Пример #1
    void TeleportWidget::Teleport()
        QString start_location = regionLineEdit->text();
        if (start_location.isEmpty())
            start_location = regionComboBox->currentText();

        if (start_location.isEmpty())

        emit StartTeleport(start_location);
Пример #2
    Procedure   :       Enable Teleport
    Input       :       uint8 * Data
    Output      :       nothing
void EVENT_TeleportEnable( uint8 * Data )
    StartTeleport( (uint16 *) Data );
Пример #3
void sdTeleporter::OnTouch( idEntity *other, const trace_t& trace ) {
	if ( gameLocal.isClient ) {

	idPlayer* player = other->Cast< idPlayer >();
	if ( player != NULL && !player->IsSpectator() && player->GetHealth() <= 0 ) {

	// abort if it didn't touch the trigger model
	if ( trace.c.id != 1 ) {

	// abort if there is no target
	if ( targets.Num() == 0 ) {

	bool teamValid = true;

	// abort if the other is on a disabled team
	sdTeamInfo* otherTeam = other->GetGameTeam();
	if ( otherTeam != NULL ) {
		if ( !teamInfo[ otherTeam->GetIndex() ].enabled ) {
			teamValid = false;

			idPlayer* otherPlayer = other->Cast< idPlayer >();
			if ( otherPlayer != NULL ) {
				if ( otherPlayer->IsDisguised() ) {
					sdTeamInfo* disguiseTeam = otherPlayer->GetDisguiseTeam();
					if ( disguiseTeam != NULL ) {
						if ( teamInfo[ disguiseTeam->GetIndex() ].enabled ) {
							teamValid = true;

	if ( !teamValid ) {

	if ( !other->AllowTeleport() ) {

	// check if this entity has already been touched
	if ( latches.FindIndex( other ) != -1 ) {

	const idVec3& myPosition = GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
	const idMat3& myAxes = GetAxis();

	// only allow the entity to teleport if its moving INTO the teleporter
	float moveDir = other->GetPhysics()->GetLinearVelocity() * myAxes[ 0 ];
	if ( moveDir > 0.0f ) {

	Latch( other );

	idEntity *targetEntity = targets[ 0 ].GetEntity();

	// get the positions of the target and the latch
	idVec3 targetPosition = targetEntity->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin();
	idMat3 targetAxes = targetEntity->GetAxis();

	// find the target teleporter
	// TODO: Make it an entity key on the target entity
	sdTeleporter* targetTeleporter = NULL;
	idClass* typeInstance = Type.instances.Next();
	for ( ; typeInstance; typeInstance = typeInstance->GetInstanceNode()->Next() ) {
		sdTeleporter* testTeleporter = reinterpret_cast< sdTeleporter* >( typeInstance );
		idBounds bounds = testTeleporter->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds();
		if ( bounds.ContainsPoint( targetPosition ) ) {
			targetTeleporter = testTeleporter;

	if ( targetTeleporter != NULL ) {
		targetTeleporter->Latch( other );

	// modify the position & angles if its a vehicle that should land on the ramp
	sdTransport* transportOther = other->Cast< sdTransport >();
	idPlayer* playerOther = other->Cast< idPlayer >();
	sdJetPack* jetPackOther = other->Cast< sdJetPack >();

	bool shouldTraceDown = false;
	bool shouldOrientToRamp = false;
	bool shouldOrientBackTrace = false;
	float traceDownOffset = 0.0f;
	if ( transportOther != NULL && transportOther->GetVehicleControl() != NULL ) {
		shouldTraceDown = transportOther->GetVehicleControl()->TeleportOntoRamp();
		shouldOrientToRamp = transportOther->GetVehicleControl()->TeleportOntoRampOriented();
		shouldOrientBackTrace = transportOther->GetVehicleControl()->TeleportBackTraceOriented();
		traceDownOffset = transportOther->GetVehicleControl()->TeleportOntoRampHeightOffset();
	if ( playerOther != NULL || jetPackOther != NULL ) {
		shouldTraceDown = true;

	if ( shouldOrientToRamp ) {
		// find the normal of the surface
		trace_t downTrace;
		gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS downTrace, targetPosition + idVec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 128.0f ), targetPosition - idVec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 512.0f ), CONTENTS_MOVEABLECLIP, NULL );

		// find the new target axes using that
		idMat3 newTargetAxes;
		newTargetAxes[ 2 ] = downTrace.c.normal;
		newTargetAxes[ 1 ] = newTargetAxes[ 2 ].Cross( targetAxes[ 0 ] );
		newTargetAxes[ 1 ].Normalize();
		newTargetAxes[ 0 ] = newTargetAxes[ 1 ].Cross( newTargetAxes[ 2 ] );
		newTargetAxes[ 0 ].Normalize();
		targetAxes = newTargetAxes;

	if ( shouldTraceDown ) {
		// trace down to find where to land
		trace_t downTrace;
		const idBounds& bounds = other->GetPhysics()->GetBounds();
		idMat3 traceAxis = targetAxes;
		if ( !shouldOrientToRamp ) {
			traceAxis = mat3_identity;

		gameLocal.clip.TraceBounds( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS downTrace, targetPosition + idVec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 128.0f ), targetPosition - idVec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 512.0f ),
									bounds, traceAxis, CONTENTS_MOVEABLECLIP, NULL );

		targetPosition = downTrace.endpos + idVec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, traceDownOffset );

	// trace from front to back against the trigger to make sure the new position is outside the teleporting trigger
	if ( targetTeleporter != NULL ) {
		trace_t backTrace;
		const idBounds& bounds = other->GetPhysics()->GetBounds();
		idMat3 traceAxis = targetAxes;
		if ( !shouldOrientBackTrace ) {
			traceAxis = mat3_identity;

		idClipModel* triggerCM = targetTeleporter->GetPhysics()->GetClipModel( 1 );
		const idClipModel* boundsClip = gameLocal.clip.GetTemporaryClipModel( bounds );

		idVec3 endTraceBack = targetPosition;
		idVec3 startTraceBack = endTraceBack + 1024.0f*targetAxes[ 0 ];

		// check all the collision models of the other against our trigger model
		gameLocal.clip.TranslationModel( CLIP_DEBUG_PARMS backTrace, startTraceBack, endTraceBack,
											boundsClip, traceAxis, -1, triggerCM, triggerCM->GetOrigin(), triggerCM->GetAxis() );

		if ( backTrace.fraction < 1.0f ) {
			// push forwards a bit
			targetPosition = backTrace.endpos + 32.0f * targetAxes[ 0 ];

	teleportParms_t parms;
	parms.location			= targetPosition;
	parms.orientation		= targetAxes;
	parms.linearVelocity	= exitVelocity * targetAxes;
	parms.angularVelocity	= vec3_zero;
	parms.spawnId			= gameLocal.GetSpawnId( other );

	// finally, we want to check if the entity went in backwards, in which case
	// they should come out backwards too
	const idMat3& otherAxes = other->GetAxis();
	if ( otherAxes[ 0 ] * myAxes[ 0 ] > 0.7f ) {
		parms.orientation[ 0 ] *= -1.0f;
		parms.orientation[ 1 ] *= -1.0f;

	if ( delay > 0 ) {
		StartTeleport( parms );

	FinishTeleport( parms );