Пример #1
int compare_tex(value v1, value v2)
  GLuint i1 = TEX(v1);
  GLuint i2 = TEX(v2);
  if(i1 < i2) return -1;
  else if(i1 == i2) return 0;
  else return 1;
Пример #2
static void TXP( void *cc, const float *texcoord, int unit, float *result )
   /* I think that TEX needs to undo the perspective divide which has
    * already occurred.  In the meantime, TXP is correct to do this:
   TEX( cc, texcoord, unit, result );
Пример #3
static boolean
nve4_validate_tic(struct nvc0_context *nvc0, unsigned s)
   struct nouveau_bo *txc = nvc0->screen->txc;
   struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = nvc0->base.pushbuf;
   unsigned i;
   boolean need_flush = FALSE;

   for (i = 0; i < nvc0->num_textures[s]; ++i) {
      struct nv50_tic_entry *tic = nv50_tic_entry(nvc0->textures[s][i]);
      struct nv04_resource *res;
      const boolean dirty = !!(nvc0->textures_dirty[s] & (1 << i));

      if (!tic) {
         nvc0->tex_handles[s][i] |= NVE4_TIC_ENTRY_INVALID;
      res = nv04_resource(tic->pipe.texture);

      if (tic->id < 0) {
         tic->id = nvc0_screen_tic_alloc(nvc0->screen, tic);

         PUSH_SPACE(push, 16);
         BEGIN_NVC0(push, NVE4_P2MF(DST_ADDRESS_HIGH), 2);
         PUSH_DATAh(push, txc->offset + (tic->id * 32));
         PUSH_DATA (push, txc->offset + (tic->id * 32));
         BEGIN_NVC0(push, NVE4_P2MF(LINE_LENGTH_IN), 2);
         PUSH_DATA (push, 32);
         PUSH_DATA (push, 1);
         BEGIN_1IC0(push, NVE4_P2MF(EXEC), 9);
         PUSH_DATA (push, 0x1001);
         PUSH_DATAp(push, &tic->tic[0], 8);

         need_flush = TRUE;
      } else
      if (res->status & NOUVEAU_BUFFER_STATUS_GPU_WRITING) {
         BEGIN_NVC0(push, NVC0_3D(TEX_CACHE_CTL), 1);
         PUSH_DATA (push, (tic->id << 4) | 1);
      nvc0->screen->tic.lock[tic->id / 32] |= 1 << (tic->id % 32);


      nvc0->tex_handles[s][i] &= ~NVE4_TIC_ENTRY_INVALID;
      nvc0->tex_handles[s][i] |= tic->id;
      if (dirty)
         BCTX_REFN(nvc0->bufctx_3d, TEX(s, i), res, RD);
   for (; i < nvc0->state.num_textures[s]; ++i) {
      nvc0->tex_handles[s][i] |= NVE4_TIC_ENTRY_INVALID;
      nvc0->textures_dirty[s] |= 1 << i;

   nvc0->state.num_textures[s] = nvc0->num_textures[s];

   return need_flush;
Пример #4
// INPUT   a texture ID
// OUTPUT  nothing, deletes the texture
CAMLprim value
caml_destroy_texture(value id)

  glDeleteTextures(1, &TEX(id));

Пример #5
// INPUT   a binding point and a texture id option
// OUTPUT  nothing, binds the texture
CAMLprim value
caml_bind_texture(value point, value tex_opt)
  CAMLparam2(point, tex_opt);

  if(tex_opt == Val_none)
    glBindTexture(Target_val(point), 0);
    glBindTexture(Target_val(point), TEX(Some_val(tex_opt)));

