Пример #1
int main() {
	int n = 2000;
	double T = 2000_ns;
	double delta_t = T/n;
	vector<double> f1_list = { -30_MHz,-25_MHz,-20_MHz,-14.5_MHz,-10_MHz,-5_MHz,0_MHz,5_MHz,10_MHz,14.5_MHz,20_MHz,25_MHz,30_MHz };
	for(auto k=f1_list.begin();k!=f1_list.end();k++) {
		/* Hamiltonian */
		double f1 = *k;
		Operator H = 2*pi*(fe*Sz(0)+f1*Sx(0));
		for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
			H += 2*pi*(fi*Sz(i+1)+Sz(0)*(Azx[i]*Sx(i+1)+Azy[i]*Sy(i+1)+Azz[i]*Sz(i+1)));
		auto U = H.U();
		/* initial state */
		double alpha_e = 7.6216e-4;
		double alpha_i = -1.1579e-6;
		//Operator rho0 = Op<2>(0,0.5*(1-alpha_e),0,0,0.5*(1+alpha_e));
		Operator rho0 = Op<2>(0,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5);
		for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)
			rho0 *= Op<2>(i,0.5*(1-alpha_i),0,0,0.5*(1+alpha_i));
		/* output stream */
		stringstream fnstream;
		fnstream << "malonic-DNP_" << f1/1_MHz << "MHz.txt";
		string fn = fnstream.str();
		ofstream out(fn);
		cout << fn << ":" << endl;
		/* calculate and output */
		for(int i=0;i<=n;i++) {
			double t = delta_t*i;
			cout << fn << ":\t" << t/T*100 << "%" << endl;
			out << t/1_ns << '\t';
			Operator rho = U(t)*rho0*U(-t);
			Operator rhoe = rho;
			for(int j=1;j<=N;j++)
				rhoe = rhoe.tr(j);
			out << real(tr(rhoe*Sx(0))) << '\t';
			out << real(tr(rhoe*Sy(0))) << '\t';
			out << real(tr(rhoe*Sz(0))) << '\t';
			for(int j=1;j<=N;j++) {
				Operator rhoj = rho;
				for(int k=0;k<=N;k++) {
					rhoj = rhoj.tr(k);
				out << real(tr(rhoj*Sz(j))) << '\t';
			out << endl;
Пример #2
int main() {
	int n = 2000;
	double T = 2000_ns;
	double delta_t = T/n;
	vector<double> f1_list = { 5_MHz,10_MHz,14.5_MHz,20_MHz,25_MHz };
	for(auto k=f1_list.begin();k!=f1_list.end();k++) {
		/* Hamiltonian */
		double f1 = *k;
		Operator HI;
		for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
			HI += 2*pi*(fi*Sz(i+1)+Sz(0)*(Azx[i]*Sx(i+1)+Azy[i]*Sy(i+1)+Azz[i]*Sz(i+1)));
		auto Ht = [&HI,f1](double t) { return 2*pi*(fe*Sz(0)+2*f1*cos(2*pi*fe*t)*Sx(0))+HI; };
		/* initial state */
		double alpha_e = 7.6216e-4;
		double alpha_i = -1.1579e-6;
		//Operator rho0 = Op<2>(0,0.5*(1-alpha_e),0,0,0.5*(1+alpha_e));
		Operator rho0 = Op<2>(0,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5);
		for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)
			rho0 *= Op<2>(i,0.5*(1-alpha_i),0,0,0.5*(1+alpha_i));
		/* output stream */
		stringstream fnstream;
		fnstream << "malonic-lab-coord-DNP_" << f1/1_MHz << "MHz.txt";
		string fn = fnstream.str();
		ofstream out(fn);
		cout << fn << ":" << endl;
		/* calculate and output */
		vector<double> time(n+1);
		for(int i=0;i<=n;i++) {
			time[i] = i*delta_t;
		vector<Operator> rhot = Operator::SolveLiouvilleEq(Ht,rho0,0.01_ns,time,[fn](double t){ cout << fn << ":" << t/1_ns << endl; });
		for(auto &rho: rhot) {
			Operator rhoe = rho;
			for(int j=1;j<=N;j++)
				rhoe = rhoe.tr(j);
			out << real(tr(rhoe*Sz(0))) << '\t';
			for(int j=1;j<=N;j++) {
				Operator rhoj = rho;
				for(int k=0;k<=N;k++) {
					rhoj = rhoj.tr(k);
				out << real(tr(rhoj*Sz(j))) << '\t';
			out << endl;
Пример #3
          "\tThe RenderMan (R) Interface Procedures and Protocol are:\n" \
                     "\t\tCopyright 1988, 1989, Pixar\n" \
                         "\t\t\tAll Rights Reserved\n\n" \
              "\tRenderman (R) is a registered trademark of Pixar\n";

RtBasis RiBezierBasis = { { -1.0,  3.0, -3.0,  1.0 },
                          {  3.0, -6.0,  3.0,  0.0 },
                          { -3.0,  3.0,  0.0,  0.0 },
                          {  1.0,  0.0,  0.0,  0.0 }

