Пример #1
void HUDSettup( TSquare ** pButtons )
	TGfxVec2 tGroupPos = TGfxVec2( fHUD_BUTTON_POS_X, fHUD_BUTTON_POS_Y );
	TGfxVec2 tMargin = TGfxVec2( 0.f, fHUD_BUTTON_MARGIN );

	VerticalSettup(pButtons, EItemType_Count, tGroupPos, tButtonSize, tMargin, 0, ETextureData_HUD );

	//return &pButtons[0];
Пример #2
void MainMenuSettup( TSquare ** pButtons )
	TGfxVec2 tGroupPos = TGfxVec2( fMENU_BUTTON_POS_X, fMENU_BUTTON_POS_Y );
	TGfxVec2 tMargin = TGfxVec2( 0.f, fMENU_BUTTON_MARGIN );

	VerticalSettup(pButtons, EMainMenuState_Count, tGroupPos, tButtonSize, tMargin, BUTTON_NULL, ETextureData_MainMenu );

	//return &pButtons[0];
Пример #3
TItem::TItem(const TGfxVec2 & tPos, float fRadius, EItemType eType)
	:TCircle( tPos, 0.f, fRadius ), m_eType( eType )
	//Sprite settup
	SpriteSettup(ETextureData_Item, TGfxVec2(m_fRadius, m_fRadius));
	SetTile(0, eType);
Пример #4
TGfxVec2 TCamera::ConvertScreenPosToWorldPos(const TGfxVec2 & tScreenPos) const
	const TGfxVec2 tRelativeToFocusPos = TGfxVec2(tScreenPos.x - GfxGetDisplaySizeX() / 2.0f, -tScreenPos.y + GfxGetDisplaySizeY() / 2.0f);
	const TGfxVec2 tWorldPos = tRelativeToFocusPos + m_pFocus->GetWorldPos();

	return tWorldPos;
Пример #5
void VerticalSettup( TSquare ** pButtons, int iButtonCount, const TGfxVec2 & pGroupPos, const TGfxVec2 & tButtonSize, const TGfxVec2 & tMargin, int iSelected, ETextureData eTexture )
	//TSquare * pButtons[BUTTON_MAX];
	for( int i = 0; i < BUTTON_MAX; i++ )
		if( i < iButtonCount )
			TGfxVec2 tButtonPos = pGroupPos +
				TGfxVec2( tButtonSize.x, tButtonSize.y * 2.f * float( i ) ) +
				( tMargin * float( i + 1 ) );

			pButtons[i] = new TSquare( tButtonPos, 0.f, tButtonSize, eTexture );

			if( i == iSelected )
				pButtons[i]->SetTile( i, EButtonAnimState_Unavailable_Selected );
				pButtons[i]->SetTile( i, EButtonAnimState_Unavailable );
			pButtons[i] = nullptr;

	//return &pButtons[0];
Пример #6
TTransition::TTransition( ERoomResult eTransitionType, TRoom & pCurrentRoom, TRoom & pOtherRoom, int iDelay )
	:m_tDir(TGfxVec2(0.f, 0.f)),
	m_pCurrentRoom = &pCurrentRoom;
	m_pOtherRoom = &pOtherRoom;
	m_pTimer = new TWait( 0, iDelay, false );

	TGfxVec2 tPrecDoorPos;
	TGfxVec2 tNextDoorPos;

	if( m_eTransitionType != ERoomResult_EntryDoor )
		tNextDoorPos = m_pCurrentRoom->GetExitDoor().GetPos();
		tPrecDoorPos = m_pOtherRoom->GetEntryDoor().GetPos();
		tNextDoorPos = m_pCurrentRoom->GetEntryDoor().GetPos();
		tPrecDoorPos = m_pOtherRoom->GetExitDoor().GetPos();

	m_tDir = (tPrecDoorPos - tNextDoorPos).Normalize();
Пример #7
void MenuPageSettup( TSquare ** pButtons )
//	TSquare * pButtons[BUTTON_MAX];
	TTileInfo tTileSize = TTextureControler::GetTileSize( ETextureData_MenuButton );
	TGfxVec2 tButtonSize = TGfxVec2( float( tTileSize.x/2 ), float( tTileSize.y /2) );
	TGfxVec2 tPos = TGfxVec2( ( float ) SCREEN_SIZE_X, ( float ) SCREEN_SIZE_Y ) - tButtonSize;

	pButtons[0] = new TSquare( tPos, 0.f, tButtonSize, ETextureData_MenuButton );

	for( int i = 1; i < BUTTON_MAX; i++ )
		pButtons[i] = nullptr;

