Пример #1
SAINode* ESceneAIMapTool::GetNode(Fvector vAt, bool bIC)	// return node's index
	// *** Test if we can travel this path
	SnapXZ			(vAt,m_Params.fPatchSize);

	// *** set up xr_new<node
	SAINode* N 		= xr_new<SAINode>();
    SAINode* R		= 0;
	if (CreateNode(vAt,*N,bIC)){
		R 			= FindNode(N->Pos);
    	xr_delete	(N);
    return R;
Пример #2
SAINode* ESceneAIMapTool::FindNeighbor(SAINode* N, int side, bool bIgnoreConstraints)
	Fvector Pos;
	Pos.set			(N->Pos);
    SnapXZ			(Pos,m_Params.fPatchSize);
    switch (side){
	case 0: Pos.x -= m_Params.fPatchSize; break;
	case 1: Pos.z += m_Params.fPatchSize; break;
	case 2: Pos.x += m_Params.fPatchSize; break;
	case 3: Pos.z -= m_Params.fPatchSize; break;
	AINodeVec* nodes = HashMap(Pos);
    SAINode* R		= 0;
    if (nodes)
		if (bIgnoreConstraints){
		    float dy= flt_max;
            for (AINodeIt I=nodes->begin(); I!=nodes->end(); I++)
                if (fsimilar((*I)->Pos.x,Pos.x,EPS_L)&&fsimilar((*I)->Pos.z,Pos.z,EPS_L)){ 
                    float _dy = _abs((*I)->Pos.y-Pos.y);
                    if (_dy<dy){dy=_dy; R=*I;}
		    SAINode* R_up	= 0;
		    SAINode* R_down	= 0;
		    float dy_up 	= flt_max;
		    float dy_down 	= flt_max;
            for (AINodeIt I=nodes->begin(); I!=nodes->end(); I++){
                if (fsimilar((*I)->Pos.x,Pos.x,EPS_L)&&fsimilar((*I)->Pos.z,Pos.z,EPS_L)){ 
                    float _dy = (*I)->Pos.y-Pos.y;
                    float _ady= _abs(_dy);
                    if (_dy>=0.f){
                    	if ((_ady<m_Params.fCanUP)&&(_ady<dy_up))		{dy_up=_ady; R_up=*I;}
                    	if ((_ady<m_Params.fCanDOWN)&&(_ady<dy_down))	{dy_down=_ady; R_down=*I;}
            if (dy_down<=dy_up)	R = R_down;
            else			  	R = R_up;
    return R;
Пример #3
u32 BuildNode(Fvector& vFrom, Fvector& vAt)	// return node's index
	// *** Test if we can travel this path
	SnapXZ			(vAt);

	if (!CanTravel(vFrom, vAt))	return InvalidNode;

	// *** set up xr_new<node
	vertex N;
	if (CreateNode(vAt,N)) {
		//*** check if similar node exists
		u32	old		= FindNode(N.Pos);
		if (old==InvalidNode)	
			// register xr_new<node
			return g_nodes.size()-1;
		} else {
			// where already was node - return it
			return old;
	} else return InvalidNode;
Пример #4
SAINode* ESceneAIMapTool::BuildNode(Fvector& vFrom, Fvector& vAt, bool bIC, bool bSuperIC)	// return node's index
	// *** Test if we can travel this path
	SnapXZ			(vAt,m_Params.fPatchSize);

	if (!(bIC||CanTravel(vFrom, vAt)))	return 0;

	// *** set up node
	SAINode N;

	BOOL bRes		= CreateNode(vAt,N,bIC);
    if (!bRes&&bIC&&bSuperIC){
    	Fvector D	= {0,1,0};
		N.Plane.build(vAt,D);					// build plane
		N.Plane.intersectRayPoint(vAt,D,N.Pos);	// "project" position
        bRes		= TRUE;
	if (bRes) {
		//*** check if similar node exists
		SAINode* old = FindNode(N.Pos);
		if (!old){
			// register xr_new<node
            AINodeVec* V 		= HashMap(N.Pos);
            if (V){ 
	        	m_Nodes.push_back	(xr_new<SAINode>(N));
                V->push_back		(m_Nodes.back());
                return m_Nodes.back();
            }else return 0;
			// where already was node - return it
			return old;
    	return 0;
Пример #5
void xrBuildNodes()
	// begin
	XRC.box_options	(CDB::OPT_FULL_TEST);
	g_nodes.reserve	(1024*1024);

