TFilePath TFilePath::withType(const string &type) const { const string dotDot = ".."; assert(type.length() < 2 || type.substr(0, 2) != dotDot); int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash string str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' il path senza parentdir int j = str.rfind('.'); if (j == string::npos || str == dotDot) // il path originale non ha tipo { if (type == "") return *this; else if (type[0] == '.') return TFilePath(m_path + type); else return TFilePath(m_path + "." + type); } else // il path originale ha gia' il tipo { if (type == "") return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + j + 1)); else if (type[0] == '.') return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + j + 1) + type); else return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + j + 2) + type); } }
TFilePath TFilePath::withFrame(const TFrameId &frame, TFrameId::FrameFormat format) const { const string dot = ".", dotDot = ".."; int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash string str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' il path senza parentdir assert(str != dot && str != dotDot); int j = str.rfind('.'); if (j == string::npos) { if (frame.isEmptyFrame() || frame.isNoFrame()) return *this; else return TFilePath(m_path + "." + frame.expand(format)); } string frameString; if (frame.isNoFrame()) frameString = ""; else frameString = "." + frame.expand(format); int k = str.substr(0, j).rfind('.'); if (k == string::npos) return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, j + i + 1) + frameString + str.substr(j)); else return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, k + i + 1) + frameString + str.substr(j)); }
void Ffmpeg::cleanUpFiles() { for (QString path : m_cleanUpList) { if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(TFilePath(path))) { TSystem::deleteFile(TFilePath(path)); } } }
void ResourceImporter::process(TXshSimpleLevel *sl) { if (sl->getPath().isAbsolute()) return; TFilePath newPath; TFilePath slPath = sl->getPath(); string suffix = extractPsdSuffix(slPath); TFilePath imgRefPath; if (sl->getPalette()) imgRefPath = sl->getPalette()->getRefImgPath(); newPath = m_importStrategy.process(m_dstScene, m_scene, slPath); if (imgRefPath != TFilePath() && !m_dstScene->isExternPath(m_dstScene->decodeFilePath(imgRefPath))) m_importStrategy.process(m_dstScene, m_scene, imgRefPath); if (suffix != "") newPath = buildPsd(newPath, suffix); sl->setPath(newPath); if (sl->getScannedPath() != TFilePath()) { newPath = m_importStrategy.process(m_dstScene, m_scene, sl->getScannedPath()); sl->setScannedPath(newPath); } sl->setDirtyFlag(false); }
TFilePath TFilePath::withName(const string &name) const { int i = getLastSlash(m_path); // cerco l'ultimo slash string str = m_path.substr(i + 1); // str e' il path senza parentdir int j = str.rfind('.'); if (j == string::npos) return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + 1) + name); int k = str.substr(0, j).rfind("."); if (k == string::npos) k = j; return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i + 1) + name + str.substr(k)); }
TFilePath Ffmpeg::getFfmpegCache() { QString cacheRoot = ToonzFolder::getCacheRootFolder().getQString(); if (!TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(TFilePath(cacheRoot + "/ffmpeg"))) { TSystem::mkDir(TFilePath(cacheRoot + "/ffmpeg")); } std::string ffmpegPath = TFilePath(cacheRoot + "/ffmpeg").getQString().toStdString(); return TFilePath(cacheRoot + "/ffmpeg"); }
TFilePath TFilePath::operator-(const TFilePath &fp) const { #ifdef WIN32 if (toLower(m_path) == toLower(fp.m_path)) return TFilePath(""); #else if (m_path == fp.m_path) return TFilePath(""); #endif if (!fp.isAncestorOf(*this)) return *this; int len = fp.m_path.length(); if (len == 0 || fp.m_path[len - 1] != slash) len++; return TFilePath(m_path.substr(len)); }
TFilePath TFilePath::getParentDir() const // noSlash! { int i = getLastSlash(m_path); //cerco l'ultimo slash if (i < 0) { if (m_path.length() >= 2 && ('a' <= m_path[0] && m_path[0] <= 'z' || 'A' <= m_path[0] && m_path[0] <= 'Z') && m_path[1] == ':') return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, 2)); else return TFilePath(""); } else if (i == 0) return TFilePath("/"); else return TFilePath(m_path.substr(0, i)); }