	//return &pButtons[0];
Пример #8
void TPlayer::Respawn(const int MAX_Wall)
	GfxSpriteSetPosition(tMap.g_tLevelSprite, GfxSpriteGetPositionX(tMap.g_tLevelSprite) - m_tRespawnVector.x, GfxSpriteGetPositionY(tMap.g_tLevelSprite) - m_tRespawnVector.y);

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_Wall; i++)
		// if different from -2000, -2000
		if (tWall[i].tPosition != TGfxVec2(-2000, -2000))
			tWall[i].tPosition -= m_tRespawnVector;

	m_fSpeed = 0;
	m_tDirection = TGfxVec2(0, 0);
	m_tRespawnVector = TGfxVec2(0, 0);
Пример #9
void TrophySettup( TSquare ** pButtons )
	//TSquare * pButtons[BUTTON_MAX];

	TGfxVec2 tScreenCenter = TGfxVec2( ( float ) SCREEN_SIZE_X/2, ( float ) SCREEN_SIZE_Y/2 );
	TTileInfo tTileSize = TTextureControler::GetTileSize( ETextureData_Trophy );
	TGfxVec2 tButtonSize = TGfxVec2( float( tTileSize.x ), float( tTileSize.y ) );

	TGfxVec2 tMarginX = TGfxVec2( fTROPHY_MARGIN, 0.f );
	TGfxVec2 tMarginY = TGfxVec2( 0.f, fTROPHY_MARGIN );
	int iColCount = ( TROPHY_MAX / 2 );

	TGfxVec2 tGroupPos = tScreenCenter - ( ( TGfxVec2( tButtonSize.x, tButtonSize.y/2 ) + tMarginX ) * float( iColCount / 2 ) );

	for( int i = 0; i < BUTTON_MAX; i++ )
		TGfxVec2 tPosX = ( TGfxVec2( tButtonSize.x, 0.f) + tMarginX ) * float( i % iColCount );
		TGfxVec2 tPosY = ( TGfxVec2( 0.f, tButtonSize.y ) + tMarginY) * float( i / iColCount );
		TGfxVec2 tButtonPos = tGroupPos + tPosX + tPosY;

		pButtons[i] = new TSquare( tButtonPos, 0.f, tButtonSize/2, ETextureData_Trophy );

		pButtons[i]->SetTile( i, EButtonAnimState_Unavailable );
	//return &pButtons[0];
Пример #10
void PlayerState_GoingToBase()
	if (g_bMoving == false)
		GfxDbgPrintf("You are going to the base\n");

	g_bMoving = true;

	//----------------------------------------- TRY ----------------------------------------------------------------

	int sizeX = (GfxGetDisplaySizeX() / 2);
	int sizeY = (GfxGetDisplaySizeY() / 2);

	ArcheoStuffs::Move(TGfxVec2(sizeX - 8, sizeY - 8), TGfxVec2(float(g_TPlayerData.iPosX), float(g_TPlayerData.iPosY)));

Пример #11
void TBox::CreateSpriteBox(TGfxTexture * pTexture)
	m_bIsDrawable = true;
	m_pSprite = GfxSpriteCreate(pTexture);
	int iSizeX = GfxSpriteGetSizeX(m_pSprite);
	int iSizeY = GfxSpriteGetSizeY(m_pSprite);
	GfxSpriteSetFilteringEnabled(m_pSprite, false);
	GfxSpriteSetPivot(m_pSprite, iSizeX / 2.0f, iSizeY / 2.0f);
	SetBox(TGfxVec2(0.0f, 0.0f), (float)iSizeX, (float)iSizeY);
Пример #12
void TBox::CreateTextBox(const char * pName)
	m_bIsDrawable = true;
	m_pTextSprite = GfxTextSpriteCreate();
	GfxSpriteSetFilteringEnabled(m_pTextSprite, false);
	GfxTextSpritePrintf(m_pTextSprite, pName);
	int iSizeX = GfxSpriteGetSizeX(m_pTextSprite);
	int iSizeY = GfxSpriteGetSizeY(m_pTextSprite);
	GfxSpriteSetPivot(m_pTextSprite, iSizeX / 2.0f, iSizeY / 2.0f);
	SetBox(TGfxVec2(0.0f, 0.0f), (float)iSizeX, (float)iSizeY);
Пример #13
void TBox::CreateSpriteBox(TGfxTexture * pTexture, const int iTextureSize, int iTileX, int iTileY, int iTextureSizeY)
	iTextureSizeY = (iTextureSizeY != 0) ? iTextureSizeY : iTextureSize;

