Пример #1
trigreal X(tan2pi)(int m, int n)
#if 0      /* unimplemented, unused */
     trigreal dm = m, dn = n;
     return TAN(by2pi(dm, dn));
     UNUSED(m); UNUSED(n);
     return 0.0;
Пример #2
static float	ray_caster_v(t_data *d, float ray_a)
	float	int_vy;
	float	int_vx;
	float	xa;
	float	ya;

	if (ray_a <= NORTH || ray_a > SOUTH)
		int_vx = (d->p.x / CUBE) * (CUBE) + CUBE;
		int_vx = (d->p.x / CUBE) * (CUBE) - 1;
	int_vy = d->p.y + (d->p.x - int_vx) * TAN(ray_a);
	xa = (ray_a <= NORTH || ray_a > SOUTH) ? CUBE : -CUBE;
	ya = -xa * TAN(ray_a);
	while ((int_vx >= 0 && int_vx < CUBE * MAP_H)
			&& (int_vy >= 0 && int_vy < CUBE * MAP_H))
		if (d->map[(int)(int_vy / CUBE)][(int)(int_vx / CUBE)] != 0)
			return (sqrt(pow(d->p.x - int_vx, 2) + pow(d->p.y - int_vy, 2)));
		int_vx += xa;
		int_vy += ya;
	return (MAX_DS);
Пример #3
static float	ray_caster_h(t_data *d, float ray_a)
	float	int_hy;
	float	int_hx;
	float	xa;
	float	ya;

	if (ray_a <= WEST)
		int_hy = (d->p.y / CUBE) * (CUBE) - 1;
		int_hy = (d->p.y / CUBE) * (CUBE) + CUBE;
	int_hx = d->p.x + (d->p.y - int_hy) / TAN(ray_a);
	ya = (ray_a <= WEST) ? -CUBE : CUBE;
	xa = -ya / TAN(ray_a);
	while ((int_hx >= 0 && int_hx < CUBE * MAP_H)
			&& (int_hy >= 0 && int_hy < CUBE * MAP_H))
		if (d->map[(int)(int_hy / CUBE)][(int)(int_hx / CUBE)] != 0)
			return (sqrt(pow(d->p.x - int_hx, 2) + pow(d->p.y - int_hy, 2)));
		int_hx += xa;
		int_hy += ya;
	return (MAX_DS);
Пример #4
Matrix3& Matrix3::PerspectiveRH( const Real fov, const Real aspect, const Real zn, const Real zf )
#ifdef __USE_D3DX__
	D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovRH( (D3DXMATRIX*)this, fov, aspect, zn, zf );
	Real h = 1.0f / TAN( fov * 0.5f );
	Real w = h / aspect;
	Real Q = zf / ( zn - zf );

	e[0] = w;
	e[5] = h;
	e[10] = Q;
	e[14] = Q * zn;
	e[11] = -1.0;
	return *this;
Пример #5
static void
sunpos(int inYY, int inMM, int inDD, double UTCOFFSET, int inHOUR, int inMIN,
    int inSEC, double eastlongitude, double latitude, double *L, double *DEC)
	int Y;
	double ZJ, D, T, M, epsilon, lambda, alpha, HA, UTHM;

	ZJ = ZJtable[inMM];
	if (inMM <= 2 && isleap(inYY))
		ZJ -= 1.0;

	Y = inYY - 1900;						/*  1 */
	D = floor(365.25 * Y) + ZJ + inDD + UTHM / FHOURSPERDAY;	/*  3 */
	T = D / 36525.0;						/*  4 */
	*L = 279.697 + 36000.769 * T;					/*  5 */
	M = 358.476 + 35999.050 * T;					/*  6 */
	epsilon = 23.452 - 0.013 * T;					/*  7 */

	lambda = *L + (1.919 - 0.005 * T) * SIN(M) + 0.020 * SIN(2 * M);/*  8 */
	alpha = ATAN(TAN(lambda) * COS(epsilon));			/*  9 */

