void visit(ForStatement *s) { //printf("visit(ForStatement)) %u..%u\n", s->loc.linnum, s->endloc.linnum); Blockx *blx = irs->blx; IRState mystate(irs,s); mystate.breakBlock = block_calloc(blx); mystate.contBlock = block_calloc(blx); if (s->_init) Statement_toIR(s->_init, &mystate); block *bpre = blx->curblock; block_next(blx,BCgoto,NULL); block *bcond = blx->curblock; bpre->appendSucc(bcond); mystate.contBlock->appendSucc(bcond); if (s->condition) { incUsage(irs, s->condition->loc); block_appendexp(bcond, toElemDtor(s->condition, &mystate)); block_next(blx,BCiftrue,NULL); bcond->appendSucc(blx->curblock); bcond->appendSucc(mystate.breakBlock); } else { /* No conditional, it's a straight goto */ block_next(blx,BCgoto,NULL); bcond->appendSucc(blx->curblock); } if (s->_body) Statement_toIR(s->_body, &mystate); /* End of the body goes to the continue block */ blx->curblock->appendSucc(mystate.contBlock); block_setLoc(blx->curblock, s->endloc); block_next(blx, BCgoto, mystate.contBlock); if (s->increment) { incUsage(irs, s->increment->loc); block_appendexp(mystate.contBlock, toElemDtor(s->increment, &mystate)); } /* The 'break' block follows the for statement. */ block_next(blx,BCgoto, mystate.breakBlock); }
void visit(UnrolledLoopStatement *s) { Blockx *blx = irs->blx; IRState mystate(irs, s); mystate.breakBlock = block_calloc(blx); block *bpre = blx->curblock; block_next(blx, BCgoto, NULL); block *bdo = blx->curblock; bpre->appendSucc(bdo); block *bdox; size_t dim = s->statements->dim; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++) { Statement *s2 = (*s->statements)[i]; if (s2 != NULL) { mystate.contBlock = block_calloc(blx); Statement_toIR(s2, &mystate); bdox = blx->curblock; block_next(blx, BCgoto, mystate.contBlock); bdox->appendSucc(mystate.contBlock); } } bdox = blx->curblock; block_next(blx, BCgoto, mystate.breakBlock); bdox->appendSucc(mystate.breakBlock); }
void visit(DoStatement *s) { Blockx *blx = irs->blx; IRState mystate(irs,s); mystate.breakBlock = block_calloc(blx); mystate.contBlock = block_calloc(blx); block *bpre = blx->curblock; block_next(blx, BCgoto, NULL); bpre->appendSucc(blx->curblock); mystate.contBlock->appendSucc(blx->curblock); mystate.contBlock->appendSucc(mystate.breakBlock); if (s->_body) Statement_toIR(s->_body, &mystate); blx->curblock->appendSucc(mystate.contBlock); block_next(blx, BCgoto, mystate.contBlock); incUsage(irs, s->condition->loc); block_appendexp(mystate.contBlock, toElemDtor(s->condition, &mystate)); block_next(blx, BCiftrue, mystate.breakBlock); }
void visit(WithStatement *s) { Symbol *sp; elem *e; elem *ei; ExpInitializer *ie; Blockx *blx = irs->blx; //printf("WithStatement::toIR()\n"); if (s->exp->op == TOKimport || s->exp->op == TOKtype) { } else { // Declare with handle sp = toSymbol(s->wthis); symbol_add(sp); // Perform initialization of with handle ie = s->wthis->_init->isExpInitializer(); assert(ie); ei = toElemDtor(ie->exp, irs); e = el_var(sp); e = el_bin(OPeq,e->Ety, e, ei); elem_setLoc(e, s->loc); incUsage(irs, s->loc); block_appendexp(blx->curblock,e); } // Execute with block if (s->_body) Statement_toIR(s->_body, irs); }
void visit(DefaultStatement *s) { Blockx *blx = irs->blx; block *bcase = blx->curblock; block *bdefault = irs->getDefaultBlock(); block_next(blx,BCgoto,bdefault); bcase->appendSucc(blx->curblock); if (blx->tryblock != irs->getSwitchBlock()->Btry) s->error("default cannot be in different try block level from switch"); incUsage(irs, s->loc); if (s->statement) Statement_toIR(s->statement, irs); }
void visit(CompoundStatement *s) { if (s->statements) { size_t dim = s->statements->dim; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < dim ; i++) { Statement *s2 = (*s->statements)[i]; if (s2 != NULL) { Statement_toIR(s2, irs); } } } }
void visit(IfStatement *s) { elem *e; Blockx *blx = irs->blx; //printf("IfStatement::toIR('%s')\n", s->condition->toChars()); IRState mystate(irs, s); // bexit is the block that gets control after this IfStatement is done block *bexit = mystate.breakBlock ? mystate.breakBlock : block_calloc(); incUsage(irs, s->loc); e = toElemDtor(s->condition, &mystate); block_appendexp(blx->curblock, e); block *bcond = blx->curblock; block_next(blx, BCiftrue, NULL); bcond->appendSucc(blx->curblock); if (s->ifbody) Statement_toIR(s->ifbody, &mystate); blx->curblock->appendSucc(bexit); if (s->elsebody) { block_next(blx, BCgoto, NULL); bcond->appendSucc(blx->curblock); Statement_toIR(s->elsebody, &mystate); blx->curblock->appendSucc(bexit); } else bcond->appendSucc(bexit); block_next(blx, BCgoto, bexit); }
void visit(ScopeStatement *s) { if (s->statement) { Blockx *blx = irs->blx; IRState mystate(irs,s); if (mystate.prev->ident) mystate.ident = mystate.prev->ident; Statement_toIR(s->statement, &mystate); if (mystate.breakBlock) block_goto(blx,BCgoto,mystate.breakBlock); } }
void visit(CaseStatement *s) { Blockx *blx = irs->blx; block *bcase = blx->curblock; Label *clabel = getLabel(irs, blx, s); block_next(blx, BCgoto, clabel->lblock); block *bsw = irs->getSwitchBlock(); if (bsw->BC == BCswitch) bsw->appendSucc(clabel->lblock); // second entry in pair bcase->appendSucc(clabel->lblock); if (blx->tryblock != bsw->Btry) s->error("case cannot be in different try block level from switch"); incUsage(irs, s->loc); if (s->statement) Statement_toIR(s->statement, irs); }
