Пример #1
PyObject* GeneralSwarm_AddParticlesFromCoordArray( void* swarm, Index count, Index dim, double* array )
    GeneralSwarm* self  = (GeneralSwarm*)swarm;
    unsigned* cellArray = Memory_Alloc_Array( unsigned, count, "GeneralSwarm_AddParticlesFromCoordArray_CellArray" );
    GlobalParticle localParticle;
    GlobalParticle* particle = &localParticle;
    int cellLocalCount  = self->cellLocalCount;
    int oldParticleCount = self->particleLocalCount;
    int ii;
    int totsLocalParticles=0;
    // find which particles are local. we do this to avoid swarm reallocs.
    for (ii=0; ii<count; ii++) {
        memcpy(&(particle->coord), array + dim*ii, dim*sizeof(double));
        cellArray[ii] = CellLayout_CellOf( self->cellLayout, particle );
        if( cellArray[ii] < cellLocalCount )

    // alloc particle local index array (to be returned)
    int* partLocalIndex = Memory_Alloc_Array( int, count, "GeneralSwarm_AddParticlesFromCoordArray_CellArray" );
    // ok, lets add them to the swarm, now that we know how many are required
    self->particleLocalCount += totsLocalParticles;
    Swarm_Realloc( self );
    int newPartIndex = oldParticleCount;
    for (ii=0; ii<count; ii++) {
        if( cellArray[ii] < cellLocalCount ){
            particle = (GlobalParticle*)Swarm_ParticleAt( self, newPartIndex );
            memcpy(&(particle->coord), array + dim*ii, dim*sizeof(double));
            Swarm_AddParticleToCell( swarm, cellArray[ii], newPartIndex );
            partLocalIndex[ii] = newPartIndex;
        } else {
            partLocalIndex[ii] = -1;
    /* create numpy array to return */
    npy_intp dims[1] = { count };
    PyObject* pyobj = PyArray_New(&PyArray_Type, 1, dims, NPY_INT, NULL, (void*)partLocalIndex, sizeof(int), 0, NULL);
    /* enable the owndata flag.. this tells numpy to dealloc the data when it is finished with it */
#if NPY_API_VERSION < 0x00000007
    (((PyArrayObject*)pyobj)->flags) = NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA;
    PyArray_ENABLEFLAGS((PyArrayObject*)pyobj, NPY_ARRAY_OWNDATA);
    return pyobj;
Пример #2
int GeneralSwarm_AddParticle( void* swarm, Index dim, double xI, double xJ, double xK )
    GeneralSwarm* self  = (GeneralSwarm*)swarm;
    GlobalParticle localParticle;
    GlobalParticle* particle = &localParticle;
    unsigned cell;
    int newPartIndex; 

   /* If the location is not local, return immediately with index value -1 */
   particle->coord[ I_AXIS ] = xI;
   particle->coord[ J_AXIS ] = xJ;
   if(dim == 3)
      particle->coord[ K_AXIS ] = xK;

   cell = CellLayout_CellOf( self->cellLayout, particle );
   if( cell >= self->cellLocalCount )
      return (-1);

   /* Otherwise we allocate the particle to the Swarm and return the new index */

   newPartIndex = self->particleLocalCount;

   self->particleLocalCount ++;
   Swarm_Realloc( self );

   particle = (GlobalParticle*)Swarm_ParticleAt( self, newPartIndex );

   particle->coord[ I_AXIS ] = xI;
   particle->coord[ J_AXIS ] = xJ;
      particle->coord[ K_AXIS ] = xK;

   Swarm_AddParticleToCell( self, cell, newPartIndex );

/* TODO: look at using MPI_Indexed instead */
void ParticleMovementHandler_FinishReceiveAndUpdateShadowParticlesEnteringMyDomain( ParticleCommHandler* self ) {
	MPI_Status	status;
	Cell_ShadowTransferIndex	stCell_I;
	Cell_LocalIndex			lCell_I;
	Neighbour_Index			nbr_I;
	Cell_ShadowTransferIndex	shadowCellsFromProcCount;
	ShadowInfo*			cellShadowInfo = CellLayout_GetShadowInfo( self->swarm->cellLayout );
	ProcNbrInfo*			procNbrInfo = cellShadowInfo->procNbrInfo;
	Neighbour_Index			nbrCount = procNbrInfo->procNbrCnt;
	Particle_InCellIndex		incomingCellParticleCount;
	Particle_InCellIndex		cParticle_I;
	Particle_Index			lParticle_I;
	Index				incomingParticle_I=0; /*Index into the array of all leaving particle indices */
	Index				incomingParticleSetsNotYetReceivedCount;
	Bool*				incomingParticlesReceived;
	#if DEBUG
	GlobalParticle*                 currParticle;