	m_bIsDrawable = true;
	m_pSprite = GfxSpriteCreate(pTexture);
	GfxSpriteSetFilteringEnabled(m_pSprite, false);
	GfxSpriteSetCutout(m_pSprite, iTileX*iTextureSize, iTileY*iTextureSizeY, iTextureSize, iTextureSizeY);
	GfxSpriteSetPivot(m_pSprite, iTextureSize / 2.0f, iTextureSizeY / 2.0f);
	SetBox(TGfxVec2(0.0f, 0.0f), (float)iTextureSize, (float)iTextureSizeY);
Пример #14
void TBox::DrawBox()
	if (m_pSprite != nullptr)
		GfxSpriteSetPosition(m_pSprite, m_tCenter.x, m_tCenter.y);
		GfxSpriteSetAngle(m_pSprite, GfxMathDegToRad(-m_fAngle));

	if (m_pLineSprite != nullptr)
		if (m_pLineSprite != nullptr)

		GfxLineSpriteSetDrawingColor(m_pLineSprite, GfxColor(150, 150, 150, 255));
		TGfxVec2 tAxisX = TGfxVec2(m_fRay_W, 0).Rotate(GfxMathDegToRad(m_fAngle))*m_fScale;
		TGfxVec2 tAxisY = TGfxVec2(0, m_fRay_H).Rotate(GfxMathDegToRad(m_fAngle))*m_fScale;

		TGfxVec2 tUR = TGfxVec2(m_tCenter.x + tAxisX.x + tAxisY.x, m_tCenter.y + tAxisX.y + tAxisY.y);
		TGfxVec2 tUL = TGfxVec2(m_tCenter.x - tAxisX.x + tAxisY.x, m_tCenter.y - tAxisX.y + tAxisY.y);
		TGfxVec2 tDL = TGfxVec2(m_tCenter.x - tAxisX.x - tAxisY.x, m_tCenter.y - tAxisX.y - tAxisY.y);
		TGfxVec2 tDR = TGfxVec2(m_tCenter.x + tAxisX.x - tAxisY.x, m_tCenter.y + tAxisX.y - tAxisY.y);

		GfxLineSpriteJumpTo(m_pLineSprite, tUL.x, tUL.y);
		GfxLineSpriteLineTo(m_pLineSprite, tDL.x, tDL.y);
		GfxLineSpriteLineTo(m_pLineSprite, tDR.x, tDR.y);
		GfxLineSpriteLineTo(m_pLineSprite, tUR.x, tUR.y);
		GfxLineSpriteLineTo(m_pLineSprite, tUL.x, tUL.y);
	if (m_pTextSprite != nullptr)
		GfxSpriteSetPosition(m_pTextSprite, m_tCenter.x, m_tCenter.y);
Пример #15
void Initialize()
	int sizeX = (GfxGetDisplaySizeX() / 2);
	int sizeY = (GfxGetDisplaySizeY() / 2);
	g_pLines = GfxLineSpriteCreate();
	g_pLines2 = GfxLineSpriteCreate();

	ArcheoStuffs::DrawCircle(g_pLines, TGfxVec2(0, 0), 8, GfxColor(255, 255, 0, 255), true); // Player creation

	for (int i = 0; i < g_iNbrCave; i++)
		g_bCaveSearched[i] = false;

	g_pImage = GfxImageCreate(1,1);
	unsigned int * pData = GfxImageGetData(g_pImage);
	*pData = EGfxColor_White;
	g_pTexture = GfxTextureCreate(g_pImage);

	g_pSpritePlayer = GfxSpriteCreate(g_pTexture);
	g_pSpriteBase = GfxSpriteCreate(g_pTexture);

	GfxSpriteSetScale(g_pSpritePlayer, 16, 16);
	GfxSpriteSetColor(g_pSpritePlayer, GfxColor(255, 255, 0, 255));
	g_TPlayerData.iPos = TGfxVec2(sizeX - 8, sizeY - 8);
	g_TPlayerData.iPosX = sizeX - 8;
	g_TPlayerData.iPosY = sizeY - 8;

