size_t TFormatOutput::skipword( const char *str, size_t pos, size_t len, int &NextLine, Stroka &Line) { for(size_t i = pos; i < len; i++) { if(str[i] == '~' && str[i + 1] == '+') { Level++; Line += Stroka(str, pos, i - pos); i += 1; pos = i + 1; continue; } if(str[i] == '~' && str[i + 1] == '-') { Level--; Line += Stroka(str, pos, i - pos); i += 1; pos = i + 1; continue; } if(str[i] > 0 && isspace(str[i])) { NextLine = 0; Line += Stroka(str, pos, i - pos); return i; } } NextLine = 0; Line += Stroka(str, pos, len - pos); return len; }
FreeEChemMatterMultiV::FreeEChemMatterMultiV() : FreeEIOFind("material.cfg", "MatterChemH2Met"), FreeMinim(new DissMultiV()) { SubstMap[Stroka("M1")] = NamedSubst("M1", new FreeEIdeal(), 2, 1, 1, 1); SubstMap[Stroka("M2")] = NamedSubst("M2", new FreeEIdeal(), 2, 0, 1, 1); ChemEq eq(Stroka("M1"), -1); eq.AddSubst(Stroka("M2"), 1); ChemEqs.push_back(eq); ClcStartParams(); }
Stroka GetEnv(const Stroka& key) { #ifdef _win_ char buf[1001]; Zero(buf); int len = GetEnvironmentVariable(~key, &buf[0], 1000); return Stroka(&buf[0], len); #else const char* env = getenv(~key); return env ? Stroka(env) : Stroka(); #endif }
static inline Stroka FreeBSDGetExecPath() { int mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PATHNAME, -1 }; TTempBuf buf; int r = FreeBSDSysCtl(mib, ARRAY_SIZE(mib), buf); if (r == 0) { return Stroka(buf.Data(), buf.Filled()-1); } else if (r == ENOTSUP) { // older FreeBSD version return ReadLink("/proc/" + ToString(getpid()) + "/file"); } else { return Stroka(); } }
static inline Stroka FreeBSDGetArgv0() { int mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_ARGS, getpid() }; TTempBuf buf; int r = FreeBSDSysCtl(mib, ARRAY_SIZE(mib), buf); if (r == 0) { return Stroka(buf.Data()); } else if (r == ENOTSUP) { return Stroka(); } else { ythrow yexception() << "FreeBSDGetArgv0() failed: " << LastSystemErrorText(); } }
TFile& TFile::AddAlias(const Stroka& name) { AddAliasImpl(name); const TStringBuf proto = STRINGBUF(".proto"); const TStringBuf gztproto = STRINGBUF(".gztproto"); // also add complementing .gztproto or .proto if (name.has_suffix(proto)) AddAliasImpl(Stroka(TStringBuf(name).Chop(proto.size()), gztproto)); else if (name.has_suffix(gztproto)) AddAliasImpl(Stroka(TStringBuf(name).Chop(gztproto.size()), proto)); return *this; }
Stroka GetCwd() { TTempBuf result; #ifdef _win_ int r = GetCurrentDirectory(result.Size(), result.Data()); if (r == 0) throw TIoSystemError() << "failed to GetCurrentDirectory"; return Stroka(result.Data(), r); #else char* r = getcwd(result.Data(), result.Size()); if (r == 0) throw TIoSystemError() << "failed to getcwd"; return Stroka(result.Data()); #endif }
Stroka CCommonParm::GetSourceFormat() const { if (NULL != Config.Get() && Config->input().has_format()) switch (Config->input().GetFormat()) { case TTextMinerConfig::TInputParams::plain: return Stroka("text"); case TTextMinerConfig::TInputParams::html: return Stroka("html"); default: ythrow yexception() << "Source format unknown."; } return Stroka("text"); }
Stroka EncodeXML(const char* str, int qEncodeEntities) { Stroka strout, tmp; if (!str) return Stroka(); const char* s; if (qEncodeEntities) { tmp = EncodeHtmlPcdata(str, 1); s = ~tmp; } else { s = str; } int prev = 0; int i; for (i = 0; s[i]; i++) { // remove all "irregular" chars // XML 1.0 specification, section 2.2: // Char ::= #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF] if (s[i] > 0 && s[i] < 32 && s[i] != 0x09 && s[i] != 0x0A && s[i] != 0x0D) { strout.append(s + prev, 0, i-prev, i-prev); prev = i + 1; } } strout.append(s + prev, 0, i-prev, i-prev); return strout; }
