Пример #1
A player just left a team, so do things. Remember to call TeamsChanged afterwards!
void TDM_LeftTeam (edict_t *ent, qboolean notify)
    int	oldteam;

    if (notify)
        gi.bprintf (PRINT_HIGH, "%s left team '%s'\n", ent->client->pers.netname, teaminfo[ent->client->pers.team].name);

    oldteam = ent->client->pers.team;

    //wision: remove player from the team!
    ent->client->pers.team = TEAM_SPEC;

    //assign a new captain
    if (teaminfo[oldteam].captain == ent)
        TDM_SetCaptain (oldteam, TDM_FindPlayerForTeam (oldteam));

    //resume play if this guy called time and game isn't already resuming?
    if (tdm_match_status == MM_TIMEOUT && level.tdm_timeout_caller && level.tdm_timeout_caller->client == ent && level.timeout_end_framenum)
        TDM_ResumeGame ();
Пример #2
Setup the client after an initial connection. Called on first spawn
only, not every map. Returns true if a join code was used to respawn
a full player, so that PutClientInServer knows about it.
qboolean TDM_SetupClient (edict_t *ent)
	ent->client->pers.team = TEAM_SPEC;
	TDM_TeamsChanged ();

	//handled in userinfo updates now
	//TDM_DownloadPlayerConfig (ent);

	if (!TDM_ProcessJoinCode (ent, 0))
		if (tdm_match_status == MM_TIMEOUT)
			gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_CHAT, "\nMatch is currently paused and will auto resume in %s.\n", TDM_SecsToString(FRAMES_TO_SECS(level.timeout_end_framenum - level.realframenum)));
			TDM_ShowTeamMenu (ent);
			gi.cprintf (ent, PRINT_CHAT, "\nWelcome to OpenTDM!\nType 'commands' in the console for a brief command guide.\n\n");
		if (tdm_match_status == MM_TIMEOUT)
			if (TDM_Is1V1())
				//only resume if we have 2 players - it's possible both players dropped, and that is a situation
				//we need to be able to handle.
				if (teaminfo[TEAM_A].players == 1 && teaminfo[TEAM_B].players == 1)
					TDM_ResumeGame ();
				return true;

	return false;
Пример #3
A player disconnected, do things.
void TDM_Disconnected (edict_t *ent)
	qboolean	removeTimeout;

	removeTimeout = false;

	//have to check this right up here since we nuke the teamplayer just below!
	if (tdm_match_status == MM_TIMEOUT && level.tdm_timeout_caller && level.tdm_timeout_caller->client == ent)
		removeTimeout = true;

	//we remove this up here so TDM_LeftTeam doesn't try to resume if we become implicit timeout caller
	TDM_RemoveStatsLink (ent);

	if (ent->client->pers.team)
		if (tdm_match_status >= MM_PLAYING && tdm_match_status != MM_SCOREBOARD)
			//do joincode stuff if a team player disconnects - save all their client info
			ent->client->resp.teamplayerinfo->saved_client = gi.TagMalloc (sizeof(gclient_t), TAG_GAME);
			*ent->client->resp.teamplayerinfo->saved_client = *ent->client;

			ent->client->resp.teamplayerinfo->saved_entity = gi.TagMalloc (sizeof(edict_t), TAG_GAME);
			*ent->client->resp.teamplayerinfo->saved_entity = *ent;

			if (TDM_Is1V1() && g_1v1_timeout->value > 0)
				edict_t		*ghost;

				//may have already been set by a player or previous client disconnect
				if (tdm_match_status != MM_TIMEOUT)
					edict_t		*opponent;

					//timeout is called implicitly in 1v1 games or the other player would auto win
					level.timeout_end_framenum = level.realframenum + SECS_TO_FRAMES(g_1v1_timeout->value);
					level.last_tdm_match_status = tdm_match_status;
					tdm_match_status = MM_TIMEOUT;

					level.tdm_timeout_caller = ent->client->resp.teamplayerinfo;
					gi.bprintf (PRINT_CHAT, "%s disconnected and has %s to reconnect.\n", level.tdm_timeout_caller->name, TDM_SecsToString (g_1v1_timeout->value));

					//show the opponent their options
					opponent = TDM_FindPlayerForTeam (TEAM_A);
					if (opponent)
						gi.cprintf (opponent, PRINT_HIGH, "Your opponent has disconnected. You can allow them %s to reconnect, or you can force a forfeit by typing 'win' in the console.\n", TDM_SecsToString (g_1v1_timeout->value));

					opponent = TDM_FindPlayerForTeam (TEAM_B);
					if (opponent)
						gi.cprintf (opponent, PRINT_HIGH, "Your opponent has disconnected. You can allow them %s to reconnect, or you can force a forfeit by typing 'win' in the console.\n", TDM_SecsToString (g_1v1_timeout->value));

				//show a "ghost" player where the player was
				ghost = G_Spawn ();
				VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, ghost->s.origin);
				VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, ghost->old_origin);
				VectorCopy (ent->s.angles, ghost->s.angles);
				ghost->s.effects = EF_SPHERETRANS;
				ghost->s.modelindex = 255;
				ghost->s.modelindex2 = 255;
				ghost->s.skinnum = ent - g_edicts - 1;
				ghost->s.frame = ent->s.frame;
				ghost->count = ent->s.number;
				ghost->classname = "ghost";
				ghost->target_ent = ent;
				ghost->enttype = ENT_GHOST;
				gi.linkentity (ghost);

		if (removeTimeout)
			TDM_ResumeGame ();

		TDM_LeftTeam (ent, false);

	TDM_TeamsChanged ();

	if (tdm_match_status == MM_WARMUP && teaminfo[TEAM_SPEC].players == 0 && teaminfo[TEAM_A].players == 0 && teaminfo[TEAM_B].players == 0)
		if (vote.active)
			TDM_RemoveVote ();

		//reset the map if it's been running for over 7 days to workaround time precision bugs in the engine, fixes 0000208
		if (time (NULL) - level.spawntime > (86400 * 7))
			char	command[256];
			Com_sprintf (command, sizeof(command), "gamemap \"%s\"\n", level.mapname);
			gi.AddCommandString (command);
		TDM_CheckVote ();

	//zero for connecting clients on server browsers
	ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_FRAGS] = 0;