    Gather the Major and Minor version from Product version

    Parameters:  version - Product version, its format like 11.23.32, REV- or 0.4b41

    void InstalledSoftwareInstance::SetDetailedVersion(const wstring& version)
        size_t pos = version.find_first_of('.');
        if( pos != wstring::npos )
            wstring left = version.substr(0, pos);
            wstring right = version.substr(pos+1);
                m_versionMajor = StrToUInt(left);
                // Exclude characters
                for(pos = 0; pos< right.size(); pos++)
                    if( right[pos] < '0' || right[pos] > '9' ) {
                if(pos > 0) {
                    left = right.substr(0, pos);
                    m_versionMinor = StrToUInt(left);
            catch (const SCXException& e)
                SCX_LOGWARNING(m_log, StrAppend(L"parse InstalledSoftwareInstance version fails:", version).append(L" - ").append(e.What()));
Пример #2
const bool	CLevel::LoadHeader( std::fstream& stream )
	Log.Log( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): £adowanie nag³ówka.");

	std::string str, name, value;
	while( stream )
		str = GetLine( stream );

		if( str == "END HEADER" )
			return true;

		if( !ParseNameValue( str, name, value ) )
			Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): Nieprawid³owy ci¹g w nag³ówku: " + str + "." );

		if( name == "NAME" )
			LevName = value;
		else if( name == "ROWS" )
			Rows = StrToUInt( value );
		else if( name == "COLS" )
			Cols = StrToUInt( value );
			Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): Nierozpoznana wartoœæ " + name + " w ci¹gu: " + str + "." );

	Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): Brak koñca nag³ówka." );
	return false;
       Read a list of application server instances from disk.

       \param[out] instances - vector of Application Server Instances 
                               to insert the values read from disk into 
    void PersistAppServerInstances::ReadFromDisk(
            vector<SCXHandle<AppServerInstance> >& instances)
            SCXHandle<SCXPersistDataReader> preader = 

            preader->ConsumeStartGroup(APP_SERVER_METADATA, true);
            wstring sizeFromCache = preader->ConsumeValue(APP_SERVER_NUMBER);
            preader->ConsumeEndGroup(true); // Closing APP_SERVER_NUMBER

            unsigned int size = StrToUInt(sizeFromCache);
            while(ReadFromDiskHelper(preader, instances))

            // If the size read does not match the actual number
            // of instances read (for instance, some has truncated
            // the cache), then the cache probably has been corrupted.
            // For this case, throw away all the cache information.
            if (instances.size() != size)

        // Could have gotten here is the cache does not
        // exist or is corrupt.  If it does not exist, then
        // the exception is thrown when doing the first read
        // and nothing has been added to the array. In this case,
        // the goal is to not surface the error.
        // If corruption has occurred, then the cache should be 
        // deleted (which should happen when we re-persist the current
        // state.
        catch(SCXNotSupportedException& snse)
            SCX_LOGTRACE(m_log, snse.What());
        catch(PersistDataNotFoundException& pdnfe)
            SCX_LOGTRACE(m_log, pdnfe.What());
        catch(PersistUnexpectedDataException& pude)
            SCX_LOGTRACE(m_log, pude.What());

        \param[in]  path        Path where persisted data should be read.
    SCXFilePersistDataReader::SCXFilePersistDataReader(const SCXFilePath& path) :
        m_Stream = SCXFile::OpenFstream(path, std::ios_base::in);

        std::wstreampos pos = m_Stream->tellg();


            std::wstring versionString = ConsumeString();
            m_Version = StrToUInt(versionString);
        catch (PersistUnexpectedDataException& e)
            throw e;
        catch (SCXCoreLib::SCXNotSupportedException&)
            std::wstreampos errorpos = m_Stream->tellg();
            throw PersistUnexpectedDataException(L"The Version attribute should have an unsigned integer value",
                                                 errorpos, SCXSRCLOCATION);
        Consumes an XML-encoded character.
        XML-encoded characters are the characters starting with & and ending with ;
        Example &lt; &quot; &#24;.
        This method is called after the initial & has been encountered to consume
        everything after the '&' character and return the encoded character.

