Sound EEG_to_Sound_modulated (EEG me, double baseFrequency, double channelBandwidth, const wchar_t *channelRanges) {
	try {
		long numberOfChannels;
		autoNUMvector <long> channelNumbers (NUMstring_getElementsOfRanges (channelRanges, my d_numberOfChannels, & numberOfChannels, NULL, L"channel", true), 1);
		double maxFreq = baseFrequency + my d_numberOfChannels * channelBandwidth;
		double samplingFrequency = 2 * maxFreq;
		samplingFrequency = samplingFrequency < 44100 ? 44100 : samplingFrequency;
		autoSound thee = Sound_createSimple (1, my xmax - my xmin, samplingFrequency);
		for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfChannels; i++) {
			long ichannel = channelNumbers[i];
			double fbase = baseFrequency;// + (ichannel - 1) * channelBandwidth;
			autoSound si = Sound_extractChannel (my d_sound, ichannel);
			autoSpectrum spi = Sound_to_Spectrum (si.peek(), 1);
			Spectrum_passHannBand (spi.peek(), 0.5, channelBandwidth - 0.5, 0.5);
			autoSpectrum spi_shifted = Spectrum_shiftFrequencies (spi.peek(), fbase, samplingFrequency / 2, 30);
			autoSound resampled = Spectrum_to_Sound (spi_shifted.peek());
			long nx = resampled -> nx < thy nx ? resampled -> nx : thy nx;
			for (long j = 1; j <= nx; j++) {
				thy z[1][j] += resampled -> z[1][j];
		Vector_scale (thee.peek(), 0.99);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": no playable sound created.");
Пример #2
Cepstrogram Sound_to_Cepstrogram (Sound me, double analysisWidth, double dt, double maximumFrequency) {
	try {
		double windowDuration = 2 * analysisWidth; /* gaussian window */
		long nFrames;

		// Convenience: analyse the whole sound into one Cepstrogram_frame
		if (windowDuration > my dx * my nx) {
			windowDuration = my dx * my nx;
		double t1, samplingFrequency = 2 * maximumFrequency;
		autoSound sound = Sound_resample (me, samplingFrequency, 50);
		Sampled_shortTermAnalysis (me, windowDuration, dt, & nFrames, & t1);
		autoSound sframe = Sound_createSimple (1, windowDuration, samplingFrequency);
		autoSound window = Sound_createGaussian (windowDuration, samplingFrequency);
		double qmin, qmax, dq, q1;
		long nq;
		{ // laziness: find out the proper dimensions
			autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (sframe.peek(), 1);
			autoCepstrum cepstrum = Spectrum_to_Cepstrum (spec.peek());
			qmin = cepstrum -> xmin; qmax = cepstrum -> xmax; dq = cepstrum -> dx;
			q1 = cepstrum -> x1; nq = cepstrum -> nx;
		autoCepstrogram thee = Cepstrogram_create (my xmin, my xmax, nFrames, dt, t1, qmin, qmax, nq, dq, q1);

		autoMelderProgress progress (L"Cepstrogram analysis");

		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= nFrames; iframe++) {
			double t = Sampled_indexToX (thee.peek(), iframe);
			Sound_into_Sound (sound.peek(), sframe.peek(), t - windowDuration / 2);
			Vector_subtractMean (sframe.peek());
			Sounds_multiply (sframe.peek(), window.peek());
			autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (sframe.peek(), 1);
			autoCepstrum cepstrum = Spectrum_to_Cepstrum (spec.peek());
			for (long i = 1; i <= nq; i++) {
				thy z[i][iframe] = cepstrum -> z[1][i];
			if ((iframe % 10) == 1) {
				Melder_progress ((double) iframe / nFrames, L"Cepstrogram analysis of frame ",
					Melder_integer (iframe), L" out of ", Melder_integer (nFrames), L".");
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": no Cepstrogram created.");
Пример #3
autoComplexSpectrogram Sound_to_ComplexSpectrogram (Sound me, double windowLength, double timeStep) {
	try {
		double samplingFrequency = 1.0 / my dx, myDuration = my xmax - my xmin, t1;
		if (windowLength > myDuration) {
			Melder_throw (U"Your sound is too short:\nit should be at least as long as one window length.");
		long nsamp_window = (long) floor (windowLength / my dx);
		long halfnsamp_window = nsamp_window / 2 - 1;
		nsamp_window = halfnsamp_window * 2;
		if (nsamp_window < 2) {
			Melder_throw (U"Your analysis window is too short: less than two samples.");
		long numberOfFrames;
		Sampled_shortTermAnalysis (me, windowLength, timeStep, &numberOfFrames, &t1);