	/* Alpha should be in the same quadrant as lamba */
		int lssign = sin(D2R(lambda)) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
		int lcsign = cos(D2R(lambda)) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
		while (((sin(D2R(alpha)) < 0) ? -1 : 1) != lssign
		    || ((cos(D2R(alpha)) < 0) ? -1 : 1) != lcsign)
			alpha += 90.0;

	*DEC = ASIN(SIN(lambda) * SIN(epsilon));			/* 10 */
	HA = *L - alpha + 180 + 15 * UTHM + eastlongitude;		/* 12 */
#ifdef NOTDEF
	printf("%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d l:%g d:%g h:%g\n",
	    inMM, inDD, inHOUR, inMIN, inSEC, latitude, *DEC, HA);

	 * The following calculations are not used, so to save time
	 * they are not calculated.
#ifdef NOTDEF
	*ALT = ASIN(SIN(latitude) * SIN(*DEC) +
	    COS(latitude) * COS(*DEC) * COS(HA));			/* 13 */
	    (COS(HA) * SIN(latitude) - TAN(*DEC) * COS(latitude)));	/* 14 */

	if (*ALT > 180)
		*ALT -= 360;
	if (*ALT < -180)
		*ALT += 360;
	printf("a:%g a:%g\n", *ALT, *AZ);

#ifdef NOTDEF
	printf("Y:\t\t\t     %d\t\t     %d\t\t      %d\n", Y, expY, Y - expY);
	comp("ZJ", ZJ, expZJ);
	comp("UTHM", UTHM, expUTHM);
	comp("D", D, expD);
	comp("T", T, expT);
	comp("L", L, fixup(&expL));
	comp("M", M, fixup(&expM));
	comp("epsilon", epsilon, fixup(&expepsilon));
	comp("lambda", lambda, fixup(&explambda));
	comp("alpha", alpha, fixup(&expalpha));
	comp("DEC", DEC, fixup(&expDEC));
	comp("eastlongitude", eastlongitude, fixup(&expeastlongitude));
	comp("latitude", latitude, fixup(&explatitude));
	comp("HA", HA, fixup(&expHA));
	comp("ALT", ALT, fixup(&expALT));
	comp("AZ", AZ, fixup(&expAZ));
Пример #6
/* TODO: a way to control the speed */
WaterScreen::preparePaint (int msSinceLastPaint)
    if (count)
	count -= 10;
	if (count < 0)
	    count = 0;

	if (wiperTimer.active ())
	    float  step, angle0, angle1;
	    bool   wipe = false;
	    XPoint p[3];

	    p[1].x = screen->width () / 2;
	    p[1].y = screen->height ();

	    step = wiperSpeed * msSinceLastPaint / 20.0f;

	    if (wiperSpeed > 0.0f)
		if (wiperAngle < 180.0f)
		    angle0 = wiperAngle;

		    wiperAngle += step;
		    wiperAngle = MIN (wiperAngle, 180.0f);

		    angle1 = wiperAngle;

		    wipe = true;
		if (wiperAngle > 0.0f)
		    angle1 = wiperAngle;

		    wiperAngle += step;
		    wiperAngle = MAX (wiperAngle, 0.0f);

		    angle0 = wiperAngle;

		    wipe = true;

#define TAN(a) (tanf ((a) * (M_PI / 180.0f)))

	    if (wipe)
		if (angle0 > 0.0f)
		    p[2].x = screen->width () / 2 -
			     screen->height () / TAN (angle0);
		    p[2].y = 0;
		    p[2].x = 0;
		    p[2].y = screen->height ();

		if (angle1 < 180.0f)
		    p[0].x = screen->width () / 2 -
			     screen->height () / TAN (angle1);
		    p[0].y = 0;
		    p[0].x = screen->width ();
		    p[0].y = screen->height ();

		waterVertices (GL_TRIANGLES, p, 3, 0.0f);

