static ParserElem* S_consume_text(StringIterator *iter) { StringIterator *temp = StrIter_Clone(iter); while (1) { int32_t code_point = StrIter_Next(temp); if (code_point == '\\') { code_point = StrIter_Next(temp); if (code_point == STR_OOB) { break; } } else if (code_point == STR_OOB) { break; } else if (StrHelp_is_whitespace(code_point) || code_point == '"' || code_point == '(' || code_point == ')' ) { StrIter_Recede(temp, 1); break; } } String *text = StrIter_crop(iter, temp); StrIter_Assign(iter, temp); DECREF(temp); return ParserElem_new(TOKEN_STRING, (Obj*)text); }
static ParserElem* S_consume_keyword(StringIterator *iter, const char *keyword, size_t keyword_len, int type) { if (!StrIter_Starts_With_Utf8(iter, keyword, keyword_len)) { return NULL; } StringIterator *temp = StrIter_Clone(iter); StrIter_Advance(temp, keyword_len); int32_t lookahead = StrIter_Next(temp); if (lookahead == STR_OOB) { DECREF(temp); return NULL; } if (StrHelp_is_whitespace(lookahead) || lookahead == '"' || lookahead == '(' || lookahead == ')' || lookahead == '+' || lookahead == '-' ) { StrIter_Recede(temp, 1); StrIter_Assign(iter, temp); DECREF(temp); return ParserElem_new(type, NULL); } DECREF(temp); return NULL; }
int32_t Str_Code_Point_From_IMP(String *self, size_t tick) { if (tick == 0) { return STR_OOB; } StringIterator *iter = STACK_ITER(self, self->size); StrIter_Recede(iter, tick - 1); return StrIter_Prev(iter); }
static int64_t S_find(String *string, String *substring) { StringIterator *iter = Str_Find(string, substring); if (iter == NULL) { return -1; } size_t tick = StrIter_Recede(iter, SIZE_MAX); DECREF(iter); return (int64_t)tick; }
static ParserElem* S_consume_field(StringIterator *iter) { StringIterator *temp = StrIter_Clone(iter); // Field names constructs must start with a letter or underscore. int32_t code_point = StrIter_Next(temp); if (code_point == STR_OOB) { DECREF(temp); return NULL; } if (!(isalpha(code_point) || code_point == '_')) { DECREF(temp); return NULL; } // Only alphanumerics and underscores are allowed in field names. while (':' != (code_point = StrIter_Next(temp))) { if (code_point == STR_OOB) { DECREF(temp); return NULL; } if (!(isalnum(code_point) || code_point == '_')) { DECREF(temp); return NULL; } } // Field name constructs must be followed by something sensible. int32_t lookahead = StrIter_Next(temp); if (lookahead == STR_OOB) { DECREF(temp); return NULL; } if (!(isalnum(lookahead) || lookahead == '_' || lookahead > 127 || lookahead == '"' || lookahead == '(' ) ) { DECREF(temp); return NULL; } // Consume string data. StrIter_Recede(temp, 2); // Back up over lookahead and colon. String *field = StrIter_crop(iter, temp); StrIter_Advance(temp, 1); // Skip colon. StrIter_Assign(iter, temp); DECREF(temp); return ParserElem_new(TOKEN_FIELD, (Obj*)field); }
Query* QParser_Expand_Leaf_IMP(QueryParser *self, Query *query) { QueryParserIVARS *const ivars = QParser_IVARS(self); LeafQuery *leaf_query = (LeafQuery*)query; Schema *schema = ivars->schema; bool is_phrase = false; bool ambiguous = false; // Determine whether we can actually process the input. if (!Query_is_a(query, LEAFQUERY)) { return NULL; } String *full_text = LeafQuery_Get_Text(leaf_query); if (!Str_Get_Size(full_text)) { return NULL; } // If quoted, always generate PhraseQuery. StringIterator *top = Str_Top(full_text); StringIterator *tail = Str_Tail(full_text); StrIter_Skip_Next_Whitespace(top); StrIter_Skip_Prev_Whitespace(tail); if (StrIter_Starts_With_Utf8(top, "\"", 1)) { is_phrase = true; StrIter_Advance(top, 1); if (StrIter_Ends_With_Utf8(tail, "\"", 1) && !StrIter_Ends_With_Utf8(tail, "\\\"", 2) ) { StrIter_Recede(tail, 1); } } String *source_text = StrIter_substring(top, tail); // Either use LeafQuery's field or default