TFilePath &TFilePath::operator+=(const TFilePath &fp) { assert(!fp.isAbsolute()); if (fp.isEmpty()) return *this; else if (isEmpty()) { *this = fp; return *this; } else if (m_path.length() != 1 || m_path[0] != slash) { *this = TFilePath(m_path + slash + fp.m_path); return *this; } else { *this = TFilePath(m_path + fp.m_path); return *this; } }
void CasmTask2::setFileArg(const string &fp) { TFilePath filePath = TFilePath(fp); CasmFileInfo casmFileInfo(filePath); int start, end; bool interlaced; casmFileInfo.getFrameRange(start, end, interlaced); m_filePath = fp; m_start = start; m_end = end; m_step = 1; setName(TFilePath(fp).getName()); }
void TPanelTitleBarButtonForSafeArea::getSafeAreaNameList( QList<QString> &nameList) { TFilePath fp = TEnv::getConfigDir(); QString currentSafeAreaName = QString::fromStdString(EnvSafeAreaName); std::string safeAreaFileName = "safearea.ini"; while (!TFileStatus(fp + safeAreaFileName).doesExist() && !fp.isRoot() && fp.getParentDir() != TFilePath()) fp = fp.getParentDir(); fp = fp + safeAreaFileName; if (TFileStatus(fp).doesExist()) { QSettings settings(toQString(fp), QSettings::IniFormat); // find the current safearea name from the list QStringList groups = settings.childGroups(); for (int g = 0; g < groups.size(); g++) { settings.beginGroup(; nameList.push_back(settings.value("name", "").toString()); settings.endGroup(); } } }
TRasterImageP Ffmpeg::getImage(int frameIndex) { QString ffmpegCachePath = getFfmpegCache().getQString(); QString tempPath = ffmpegCachePath + "//" + cleanPathSymbols(); std::string tmpPath = tempPath.toStdString(); // QString tempPath= m_path.getQString(); QString number = QString("%1").arg(frameIndex, 4, 10, QChar('0')); QString tempName = "In" + number + ".png"; tempName = tempPath + tempName; // for debugging std::string strPath = tempName.toStdString(); if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(TFilePath(tempName))) { QImage *temp = new QImage(tempName, "PNG"); if (temp) { QImage tempToo = temp->convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32); delete temp; const UCHAR *bits = tempToo.bits(); TRasterPT<TPixelRGBM32> ret; ret.create(m_lx, m_ly); ret->lock(); memcpy(ret->getRawData(), bits, m_lx * m_ly * 4); ret->unlock(); ret->yMirror(); return TRasterImageP(ret); } } else return TRasterImageP(); }
void CasmSubmitPage::Data::browseCasmFiles() { static FileBrowserPopup *popup = 0; if (!popup) { vector<string> fileTypes; fileTypes.push_back("casm"); popup = new FileBrowserPopup(m_cspage, fileTypes); popup->setOkAction( new TFileBrowserPopupAction<CasmSubmitPage::Data>(this, &CasmSubmitPage::Data::loadCasm)); } if (!popup) return; TFilePath fp = Application::instance()->getCurrentFolder(); if (fp != TFilePath()) popup->setCurrentDir(fp); TDimension d = TMainshell::getMainshell()->getSize(); #ifdef WIN32 HDC hdc = GetDC(0); d.lx = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, HORZRES); = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES); ReleaseDC(0, hdc); #endif d -= popup->getSize(); //TDimension d = TMainshell::getMainshell()->getSize() - popup->getSize(); popup->popup(TPoint(d.lx / 2, / 2)); popup->setCaption("Load Casm"); }
void TVectorBrushStyle::loadBrush(const std::string &brushName) { m_brushName = brushName; m_colorCount = 0; if (brushName.empty()) return; if (!m_brush) { //Load the image associated with fp TFilePath fp(m_rootDir + TFilePath(brushName + ".pli")); TLevelReaderP lr(fp); TLevelP level = lr->loadInfo(); m_brush = lr->getFrameReader(level->begin()->first)->load(); assert(m_brush); TPalette *palette = level->getPalette(); m_brush->setPalette(palette); } assert(m_brush); m_colorCount = m_brush->getPalette()->getStyleInPagesCount() - 1; //No transparent }