        \returns Consumed character.

        \throws PersistUnexpectedDataException if data is not the next data in the
    wchar_t SCXFilePersistDataReader::ConsumeEncodedChar()
        std::wstring entity(L"");
        for (wchar_t ch = GetUTF8Char(); ch != ';'; ch = GetUTF8Char())

        wchar_t c = 0;
        if (L"lt" == entity)
            c = L'<';
        else if (L"amp" == entity)
            c = L'&';
        else if (L"apos" == entity)
            c = L'\'';
        else if (L"quot" == entity)
            c = L'\"';
        else if (entity.size() > 0 && entity[0] == L'#')
            c = static_cast<wchar_t>(StrToUInt(std::wstring(entity, 1)));
            throw PersistUnexpectedDataException(L"XML encoded character.",
                                                 m_Stream->tellg(), SCXSRCLOCATION);
        return c;
        Extract the major version number from the complete version

        \param[in]     version   version of the application server
        Retval:        major version number
    wstring WebLogicAppServerInstance::ExtractMajorVersion(const wstring& version)
        vector<wstring> parts;

        StrTokenizeStr(version, parts, L".");
        wstring returnValue = L"";
        if (parts.size() >= 3)
            // version consists of:
            //      major.minor.revision
            // i.e. 10.3.2 maps to
            //      major:    10
            //      minor:    3
            //      revision: 2
            unsigned int major = StrToUInt(parts[0]);
            unsigned int minor = StrToUInt(parts[1]);
            unsigned int revision = StrToUInt(parts[2]);
            switch (major)
              case 1:
              case 2:
              case 3:
              case 4:
              case 5:
              case 6:
              case 7:
              case 8:
              case 9:
                  returnValue = parts[0];
              case 10:
                  if (WEBLOGIC_VERSION_MINOR == minor)
                      if (0 == revision)
                           returnValue = WEBLOGIC_BRANDED_VERSION_10;                         
                           returnValue = WEBLOGIC_BRANDED_VERSION_11;
                  else if (minor < WEBLOGIC_VERSION_MINOR)
                      returnValue = WEBLOGIC_BRANDED_VERSION_10;
                  else //if (minor > WEBLOGIC_VERSION_MINOR)
                      returnValue = WEBLOGIC_BRANDED_VERSION_11;
                case 12:
                    returnValue = parts[0];
                    returnValue = WEBLOGIC_BRANDED_VERSION_11;

        return returnValue;
std::vector<NetworkInterfaceConfigurationInstance> NetworkInterfaceConfigurationEnumeration::FindAll()
    // Use NetworkInterface provider to get all the interfaces
    std::vector<NetworkInterfaceInfo> interfaces = NetworkInterfaceInfo::FindAll(m_deps);

    std::vector<NetworkInterfaceConfigurationInstance> resultList;
    for (size_t nr = 0; nr < interfaces.size(); nr++)
        NetworkInterfaceConfigurationInstance instance(interfaces[nr]);

        // Set m_Index
        instance.m_Index = static_cast<Uint32>(nr);

        // Get if interface is enabled. If up interface has the address set. If running inteface has the resources
        // allocated and is ready to receive/transmit.
        if (interfaces[nr].IsKnownIfUp() && interfaces[nr].IsKnownIfRunning())
            instance.m_IPEnabled = false;
            if (interfaces[nr].IsUp() && interfaces[nr].IsRunning())
                instance.m_IPEnabled = true;

        // (WI 468917) Activate MAC Address to be reported by the provider.

        if (interfaces[nr].IsIPAddressKnown())
        vector<wstring> tmpIPv6 = interfaces[nr].GetIPV6Address();
        instance.m_IPAddress.insert(instance.m_IPAddress.end(), tmpIPv6.begin(), tmpIPv6.end());
        if (instance.m_IPAddress.empty() == false)

        if (interfaces[nr].IsNetmaskKnown())
            instance.m_IPSubnet[0] = interfaces[nr].GetNetmask();