	// Initialize hash
	hash_Initialize ();

	for (u32 em=0; em<Emitters.size(); em++) 
		// Align emitter
		Fvector			Pos = Emitters[em];
		SnapXZ			(Pos);
		Pos.y			+=1;
		Fvector			Dir; Dir.set(0,-1,0);
		XRC.ray_query	(&Level,Pos,Dir,3);
		if (XRC.r_count()==0) {
			Msg		("Can't align emitter");
			abort	();
		} else {
			CDB::RESULT& R = *XRC.r_begin();
			Pos.y = Pos.y - R.range;
		// Build first node
		int oldcount = g_nodes.size();
		int start = BuildNode		(Pos,Pos);
		if (start==InvalidNode)		continue;
		if (start<oldcount)			continue;

		// Estimate nodes
		Fvector	LevelSize;
		LevelBB.getsize				(LevelSize);
		u32	estimated_nodes		= iFloor(LevelSize.x/g_params.fPatchSize)*iFloor(LevelSize.z/g_params.fPatchSize);
		// General cycle
		for (u32 i=0; i<g_nodes.size(); i++)
			// left 
			if (g_nodes[i].n1==UnkonnectedNode)
				Pos.set			(g_nodes[i].Pos);
				Pos.x			-=	g_params.fPatchSize;
				int	id			=	BuildNode(g_nodes[i].Pos,Pos);
				g_nodes[i].n1	=	id;
			// fwd
			if (g_nodes[i].n2==UnkonnectedNode)
				Pos.set			(g_nodes[i].Pos);
				Pos.z			+=	g_params.fPatchSize;
				int id			=	BuildNode(g_nodes[i].Pos,Pos);
				g_nodes[i].n2	=	id;
			// right
			if (g_nodes[i].n3==UnkonnectedNode)
				Pos.set			(g_nodes[i].Pos);
				Pos.x			+=	g_params.fPatchSize;
				int id			=	BuildNode(g_nodes[i].Pos,Pos);
				g_nodes[i].n3	=	id;
			// back
			if (g_nodes[i].n4==UnkonnectedNode)
				Pos.set			(g_nodes[i].Pos);
				Pos.z			-=	g_params.fPatchSize;
				int	id			=	BuildNode(g_nodes[i].Pos,Pos);
				g_nodes[i].n4	=	id;
			if (i%512==0) {
				Status("%d / %d nodes created.",g_nodes.size()-i,g_nodes.size());

				float	p1	= float(i)/float(g_nodes.size());
				float	p2	= float(g_nodes.size())/estimated_nodes;
				float	p	= 0.1f*p1+0.9f*p2;

				clamp	(p,0.f,1.f);
	Msg("Freeing memory...");
	hash_Destroy	();
Пример #6
BOOL	CreateNode(Fvector& vAt, vertex& N)
	// *** Query and cache polygons for ray-casting
	Fvector	PointUp;		PointUp.set(vAt);	PointUp.y	+= RCAST_Depth;		SnapXZ	(PointUp);
	Fvector	PointDown;		PointDown.set(vAt);	PointDown.y	-= RCAST_Depth;		SnapXZ	(PointDown);

	Fbox	BB;				BB.set	(PointUp,PointUp);		BB.grow(g_params.fPatchSize/2);	// box 1
	Fbox	B2;				B2.set	(PointDown,PointDown);	B2.grow(g_params.fPatchSize/2);	// box 2
	BB.merge(B2			);
	BoxQuery(BB,false	);
	u32	dwCount = XRC.r_count();
	if (dwCount==0)	{
//		Log("chasm1");
		return FALSE;			// chasm?

	// *** Transfer triangles and compute sector
	static svector<tri,RCAST_MaxTris> tris;		tris.clear();
	for (u32 i=0; i<dwCount; i++)
		tri&		D = tris.last();
		CDB::RESULT	&rp = XRC.r_begin()[i];
		CDB::TRI&	T = *(Level.get_tris()+rp.id);

		D.v[0].set	(rp.verts[0]);
		D.v[1].set	(rp.verts[1]);
		D.v[2].set	(rp.verts[2]);
		D.sector	= T.sector;
		if (D.N.y<=0)	continue;

		tris.inc	();
	if (tris.size()==0)	{
//		Log("chasm2");
		return FALSE;			// chasm?