	Journal_DPrintf( self->debug, "In %s():\n", __func__ );
	Stream_IndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );
	incomingParticlesReceived = Memory_Alloc_Array_Unnamed( Bool, nbrCount );

	/* Calculate how many particle sets we have to receive */
	incomingParticleSetsNotYetReceivedCount = 0;
	for ( nbr_I=0; nbr_I < nbrCount; nbr_I++ ) {
		incomingParticlesReceived[nbr_I] = False;
		if (self->particlesArrivingFromNbrShadowCellsTotalCounts[nbr_I] > 0) {

	while ( incomingParticleSetsNotYetReceivedCount > 0 ) {
		int flag = 0;
		Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "%d particle sets still to go...\n", incomingParticleSetsNotYetReceivedCount );
		for ( nbr_I=0; nbr_I < nbrCount; nbr_I++ ) {
			if ( (self->particlesArrivingFromNbrShadowCellsTotalCounts[nbr_I] > 0) &&
				(False == incomingParticlesReceived[nbr_I]) )
				MPI_Test( self->particlesArrivingFromNbrShadowCellsHandles[nbr_I], &flag, &status );
				if ( False == flag ) {
					/* No results yet from this proc -> continue to next. */
				else {
					Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "Received particles from nbr %d (proc %d):\n",
						nbr_I, procNbrInfo->procNbrTbl[nbr_I] );
					Stream_Indent( self->debug );

					incomingParticle_I = 0;
					shadowCellsFromProcCount = cellShadowInfo->procShadowedCnt[nbr_I];

					for ( stCell_I=0; stCell_I < shadowCellsFromProcCount; stCell_I++ ) {

						lCell_I = cellShadowInfo->procShadowedTbl[nbr_I][stCell_I];
						Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "Incoming cell %d (local index %d):\n",
							stCell_I, lCell_I );
						Stream_Indent( self->debug );

						incomingCellParticleCount =

						for ( cParticle_I=0; cParticle_I < incomingCellParticleCount; cParticle_I++ ) {	

							#if DEBUG
							currParticle = (GlobalParticle*)ParticleAt(
								self->swarm->particleExtensionMgr->finalSize );
							Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "Handling its PIC %d: - at "
								"(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)\n", cParticle_I,
								currParticle->coord[0], currParticle->coord[1],
								currParticle->coord[2] );

							Stream_Indent( self->debug );

							lParticle_I = ParticleMovementHandler_FindFreeSlotAndPrepareForInsertion( self );

								self->particlesArrivingFromNbrShadowCells[nbr_I], incomingParticle_I++ ); 

							Swarm_AddParticleToCell( self->swarm, lCell_I, lParticle_I );
							Stream_UnIndent( self->debug );
						Stream_UnIndent( self->debug );
					incomingParticlesReceived[nbr_I] = True;
					Stream_UnIndent( self->debug );

	Memory_Free( incomingParticlesReceived );

	Stream_UnIndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );
void ParticleMovementHandler_ShareAndUpdateParticlesThatHaveMovedOutsideDomains(
		ParticleMovementHandler* self,
		Particle_Index*      globalParticlesArrivingMyDomainCountPtr,
		Particle_Index*      globalParticlesOutsideDomainTotalPtr )
	Particle_Index*		globalParticlesOutsideDomainCounts = NULL;		
	Particle_Index		maxGlobalParticlesOutsideDomainCount = 0;		
	Processor_Index		proc_I = 0;
	Particle_Index		lParticle_I = 0;
	Particle_Index		particle_I = 0;

	Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 2, "In %s():\n", __func__ );
	Stream_IndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );

	(*globalParticlesArrivingMyDomainCountPtr) = 0;
	(*globalParticlesOutsideDomainTotalPtr) = 0;		