to Parser's list. Vector *fields; if (LeafQuery_Get_Field(leaf_query)) { fields = Vec_new(1); Vec_Push(fields, INCREF(LeafQuery_Get_Field(leaf_query))); } else { fields = (Vector*)INCREF(ivars->fields); } CharBuf *unescape_buf = CB_new(Str_Get_Size(source_text)); Vector *queries = Vec_new(Vec_Get_Size(fields)); for (uint32_t i = 0, max = Vec_Get_Size(fields); i < max; i++) { String *field = (String*)Vec_Fetch(fields, i); Analyzer *analyzer = ivars->analyzer ? ivars->analyzer : Schema_Fetch_Analyzer(schema, field); if (!analyzer) { Vec_Push(queries, (Obj*)QParser_Make_Term_Query(self, field, (Obj*)source_text)); } else { // Extract token texts. String *split_source = S_unescape(self, source_text, unescape_buf); Vector *maybe_texts = Analyzer_Split(analyzer, split_source); uint32_t num_maybe_texts = Vec_Get_Size(maybe_texts); Vector *token_texts = Vec_new(num_maybe_texts); // Filter out zero-length token texts. for (uint32_t j = 0; j < num_maybe_texts; j++) { String *token_text = (String*)Vec_Fetch(maybe_texts, j); if (Str_Get_Size(token_text)) { Vec_Push(token_texts, INCREF(token_text)); } } if (Vec_Get_Size(token_texts) == 0) { /* Query might include stop words. Who knows? */ ambiguous = true; } // Add either a TermQuery or a PhraseQuery. if (is_phrase || Vec_Get_Size(token_texts) > 1) { Vec_Push(queries, (Obj*) QParser_Make_Phrase_Query(self, field, token_texts)); } else if (Vec_Get_Size(token_texts) == 1) { Vec_Push(queries, (Obj*)QParser_Make_Term_Query(self, field, Vec_Fetch(token_texts, 0))); } DECREF(token_texts); DECREF(maybe_texts); DECREF(split_source); } } Query *retval; if (Vec_Get_Size(queries) == 0) { retval = (Query*)NoMatchQuery_new(); if (ambiguous) { NoMatchQuery_Set_Fails_To_Match((NoMatchQuery*)retval, false); } } else if (Vec_Get_Size(queries) == 1) { retval = (Query*)INCREF(Vec_Fetch(queries, 0)); } else { retval = QParser_Make_OR_Query(self, queries); } // Clean up. DECREF(unescape_buf); DECREF(queries); DECREF(fields); DECREF(source_text); DECREF(tail); DECREF(top); return retval; }
Vector* QueryLexer_Tokenize_IMP(QueryLexer *self, String *query_string) { QueryLexerIVARS *const ivars = QueryLexer_IVARS(self); Vector *elems = Vec_new(0); if (!query_string) { return elems; } StringIterator *iter = Str_Top(query_string); while (StrIter_Has_Next(iter)) { ParserElem *elem = NULL; if (StrIter_Skip_Whitespace(iter)) { // Fast-forward past whitespace. continue; } if (ivars->heed_colons) { ParserElem *elem = S_consume_field(iter); if (elem) { Vec_Push(elems, (Obj*)elem); } } int32_t code_point = StrIter_Next(iter); switch (code_point) { case '(': elem = ParserElem_new(TOKEN_OPEN_PAREN, NULL); break; case ')': elem = ParserElem_new(TOKEN_CLOSE_PAREN, NULL); break; case '+': if (StrIter_Has_Next(iter) && !StrIter_Skip_Whitespace(iter) ) { elem = ParserElem_new(TOKEN_PLUS, NULL); } else { elem = ParserElem_new(TOKEN_STRING, (Obj*)Str_newf("+")); } break; case '-': if (StrIter_Has_Next(iter) && !StrIter_Skip_Whitespace(iter) ) { elem = ParserElem_new(TOKEN_MINUS, NULL); } else { elem = ParserElem_new(TOKEN_STRING, (Obj*)Str_newf("-")); } break; case '"': StrIter_Recede(iter, 1); elem = S_consume_quoted_string(iter); break; case 'O': StrIter_Recede(iter, 1); elem = S_consume_keyword(iter, "OR", 2, TOKEN_OR); if (!elem) { elem = S_consume_text(iter); } break; case 'A': StrIter_Recede(iter, 1); elem = S_consume_keyword(iter, "AND", 3, TOKEN_AND); if (!elem) { elem = S_consume_text(iter); } break; case 'N': StrIter_Recede(iter, 1); elem = S_consume_keyword(iter, "NOT", 3, TOKEN_NOT); if (!elem) { elem = S_consume_text(iter); } break; default: StrIter_Recede(iter, 1); elem = S_consume_text(iter); break; } Vec_Push(elems, (Obj*)elem); } DECREF(iter); return elems; }