		// Compute sampling of the spectrum

		long numberOfFrequencies = halfnsamp_window + 1;
		double df = samplingFrequency / (numberOfFrequencies - 1);
		autoComplexSpectrogram thee = ComplexSpectrogram_create (my xmin, my xmax, numberOfFrames, timeStep, t1, 0.0, 0.5 * samplingFrequency, numberOfFrequencies, df, 0.0);
		autoSound analysisWindow = Sound_create (1, 0.0, nsamp_window * my dx, nsamp_window, my dx, 0.5 * my dx);
		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= numberOfFrames; iframe++) {
			double t = Sampled_indexToX (thee.get(), iframe);
			long leftSample = Sampled_xToLowIndex (me, t), rightSample = leftSample + 1;
			long startSample = rightSample - halfnsamp_window;
			long endSample = leftSample + halfnsamp_window;
			Melder_assert (startSample >= 1);
			Melder_assert (endSample <= my nx);
			for (long j = 1; j <= nsamp_window; j++) {
				analysisWindow -> z[1][j] = my z[1][startSample - 1 + j];
			// window ?
			autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (analysisWindow.get(), 0);
			thy z[1][iframe] = spec -> z[1][1] * spec -> z[1][1];
			thy phase[1][iframe] = 0.0;
			for (long ifreq = 2; ifreq <= numberOfFrequencies - 1; ifreq++) {
				double x = spec -> z[1][ifreq], y = spec -> z[2][ifreq];
				thy z[ifreq][iframe] = x * x + y * y; // power
				thy phase[ifreq][iframe] = atan2 (y, x); // phase [-pi,+pi]
			// even number of samples
			thy z[numberOfFrequencies][iframe] = spec -> z[1][numberOfFrequencies] * spec -> z[1][numberOfFrequencies];
			thy phase[numberOfFrequencies][iframe] = 0.0;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": no ComplexSpectrogram created.");
Пример #4
Cepstrum Sound_to_Cepstrum (Sound me) {
	try {
		autoSpectrum spectrum = Sound_to_Spectrum (me, TRUE);
		autoCepstrum thee = Spectrum_to_Cepstrum (spectrum.peek());
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": no Cepstrum calculated.");
Пример #5
Ltas PointProcess_Sound_to_Ltas_harmonics (PointProcess pulses, Sound sound,
	long maximumHarmonic,
	double shortestPeriod, double longestPeriod, double maximumPeriodFactor)
	try {
		long numberOfPeriods = pulses -> nt - 2;
		autoLtas ltas = Ltas_create (maximumHarmonic, 1.0);
		ltas -> xmax = maximumHarmonic;
		if (numberOfPeriods < 1)
			Melder_throw ("There are no periods in the point process.");
		autoMelderProgress progress (L"LTAS (harmonics) analysis...");
		for (long ipulse = 2; ipulse < pulses -> nt; ipulse ++) {
			double leftInterval = pulses -> t [ipulse] - pulses -> t [ipulse - 1];
			double rightInterval = pulses -> t [ipulse + 1] - pulses -> t [ipulse];
			double intervalFactor = leftInterval > rightInterval ? leftInterval / rightInterval : rightInterval / leftInterval;
			Melder_progress ((double) ipulse / pulses -> nt, L"Sound & PointProcess: To Ltas: pulse ", Melder_integer (ipulse), L" out of ", Melder_integer (pulses -> nt));
			if (leftInterval >= shortestPeriod && leftInterval <= longestPeriod &&
				rightInterval >= shortestPeriod && rightInterval <= longestPeriod &&
				intervalFactor <= maximumPeriodFactor)
				 * We have a period! Compute the spectrum.
				long localMaximumHarmonic;
				autoSound period = Sound_extractPart (sound,
					pulses -> t [ipulse] - 0.5 * leftInterval, pulses -> t [ipulse] + 0.5 * rightInterval,
					kSound_windowShape_RECTANGULAR, 1.0, FALSE);
				autoSpectrum spectrum = Sound_to_Spectrum (period.peek(), FALSE);
				localMaximumHarmonic = maximumHarmonic < spectrum -> nx ? maximumHarmonic : spectrum -> nx;
				for (long iharm = 1; iharm <= localMaximumHarmonic; iharm ++) {
					double realPart = spectrum -> z [1] [iharm];
					double imaginaryPart = spectrum -> z [2] [iharm];
					double energy = (realPart * realPart + imaginaryPart * imaginaryPart) * 2.0 * spectrum -> dx;
					ltas -> z [1] [iharm] += energy;
			} else {
				numberOfPeriods -= 1;
		if (numberOfPeriods < 1)
			Melder_throw (L"There are no periods in the point process.");
		for (long iharm = 1; iharm <= ltas -> nx; iharm ++) {
			if (ltas -> z [1] [iharm] == 0.0) {
				ltas -> z [1] [iharm] = -300.0;
			} else {
				double energyInThisBand = ltas -> z [1] [iharm];
				double powerInThisBand = energyInThisBand / (sound -> xmax - sound -> xmin);
				ltas -> z [1] [iharm] = 10.0 * log10 (powerInThisBand / 4.0e-10);
		return ltas.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (sound, " & ", pulses, ": LTAS analysis (harmonics) not performed.");
Пример #6
autoSound Sound_filter_formula (Sound me, const char32 *formula, Interpreter interpreter) {
	try {
		autoSound thee = Data_copy (me);
		if (my ny == 1) {
			autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (me, true);
			Matrix_formula ((Matrix) spec.peek(), formula, interpreter, nullptr);
			autoSound him = Spectrum_to_Sound (spec.peek());
			NUMvector_copyElements (his z [1], thy z [1], 1, thy nx);
		} else {
			for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= my ny; ichan ++) {
				autoSound channel = Sound_extractChannel (me, ichan);
				autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (channel.peek(), true);
				Matrix_formula ((Matrix) spec.peek(), formula, interpreter, nullptr);
				autoSound him = Spectrum_to_Sound (spec.peek());
				NUMvector_copyElements (his z [1], thy z [ichan], 1, thy nx);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not filtered (with formula).");
Пример #7
Ltas Sound_to_Ltas (Sound me, double bandwidth) {
	try {
		autoSpectrum thee = Sound_to_Spectrum (me, TRUE);
		autoLtas him = Spectrum_to_Ltas (thee.peek(), bandwidth);
		double correction = -10.0 * log10 (thy dx * my nx * my dx);
		for (long iband = 1; iband <= his nx; iband ++) {
			his z [1] [iband] += correction;
		return him.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": LTAS analysis not performed.");
Пример #8
autoSound Sound_filter_stopHannBand (Sound me, double fmin, double fmax, double smooth) {
	try {
		autoSound thee = Data_copy (me);
		if (my ny == 1) {
			autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (me, true);
			Spectrum_stopHannBand (spec.peek(), fmin, fmax, smooth);
			autoSound him = Spectrum_to_Sound (spec.peek());
			NUMvector_copyElements (his z [1], thy z [1], 1, thy nx);
		} else {
			for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= my ny; ichan ++) {
				autoSound channel = Sound_extractChannel (me, ichan);
				autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (channel.peek(), true);
				Spectrum_stopHannBand (spec.peek(), fmin, fmax, smooth);
				autoSound him = Spectrum_to_Sound (spec.peek());
				NUMvector_copyElements (his z [1], thy z [ichan], 1, thy nx);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not filtered (stop Hann band).");
Sound EEG_to_Sound_frequencyShifted (EEG me, long channel, double frequencyShift, double samplingFrequency, double maxAmp) {
	try {
		autoSound si = Sound_extractChannel (my d_sound, channel);
		autoSpectrum spi = Sound_to_Spectrum (si.peek(), 1);
		autoSpectrum spi_shifted = Spectrum_shiftFrequencies (spi.peek(), frequencyShift, samplingFrequency / 2, 30);
		autoSound thee = Spectrum_to_Sound (spi_shifted.peek());
		if (maxAmp > 0) {
			Vector_scale (thee.peek(), maxAmp);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": channel not converted to sound.");
Пример #10
autoCochleagram Sound_to_Cochleagram (Sound me, double dt, double df, double dt_window, double forwardMaskingTime) {
	try {
		double duration = my nx * my dx;
		long nFrames = 1 + (long) floor ((duration - dt_window) / dt);
		long nsamp_window = (long) floor (dt_window / my dx), halfnsamp_window = nsamp_window / 2 - 1;
		long nf = lround (25.6 / df);
		double dampingFactor = forwardMaskingTime > 0.0 ? exp (- dt / forwardMaskingTime) : 0.0;   // default 30 ms
		double integrationCorrection = 1.0 - dampingFactor;