void WriteFile( const char *file, const vector<vector<double>> &vec, const char *head, const char *mes) { FILE *out = open(file, "w", mes); if(head) { Stroka tmp = Stroka(head) + "\n"; fputs(tmp.c_str(), out); } if(vec.size() == 0) return; char Buf[256]; for(size_t i = 0; i < vec[0].size(); i++) { for(size_t j = 0; j < vec.size(); j++) { if(vec[j][i] == NullNumber) fputs(" \"\" ", out); else { sprintf(Buf, "%10.9g ", vec[j][i]); fputs(Buf, out); } } fputs("\x0d\x0a", out); } close(out); }
inline void TestFile() { Stroka s = NUnitTest::RandomString(1000000, 1); const Stroka tmpFile = "tmp"; { TBufferedFileOutput fo(tmpFile); fo.Write(~s, +s); } char buf1[100]; char buf2[100]; UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Stroka(MD5::File(~tmpFile, buf1)), Stroka(MD5::Data((const unsigned char*)~s, +s, buf2))); NFs::Remove(~tmpFile); }
double FromStringImpl<double>(const char* data, size_t len) { char* se; double d = StrToD(data, data + len, &se); if (se != data + len) { ythrow TFromStringException() << "cannot parse float(" << Stroka(data, len) << ")"; } return d; }
TSimpleLemmer::TSimpleLemmer(const Stroka& path) { Stroka libPath = path; if (path.length() == 0) { Stroka prgDir = GetProgramDir(); if ((prgDir.length() > 1 && prgDir[1] == ':') || (prgDir.length() > 0 && prgDir[0] == '/')) libPath = prgDir; else libPath = GetCwd() + Stroka("/") + prgDir; SlashFolderLocal(libPath); libPath += Stroka(""); //Cerr << "libPath == " << libPath << Endl; } Lib.Open(~libPath, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_DEEPBIND | RTLD_NODELETE); if (!IsInitialized()) yexception() << "Can't load lemmer from \"" << path << "\""; }
static Stroka ReadLink(const Stroka& path) { TTempBuf buf; for (;;) { ssize_t r = readlink(~path, buf.Data(), buf.Size()); if (r < 0) ythrow yexception() << "can't read link " << path; if (r < (ssize_t)buf.Size()) return Stroka(buf.Data(), r); buf = TTempBuf(buf.Size() * 2); } }
Stroka CCommonParm::GetOutputFileName() const { if (NULL != Config.Get() && Config->has_output() && Config->output().has_file()) { Stroka fn = Config->output().GetFile(); fn.to_lower(); if ("stdout" == fn) return "-"; return Config->output().GetFile(); } return Stroka("-"); }
void TStreamStackOutputFileFactory ::DoOpen(TStreamStackOutput& stack, const TStringBuf& file) { if (file.empty()) stack.Push(Cout); else { // this is unbuffered stack.Push(new TFileOutput(Stroka(file))); if (!ExtensionMap.Push(stack, file)) stack.Push(new TBufferedOutput(stack)); } }
Stroka MatterStable::TwoPhaseBoundary::MakeSpline( CurveSpline &spl, int Nspl, double Misf, double *y, double *x, int NumX, const char *err_name) { Stroka res; if(!spl.Generate(Nspl, Misf, 0, x, y, NumX)) throw info_except( "GenerateTwoPhaseBnd SaveBound error Generating %s spline\n", err_name); res += Stroka(" MakeSpline Control ") + err_name + Stroka("\n"); for(int k = 0; k < NumX - 1; k++) { // double tmp=(x[k]+x[k+1])/2; //char a[256]; //res<<x[k]<<" "<<y[k]<<" "<<spl.Evaluate(x[k])<<"\n"; //res<<(y[k]+y[k+1])/2<<" "<<spl.Evaluate(tmp)<<"\n"; } return res; }
NLastGetopt::TEasySetup MakeTomitaParserOpts() { NLastGetopt::TEasySetup opts; opts('b', OPT_BINARY_DIR, " ", "Alternative directory for compiled grammars.", false) ('v', "version", &PrintSvnVersionAndExit0, "Print version information"); opts.SetFreeArgsNum(1, 1); opts.SetFreeArgTitle(0, "config.proto", "parser configuration file name"); opts.SetTitle(Stroka("Yandex Tomita-parser ") + GetProgramVersionTag() + ". Open-source edition.\n"); return opts; }