#undef TAN


	waterUpdate (0.8f);

    cScreen->preparePaint (msSinceLastPaint);
Пример #7
/* TODO: a way to control the speed */
static void waterPreparePaintScreen(CompScreen * s, int msSinceLastPaint)

	if (ws->count) {
		ws->count -= 10;
		if (ws->count < 0)
			ws->count = 0;

		if (ws->wiperHandle) {
			float step, angle0, angle1;
			Bool wipe = FALSE;
			XPoint p[3];

			p[1].x = s->width / 2;
			p[1].y = s->height;

			step = ws->wiperSpeed * msSinceLastPaint / 20.0f;

			if (ws->wiperSpeed > 0.0f) {
				if (ws->wiperAngle < 180.0f) {
					angle0 = ws->wiperAngle;

					ws->wiperAngle += step;
					ws->wiperAngle =
					    MIN(ws->wiperAngle, 180.0f);

					angle1 = ws->wiperAngle;

					wipe = TRUE;
			} else {
				if (ws->wiperAngle > 0.0f) {
					angle1 = ws->wiperAngle;

					ws->wiperAngle += step;
					ws->wiperAngle =
					    MAX(ws->wiperAngle, 0.0f);

					angle0 = ws->wiperAngle;

					wipe = TRUE;

#define TAN(a) (tanf ((a) * (M_PI / 180.0f)))

			if (wipe) {
				if (angle0 > 0.0f) {
					p[2].x =
					    s->width / 2 -
					    s->height / TAN(angle0);
					p[2].y = 0;
				} else {
					p[2].x = 0;
					p[2].y = s->height;

				if (angle1 < 180.0f) {
					p[0].x =
					    s->width / 2 -
					    s->height / TAN(angle1);
					p[0].y = 0;
				} else {
					p[0].x = s->width;
					p[0].y = s->height;

				/* software rasterizer doesn't support triangles yet so wiper
				   effect will only work with FBOs right now */
				waterVertices(s, GL_TRIANGLES, p, 3, 0.0f);
#undef TAN


		waterUpdate(s, 0.8f);

	UNWRAP(ws, s, preparePaintScreen);
	(*s->preparePaintScreen) (s, msSinceLastPaint);
	WRAP(ws, s, preparePaintScreen, waterPreparePaintScreen);
Пример #8
int main ( int argc, char * argv[] )
/* main: handle options, open files */
    double tg, pr, l, crr, fa, tl, hl, t;
    char * scale;
    char * desc;
    double a10, a11, a20, a21;
    coOrd q0, q1, q2, q3, q1c, q2c;

	char *buffer = malloc( BUFSIZE );
	FILE *fIn, *fOut;

    q0.x = q0.y = 0.0;

	if( argc != 3 )
		fprintf( stderr, 
			     "Usage: %1 nmraturnoutdata paramfile\n\n"
				 "The data file is read line by line and turnout defimitions\n"
				 "are created in the param file.\n\n",
				 argv[ 0 ] );
		exit( 1 );

	fIn = fopen( argv[ 1 ], "r" );
	if( !fIn ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Could not open the definition %s\n", argv[ 1 ] );
		exit( 1 );

	fOut = fopen( argv[ 2 ], "w" );
	if( !fOut ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Could not create the structures in %s\n", argv[ 2 ] );
		exit( 1 );

	if( fgets( buffer, BUFSIZE, fIn ))
		printf( "Creating %s\n", buffer + strlen("CONTENTS " ) );
		fputs( buffer, fOut );
	while(fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, fIn ))
		if( buffer[ 0 ] == '#' ) {
			fputs( buffer, fOut );

	    scale = strtok( buffer, DELIMITER );
		desc = strtok( NULL, DELIMITER );
		tg = atof(strtok( NULL, DELIMITER ));
		q1.x = getval(strtok( NULL, DELIMITER ));
		q1.y = getval(strtok( NULL, DELIMITER ));
		pr = getval(strtok( NULL, DELIMITER ));
		l = getval(strtok( NULL, DELIMITER ));
		crr = getval(strtok( NULL, DELIMITER ));
		fa = getval(strtok( NULL, DELIMITER ));
		tl = getval(strtok( NULL, DELIMITER ));
		hl = getval(strtok( NULL, DELIMITER ));