void RenderCommand::doRender(bool isPreview) { bool isWritable = true; bool isMultiFrame; /*-- 初期化処理。フレーム範囲の計算や、Renderの場合はOutputSettingsから保存先パスも作る --*/ if (!init(isPreview)) return; if (m_fp.getDots() == ".") { isMultiFrame = false; TFileStatus fs(m_fp); if (fs.doesExist()) isWritable = fs.isWritable(); } else { isMultiFrame = true; TFilePath dir = m_fp.getParentDir(); QDir qDir(QString::fromStdWString(dir.getWideString())); QString levelName = QRegExp::escape(QString::fromStdWString(m_fp.getWideName())); QString levelType = QString::fromStdString(m_fp.getType()); QString exp(levelName + ".[0-9]{1,4}." + levelType); QRegExp regExp(exp); QStringList list = qDir.entryList(QDir::Files); QStringList livelFrames = list.filter(regExp); int i; for (i = 0; i < livelFrames.size() && isWritable; i++) { TFilePath frame = dir + TFilePath(livelFrames[i].toStdWString()); if (frame.isEmpty() || !frame.isAbsolute()) continue; TFileStatus fs(frame); isWritable = fs.isWritable(); } } if (!isWritable) { string str = "It is not possible to write the output: the file"; str += isMultiFrame ? "s are read only." : " is read only."; MsgBox(WARNING, QString::fromStdString(str)); return; } ToonzScene *scene = 0; TCamera *camera = 0; try { /*-- Xsheetノードに繋がっている各ラインごとに計算するモード。 MultipleRender で Schematic Flows または Fx Schematic Terminal Nodes が選択されている場合 --*/ if (m_multimediaRender && m_fp.getType() != "swf") //swf is not currently supported on multimedia... multimediaRender(); else if (!isPreview && m_fp.getType() == "swf") flashRender(); else /*-- 通常のRendering --*/ rasterRender(isPreview); } catch (TException &e) { MsgBox(WARNING, QString::fromStdString(toString(e.getMessage()))); } catch (...) { MsgBox(WARNING, QObject::tr("It is not possible to complete the rendering.")); } }
inline static TFilePath getAbsolutePath(const TFilePath &file, const TFilePath &relTo) { QDir relToDir( QString::fromStdWString(relTo.getParentDir().getWideString())); QString absFileStr(relToDir.absoluteFilePath( QString::fromStdWString(file.getWideString()))); return TFilePath(absFileStr.toStdWString()); }
TFilePathSet TMyPaintBrushStyle::getBrushesDirs() { TFilePathSet paths; paths.push_back(m_libraryDir + "mypaint brushes"); QStringList genericLocations = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation); for(QStringList::iterator i = genericLocations.begin(); i != genericLocations.end(); ++i) paths.push_back(TFilePath(*i) + "mypaint" + "brushes"); return paths; }
inline static TFilePath getRelativePath(const TFilePath &file, const TFilePath &relTo) { QDir relToDir( QString::fromStdWString(relTo.getParentDir().getWideString())); QString relFileStr(relToDir.relativeFilePath( QString::fromStdWString(file.getWideString()))); return TFilePath(relFileStr.toStdWString()); }
FormatSettingsPopup::FormatSettingsPopup(QWidget *parent, const std::string &format, TPropertyGroup *props) : Dialog(parent) , m_format(format) , m_props(props) , m_levelPath(TFilePath()) #ifdef _WIN32 , m_codecRestriction(0) , m_codecComboBox(0) , m_configureCodec(0) #endif { setWindowTitle(tr("File Settings")); setWindowFlags(Qt::Dialog | Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); m_mainLayout = new QGridLayout(); m_mainLayout->setMargin(0); m_mainLayout->setVerticalSpacing(5); m_mainLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(5); m_mainLayout->setColumnStretch(0, 0); m_mainLayout->setColumnStretch(1, 1); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_props->getPropertyCount(); i++) { if (dynamic_cast<TEnumProperty *>(m_props->getProperty(i))) buildPropertyComboBox(i, m_props); else if (dynamic_cast<TIntProperty *>(m_props->getProperty(i))) buildValueField(i, m_props); else if (dynamic_cast<TBoolProperty *>(m_props->getProperty(i))) buildPropertyCheckBox(i, m_props); else if (dynamic_cast<TStringProperty *>(m_props->getProperty(i))) buildPropertyLineEdit(i, m_props); else assert(false); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (format == "avi") { m_codecRestriction = new QLabel(this); m_codecRestriction->setMinimumHeight(70); m_codecRestriction->setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid rgb(200,200,200);"); m_mainLayout->addWidget(m_codecRestriction, m_mainLayout->rowCount(), 0, 1, 2); m_configureCodec = new QPushButton(tr("Configure Codec"), this); m_configureCodec->setObjectName("PushButton_NoPadding"); m_configureCodec->setFixedSize(100, DVGui::WidgetHeight); m_mainLayout->addWidget(m_configureCodec, m_mainLayout->rowCount(), 0, 1, 2); connect(m_configureCodec, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(onAviCodecConfigure())); } #endif m_topLayout->addLayout(m_mainLayout, 1); }
void CleanupTab::onPathChange() { CleanupSettingsModel *model = CleanupSettingsModel::instance(); CleanupParameters *params = model->getCurrentParameters(); m_path = params->m_path = TFilePath(m_pathField->getPath().toStdWString()); model->commitChanges(); }