		nsamp_window = halfnsamp_window * 2;
		if (nFrames < 2) return autoCochleagram ();
		double t1 = my x1 + 0.5 * (duration - my dx - (nFrames - 1) * dt);   // centre of first frame
		autoCochleagram thee = Cochleagram_create (my xmin, my xmax, nFrames, dt, t1, df, nf);
		autoSound window = Sound_createSimple (1, nsamp_window * my dx, 1.0 / my dx);
		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= nFrames; iframe ++) {
			double t = Sampled_indexToX (thee.get(), iframe);
			long leftSample = Sampled_xToLowIndex (me, t);
			long rightSample = leftSample + 1;
			long startSample = rightSample - halfnsamp_window;
			long endSample = rightSample + halfnsamp_window;
			if (startSample < 1) {
				Melder_casual (U"Start sample too small: ", startSample,
					U" instead of 1.");
				startSample = 1;
			if (endSample > my nx) {
				Melder_casual (U"End sample too small: ", endSample,
					U" instead of ", my nx,
				endSample = my nx;

			/* Copy a window to a frame. */
			for (long i = 1; i <= nsamp_window; i ++)
				window -> z [1] [i] =
					( my ny == 1 ? my z[1][i+startSample-1] : 0.5 * (my z[1][i+startSample-1] + my z[2][i+startSample-1]) ) *
					(0.5 - 0.5 * cos (2.0 * NUMpi * i / (nsamp_window + 1)));
			autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (window.get(), true);
			autoExcitation excitation = Spectrum_to_Excitation (spec.get(), df);
			for (long ifreq = 1; ifreq <= nf; ifreq ++)
				thy z [ifreq] [iframe] = excitation -> z [1] [ifreq] + ( iframe > 1 ? dampingFactor * thy z [ifreq] [iframe - 1] : 0 );
		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= nFrames; iframe ++)
			for (long ifreq = 1; ifreq <= nf; ifreq ++)
				thy z [ifreq] [iframe] *= integrationCorrection;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to Cochleagram.");
Пример #11
autoPitch Pitch_smooth (Pitch me, double bandWidth) {
	try {
		autoPitch interp = Pitch_interpolate (me);
		autoMatrix matrix1 = Pitch_to_Matrix (interp.peek());
		autoSound sound1 = Sound_create (1, 2 * matrix1->xmin - matrix1->xmax, 2 * matrix1->xmax - matrix1->xmin,
			3 * matrix1->nx, matrix1->dx, matrix1->x1 - 2 * matrix1->nx * matrix1->dx);

		long firstVoiced = 0, lastVoiced = 0;
		for (long i = 1; i <= matrix1 -> nx; i ++) {
			double f = matrix1 -> z [1] [i];
			if (f != 0.0) {
				if (! firstVoiced) firstVoiced = i;
				lastVoiced = i;
				sound1 -> z [1] [i + matrix1 -> nx] = f;

		/* Extrapolate. */
		double fextrap = matrix1 -> z [1] [firstVoiced];
		firstVoiced += matrix1 -> nx;
		for (long i = 1; i < firstVoiced; i ++)
			sound1 -> z [1] [i] = fextrap;
		fextrap = matrix1 -> z [1] [lastVoiced];
		lastVoiced += matrix1 -> nx;
		for (long i = lastVoiced + 1; i <= sound1 -> nx; i ++)
			sound1 -> z [1] [i] = fextrap;

		/* Smooth. */
		autoSpectrum spectrum = Sound_to_Spectrum (sound1.peek(), true);
		for (long i = 1; i <= spectrum -> nx; i ++) {
			double f = (i - 1) * spectrum -> dx, fT = f / bandWidth, factor = exp (- fT * fT);
			spectrum -> z [1] [i] *= factor;
			spectrum -> z [2] [i] *= factor;
		autoSound sound2 = Spectrum_to_Sound (spectrum.peek());

		autoMatrix matrix2 = Matrix_create (my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
			double originalF0 = my frame [i]. candidate [1]. frequency;
			matrix2 -> z [1] [i] = originalF0 > 0.0 && originalF0 < my ceiling ?
				sound2 -> z [1] [i + matrix2 -> nx] : 0.0;
		autoPitch thee = Matrix_to_Pitch (matrix2.peek());
		thy ceiling = my ceiling;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not smoothed.");
Пример #12
Ltas Sound_to_Ltas (Sound me, double bandwidth) {
	Spectrum thee = NULL;
	Ltas him = NULL;
	long iband;
	double correction;
	thee = Sound_to_Spectrum (me, TRUE); cherror
	him = Spectrum_to_Ltas (thee, bandwidth); cherror
	correction = -10 * log10 (thy dx * my nx * my dx);
	for (iband = 1; iband <= his nx; iband ++) {
		his z [1] [iband] += correction;
	iferror forget (him);
	forget (thee);
	return him;
PowerCepstrogram Sound_to_PowerCepstrogram (Sound me, double pitchFloor, double dt, double maximumFrequency, double preEmphasisFrequency) {
	try {
		// minimum analysis window has 3 periods of lowest pitch
		double analysisWidth = 3  / pitchFloor;
		double windowDuration = 2 * analysisWidth; /* gaussian window */
		long nFrames;