		t = floor(fa);
		fa = t + (fa-t)/60*100;

		q2.x = l-tl;
		q2.y = tg-tl*TAN(fa);
		q3.x = l+hl;
		q3.y = tg+hl*SIN(fa);
		computeCurve( q0, q1, -pr, &q1c, &a10, &a11 );
		computeCurve( q1, q2, -crr, &q2c, &a20, &a21 );

		fprintf( fOut, "#NMRA-Std TO %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f %0.3f\n",
			q1.x, q1.y, pr, l, crr, fa, tl, hl );

		fprintf( fOut, "TURNOUT %s \"NMRA %s\t#%s Right\t%sR\"\n", scale, scale, desc, desc);
		fprintf( fOut, "\tP \"Normal\" 1\n");
		fprintf( fOut, "\tP \"Reverse\" 2 3 4\n");
		fprintf( fOut, "\tE 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000\n");
		fprintf( fOut, "\tE %0.6f 0.000000 90.000000\n", l+hl);
		fprintf( fOut, "\tE %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", q3.x, -q3.y, 90.0+fa);
		fprintf( fOut, "\tS 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 %0.6f 0.000000\n", l+hl);
		fprintf( fOut, "\tC 0 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", pr, q1c.x, -q1c.y, normalizeAngle(180-a10-a11), a11 );
		fprintf( fOut, "\tC 0 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", crr, q2c.x, -q2c.y, normalizeAngle(180-a20-a21), a21 );
		fprintf( fOut, "\tS 0 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", q2.x, -q2.y, q3.x, -q3.y );
		fprintf( fOut, "\tEND\n");

		fprintf( fOut, "TURNOUT %s \"NMRA %s\t#%s Left\t%sL\"\n", scale, scale, desc, desc);
		fprintf( fOut, "\tP \"Normal\" 1\n");
		fprintf( fOut, "\tP \"Reverse\" 2 3 4\n");
		fprintf( fOut, "\tE 0.000000 0.000000 270.000000\n");
		fprintf( fOut, "\tE %0.6f 0.000000 90.000000\n", l+hl);
		fprintf( fOut, "\tE %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", q3.x, q3.y, 90.0-fa);
		fprintf( fOut, "\tS 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 %0.6f 0.000000\n", l+hl);
		fprintf( fOut, "\tC 0 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", -pr, q1c.x, q1c.y, a10, a11 );
		fprintf( fOut, "\tC 0 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", -crr, q2c.x, q2c.y, a20, a21 );
		fprintf( fOut, "\tS 0 0 %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f %0.6f\n", q2.x, q2.y, q3.x, q3.y );
		fprintf( fOut, "\tEND\n");
Пример #9
/* Sun rise-set calculation algorithm.
 * Algorithm description:   http://williams.best.vwh.net/sunrise_sunset_algorithm.htm
 *	Almanac for Computers, 1990
 *	published by Nautical Almanac Office
 *	United States Naval Observatory
 *	Washington, DC 20392
 * Parameters:
 *  yd					- day of the year (1..365)
 *  latitude, longitude	- Sample: 32.27, 34.85 for Netania israel
 *  riseset				- ESUNRISE or ESUNSET
 * Returns: UTC hour of the event (a real number).
double sunriseset( int yd, double latitude, double longitude, ERiseSet riseset )
	// 96 degrees    - Calculate Civil twilight time. Used as indication if
	//   it is (usually) bright enough for outdoor activities without additional lighting.
	// 90 degrees 5' - Calculate true Sunrise/Sunset time. Used to check if
	//   the Sun itself is visible above the horizont in ideal conditions.
	const double zenith = 96;

	double sinDec, cosDec, cosH;
	double H, T, UT;

	// Rise / Set
	int op = (riseset==ESUNRISE ? 1:-1);

	// Convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time
	double lngHour = longitude / 15;

	// if rising time is desired:
	double t = yd + ((12 - (6*op) - lngHour) / 24);

	// Calculate the Sun's mean anomaly
	double M = (0.9856 * t) - 3.289;

	// Calculate the Sun's true longitude
	double L = M + (1.916 * SIN(M)) + (0.020 * SIN(2 * M)) + 282.634;

	// Calculate the Sun's right ascension
	double RA = ATAN(0.91764 * TAN(L));

	// Right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L
	double Lquadrant  = (floor( L/90)) * 90;
	double RAquadrant = (floor(RA/90)) * 90;

	RA = RA + (Lquadrant - RAquadrant);

	// Right ascension value needs to be converted into hours
	RA = RA / 15;

	// Calculate the Sun's declination
	sinDec = 0.39782 * SIN(L);
	cosDec = COS(ASIN(sinDec));

	// Calculate the Sun's local hour angle
	cosH = (COS(zenith) - (sinDec * SIN(latitude))) / (cosDec * COS(latitude));
	if( cosH < -1 || cosH > 1 )
		// The sun never rises or sets on this location (on the specified date)
		return -1;

	// Finish calculating H and convert into hours
	H = 180 + (180 - ACOS(cosH))*op;
	H = H / 15;

	// Calculate local mean time of rising/setting
	T = H + RA - (0.06571 * t) - 6.622;

	// Adjust back to UTC
	UT = T - lngHour;

	// UT potentially needs to be adjusted into the range [0,24) by adding/subtracting 24
	if (UT < 0)   UT += 24;
	if (UT >= 24) UT -= 24;

	return UT;
Пример #10
// CastThroughIntersections
float Raycaster::CastThroughIntersections(float angle, IntersectionDir dir, int *texIndex, float *texelX)
	float fx, fy;
	float dx, dy;
	float distance;
	float a, b;
	int mapX, mapY;
				fy = -(posY - (int)posY);
				dy = -1;
				fy = (int)posY + 1 - posY;
				dy = 1;
			fx = (float)(ABS(fy)) / (float)(TAN(angle));
			dx = (float)(ABS(dy)) / (float)(TAN(angle));
			fx = ABS(fx);
			dx = ABS(dx);
				dx = -dx;
				fx = -fx;
			fx = posX + fx;
			fy = posY + fy;
				fx = -(posX - (int)posX);
				dx = -1;
				fx = (int)posX + 1 - posX;
				dx = 1;
			fy = (float)(TAN(angle)) * (float)(ABS(fx));
			dy = (float)(TAN(angle)) * (float)(ABS(dx));
			fy = ABS(fy);
			dy = ABS(dy);
				fy = -fy;
				dy = -dy;
			fx = posX + fx;
			fy = posY + fy;
		mapY = (int)fy;
		mapX = (int)fx;
		if(dy == -1 && dir == ID_HORIZONTAL)
			mapY -= 1;
		else if(dx == -1 && dir == ID_VERTICAL)
			mapX -= 1;
		if(mapX < 0 || mapY < 0 || mapX >= mapW || mapY >= mapH)
		else if(map[mapY][mapX] > 0 && map[mapY][mapX] != DOOR_INDEX && map[mapY][mapX] != LOCKED_DOOR_INDEX)
			if(dir == ID_HORIZONTAL)
				*texelX = fx - (float)mapX;
				*texelX = fy - (float)mapY;
			*texIndex = map[mapY][mapX] - 1;
		else if(map[mapY][mapX] == DOOR_INDEX || map[mapY][mapX] == LOCKED_DOOR_INDEX)
			Door *door = GetDoorAt(mapX, mapY);
			if(door->GetOpening() || door->GetClosing())
				float xval;
				if(dir == ID_HORIZONTAL)
					xval = fx - (float)mapX;
					xval = fy - (float)mapY;
				if(door->GetOpenedWidth() < xval)			
					goto hit;
			else if(!door->IsOpen())
				goto hit;
		fx += dx;
		fy += dy;
	a = ABS((fy - posY));
	b = ABS((fx - posX));
	distance = sqrt(a*a+b*b);
	return distance;
Пример #11
// Raycaster
// Constructor
Raycaster::Raycaster(RaycasterSetup *setup)
	int i;
	posX = 0.0f;
	posY = 0.0f;
	alpha = 0.0f;
	lookDir.x = 1.0f;
	lookDir.y = 0.0f;
	camPlane.x = 0.0f;
	camPlane.y = COS(FOV);
	target = setup->target;	
	lowQuality = setup->lowQuality;
	badQuality = setup->badQuality;
	numTextures = setup->numTextures;
	for(i=0; i<numTextures; i++)
		textures[i][0] = setup->textures[i][0];
		textures[i][1] = setup->textures[i][1];
	sprites = setup->sprites;
	roofColor = framework->GetColor(50, 50, 200);
	floorColor = framework->GetColor(50, 50, 50);
#ifdef GEKKO
		skyImg = framework->LoadImage("images/sky.bmp", false);
		roofImg = framework->LoadImage("images/roof.bmp", false);
		skyImg = framework->LoadImage("images\\sky.bmp", false);
		roofImg = framework->LoadImage("images\\roof.bmp", false);
		skyImg = framework->LoadImage("images\\lowQuality\\sky.bmp", false);
		roofImg = framework->LoadImage("images\\lowQuality\\roof.bmp", false);
	upperRect.x = upperRect.y = lowerRect.x = 0;
	upperRect.w = lowerRect.w = target->w;
	upperRect.h = lowerRect.h = target->w / 2;
	lowerRect.y = target->h / 2;
	zBuffer = new float[target->w];
	pplaneDist = (float)(target->w / 2) / TAN(FOV / 2);
	crosshairRect = setup->crosshairRect;
Пример #12
///Execute the skill.  This is the main part of the skill, where you tell the
///robot how to perform the skill.
void CutGoalSkill::execute()
	///If not active, dont do anything!
		//grab the ball location
		  ball = strategy->getCurrentRoboCupFrame()->getDefensiveBallLocation();