Пример #6
static boolean
nvc0_validate_tic(struct nvc0_context *nvc0, int s)
   uint32_t commands[32];
   struct nouveau_pushbuf *push = nvc0->base.pushbuf;
   struct nouveau_bo *txc = nvc0->screen->txc;
   unsigned i;
   unsigned n = 0;
   boolean need_flush = FALSE;

   for (i = 0; i < nvc0->num_textures[s]; ++i) {
      struct nv50_tic_entry *tic = nv50_tic_entry(nvc0->textures[s][i]);
      struct nv04_resource *res;
      const boolean dirty = !!(nvc0->textures_dirty[s] & (1 << i));

      if (!tic) {
         if (dirty)
            commands[n++] = (i << 1) | 0;
      res = nv04_resource(tic->pipe.texture);

      if (tic->id < 0) {
         tic->id = nvc0_screen_tic_alloc(nvc0->screen, tic);

         PUSH_SPACE(push, 17);
         BEGIN_NVC0(push, NVC0_M2MF(OFFSET_OUT_HIGH), 2);
         PUSH_DATAh(push, txc->offset + (tic->id * 32));
         PUSH_DATA (push, txc->offset + (tic->id * 32));
         BEGIN_NVC0(push, NVC0_M2MF(LINE_LENGTH_IN), 2);
         PUSH_DATA (push, 32);
         PUSH_DATA (push, 1);
         BEGIN_NVC0(push, NVC0_M2MF(EXEC), 1);
         PUSH_DATA (push, 0x100111);
         BEGIN_NIC0(push, NVC0_M2MF(DATA), 8);
         PUSH_DATAp(push, &tic->tic[0], 8);

         need_flush = TRUE;
      } else
      if (res->status & NOUVEAU_BUFFER_STATUS_GPU_WRITING) {
         BEGIN_NVC0(push, NVC0_3D(TEX_CACHE_CTL), 1);
         PUSH_DATA (push, (tic->id << 4) | 1);
      nvc0->screen->tic.lock[tic->id / 32] |= 1 << (tic->id % 32);


      if (!dirty)
      commands[n++] = (tic->id << 9) | (i << 1) | 1;

      BCTX_REFN(nvc0->bufctx_3d, TEX(s, i), res, RD);
   for (; i < nvc0->state.num_textures[s]; ++i)
      commands[n++] = (i << 1) | 0;

   nvc0->state.num_textures[s] = nvc0->num_textures[s];

   if (n) {
      BEGIN_NIC0(push, NVC0_3D(BIND_TIC(s)), n);
      PUSH_DATAp(push, commands, n);
   nvc0->textures_dirty[s] = 0;

   return need_flush;
Пример #7
intnat hash_tex(value v)
  GLuint i = TEX(v);
  return i;
Пример #8
void finalise_tex(value v)
#include "i420_to_rgb.hpp"

TEMP yuv;
yuv.x = TEX(coord, texture[1], 2D);
yuv.z = yuv.x - coef_g.a;
yuv.x = TEX(coord, texture[2], 2D);
yuv.w = yuv.x - coef_b.a;
yuv.x = yuv.z * param0.z;
yuv.y = yuv.w * param0.w;
yuv.y = yuv.x + yuv.y;
yuv.x = yuv.z * param0.w;
yuv.w = yuv.w * param0.z;
yuv.z = yuv.w - yuv.x;
yuv.x = TEX(coord, texture[0], 2D);
yuv.x = yuv - coef_r.a;
yuv = yuv * param0.xyyz;
yuv.x = yuv + coord.z;
output.r = DP3(yuv, coef_r);
output.g = DP3(yuv, coef_g);
output.b = DP3(yuv, coef_b);
output.a = 1.0;

Пример #10
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void invertedMuonID2Comb(string era = "2016BF", float bdt = -99., TH1D *hBd = 0,  TH1D *hBs = 0) {
  if ("all" == era) {