        // Determine m_ArpUseEtherSNAP
        // ARP packets can be sent using EtherType fields in Ethernet II (DIX) format or in 802.3 (SNAP) format.
        // Both are permitted.  Some operating systems can force ARP packets to be sent in the newer 802.3
        // format, but due to its simplicity, the older DIX format is still widely used.
#if defined(linux) || defined(sun)
        instance.m_ArpUseEtherSNAP = false;

        // Determine m_Caption
        // Index in format [nnnnnnnn] followed by a short textual description (one-line string) of the object.
        ostringstream ixstr;
        ixstr << '[' << setfill('0') << setw(8) << nr << "] ";
        instance.m_Caption = StrFromMultibyte(ixstr.str()) + instance.GetName();

        // Determine m_Description
        // Description of the CIM_Setting object. This property is inherited from CIM_Setting.
        instance.m_Description = instance.GetName();

        // Determine m_DeadGWDetectEnabled
        // If TRUE, dead gateway detection occurs. With this feature enabled, Transmission
        // Control Protocol (TCP) asks Internet Protocol (IP) to change to a backup gateway
        // if it retransmits a segment several times without receiving a response.
        // For Linux, this capability was added with IPv6 via its Neighbor Discovery protocol
        // Solaris also.
#if defined(linux)
        // Subset of neighbor reachability problems solved by IPv6
        instance.m_DeadGWDetectEnabled = SCXDirectory::Exists(L"/proc/sys/net/ipv6");

        // Determine m_DefaultTOS
        // Default Type Of Service (TOS) value set in the header of outgoing IP packets.
        // Request for Comments (RFC) 791 defines the values. Default: 0 (zero),
        // Valid Range: 0 - 255.
        // This is deprecated.  Implementations also are not uniform.
        // NOT SET--------------

        // Determine m_DefaultTTL
        // Default Time To Live (TTL) value set in the header of outgoing IP packets.
        // The TTL specifies the number of routers an IP packet can pass through to
        // reach its destination before being discarded. Each router decrements by
        // one the TTL count of a packet as it passes through and discards the
        // packets if the TTL is 0 (zero). Default: 32, Valid Range: 1 - 255.
        std::vector<wstring> lines;
        SCXStream::NLFs nlfs;
#if defined(PF_DISTRO_REDHAT) || defined(sun)
        // This is hardcoded in Linux microkernel source.  Since V2.2 it has been in net/ipv4/ipconfig.c
        // For Solaris it has been 64 since version 2.8
        instance.m_DefaultTTL = 64;
#elif defined(PF_DISTRO_SUSE) || defined(PF_DISTRO_ULINUX)
        // if /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl exists, then override 64 as the default with what is contained
        SCXFile::ReadAllLines(SCXFilePath(L"/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl"), lines, nlfs);
        if (lines.size() > 0)
            instance.m_DefaultTTL = (Uint8) StrToUInt(lines[0]);

        // Determine m_DHCPEnabled
        // If TRUE, the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server automatically
        // assigns an IP address to the computer system when establishing a network connection.
        // First fetch config data from the appropriate file
        wstring interface = instance.GetName();

        bool performRead = true;
#if defined(PF_DISTRO_SUSE)
        // Determine DHCP Enabled by looking for process dhcpcd w/param matching this interface name
        instance.m_DHCPEnabled = GetDHCPEnabledFromProcessList(interface);
#elif defined(PF_DISTRO_REDHAT)
        SCXFile::ReadAllLines(SCXFilePath(SCXCoreLib::StrAppend(L"/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-", interface)), lines, nlfs);
#elif defined(PF_DISTRO_ULINUX)
        instance.m_DHCPEnabled = GetDHCPEnabledFromProcessList(interface);
        if (!instance.m_DHCPEnabled)
            if (SCXFile::Exists(SCXCoreLib::StrAppend(L"/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-", interface)))
                SCXFile::ReadAllLines(SCXFilePath(SCXCoreLib::StrAppend(L"/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-", interface)), lines, nlfs);
            else if (SCXFile::Exists(SCXCoreLib::StrAppend(L"/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-", interface)))
                SCXFile::ReadAllLines(SCXFilePath(SCXCoreLib::StrAppend(L"/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-", interface)), lines, nlfs);
                performRead = false;
#elif defined(sun)
        SCXFile::ReadAllLines(SCXFilePath(SCXCoreLib::StrAppend(L"/etc/hostname.", interface)), lines, nlfs);
#elif defined(hpux)
        SCXFile::ReadAllLines(SCXFilePath(L"/etc/rc.config.d/netconf"), lines, nlfs);
#elif defined(aix)
        SCXFile::ReadAllLines(SCXFilePath(L"/etc/dhcpcd.ini"), lines, nlfs);