inline void TestMD5() { // echo -n 'qwertyuiopqwertyuiopasdfghjklasdfghjkl' | md5sum char b[] = "qwertyuiopqwertyuiopasdfghjklasdfghjkl"; MD5 r; r.Update((const unsigned char*)b, 15); r.Update((const unsigned char*)b + 15, strlen(b) - 15); char rs[33]; Stroka s(r.End(rs)); s.to_lower(); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(s, Stroka("3ac00dd696b966fd74deee3c35a59d8f")); }
Stroka CCommonParm::GetPrettyOutputFileName() const { if (NULL != Config.Get() && Config->has_prettyoutput()) { Stroka fn = Config->GetPrettyOutput(); fn.to_lower(); if ("stdout" == fn || "stderr" == fn) return fn; if ("-" == fn) return "stdout"; if (fn.size() > 0) return Config->GetPrettyOutput(); } return Stroka(""); }
void THashTest::TestHMap1() { typedef yhash_map<char, Stroka, THash<char>, TEqualTo<char> > maptype; maptype m; // Store mappings between roman numerals and decimals. m['l'] = "50"; m['x'] = "20"; // Deliberate mistake. m['v'] = "5"; m['i'] = "1"; UNIT_ASSERT(!strcmp(m['x'].c_str(),"20")); m['x'] = "10"; // Correct mistake. UNIT_ASSERT(!strcmp(m['x'].c_str(),"10")); UNIT_ASSERT(!m.has('z')); UNIT_ASSERT(!strcmp(m['z'].c_str(),"")); UNIT_ASSERT(m.has('z')); UNIT_ASSERT(m.count('z') == 1); TPair<maptype::iterator, bool> p = m.insert(TPair<const char, Stroka>('c', Stroka("100"))); UNIT_ASSERT(p.second); p = m.insert(TPair<const char, Stroka>('c', Stroka("100"))); UNIT_ASSERT(!p.second); //Some iterators compare check, really compile time checks maptype::iterator ite(m.begin()); maptype::const_iterator cite(m.begin()); cite = m.begin(); maptype const& cm = m; cite = cm.begin(); UNIT_ASSERT((maptype::const_iterator)ite == cite); UNIT_ASSERT(!((maptype::const_iterator)ite != cite)); UNIT_ASSERT(cite == (maptype::const_iterator)ite); UNIT_ASSERT(!(cite != (maptype::const_iterator)ite)); }
static inline Stroka GetFile(const Stroka& s) { const char* e = s.end(); const char* b = s.begin(); const char* c = e - 1; while (c != b && !IsDelim(*c)) { --c; } if (c != e && IsDelim(*c)) { ++c; } return Stroka(c, e - c); }
int TCommandParse::SimpleRun(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int formattedLength = 90; if(argc < 2) { Stroka descr = "Program build date is :" + Stroka(__DATE__) + "\t" + Stroka(__TIME__) + "\n\n"; Stroka str = descr + "General help for the program is:~+\n" + MainHelp + "~-\n"; str += "Parameters defined are: "; for(int i = 1; i < min(argc, 5); i++) str += Stroka("<") + argv[i] + "> "; str += "\nHave to define 2 paramteres: mode \"mode parameters\"\n" + MakeHelp() + "\n"; std::cout << TFormatOutput(" ", 0, formattedLength).Format(~str); std::cout.flush(); exit(1); } Stroka par; if(argc == 3) par = argv[2]; else for(int i = 2; i < argc; i++) par += Stroka(argv[i]) + " "; map<Stroka, TKeyData>::iterator it = Params.find(argv[1]); if(it == Params.end()) { std::cout << "Mode <" << argv[1] << "> is not defined.\n" << TFormatOutput(" ", 0, formattedLength).Format(~MakeHelp()) << "\n"; exit(1); } if(it->second.GivenDefaults()) it->second.Func(Str::ReadDefinedParams( ~par, it->second.GetParams2Defaults(), "TOBEDEFINED")); else it->second.Func(Str::ReadParams(~par, ~it->second.GetParamsNames())); return 1; }
Stroka GetSystemTempDir() { #ifdef _win_ char buffer[1024]; DWORD size = GetTempPath(1024, buffer); if (!size) { ythrow TSystemError() << "failed to get system temporary directory"; } return Stroka(buffer, size); #else const char* var = "TMPDIR"; const char* def = "/tmp"; const char* r = getenv(var); const char* result = r ? r : def; return result[0] == '/' ? result : ResolveDir(result); #endif }