	/* Find the counts of particles	outside domain... */
		globalParticlesOutsideDomainTotalPtr );

	if ( (*globalParticlesOutsideDomainTotalPtr) > 0 ) {
		Particle*		particlesLeavingMyDomain = NULL;
		Particle*		globalParticlesLeavingDomains = NULL;
		SizeT			particlesLeavingDomainSizeBytes = 0;
		Cell_DomainIndex	lCell_I = 0;
		GlobalParticle*	        currParticle = NULL;
		Particle_Index		currProcParticlesOutsideDomainCount = 0;
		Particle_Index		currProcOffset = 0;

		particlesLeavingDomainSizeBytes = self->swarm->particleExtensionMgr->finalSize
			* maxGlobalParticlesOutsideDomainCount;
		particlesLeavingMyDomain = Memory_Alloc_Bytes( particlesLeavingDomainSizeBytes, "Particle",
			"particlesLeavingMyDomain" );

		// TODO: investigate doing this with an MPI_Indexed datatype instead...
		Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 2, "Copying particles leaving my domain to temp. transfer array\n" );
		Stream_IndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );

		#if 0
			self->particlesOutsideDomainIndices,//change to contiguous indices?

		for ( particle_I=0; particle_I < self->particlesOutsideDomainTotalCount; particle_I++ ) {
			Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "Copying particle %d to particlesLeavingMyDomain[%d]\n",
				self->particlesOutsideDomainIndices[particle_I], particle_I );
			Swarm_CopyParticleOffSwarm( self->swarm,
				particlesLeavingMyDomain, particle_I,
				self->particlesOutsideDomainIndices[particle_I] );
		Stream_UnIndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );

		/* allocate the big global receive buffer */
		globalParticlesLeavingDomains = Memory_Alloc_Bytes( particlesLeavingDomainSizeBytes * self->swarm->nProc,
			"Particle", "globalParticlesLeavingDomains" );

		Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 2, "Getting the global array of particles leaving domains\n" );
		(void)MPI_Allgather( particlesLeavingMyDomain, particlesLeavingDomainSizeBytes, MPI_BYTE,
			globalParticlesLeavingDomains, particlesLeavingDomainSizeBytes, MPI_BYTE,
			self->swarm->comm );

		Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 2, "Checking through the global array of particles leaving domains, "
			"and snaffling those moving into my domain:\n" );
		Stream_IndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );
		for ( proc_I=0; proc_I < self->swarm->nProc; proc_I++ ) {

			if ( proc_I == self->swarm->myRank ) continue;

			currProcOffset = proc_I * maxGlobalParticlesOutsideDomainCount;
			currProcParticlesOutsideDomainCount = globalParticlesOutsideDomainCounts[proc_I];
			Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "Checking particles that left proc. %d:\n", proc_I );
			for ( particle_I=0; particle_I < currProcParticlesOutsideDomainCount; particle_I++ ) {
				currParticle = (GlobalParticle*)ParticleAt( globalParticlesLeavingDomains,
					(currProcOffset + particle_I),
					self->swarm->particleExtensionMgr->finalSize );
				lCell_I = CellLayout_CellOf( self->swarm->cellLayout, currParticle );
				if ( lCell_I < self->swarm->cellLocalCount ) { 
					#if DEBUG
					Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "Found particle at (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) that's moved "
						"into my local cell %d...\n", currParticle->coord[0],
						currParticle->coord[1], currParticle->coord[2], lCell_I );
					/* copy particle to the lowest available slot in my particles array */
					lParticle_I = ParticleMovementHandler_FindFreeSlotAndPrepareForInsertion( (ParticleCommHandler*)self );

					Swarm_CopyParticleOntoSwarm( self->swarm, lParticle_I,
						globalParticlesLeavingDomains, (currProcOffset + particle_I) );
					Swarm_AddParticleToCell( self->swarm, lCell_I, lParticle_I );
				#if DEBUG
				else {
					currParticle = (GlobalParticle*)ParticleAt( globalParticlesLeavingDomains, 
						(currProcOffset + particle_I),
						self->swarm->particleExtensionMgr->finalSize );
					Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "Ignoring particle at (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) since "
						"not in my local cells...\n", currParticle->coord[0],
						currParticle->coord[1], currParticle->coord[2] );
		Stream_UnIndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );

		Memory_Free( particlesLeavingMyDomain );
		Memory_Free( globalParticlesLeavingDomains );

		/* Defensive check to make sure particles not lost/created accidentally somehow */
		if( self->defensive == True ) {
			ParticleMovementHandler_EnsureParticleCountLeavingDomainsEqualsCountEnteringGlobally( self );
	Memory_Free( globalParticlesOutsideDomainCounts );
	Stream_UnIndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );
Пример #5
void _GlobalParticleLayout_InitialiseParticles( void* particleLayout, void* _swarm )
	GlobalParticleLayout*	self = (GlobalParticleLayout*)particleLayout;
	Swarm*			swarm = (Swarm*)_swarm;
	GlobalParticle*         particle = NULL;
	Particle_Index		lParticle_I=0;
	Particle_Index		newParticle_I=0;
	Cell_Index		cell_I;
	Particle_Index          globalParticlesInitialisedCount=0;
	Stream*                 errorStream = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type );

