Пример #1
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_almalence_plugins_processing_night_AlmaShotNight_Process
	JNIEnv* env,
	jobject thiz,
	jint sx,
	jint sy,
	jint sxo,
	jint syo,
	jint iso,
	jint noisePref,
	jint DeGhostPref,
	jint lumaEnh,
	jint chromaEnh,
	jint nImages,
	jintArray jcrop,
	jint orientation,
	jboolean mirror,
	jfloat zoom,
	jint cameraIndex,
	jboolean isHALv3
	Uint8 *OutPic, *OutNV21;
	int *crop;
	int nTable[3] = {256/2, 256, 3*256/2};
	int deghostTable[3] = {3*256/4, 256, 3*256/2};

	crop = (int*)env->GetIntArrayElements(jcrop, NULL);

	if (isHALv3)
		//__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "Almalence", "sx:%d sy:%d sxo:%d syo:%d", sx, sy, sxo, syo);

		// find zoomed region in the frame
		int sx_zoom = (int)(sx/zoom) + 2*SIZE_GUARANTEE_BORDER;
		int sy_zoom = (int)(sy/zoom) + 2*SIZE_GUARANTEE_BORDER;
		sx_zoom -= sx_zoom&3;
		sy_zoom -= sy_zoom&3;
		if (sx_zoom > sx) sx_zoom = sx;
		if (sy_zoom > sy) sy_zoom = sy;

		// in-place crop of input frames according to the zoom value
		if ((sx_zoom < sx) || (sy_zoom < sy))
			int x0 = (sx-sx_zoom)/2;
			int y0 = (sy-sy_zoom)/2;
			x0 -= x0&1;
			y0 -= y0&1;

			for (int i=0; i<nImages; ++i)
				// Y part
				for (int y=0; y<sy_zoom; ++y)
					memmove(&yuv[i][y*sx_zoom], &yuv[i][x0+(y+y0)*sx], sx_zoom);

				// UV part
				for (int y=0; y<sy_zoom/2; ++y)
					memmove(&yuv[i][sx_zoom*sy_zoom+y*sx_zoom], &yuv[i][sx*sy+x0+(y+y0/2)*sx], sx_zoom);

		int gamma = (int)(0.5f/*fgamma*/ * 256 + 0.5f);

		// threshold at which profiles are switched (about 1.5x zoom)
		int zoomAbove15x = sxo >= 3*(sx_zoom-2*SIZE_GUARANTEE_BORDER)/2;
		int zoomAbove30x = sxo >= 3*sx_zoom;

		int sensorGain, filter, sharpen;

		if (cameraIndex == 100)		// Nexus 5
			sensorGain = (int)( 256*powf((float)iso/100, 0.5f) );

			// slightly more sharpening and less filtering at low zooms
			sharpen = 2;
			filter = 384; // 320; // 256;
			if (zoomAbove30x) sharpen = 0x80;	// fine edge enhancement instead of primitive sharpen
			else if (zoomAbove15x) sharpen = 1;
			else filter = 192;
		else						// 103 = Nexus 6
				sensorGain = (int)( 170*256/100*powf((float)iso/100, 0.5f) );

				sharpen = 1;
				filter = 256;
				if (zoomAbove30x) sharpen = 0x80;	// fine edge enhancement instead of primitive sharpen
				if (!zoomAbove15x) filter = 320;	// slightly more filtering at low zooms (noise interpolation artefacts are evident otherwise)

				yuv, &OutPic,
				sx_zoom, sy_zoom, sxo, syo, nImages,
				1,							// deghostFrames
				0);							// externalBuffers

		//__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "Almalence", "Super_Process finished, iso: %d, noise: %d %d", iso, noisePref, nTable[noisePref]);

		BlurLess_Preview(&instance, yuv, NULL, NULL, NULL,
			0, // 256*3,
			deghostTable[DeGhostPref], 1,
			2, nImages, sx, sy, 0, nTable[noisePref], 1, 0, lumaEnh, chromaEnh, 0);

		BlurLess_Process(instance, &OutPic, &crop[0], &crop[1], &crop[2], &crop[3]);