	GfxSpriteSetScale(g_pSpriteBase, 32, 32);
	GfxSpriteSetColor(g_pSpriteBase, GfxColor(0, 255, 0, 255));
	GfxSpriteSetPosition(g_pSpriteBase, sizeX-16, sizeY-16);

	for (int i = 0; i < g_iNbrCave; i++)
Пример #16
void TPlatform::Initialize(const TGfxTexture * pTexture, const TGfxVec2 & tWorldPos, const TGfxVec2 & tRadius)
	InitializeUoBox(tWorldPos, tRadius);

	const float fCutoutSizeX = fmaxf(m_tRadius.x * 2 * (1/SCALE), m_tRadius.y * 2 * (1/SCALE));

	m_tSprite.Initialize(this, pTexture, PLATFORM_CUTOUT, TGfxVec2(fCutoutSizeX, float(TILE_SIZE)), TGfxVec2(SCALE, SCALE));

	if (fCutoutSizeX == m_tRadius.y * 2 * (1 / SCALE))
Пример #17
void TAnimation::Initialize(TSprite * pSprite, const TGfxVec2 & tInitialCutout, const ECutOutIncrement eCutOutIncrement, const int iTimePerFrame, const int iFrameNumber)
	m_pSprite = pSprite;

	m_tInitialCutout = tInitialCutout;
	m_iTimePerFrame = iTimePerFrame;
	m_iFrameNumber = iFrameNumber;

	switch (eCutOutIncrement)
		case ECutOutIncrement_X_Positive:

			m_tCutOutIncrement = TGfxVec2(m_pSprite->GetSize().x, 0);


		case ECutOutIncrement_X_Negative:

			m_tCutOutIncrement = TGfxVec2(-m_pSprite->GetSize().x, 0);


		case ECutOutIncrement_Y_Positive:

			m_tCutOutIncrement = TGfxVec2(0, m_pSprite->GetSize().y);


		case ECutOutIncrement_Y_Negative:

			m_tCutOutIncrement = TGfxVec2(0, -m_pSprite->GetSize().y);


Пример #18
int TInterface::CheckInput()
	if( GfxInputIsJustReleased( EGfxInputID_MouseLeft ) )
		const float fMouseX = ( float ) GfxGetCurrentMouseX();
		const float fMouseY = ( float ) GfxGetCurrentMouseY();
		const TGfxVec2 tMousePos = TGfxVec2( fMouseX, fMouseY );

		for( int i = 0; i < BUTTON_MAX; i++ )
			if( m_pButtons[i] != nullptr && m_pButtons[i]->CollidePoint( tMousePos ) )
				GfxDbgPrintf( "CLICK %d\n", i );

				return i;
	return BUTTON_NULL;
Пример #19
	void DrawCircle(TGfxSprite * pLines, const TGfxVec2 tCenter, const float fRadius, const unsigned int tColor, const bool tPlayer)
		GfxSpriteSetPosition(pLines, g_TPlayerData.iPosX, g_TPlayerData.iPosY);
		const int NUM_LINES = 32;

		GfxLineSpriteJumpTo(pLines, tCenter.x + fRadius, tCenter.y);
		GfxLineSpriteSetDrawingColor(pLines, tColor);

		if (tPlayer == true)
			ArcheoStuffs::DrawArrow(pLines, tCenter, TGfxVec2(tCenter.x + cos(GfxMathDegToRad((360.f / NUM_LINES) * (1))) * fRadius, tCenter.y + sin(GfxMathDegToRad((360.f / NUM_LINES) * (1))) * fRadius));

		for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LINES; ++i)
			const float fAngle = GfxMathDegToRad((360.f / NUM_LINES) * (i + 1));
			const float fPosX = tCenter.x + cos(fAngle) * fRadius;
			const float fPosY = tCenter.y + sin(fAngle) * fRadius;
			GfxLineSpriteLineTo(pLines, fPosX, fPosY);
Пример #20
void PlayerState_GoingToCave()
	if (g_bMoving == false)
			g_iCurrentCaveTarget = GfxMathGetRandomInteger(0, 5);
		} while (g_pCave[g_iCurrentCaveTarget].bIsSearched == true);

		GfxDbgPrintf("You are going to the cave number %d\n", g_iCurrentCaveTarget + 1);
	g_bMoving = true;

	//----------------------------------------- TRY ----------------------------------------------------------------

	ArcheoStuffs::Move(TGfxVec2(float(g_pCave[g_iCurrentCaveTarget].iPosX), float(g_pCave[g_iCurrentCaveTarget].iPosY)), TGfxVec2(float(g_TPlayerData.iPosX), float(g_TPlayerData.iPosY)));