void TryCatchScope::emitCatchBodiesMSVC(IRState &irs, llvm::Value *) { assert(catchBlocks.empty()); auto &scopes = irs.funcGen().scopes; auto &PGO = irs.funcGen().pgo; auto catchSwitchBlock = irs.insertBBBefore(endbb, "catch.dispatch"); llvm::BasicBlock *unwindto = scopes.currentCleanupScope() > 0 ? scopes.getLandingPad() : nullptr; auto catchSwitchInst = llvm::CatchSwitchInst::Create( llvm::ConstantTokenNone::get(irs.context()), unwindto, stmt->catches->dim, "", catchSwitchBlock); for (auto c : *stmt->catches) { auto catchBB = irs.insertBBBefore(endbb, llvm::Twine("catch.") + c->type->toChars()); irs.scope() = IRScope(catchBB); irs.DBuilder.EmitBlockStart(c->loc); PGO.emitCounterIncrement(c); emitBeginCatchMSVC(irs, c, catchSwitchInst); // Emit handler, if there is one. The handler is zero, for instance, // when building 'catch { debug foo(); }' in non-debug mode. if (c->handler) Statement_toIR(c->handler, &irs); if (!irs.scopereturned()) irs.ir->CreateBr(endbb); irs.DBuilder.EmitBlockEnd(); } scopes.pushCleanup(catchSwitchBlock, catchSwitchBlock); // if no landing pad is created, the catch blocks are unused, but // the verifier complains if there are catchpads without personality // so we can just set it unconditionally if (!irs.func()->func->hasPersonalityFn()) { const char *personality = "__CxxFrameHandler3"; LLFunction *personalityFn = getRuntimeFunction(Loc(), irs.module, personality); irs.func()->func->setPersonalityFn(personalityFn); } }
void visit(LabelStatement *s) { //printf("LabelStatement::toIR() %p, statement = %p\n", this, statement); Blockx *blx = irs->blx; block *bc = blx->curblock; IRState mystate(irs,s); mystate.ident = s->ident; Label *label = getLabel(irs, blx, s); // At last, we know which try block this label is inside label->lblock->Btry = blx->tryblock; // Go through the forward references and check. if (label->fwdrefs) { block *b = label->fwdrefs; if (b->Btry != label->lblock->Btry) { // Check that lblock is in an enclosing try block for (block *bt = b->Btry; bt != label->lblock->Btry; bt = bt->Btry) { if (!bt) { //printf("b->Btry = %p, label->lblock->Btry = %p\n", b->Btry, label->lblock->Btry); s->error("cannot goto into try block"); break; } } } } block_next(blx, BCgoto, label->lblock); bc->appendSucc(blx->curblock); if (s->statement) Statement_toIR(s->statement, &mystate); }
void FuncDeclaration_toObjFile(FuncDeclaration *fd, bool multiobj) { ClassDeclaration *cd = fd->parent->isClassDeclaration(); //printf("FuncDeclaration::toObjFile(%p, %s.%s)\n", fd, fd->parent->toChars(), fd->toChars()); //if (type) printf("type = %s\n", type->toChars()); #if 0 //printf("line = %d\n", getWhere() / LINEINC); EEcontext *ee = env->getEEcontext(); if (ee->EEcompile == 2) { if (ee->EElinnum < (getWhere() / LINEINC) || ee->EElinnum > (endwhere / LINEINC) ) return; // don't compile this function ee->EEfunc = toSymbol(this); } #endif if (fd->semanticRun >= PASSobj) // if toObjFile() already run return; if (fd->type && fd->type->ty == Tfunction && ((TypeFunction *)fd->type)->next == NULL) return; // If errors occurred compiling it, such as bugzilla 6118 if (fd->type && fd->type->ty == Tfunction && ((TypeFunction *)fd->type)->next->ty == Terror) return; if (global.errors) return; if (!fd->fbody) return; UnitTestDeclaration *ud = fd->isUnitTestDeclaration(); if (ud && !global.params.useUnitTests) return; if (multiobj && !fd->isStaticDtorDeclaration() && !fd->isStaticCtorDeclaration()) { obj_append(fd); return; } if (fd->semanticRun == PASSsemanticdone) { /* What happened is this function failed semantic3() with errors, * but the errors were gagged. * Try to reproduce those errors, and then fail. */ fd->error("errors compiling the function"); return; } assert(fd->semanticRun == PASSsemantic3done); assert(fd->ident != Id::empty); for (FuncDeclaration *fd2 = fd; fd2; ) { if (fd2->inNonRoot()) return; if (fd2->isNested()) fd2 = fd2->toParent2()->isFuncDeclaration(); else break; } FuncDeclaration *fdp = fd->toParent2()->isFuncDeclaration(); if (fd->isNested()) { if (fdp && fdp->semanticRun < PASSobj) { if (fdp->semantic3Errors) return; /* Can't do unittest's out of order, they are order dependent in that their * execution is done in lexical order. */ if (UnitTestDeclaration *udp = fdp->isUnitTestDeclaration()) { udp->deferredNested.push(fd); return; } } } if (fd->isArrayOp && isDruntimeArrayOp(fd->ident)) { // Implementation is in druntime return; } // start code generation fd->semanticRun = PASSobj; if (global.params.verbose) fprintf(global.stdmsg, "function %s\n", fd->toPrettyChars()); Symbol *s = toSymbol(fd); func_t *f = s->Sfunc; // tunnel type of "this" to debug info generation if (AggregateDeclaration* ad = fd->parent->isAggregateDeclaration()) { ::type* t = Type_toCtype(ad->getType()); if (cd) t = t->Tnext; // skip reference f->Fclass = (Classsym *)t; } #if TARGET_WINDOS /* This is done so that the 'this' pointer on the stack is the same * distance away from the function parameters, so that an overriding * function can call the nested fdensure or fdrequire of its overridden function * and the stack offsets are the same. */ if (fd->isVirtual() && (fd->fensure || fd->frequire)) f->Fflags3 |= Ffakeeh; #endif #if TARGET_OSX s->Sclass = SCcomdat; #else s->Sclass = SCglobal; #endif for (Dsymbol *p = fd->parent; p; p = p->parent) { if (p->isTemplateInstance()) { s->Sclass = SCcomdat; break; } } /* Vector operations should be comdat's */ if (fd->isArrayOp) s->Sclass = SCcomdat; if (fd->isNested()) { //if (!