    ///Calculate the angle bisector of the area we want to cover
    float theta;
	  float theta1=angleBetween(sp->field.OUR_GOAL_LINE,point1,ball.getX(),ball.getY());
    float theta2=angleBetween(sp->field.OUR_GOAL_LINE,point2,ball.getX(),ball.getY());
    float halfAngle=ABS(angleDifference(theta1,theta2)/2.0f);

    //calculate midpoint to extend from
		Pair midpoint;
		midpoint.setY((sp->field.OUR_GOAL_LINE-ball.getX()) * TAN(theta) + ball.getY());

    /*debugging helpful stuff
    Pair ang1(ball.getX()+.2f,ball.getY());
    Pair ang2(ball.getX()+.2f,ball.getY());
    Pair t(ball.getX()+.2f,ball.getY());

	  // The ideal point we want the robot to be in this circumstances
	  Pair dest;
	  float distance = sp->general.PLAYER_RADIUS / SIN(ABS(halfAngle)) ;
	  //char msg[80]; sprintf(msg,"dist: %5.2f",distance);GUI_Record.debuggingInfo.addDebugMessage(msg);


	  // We have to check if the destination point is between the Upper and lower limit
	  //	  float slope =  (midpoint.getY() - ball.getY()) / (midpoint.getX() - ball.getY()) ;
	  // If it is above the limit
	  if(dest.getX() > UPPER_X){
	  // If it is below the limit
	  if(dest.getX() < LOWER_X){

	  command->setRotation(angleBetween(getLocation(robotID, *currentVisionData, *sp),
    strategy->getCurrentFrame()->setMessage(robotID,"Covering Goal");

