Пример #1
void Cloth::createShearLinks(float shearStiffness, float shearDamping) {
  numShear = (rows - 1) * (columns - 1) * 2;
  shearSprings = new Spring[numShear];
  int index = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < rows - 1; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < columns - 1; j++) {
      shearSprings[index++] = Spring(shearStiffness, shearDamping, &particles[(i * columns) + j], &particles[((i + 1) * columns) + j + 1]);
      shearSprings[index++] = Spring(shearStiffness, shearDamping, &particles[(i * columns) + j + 1], &particles[((i + 1) * columns) + j]);
Пример #2
void Cloth::createFlexionLinks(float flexionStiffness, float flexionDamping) {
  numFlexion = ((rows - 2) * (columns - 2) * 2) + ((rows - 2) * 2) + ((columns - 2) * 2);
  flexionSprings = new Spring[numFlexion];
  int index = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
      if (i < rows - 2 && j < columns - 2) {
        // horizontal spring
        flexionSprings[index++] = Spring(flexionStiffness, flexionDamping, &particles[(i * columns) + j], &particles[(i * columns) + j + 2]);
        // vertical spring
        flexionSprings[index++] = Spring(flexionStiffness, flexionDamping, &particles[(i * columns) + j], &particles[((i + 2) * columns) + j]);
      else if (i < rows && j < columns - 2) {
        flexionSprings[index++] = Spring(flexionStiffness, flexionDamping, &particles[(i * columns) + j], &particles[(i * columns) + j + 2]);
      else if (j < columns && i < rows - 2) {
        flexionSprings[index++] = Spring(flexionStiffness, flexionDamping, &particles[(i * columns) + j], &particles[((i + 2) * columns) + j]);
Пример #3
void Cloth::createStructuralLinks(float structuralStiffness, float structuralDamping) {
  numStructural = ((rows - 1) * (columns - 1) * 2) + (rows - 1) + (columns - 1);
  structuralSprings = new Spring[numStructural];
  int index = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
      if (i < rows - 1 && j < columns - 1) {
        // horizontal spring
        structuralSprings[index++] = Spring(structuralStiffness, structuralDamping, &particles[(i * columns) + j], &particles[(i * columns) + j + 1]);
        // vertical spring
        structuralSprings[index++] = Spring(structuralStiffness, structuralDamping, &particles[(i * columns) + j], &particles[((i + 1) * columns) + j]);
      else if (i == rows - 1 && j < columns - 1) {
        // only create horizontal springs for the bottom edge of the mesh
        structuralSprings[index++] = Spring(structuralStiffness, structuralDamping, &particles[(i * columns) + j], &particles[(i * columns) + j + 1]);
      else if (j == columns - 1 && i < rows - 1) {
        // only create vertical springs for the right edge of the mesh
        structuralSprings[index++] = Spring(structuralStiffness, structuralDamping, &particles[(i * columns) + j], &particles[((i + 1) * columns) + j]);
Пример #4
 * Create or load a particle system and simulate a number of time steps.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	// Create particles and springs.
	particles.reserve(dimx * dimy * dimz);
	for (size_t z = 0; z < dimz; ++z) {
		for (size_t y = 0; y < dimy; ++y) {
			for (size_t x = 0; x < dimx; ++x) {
				Length3D p;
				p[0] = (x / float(dimx > 1 ? dimx - 1 : 1) - 0.5) * m - 1 * m;// - 6 * m;
				p[1] = (y / float(dimy > 1 ? dimy - 1 : 1) - 0.5) * 0.005 * m - 1.7 * m;// + 5 * m;
				p[2] = (z / float(dimz > 1 ? dimz - 1 : 1) - 0.5) * m;
				particles.push_back(Particle(mass, p, Velocity3D()));
				// create connections to all existing neighbors
				std::vector<size_t> other_xs, other_ys, other_zs;
				if (z > 0) other_zs.push_back(z - 1);
				if (y > 0) other_ys.push_back(y - 1);
				if (x > 0) other_xs.push_back(x - 1);
				if (z + 1 < dimz) other_zs.push_back(z + 1);
				if (y + 1 < dimy) other_ys.push_back(y + 1);
				if (x + 1 < dimx) other_xs.push_back(x + 1);
				for (std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator oz = other_zs.begin(); oz != other_zs.end(); ++oz) {
					for (std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator oy = other_ys.begin(); oy != other_ys.end(); ++oy) {
						for (std::vector<size_t>::const_iterator ox = other_xs.begin(); ox != other_xs.end(); ++ox) {
							size_t idx = *oz * dimy * dimx + *oy * dimx + *ox;
							if (idx < particles.size() - 1) {
								springs.push_back(Spring(particles[idx], particles.back(), stiffness, springDamping, shrinkage));