/* Define One Sixth of */
#define Sx(a) ((a)/6)
RtBasis RiBSplineBasis = { { Sx(-1.0), Sx( 3.0), Sx(-3.0), Sx( 1.0) },
                           { Sx( 3.0), Sx(-6.0), Sx( 3.0), Sx( 0.0) },
                           { Sx(-3.0), Sx( 0.0), Sx( 3.0), Sx( 0.0) },
                           { Sx( 1.0), Sx( 4.0), Sx( 1.0), Sx( 0.0) }

/* Define One Half of */
#define Hf(a) ((a)/2)
RtBasis RiCatmullRomBasis = { { Hf(-1.0), Hf( 3.0), Hf(-3.0), Hf( 1.0) },
                              { Hf( 2.0), Hf(-5.0), Hf( 4.0), Hf(-1.0) },
                              { Hf(-1.0), Hf( 0.0), Hf( 1.0), Hf( 0.0) },
                              { Hf( 0.0), Hf( 2.0), Hf( 0.0), Hf( 0.0) }

RtBasis RiHermiteBasis = { {  2.0,  1.0, -2.0,  1.0 },
                           { -3.0, -2.0,  3.0, -1.0 },
Пример #4
/* >>> start tutorial code >>> */
int main( ) {

    DifferentialState   xT;     // the trolley position
    DifferentialState   vT;     // the trolley velocity
    IntermediateState   aT;     // the trolley acceleration
    DifferentialState   xL;     // the cable length
    DifferentialState   vL;     // the cable velocity
    IntermediateState   aL;     // the cable acceleration
    DifferentialState   phi;    // the excitation angle
    DifferentialState   omega;  // the angular velocity

    DifferentialState   uT;     // trolley velocity control
    DifferentialState   uL;     // cable velocity control

    Control             duT;
    Control             duL;

    const double      tau1 = 0.012790605943772;
    const double      a1   = 0.047418203070092;
    const double      tau2 = 0.024695192379264;
    const double      a2   = 0.034087337273386;
    const double      g = 9.81;
    const double      c = 0.2;
    const double      m = 1318.0;

    DifferentialEquation   f, f2, test_expr;
    ExportAcadoFunction    fun, fun2;

    aT = -1.0 / tau1 * vT + a1 / tau1 * uT;
    aL = -1.0 / tau2 * vL + a2 / tau2 * uL;

    Expression states;
    states << xT;
    states << vT;
    states << xL;
    states << vL;
    states << phi;
    states << omega;
    states << uT;
    states << uL;

    Expression controls;
    controls << duT;
    controls << duL;

    Expression arg;
    arg << states;
    arg << controls;

    int NX = states.getDim();
    int NU = controls.getDim();

    IntermediateState expr(2);

    expr(0) = - 1.0/xL*(-g*sin(phi)-aT*cos(phi)-2*vL*omega-c*omega/(m*xL)) + log(duT/duL)*pow(xL,2);
    expr(1) = - 1.0/xL*(-g*tan(phi)-aT*acos(phi)-2*atan(vL)*omega-c*asin(omega)/exp(xL)) + duT/pow(omega,3);
    //~ expr(0) = - 1.0/xL*(-g*sin(phi));
    //~ expr(1) = duT/pow(omega,3);

    DifferentialState lambda("", expr.getDim(),1);
    DifferentialState Sx("", states.getDim(),states.getDim());
    DifferentialState Su("", states.getDim(),controls.getDim());
    Expression S = Sx;

    Expression S_tmp = S;

    IntermediateState dfS,dl;

    Expression f_tmp = symmetricDerivative( expr, arg, S_tmp, lambda, &dfS, &dl );
    f << returnLowerTriangular( f_tmp );

    fun.init(f, "symmetricDerivative", NX*(1+NX+NU)+expr.getDim(), 0, 2, 0, 0, 0);

    IntermediateState tmp = backwardDerivative( expr, states, lambda );
    IntermediateState tmp2 = forwardDerivative( tmp, states );
    Expression tmp3 = backwardDerivative( expr, controls, lambda );
    Expression tmp4 = multipleForwardDerivative( tmp3, states, Su );
    Expression tmp5 = tmp4 + tmp4.transpose() + forwardDerivative( tmp3, controls );

    Expression f2_tmp1;
    f2_tmp1 = symmetricDoubleProduct( tmp2, Sx );
    f2_tmp1.appendCols( zeros<double>(NX,NU) );

    Expression f2_tmp2;
    f2_tmp2 = Su.transpose()*tmp2*Sx + multipleForwardDerivative( tmp3, states, Sx );
    f2_tmp2.appendCols( symmetricDoubleProduct( tmp2, Su ) + tmp5 );

    f2_tmp1.appendRows( f2_tmp2 );
    f2 << returnLowerTriangular( f2_tmp1 );

    fun2.init(f2, "alternativeSymmetric", NX*(1+NX+NU)+expr.getDim(), 0, 2, 0, 0, 0);

    Function f1;

    f1 << dfS;
    f1 << dl;

    std::ofstream stream2( "ADtest/ADsymbolic_output2.c" );
    stream2 << f1;

    std::ofstream stream( "ADtest/ADsymbolic_output.c" );
    fun.exportCode( stream, "double" );
    fun2.exportCode( stream, "double" );

    test_expr << expr;
    stream << test_expr;


    return 0;