        if (performRead)
            instance.m_DHCPEnabled = GetDHCPEnabledFromConfigData(lines, interface);

#if defined(linux)
        // Determine DHCP Enabled by looking for process dhcpcd w/param matching this interface name
        if (!instance.m_DHCPEnabled)
            instance.m_DHCPEnabled = GetDHCPEnabledFromProcessList(interface);

#if defined(linux) || defined(sun) || defined(hpux)
        // Initialize the DHCP lease information
        DHCPLeaseInfo dhcpLeaseInfo(interface);
        // Determine m_DHCPLeaseExpires
        // Expiration date and time for a leased IP address that was assigned to the
        // computer by the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server.
        // Example: 20521201000230.000000000
        instance.m_DHCPLeaseExpires = dhcpLeaseInfo.getLeaseExpires();
        if (instance.m_DHCPLeaseExpires.IsInitialized())
        // Determine m_DHCPLeaseObtained
        // Date and time the lease was obtained for the IP address assigned to the
        // computer by the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server.
        // Example: 19521201000230.000000000
        instance.m_DHCPLeaseObtained = dhcpLeaseInfo.getLeaseObtained();
        if (instance.m_DHCPLeaseObtained.IsInitialized())

        // Determine m_DHCPServer
        // IP address of the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server.
        // Example:
#if defined(linux)
        instance.m_DHCPServer = dhcpLeaseInfo.getDHCPServer();

        // Determine m_DefaultIPGateway
        // Array of IP addresses of default gateways that the computer system uses.
        // Example:
#if defined(linux) || defined(sun)
        wstring gwip;
        if (GatewayInfo::get_gatewayip(gwip, m_deps))
#elif defined(hpux)
        // The HPUX DHCP info file also contains the default gateway
        wstring defaultGateway = dhcpLeaseInfo.getDefaultGateway();
        if (defaultGateway.size() > 0)

        // Determine m_DNSDomain
        // Organization name followed by a period and an extension that indicates
        // the type of organization, such as microsoft.com. The name can be any
        // combination of the letters A through Z, the numerals 0 through 9, and
        // the hyphen (-), plus the period (.) character used as a separator.
        // Example: microsoft.com
#if defined(linux) || defined(sun) || defined(hpux)
        instance.m_DNSDomain = dhcpLeaseInfo.getDomainName();

        // Determine m_DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder
        // Array of DNS domain suffixes to be appended to the end of host names
        // during name resolution. When attempting to resolve a fully qualified
        // domain name (FQDN) from a host-only name, the system will first append
        // the local domain name. If this is not successful, the system will use
        // the domain suffix list to create additional FQDNs in the order listed
        // and query DNS servers for each.
        // Example: samples.microsoft.com example.microsoft.com
        // Linux doesn't add missing suffixes -----NOT SET

        // Determine m_DNSEnabledForWINSResolution
        // If TRUE, the Domain Name System (DNS) is enabled for name resolution
        // over Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) resolution. If the name
        // cannot be resolved using DNS, the name request is forwarded to WINS
        // for resolution.
        // Windows only --------NOT SET

        // Determine m_DNSHostName
        // Host name used to identify the local computer for authentication by
        // some utilities. Other TCP/IP-based utilities can use this value to
        // acquire the name of the local computer. Host names are stored on DNS
        // servers in a table that maps names to IP addresses for use by DNS.
        // The name can be any combination of the letters A through Z, the
        // numerals 0 through 9, and the hyphen (-), plus the period (.) character
        // used as a separator. By default, this value is the Microsoft networking
        // computer name, but the network administrator can assign another host
        // name without affecting the computer name.
        // Example: corpdns
        // Probably utility authentication for Windows only ----------NOT SET

