static void print_vol_stats_hash(struct VolumeHashChainStats * stats) { afs_uint32 hi, lo; printf("DiskPartitionStats = {\n"); printf("\ttable_size = %d\n", stats->table_size); printf("\tchain_len = %d\n", stats->chain_len); #ifdef AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS printf("\tchain_cacheCheck = %d\n", stats->chain_cacheCheck); printf("\tchain_busy = %d\n", stats->chain_busy); SplitInt64(stats->chain_looks, hi, lo); printf("\tchain_looks = {\n"); printf("\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t}\n"); SplitInt64(stats->chain_gets, hi, lo); printf("\tchain_gets = {\n"); printf("\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t}\n"); SplitInt64(stats->chain_reorders, hi, lo); printf("\tchain_reorders = {\n"); printf("\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t}\n"); #endif /* AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS */ printf("}\n"); }
static int get_cb_hdr(void) { char * buf; afs_uint32 hi, lo; if (hdrs.cb_hdr_valid) return 0; if (get_hdr()) return 1; SplitInt64(hdrs.hdr.cb_offset, hi, lo); if (hi) { fprintf(stderr, "hi offset bits set in cb_offset; can't get callback_state_header\n"); return 1; } if ((lo >= map_len) || ((lo + sizeof(struct callback_state_header)) > map_len) || (lo + sizeof(struct callback_state_header) < lo)) { fprintf(stderr, "cb_offset puts callback_state_header beyond end of memory map\n"); return 1; } buf = (char *) map; buf += lo; memcpy(&hdrs.cb_hdr, buf, sizeof(struct callback_state_header)); hdrs.cb_hdr_p = buf; hdrs.cb_hdr_valid = 1; SplitInt64(hdrs.cb_hdr.fe_offset, hi, lo); if (hi) { fprintf(stderr, "hi offset bits set in fe_offset; can't get callback_state_entry_header\n"); return 1; } hi = lo + (hdrs.cb_hdr.nFEs * (sizeof(struct callback_state_entry_header) + sizeof(struct FEDiskEntry)) + hdrs.cb_hdr.nCBs * sizeof(struct CBDiskEntry)); if ((hi > map_len) || (lo > hi)) { fprintf(stderr, "fe_offset puts callback_state_entry_header beyond end of memory map\n"); return 1; } buf = (char *) map; buf += lo; fe_cursor.ffe = (void *)buf; return 0; }
int fs_stateSeek(struct fs_dump_state * state, afs_uint64 * offset) { int ret = 0; char * p; #ifndef AFS_64BIT_ENV afs_uint32 hi, lo; SplitInt64(*offset, hi, lo); #endif /* update cursor */ p = (char *) state->; #ifdef AFS_64BIT_ENV p += *offset; #else p += lo; #endif state->mmap.cursor = (void *) p; /* update offset */ state->mmap.offset = *offset; return ret; }
static int get_cb_fehash_hdr(void) { char * buf; afs_uint32 hi, lo; if (hdrs.fehash_hdr_valid) return 0; if (get_cb_hdr()) return 1; SplitInt64(hdrs.cb_hdr.fehash_offset, hi, lo); if (hi) { fprintf(stderr, "hi offset bits set in fehash_offset; can't get callback_state_fehash_header\n"); return 1; } if ((lo >= map_len) || ((lo + sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header)) > map_len) || (lo + sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header) < lo)) { fprintf(stderr, "timeout_offset puts callback_state_fehash_header beyond end of memory map\n"); return 1; } buf = (char *) map; buf += lo; memcpy(&hdrs.fehash_hdr, buf, sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header)); hdrs.fehash_hdr_p = buf; hdrs.fehash_hdr_valid = 1; buf += sizeof(struct callback_state_fehash_header); hdrs.fehash_p = buf; return 0; }