	// Create obstacles.
	/*Number3D plane_normal;
	plane_normal[0] = 0.5; plane_normal[1] = 1.0; plane_normal[2] = 0.0;
	obstacles.push_back(new Plane(plane_normal / norm(plane_normal), -1.0 * m, bounciness, friction));
	plane_normal[0] = 0.0; plane_normal[1] = 1.0; plane_normal[2] = 0.0;
	obstacles.push_back(new Plane(plane_normal / norm(plane_normal), -1.5 * m, bounciness, friction));
	plane_normal[0] = -1.0; plane_normal[1] = 0.0; plane_normal[2] = 0.0;
	obstacles.push_back(new Plane(plane_normal / norm(plane_normal), -5.0 * m, bounciness, friction));

	Number3D table_normal;
	table_normal[0] = 0.0; table_normal[1] = 1.0; table_normal[2] = 0.0;
	Length table_radius = 0.35 * m;
	Length3D table_origin;
	table_origin[0] = -1.0 * m; table_origin[1] = -2.0 * m; table_origin[2] = 0.0 * m;
	obstacles.push_back(new Table(table_origin, table_normal, table_radius, bounciness, friction));
	table_origin[0] =  -1.15 * m; table_origin[1] =  -1.9 * m;
	obstacles.push_back(new Table(table_origin, table_normal, table_radius, bounciness, friction));
	table_origin[0] =  -0.85 * m; table_origin[1] =  -2.1 * m;
	obstacles.push_back(new Table(table_origin, table_normal, table_radius, bounciness, friction));

	// Create a particle system.
	particle_system = new MassSpringSystem(particles, springs, obstacles, particleDamping);

	// Create a solver.
	solver = new RungeKuttaSolver(particle_system);

	quadObj = gluNewQuadric();
	glutInit(&argc, argv);
	glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH);
	glutInitWindowPosition(0, 0);
	glutInitWindowSize(windowWidth, windowHeight);
	glutCreateWindow("Particle System");

	return 0;
Пример #5
void JelloMesh::AddShearSpring(JelloMesh::Particle& p1, JelloMesh::Particle& p2)
    double restLen = (p1.position - p2.position).Length();
    m_vsprings.push_back(Spring(SHEAR, p1.index, p2.index, g_shearKs, g_shearKd, restLen));
Пример #6
void ClothSystem::setSpring(int start, int end, float springConst, float restLength)
	std::vector<Spring> vec = springTies[start/2];
	vec.push_back(Spring(start, end, springConst, restLength));
	springTies[start/2] = vec;
Пример #7
void JelloMesh::AddBendSpring(JelloMesh::Particle& p1, JelloMesh::Particle& p2)
    double restLen = (p1.position - p2.position).Length();
    m_vsprings.push_back(Spring(BEND, p1.index, p2.index, g_bendKs, g_bendKd, restLen));
Пример #8
void JelloMesh::AddStructuralSpring(Particle& p1, Particle& p2)
    double restLen = (p1.position - p2.position).Length();
    m_vsprings.push_back(Spring(STRUCTURAL, p1.index, p2.index, g_structuralKs, g_structuralKd, restLen));
ParticleSystem::constructSprings( double inK, double inB, double shearK, double shearB, double flexK, double flexB )
    //set stiffest spring constant
    mStiffestSpring = max( inK, max(shearK, flexK) );

    //useful macro for calculating indexes
#define IDX(u,v) ( (u)+((v)*mWidth) )

    //----- add 4-connectivity springs ----
    for( idx_t y = 0; y < mHeight; y++ )
        for( idx_t x = 0; x < mWidth; x++ )
            //connect spring to the right on all except for rightmost particle
            if( x!= mWidth-1)
                idx_t a = IDX(x,y);
                idx_t b = IDX(x+1,y);
                Vector3d &p1V = mParticlePos[a];
                Vector3d &p2V = mParticlePos[b];
                double dist = (p2V-p1V).length();
                if (dist < 0)
                    dist *= -1;
                //double dist = 0.5;

                mSprings.push_back( Spring( a, b, dist, inK, inB, 0 ) );

            //connect springs down for all except bottom row
            if( y != mHeight-1 )
                idx_t a = IDX(x,y);
                idx_t b = IDX(x,y+1);
                Vector3d p1V = mParticlePos[a];
                Vector3d p2V = mParticlePos[b];
                double dist = (p2V-p1V).length();
                if (dist < 0)
                    dist *= -1;
                //double dist = 0.5;

                mSprings.push_back( Spring( a, b, dist, inK, inB, 0 ) );

            //Add backslashed Shear springs for all but rightmost particles and bottom row
            if( x!= mWidth-1 && y != mHeight-1 )
                idx_t a = IDX(x,y);
                idx_t b = IDX(x+1,y+1);
                Vector3d &p1V = mParticlePos[a];
                Vector3d &p2V = mParticlePos[b];
                //double dist = abs((p2V-p1V).length());
                double dist = (p1V - p2V).length();	//Set rest distance as current distance

                mSprings.push_back( Spring( a, b, dist, shearK, shearB, 1 ) );
            //Add slashed Shear springs for all but leftmost particles and bottom row
            if( x != 0 && y != mHeight-1 )
                idx_t a = IDX(x,y);
                idx_t b = IDX(x-1,y+1);
                Vector3d &p1V = mParticlePos[a];
                Vector3d &p2V = mParticlePos[b];
                //double dist = abs((p2V-p1V).length());
                double dist = (p1V - p2V).length();	//Set rest distance as current distance

                mSprings.push_back( Spring( a, b, dist, shearK, shearB, 1 ) );