Пример #13
static void trv_ray_xcaster23(FAR struct trv_raycast_s *result)
  struct trv_rect_list_s *list; /* Points to the current X plane rectangle */
  struct trv_rect_data_s *rect; /* Points to the rectangle data */
  trv_coord_t relx;             /* Relative position of the X plane */
  trv_coord_t absy;             /* Absolute Y position at relx given yaw */
  trv_coord_t absz;             /* Absolute Z position at relx given pitch */
  trv_coord_t lastrelx1 = -1;   /* Last relative X position processed */
  trv_coord_t lastrelx2 = -1;   /* Last relative X position processed */
  int32_t dydx;                 /* Rate of change of Y wrt X (double) */
  int32_t dzdx;                 /* Rate of change of Z wrt X (double) */

  /* At a view angle of 90 degrees, no intersections with the g_ray_xplanes are
   * possible!

  if (g_camera.yaw == ANGLE_90)

  /* Pre-calculate the rate of change of Y and Z with respect to X */
  /* The negative tangent is equal to the rate of change of Y with respect
   * to the X-axis.  The tangent is stored at double the "normal" scaling.

  dydx = -TAN(g_camera.yaw);

  /* Determine the rate of change of the Z with respect to X. dydx is
   * "double" precision; the secant is "double" precision.  dzdx will be
   * retained as "double" precision.

  dzdx = qTOd(g_adj_tanpitch * ABS(g_sec_table[g_camera.yaw]));

  /* Look at every rectangle lying in the X plane */
  /* This logic should be improved at some point so that non-visible planes
   * are "pruned" from the list prior to ray casting!

  for (list = g_ray_xplane.tail; list; list = list->blink)
      rect = &list->d;

      /* Search for a rectangle which lies "before" the current camera
       * position

      if (rect->plane < g_camera.x)
          /* get the X distance to the plane */

          relx = g_camera.x - rect->plane;
#if 0
          /* g_ray_xplane is an ordered list, if we have already hit something
           * closer, then we can abort the casting now.

          if (relx > result->xdist)

          /* Calculate the Y position at this relative X position.  We can skip
           * this step if we are processing another rectangle at the same relx
           * distance.

          if (relx != lastrelx1)
              int32_t deltay;  /* Scale == "triple" */

              /* The dydx is stored at double the"normal" scaling -- so deltay
               * is "triple" precision

              deltay    = dydx * ((int32_t) relx);
              absy      = tTOs(deltay) + g_camera.y; /* back to "single" */
              lastrelx1 = relx;

          /* Check if this Y position intersects the rectangle */

          if (absy >= rect->hstart && absy <= rect->hend)
              /* The Y position lies in the rectangle.  Now, calculate the
               * Z position at this relative X position.  We can skip this
               * step if we are processing another rectangle at the same
               * relx distance.

              if (relx != lastrelx2)
                  int32_t deltaz;      /* Scale == TRIPLE */

                  /* The dzdx is stored at double the"normal" scaling -- so
                   * deltaz is "triple" precision

                  deltaz    = dzdx * ((int32_t) relx);
                  absz      = tTOs(deltaz) + g_camera.z; /* Back to single */
                  lastrelx2 = relx;

              /* Check if this Z position intersects the rectangle */

              if (absz >= rect->vstart && absz <= rect->vend)
                  /* We've got a potential hit, let's see what it is */
                  /* Check if we just hit an ordinary opaque wall */

                  if (IS_NORMAL(rect))
                      /* Yes..Save the parameters associated with the normal
                       * wall hit

                      result->rect = rect;
                      result->type = MK_HIT_TYPE(BACK_HIT, X_HIT);
                      result->xpos = absy;
                      result->ypos = absz;

                      result->xdist = relx;
                      result->ydist = ABS(absy - g_camera.y);
                      result->zdist = ABS(absz - g_camera.z);

                      /* Terminate X casting */

                  else if (IS_DOOR(rect))
                      /* Check if the door is in motion. */

                      if (!IS_MOVING_DOOR(rect))
                          /* Save the parameters associated with the normal
                           * door hit