Пример #21
void TPlayer::Render(const int MAX_Wall)
	TGfxVec2 tBackToCenter = (m_tPosition - m_tStartPosition);

	m_tPosition -= tBackToCenter;
	GfxSpriteSetPosition(m_pSpritePlayer, GfxSpriteGetPositionX(m_pSpritePlayer) - tBackToCenter.x, GfxSpriteGetPositionY(m_pSpritePlayer) - tBackToCenter.y);
	GfxSpriteSetPosition(tMap.g_tLevelSprite, GfxSpriteGetPositionX(tMap.g_tLevelSprite) - tBackToCenter.x, GfxSpriteGetPositionY(tMap.g_tLevelSprite) - tBackToCenter.y);
	m_tSpawnPosition -= tBackToCenter;

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_Wall; i++)
		// if different from -2000, -2000
		if (tWall[i].tPosition != TGfxVec2(-2000, -2000))
			tWall[i].tPosition -= tBackToCenter;

	m_tRespawnVector -= tBackToCenter;

Пример #22
	void CreateCave(int ActCave)
		g_pCave[ActCave].iScale = GfxMathGetRandomInteger(32, 64);
		bool Collisioned = true;
			g_pCave[ActCave].iPosX = (GfxMathGetRandomInteger(g_pCave[ActCave].iScale, GfxGetDisplaySizeX() - g_pCave[ActCave].iScale));
			g_pCave[ActCave].iPosY = (GfxMathGetRandomInteger(g_pCave[ActCave].iScale, GfxGetDisplaySizeY() - g_pCave[ActCave].iScale));
			Collisioned = false;
			for (int e = 0; e < ActCave; e++)
				if (!(g_pCave[ActCave].iPosX > g_pCave[e].iPosX + g_pCave[e].iScale + 20)
					&& !(g_pCave[ActCave].iPosX < g_pCave[e].iPosX - g_pCave[ActCave].iScale - 20)
					&& !(g_pCave[ActCave].iPosY < g_pCave[e].iPosY - g_pCave[ActCave].iScale - 20)
					&& !(g_pCave[ActCave].iPosY > g_pCave[e].iPosY + g_pCave[e].iScale + 20))
					Collisioned = true;
			if (ActCave == 0)
				Collisioned = false;
		} while (Collisioned == true);

		g_pCave[ActCave].pLines = GfxLineSpriteCreate();
		ArcheoStuffs::DrawCircle(g_pCave[ActCave].pLines, TGfxVec2(0, 0), g_pCave[ActCave].iScale / 2, EGfxColor_Blue, false);
		GfxSpriteSetPosition(g_pCave[ActCave].pLines, g_pCave[ActCave].iPosX, g_pCave[ActCave].iPosY);

		g_pCave[ActCave].g_pSpriteCave = GfxSpriteCreate(g_pTexture);
		GfxSpriteSetPivot(g_pCave[ActCave].g_pSpriteCave, 0.5, 0.5);
		GfxSpriteSetScale(g_pCave[ActCave].g_pSpriteCave, g_pCave[ActCave].iScale, g_pCave[ActCave].iScale);
		GfxSpriteSetColor(g_pCave[ActCave].g_pSpriteCave, GfxColor(0, 0, 255, 255));
		GfxSpriteSetPosition(g_pCave[ActCave].g_pSpriteCave, g_pCave[ActCave].iPosX, g_pCave[ActCave].iPosY);
Пример #23
void TPlayer::Move(float fSpeed, TGfxVec2 tDirection, const int MAX_WALL, const int TILE_SIZE)
	TGfxVec2 tVelocity = TGfxVec2(0, 0);
	TGfxVec2 tMove = TGfxVec2(0, 0);

	TGfxVec2 tDirectionX = TGfxVec2(1, 0);
	TGfxVec2 tDirectionY = TGfxVec2(0, 1);

	float fSpeedX = (tDirection*fSpeed).DotProduct(tDirectionX);
	float fSpeedY = (tDirection*fSpeed).DotProduct(tDirectionY);

	const int iMaxPossibleCollision = 8;
	int iCollisionableWall[iMaxPossibleCollision];
	float fCollisionableWallLength[iMaxPossibleCollision];
	int iCollisionableWallCpt = 0;
	int iCloserCollisionableWall = 0;

	int iCollisionDirection = 0; // 0 = en haut, 1 = à gauche, 2 = en bas, 3 = à droite

	bool bCollision = false;
	bool bInputPressed = false;

	bool bNextToWallRight = true;
	bool bNextToWallLeft = true;