  TFile *fd(0), *fm0(0), *fm1(0);
  float bdtcut(0.);
  cout << "======================================================================" << endl;
  if (era == "2016BF") {
    fd = TFile::Open("/scratch/ursl/bmm4/s01/bmm-data-bmmCharmonium2016BF-s01.root");
    fm0 = TFile::Open("/scratch/ursl/bmm4/s01/bmm-mc-RunIISpring16DR80-BdToMuMu-2016BF-s01.root");
    fm1 = TFile::Open("/scratch/ursl/bmm4/s01/bmm-mc-RunIISpring16DR80-BsToMuMu-2016BF-s01.root");
    if (bdt < -1.) {
      bdtcut = 0.30;
    } else {
      bdtcut = bdt;
  } else if (era == "2016GH") {
    fd = TFile::Open("/scratch/ursl/bmm4/s01/bmm-data-bmmCharmonium2016GH-s01.root");
    fm0 = TFile::Open("/scratch/ursl/bmm4/s01/bmm-mc-RunIISpring16DR80-BdToMuMu-2016GH-s01.root");
    fm1 = TFile::Open("/scratch/ursl/bmm4/s01/bmm-mc-RunIISpring16DR80-BsToMuMu-2016GH-s01.root");
    if (bdt < -1.) {
      bdtcut = 0.31;
    } else {
      bdtcut = bdt;
  } else if (era == "2012") {
    fd = TFile::Open("/scratch/ursl/bmm4/s01/bmm-data-bmmMuOnia2012-s01.root");
    fm0 = TFile::Open("/scratch/ursl/bmm4/s01/bmm-mc-Winter17_private-BdToMuMu-s01.root");
    fm1 = TFile::Open("/scratch/ursl/bmm4/s01/bmm-mc-Winter17_private-BsToMuMu-s01.root");
    if (bdt < -1.) {
      bdtcut = 0.34;
    } else {
      bdtcut = bdt;
  } else if (era == "2011") {
    fd = TFile::Open("/scratch/ursl/bmm4/s01/bmm-data-bmmMuOnia2011-s01.root");
    fm0 = TFile::Open("/scratch/ursl/bmm4/s01/bmm-mc-Summer17_private-BdToMuMu-s01.root");
    fm1 = TFile::Open("/scratch/ursl/bmm4/s01/bmm-mc-Summer17_private-BsToMuMu-s01.root");
    if (bdt < -1.) {
      bdtcut = 0.28;
    } else {
      bdtcut = bdt;

  TTree *td = (TTree*)fd->Get("candAnaMuMu/events");
  TTree *tm0 = (TTree*)fm0->Get("candAnaMuMu/events");
  TTree *tm1 = (TTree*)fm1->Get("candAnaMuMu/events");

  TH1D *hd0 = new TH1D("hd0", "mass", 60, 4.8, 6.0);
  TH1D *hm0 = new TH1D("hm0", "mass", 60, 4.8, 6.0);
  TH1D *hm1 = new TH1D("hm1", "mass", 60, 4.8, 6.0);
  int ichan(0);
  string cut(Form("chan==%d && !gmuid &&hlt1&&tos&&l1t &&bdt>%4.3f && m < 6 && m > 4.8", ichan, bdtcut));
  cout << cut << endl;
  td->Draw("m>>hd0", cut.c_str());
  tm0->Draw("m>>hm0", cut.c_str());
  tm1->Draw("m>>hm1", cut.c_str());

  // c0->Divide(2,2);
  // c0->cd(1);
  // B0 -> mu mu
  // c0->cd(2);
  double p0 = hm0->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(1);
  double s0 = hm0->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2);
  cout << "p0: " << p0 << " s0: " << s0 << endl;
  // Bs -> mu mu
  // c0->cd(3);
  double p1 = hm1->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(1);
  double s1 = hm1->GetFunction("gaus")->GetParameter(2);
  cout << "p1: " << p1 << " s1: " << s1 << endl;