        // Determine m_DNSServerSearchOrder
        // Array of server IP addresses to be used in querying for DNS servers.
#if defined(linux) || defined(sun) || defined(hpux)
        SCXFile::ReadAllLines(SCXFilePath(L"/etc/resolv.conf"), lines, nlfs);
        for (uint i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++)
            // remove all comments from the current line, as they should be ignored
            wstring curLine = lines[i];
            wstring::size_type pos;
            pos = curLine.find(L";");
            if (pos != wstring::npos)
                curLine.erase(pos, curLine.length());
            if (curLine.empty())
            std::vector<wstring> tokens;
            StrTokenize(curLine, tokens, L" \t");
            if (tokens.size() > 1 && tokens[0].compare(L"nameserver") == 0)
        if(instance.m_DNSServerSearchOrder.size() > 0)

        // Determine m_DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled
        // If TRUE, the IP addresses for this connection are registered in DNS under the domain
        // name of this connection in addition to being registered under the computer's
        // full DNS name. The domain name of this connection is either set using the
        // SetDNSDomain() method or assigned by DSCP. The registered name is the host
        // name of the computer with the domain name appended.
        // Windows 2000:  This property is not available.
        // NOT SET for Linux------------------------------------------------------
        // Determine m_ArpAlwaysSourceRoute
        // If TRUE, TCP/IP transmits Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) queries with
        // source routing enabled on Token Ring networks. By default (FALSE), ARP first
        // queries without source routing, and then retries with source routing enabled
        // if no reply is received. Source routing allows the routing of network packets
        // across different types of networks.
        // See http://www.rapid7.com/vulndb/lookup/generic-ip-source-routing-enabled for AIX/Linux/Solaris

        // This property seems to be set to prevent ARP spoofing.  The
        // principle of ARP spoofing is to send fake ARP messages onto a LAN.
        // Generally, the aim is to associate the attacker's MAC address with
        // the IP address of another host (such as the default gateway).
        // Operating System Approaches
        // Static ARP entries: entries in the local ARP cache can be defined as
        // static to prevent overwrite. While static entries provide perfect security
        // against spoofing if the operating systems handles them correctly, they
        // result in quadratic maintenance efforts as IP-MAC mappings of all machines
        // in the network have to be distributed to all other machines.
        // OS security: Operating systems react differently, e.g. Linux ignores
        // unsolicited replies, but on the other hand uses seen requests from
        // other machines to update its cache. Solaris only accepts updates on
        // entries after a timeout. In Microsoft Windows, the behavior of the
        // ARP cache can be configured through several registry entries under
        // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters,
        // namely ArpCacheLife, ArpCacheMinReferenceLife, ArpUseEtherSNAP, ArpTRSingleRoute,
        // ArpAlwaysSourceRoute, ArpRetryCount.
#if defined(linux)
        instance.m_ArpAlwaysSourceRoute = false;
        SCXFile::ReadAllLines(SCXFilePath(L"/etc/sysctl.conf"), lines, nlfs);
        SCXRegex r(L"accept_source_route\\s*=\\s*([01])");

        instance.m_ArpAlwaysSourceRoute = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < (int)lines.size(); i++)
            if (r.IsMatch(lines[i]))
                instance.m_ArpAlwaysSourceRoute = true;
    return resultList;
        Get DHCPEnabled status from the platform's config file
        \param configData - contents of the DHCP config file
        \param interface - the interface for which we want DHCPEnabled status
    bool NetworkInterfaceConfigurationEnumeration::GetDHCPEnabledFromConfigData
        wstring interface
        if (interface.size() + configData.size() == 0)
            return false;
#if defined(PF_DISTRO_REDHAT) || defined(PF_DISTRO_ULINUX) || defined(PF_DISTRO_SUSE)
        /* Typical file
        DEVICE="eth0" # This is also in the file name
        bool result = false;