bool Ffmpeg::checkFilesExist() { QString ffmpegCachePath = getFfmpegCache().getQString(); QString tempPath = ffmpegCachePath + "//" + cleanPathSymbols() + "In0001." + m_intermediateFormat; if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(TFilePath(tempPath))) { return true; } else return false; }
void TExternalProgramFx::initialize(std::string name) { TFilePath fp = getExternFxPath() + (name + ".xml"); TIStream is(fp); if (!is) return; std::string tagName; if (!is.matchTag(tagName) || tagName != "externFx") return; try { while (is.matchTag(tagName)) { if (tagName == "executable") { TFilePath executable = TFilePath(is.getTagAttribute("path")); std::string args = is.getTagAttribute("args"); if (executable == TFilePath()) throw TException("missing executable path"); if (args == "") throw TException("missing args string"); setExecutable(executable, args); } else if (tagName == "inport" || tagName == "outport") { std::string portName = is.getTagAttribute("name"); std::string ext = is.getTagAttribute("ext"); if (portName == "") throw TException("missing port name"); if (ext == "") throw TException("missing port ext"); addPort(portName, ext, tagName == "inport"); } else if (tagName == "param") { std::string paramName = is.getTagAttribute("name"); if (paramName == "") throw TException("missing param name"); std::string type = is.getTagAttribute("type"); if (type == "") throw TException("missing param type"); if (type != "double") throw TException("param type not yet implemented"); TDoubleParamP param = new TDoubleParam(); param->setName(paramName); m_params.push_back(param); } else throw TException("unexpected tag " + tagName); } is.closeChild(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_params.size(); i++) bindParam(this, m_params[i]->getName(), m_params[i]); } catch (...) { } }
Convert2Tlv::Convert2Tlv(const TFilePath &filepath1, const TFilePath &filepath2, const TFilePath &outFolder, const QString &outName, int from, int to, bool doAutoclose, const TFilePath &palettePath, int colorTolerance, int antialiasType, int antialiasValue, bool isUnpaintedFromNAA) : m_size(0, 0), m_level1(), m_levelIn1(), m_levelIn2(), m_levelOut(), m_autoclose(doAutoclose), m_premultiply(false), m_count(0), m_from(from), m_to(to), m_palettePath(palettePath), m_colorTolerance(colorTolerance), m_palette(0), m_antialiasType(antialiasType), m_antialiasValue(antialiasValue), m_isUnpaintedFromNAA(isUnpaintedFromNAA) { if (filepath1 != TFilePath()) { m_levelIn1 = filepath1.getParentDir() + filepath1.getLevelName(); if (outFolder != TFilePath()) m_levelOut = m_levelIn1.withParentDir(outFolder).withNoFrame().withType("tlv"); else m_levelOut = m_levelIn1.withNoFrame().withType("tlv"); //filePaths[0].getParentDir() + TFilePath(filePaths[0].getWideName() + L".tlv"); if (outName != "") m_levelOut = m_levelOut.withName(outName.toStdString()); } if (filepath2 != TFilePath()) m_levelIn2 = filepath2.getParentDir() + filepath2.getLevelName(); }
void CasmSubmitPage::Data::loadCasm(const TFilePath &fp) { if (!TFileStatus(fp).doesExist()) { string msg = toString(fp.getWideString()) + "\n"; msg += "File not found\n"; msg += "Please verify that the path and file name are correct"; m_filepathTextField->setText(""); TMessage::error(msg); return; } Application::instance()->setCurrentFolder(fp.getParentDir()); string uncString = convertToUncString(fp); m_filepathTextField->setText(uncString); m_taskNameTextField->setText(TFilePath(uncString).getName()); #ifdef WIN32 int x = uncString.find("\\", 2); while (x != string::npos) { uncString.replace(x, 1, "/", 0, 1); x = uncString.find("\\", x + 1); } #endif TFilePath uncFilePath = TFilePath(uncString); CasmFileInfo casmFileInfo(uncFilePath); int start, end; bool interlaced; casmFileInfo.getFrameRange(start, end, interlaced); if (m_casmTask) delete m_casmTask; m_casmTask = new CasmTask; m_casmTask->m_casmFile = uncString; m_casmTask->m_start = start; m_casmTask->m_end = end; m_casmTask->m_step = 1; m_configPanel->setTask(m_casmTask); }