		// Convenience: analyse the whole sound into one Cepstrogram_frame
		if (windowDuration > my dx * my nx) {
			windowDuration = my dx * my nx;
		double t1, samplingFrequency = 2 * maximumFrequency;
		autoSound sound = Sound_resample (me, samplingFrequency, 50);
		Sound_preEmphasis (sound.peek(), preEmphasisFrequency);
		Sampled_shortTermAnalysis (me, windowDuration, dt, & nFrames, & t1);
		autoSound sframe = Sound_createSimple (1, windowDuration, samplingFrequency);
		autoSound window = Sound_createGaussian (windowDuration, samplingFrequency);
		// find out the size of the FFT
		long nfft = 2;
		while (nfft < sframe -> nx) nfft *= 2;
		long nq = nfft / 2 + 1;
		double qmax = 0.5 * nfft / samplingFrequency, dq = qmax / (nq - 1);
		autoPowerCepstrogram thee = PowerCepstrogram_create (my xmin, my xmax, nFrames, dt, t1, 0, qmax, nq, dq, 0);

		autoMelderProgress progress (L"Cepstrogram analysis");

		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= nFrames; iframe++) {
			double t = Sampled_indexToX (thee.peek(), iframe);
			Sound_into_Sound (sound.peek(), sframe.peek(), t - windowDuration / 2);
			Vector_subtractMean (sframe.peek());
			Sounds_multiply (sframe.peek(), window.peek());
			autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (sframe.peek(), 1); // FFT yes
			autoPowerCepstrum cepstrum = Spectrum_to_PowerCepstrum (spec.peek());
			for (long i = 1; i <= nq; i++) {
				thy z[i][iframe] = cepstrum -> z[1][i];
			if ((iframe % 10) == 1) {
				Melder_progress ((double) iframe / nFrames, L"PowerCepstrogram analysis of frame ",
					Melder_integer (iframe), L" out of ", Melder_integer (nFrames), L".");
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": no PowerCepstrogram created.");
Spectrum Cepstrum_to_Spectrum (Cepstrum me) {
	try {
		autoSound x = Sound_create (1, my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1);
		NUMvector_copyElements	(my z[1], x -> z[1], 1, my nx);
		autoSpectrum thee = Sound_to_Spectrum (x.peek(), TRUE);

		for (long i = 1; i <= thy nx; i++) {
			double ar = exp (thy z[1][i]);
			double ai = thy z[2][i];

			thy z[1][i] = ar * cos (ai);
			thy z[2][i] = ar * sin (ai);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": no Spectrum created.");
Пример #15
Spectrum Spectrum_cepstralSmoothing (Spectrum me, double bandWidth) {
	try {
		 * dB-spectrum is log (power).
		autoSpectrum dBspectrum = Data_copy (me);
		double *re = dBspectrum -> z [1], *im = dBspectrum -> z [2];
		for (long i = 1; i <= dBspectrum -> nx; i ++) {
			re [i] = log (re [i] * re [i] + im [i] * im [i] + 1e-300);
			im [i] = 0.0;

		 * Cepstrum is Fourier transform of dB-spectrum.
		autoSound cepstrum = Spectrum_to_Sound (dBspectrum.peek());

		 * Multiply cepstrum by a Gaussian.
		double factor = - bandWidth * bandWidth;
		for (long i = 1; i <= cepstrum -> nx; i ++) {
			double t = (i - 1) * cepstrum -> dx;
			cepstrum -> z [1] [i] *= exp (factor * t * t) * ( i == 1 ? 1 : 2 );

		 * Smoothed power spectrum is original power spectrum convolved with a Gaussian.
		autoSpectrum thee = Sound_to_Spectrum (cepstrum.peek(), TRUE);

		 * Convert power spectrum back into a "complex" spectrum without phase information.
		re = thy z [1], im = thy z [2];
		for (long i = 1; i <= thy nx; i ++) {
			re [i] = exp (0.5 * re [i]);   // i.e., sqrt (exp (re [i]))
			im [i] = 0.0;
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": cepstral smoothing not computed.");
Пример #16
autoSpectrum Cepstrum_to_Spectrum (Cepstrum me) { //TODO power cepstrum
	try {
		autoCepstrum cepstrum = Data_copy (me);
		cepstrum ->  z[1][1] = my z[1][1];
		for (long i = 2; i <= cepstrum -> nx; i++) {
			cepstrum -> z[1][i] = 2 * my z[1][i];
		autoSpectrum thee = Sound_to_Spectrum ((Sound) cepstrum.peek(), 1);