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WALL; i++)
		if (m_tPosition.x + TILE_SIZE == tWall[i].tPosition.x
			&& m_tPosition.y > tWall[i].tPosition.y - TILE_SIZE
			&& m_tPosition.y < tWall[i].tPosition.y + TILE_SIZE)
			bNextToWallRight = false;
		if (m_tPosition.x - TILE_SIZE == tWall[i].tPosition.x
			&& m_tPosition.y > tWall[i].tPosition.y - TILE_SIZE
			&& m_tPosition.y < tWall[i].tPosition.y + TILE_SIZE)
			bNextToWallLeft = false;

	int iMouseOneX = 0;
	int iMouseOneY = 0;
	int iMouseTwoX = 0;
	int iMouseTwoY = 0;
	int iNumberOfMouse = 0;

	if (GfxInputGetMouseCount() == 0)
		iNumberOfMouse = 0;
	else if (GfxInputGetMouseCount() == 1)
		iMouseOneX = GfxInputGetMousePositionX(0);
		iMouseOneY = GfxInputGetMousePositionY(0);
		iNumberOfMouse = 1;
		iMouseOneX = GfxInputGetMousePositionX(0);
		iMouseOneY = GfxInputGetMousePositionY(0);
		iMouseTwoX = GfxInputGetMousePositionX(1);
		iMouseTwoY = GfxInputGetMousePositionY(1);
		iNumberOfMouse = 2;

	if (bNextToWallRight == true)
		if ((GfxInputIsPressed(EGfxInputID_KeyArrowRight))
			(iNumberOfMouse == 1
			&& iMouseOneX > 68
			&& iMouseOneX < 130
			&& iMouseOneY > 220
			&& iMouseOneY < 320)
			(iNumberOfMouse == 2
			&& iMouseOneX > 68
			&& iMouseOneX < 130
			&& iMouseOneY > 220
			&& iMouseOneY < 320)
			(iNumberOfMouse == 2
			&& iMouseTwoX > 68
			&& iMouseTwoX < 130
			&& iMouseTwoY > 220
			&& iMouseTwoY < 320)
			tVelocity += TGfxVec2(5, 0);
			bInputPressed = true;
	if (bNextToWallLeft == true)
		if ((GfxInputIsPressed(EGfxInputID_KeyArrowLeft))
			(iNumberOfMouse == 1
			&& iMouseOneX > 0
			&& iMouseOneX < 68
			&& iMouseOneY > 220
			&& iMouseOneY < 320)
			(iNumberOfMouse == 2
			&& iMouseOneX > 0
			&& iMouseOneX < 68
			&& iMouseOneY > 220
			&& iMouseOneY < 320)
			(iNumberOfMouse == 2
			&& iMouseTwoX > 0
			&& iMouseTwoX < 68
			&& iMouseTwoY > 220
			&& iMouseTwoY < 320)
			tVelocity += TGfxVec2(-5, 0);
			bInputPressed = true;

	if (bInputPressed == true) // Si un bouton est appuyé, on augmente la vitesse, ....
		if (fSpeedX > 4)
			fSpeedX = 4;
		if (fSpeedX < -4)
			fSpeedX = -4;
		tMove = ((tDirectionX * fSpeedX) + (tVelocity * GfxTimeFrameGetCurrentDurationInSeconds()));
	else // sinon on la réduit jusqu'a un certain nombre où on la mets à 0
		if (fSpeedX > 0.5 || fSpeedX < -0.5)
			tMove = (tDirectionX * fSpeedX) * 0.9;
			tMove = (tDirectionX * fSpeedX) * 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WALL; i++)
		if ((m_tPosition.x) > (tWall[i].tPosition.x - TILE_SIZE)
			&& (m_tPosition.x) < (tWall[i].tPosition.x + (TILE_SIZE))
			&& (m_tPosition.y) == (tWall[i].tPosition.y - TILE_SIZE)
			if (tWall[i].bIsTheEnd == true)
				bIsGameWin = true;
			if (tWall[i].bIsBoost == true)
				tMove += tWall[i].tBoost;
			if ((GfxInputIsPressed(EGfxInputID_KeyCharZ))
				(iNumberOfMouse == 1
				&& iMouseOneX > 410
				&& iMouseOneX < 480
				&& iMouseOneY > 250
				&& iMouseOneY < 320)
				(iNumberOfMouse == 2
				&& iMouseOneX > 410
				&& iMouseOneX < 480
				&& iMouseOneY > 250
				&& iMouseOneY < 320)
				(iNumberOfMouse == 2
				&& iMouseTwoX > 410
				&& iMouseTwoX < 480
				&& iMouseTwoY > 250
				&& iMouseTwoY < 320)
				tMove += TGfxVec2(0, -5.5);