	// *** Perform ray-casts and calculate sector
	WORD Sector = 0xfffe;	// mark as first time

	static svector<Fvector,RCAST_Total>	points;		points.clear();
	static svector<Fvector,RCAST_Total>	normals;	normals.clear();
	Fvector P,D; D.set(0,-1,0);

	float coeff = 0.5f*g_params.fPatchSize/float(RCAST_Count);

	for (int x=-RCAST_Count; x<=RCAST_Count; x++) 
		P.x = vAt.x + coeff*float(x);
		for (int z=-RCAST_Count; z<=RCAST_Count; z++) {
			P.z = vAt.z + coeff*float(z);
			P.y = vAt.y + 10.f;

			float	tri_min_range	= flt_max;
			int		tri_selected	= -1;
			float	range,u,v;
			for (i=0; i<u32(tris.size()); i++) 
				if (CDB::TestRayTri(P,D,tris[i].v,u,v,range,false)) 
					if (range<tri_min_range) {
						tri_min_range	= range;
						tri_selected	= i;
			if (tri_selected>=0) {
				P.y -= tri_min_range;
				WORD TS = WORD(tris[tri_selected].sector);
				if (Sector==0xfffe)	Sector = TS;
				else 				if (Sector!=TS) Sector=InvalidSector;
	if (points.size()<3) {
//		Msg		("Failed to create node at [%f,%f,%f].",vAt.x,vAt.y,vAt.z);
		return	FALSE;
	if (float(points.size())/float(RCAST_Total) < 0.7f) {
//		Msg		("Partial chasm at [%f,%f,%f].",vAt.x,vAt.y,vAt.z);
		return	FALSE;

	// *** Calc normal
	Fvector vNorm;
	for (u32 n=0; n<normals.size(); n++)
		// second algorithm (Magic)
		Fvector N,O;
		if (N.y<0) N.invert();

	// *** Align plane
	Fvector vOffs;
	Fplane PL; 	PL.build(vOffs,vNorm);
	for (u32 p=0; p<points.size(); p++)
		float dist = PL.classify(points[p]);
		if (dist>0) {
			vOffs = points[p];

	// *** Create node and register it
	N.Sector		=Sector;						// sector
	N.Plane.build	(vOffs,vNorm);					// build plane
	D.set			(0,1,0);
	N.Plane.intersectRayPoint(PointDown,D,N.Pos);	// "project" position

	// *** Validate results
	if (vNorm.dotproduct(N.Plane.n)<_cos(deg2rad(60.f)))  return FALSE;

	float y_old = vAt.y;
	float y_new = N.Pos.y;
	if (y_old>y_new) {
		// down
		if (y_old-y_new > g_params.fCanDOWN ) return FALSE;
	} else {
		// up
		if (y_new-y_old > g_params.fCanUP	) return FALSE;
	// *** Validate plane
		Fvector PLP; D.set(0,-1,0);
		int num_successed_rays = 0;
		for (int x=-RCAST_Count; x<=RCAST_Count; x++) 
			P.x = N.Pos.x + coeff*float(x);
			for (int z=-RCAST_Count; z<=RCAST_Count; z++) {
				P.z = N.Pos.z + coeff*float(z);
				P.y = N.Pos.y;
				N.Plane.intersectRayPoint(P,D,PLP);	// "project" position
				P.y = PLP.y+RCAST_VALID*0.01f;
				float	tri_min_range	= flt_max;
				int		tri_selected	= -1;
				float	range,u,v;
				for (i=0; i<float(tris.size()); i++) 
					if (CDB::TestRayTri(P,D,tris[i].v,u,v,range,false)) 
						if (range<tri_min_range) {
							tri_min_range	= range;
							tri_selected	= i;
				if (tri_selected>=0) {
					if (tri_min_range<RCAST_VALID) num_successed_rays++;
		float perc = float(num_successed_rays)/float(RCAST_Total);
		if (perc < 0.5f) {
			//			Msg		("Floating node.");
			return	FALSE;

	// *** Mask check
	// ???

	return TRUE;
Пример #7
int ESceneAIMapTool::BuildNodes(const Fvector& pos, int sz, bool bIC)
    // Align emitter
    Fvector			Pos = pos;
    SnapXZ			(Pos,m_Params.fPatchSize);
    Pos.y			+= 1;
    Fvector			Dir; Dir.set(0,-1,0);

	int cnt			= 0;		
    if (m_CFModel)

    if (0==cnt) {
        ELog.Msg	(mtInformation,"Can't align position.");
        return		0;
    } else {
        Pos.y 		= Pos.y - PQ.r_begin()->range;
    // Build first node
    int oldcount 	= m_Nodes.size();
    SAINode* start 	= BuildNode(Pos,Pos,bIC);
    if (!start)		return 0;