        SCXRegex bootproto(L"BOOTPROTO.*dhcp");
        for (uint i = 0; i < configData.size(); i++)
            wstring line = configData[i];
            if (bootproto.IsMatch(configData[i]))
                result = true;
        return result; 

#elif defined(sun)
        return configData.size() > 0; // If the file exists and has data that means DHCP is enabled
#elif defined(hpux)
        // We are looking for a line
        // DHCP_ENABLED[<i>]="<1|0>"
        // where 1 means enabled and <i> corresponds to a line of the form
        // INTERFACE_NAME[<i>]="<interface name>"
        // and <interface name> matches the member variable of NetworkInterfaceConfigurationInstance instance
        // Example file where we are looking for network interface "lan0"
        INTERFACE_NAME[0]=lan0     #<---------- for interface "lan0" this means we are looking for index 0
        DHCP_ENABLE[0]=1          #<----------- this is the DHCP_ENABLED line we are therefore interested in

        bool result = false;

        uint idx = numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
        vector<wstring> tokens;
        for (uint i = 0; i < configData.size(); i++)
            wstring line = configData[i];
            StrTokenize(line, tokens, L"[]=");
            if (tokens.size() < 1)
            if (tokens[0].compare(L"INTERFACE_NAME") == 0)
                if (tokens[2].compare(interface) == 0)
                  idx = StrToUInt(tokens[1]);
            else if (line.find(L"DHCP_ENABLE") == 0)
                if (idx == StrToUInt(tokens[1]));
                  result = (tokens[2].compare(L"1") == 0) ? 1 : 0;
        return result; 

#elif defined(aix)
        // The file has entries that look like this: 
        // # Blah
        // Mumble ... 
        // interface en1
        // {
        //  option 13 0 
        //  option 54
        //  option 9 0
        // }
        // We want the interface name to match our interface
        // Then search for option 54, which is 'Server Identifier' according 
        // to 'DHCP Server Configuration File' section of 'AIX 6.1 Information' doc
        // from IBM. 
        // The number at the end of that line is address of the server, or '0' (or blank) 
        // if DHCP is not enabled on this interface.

        bool result = false;
        vector<wstring> tokens;
        for(uint i = 0; i < configData.size(); ++i)

            wstring line = configData[i]; 
            StrTokenize(line, tokens, L"\t "); 
            if(tokens.size() < 2)
            // look for "interface" tag followed by our interface, e.g. "interface en1"
            if(tokens[0].compare(L"interface") == 0 && tokens[1].compare(interface) == 0)
                // we could get cute with recursion here but let's just look for 
                // our line .. if we hit a closing curly brace or "interface" tag
                // call it quits
                // Loop starting at the same position in the vector ..
                for(/* i does not change */ ; i < configData.size() ; ++i)
                    line = configData[i]; 
                    StrTokenize(line, tokens, L"\t "); 
                    if(tokens.size() < 1)
                    // if this hits we ran past the end of this interface section ..
                    // since we are searching in the interface specified by client, we are done ... 
                    if(tokens[0].compare(L"}") == 0)
                      return false;
                    // The only interesting line looks like "option 54 <IPAddress | 0>" so must have 3 tokens
                    if(tokens.size() < 2)

                    // Get line with an address, look at it .. 
                    if(tokens[0].compare(L"option") == 0 && tokens[1].compare(L"54") == 0)
                        // no ip address, no DHCP ....
                        if(tokens[2].compare(L"0") == 0)
                          break;  // back to searching for "interface" block 
                        // If address has even one ['.' | ':'] char we will assume it is a good [IP | IPv6] address and return true
                        if(tokens[2].find(L'.') != wstring::npos || tokens[2].find(L':') != wstring::npos)
                          return true;
                        // There can be no two entries of the form "interface <our_interface>" in a file
                        // so no good IP address here means we are done ... 
                          return false;
        return result;
        throw SCXNotSupportedException(L"GetDHCPEnabledFromConfigData", SCXSRCLOCATION); 