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WALL; i++)
		if ((m_tPosition.x) >(tWall[i].tPosition.x - TILE_SIZE)
			&& (m_tPosition.x) < (tWall[i].tPosition.x + (TILE_SIZE))
			&& (m_tPosition.y) == (tWall[i].tPosition.y - TILE_SIZE)
			if (tWall[i].bIsKilling == true)
				m_fHealth -= GfxTimeFrameGetCurrentDurationInSeconds() * 50;


	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WALL; i++)
		if (tWall[i].bIsWallJumpable == true)
			if ((m_tPosition.x + TILE_SIZE) < (tWall[i].tPosition.x + 1)
				&& (m_tPosition.x + TILE_SIZE) > (tWall[i].tPosition.x - 1)
				&& (m_tPosition.y) > (tWall[i].tPosition.y - TILE_SIZE)
				&& (m_tPosition.y) < (tWall[i].tPosition.y + TILE_SIZE)
				if ((GfxInputIsPressed(EGfxInputID_KeyCharZ))
					(iNumberOfMouse == 1
					&& iMouseOneX > 410
					&& iMouseOneX < 480
					&& iMouseOneY > 250
					&& iMouseOneY < 320)
					(iNumberOfMouse == 2
					&& iMouseOneX > 410
					&& iMouseOneX < 480
					&& iMouseOneY > 250
					&& iMouseOneY < 320)
					(iNumberOfMouse == 2
					&& iMouseTwoX > 410
					&& iMouseTwoX < 480
					&& iMouseTwoY > 250
					&& iMouseTwoY < 320)
					tMove += TGfxVec2(-5.5, -5.5);
		if (tWall[i].bIsWallJumpable == true)
			if ((m_tPosition.x - TILE_SIZE) < (tWall[i].tPosition.x + 1)
				&& (m_tPosition.x - TILE_SIZE) > (tWall[i].tPosition.x - 1)
				&& (m_tPosition.y) > (tWall[i].tPosition.y - TILE_SIZE)
				&& (m_tPosition.y) < (tWall[i].tPosition.y + TILE_SIZE)
				if ((GfxInputIsPressed(EGfxInputID_KeyCharZ))
					(iNumberOfMouse == 1
					&& iMouseOneX > 410
					&& iMouseOneX < 480
					&& iMouseOneY > 250
					&& iMouseOneY < 320)
					(iNumberOfMouse == 2
					&& iMouseOneX > 410
					&& iMouseOneX < 480
					&& iMouseOneY > 250
					&& iMouseOneY < 320)
					(iNumberOfMouse == 2
					&& iMouseTwoX > 410
					&& iMouseTwoX < 480
					&& iMouseTwoY > 250
					&& iMouseTwoY < 320)
					tMove += TGfxVec2(5.5, -5.5);

	tMove += (fSpeedY * tDirectionY);

	bool bInAir = true;

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WALL; i++)
		if (m_tPosition.y + TILE_SIZE == tWall[i].tPosition.y
			&& m_tPosition.x > (tWall[i].tPosition.x - TILE_SIZE) + 0.05
			&& m_tPosition.x < (tWall[i].tPosition.x + TILE_SIZE) - 0.05)// test si un bloc sous le joueur, si oui pas de pesanteur
			bInAir = false;

	if (bInAir == true)
		tMove += (GfxTimeFrameGetCurrentDurationInSeconds() * TGfxVec2(0, 15)); // Attraction terrestre

	if (tMove.y > 6)
		tMove.y = 6;
	if (tMove.y < -6)
		tMove.y = -6;