    // Estimate nodes
    float estimated_nodes	= (2*sz-1)*(2*sz-1);

	SPBItem* pb 	= 0;
    if (estimated_nodes>1024) pb = UI->ProgressStart(1, "Building nodes...");
    float radius			= sz*m_Params.fPatchSize-EPS_L;
    // General cycle
    for (int k=0; k<(int)m_Nodes.size(); k++){
        SAINode* N 			= m_Nodes[k];
        // left 
        if (0==N->n1){
            Pos.set			(N->Pos);
            Pos.x			-=	m_Params.fPatchSize;
            if (Pos.distance_to(start->Pos)<=radius)
	            N->n1		=	BuildNode(N->Pos,Pos,bIC);
        // fwd
        if (0==N->n2){
            Pos.set			(N->Pos);
            Pos.z			+=	m_Params.fPatchSize;
            if (Pos.distance_to(start->Pos)<=radius)
	            N->n2		=	BuildNode(N->Pos,Pos,bIC);
        // right
        if (0==N->n3){
            Pos.set			(N->Pos);
            Pos.x			+=	m_Params.fPatchSize;
            if (Pos.distance_to(start->Pos)<=radius)
	            N->n3		=	BuildNode(N->Pos,Pos,bIC);
        // back
        if (0==N->n4){
            Pos.set			(N->Pos);
            Pos.z			-=	m_Params.fPatchSize;
            if (Pos.distance_to(start->Pos)<=radius)
	            N->n4		=	BuildNode(N->Pos,Pos,bIC);
        if (estimated_nodes>1024){
            if (k%128==0) {
                float	p1	= float(k)/float(m_Nodes.size());
                float	p2	= float(m_Nodes.size())/estimated_nodes;
                float	p	= 0.1f*p1+0.9f*p2;

                clamp	(p,0.f,1.f);
                // check need abort && redraw
                if (UI->NeedAbort()) break;
	if (estimated_nodes>1024) UI->ProgressEnd(pb);
    return oldcount-m_Nodes.size();
Пример #8
BOOL ESceneAIMapTool::CreateNode(Fvector& vAt, SAINode& N, bool bIC)
	// *** Query and cache polygons for ray-casting
	Fvector	PointUp;		PointUp.set(vAt);	PointUp.y	+= RCAST_Depth;		SnapXZ	(PointUp,m_Params.fPatchSize);
	Fvector	PointDown;		PointDown.set(vAt);	PointDown.y	-= RCAST_Depth;		SnapXZ	(PointDown,m_Params.fPatchSize);

	Fbox	BB;				BB.set	(PointUp,PointUp);		BB.grow(m_Params.fPatchSize/2);	// box 1
	Fbox	B2;				B2.set	(PointDown,PointDown);	B2.grow(m_Params.fPatchSize/2);	// box 2
	BB.merge				(B2);

    if (m_CFModel)
        for(u32 i=0; i<m_CFModel->get_tris_count(); ++i)
            CDB::TRI* tri = (m_CFModel->get_tris()+i);
            	Msg("non-default material");

	DWORD	dwCount 		= PQ.r_count();
	if (dwCount==0){
//		Log("chasm1");
		return FALSE;			// chasm?

	// *** Transfer triangles and compute sector
//	R_ASSERT(dwCount<RCAST_MaxTris);
	static xr_vector<tri> tris;	tris.reserve(RCAST_MaxTris);	tris.clear();
	for (DWORD i=0; i<dwCount; i++)
    	SPickQuery::SResult* R = PQ.r_begin()+i;

        if (R->e_obj&&R->e_mesh)
            CSurface* surf		= R->e_mesh->GetSurfaceByFaceID(R->tag);
//.			SGameMtl* mtl 		= GMLib.GetMaterialByID(surf->_GameMtl());
//.			if (mtl->Flags.is(SGameMtl::flPassable))continue;

            Shader_xrLC* c_sh	= Device.ShaderXRLC.Get(surf->_ShaderXRLCName());
            if (!c_sh->flags.bCollision) 			continue;
            u16 mtl_id 	= R->material;

            if(std::find(m_ignored_materials.begin(), m_ignored_materials.end(), mtl_id) != m_ignored_materials.end() )
//.                Msg("--ignore");
    	tris.push_back	(tri());
		tri&		D = tris.back();
		Fvector*	V = R->verts;   