static void test_iterator_substring(TestBatchRunner *runner) { String *string = Str_newf("a%sb%sc%sd", smiley, smiley, smiley); StringIterator *start = Str_Top(string); StringIterator *end = Str_Tail(string); { String *substring = StrIter_crop(start, end); TEST_TRUE(runner, Str_Equals(substring, (Obj*)string), "StrIter_crop whole string"); DECREF(substring); } StrIter_Advance(start, 2); StrIter_Recede(end, 2); { String *substring = StrIter_crop(start, end); String *wanted = Str_newf("b%sc", smiley); TEST_TRUE(runner, Str_Equals(substring, (Obj*)wanted), "StrIter_crop"); TEST_TRUE(runner, StrIter_Starts_With(start, wanted), "Starts_With returns true"); TEST_TRUE(runner, StrIter_Ends_With(end, wanted), "Ends_With returns true"); DECREF(wanted); DECREF(substring); } { String *short_str = Str_newf("b%sx", smiley); TEST_FALSE(runner, StrIter_Starts_With(start, short_str), "Starts_With returns false"); TEST_FALSE(runner, StrIter_Ends_With(start, short_str), "Ends_With returns false"); String *long_str = Str_newf("b%sxxxxxxxxxxxx%sc", smiley, smiley); TEST_FALSE(runner, StrIter_Starts_With(start, long_str), "Starts_With long string returns false"); TEST_FALSE(runner, StrIter_Ends_With(end, long_str), "Ends_With long string returns false"); DECREF(short_str); DECREF(long_str); } { String *substring = StrIter_crop(end, NULL); String *wanted = Str_newf("%sd", smiley); TEST_TRUE(runner, Str_Equals(substring, (Obj*)wanted), "StrIter_crop with NULL tail"); DECREF(wanted); DECREF(substring); } { String *substring = StrIter_crop(NULL, start); String *wanted = Str_newf("a%s", smiley); TEST_TRUE(runner, Str_Equals(substring, (Obj*)wanted), "StrIter_crop with NULL top"); DECREF(wanted); DECREF(substring); } DECREF(start); DECREF(end); DECREF(string); }
static void test_iterator(TestBatchRunner *runner) { static const int32_t code_points[] = { 0x41, 0x7F, 0x80, 0x7FF, 0x800, 0xFFFF, 0x10000, 0x10FFFF }; static size_t num_code_points = sizeof(code_points) / sizeof(code_points[0]); CharBuf *buf = CB_new(0); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_code_points; ++i) { CB_Cat_Char(buf, code_points[i]); } String *string = CB_To_String(buf); { StringIterator *iter = Str_Top(string); TEST_TRUE(runner, StrIter_Equals(iter, (Obj*)iter), "StringIterator equal to self"); TEST_FALSE(runner, StrIter_Equals(iter, (Obj*)CFISH_TRUE), "StringIterator not equal non-iterators"); DECREF(iter); } { StringIterator *top = Str_Top(string); StringIterator *tail = Str_Tail(string); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, StrIter_Compare_To(top, (Obj*)tail), -1, "Compare_To top < tail"); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, StrIter_Compare_To(tail, (Obj*)top), 1, "Compare_To tail > top"); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, StrIter_Compare_To(top, (Obj*)top), 0, "Compare_To top == top"); StringIterator *clone = StrIter_Clone(top); TEST_TRUE(runner, StrIter_Equals(clone, (Obj*)top), "Clone"); StrIter_Assign(clone, tail); TEST_TRUE(runner, StrIter_Equals(clone, (Obj*)tail), "Assign"); String *other = Str_newf("Other string"); StringIterator *other_iter = Str_Top(other); TEST_FALSE(runner, StrIter_Equals(other_iter, (Obj*)tail), "Equals returns false for different strings"); StrIter_Assign(clone, other_iter); TEST_TRUE(runner, StrIter_Equals(clone, (Obj*)other_iter), "Assign iterator with different string"); DECREF(other); DECREF(other_iter); DECREF(clone); DECREF(top); DECREF(tail); } { StringIterator *iter = Str_Top(string); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_code_points; ++i) { TEST_TRUE(runner, StrIter_Has_Next(iter), "Has_Next %d", i); int32_t code_point = StrIter_Next(iter); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, code_point, code_points[i], "Next %d", i); } TEST_TRUE(runner, !StrIter_Has_Next(iter), "Has_Next