bool FromStringImpl<bool>(const char* data, size_t len) { if (len == 1) { if (data[0] == '0') { return false; } else if (data[0] == '1') { return true; } } TStringBuf buf(data, len); if (istrue(buf)) { return true; } else if (isfalse(buf)) { return false; } ythrow TFromStringException() << "cannot parse bool(" << Stroka(data, len) << ")"; }
Stroka CommandLineExe::MakeHelp() { //Stroka ret(Format->Format(MainHelp.c_str())); Stroka ret = "Main help:~+\n" + MainHelp + "~-\n" + "Available keys are:~+\n"; //Format->SetLevel(Format->GetLevel()+1); for(map<Stroka, KeyData>::iterator iter = Params.begin(); iter != Params.end(); iter++) { ret += Stroka(CommandPrefix) + iter->second.Key + "~+\n" + iter->second.Help + "~-\n"; //Stroka Add("option:"); //Add += CommandPrefix; //Add += Stroka(iter->second.Key)+iter->second.Help;//+"\n"; //ret += Format->Format(Add.c_str()); } //Format->SetLevel(Format->GetLevel()-1); return TFormatOutput(" ", 0, 70).Format(~ret); //return ret; }
Stroka EncodeXMLString(const char* str) { Stroka strout; if (!str) return Stroka(); char num[15]; num[14] = 0; num[13] = ';'; for (const char* s = str, *s1; *s;) { for (s1 = s; safe_chars[(unsigned char)(*s1)]; s1++) ; if (s1 != s) strout.replace(+strout, 0, s, 0, s1 - s, s1 - s); s = s1; if (*s == 0) break; strout.replace(+strout, 0, "&#", 0, 2, 2); char *p = &num[13]; for (int code = csYandex.unicode[(unsigned char)(*s++)]; code > 0; code /= 10) *(--p) = '0' + (code % 10); strout.append(p); } return strout; }
TCommandParse::TKeyData::TKeyData( const char *mode, const char *help, const char *params, MAINFUNC *func, int givenDefaultsMode) : Mode(mode), Help(help), GivenDefaultsMode(givenDefaultsMode), Func(func) { vector<Stroka> vec = Str::SplitLine(params, 0, '\n'); Par2Descr.clear(); Params2Defaults.clear(); ParamsSettings = ""; ParamsNames = ""; for(size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { vector<Stroka> par = Str::SplitLine(vec[i], 0); if(!par.size()) continue; Par2Descr[par[0]] = Str::JoinLine(par, ' ', 2); Stroka defaultValue = par.size() > 1 ? par[1] : " "; Params2Defaults[par[0]] = defaultValue; Stroka prefix = (ParamsSettings.size() != 0) ? " " : ""; ParamsSettings += prefix + par[0] + Stroka(" ") + defaultValue; ParamsNames += prefix + par[0]; } };
static inline T ParseFlt(const char* data, size_t len) { /* * TODO */ if (len > 256) { len = 256; } char* c = (char*)alloca(len + 1); memcpy(c, data, len); c[len] = 0; T ret; char ec; // try to read a value and an extra character in order to catch cases when // the string start with a valid float but is followed by unexpected characters if (sscanf(c, TFltModifiers<T>::ModifierReadAndChar, &ret, &ec) == 1) { return ret; } ythrow TFromStringException() << "cannot parse float(" << Stroka(data, len) << ")"; }
Stroka CCommonParm::GetOutputFormat() const { if (NULL != Config.Get() && Config->output().has_format()) switch (Config->output().GetFormat()) { case TTextMinerConfig::TOutputParams::text: return Stroka("text"); case TTextMinerConfig::TOutputParams::xml: return Stroka("xml"); case TTextMinerConfig::TOutputParams::proto: return Stroka("proto"); case TTextMinerConfig::TOutputParams::json: return Stroka("json"); case TTextMinerConfig::TOutputParams::mapreduce: return Stroka("mapreduce"); default: ythrow yexception() << "This type of input isn't supported"; } return Stroka("xml"); }