		double *re = thy z[1], *im = thy z[2];
		for (long i = 1; i <= thy nx; i ++) {
			re[i] =  exp (0.5 * re[i]);   // i.e., sqrt (exp(re [i]))
			im[i] = 0.0;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": no Spectrum created.");
Пример #17
Ltas PointProcess_Sound_to_Ltas (PointProcess pulses, Sound sound,
	double maximumFrequency, double bandWidth,
	double shortestPeriod, double longestPeriod, double maximumPeriodFactor)
	Ltas ltas = NULL, numbers = NULL;
	Sound period = NULL;
	Spectrum spectrum = NULL;
	long numberOfPeriods = pulses -> nt - 2, ipulse, ifreq, iband, totalNumberOfEnergies = 0;
	ltas = Ltas_create (maximumFrequency / bandWidth, bandWidth); cherror
	ltas -> xmax = maximumFrequency;
	numbers = (structLtas *)Data_copy (ltas);
	if (numberOfPeriods < 1) error1 (L"Cannot compute an Ltas if there are no periods in the point process.")
	for (ipulse = 2; ipulse < pulses -> nt; ipulse ++) {
		double leftInterval = pulses -> t [ipulse] - pulses -> t [ipulse - 1];
		double rightInterval = pulses -> t [ipulse + 1] - pulses -> t [ipulse];
		double intervalFactor = leftInterval > rightInterval ? leftInterval / rightInterval : rightInterval / leftInterval;
		Melder_progress4 ((double) ipulse / pulses -> nt, L"Sound & PointProcess: To Ltas: pulse ", Melder_integer (ipulse), L" out of ", Melder_integer (pulses -> nt));
		if (leftInterval >= shortestPeriod && leftInterval <= longestPeriod &&
		    rightInterval >= shortestPeriod && rightInterval <= longestPeriod &&
		    intervalFactor <= maximumPeriodFactor)
			 * We have a period! Compute the spectrum.
			period = Sound_extractPart (sound,
				pulses -> t [ipulse] - 0.5 * leftInterval, pulses -> t [ipulse] + 0.5 * rightInterval,
				kSound_windowShape_RECTANGULAR, 1.0, FALSE); cherror
			spectrum = Sound_to_Spectrum (period, FALSE); cherror
			for (ifreq = 1; ifreq <= spectrum -> nx; ifreq ++) {
				double frequency = spectrum -> xmin + (ifreq - 1) * spectrum -> dx;
				double realPart = spectrum -> z [1] [ifreq];
				double imaginaryPart = spectrum -> z [2] [ifreq];
				double energy = (realPart * realPart + imaginaryPart * imaginaryPart) * 2.0 * spectrum -> dx /* OLD: * sound -> nx */;
				iband = ceil (frequency / bandWidth);
				if (iband >= 1 && iband <= ltas -> nx) {
					ltas -> z [1] [iband] += energy;
					numbers -> z [1] [iband] += 1;
					totalNumberOfEnergies += 1;
			forget (spectrum);
			forget (period);
		} else {
static autoSpectrum Sound_to_Spectrum_power (Sound me) {
	try {
		autoSpectrum thee = Sound_to_Spectrum (me, true);
		double scale = 2.0 * thy dx / (my xmax - my xmin);

		// factor '2' because we combine positive and negative frequencies
		// thy dx : width of frequency bin
		// my xmax - my xmin : duration of sound

		double *re = thy z[1], *im = thy z[2];
		for (long i = 1; i <= thy nx; i++) {
			double power = scale * (re[i] * re[i] + im[i] * im [i]);
			re[i] = power; im[i] = 0;

		// Correction of frequency bins at 0 Hz and nyquist: don't count for two.

		re[1] *= 0.5; re[thy nx] *= 0.5;
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": no Spectrum with spectral power created.");
Пример #19
static Matrix Sound_to_spectralpower (Sound me) {
	try {
		autoSpectrum s = Sound_to_Spectrum (me, TRUE);
		autoMatrix thee = Matrix_create (s -> xmin, s -> xmax, s -> nx, s -> dx, s -> x1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
		double scale = 2.0 * s -> dx / (my xmax - my xmin);

		// factor '2' because of positive and negative frequencies
		// s -> dx : width of frequncy bin
		// my xmax - my xmin : duration of sound

		double *z = thy z[1], *re = s -> z[1], *im = s -> z[2];
		for (long i = 1; i <= s -> nx; i++) {
			z[i] = scale * (re[i] * re[i] + im[i] * im [i]);

		// Frequency bins at 0 Hz and nyquist don't count for two.

		z[1] *= 0.5;
		z[s -> nx] *= 0.5;
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": no Matrix with spectral power created.");
Пример #20
autoMatrix Spectrum_unwrap (Spectrum me) {
	try {
		struct tribolet_struct tbs;
		int remove_linear_part = 1;

		long nfft = 2;
		while (nfft < my nx - 1) {
			nfft *= 2;
		nfft *= 2;

		if (nfft / 2 != my nx - 1) {
			Melder_throw (U"Dimension of Spectrum is not (power of 2 - 1).");

		autoSound x = Spectrum_to_Sound (me);
		autoSound nx = Data_copy (x.get());

		for (long i = 1; i <= x -> nx; i++) {
			nx -> z[1][i] *= (i - 1);
		autoSpectrum snx = Sound_to_Spectrum (nx.get(), 1);
		autoMatrix thee = Matrix_create (my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1);

		// Common variables.

		tbs.thlinc = THLINC;
		tbs.thlcon = THLCON;
		tbs.x = x -> z[1];
		tbs.nx = x -> nx;
		tbs.l = (long) floor (pow (2, EXP2) + 0.1);
		tbs.ddf = NUM2pi / ( (tbs.l) * nfft);
		tbs.reverse_sign = my z[1][1] < 0;
		tbs.count = 0;

		// Reuse snx : put phase derivative (d/df) in imaginary part.

		tbs.dvtmn2 = 0;
		for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
			double xr = my z[1][i], xi = my z[2][i];
			double nxr = snx -> z[1][i], nxi = snx -> z[2][i];
			double xmsq = xr * xr + xi * xi;
			double pdvt = PHADVT (xr, xi, nxr, nxi, xmsq);
			thy z[1][i] = xmsq;
			snx -> z[2][i] = pdvt;
			tbs.dvtmn2 += pdvt;

		tbs.dvtmn2 = (2 * tbs.dvtmn2 - snx -> z[2][1] - snx -> z[2][my nx]) / (my nx - 1);

		autoMelderProgress progress (U"Phase unwrapping");

		double pphase = 0, phase = 0;
		double ppdvt = snx -> z[2][1];
		thy z[2][1] = PPVPHA (my z[1][1], my z[2][1], tbs.reverse_sign);
		for (long i = 2; i <= my nx; i ++) {
			double pfreq = NUM2pi * (i - 1) / nfft;
			double pdvt = snx -> z[2][i];
			double ppv = PPVPHA (my z[1][i], my z[2][i], tbs.reverse_sign);
			phase = phase_unwrap (&tbs, pfreq, ppv, pdvt, &pphase, &ppdvt);
			ppdvt = pdvt;
			thy z[2][i] = pphase = phase;
			Melder_progress ( (double) i / my nx, i,
			                   U" unwrapped phases from ", my nx, U".");

		long iphase = (long) floor (phase / NUMpi + 0.1);   // ppgb: better than truncation toward zero