            //Add flexion springs for all but 2 rightmost particles
            if( x < mWidth-2 )
                idx_t a = IDX(x,y);
                idx_t b = IDX(x+2,y);
                Vector3d &p1V = mParticlePos[a];
                Vector3d &p2V = mParticlePos[b];
                //double dist = abs((p2V-p1V).length());
                double dist = (p1V - p2V).length();	//Set rest distance as current distance

                mSprings.push_back( Spring( a, b, dist, flexK, flexB, 2 ) );
            //Add flexion springs for all but 2 bottommost rows
            if( y < mHeight-2 )
                idx_t a = IDX(x,y);
                idx_t b = IDX(x,y+2);
                Vector3d &p1V = mParticlePos[a];
                Vector3d &p2V = mParticlePos[b];
                //double dist = abs((p2V-p1V).length());
                double dist = (p1V - p2V).length();	//Set rest distance as current distance

                mSprings.push_back( Spring( a, b, dist, flexK, flexB, 2 ) );

#undef IDX
Пример #10
    : delayBuffer (2, 12000)
    // Set up our parameters. The base class will delete them for us.
    addParameter (offset  = new FloatParameter (defaultGain,  "Gain"));
    addParameter (springConstant = new FloatParameter (defaultDelay, "Delay"));
    addParameter (velocityFactor = new FloatParameter (defaultDelay, "Velocity"));

    lastUIWidth = 1000;
    lastUIHeight = 400;

    delayPosition = 0;

    // Initialise the synth...
    for (int i = 4; --i >= 0;)
        synth.addVoice (new SineWaveVoice());   // These voices will play our custom sine-wave sounds..

    synth.addSound (new SineWaveSound());

    const int n = m_particleCount;
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

        std::deque<Particle>& particles = m_particles.back();
        std::deque<Spring>& springs = m_springs.back();

//        particles.resize(n);
//        springs.resize(n*2);

        Particle *p = &particles.back();
        Particle *pprev = &particles.back();

        particles.push_back(Particle(Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)));
        Particle* fixedParticle = &particles.back();

        particles.push_back(Particle(Vector3D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)));
        Particle* outputParticle = &particles.back();

        pprev = fixedParticle;
        p = outputParticle;

        springs.push_back(Spring(pprev, p, 1.0, 1.0));

        pprev = p;
        for(int j = 2; j < n; j++) {
            particles.push_back(Particle(Vector3D(j, 0.0, 0.0)));
            p = &particles.back();
            springs.push_back(Spring(pprev, p, 1.0, 1.0));
            pprev = p;

        particles.push_back(Particle(Vector3D(n, 0.0, 0.0)));
        Particle* pn = &particles.back();
        Particle* inputParticle = pn;
        springs.push_back(Spring(pprev, pn, 1.0, 1.0));
//        Spring &sn = springs.back();
Пример #11
		void Corpse::ApplyConstraint(float dt) {
							Torso1, Torso2);
							Torso2, Torso3);
							Torso3, Torso4);
							Torso4, Torso1);
							Torso1, Arm1);
							Torso2, Arm2);
							Torso3, Leg1);
							Torso4, Leg2);
			Spring(Torso1, Torso2,
				   0.8f, dt);
			Spring(Torso3, Torso4,
				   0.8f, dt);
			Spring(Torso1, Torso4,
				   0.9f, dt);
			Spring(Torso2, Torso3,
				   0.9f, dt);
			Spring(Torso1, Torso3,
				   1.204f, dt);
			Spring(Torso2, Torso4,
				   1.204f, dt);
			Spring(Arm1, Torso1,
				   1.f, dt);
			Spring(Arm2, Torso2,
				   1.f, dt);
			Spring(Leg1, Torso3,
				   1.f, dt);
			Spring(Leg2, Torso4,
				   1.f, dt);
						Arm1, Torso3,
						-1.f, 0.6f, dt);
						Arm2, Torso4,
						-1.f, 0.6f, dt);
						Leg1, Torso2,
						-1.f, -0.2f, dt);
						Leg2, Torso1,
						-1.f, -0.2f, dt);
			Spring(Torso1, Torso2, Head,
				   .6f, dt);
						Torso2, Head,
						0.5f, 1.f, dt);
						Torso1, Head,
						0.5f, 1.f, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso1, Torso2, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso2, Torso3, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso3, Torso4, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso4, Torso1, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso1, Torso3, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso2, Torso4, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso1, Arm1, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso2, Arm2, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso3, Leg1, dt);
			LineCollision(Torso4, Leg2, dt);
						Torso1, Head,
						0.5f, 1.f, dt);
						Torso2, Head,
						0.5f, 1.f, dt);
						Torso2, Head,
						0.5f, 1.f, dt);
						Torso1, Head,
						0.5f, 1.f, dt);