	Journal_DPrintf( self->debug, "In %s(): for ParticleLayout \"%s\" (of type %s):\n",
		__func__, self->name, self->type );
	Stream_IndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );

	Journal_DPrintf( self->debug, "For each of the %u total global requested particles, "
		"generating a particle, and checking if it's in this processor's domain. If so, "
		"adding it to the appropriate local cell.\n", self->totalInitialParticles );
	Stream_IndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );

	while( newParticle_I < self->totalInitialParticles ) {
		particle = (GlobalParticle*)Swarm_ParticleAt( swarm, lParticle_I );
		GlobalParticleLayout_InitialiseParticle( self, swarm, newParticle_I, particle );
		/* Work out which cell the new particle is in */
		/* First specify the particle doesn't have an owning cell yet, so as
		not to confuse the search algorithm if its an irregular cell/mesh layout */
		particle->owningCell = swarm->cellDomainCount;

		cell_I = CellLayout_CellOf( swarm->cellLayout, particle );

		/* If we found a further particle inside our domain, add it to a cell */
		if ( cell_I < swarm->cellLocalCount ) {
			Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 3, "global particle %u at (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) inside local cell %u\n"
				"adding it to cell and saving it as local particle %u.\n",
				newParticle_I, particle->coord[0], particle->coord[1], particle->coord[2],
				cell_I, lParticle_I );
			Stream_IndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );
			/* Add it to that cell */
			Swarm_AddParticleToCell( swarm, cell_I, lParticle_I );
			Swarm_Realloc( swarm );
			Stream_UnIndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );
		else {
			Journal_DPrintfL( self->debug, 4, "global particle %u at (%.2f,%.2f,%.2f) outside this proc's domain:\n"
				"ignoring.\n", newParticle_I, particle->coord[0], particle->coord[1], particle->coord[2] );

	Stream_UnIndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );

	/* Do a test to make sure that the total particles assigned across all processors ==
		totalInitialParticles count */
	MPI_Allreduce( &swarm->particleLocalCount, &globalParticlesInitialisedCount, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, MPI_SUM, swarm->comm );
	Journal_Firewall( globalParticlesInitialisedCount == self->totalInitialParticles, errorStream,
		"Error - in %s() - for GlobalParticleLayout \"%s\", of type %s: after initialising particles, "
		"actual global count of particles initialised was %u, whereas requested global total "
		"totalInitialParticles was %u. If actual is < requested, it means some particles were not "
		"identified by any processor as inside their domain. If actual > requested, it means that "
		"some particles were identified by _multiple_ processors as belonging to their domain. Both "
		"these states are erroneous.\n",
		__func__, self->name, self->type, globalParticlesInitialisedCount, self->totalInitialParticles );

	Stream_UnIndentBranch( Swarm_Debug );
Пример #6
void _GeneralSwarm_Initialise( void* swarm, void* data )
   GeneralSwarm*	self 	= (GeneralSwarm*) swarm;
   AbstractContext* 	context = (AbstractContext*)self->context;
   Index            	var_I	= 0;

   _Swarm_Initialise( self, data );

   if( self->escapedRoutine != NULL) Stg_Component_Initialise( self->escapedRoutine, data , False );

   for( var_I = 0 ; var_I < self->nSwarmVars ; var_I++ )
      Stg_Component_Initialise( self->swarmVars[var_I], data , False );

   /** if loading from checkpoint, particle materials etc have already been loaded in Swarm_Build() - */
   /** possibly need to check for empty cells (and populate) if performing a interpolation restart */
   if ( context && True == context->loadFromCheckPoint )
      if ( (True == self->isSwarmTypeToCheckPointAndReload) && (True == context->interpolateRestart) )
         Particle_InCellIndex cParticle_I         = 0;
         Particle_InCellIndex particle_I          = 0;
         GlobalParticle*      particle            = NULL;
         double               minDistance         = HUGE_VAL;
         double               distanceToParticle;
         Dimension_Index      dim = self->dim;
         Cell_DomainIndex     dCell_I;
         Cell_LocalIndex      lCell_I;
         Cell_DomainIndex     belongsToCell_I = 0;
         GlobalParticle*       matNewParticle;
         GlobalParticle*       matParticleToSplit;
         Particle_Index       matNewParticle_IndexOnCPU;
         Coord                xi;
         Coord                coord;
         unsigned             nEmptyCells = 0;
         Index*				   cellID = NULL;
         Index*				   particleCPUID = NULL;
         unsigned             count;
         unsigned             ii;