(config.flags3 & CFG3pic)) // s->Sclass = SCstatic; f->Fflags3 |= Fnested; /* The enclosing function must have its code generated first, * in order to calculate correct frame pointer offset. */ if (fdp && fdp->semanticRun < PASSobj) { toObjFile(fdp, multiobj); } } else { const char *libname = (global.params.symdebug) ? global.params.debuglibname : global.params.defaultlibname; // Pull in RTL startup code (but only once) if (fd->isMain() && onlyOneMain(fd->loc)) { #if TARGET_LINUX || TARGET_OSX || TARGET_FREEBSD || TARGET_OPENBSD || TARGET_SOLARIS objmod->external_def("_main"); objmod->ehsections(); // initialize exception handling sections #endif #if TARGET_WINDOS if (global.params.mscoff) { objmod->external_def("main"); objmod->ehsections(); // initialize exception handling sections } else { objmod->external_def("_main"); objmod->external_def("__acrtused_con"); } #endif objmod->includelib(libname); s->Sclass = SCglobal; } else if (strcmp(s->Sident, "main") == 0 && fd->linkage == LINKc) { #if TARGET_WINDOS if (global.params.mscoff) { objmod->includelib("LIBCMT"); objmod->includelib("OLDNAMES"); } else { objmod->external_def("__acrtused_con"); // bring in C startup code objmod->includelib("snn.lib"); // bring in C runtime library } #endif s->Sclass = SCglobal; } #if TARGET_WINDOS else if (fd->isWinMain() && onlyOneMain(fd->loc)) { if (global.params.mscoff) { objmod->includelib("uuid"); objmod->includelib("LIBCMT"); objmod->includelib("OLDNAMES"); objmod->ehsections(); // initialize exception handling sections } else { objmod->external_def("__acrtused"); } objmod->includelib(libname); s->Sclass = SCglobal; } // Pull in RTL startup code else if (fd->isDllMain() && onlyOneMain(fd->loc)) { if (global.params.mscoff) { objmod->includelib("uuid"); objmod->includelib("LIBCMT"); objmod->includelib("OLDNAMES"); objmod->ehsections(); // initialize exception handling sections } else { objmod->external_def("__acrtused_dll"); } objmod->includelib(libname); s->Sclass = SCglobal; } #endif } symtab_t *symtabsave = cstate.CSpsymtab; cstate.CSpsymtab = &f->Flocsym; // Find module m for this function Module *m = NULL; for (Dsymbol *p = fd->parent; p; p = p->parent) { m = p->isModule(); if (m) break; } IRState irs(m, fd); Dsymbols deferToObj; // write these to OBJ file later irs.deferToObj = &deferToObj; symbol *shidden = NULL; Symbol *sthis = NULL; tym_t tyf = tybasic(s->Stype->Tty); //printf("linkage = %d, tyf = x%x\n", linkage, tyf); int reverse = tyrevfunc(s->Stype->Tty); assert(fd->type->ty == Tfunction); TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)fd->type; RET retmethod = retStyle(tf); if (retmethod == RETstack) { // If function returns a struct, put a pointer to that // as the first argument ::type *thidden = Type_toCtype(tf->next->pointerTo()); char hiddenparam[5+4+1]; static int hiddenparami; // how many we've generated so far sprintf(hiddenparam,"__HID%d",++hiddenparami); shidden = symbol_name(hiddenparam,SCparameter,thidden); shidden->Sflags |= SFLtrue | SFLfree; if (fd->nrvo_can && fd->nrvo_var && fd->nrvo_var->nestedrefs.dim) type_setcv(&shidden->Stype, shidden->Stype->Tty | mTYvolatile); irs.shidden = shidden; fd->shidden = shidden; } else { // Register return style cannot make nrvo. // Auto functions keep the nrvo_can flag up to here, // so we should eliminate it before entering backend. fd->nrvo_can = 0; } if (fd->vthis) { assert(!fd->vthis->csym); sthis = toSymbol(fd->vthis); irs.sthis = sthis; if (!(f->Fflags3 & Fnested)) f->Fflags3 |= Fmember; } // Estimate number of parameters, pi size_t pi = (fd->v_arguments != NULL); if (fd->parameters) pi += fd->parameters->dim; // Create a temporary buffer, params[], to hold function parameters Symbol *paramsbuf[10]; Symbol **params = paramsbuf; // allocate on stack if possible if (pi + 2 > 10) // allow extra 2 for sthis and shidden { params = (Symbol **)malloc((pi + 2) * sizeof(Symbol *)); assert(params); } // Get the actual number of parameters, pi, and fill in the params[] pi = 0; if (fd->v_arguments) { params[pi] = toSymbol(fd->v_arguments); pi += 1; } if (fd->parameters) { for (size_t i = 0; i < fd->parameters->dim; i++) { VarDeclaration *v = (*fd->parameters)[i]; //printf("param[%d] = %p, %s\n", i, v, v->toChars()); assert(!v->csym); params[pi + i] = toSymbol(v); } pi += fd->parameters->dim; } if (reverse) { // Reverse params[] entries for (size_t i = 0; i < pi/2; i++) { Symbol *sptmp = params[i]; params[i] = params[pi - 1 - i]; params[pi - 1 - i] = sptmp; } } if (shidden) { #if 0 // shidden becomes last parameter params[pi] = shidden; #else // shidden becomes first parameter memmove(params + 1, params, pi * sizeof(params[0])); params[0] = shidden; #endif pi++; } if (sthis) { #if 0 // sthis becomes last parameter params[pi] = sthis; #else // sthis becomes first parameter memmove(params + 1, params, pi * sizeof(params[0])); params[0] = sthis; #endif pi++; } if ((global.params.isLinux || global.params.isOSX || global.params.isFreeBSD || global.params.isSolaris) && fd->linkage != LINKd && shidden && sthis) { /* swap shidden and sthis */ Symbol *sp = params[0]; params[0] = params[1]; params[1] = sp; } for (size_t i = 0; i < pi; i++) { Symbol *sp = params[i]; sp->Sclass = SCparameter; sp->Sflags &= ~SFLspill; sp->Sfl = FLpara; symbol_add(sp); } // Determine register assignments if (pi) { FuncParamRegs fpr(tyf); for (size_t i = 0; i < pi; i++) { Symbol *sp = params[i]; if (fpr.alloc(sp->Stype, sp->Stype->Tty, &sp->Spreg, &sp->Spreg2)) { sp->Sclass = (config.exe == EX_WIN64) ? SCshadowreg : SCfastpar; sp->Sfl = (sp->Sclass == SCshadowreg) ? FLpara : FLfast; } } } // Done with params if (params != paramsbuf) free(params); params = NULL; if (fd->fbody) { localgot = NULL; Statement *sbody = fd->fbody; Blockx