	//__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "Almalence", "Before rotation");

	int flipLeftRight, flipUpDown;
	int rotate90 = orientation == 90 || orientation == 270;
	if (mirror)
		flipUpDown = flipLeftRight = orientation == 180 || orientation == 90;
		flipUpDown = flipLeftRight = orientation == 180 || orientation == 270;

	// 90/270-degree rotations are out-ot-place
	OutNV21 = OutPic;
	if (rotate90)
		OutNV21 = (Uint8 *)malloc(sx*sy+2*((sx+1)/2)*((sy+1)/2));

	TransformNV21(OutPic, OutNV21, sx, sy, crop, flipLeftRight, flipUpDown, rotate90);

	//__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "Almalence", "After rotation");

	if (rotate90)
		OutPic = OutNV21;

	env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(jcrop, (jint*)crop, JNI_ABORT);

	return (jint)OutPic;
Пример #2
extern "C" JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_zihuatanejo_finalcamera_plugins_processing_night_AlmaShotNight_Process
	JNIEnv* env,
	jobject thiz,
	jint sx,
	jint sy,
	jint sxo,
	jint syo,
	jint iso,
	jint noisePref,
	jint DeGhostPref,
	jint lumaEnh,
	jint chromaEnh,
	jfloat fgamma,
	jint nImages,
	jintArray jcrop,
	jint orientation,
	jboolean mirror,
	jfloat zoom,
	jint cameraIndex,
	jboolean isCamera2
	Uint8 *OutPic, *OutNV21;
	int *crop;
	int nTable[3] = {256/2, 256, 3*256/2};
	int deghostTable[3] = {3*256/4, 256, 3*256/2};

	crop = (int*)env->GetIntArrayElements(jcrop, NULL);

	if (isCamera2)
		//__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "Almalence", "sx:%d sy:%d sxo:%d syo:%d", sx, sy, sxo, syo);

		// find zoomed region in the frame
		int sx_zoom = (int)(sx/zoom) + 2*SIZE_GUARANTEE_BORDER;
		int sy_zoom = (int)(sy/zoom) + 2*SIZE_GUARANTEE_BORDER;
		sx_zoom -= sx_zoom&3;
		sy_zoom -= sy_zoom&3;
		if (sx_zoom > sx) sx_zoom = sx;
		if (sy_zoom > sy) sy_zoom = sy;

		// in-place crop of input frames according to the zoom value
		if ((sx_zoom < sx) || (sy_zoom < sy))
			int x0 = (sx-sx_zoom)/2;
			int y0 = (sy-sy_zoom)/2;
			x0 -= x0&1;
			y0 -= y0&1;

			for (int i=0; i<nImages; ++i)
				// Y part
				for (int y=0; y<sy_zoom; ++y)
					memmove(&yuv[i][y*sx_zoom], &yuv[i][x0+(y+y0)*sx], sx_zoom);

				// UV part
				for (int y=0; y<sy_zoom/2; ++y)
					memmove(&yuv[i][sx_zoom*sy_zoom+y*sx_zoom], &yuv[i][sx*sy+x0+(y+y0/2)*sx], sx_zoom);

		if (fgamma && (iso>0))
			// iso 100 = +0.1
			// iso 800 = -0.05
			fgamma += 0.1f - ( logf(iso) * 3.321928095f-6.644f)*0.15f/3.f;
			if (fgamma < 0.45f) fgamma = 0.45f;
			if (fgamma > 0.6f) fgamma = 0.6f;

		// for SR-only fgamma = 0, gamma will evaluate to 0 also
		int gamma = (int)(fgamma * 256 + 0.5f);

		// threshold at which profiles are switched (about 1.5x zoom)
		int zoomAbove15x = sxo >= 3*(sx_zoom-2*SIZE_GUARANTEE_BORDER)/2;
		int zoomAbove30x = sxo >= 3*sx_zoom;

		int sensorGain, deGhostGain, filter, sharpen;

		switch (cameraIndex)
		case 100:		// Nexus 5
			deGhostGain = 256*80/100;
			sensorGain = (int)( 256*powf((float)iso/100, 0.5f) );