static int get_h_hdr(void) { char * buf; afs_uint32 hi, lo; if (hdrs.h_hdr_valid) return 0; if (get_hdr()) return 1; SplitInt64(hdrs.hdr.h_offset, hi, lo); if (hi) { fprintf(stderr, "hi offset bits set in h_offset; can't get host_state_header\n"); return 1; } if ((lo >= map_len) || ((lo + sizeof(struct host_state_header)) > map_len) || (lo + sizeof(struct host_state_header) < lo)) { fprintf(stderr, "h_offset puts host_state_header beyond end of memory map\n"); return 1; } buf = (char *) map; buf += lo; memcpy(&hdrs.h_hdr, buf, sizeof(struct host_state_header)); hdrs.h_hdr_p = buf; buf += sizeof(struct host_state_header); he_cursor.fh = (void *)buf; return 0; }
static void dump_cb_hdr(void) { afs_uint32 hi, lo; if (get_cb_hdr()) return; DPFOFF(hdrs.cb_hdr_p); DPFSO0("callback_state_header"); DPFSO1("stamp"); DPFX2("magic", hdrs.cb_hdr.stamp.magic); DPFV2("version", "u", hdrs.cb_hdr.stamp.version); DPFSC1; DPFV1("nFEs", "u", hdrs.cb_hdr.nFEs); DPFV1("nCBs", "u", hdrs.cb_hdr.nCBs); DPFV1("fe_max", "u", hdrs.cb_hdr.fe_max); DPFV1("cb_max", "u", hdrs.cb_hdr.cb_max); DPFV1("tfirst", "d", hdrs.cb_hdr.tfirst); SplitInt64(hdrs.cb_hdr.timeout_offset, hi, lo); DPFSO1("timeout_offset"); DPFV2("hi", "u", hi); DPFV2("lo", "u", lo); DPFSC1; SplitInt64(hdrs.cb_hdr.fehash_offset, hi, lo); DPFSO1("fehash_offset"); DPFV2("hi", "u", hi); DPFV2("lo", "u", lo); DPFSC1; SplitInt64(hdrs.cb_hdr.fe_offset, hi, lo); DPFSO1("fe_offset"); DPFV2("hi", "u", hi); DPFV2("lo", "u", lo); DPFSC1; DPFSC0; if (hdrs.cb_hdr.stamp.magic != CALLBACK_STATE_MAGIC) { fprintf(stderr, "* magic check failed\n"); } if (hdrs.cb_hdr.stamp.version != CALLBACK_STATE_VERSION) { fprintf(stderr, "* version check failed\n"); } }
static void dump_hdr(void) { char uuid_str[40]; afs_uint32 hi, lo; if (get_hdr()) return; DPFOFF(map); DPFSO0("fs_state_header"); DPFSO1("stamp"); DPFX2("magic", hdrs.hdr.stamp.magic); DPFV2("version", "u", hdrs.hdr.stamp.version); DPFSC1; DPFT1("timestamp", hdrs.hdr.timestamp); DPFV1("sys_name", "u", hdrs.hdr.sys_name); afsUUID_to_string(&hdrs.hdr.server_uuid, uuid_str, sizeof(uuid_str)); DPFS1("server_uuid", uuid_str); DPFV1("valid", "d", hdrs.hdr.valid); DPFV1("endianness", "d", hdrs.hdr.endianness); DPFV1("stats_detailed", "d", hdrs.hdr.stats_detailed); SplitInt64(hdrs.hdr.h_offset, hi, lo); DPFSO1("h_offset"); DPFV2("hi", "u", hi); DPFV2("lo", "u", lo); DPFSC1; SplitInt64(hdrs.hdr.cb_offset, hi, lo); DPFSO1("cb_offset"); DPFV2("hi", "u", hi); DPFV2("lo", "u", lo); DPFSC1; DPFS1("server_version_string", hdrs.hdr.server_version_string); DPFSC0; if (hdrs.hdr.stamp.magic != FS_STATE_MAGIC) { fprintf(stderr, "* magic check failed\n"); } if (hdrs.hdr.stamp.version != FS_STATE_VERSION) { fprintf(stderr, "* version check failed\n"); } }
static int fs_stateTruncateFile(struct fs_dump_state * state) { int ret = 0; #ifdef AFS_LARGEFILE_ENV if (afs_ftruncate(state->fd, state->eof_offset) != 0) { ret = 1; } #else afs_uint32 hi, lo; SplitInt64(state->eof_offset, hi, lo); if (afs_ftruncate(state->fd, lo) != 0) { ret = 1; } #endif return ret; }
/* update offset */ #ifdef AFS_LARGEFILE_ENV state->mmap.offset = *offset; #else if (hi) ret = 1; state->mmap.offset = lo; #endif return ret; } #else /* !FS_STATE_USE_MMAP */ int fs_stateSeek(struct fs_dump_state * state, afs_uint64 * offset) { int ret = 0; #ifndef AFS_LARGEFILE_ENV afs_uint32 high, low; SplitInt64(*offset, high, low); if (high) { ret = 1; goto done; } if (afs_lseek(state->fd, low, SEEK_SET) == -1) ret = 1; #else if (afs_lseek(state->fd, *offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) ret = 1; #endif return ret; }