bx; memset(&bx,0,sizeof(bx)); bx.startblock = block_calloc(); bx.curblock = bx.startblock; bx.funcsym = s; bx.scope_index = -1; bx.classdec = cd; bx.member = fd; bx.module = fd->getModule(); irs.blx = &bx; /* Doing this in semantic3() caused all kinds of problems: * 1. couldn't reliably get the final mangling of the function name due to fwd refs * 2. impact on function inlining * 3. what to do when writing out .di files, or other pretty printing */ if (global.params.trace && !fd->isCMain()) { /* The profiler requires TLS, and TLS may not be set up yet when C main() * gets control (i.e. OSX), leading to a crash. */ /* Wrap the entire function body in: * trace_pro("funcname"); * try * body; * finally * _c_trace_epi(); */ StringExp *se = StringExp::create(Loc(), s->Sident); se->type = Type::tstring; se->type = se->type->semantic(Loc(), NULL); Expressions *exps = Expressions_create(); exps->push(se); FuncDeclaration *fdpro = FuncDeclaration::genCfunc(NULL, Type::tvoid, "trace_pro"); Expression *ec = VarExp::create(Loc(), fdpro); Expression *e = CallExp::create(Loc(), ec, exps); e->type = Type::tvoid; Statement *sp = ExpStatement::create(fd->loc, e); FuncDeclaration *fdepi = FuncDeclaration::genCfunc(NULL, Type::tvoid, "_c_trace_epi"); ec = VarExp::create(Loc(), fdepi); e = CallExp::create(Loc(), ec); e->type = Type::tvoid; Statement *sf = ExpStatement::create(fd->loc, e); Statement *stf; if (sbody->blockExit(fd, false) == BEfallthru) stf = CompoundStatement::create(Loc(), sbody, sf); else stf = TryFinallyStatement::create(Loc(), sbody, sf); sbody = CompoundStatement::create(Loc(), sp, stf); } buildClosure(fd, &irs); #if TARGET_WINDOS if (fd->isSynchronized() && cd && config.flags2 & CFG2seh && !fd->isStatic() && !sbody->usesEH() && !global.params.trace) { /* The "jmonitor" hack uses an optimized exception handling frame * which is a little shorter than the more general EH frame. */ s->Sfunc->Fflags3 |= Fjmonitor; } #endif Statement_toIR(sbody, &irs); bx.curblock->BC = BCret; f->Fstartblock = bx.startblock; // einit = el_combine(einit,bx.init); if (fd->isCtorDeclaration()) { assert(sthis); for (block *b = f->Fstartblock; b; b = b->Bnext) { if (b->BC == BCret) { b->BC = BCretexp; b->Belem = el_combine(b->Belem, el_var(sthis)); } } } } // If static constructor if (fd->isSharedStaticCtorDeclaration()) // must come first because it derives from StaticCtorDeclaration { ssharedctors.push(s); } else if (fd->isStaticCtorDeclaration()) { sctors.push(s); } // If static destructor if (fd->isSharedStaticDtorDeclaration()) // must come first because it derives from StaticDtorDeclaration { SharedStaticDtorDeclaration *f = fd->isSharedStaticDtorDeclaration(); assert(f); if (f->vgate) { /* Increment destructor's vgate at construction time */ esharedctorgates.push(f); } sshareddtors.shift(s); } else if (fd->isStaticDtorDeclaration()) { StaticDtorDeclaration *f = fd->isStaticDtorDeclaration(); assert(f); if (f->vgate) { /* Increment destructor's vgate at construction time */ ectorgates.push(f); } sdtors.shift(s); } // If unit test if (ud) { stests.push(s); } if (global.errors) { // Restore symbol table cstate.CSpsymtab = symtabsave; return; } writefunc(s); // Restore symbol table cstate.CSpsymtab = symtabsave; if (fd->isExport()) objmod->export_symbol(s, Para.offset); for (size_t i = 0; i < irs.deferToObj->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*irs.deferToObj)[i]; toObjFile(s, false); } if (ud) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ud->deferredNested.dim; i++) { FuncDeclaration *fd = ud->deferredNested[i]; toObjFile(fd, false); } } #if TARGET_LINUX || TARGET_OSX || TARGET_FREEBSD || TARGET_OPENBSD || TARGET_SOLARIS // A hack to get a pointer to this function put in the .dtors segment if (fd->ident && memcmp(fd->ident->toChars(), "_STD", 4) == 0) objmod->staticdtor(s); #endif if (irs.startaddress) { //printf("Setting start address\n"); objmod->startaddress(irs.startaddress); } }
void AsmBlockStatement_toIR(AsmBlockStatement *stmt, IRState* p) { IF_LOG Logger::println("AsmBlockStatement::toIR(): %s", stmt->loc.toChars()); LOG_SCOPE; // disable inlining by default if (!p->func()->decl->allowInlining) p->func()->setNeverInline(); // create asm block structure assert(!p->asmBlock); IRAsmBlock* asmblock = new IRAsmBlock(stmt); assert(asmblock); p->asmBlock = asmblock; // do asm statements for (unsigned i=0; i < stmt->statements->dim; i++) { Statement* s = static_cast<Statement*>(stmt->statements->data[i]); if (s) { Statement_toIR(s, p); } } // build forwarder for in-asm branches to external labels // this additional asm code sets the __llvm_jump_target variable // to a unique value that will identify the jump target in // a post-asm switch // maps each goto destination to its special value std::map<LabelDsymbol*, int> gotoToVal; // location of the special value determining the goto label // will be set if post-asm dispatcher block is needed llvm::AllocaInst* jump_target = 0; { FuncDeclaration* fd = gIR->func()->decl; const char* fdmangle = mangle(fd); // we use a simple static counter to make sure the new end labels are unique static size_t uniqueLabelsId = 0; std::ostringstream asmGotoEndLabel; printLabelName(asmGotoEndLabel, fdmangle, "_llvm_asm_end"); asmGotoEndLabel << uniqueLabelsId++; // initialize the setter statement we're going to build IRAsmStmt* outSetterStmt = new IRAsmStmt; std::string asmGotoEnd = "\n\tjmp "+asmGotoEndLabel.str()+"\n"; std::ostringstream code; code << asmGotoEnd; int n_goto = 1; size_t n = asmblock->s.size(); for(size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) { IRAsmStmt* a = asmblock->s[i]; // skip non-branch statements if(!a->isBranchToLabel) continue; // if internal, no special handling is necessary, skip std::vector<Identifier*>::const_iterator it, end; end = asmblock->internalLabels.end(); bool skip = false; for(it = asmblock->internalLabels.begin(); it != end; ++it) if((*it)->equals(a->isBranchToLabel->ident)) skip = true; if(skip) continue; // if we already set things up for this branch target, skip if(gotoToVal.find(a->isBranchToLabel) != gotoToVal.end()) continue; // record that the jump needs to be handled in the post-asm dispatcher gotoToVal[a->isBranchToLabel] = n_goto; // provide an in-asm target for the branch and set value IF_LOG Logger::println("statement '%s' references outer label '%s': creating forwarder", a->code.c_str(), a->isBranchToLabel->ident->string); printLabelName(code, fdmangle, a->isBranchToLabel->ident->string); code << ":\n\t"; code << "movl $<<in" << n_goto << ">>, $<<out0>>\n"; //FIXME: Store the value -> label mapping somewhere, so it can be referenced later outSetterStmt->in.push_back(DtoConstUint(n_goto)); outSetterStmt->in_c += "i,"; code << asmGotoEnd; ++n_goto; } if(code.str() != asmGotoEnd) { // finalize code outSetterStmt->code = code.str(); outSetterStmt->code += asmGotoEndLabel.str()+":\n"; // create storage for and initialize the temporary jump_target = DtoAlloca(Type::tint32, "__llvm_jump_target"); gIR->ir->CreateStore(DtoConstUint(0), jump_target); // setup variable for output from asm outSetterStmt->out_c = "=*m,"; outSetterStmt->out.push_back(jump_target); asmblock->s.push_back(outSetterStmt); } else delete outSetterStmt; } // build a fall-off-end-properly asm statement FuncDeclaration* thisfunc = p->func()->decl; bool useabiret = false; p->asmBlock->asmBlock->abiret = NULL; if (thisfunc->fbody->endsWithAsm() == stmt && thisfunc->type->nextOf()->ty != Tvoid) { // there can't be goto forwarders in this case assert(gotoToVal.empty()); emitABIReturnAsmStmt(asmblock, stmt->loc, thisfunc); useabiret = true; } // build asm block std::vector<LLValue*> outargs; std::vector<LLValue*> inargs; std::vector<LLType*> outtypes; std::vector<LLType*> intypes; std::string out_c; std::string in_c; std::string clobbers; std::string code; size_t asmIdx = asmblock->retn; Logger::println("do outputs"); size_t n = asmblock->s.size(); for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) { IRAsmStmt* a = asmblock->s[i]; assert(a); size_t onn = a->out.size(); for (size_t j=0; j<onn; ++j) { outargs.push_back(a->out[j]); outtypes.push_back(a->out[j]->getType()); } if (!a->out_c.empty()) { out_c += a->out_c; } remap_outargs(a->code, onn+a->in.size(), asmIdx); asmIdx += onn; } Logger::println("do inputs"); for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) { IRAsmStmt* a = asmblock->s[i]; assert(a); size_t inn = a->in.size(); for (size_t j=0; j<inn; ++j) { inargs.push_back(a->in[j]); intypes.push_back(a->in[j]->getType()); } if (!a->in_c.empty()) { in_c += a->in_c; } remap_inargs(a->code, inn+a->out.size(), asmIdx); asmIdx += inn; if (!code.empty()) code += "\n\t"; code += a->code; } asmblock->s.clear(); // append inputs out_c += in_c; // append clobbers typedef std::set<std::string>::iterator clobs_it; for (clobs_it i=asmblock->clobs.begin(); i!=asmblock->clobs.end(); ++i) { out_c += *i; } // remove excessive comma if (!out_c.empty()) out_c.resize(out_c.size()-1); IF_LOG { Logger::println("code = \"%s\"", code.c_str()); Logger::println("constraints = \"%s\"", out_c.c_str()); } // build return types LLType* retty; if (asmblock->retn) retty = asmblock->retty; else retty = llvm::Type::getVoidTy(gIR->context()); // build argument types std::vector<LLType*> types; types.insert(types.end(), outtypes.begin(), outtypes.end()); types.insert(types.end(), intypes.begin(), intypes.end()); llvm::FunctionType* fty = llvm::FunctionType::get(retty, types, false); IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "function type = " << *fty << '\n'; std::vector<LLValue*> args; args.insert(args.end(), outargs.begin(), outargs.end()); args.insert(args.end(), inargs.begin(), inargs.end()); IF_LOG { Logger::cout() << "Arguments:" << '\n'; Logger::indent(); for (std::vector<LLValue*>::iterator b = args.begin(), i = b, e = args.end(); i != e; ++i) { Stream cout = Logger::cout(); cout << '$' << (i - b) << " ==> " << **i; if (!llvm::isa<llvm::Instruction>(*i) && !llvm::isa<LLGlobalValue>(*i)) cout << '\n'; } Logger::undent(); } llvm::InlineAsm* ia = llvm::InlineAsm::get(fty, code, out_c, true); llvm::CallInst* call = p->ir->CreateCall(ia, args, retty == LLType::getVoidTy(gIR->context()) ? "" : "asm"); IF_LOG Logger::cout() << "Complete asm statement: " << *call << '\n'; // capture abi return value if (useabiret) { IRAsmBlock* block = p->asmBlock; if (block->retfixup) block->asmBlock->abiret = (*block->retfixup)(p->ir, call); else if (p->asmBlock->retemu) block->asmBlock->abiret = DtoLoad(block->asmBlock->abiret); else block->asmBlock->abiret = call; } p->asmBlock = NULL; // if asm contained external branches, emit goto forwarder code if(!gotoToVal.empty()) { assert(jump_target); // make new blocks llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend(); llvm::BasicBlock* bb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(gIR->context(), "afterasmgotoforwarder", p->topfunc(), oldend); llvm::LoadInst* val = p->ir->CreateLoad(jump_target, "__llvm_jump_target_value"); llvm::SwitchInst* sw = p->ir->CreateSwitch(val, bb, gotoToVal.size()); // add all cases std::map<LabelDsymbol*, int>::iterator it, end = gotoToVal.end(); for(it = gotoToVal.begin(); it != end; ++it) { llvm::BasicBlock* casebb = llvm::BasicBlock::Create(gIR->context(), "case", p->topfunc(), bb); sw->addCase(LLConstantInt::get(llvm::IntegerType::get(gIR->context(), 32), it->second), casebb); p->scope() = IRScope(casebb,bb); DtoGoto(stmt->loc, it->first, stmt->enclosingFinally); } p->scope() = IRScope(bb,oldend); } }