			// slightly more sharpening and less filtering at low zooms
			sharpen = 2;
			filter = 384; // 320; // 256;
			if (zoomAbove30x) sharpen = 0x80;	// fine edge enhancement instead of primitive sharpen at high zoom levels
			else if (zoomAbove15x) sharpen = 1;
			else filter = 192;
		case 103:		// Nexus 6
			deGhostGain = 256*50/100;
			sensorGain = (int)( 107*256/100*powf((float)iso/100, 0.7f) );

			sharpen = 1;
			if (!zoomAbove15x) sharpen = 0x80;	// slightly more filtering at low zooms (noise interpolation artefacts are evident otherwise)
				filter = 256;
		case 105:	// Nexus 5X
		case 106:	// Nexus 6P
			deGhostGain = (256 * (60 - 0.015f * iso) / 100);
			if (deGhostGain < 56) deGhostGain = 56;
			sensorGain = (int)(1.7f * 256 * powf(((float)iso) / 100, 0.45f));

			sharpen = 2;
			if (zoomAbove30x) sharpen = 0x80;// fine edge enhancement instead of primitive sharpen at high zoom levels
			if (zoomAbove15x) filter = 256;
				else filter = 192;
		case 507:		// LG G Flex2
			deGhostGain = 256*60/100;
			sensorGain = (int)( 2*256*powf((float)iso/100, 0.45f) );

			sharpen = 1;
			if (zoomAbove30x) sharpen = 0x80;// fine edge enhancement instead of primitive sharpen at high zoom levels
				filter = 300;
			if (!zoomAbove15x) filter = 192;// slightly less filtering at low zooms (somehow sr processing is creating less sharp images here)
		case 2000:// OnePlus 2
			deGhostGain = (256 * (50 - 0.01f * iso) / 100);
			if (deGhostGain < 54) deGhostGain = 54;
			sensorGain = (int)(1.4f * 256 * powf(((float)iso) / 100, 0.45f));

			sharpen = 1;
			if (zoomAbove30x) sharpen = 0x80;// fine edge enhancement instead of primitive sharpen at high zoom levels

			filter = 256;
			if (zoomAbove15x) filter = 160;

			__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "CameraTest", "Error: Unknown camera");
		if (zoomAbove30x) sharpen = 0x80;	// fine edge enhancement instead of primitive sharpen at high zoom levels

		//__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "Almalence", "Before Super_Process, sensorGain: %d, deghostGain: %d, filter: %d, sharpen: %d, nImages: %d cameraIndex: %d",
		//		sensorGain, deGhostGain, filter, sharpen, nImages, cameraIndex);

		int err = Super_Process(
				yuv, NULL, &OutPic,
				sx_zoom, sy_zoom, sx_zoom, sxo, syo, nImages,
				1,							// deghostFrames
				0);							// externalBuffers

		//__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "Almalence", "Super_Process finished, iso: %d, noise: %d %d", iso, noisePref, nTable[noisePref]);
		__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "Almalence", "super processing finished, result code: %d", err);

		BlurLess_Preview(&instance, yuv, NULL, NULL, NULL,
			0, // 256*3,
			deghostTable[DeGhostPref], 1,
			2, nImages, sx, sy, 0, nTable[noisePref], 1, 0, lumaEnh, chromaEnh, 0);

		BlurLess_Process(instance, &OutPic, &crop[0], &crop[1], &crop[2], &crop[3]);

	int flipLeftRight, flipUpDown;
	int rotate90 = orientation == 90 || orientation == 270;
	if (mirror)
		flipUpDown = flipLeftRight = orientation == 180 || orientation == 90;
		flipUpDown = flipLeftRight = orientation == 180 || orientation == 270;

	// 90/270-degree rotations are out-ot-place
	OutNV21 = OutPic;
	if (rotate90)
		OutNV21 = (Uint8 *)malloc(sxo*syo+2*((sxo+1)/2)*((syo+1)/2));

	TransformNV21(OutPic, OutNV21, sxo, syo, crop, flipLeftRight, flipUpDown, rotate90);

	if (rotate90)
		OutPic = OutNV21;

	env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(jcrop, (jint*)crop, JNI_ABORT);

	return (jint)OutPic;