		if (remove_linear_part) {
			phase /= my nx - 1;
			for (long i = 2; i <= my nx; i ++) {
				thy z[2][i] -= phase * (i - 1);
		Melder_information (U"Number of spectral values: ", tbs.count);
		Melder_information (U" iphase = ", iphase);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not unwrapped.");
Пример #21
Ltas PointProcess_Sound_to_Ltas (PointProcess pulses, Sound sound,
	double maximumFrequency, double bandWidth,
	double shortestPeriod, double longestPeriod, double maximumPeriodFactor)
	try {
		long numberOfPeriods = pulses -> nt - 2, totalNumberOfEnergies = 0;
		autoLtas ltas = Ltas_create (maximumFrequency / bandWidth, bandWidth);
		ltas -> xmax = maximumFrequency;
		autoLtas numbers = Data_copy (ltas.peek());
		if (numberOfPeriods < 1)
			Melder_throw ("Cannot compute an Ltas if there are no periods in the point process.");
		autoMelderProgress progress (L"Ltas analysis...");
		for (long ipulse = 2; ipulse < pulses -> nt; ipulse ++) {
			double leftInterval = pulses -> t [ipulse] - pulses -> t [ipulse - 1];
			double rightInterval = pulses -> t [ipulse + 1] - pulses -> t [ipulse];
			double intervalFactor = leftInterval > rightInterval ? leftInterval / rightInterval : rightInterval / leftInterval;
			Melder_progress ((double) ipulse / pulses -> nt, L"Sound & PointProcess: To Ltas: pulse ", Melder_integer (ipulse), L" out of ", Melder_integer (pulses -> nt));
			if (leftInterval >= shortestPeriod && leftInterval <= longestPeriod &&
				rightInterval >= shortestPeriod && rightInterval <= longestPeriod &&
				intervalFactor <= maximumPeriodFactor)
				 * We have a period! Compute the spectrum.
				autoSound period = Sound_extractPart (sound,
					pulses -> t [ipulse] - 0.5 * leftInterval, pulses -> t [ipulse] + 0.5 * rightInterval,
					kSound_windowShape_RECTANGULAR, 1.0, FALSE);
				autoSpectrum spectrum = Sound_to_Spectrum (period.peek(), FALSE);
				for (long ifreq = 1; ifreq <= spectrum -> nx; ifreq ++) {
					double frequency = spectrum -> xmin + (ifreq - 1) * spectrum -> dx;
					double realPart = spectrum -> z [1] [ifreq];
					double imaginaryPart = spectrum -> z [2] [ifreq];
					double energy = (realPart * realPart + imaginaryPart * imaginaryPart) * 2.0 * spectrum -> dx /* OLD: * sound -> nx */;
					long iband = ceil (frequency / bandWidth);
					if (iband >= 1 && iband <= ltas -> nx) {
						ltas -> z [1] [iband] += energy;
						numbers -> z [1] [iband] += 1;
						totalNumberOfEnergies += 1;
			} else {
				numberOfPeriods -= 1;
		if (numberOfPeriods < 1)
			Melder_throw ("There are no periods in the point process.");
		for (long iband = 1; iband <= ltas -> nx; iband ++) {
			if (numbers -> z [1] [iband] == 0.0) {
				ltas -> z [1] [iband] = NUMundefined;
			} else {
				 * Each bin now contains a total energy in Pa2 sec.
				 * To convert this to power density, we
				double totalEnergyInThisBand = ltas -> z [1] [iband];
				if (0 /* i.e. if you just want to have a spectrum of the voiced parts... */) {
					double energyDensityInThisBand = totalEnergyInThisBand / ltas -> dx;
					double powerDensityInThisBand = energyDensityInThisBand / (sound -> xmax - sound -> xmin);
					ltas -> z [1] [iband] = 10.0 * log10 (powerDensityInThisBand / 4.0e-10);
				} else {
					 * And this is what we really want. The total energy has to be redistributed.
					double meanEnergyInThisBand = totalEnergyInThisBand / numbers -> z [1] [iband];
					double meanNumberOfEnergiesPerBand = (double) totalNumberOfEnergies / ltas -> nx;
					double redistributedEnergyInThisBand = meanEnergyInThisBand * meanNumberOfEnergiesPerBand;
					double redistributedEnergyDensityInThisBand = redistributedEnergyInThisBand / ltas -> dx;
					double redistributedPowerDensityInThisBand = redistributedEnergyDensityInThisBand / (sound -> xmax - sound -> xmin);
					ltas -> z [1] [iband] = 10.0 * log10 (redistributedPowerDensityInThisBand / 4.0e-10);
					/* OLD: ltas -> z [1] [iband] = 10.0 * log10 (ltas -> z [1] [iband] / numbers -> z [1] [iband] * sound -> nx);*/
		for (long iband = 1; iband <= ltas -> nx; iband ++) {
			if (ltas -> z [1] [iband] == NUMundefined) {
				long ibandleft = iband - 1, ibandright = iband + 1;
				while (ibandleft >= 1 && ltas -> z [1] [ibandleft] == NUMundefined) ibandleft --;
				while (ibandright <= ltas -> nx && ltas -> z [1] [ibandright] == NUMundefined) ibandright ++;
				if (ibandleft < 1 && ibandright > ltas -> nx)
					Melder_throw ("Cannot create an Ltas without energy in any bins.");
				if (ibandleft < 1) {
					ltas -> z [1] [iband] = ltas -> z [1] [ibandright];
				} else if (ibandright > ltas -> nx) {
					ltas -> z [1] [iband] = ltas -> z [1] [ibandleft];
				} else {
					double frequency = ltas -> x1 + (iband - 1) * ltas -> dx;
					double fleft = ltas -> x1 + (ibandleft - 1) * ltas -> dx;
					double fright = ltas -> x1 + (ibandright - 1) * ltas -> dx;
					ltas -> z [1] [iband] = ((fright - frequency) * ltas -> z [1] [ibandleft]
						+ (frequency - fleft) * ltas -> z [1] [ibandright]) / (fright - fleft);
		return ltas.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (sound, " & ", pulses, ": LTAS analysis not performed.");
Пример #22
Pitch Sound_to_Pitch_shs (Sound me, double timeStep, double minimumPitch,
                          double maximumFrequency, double ceiling, long maxnSubharmonics, long maxnCandidates,
                          double compressionFactor, long nPointsPerOctave) {
	try {
		double firstTime, newSamplingFrequency = 2 * maximumFrequency;
		double windowDuration = 2 / minimumPitch, halfWindow = windowDuration / 2;
		double atans = nPointsPerOctave * NUMlog2 (65.0 / 50.0) - 1;
		// Number of speech samples in the downsampled signal in each frame:
		// 100 for windowDuration == 0.04 and newSamplingFrequency == 2500
		long nx = lround (windowDuration * newSamplingFrequency);