static int VolQuery(struct cmd_syndesc * as, void * rock) { struct state state; SYNC_PROTO_BUF_DECL(res_buf); SYNC_response res; Volume v; int hi, lo; res.hdr.response_len = sizeof(res.hdr); res.payload.buf = res_buf; res.payload.len = SYNC_PROTO_MAX_LEN; common_prolog(as, &state); common_volop_prolog(as, &state); do_volop(&state, FSYNC_VOL_QUERY, &res); if (res.hdr.response == SYNC_OK) { memcpy(&v, res.payload.buf, sizeof(Volume)); printf("volume = {\n"); printf("\thashid = %u\n", v.hashid); printf("\theader = 0x%x\n", v.header); printf("\tdevice = %d\n", v.device); printf("\tpartition = 0x%x\n", v.partition); printf("\tlinkHandle = 0x%x\n", v.linkHandle); printf("\tnextVnodeUnique = %u\n", v.nextVnodeUnique); printf("\tdiskDataHandle = 0x%x\n", v.diskDataHandle); printf("\tvnodeHashOffset = %u\n", v.vnodeHashOffset); printf("\tshuttingDown = %d\n", v.shuttingDown); printf("\tgoingOffline = %d\n", v.goingOffline); printf("\tcacheCheck = %u\n", v.cacheCheck); printf("\tnUsers = %d\n", v.nUsers); printf("\tneedsPutBack = %d\n", v.needsPutBack); printf("\tspecialStatus = %d\n", v.specialStatus); printf("\tupdateTime = %u\n", v.updateTime); printf("\tvnodeIndex[vSmall] = {\n"); printf("\t\thandle = 0x%x\n", v.vnodeIndex[vSmall].handle); printf("\t\tbitmap = 0x%x\n", v.vnodeIndex[vSmall].bitmap); printf("\t\tbitmapSize = %u\n", v.vnodeIndex[vSmall].bitmapSize); printf("\t\tbitmapOffset = %u\n", v.vnodeIndex[vSmall].bitmapOffset); printf("\t}\n"); printf("\tvnodeIndex[vLarge] = {\n"); printf("\t\thandle = 0x%x\n", v.vnodeIndex[vLarge].handle); printf("\t\tbitmap = 0x%x\n", v.vnodeIndex[vLarge].bitmap); printf("\t\tbitmapSize = %u\n", v.vnodeIndex[vLarge].bitmapSize); printf("\t\tbitmapOffset = %u\n", v.vnodeIndex[vLarge].bitmapOffset); printf("\t}\n"); #ifdef AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS if (res.hdr.flags & SYNC_FLAG_DAFS_EXTENSIONS) { printf("\tupdateTime = %u\n", v.updateTime); printf("\tattach_state = %s\n", vol_state_to_string(v.attach_state)); printf("\tattach_flags = %s\n", vol_flags_to_string(v.attach_flags)); printf("\tnWaiters = %d\n", v.nWaiters); printf("\tchainCacheCheck = %d\n", v.chainCacheCheck); /* online salvage structure */ printf("\tsalvage = {\n"); printf("\t\tprio = %u\n", v.salvage.prio); printf("\t\treason = %d\n", v.salvage.reason); printf("\t\trequested = %d\n", v.salvage.requested); printf("\t\tscheduled = %d\n", v.salvage.scheduled); printf("\t}\n"); /* statistics structure */ printf("\tstats = {\n"); printf("\t\thash_lookups = {\n"); SplitInt64(v.stats.hash_lookups,hi,lo); printf("\t\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t\t}\n"); printf("\t\thash_short_circuits = {\n"); SplitInt64(v.stats.hash_short_circuits,hi,lo); printf("\t\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t\t}\n"); printf("\t\thdr_loads = {\n"); SplitInt64(v.stats.hdr_loads,hi,lo); printf("\t\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t\t}\n"); printf("\t\thdr_gets = {\n"); SplitInt64(v.stats.hdr_gets,hi,lo); printf("\t\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t\t}\n"); printf("\t\tattaches = %u\n", v.stats.attaches); printf("\t\tsoft_detaches = %u\n", v.stats.soft_detaches); printf("\t\tsalvages = %u\n", v.stats.salvages); printf("\t\tvol_ops = %u\n", v.stats.vol_ops); printf("\t\tlast_attach = %u\n", v.stats.last_attach); printf("\t\tlast_get = %u\n", v.stats.last_get); printf("\t\tlast_promote = %u\n", v.stats.last_promote); printf("\t\tlast_hdr_get = %u\n", v.stats.last_hdr_get); printf("\t\tlast_hdr_load = %u\n", v.stats.last_hdr_load); printf("\t\tlast_salvage = %u\n", v.stats.last_salvage); printf("\t\tlast_salvage_req = %u\n", v.stats.last_salvage_req); printf("\t\tlast_vol_op = %u\n", v.stats.last_vol_op); printf("\t}\n"); /* VLRU state */ printf("\tvlru = {\n"); printf("\t\tidx = %d (%s)\n", v.vlru.idx, vlru_idx_to_string(v.vlru.idx)); printf("\t}\n"); /* volume op state */ printf("\tpending_vol_op = 0x%x\n", v.pending_vol_op); } #else /* !AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS */ if (res.hdr.flags & SYNC_FLAG_DAFS_EXTENSIONS) { printf("*** server asserted demand attach extensions. fssync-debug not built to\n"); printf("*** recognize those extensions. please recompile fssync-debug if you need\n"); printf("*** to dump dafs extended state\n"); } #endif /* !AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS */ printf("}\n"); } return 0; }
static void print_vol_stats_general(VolPkgStats * stats) { int i; afs_uint32 hi, lo; printf("VolPkgStats = {\n"); #ifdef AFS_DEMAND_ATTACH_FS for (i = 0; i < VOL_STATE_COUNT; i++) { printf("\tvol_state_count[%s] = %d\n", vol_state_to_string(i), stats->state_levels[i]); } SplitInt64(stats->hash_looks, hi, lo); printf("\thash_looks = {\n"); printf("\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t}\n"); SplitInt64(stats->hash_reorders, hi, lo); printf("\thash_reorders = {\n"); printf("\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t}\n"); SplitInt64(stats->salvages, hi, lo); printf("\tsalvages = {\n"); printf("\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t}\n"); SplitInt64(stats->vol_ops, hi, lo); printf("\tvol_ops = {\n"); printf("\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t}\n"); #endif SplitInt64(stats->hdr_loads, hi, lo); printf("\thdr_loads = {\n"); printf("\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t}\n"); SplitInt64(stats->hdr_gets, hi, lo); printf("\thdr_gets = {\n"); printf("\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t}\n"); SplitInt64(stats->attaches, hi, lo); printf("\tattaches = {\n"); printf("\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t}\n"); SplitInt64(stats->soft_detaches, hi, lo); printf("\tsoft_detaches = {\n"); printf("\t\thi = %u\n", hi); printf("\t\tlo = %u\n", lo); printf("\t}\n"); printf("\thdr_cache_size = %d\n", stats->hdr_cache_size); printf("}\n"); }
