Пример #1
static void test_StrCmpA(void)
  static const char str1[] = {'a','b','c','d','e','f'};
  static const char str2[] = {'a','B','c','d','e','f'};
  ok(0 != StrCmpNA(str1, str2, 6), "StrCmpNA is case-insensitive\n");
  ok(0 == StrCmpNIA(str1, str2, 6), "StrCmpNIA is case-sensitive\n");
  if (pChrCmpIA) {
    ok(!pChrCmpIA('a', 'a'), "ChrCmpIA doesn't work at all!\n");
    ok(!pChrCmpIA('b', 'B'), "ChrCmpIA is not case-insensitive\n");
    ok(pChrCmpIA('a', 'z'), "ChrCmpIA believes that a == z!\n");
    win_skip("ChrCmpIA() is not available\n");

  if (pStrIsIntlEqualA)
    ok(pStrIsIntlEqualA(FALSE, str1, str2, 5), "StrIsIntlEqualA(FALSE,...) isn't case-insensitive\n");
    ok(!pStrIsIntlEqualA(TRUE, str1, str2, 5), "StrIsIntlEqualA(TRUE,...) isn't case-sensitive\n");
    win_skip("StrIsIntlEqualA() is not available\n");

  if (pIntlStrEqWorkerA)
    ok(pIntlStrEqWorkerA(FALSE, str1, str2, 5), "IntlStrEqWorkerA(FALSE,...) isn't case-insensitive\n");
    ok(!pIntlStrEqWorkerA(TRUE, str1, str2, 5), "pIntlStrEqWorkerA(TRUE,...) isn't case-sensitive\n");
    win_skip("IntlStrEqWorkerA() is not available\n");
Пример #2
	inline int win32_strcmpna(const char * s1, const char * s2, int size)
		return StrCmpNA(s1, s2, size);
Пример #3
 * Resolves a string to the type of windows control it is.  The function only
 * compares enough letters to determine unequivocally if it matches one of the
 * supported dialog controls.
 * Example:
 * oodControl_t ctrl = oodName2controlType(msgName + 7);
 * @param name   The name to resolve.
 * @return The windows control type.  winUnknown is returned if there is no
 *         match.
 * @remarks  There are some generic message names such as getControlDataPage
 *           that need to match to winUnknown.  CO is not sufficient to
 *           distinguish between comboBox and control.
oodControl_t oodName2controlType(CSTRING name)
    if      ( StrCmpNA(name, "CHECKBOX", 3      ) == 0 ) return winCheckBox;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "COMBOBOX", 3      ) == 0 ) return winComboBox;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "DATETIMEPICKER", 1) == 0 ) return winDateTimePicker;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "EDIT", 1          ) == 0 ) return winEdit;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "GROUPBOX", 1      ) == 0 ) return winGroupBox;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "LISTBOX", 5       ) == 0 ) return winListBox;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "LISTVIEW", 5      ) == 0 ) return winListView;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "MONTHCALENDAR", 1 ) == 0 ) return winMonthCalendar;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "PROGRESSBAR", 2   ) == 0 ) return winProgressBar;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "PUSHBUTTON", 2    ) == 0 ) return winPushButton;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "RADIOBUTTON", 1   ) == 0 ) return winRadioButton;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "SCROLLBAR", 2     ) == 0 ) return winScrollBar;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "STATIC", 2        ) == 0 ) return winStatic;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "TAB", 3           ) == 0 ) return winTab;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "TRACKBAR", 3      ) == 0 ) return winTrackBar;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "TREEVIEW", 3      ) == 0 ) return winTreeView;
    else if ( StrCmpNA(name, "UPDOWN", 1        ) == 0 ) return winUpDown;
    else return winUnknown;