Пример #9
const bool	CLevel::LoadItemList( std::fstream& stream )
	Log.Log( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): £adowanie listy przedmiotów.");

	std::string str;
	std::vector<std::string> params;
	ITEM_TYPE type;
	int x, y;

	while( stream )
		str = GetLine( stream );

		if( str == "END ITEMLIST" )
			return true;

		str = ClearWhiteSpace( str );	

		if( ParseItem( str, x, y, type, params ) )
			CItem* item = nullptr;
			switch (type)
			case ITEM_TYPE::AMMO:
				item = new CItemAmmo( ParseWeapon( params[0] ) , StrToUInt( params[1] ) );

				item = new CItemHealth( StrToFloat( params[0] ) );

				item = new CItemArmor( StrToFloat( params[0] ) );

				item = new CItemWeapon( ParseWeapon( params[0] ), StrToUInt( params[1] ) );

				Log.Error("GLEVEL( " + file + " ): B³¹d parsowania przedmiotu, nieznany typ z parsowania ci¹gu: " + str + ".");

			if(item != nullptr)
				item->Pos = GetBlockPos( x, y );
				AddEntity( item );
				Items.push_back( item );
			Log.Error("GLEVEL( " + file + " ): B³¹d parsowania przedmiotu dla ci¹gu: " + str + ".");

	Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): Brak koñca listy przedmiotów!" );
	return false;
Пример #10
   Update the Solaris Sparc instance.
    void StaticDiskPartitionInstance::Update_Solaris()

        SCX_LOGTRACE(m_log, L"DiskPartition::Update_Solaris():: Entering, DeviceID is:" + m_deviceID);

        // Execute 'df -g' and retrieve result to determine filesystem that is mounted on
        // and block size.  Then, go through output of prtvtoc for this filesystem to
        // retrieve the remaining partition information.
#if PF_MAJOR == 5 && (PF_MINOR  == 9 || PF_MINOR == 10)
        wstring cmdStringDf = L"/usr/sbin/df -g";
#elif PF_MAJOR == 5 && PF_MINOR  == 11
        wstring cmdStringDf = L"/sbin/df -g";
#error "Platform not supported"
        int status;
        std::istringstream processInputDf;
        std::ostringstream processOutputDf;
        std::ostringstream processErrDf;
        wstring curLine;
        wstring mountedStr;
        wstring blockSizeStr;
        std::string dfResult;
        vector<wstring>  allLines;                       // all lines read from output
        SCXStream::NLFs nlfs;
        bool foundIt = false;
        vector<wstring> matchingVector;

        SCXRegexPtr solDfPatternPtr(NULL);
        SCXRegexPtr solPrtvtocBpSPatternPtr(NULL);
        SCXRegexPtr solPrtvtocDetailPatternPtr(NULL);

        // Let's build our RegEx:
            solDfPatternPtr = new SCXCoreLib::SCXRegex(c_SolDfPattern);
            solPrtvtocBpSPatternPtr = new SCXCoreLib::SCXRegex(c_SolPrtvtocBpSPattern);
            solPrtvtocDetailPatternPtr = new SCXCoreLib::SCXRegex(c_SolprtvtocDetailPattern);
        catch(SCXCoreLib::SCXInvalidRegexException &e)
            SCX_LOGERROR(m_log, L"Exception caught in compiling regex: " + e.What());

            status = SCXCoreLib::SCXProcess::Run(cmdStringDf, processInputDf, processOutputDf, processErrDf, 15000);
            if (status != 0)
                SCX_LOGERROR(m_log, StrAppend(L"Error on command " + cmdStringDf + L" - status ", status));
                SCX_LOGERROR(m_log, StrFromUTF8("Output - " + processOutputDf.str()));
                SCX_LOGERROR(m_log, StrFromUTF8("Error - " + processErrDf.str()));
            dfResult = processOutputDf.str();
        catch(SCXCoreLib::SCXException &e)
            SCX_LOGERROR(m_log, L"Unable to retrieve partition information from OS using 'df -g'..." + e.What());

        std::istringstream stringStrmDf_g(dfResult);
        size_t dfLineCt = 100;
        foundIt = false;
        SCXCoreLib::SCXStream::ReadAllLinesAsUTF8(stringStrmDf_g, allLines, nlfs);

        for (vector<wstring>::iterator it = allLines.begin(); it != allLines.end() && !foundIt; it++)

            if ((solDfPatternPtr->ReturnMatch(curLine, matchingVector, 0)) && (matchingVector.size() >= 4) && 
                (m_deviceID == matchingVector[2]))
                mountedStr = matchingVector[1];
                blockSizeStr = matchingVector[3];
                foundIt = true; 
            else if (matchingVector.size() > 0)
                //Have an error message
                SCX_LOGINFO(m_log, L"No match found! Error: " + matchingVector[0]);