         /** first determine how many local cells are empty */
         for( lCell_I = 0 ; lCell_I < self->cellLocalCount ; lCell_I++ )
            if (self->cellParticleCountTbl[lCell_I] == 0) nEmptyCells++;

         /** create arrays which will be later used to populate cells */
         cellID        = Memory_Alloc_Array( Index, nEmptyCells, "Cell ID for cell to be populated" );
         particleCPUID = Memory_Alloc_Array( Index, nEmptyCells, "particle ID for particle to populate cell" );

         count = 0;
         for( lCell_I = 0 ; lCell_I < self->cellLocalCount ; lCell_I++ )
            minDistance = HUGE_VAL;
            if (self->cellParticleCountTbl[lCell_I] == 0)
               /** select the centre of the current cell */
               xi[0] = 0;
               xi[1] = 0;
               xi[2] = 0;

                                Stg_Class_IsInstance( self->cellLayout, ElementCellLayout_Type ),
                                "Error In func %s: When performing interpolation restart, cellLayout must be of type ElementCellLayout.",
                                __func__ );

               /** get global coord */
               FeMesh_CoordLocalToGlobal( ((ElementCellLayout*)self->cellLayout)->mesh, lCell_I, xi, coord );

               for( dCell_I = 0 ; dCell_I < self->cellDomainCount ; dCell_I++ )
                  /** Loop over particles find closest to cell centre */
                  for( cParticle_I = 0 ; cParticle_I < self->cellParticleCountTbl[dCell_I] ; cParticle_I++ )
                     particle = (GlobalParticle*)Swarm_ParticleInCellAt( self, dCell_I, cParticle_I );

                     /** Calculate distance to particle */
                     distanceToParticle =
                        (particle->coord[ I_AXIS ] - coord[ I_AXIS ]) *
                        (particle->coord[ I_AXIS ] - coord[ I_AXIS ]) +
                        (particle->coord[ J_AXIS ] - coord[ J_AXIS ]) *
                        (particle->coord[ J_AXIS ] - coord[ J_AXIS ]) ;

                     if (dim == 3)
                        distanceToParticle +=
                           (particle->coord[ K_AXIS ] - coord[ K_AXIS ]) *
                           (particle->coord[ K_AXIS ] - coord[ K_AXIS ]) ;
                     /** Don't do square root here because it is unnessesary: i.e. a < b <=> sqrt(a) < sqrt(b) */
                     /** Check if this is the closest particle */
                     if (minDistance > distanceToParticle)
                        particle_I       = cParticle_I;
                        minDistance      = distanceToParticle;
                        belongsToCell_I  = dCell_I;

               /** create new particle which will be placed at centre of empty cell */
               matNewParticle      = (GlobalParticle*) Swarm_CreateNewParticle( self, &matNewParticle_IndexOnCPU );
               /** grab closest particle, which we will copy */
               matParticleToSplit  = (GlobalParticle*) Swarm_ParticleInCellAt( self, belongsToCell_I, particle_I );
               /** copy - even though self->particleExtensionMgr->finalSize maybe biger than sizeof(GlobalParticle)
                   the addressing of the copy is the important part
               memcpy( matNewParticle, matParticleToSplit, self->particleExtensionMgr->finalSize );
               /** set the owningCell to the cellDomainCount so that its owningCell will be reinitialised (not sure if necessary) */
               matNewParticle->owningCell = self->cellDomainCount;
               /** Copy new global position (cell centre) to coord on new mat particle */
               memcpy( matNewParticle->coord, coord, sizeof(Coord) );

               /** we now store the required information to populate empty cells */
               /** note that cells are not populated at this point, as this may interfere
                   with the 0th order interpolation we are performing */
               cellID[count]        = lCell_I;
               particleCPUID[count] = matNewParticle_IndexOnCPU;

         /** populate empty cells */
         for(ii = 0 ; ii < count ; ii++)
            Swarm_AddParticleToCell( self, cellID[ii], particleCPUID[ii] );
         Memory_Free( cellID );
         Memory_Free( particleCPUID );
      /* TODO: print info / debug message */