                          result->rect = rect;
                          result->type = MK_HIT_TYPE(BACK_HIT, X_HIT);
                          result->xpos = absy;
                          result->ypos = absz;

                          result->xdist = relx;
                          result->ydist = ABS(absy - g_camera.y);
                          result->zdist = ABS(absz - g_camera.z);

                          /* Terminate X casting */


                      /* The door is in motion, the Z-position to see if we can
                       * see under the door

                      else if (absz > g_opendoor.zbottom)
                          /* Save the parameters associated with the moving
                           * door hit

                          result->rect = rect;
                          result->type = MK_HIT_TYPE(BACK_HIT, X_HIT);
                          result->xpos = absy;
                          result->ypos = absz - g_opendoor.zdist;

                          result->xdist = relx;
                          result->ydist = ABS(absy - g_camera.y);
                          result->zdist = ABS(absz - g_camera.z);

                          /* Terminate X casting */


                  /* Otherwise, it must be a transparent wall.  We'll need to
                   * make our decision based upon the pixel that we hit

                  /* Check if the pixel at this location is visible */

                  else if (GET_BACK_PIXEL(rect, absy, absz) != INVISIBLE_PIXEL)
                      /* Its visible, save the parameters associated with the
                       * transparent wall hit

                      result->rect = rect;
                      result->type = MK_HIT_TYPE(BACK_HIT, X_HIT);
                      result->xpos = absy;
                      result->ypos = absz;

                      result->xdist = relx;
                      result->ydist = ABS(absy - g_camera.y);
                      result->zdist = ABS(absz - g_camera.z);

                      /* Terminate X casting */

Пример #14
void trv_raycast(int16_t pitch, int16_t yaw, int16_t screenyaw,
                FAR struct trv_raycast_s *result)
  /* Set the camera pitch and yaw angles for this cast */

  g_camera.pitch = pitch;
  g_camera.yaw = yaw;

  /* Initialize the result structure, assuming that there will be no hit */

  result->rect  = NULL;
  result->type  = NO_HIT;
  result->xpos  = 0;
  result->ypos  = 0;
  result->xdist = TRV_INFINITY;
  result->ydist = TRV_INFINITY;
  result->zdist = TRV_INFINITY;

  /* Prepare for X and Y ray casts.  These casts will need the adjusted tangent
   * of the pitch angle in order to correct for "fish eye" distortion.  This
   * correction consists of multiplying by the cosine of the relative screen
   * yaw position. The tangent is double precision, the cosine is double
   * precision, the result will be retained as double precision.

  screenyaw = ABS(screenyaw);
  g_adj_tanpitch = qTOd(TAN(pitch) * ((int32_t) g_cos_table[screenyaw]));
  g_adj_tanpitch = TAN(pitch);

  /* Perform X & Y raycasting based on the quadrant of the yaw angle */

  if (g_camera.yaw < ANGLE_90)
  else if (g_camera.yaw < ANGLE_180)
  else if (g_camera.yaw < ANGLE_270)

  /* Perform Z ray casting based upon if we are looking up or down */

  if (g_camera.pitch < ANGLE_90)
      /* Get the adjusted cotangent of the pitch angle which is used to correct
       * for the "fish eye" distortion.  This correction consists of
       * multiplying by the inverted cosine of the relative screen yaw
       * position.  The cotangent is double precision, the secant is double
       * precision, the result will be retained as double precision.

      g_adj_cotpitch = qTOd(g_cot_table(pitch) * g_sec_table[screenyaw]);
      g_adj_cotpitch = g_cot_table(pitch);
      /* Get the adjusted cotangent of the pitch angle which is used to correct
       * for the "fish eye" distortion.  This correction consists of
       * multiplying by the inverted cosine of the relative screen yaw
       * position. The cotangent is double precision, the secant is double
       * precision, the result will be retained as double precision.

      g_adj_cotpitch =
        qTOd(g_cot_table(ANGLE_360 - pitch) * g_sec_table[screenyaw]);
      g_adj_cotpitch = g_cot_table(ANGLE_360 - pitch);