at end of string"); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, StrIter_Next(iter), STR_OOB, "Next at end of string"); StringIterator *tail = Str_Tail(string); TEST_TRUE(runner, StrIter_Equals(iter, (Obj*)tail), "Equals tail"); DECREF(tail); DECREF(iter); } { StringIterator *iter = Str_Tail(string); for (size_t i = num_code_points; i--;) { TEST_TRUE(runner, StrIter_Has_Prev(iter), "Has_Prev %d", i); int32_t code_point = StrIter_Prev(iter); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, code_point, code_points[i], "Prev %d", i); } TEST_TRUE(runner, !StrIter_Has_Prev(iter), "Has_Prev at end of string"); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, StrIter_Prev(iter), STR_OOB, "Prev at start of string"); StringIterator *top = Str_Top(string); TEST_TRUE(runner, StrIter_Equals(iter, (Obj*)top), "Equals top"); DECREF(top); DECREF(iter); } { StringIterator *iter = Str_Top(string); StrIter_Next(iter); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, StrIter_Advance(iter, 2), 2, "Advance returns number of code points"); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, StrIter_Next(iter), code_points[3], "Advance works"); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, StrIter_Advance(iter, 1000000), num_code_points - 4, "Advance past end of string"); StrIter_Prev(iter); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, StrIter_Recede(iter, 2), 2, "Recede returns number of code points"); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, StrIter_Prev(iter), code_points[num_code_points-4], "Recede works"); TEST_INT_EQ(runner, StrIter_Recede(iter, 1000000), num_code_points - 4, "Recede past start of string"); DECREF(iter); } DECREF(string); DECREF(buf); }
// Find an ending boundary before the current position given by the iterator. // Skip up to max_skip code points plus potential whitespace. Update the // iterator and return number of code points skipped. Return true if a // ending edge (sentence) was found. bool S_find_ending_boundary(StringIterator *tail, uint32_t max_skip, uint32_t *num_skipped_ptr) { int32_t code_point; // Check if we're at an ending boundary already. Don't check for a word // boundary because we need space for a trailing ellipsis. StringIterator *iter = StrIter_Clone(tail); do { code_point = StrIter_Next(iter); if (code_point == STRITER_DONE) { // Skip remaining whitespace. *num_skipped_ptr = StrIter_Skip_Prev_Whitespace(tail); DECREF(iter); return true; } } while (StrHelp_is_whitespace(code_point)); // Keep track of the first word boundary. StringIterator *word = NULL; uint32_t word_offset = 0; StrIter_Assign(iter, tail); for (uint32_t i = 0; STRITER_DONE != (code_point = StrIter_Prev(iter)); ++i) { if (code_point == '.') { StrIter_Assign(tail, iter); StrIter_Advance(tail, 1); // Include period. *num_skipped_ptr = i; DECREF(word); DECREF(iter); return true; } if (StrHelp_is_whitespace(code_point)) { if (word == NULL) { word = StrIter_Clone(iter); word_offset = i + 1; } } else if (i >= max_skip) { // Break only at non-whitespace to allow another sentence // boundary to be found. break; } } if (word == NULL) { // Make space for ellipsis. *num_skipped_ptr = StrIter_Recede(tail, 1); } else { // Use word boundary if no sentence boundary was found. StrIter_Assign(tail, word); // Strip whitespace and punctuation that collides with an ellipsis. while (STRITER_DONE != (code_point = StrIter_Prev(tail))) { if (!StrHelp_is_whitespace(code_point) && code_point != '.' && code_point != ',' && code_point != ';' && code_point != ':' && code_point != ':' && code_point != '?' && code_point != '!' ) { StrIter_Advance(tail, 1); // Back up. break; } ++word_offset; } *num_skipped_ptr = word_offset; } DECREF(word); DECREF(iter); return false; }