static int DumpFile(int dumpfd, int vnode, FdHandle_t * handleP, struct VnodeDiskObject *v) { int code = 0, failed_seek = 0, failed_write = 0; afs_int32 pad = 0; afs_int32 offset = 0; afs_sfsize_t n, nbytes, howMany, howBig; byte *p; #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV struct afs_stat status; #endif afs_sfsize_t size, tmpsize; #ifdef AFS_AIX_ENV #include <sys/statfs.h> struct statfs tstatfs; #endif if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "dumping file for vnode %d\n", vnode); #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV howBig = _filelength(handleP->fd_fd); howMany = 4096; #else afs_fstat(handleP->fd_fd, &status); howBig = status.st_size; #ifdef AFS_AIX_ENV /* Unfortunately in AIX valuable fields such as st_blksize are * gone from the stat structure. */ fstatfs(handleP->fd_fd, &tstatfs); howMany = tstatfs.f_bsize; #else howMany = status.st_blksize; #endif /* AFS_AIX_ENV */ #endif /* AFS_NT40_ENV */ size = FDH_SIZE(handleP); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " howBig = %u, howMany = %u, fdh size = %u\n", howBig, howMany, size); #ifdef AFS_LARGEFILE_ENV { afs_uint32 hi, lo; SplitInt64(size, hi, lo); if (hi == 0L) { code = DumpInt32(dumpfd, 'f', lo); } else { code = DumpDouble(dumpfd, 'h', hi, lo); } } #else /* !AFS_LARGEFILE_ENV */ code = DumpInt32(dumpfd, 'f', size); #endif /* !AFS_LARGEFILE_ENV */ if (code) { return VOLSERDUMPERROR; } p = (unsigned char *)malloc(howMany); if (!p) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory!\n"); return VOLSERDUMPERROR; } /* loop through whole file, while we still have bytes left, and no errors, in chunks of howMany bytes */ for (nbytes = size; (nbytes && !failed_write); nbytes -= howMany) { if (nbytes < howMany) howMany = nbytes; /* Read the data - unless we know we can't */ n = (failed_seek ? 0 : FDH_READ(handleP, p, howMany)); /* If read any good data and we null padded previously, log the * amount that we had null padded. */ if ((n > 0) && pad) { fprintf(stderr, "Null padding file %d bytes at offset %u\n", pad, offset); pad = 0; } /* If didn't read enough data, null padd the rest of the buffer. This * can happen if, for instance, the media has some bad spots. We don't * want to quit the dump, so we start null padding. */ if (n < howMany) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, " read %u instead of %u bytes.\n", n, howMany); /* Record the read error */ if (n < 0) { n = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Error %d reading inode %s for vnode %d\n", errno, PrintInode(NULL, handleP->fd_ih->ih_ino), vnode); } else if (!pad) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading inode %s for vnode %d\n", PrintInode(NULL, handleP->fd_ih->ih_ino), vnode); } /* Pad the rest of the buffer with zeros. Remember offset we started * padding. Keep total tally of padding. */ memset(p + n, 0, howMany - n); if (!pad) offset = (howBig - nbytes) + n; pad += (howMany - n); /* Now seek over the data we could not get. An error here means we * can't do the next read. */ failed_seek = FDH_SEEK(handleP, ((size - nbytes) + howMany), SEEK_SET); if (failed_seek != ((size - nbytes) + howMany)) { if (failed_seek < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %d seeking in inode %s for vnode %d\n", errno, PrintInode(NULL, handleP->fd_ih->ih_ino), vnode); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error seeking in inode %s for vnode %d\n", PrintInode(NULL, handleP->fd_ih->ih_ino), vnode); failed_seek = -1; } } else { failed_seek = 0; } } /* Now write the data out */ if (write(dumpfd, (char *)p, howMany) != howMany) failed_write = VOLSERDUMPERROR; } if (pad) { /* Any padding we hadn't reported yet */ fprintf(stderr, "Null padding file: %d bytes at offset %u\n", pad, offset); } free(p); return failed_write; }