void visit(TryCatchStatement *s) { Blockx *blx = irs->blx; #if SEH if (!global.params.is64bit) nteh_declarvars(blx); #endif IRState mystate(irs, s); block *tryblock = block_goto(blx,BCgoto,NULL); int previndex = blx->scope_index; tryblock->Blast_index = previndex; blx->scope_index = tryblock->Bscope_index = blx->next_index++; // Set the current scope index setScopeIndex(blx,tryblock,tryblock->Bscope_index); // This is the catch variable tryblock->jcatchvar = symbol_genauto(type_fake(mTYvolatile | TYnptr)); blx->tryblock = tryblock; block *breakblock = block_calloc(blx); block_goto(blx,BC_try,NULL); if (s->_body) { Statement_toIR(s->_body, &mystate); } blx->tryblock = tryblock->Btry; // break block goes here block_goto(blx, BCgoto, breakblock); setScopeIndex(blx,blx->curblock, previndex); blx->scope_index = previndex; // create new break block that follows all the catches breakblock = block_calloc(blx); blx->curblock->appendSucc(breakblock); block_next(blx,BCgoto,NULL); assert(s->catches); for (size_t i = 0 ; i < s->catches->dim; i++) { Catch *cs = (*s->catches)[i]; if (cs->var) cs->var->csym = tryblock->jcatchvar; block *bcatch = blx->curblock; if (cs->type) bcatch->Bcatchtype = toSymbol(cs->type->toBasetype()); tryblock->appendSucc(bcatch); block_goto(blx, BCjcatch, NULL); if (cs->handler != NULL) { IRState catchState(irs, s); /* Append to block: * *(sclosure + cs.offset) = cs; */ if (cs->var && cs->var->offset) { tym_t tym = totym(cs->var->type); elem *ex = el_var(irs->sclosure); ex = el_bin(OPadd, TYnptr, ex, el_long(TYsize_t, cs->var->offset)); ex = el_una(OPind, tym, ex); ex = el_bin(OPeq, tym, ex, el_var(toSymbol(cs->var))); block_appendexp(catchState.blx->curblock, ex); } Statement_toIR(cs->handler, &catchState); } blx->curblock->appendSucc(breakblock); block_next(blx, BCgoto, NULL); } block_next(blx,(enum BC)blx->curblock->BC, breakblock); }
void TryCatchScope::emitCatchBodies(IRState &irs, llvm::Value *ehPtrSlot) { assert(catchBlocks.empty()); auto &PGO = irs.funcGen().pgo; const auto entryCount = PGO.setCurrentStmt(stmt); struct CBPrototype { Type *t; llvm::BasicBlock *catchBB; uint64_t catchCount; uint64_t uncaughtCount; }; llvm::SmallVector<CBPrototype, 8> cbPrototypes; cbPrototypes.reserve(stmt->catches->dim); for (auto c : *stmt->catches) { auto catchBB = irs.insertBBBefore(endbb, llvm::Twine("catch.") + c->type->toChars()); irs.scope() = IRScope(catchBB); irs.DBuilder.EmitBlockStart(c->loc); PGO.emitCounterIncrement(c); bool isCPPclass = false; if (auto lp = c->langPlugin()) // CALYPSO lp->codegen()->toBeginCatch(irs, c); else { const auto cd = c->type->toBasetype()->isClassHandle(); isCPPclass = cd->isCPPclass(); const auto enterCatchFn = getRuntimeFunction( Loc(), irs.module, isCPPclass ? "__cxa_begin_catch" : "_d_eh_enter_catch"); const auto ptr = DtoLoad(ehPtrSlot); const auto throwableObj = irs.ir->CreateCall(enterCatchFn, ptr); // For catches that use the Throwable object, create storage for it. // We will set it in the code that branches from the landing pads // (there might be more than one) to catchBB. if (c->var) { // This will alloca if we haven't already and take care of nested refs // if there are any. DtoDeclarationExp(c->var); // Copy the exception reference over from the _d_eh_enter_catch return // value. DtoStore(DtoBitCast(throwableObj, DtoType(c->var->type)), getIrLocal(c->var)->value); } } // Emit handler, if there is one. The handler is zero, for instance, // when building 'catch { debug foo(); }' in non-debug mode. if (isCPPclass) { // from DMD: /* C++ catches need to end with call to __cxa_end_catch(). * Create: * try { handler } finally { __cxa_end_catch(); } * Note that this is worst case code because it always sets up an * exception handler. At some point should try to do better. */ FuncDeclaration *fdend = FuncDeclaration::genCfunc(nullptr, Type::tvoid, "__cxa_end_catch"); Expression *efunc = VarExp::create(Loc(), fdend); Expression *ecall = CallExp::create(Loc(), efunc); ecall->type = Type::tvoid; Statement *call = ExpStatement::create(Loc(), ecall); Statement *stmt = c->handler ? TryFinallyStatement::create(Loc(), c->handler, call) : call; Statement_toIR(stmt, &irs); } else { if (c->handler) Statement_toIR(c->handler, &irs); } if (!irs.scopereturned()) { // CALYPSO FIXME: _cxa_end_catch won't be called if it has already returned if (auto lp = c->langPlugin()) lp->codegen()->toEndCatch(irs, c); irs.ir->CreateBr(endbb); } irs.DBuilder.EmitBlockEnd(); // PGO information, currently unused auto catchCount = PGO.getRegionCount(c); // uncaughtCount is handled in a separate pass below cbPrototypes.push_back({c->type->toBasetype(), catchBB, catchCount, 0}); // CALYPSO } // Total number of uncaught exceptions is equal to the execution count at // the start of the try block minus the one after the continuation. // uncaughtCount keeps track of the exception type mismatch count while // iterating through the catch block prototypes in reversed order. auto uncaughtCount = entryCount - PGO.getRegionCount(stmt); for (auto it = cbPrototypes.rbegin(), end = cbPrototypes.rend(); it != end; ++it) { it->uncaughtCount = uncaughtCount; // Add this catch block's match count to the uncaughtCount, because these // failed to match the remaining (lexically preceding) catch blocks. uncaughtCount += it->catchCount; } catchBlocks.reserve(stmt->catches->dim); auto c_it = stmt->catches->begin(); // CALYPSO for (const auto &p : cbPrototypes) { auto branchWeights = PGO.createProfileWeights(p.catchCount, p.uncaughtCount); LLGlobalVariable *ci; if (auto lp = (*c_it)->langPlugin()) // CALYPSO ci = lp->codegen()->toCatchScopeType(irs, p.t); else { ClassDeclaration *cd = p.t->isClassHandle(); DtoResolveClass(cd); if (cd->isCPPclass()) { const char *name = Target::cppTypeInfoMangle(cd); auto cpp_ti = getOrCreateGlobal( cd->loc, irs.module, getVoidPtrType(), /*isConstant=*/true, LLGlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, /*init=*/nullptr, name); // Wrap std::type_info pointers inside a __cpp_type_info_ptr class instance so that // the personality routine may differentiate C++ catch clauses from D ones. OutBuffer mangleBuf; mangleBuf.writestring("_D"); mangleToBuffer(cd, &mangleBuf); mangleBuf.printf("%d%s", 18, "_cpp_type_info_ptr"); const auto wrapperMangle = getIRMangledVarName(mangleBuf.peekString(), LINKd); RTTIBuilder b(ClassDeclaration::cpp_type_info_ptr); b.push(cpp_ti); auto wrapperType = llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>( static_cast<IrTypeClass*>(ClassDeclaration::cpp_type_info_ptr->type->ctype)->getMemoryLLType()); auto wrapperInit = b.get_constant(wrapperType); ci = getOrCreateGlobal( cd->loc, irs.module, wrapperType, /*isConstant=*/true, LLGlobalValue::LinkOnceODRLinkage, wrapperInit, wrapperMangle); } else { ci = getIrAggr(cd)->getClassInfoSymbol(); } } catchBlocks.push_back({ci, p.catchBB, branchWeights}); c_it++; } }
void visit(TryFinallyStatement *s) { //printf("TryFinallyStatement::toIR()\n"); Blockx *blx = irs->blx; #if SEH if (!global.params.is64bit) nteh_declarvars(blx); #endif block *tryblock = block_goto(blx, BCgoto, NULL); int previndex = blx->scope_index; tryblock->Blast_index = previndex; tryblock->Bscope_index = blx->next_index++; blx->scope_index = tryblock->Bscope_index; // Current scope index setScopeIndex(blx,tryblock,tryblock->Bscope_index); blx->tryblock = tryblock; block_goto(blx,BC_try,NULL); IRState bodyirs(irs, s); block *breakblock = block_calloc(blx); block *contblock = block_calloc(blx); tryblock->appendSucc(contblock); contblock->BC = BC_finally; bodyirs.finallyBlock = contblock; if (s->_body) Statement_toIR(s->_body, &bodyirs); blx->tryblock = tryblock->Btry; // back to previous tryblock setScopeIndex(blx,blx->curblock,previndex); blx->scope_index = previndex; block_goto(blx,BCgoto, breakblock); block *finallyblock = block_goto(blx,BCgoto,contblock); assert(finallyblock == contblock); block_goto(blx,BC_finally,NULL); IRState finallyState(irs, s); breakblock = block_calloc(blx); contblock = block_calloc(blx); setScopeIndex(blx, blx->curblock, previndex); if (s->finalbody) Statement_toIR(s->finalbody, &finallyState); block_goto(blx, BCgoto, contblock); block_goto(blx, BCgoto, breakblock); block *retblock = blx->curblock; block_next(blx,BC_ret,NULL); finallyblock->appendSucc(blx->curblock); retblock->appendSucc(blx->curblock); /* The BCfinally..BC_ret blocks form a function that gets called from stack unwinding. * The successors to BC_ret blocks are both the next outer BCfinally and the destination * after the unwinding is complete. */ for (block *b = tryblock; b != finallyblock; b = b->Bnext) { block *btry = b->Btry; if (b->BC == BCgoto && b->numSucc() == 1) { block *bdest = b->nthSucc(0); if (btry && bdest->Btry != btry) { //printf("test1 b %p b->Btry %p bdest %p bdest->Btry %p\n", b, btry, bdest, bdest->Btry); block *bfinally = btry->nthSucc(1); if (bfinally == finallyblock) b->appendSucc(finallyblock); } } // If the goto exits a try block, then the finally block is also a successor if (b->BC == BCgoto && b->numSucc() == 2) // if goto exited a tryblock { block *bdest = b->nthSucc(0); // If the last finally block executed by the goto if (bdest->Btry == tryblock->Btry) // The finally block will exit and return to the destination block retblock->appendSucc(bdest); } if (b->BC == BC_ret && b->Btry == tryblock) { // b is nested inside this TryFinally, and so this finally will be called next b->appendSucc(finallyblock); } } }
void visit(SwitchStatement *s) { int string; Blockx *blx = irs->blx; //printf("SwitchStatement::toIR()\n"); IRState mystate(irs,s); mystate.switchBlock = blx->curblock; /* Block for where "break" goes to */ mystate.breakBlock = block_calloc(blx); /* Block for where "default" goes to. * If there is a default statement, then that is where default goes. * If not, then do: * default: break; * by making the default block the same as the break block. */ mystate.defaultBlock = s->sdefault ? block_calloc(blx) : mystate.breakBlock; size_t numcases = 0; if (s->cases) numcases = s->cases->dim; incUsage(irs, s->loc); elem *econd = toElemDtor(s->condition, &mystate); if (s->hasVars) { /* Generate a sequence of if-then-else blocks for the cases. */ if (econd->Eoper != OPvar) { elem *e = exp2_copytotemp(econd); block_appendexp(mystate.switchBlock, e); econd = e->E2; } for (size_t i = 0; i < numcases; i++) { CaseStatement *cs = (*s->cases)[i]; elem *ecase = toElemDtor(cs->exp, &mystate); elem *e = el_bin(OPeqeq, TYbool, el_copytree(econd), ecase); block *b = blx->curblock; block_appendexp(b, e); Label *clabel = getLabel(irs, blx, cs); block_next(blx, BCiftrue, NULL); b->appendSucc(clabel->lblock); b->appendSucc(blx->curblock); } /* The final 'else' clause goes to the default */ block *b = blx->curblock; block_next(blx, BCgoto, NULL); b->appendSucc(mystate.defaultBlock); Statement_toIR(s->_body, &mystate); /* Have the end of the switch body fall through to the block * following the switch statement. */ block_goto(blx, BCgoto, mystate.breakBlock); return; } if (s->condition->type->isString()) { // Number the cases so we can unscramble things after the sort() for (size_t i = 0; i < numcases; i++) { CaseStatement *cs = (*s->cases)[i]; cs->index = i; } s->cases->sort(); /* Create a sorted array of the case strings, and si * will be the symbol for it. */ dt_t *dt = NULL; Symbol *si = symbol_generate(SCstatic,type_fake(TYdarray)); dtsize_t(&dt, numcases); dtxoff(&dt, si, Target::ptrsize * 2, TYnptr); for (size_t i = 0; i < numcases; i++) { CaseStatement *cs = (*s->cases)[i]; if (cs->exp->op != TOKstring) { s->error("case '%s' is not a string", cs->exp->toChars()); // BUG: this should be an assert } else { StringExp *se = (StringExp *)(cs->exp); Symbol *si = toStringSymbol((char *)se->string, se->len, se->sz); dtsize_t(&dt, se->len); dtxoff(&dt, si, 0); } } si->Sdt = dt; si->Sfl = FLdata; outdata(si); /* Call: * _d_switch_string(string[] si, string econd) */ if (config.exe == EX_WIN64) econd = addressElem(econd, s->condition->type, true); elem *eparam = el_param(econd, (config.exe == EX_WIN64) ? el_ptr(si) : el_var(si)); switch (s->condition->type->nextOf()->ty) { case Tchar: econd = el_bin(OPcall, TYint, el_var(getRtlsym(RTLSYM_SWITCH_STRING)), eparam); break; case Twchar: econd = el_bin(OPcall, TYint, el_var(getRtlsym(RTLSYM_SWITCH_USTRING)), eparam); break; case Tdchar: // BUG: implement econd = el_bin(OPcall, TYint, el_var(getRtlsym(RTLSYM_SWITCH_DSTRING)), eparam); break; default: assert(0); } elem_setLoc(econd, s->loc); string = 1; } else string = 0; block_appendexp(mystate.switchBlock, econd); block_next(blx,BCswitch,NULL); // Corresponding free is in block_free targ_llong *pu = (targ_llong *) ::malloc(sizeof(*pu) * (numcases + 1)); mystate.switchBlock->BS.Bswitch = pu; /* First pair is the number of cases, and the default block */ *pu++ = numcases; mystate.switchBlock->appendSucc(mystate.defaultBlock); /* Fill in the first entry in each pair, which is the case value. * CaseStatement::toIR() will fill in * the second entry for each pair with the block. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < numcases; i++) { CaseStatement *cs = (*s->cases)[i]; if (string) { pu[cs->index] = i; } else { pu[i] = cs->exp->toInteger(); } } Statement_toIR(s->_body, &mystate); /* Have the end of the switch body fall through to the block * following the switch statement. */ block_goto(blx, BCgoto, mystate.breakBlock); }
void TryCatchScope::emitCatchBodies(IRState &irs, llvm::Value *ehPtrSlot) { assert(catchBlocks.empty()); auto &PGO = irs.funcGen().pgo; const auto entryCount = PGO.setCurrentStmt(stmt); struct CBPrototype { ClassDeclaration *cd; llvm::BasicBlock *catchBB; uint64_t catchCount; uint64_t uncaughtCount; }; llvm::SmallVector<CBPrototype, 8> cbPrototypes; cbPrototypes.reserve(stmt->catches->dim); for (auto c : *stmt->catches) { auto catchBB = irs.insertBBBefore(endbb, llvm::Twine("catch.") + c->type->toChars()); irs.scope() = IRScope(catchBB); irs.DBuilder.EmitBlockStart(c->loc); PGO.emitCounterIncrement(c); const auto enterCatchFn = getRuntimeFunction(Loc(), irs.module, "_d_eh_enter_catch"); auto ptr = DtoLoad(ehPtrSlot); auto throwableObj = irs.ir->CreateCall(enterCatchFn, ptr); // For catches that use the Throwable object, create storage for it. // We will set it in the code that branches from the landing pads // (there might be more than one) to catchBB. if (c->var) { // This will alloca if we haven't already and take care of nested refs // if there are any. DtoDeclarationExp(c->var); // Copy the exception reference over from the _d_eh_enter_catch return // value. DtoStore(DtoBitCast(throwableObj, DtoType(c->var->type)), getIrLocal(c->var)->value); } // Emit handler, if there is one. The handler is zero, for instance, // when building 'catch { debug foo(); }' in non-debug mode. if (c->handler) Statement_toIR(c->handler, &irs); if (!irs.scopereturned()) irs.ir->CreateBr(endbb); irs.DBuilder.EmitBlockEnd(); // PGO information, currently unused auto catchCount = PGO.getRegionCount(c); // uncaughtCount is handled in a separate pass below auto cd = c->type->toBasetype()->isClassHandle(); cbPrototypes.push_back({cd, catchBB, catchCount, 0}); } // Total number of uncaught exceptions is equal to the execution count at // the start of the try block minus the one after the continuation. // uncaughtCount keeps track of the exception type mismatch count while // iterating through the catch block prototypes in reversed order. auto uncaughtCount = entryCount - PGO.getRegionCount(stmt); for (auto it = cbPrototypes.rbegin(), end = cbPrototypes.rend(); it != end; ++it) { it->uncaughtCount = uncaughtCount; // Add this catch block's match count to the uncaughtCount, because these // failed to match the remaining (lexically preceding) catch blocks. uncaughtCount += it->catchCount; } catchBlocks.reserve(stmt->catches->dim); for (const auto &p : cbPrototypes) { auto branchWeights = PGO.createProfileWeights(p.catchCount, p.uncaughtCount); DtoResolveClass(p.cd); auto ci = getIrAggr(p.cd)->getClassInfoSymbol(); catchBlocks.push_back({ci, p.catchBB, branchWeights}); } }