        //Check the results
        if (!foundIt || mountedStr .size() == 0)
            SCX_LOGERROR(m_log, L"Failed to find this partition info with df -g: " + m_deviceID );

        //The next (and last) step is to do a prtvtoc [dir] command to retrieve the rest of the partition info:
#if PF_MAJOR == 5 && (PF_MINOR  == 9 || PF_MINOR == 10)
        wstring cmdStringPrtvToc = L"/usr/sbin/prtvtoc " + m_deviceID;
#elif PF_MAJOR == 5 && PF_MINOR  == 11
        wstring cmdStringPrtvToc = L"/sbin/prtvtoc " + m_deviceID;
#error "Platform not supported"
        std::istringstream processInputPrtvtoc;
        std::ostringstream processOutputPrtvtoc;
        std::ostringstream processErrPrtvtoc;
        wstring firstSectorStr;
        wstring sectorCountStr;
        wstring bytesPerSectorStr;

        std::string prtResult("");

            SCXCoreLib::SCXProcess::Run(cmdStringPrtvToc, processInputPrtvtoc, processOutputPrtvtoc, processErrPrtvtoc, 15000);
            prtResult = processOutputPrtvtoc.str();
            size_t lengthCaptured = prtResult.length();

            // Truncate trailing newline if there in captured output                  
            if (lengthCaptured > 0)
                if (prtResult[lengthCaptured - 1] == '\n')
                    prtResult[lengthCaptured - 1] = '\0';

        catch(SCXCoreLib::SCXException &e)
            SCX_LOGERROR(m_log, L"Unable to retrieve partition information from OS using 'df -g'..." + e.What());

        std::istringstream stringStrmPrtvtoc(prtResult);
        foundIt = false;
        SCXCoreLib::SCXStream::ReadAllLinesAsUTF8(stringStrmPrtvtoc, allLines, nlfs);;

        for(vector<wstring>::iterator it = allLines.begin(); it != allLines.end() && !foundIt; it++)

            // First, we match on a comment line that tells us the Sector Size
            if (solPrtvtocBpSPatternPtr->ReturnMatch(curLine, matchingVector, 0)) 
                bytesPerSectorStr = matchingVector[1];
            } // Next, we look for a detail line that matches our index:
            else if ((solPrtvtocDetailPatternPtr->ReturnMatch(curLine, matchingVector, 0)) && 
                     (matchingVector.size() >= 5) && 
                     (m_index == SCXCoreLib::StrToUInt(matchingVector[1])))
                // This is our row in the Partion info output
                firstSectorStr = matchingVector[2];
                sectorCountStr = matchingVector[3];
                foundIt = true;

        //Check the results
        if (!foundIt || bytesPerSectorStr.size() == 0)
            SCX_LOGERROR(m_log, L"Failed to find this partition info with prtvtoc: " + m_deviceID +
                         L"  And Regex Error Msg: " + matchingVector[0]);

        // If we reached here we have everything we need
        //  just need to do a little arithmetic and fill in our Properties struct:
        m_blockSize = SCXCoreLib::StrToULong(blockSizeStr);

        char dummyChar;
        unsigned int sectorSz = StrToUInt(bytesPerSectorStr);
        unsigned long long totalSectors = StrToUInt(sectorCountStr);
        unsigned long long startingSector = StrToUInt(firstSectorStr);

        m_partitionSize = totalSectors * sectorSz;
        m_startingOffset = startingSector * sectorSz;
        m_numberOfBlocks = RoundToUnsignedInt(static_cast<double>(m_partitionSize) / 