		// The minimum number of points for the fft is 256.
		long nfft = 1;
		while ( (nfft *= 2) < nx || nfft <= 128) {
		long nfft2 = nfft / 2 + 1;
		double frameDuration = nfft / newSamplingFrequency;
		double df = newSamplingFrequency / nfft;

		// The number of points on the octave scale

		double fminl2 = NUMlog2 (minimumPitch), fmaxl2 = NUMlog2 (maximumFrequency);
		long nFrequencyPoints = (long) floor ((fmaxl2 - fminl2) * nPointsPerOctave);
		double dfl2 = (fmaxl2 - fminl2) / (nFrequencyPoints - 1);

		autoSound sound = Sound_resample (me, newSamplingFrequency, 50);
		long numberOfFrames;
		Sampled_shortTermAnalysis (sound.peek(), windowDuration, timeStep, &numberOfFrames, &firstTime);
		autoSound frame = Sound_createSimple (1, frameDuration, newSamplingFrequency);
		autoSound hamming = Sound_createHamming (nx / newSamplingFrequency, newSamplingFrequency);
		autoPitch thee = Pitch_create (my xmin, my xmax, numberOfFrames, timeStep, firstTime,
		                               ceiling, maxnCandidates);
		autoNUMvector<double> cc (1, numberOfFrames);
		autoNUMvector<double> specAmp (1, nfft2);
		autoNUMvector<double> fl2 (1, nfft2);
		autoNUMvector<double> yv2 (1, nfft2);
		autoNUMvector<double> arctg (1, nFrequencyPoints);
		autoNUMvector<double> al2 (1, nFrequencyPoints);

		Melder_assert (frame->nx >= nx);
		Melder_assert (hamming->nx == nx);

		// Compute the absolute value of the globally largest amplitude w.r.t. the global mean.

		double globalMean, globalPeak;
		Sound_localMean (sound.peek(), sound -> xmin, sound -> xmax, &globalMean);
		Sound_localPeak (sound.peek(), sound -> xmin, sound -> xmax, globalMean, &globalPeak);

			For the cubic spline interpolation we need the frequencies on an octave
			scale, i.e., a log2 scale. All frequencies must be DIFFERENT, otherwise
			the cubic spline interpolation will give corrupt results.
			Because log2(f==0) is not defined, we use the heuristic: f[2]-f[1] == f[3]-f[2].

		for (long i = 2; i <= nfft2; i++) {
			fl2[i] = NUMlog2 ( (i - 1) * df);
		fl2[1] = 2 * fl2[2] - fl2[3];

		// Calculate frequencies regularly spaced on a log2-scale and
		// the frequency weighting function.

		for (long i = 1; i <= nFrequencyPoints; i++) {
			arctg[i] = 0.5 + atan (3 * (i - atans) / nPointsPerOctave) / NUMpi;

		// Perform the analysis on all frames.

		for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfFrames; i++) {
			Pitch_Frame pitchFrame = &thy frame[i];
			double hm = 1, f0, pitch_strength, localMean, localPeak;
			double tmid = Sampled_indexToX (thee.peek(), i); /* The center of this frame */
			long nx_tmp = frame -> nx;

			// Copy a frame from the sound, apply a hamming window. Get local 'intensity'

			frame -> nx = nx; /*begin vies */
			Sound_into_Sound (sound.peek(), frame.peek(), tmid - halfWindow);
			Sounds_multiply (frame.peek(), hamming.peek());
			Sound_localMean (sound.peek(), tmid - 3 * halfWindow, tmid + 3 * halfWindow, &localMean);
			Sound_localPeak (sound.peek(), tmid - halfWindow, tmid + halfWindow, localMean, &localPeak);
			pitchFrame -> intensity = localPeak > globalPeak ? 1 : localPeak / globalPeak;
			frame -> nx = nx_tmp; /* einde vies */

			// Get the Fourier spectrum.

			autoSpectrum spec = Sound_to_Spectrum (frame.peek(), 1);
			Melder_assert (spec->nx == nfft2);

			// From complex spectrum to amplitude spectrum.

			for (long j = 1; j <= nfft2; j++) {
				double rs = spec -> z[1][j], is = spec -> z[2][j];
				specAmp[j] = sqrt (rs * rs + is * is);

			// Enhance the peaks in the spectrum.

			spec_enhance_SHS (specAmp.peek(), nfft2);

			// Smooth the enhanced spectrum.

			spec_smoooth_SHS (specAmp.peek(), nfft2);

			// Go to a logarithmic scale and perform cubic spline interpolation to get
			// spectral values for the increased number of frequency points.

			NUMspline (fl2.peek(), specAmp.peek(), nfft2, 1e30, 1e30, yv2.peek());
			for (long j = 1; j <= nFrequencyPoints; j++) {
				double f = fminl2 + (j - 1) * dfl2;
				NUMsplint (fl2.peek(), specAmp.peek(), yv2.peek(), nfft2, f, &al2[j]);

			// Multiply by frequency selectivity of the auditory system.

			for (long j = 1; j <= nFrequencyPoints; j++) al2[j] = al2[j] > 0 ?
				        al2[j] * arctg[j] : 0;

			// The subharmonic summation. Shift spectra in octaves and sum.

			Pitch_Frame_init (pitchFrame, maxnCandidates);
			autoNUMvector<double> sumspec (1, nFrequencyPoints);
			pitchFrame -> nCandidates = 0; /* !!!!! */

			for (long m = 1; m <= maxnSubharmonics + 1; m++) {
				long kb = 1 + (long) floor (nPointsPerOctave * NUMlog2 (m));
				for (long k = kb; k <= nFrequencyPoints; k++) {
					sumspec[k - kb + 1] += al2[k] * hm;
				hm *= compressionFactor;

			// First register the voiceless candidate (always present).

