Пример #1
	void patchHelper(const wxString& cmd, const wxString& param) {
		// Error Handling Note:  I just throw simple wxStrings here, and then catch them below and
		// format them into more detailed cmd+data+error printouts.  If we want to add user-friendly
		// (translated) messages for display in a popup window then we'll have to upgrade the
		// exception a little bit.

		// print the actual patch lines only in verbose mode (even in devel)
		if (DevConWriterEnabled)
			DevCon.WriteLn(cmd + L" " + param);

			if (isCheat && cheatnumber >= MAX_CHEAT)
				throw wxString( L"Maximum number of cheats reached" );
			if(!isCheat && patchnumber >= MAX_PATCH)
				throw wxString( L"Maximum number of patches reached" );

			IniPatch& iPatch = isCheat ? Cheat[cheatnumber] : Patch[patchnumber];
			PatchPieces pieces(param);

			iPatch.enabled = 0;

			iPatch.placetopatch	= StrToU32(pieces.PlaceToPatch(), 10);
			iPatch.cpu			= (patch_cpu_type)PatchTableExecute(pieces.CpuType(), cpuCore);
			iPatch.addr			= StrToU32(pieces.MemAddr(), 16);
			iPatch.type			= (patch_data_type)PatchTableExecute(pieces.OperandSize(), dataType);
			iPatch.data			= StrToU64(pieces.WriteValue(), 16);

			if (iPatch.cpu  == 0)
				throw wxsFormat(L"Unrecognized CPU Target: '%s'", WX_STR(pieces.CpuType()));

			if (iPatch.type == 0)
				throw wxsFormat(L"Unrecognized Operand Size: '%s'", WX_STR(pieces.OperandSize()));

			iPatch.enabled = 1; // omg success!!

			if (isCheat) cheatnumber++;
			else		 patchnumber++;
		catch( wxString& exmsg )
			Console.Error(L"(Patch) Error Parsing: %s=%s", WX_STR(cmd), WX_STR(param));
			Console.Indent().Error( exmsg );
Пример #2
static void CheckForRegisterChange( HWND hwnd )
    RegModifyData   *data;
    mad_type_info   mti_target;
    mad_type_info   mti_host;
    int             size;
    char            *s;
    char            *endptr;
    void            *test;
    addr_seg        seg;
    InputUnion      in;

    data = ( RegModifyData * )GetWindowLong( hwnd, DWL_USER );
    MADTypeInfo( data->curr_info->type, &mti_target );
    if( data->num_possible == 1 ) {
        size = SendDlgItemMessage( hwnd, REG_EDIT_FIELD, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0 ) + 1 ;
        s = alloca( size );
        GetDlgItemText( hwnd, REG_EDIT_FIELD, s, 255 );
        test = alloca( mti_target.b.bits / BITS_PER_BYTE );
        memset( &seg, 0, sizeof( seg ) );
        errno = 0;
        size = 0;
        switch ( mti_target.b.kind ) {
        case MTK_INTEGER:
            if( !StrToU64( s, &( in.i ), ( mti_target.i.nr != MNR_UNSIGNED ) ) ) {
                MessageBox( hwnd, "Unrecognized input.", "Error",MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) ;
            size = sizeof( unsigned_64 );
        case MTK_FLOAT:
            in.d = strtod( s, &endptr );
            if( errno == ERANGE ) {
                MessageBox( hwnd, "Value out of range.", "Error",MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) ;
            if( *endptr != '\0' ) {
                MessageBox( hwnd, "Unrecognized input.", "Error",MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION ) ;
            size = sizeof( in.d );
            EndDialog( hwnd, 0 );
        MADTypeInfoForHost( mti_target.b.kind, size, &mti_host );
        MADTypeConvert( &mti_host, &in, &mti_target, test, seg );
        if( memcmp( data->curr_value, test, mti_target.b.bits / BITS_PER_BYTE ) == 0 ) {
            EndDialog( hwnd, 0 );
        } else {
            memcpy( data->curr_value, test, mti_target.b.bits / BITS_PER_BYTE );
            EndDialog( hwnd, 1 );
    } else {
        int i = (int)SendDlgItemMessage( hwnd, CH_REG_COMBO_LIST, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L );
        if( memcmp( data->curr_value, data->m_list[i].data, mti_target.b.bits / BITS_PER_BYTE ) == 0 ) {
            EndDialog( hwnd, 0 );
        } else {
            memcpy( data->curr_value, data->m_list[i].data, mti_target.b.bits / BITS_PER_BYTE );
            EndDialog( hwnd, 1 );