		D.v[0]		= &V[0];
		D.v[1]		= &V[1];
		D.v[2]		= &V[2];
		if (D.N.y<=0)	tris.pop_back	();
	if (tris.size()==0){
//		Log("chasm2");
		return FALSE;			// chasm?

	static xr_vector<Fvector>	points;		points.reserve(RCAST_Total); points.clear();
	static xr_vector<Fvector>	normals;	normals.reserve(RCAST_Total);normals.clear();
	Fvector P,D; D.set(0,-1,0);

	float coeff 	= 0.5f*m_Params.fPatchSize/float(RCAST_Count);

	for (int x=-RCAST_Count; x<=RCAST_Count; x++) 
		P.x = vAt.x + coeff*float(x); 
		for (int z=-RCAST_Count; z<=RCAST_Count; z++) {
			P.z = vAt.z + coeff*float(z);
			P.y = vAt.y + 10.f;

			float	tri_min_range	= flt_max;
			int		tri_selected	= -1;
			float	range,u,v;
			for (i=0; i<DWORD(tris.size()); i++){
				if (ETOOLS::TestRayTriA(P,D,tris[i].v,u,v,range,false)){
					if (range<tri_min_range){
						tri_min_range	= range;
						tri_selected	= i;
			if (tri_selected>=0) {
				P.y -= tri_min_range;
	if (points.size()<3) {
//		Msg		("Failed to create node at [%f,%f,%f].",vAt.x,vAt.y,vAt.z);
		return	FALSE;
	float rc_lim = bIC?0.015f:0.7f;
	if (float(points.size())/float(RCAST_Total) < rc_lim) {
//		Msg		("Partial chasm at [%f,%f,%f].",vAt.x,vAt.y,vAt.z);
		return	FALSE;

	// *** Calc normal
	Fvector vNorm;
	for (DWORD n=0; n<normals.size(); n++)
		// second algorithm (Magic)
		Fvector N,O;
		if (N.y<0) N.invert();

	// *** Align plane
	Fvector vOffs;
	Fplane PL; 	PL.build(vOffs,vNorm);
	for (DWORD p=0; p<points.size(); p++)
		float dist = PL.classify(points[p]);
		if (dist>0) {
			vOffs = points[p];

	// *** Create node and register it
	N.Plane.build	(vOffs,vNorm);					// build plane
	D.set			(0,1,0);
	N.Plane.intersectRayPoint(PointDown,D,N.Pos);	// "project" position

	// *** Validate results
	if (vNorm.dotproduct(N.Plane.n)<_cos(deg2rad(60.f)))  return FALSE;

	float y_old = vAt.y;
	float y_new = N.Pos.y;
	if (y_old>y_new) {
		// down
		if (y_old-y_new > m_Params.fCanDOWN ) return FALSE;
	} else {
		// up
		if (y_new-y_old > m_Params.fCanUP	) return FALSE;
	// *** Validate plane
		Fvector PLP; D.set(0,-1,0);
		int num_successed_rays = 0;
		for (int x=-RCAST_Count; x<=RCAST_Count; x++) 
			P.x = N.Pos.x + coeff*float(x);
			for (int z=-RCAST_Count; z<=RCAST_Count; z++) {
				P.z = N.Pos.z + coeff*float(z);
				P.y = N.Pos.y;
				N.Plane.intersectRayPoint(P,D,PLP);	// "project" position
				P.y = PLP.y+RCAST_VALID*0.01f;
				float	tri_min_range	= flt_max;
				int		tri_selected	= -1;
				float	range,u,v;
				for (i=0; i<tris.size(); i++){
					if (ETOOLS::TestRayTriA(P,D,tris[i].v,u,v,range,false)){
						if (range<tri_min_range){
							tri_min_range	= range;
							tri_selected	= i;
				if (tri_selected>=0){
					if (tri_min_range<RCAST_VALID) num_successed_rays++;
		float perc = float(num_successed_rays)/float(RCAST_Total);
//.		if (!bIC&&(perc < 0.5f)){
		float perc_lim = bIC?0.015f:0.5f;
		if (perc < perc_lim){
			//			Msg		("Floating node.");
			return	FALSE;

	// *** Mask check
	// ???

	return TRUE;