			Pitch_Frame_addPitch (pitchFrame, 0, 0, maxnCandidates);

				Get the best local estimates for the pitch as the maxima of the
				subharmonic sum spectrum by parabolic interpolation on three points:
				The formula for a parabole with a maximum is:
					y(x) = a - b (x - c)^2 with a, b, c >= 0
				The three points are (-x, y1), (0, y2) and (x, y3).
				The solution for a (the maximum) and c (the position) is:
				a = (2 y1 (4 y2 + y3) - y1^2 - (y3 - 4 y2)^2)/( 8 (y1 - 2 y2 + y3)
				c = dx (y1 - y3) / (2 (y1 - 2 y2 + y3))
				(b = (2 y2 - y1 - y3) / (2 dx^2) )

			for (long k = 2; k <= nFrequencyPoints - 1; k++) {
				double y1 = sumspec[k - 1], y2 = sumspec[k], y3 = sumspec[k + 1];
				if (y2 > y1 && y2 >= y3) {
					double denum = y1 - 2 * y2 + y3, tmp = y3 - 4 * y2;
					double x =  dfl2 * (y1 - y3) / (2 * denum);
					double f = pow (2, fminl2 + (k - 1) * dfl2 + x);
					double strength = (2 * y1 * (4 * y2 + y3) - y1 * y1 - tmp * tmp) / (8 * denum);
					Pitch_Frame_addPitch (pitchFrame, f, strength, maxnCandidates);

				Check whether f0 corresponds to an actual periodicity T = 1 / f0:
				correlate two signal periods of duration T, one starting at the
				middle of the interval and one starting T seconds before.
				If there is periodicity the correlation coefficient should be high.

				However, some sounds do not show any regularity, or very low
				frequency and regularity, and nevertheless have a definite
				pitch, e.g. Shepard sounds.

			Pitch_Frame_getPitch (pitchFrame, &f0, &pitch_strength);
			if (f0 > 0) {
				cc[i] = Sound_correlateParts (sound.peek(), tmid - 1.0 / f0, tmid, 1.0 / f0);

		// Base V/UV decision on correlation coefficients.
		// Resize the pitch strengths w.r.t. the cc.

		double vuvCriterium = 0.52;
		for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfFrames; i++) {
			Pitch_Frame_resizeStrengths (& thy frame[i], cc[i], vuvCriterium);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": no Pitch (shs) created.");
Пример #23
Sound Sound_deepenBandModulation (Sound me, double enhancement_dB,
	double flow, double fhigh, double slowModulation, double fastModulation, double bandSmoothing)
	try {
		autoSound thee = Data_copy (me);
		double maximumFactor = pow (10, enhancement_dB / 20), alpha = sqrt (log (2.0));
		double alphaslow = alpha / slowModulation, alphafast = alpha / fastModulation;

		for (long channel = 1; channel <= my ny; channel ++) {
			autoSound channelSound = Sound_extractChannel (me, channel);
			autoSpectrum orgspec = Sound_to_Spectrum (channelSound.peek(), true);

			 * Keep the part of the sound that is outside the filter bank.
			autoSpectrum spec = Data_copy (orgspec.peek());
			Spectrum_stopHannBand (spec.peek(), flow, fhigh, bandSmoothing);
			autoSound filtered = Spectrum_to_Sound (spec.peek());
			long n = thy nx;
			double *amp = thy z [channel];
			for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) amp [i] = filtered -> z [1] [i];

			autoMelderProgress progress (U"Deepen band modulation...");
			double fmin = flow;
			while (fmin < fhigh) {
				 * Take a one-bark frequency band.
				double fmid_bark = NUMhertzToBark (fmin) + 0.5, ceiling;
				double fmax = NUMbarkToHertz (NUMhertzToBark (fmin) + 1);
				if (fmax > fhigh) fmax = fhigh;
				Melder_progress (fmin / fhigh, U"Band: ", Melder_fixed (fmin, 0), U" ... ", Melder_fixed (fmax, 0), U" Hz");
				NUMmatrix_copyElements (orgspec -> z, spec -> z, 1, 2, 1, spec -> nx);
				Spectrum_passHannBand (spec.peek(), fmin, fmax, bandSmoothing);
				autoSound band = Spectrum_to_Sound (spec.peek());
				 * Compute a relative intensity contour.
				autoSound intensity = Data_copy (band.peek());
				n = intensity -> nx;
				amp = intensity -> z [1];
				for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) amp [i] = 10 * log10 (amp [i] * amp [i] + 1e-6);
				autoSpectrum intensityFilter = Sound_to_Spectrum (intensity.peek(), true);
				n = intensityFilter -> nx;
				for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) {
					double frequency = intensityFilter -> x1 + (i - 1) * intensityFilter -> dx;
					double slow = alphaslow * frequency, fast = alphafast * frequency;
					double factor = exp (- fast * fast) - exp (- slow * slow);
					intensityFilter -> z [1] [i] *= factor;
					intensityFilter -> z [2] [i] *= factor;
				intensity.reset (Spectrum_to_Sound (intensityFilter.peek()));
				n = intensity -> nx;
				amp = intensity -> z [1];
				for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) amp [i] = pow (10, amp [i] / 2);
				 * Clip to maximum enhancement.
				ceiling = 1 + (maximumFactor - 1.0) * (0.5 - 0.5 * cos (NUMpi * fmid_bark / 13));
				for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) amp [i] = 1 / (1 / amp [i] + 1 / ceiling);

				n = thy nx;
				amp = thy z [channel];
				for (long i = 1; i <= n; i ++) amp [i] += band -> z [1] [i] * intensity -> z [1] [i];

				fmin = fmax;
		Vector_scale (thee.peek(), 0.99);
		/* Truncate. */
		thy xmin = my xmin;
		thy xmax = my xmax;
		thy nx = my nx;
		thy x1 = my x1;
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": band modulation not deepened.");