  // c0->cd(4);
  TH1D *hFit = (TH1D*)hd0->Clone("hFit");
  TF1 *f1 = new TF1("f1", adhocfunction, 4.8, 6.0, 7);
  f1->SetParameter(0, 1);  f1->SetParLimits(0, 0., 1000.);
  f1->SetParameter(1, p0); f1->FixParameter(1, p0);
  f1->SetParameter(2, s0); f1->FixParameter(2, s0);
  f1->SetParameter(3, 1);  f1->SetParLimits(3, 0., 1000.);
  f1->SetParameter(4, p1); f1->FixParameter(4, p1);
  f1->SetParameter(5, s1); f1->FixParameter(5, s1);
  f1->SetParameter(6, 1);

  hFit->Fit(f1, "RL", "", 5.1, 6.0);

  double nb0 = hFit->GetFunction("f1")->GetParameter(0);
  double eb0 = hFit->GetFunction("f1")->GetParError(0);
  double nbs = hFit->GetFunction("f1")->GetParameter(3);
  double ebs = hFit->GetFunction("f1")->GetParError(3);
  double nco = hFit->GetFunction("f1")->GetParameter(6);
  double eco = hFit->GetFunction("f1")->GetParError(6);

  TF1 *f0 = (TF1*)hm0->GetFunction("gaus")->Clone("f0");
  TF1 *fs = (TF1*)hm1->GetFunction("gaus")->Clone("fs");

  f0->SetParameter(0, nb0); f0->SetLineColor(kRed+2);
  fs->SetParameter(0, nbs); fs->SetLineColor(kBlue);
  tl->DrawLatexNDC(0.10, 0.92, era.c_str());
  tl->DrawLatexNDC(0.40, 0.92, Form("BDT > %3.2f", bdtcut));
  double iB0   = f0->Integral(5.1, 5.6);
  double iBs   = fs->Integral(5.1, 5.6);
  float  nB0   = f0->Integral(5.2, 5.3)/hFit->GetBinWidth(1);
  float  nB0E  = eb0/nb0*nB0;
  float  nBs   = fs->Integral(5.3, 5.45)/hFit->GetBinWidth(1);
  float  nBsE  = ebs/nbs*nBs;
  double iComb = nco*(6.0-5.6);
  double ratioVs(0.);
  double relErrs(0.);
  double ratioEs(0.01);
  double ratioVd(0.);
  double relErrd(0.);
  double ratioEd(0.01);
  if (iComb > 1.e-3) {
    ratioVs = iBs/iComb;
    relErrs = TMath::Sqrt((ebs/nbs)*(ebs/nbs) + (eco/nco)*(eco/nco));
    ratioEs = relErrs * ratioVs;

    ratioVd = iB0/iComb;
    relErrd = TMath::Sqrt((eb0/nb0)*(eb0/nb0) + (eco/nco)*(eco/nco));
    ratioEd = relErrd * ratioVd;

  cout << "ratio of B0/comb: " << iB0 << "/" << iComb << " = " << ratioVd << " +/- " << ratioEd << " relErr: " << relErrd << endl;
  cout << "ratio of Bs/comb: " << iBs << "/" << iComb << " = " << ratioVs << " +/- " << ratioEs << " relErr: " << relErrs << endl;

  ofstream TEX(Form("invertedMuonIDStudies.tex"), ios::app);
  TEX << Form("\\vdef{%ss01:nb0:bdt%3.2f:chan%d}  {%3.1f}", era.c_str(), bdtcut, ichan, nB0) << endl;
  TEX << Form("\\vdef{%ss01:eb0:bdt%3.2f:chan%d}  {%3.1f}", era.c_str(), bdtcut, ichan, nB0E) << endl;
  TEX << Form("\\vdef{%ss01:nbs:bdt%3.2f:chan%d}  {%3.1f}", era.c_str(), bdtcut, ichan, nBs) << endl;
  TEX << Form("\\vdef{%ss01:ebs:bdt%3.2f:chan%d}  {%3.1f}", era.c_str(), bdtcut, ichan, nBsE) << endl;

  c0->SaveAs(Form("invertedMuonIDcomb-%s-%3.2f.pdf", era.c_str(), bdtcut));

  if (hBd) {
    hBd->SetBinContent(hBd->FindBin(bdtcut), ratioVd);
    hBd->SetBinError(hBd->FindBin(bdtcut), ratioEd);
  if (hBs) {
    hBs->SetBinContent(hBs->FindBin(bdtcut), ratioVs);
    hBs->SetBinError(hBs->FindBin(bdtcut), ratioEs);