl, texb) },

	void *pData = NULL;

	hr = pVertexBuffer->Map(D3D10_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &pData);
	memcpy(pData, vertices, sizeof(vertices));
	ods("D3D10: Map %lx %d", hr, sizeof(vertices));
Пример #2
void D11State::setRect() {

	ods("D3D11: SetRect");

	float w = static_cast<float>(uiWidth);
	float h = static_cast<float>(uiHeight);

	float left   = static_cast<float>(uiLeft) - 0.5f;
	float top    = static_cast<float>(uiTop) - 0.5f;
	float right  = static_cast<float>(uiRight) + 0.5f;
	float bottom = static_cast<float>(uiBottom) + 0.5f;

	float texl = (left) / w;
	float text = (top) / h;
	float texr = (right + 1.0f) / w;
	float texb = (bottom + 1.0f) / h;

	left = 2.0f * (left / vp.Width) - 1.0f;
	right = 2.0f * (right / vp.Width) - 1.0f;
	top = -2.0f * (top / vp.Height) + 1.0f;
	bottom = -2.0f * (bottom / vp.Height) + 1.0f;

	ods("D3D11: Vertex (%f %f) (%f %f)", left, top, right, bottom);

	// Create vertex buffer
	SimpleVertex vertices[] = {
		{ SimpleVec3(left, top, 0.5f), SimpleVec2(texl, text) },
		{ SimpleVec3(right, top, 0.5f), SimpleVec2(texr, text) },
		{ SimpleVec3(right, bottom, 0.5f), SimpleVec2(texr, texb) },
		{ SimpleVec3(left, bottom, 0.5f), SimpleVec2(texl, texb) },

	// map/unmap to temporarily deny GPU access to the resource pVertexBuffer
	hr = pDeviceContext->Map(pVertexBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &res);

	const int verticesSize = sizeof(vertices);
	static_assert(verticesSize == VERTEXBUFFER_SIZE, "The vertex buffer size differs from the locally created vertex buffer.");
	memcpy(res.pData, vertices, verticesSize);
	ods("D3D11: Map: %lx %d", hr, sizeof(vertices));
	pDeviceContext->Unmap(pVertexBuffer, 0);
Пример #3
 /** Returns the location of the corresponding kart. */
 SimpleVec3 getLocation(int idKart)
     AbstractKart* kart = World::getWorld()->getKart(idKart);
     Vec3 v = kart->getXYZ();
     return SimpleVec3(v.getX(), v.getY(), v.getZ());
Пример #4
 /** Gets the kart's velocity */
 SimpleVec3 getVelocity(int idKart)
     AbstractKart* kart = World::getWorld()->getKart(idKart);
     btVector3 velocity = kart->getVelocity();
     return SimpleVec3(velocity.getX(), velocity.getY(), velocity.getZ());