AddFxContextMenu::AddFxContextMenu() : QObject(), m_app(0), m_currentCursorScenePos(0, 0), m_againCommand(0) { m_fxListPath = TFilePath(ToonzFolder::getProfileFolder() + "layouts" + "fxs" + "fxs.lst"); m_presetPath = TFilePath(ToonzFolder::getFxPresetFolder() + "presets"); m_insertMenu = new QMenu(tr("Insert FX"), 0); m_insertActionGroup = new QActionGroup(m_insertMenu); m_addMenu = new QMenu(tr("Add FX"), 0); m_addActionGroup = new QActionGroup(m_addMenu); m_replaceMenu = new QMenu(tr("Replace FX"), 0); m_replaceActionGroup = new QActionGroup(m_replaceMenu); connect(m_insertActionGroup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), this, SLOT(onInsertFx(QAction *))); connect(m_addActionGroup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), this, SLOT(onAddFx(QAction *))); connect(m_replaceActionGroup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), this, SLOT(onReplaceFx(QAction *))); fillMenus(); }
SceneLevel::SceneLevel(ToonzScene *scene, TXshSimpleLevel *sl) : SceneResource(scene), m_sl(sl), m_oldPath(sl->getPath()), m_oldActualPath(scene->decodeFilePath(sl->getPath())), m_oldScannedPath(sl->getScannedPath()), m_oldRefImgPath(), m_oldActualRefImgPath() { if (m_oldScannedPath != TFilePath()) m_oldActualScannedPath = m_scene->decodeFilePath(m_oldScannedPath); if ((sl->getPath().getType() == "tlv" || sl->getPath().getType() == "pli") && sl->getPalette()) { m_oldRefImgPath = sl->getPalette()->getRefImgPath(); m_oldActualRefImgPath = m_scene->decodeFilePath(m_oldRefImgPath); } }
TFilePath TFilePath::decode(const std::map<string, string> &dictionary) const { TFilePath parent = getParentDir(); TFilePath filename = withParentDir(""); std::map<string, string>::const_iterator it = dictionary.find(filename.getFullPath()); if (it != dictionary.end()) filename = TFilePath(it->second); if (parent.isEmpty()) return filename; else return parent.decode(dictionary) + filename; }
bool Ffmpeg::checkFfprobe() { // check the user defined path in preferences first QString path = Preferences::instance()->getFfmpegPath() + "/ffprobe"; #if defined(_WIN32) path = path + ".exe"; #endif if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(TFilePath(path))) return true; // check the OpenToonz root directory next path = QDir::currentPath() + "/ffprobe"; #if defined(_WIN32) path = path + ".exe"; #endif if (TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(TFilePath(path))) { Preferences::instance()->setFfmpegPath(QDir::currentPath().toStdString()); return true; } // give up return false; }
void ResourceCollector::process(TXshSimpleLevel *sl) { TFilePath path = sl->getPath(); std::string suffix = ResourceImporter::extractPsdSuffix(path); std::map<TFilePath, TFilePath>::iterator it = m_collectedFiles.find(path); if (it != m_collectedFiles.end()) { TFilePath destPath = it->second; if (suffix != "") destPath = ResourceImporter::buildPsd(destPath, suffix); sl->setPath(destPath); } else { TFilePath collectedPath = path; if (getCollectedPath(m_scene, collectedPath)) { TFilePath actualCollectedPath = m_scene->decodeFilePath(collectedPath); if (actualCollectedPath != path && TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(path) && !TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(actualCollectedPath)) { try { TSystem::touchParentDir(actualCollectedPath); TXshSimpleLevel::copyFiles(actualCollectedPath, path); } catch (...) { } } ++m_count; TFilePath destPath = collectedPath; if (suffix != "") destPath = ResourceImporter::buildPsd(destPath, suffix); sl->setPath(destPath); m_collectedFiles[path] = collectedPath; } } if (sl->getScannedPath() != TFilePath()) { path = sl->getScannedPath(); TFilePath collectedPath = path; if (getCollectedPath(m_scene, collectedPath)) { TFilePath actualCollectedPath = m_scene->decodeFilePath(collectedPath); if (actualCollectedPath != path && TSystem::doesExistFileOrLevel(path)) { try { TSystem::touchParentDir(actualCollectedPath); TXshSimpleLevel::copyFiles(actualCollectedPath, path); } catch (...) { } } sl->setScannedPath(collectedPath); m_count++; } } sl->setDirtyFlag(false); }
TRasterP TCacheResource::load(const PointLess &cellPos) { if (m_path.isEmpty()) return 0; TFilePath cellPath(TCacheResourcePool::instance()->getPath() + m_path + TFilePath(getCellName(cellPos.x, cellPos.y))); TRasterP ras; if (m_tileType == CM32) { ::loadCompressed(cellPath, ras, CM32); } else { TImageReader::load(cellPath.withType(".tif"), ras); } return ras; }