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WALL; i++)
		if ((m_tPosition.x + tMove.x) > (tWall[i].tPosition.x - TILE_SIZE)
			&& (m_tPosition.x + tMove.x) < (tWall[i].tPosition.x + (TILE_SIZE))
			&& (m_tPosition.y + tMove.y) > (tWall[i].tPosition.y - TILE_SIZE)
			&& (m_tPosition.y + tMove.y) < (tWall[i].tPosition.y + (TILE_SIZE))
			//const int iMaxPossibleCollision = 4;
			//int iCollisionableWall[iMaxPossibleCollision];
			//int iCollisionableWallCpt = 0;
			//int iCloserCollisionableWall = 0;
			iCollisionableWall[iCollisionableWallCpt] = i;
			bCollision = true;

	if (bCollision == true) // SI au moins une collision à été détectée, on regarde laquelle est la plus proche et on lance le code de collision

		for (int i = 0; i < iCollisionableWallCpt; i++)
			fCollisionableWallLength[i] = ((tWall[iCollisionableWall[i]].tPosition - m_tPosition).Length());

		bool bIsTheSmallest = true;

		for (int i = 0; i < iCollisionableWallCpt; i++)
			bIsTheSmallest = true;
			for (int e = 0; e < iCollisionableWallCpt; e++)
				if (fCollisionableWallLength[i] > fCollisionableWallLength[e])
					bIsTheSmallest = false;
			if (bIsTheSmallest == true)
				iCloserCollisionableWall = iCollisionableWall[i];

		int i = iCloserCollisionableWall;

		TGfxVec2 tWallTopPos = TGfxVec2(tWall[i].tPosition.x, (tWall[i].tPosition.y - TILE_SIZE));
		TGfxVec2 tWallLeftPos = TGfxVec2((tWall[i].tPosition.x - TILE_SIZE), tWall[i].tPosition.y);
		TGfxVec2 tWallBottomPos = TGfxVec2(tWall[i].tPosition.x, (tWall[i].tPosition.y + TILE_SIZE));
		TGfxVec2 tWallRightPos = TGfxVec2((tWall[i].tPosition.x + TILE_SIZE), tWall[i].tPosition.y);

		//TGfxVec2 tPlayerFuturePos = TGfxVec2(m_tPosition.x + tMove.x, m_tPosition.y + tMove.y);

		TGfxVec2 tPlayerToTop = m_tPosition - tWallTopPos;
		TGfxVec2 tPlayerToLeft = m_tPosition - tWallLeftPos;
		TGfxVec2 tPlayerToBottom = m_tPosition - tWallBottomPos;
		TGfxVec2 tPlayerToRight = m_tPosition - tWallRightPos;

		float fPlayerToTopLength = tPlayerToTop.Length();
		float fPlayerToLeftLength = tPlayerToLeft.Length();
		float fPlayerToBottomLength = tPlayerToBottom.Length();
		float fPlayerToRightLength = tPlayerToRight.Length();
		if (fPlayerToTopLength < fPlayerToLeftLength
			&& fPlayerToTopLength < fPlayerToBottomLength
			&& fPlayerToTopLength < fPlayerToRightLength
		{ // Renvoyé à gauche du mur
			float fPixelInCollision = ((tPlayer.m_tPosition.y + (tMove.y + TILE_SIZE)) - (tWall[i].tPosition.y));
			tMove.y -= fPixelInCollision;
			iCollisionDirection = 1;
		else if (fPlayerToLeftLength < fPlayerToTopLength
			&& fPlayerToLeftLength < fPlayerToBottomLength
			&& fPlayerToLeftLength < fPlayerToRightLength
			float fPixelInCollision = ((tPlayer.m_tPosition.x + (tMove.x + TILE_SIZE)) - (tWall[i].tPosition.x));
			tMove.x -= fPixelInCollision;
			iCollisionDirection = 2;
		else if (fPlayerToBottomLength < fPlayerToTopLength
			&& fPlayerToBottomLength < fPlayerToLeftLength
			&& fPlayerToBottomLength < fPlayerToRightLength
			float fPixelInCollision = (tWall[i].tPosition.y + TILE_SIZE) - (tPlayer.m_tPosition.y + tMove.y);
			tMove.y += fPixelInCollision;
			iCollisionDirection = 3;
			float fPixelInCollision = (tWall[i].tPosition.x + TILE_SIZE) - (tPlayer.m_tPosition.x + tMove.x);
			tMove.x += fPixelInCollision;
			iCollisionDirection = 4;


	m_tPosition = TGfxVec2(GfxSpriteGetPositionX(m_pSpritePlayer) + tMove.x, GfxSpriteGetPositionY(m_pSpritePlayer) + tMove.y);
	GfxSpriteSetPosition(m_pSpritePlayer, m_tPosition.x, m_tPosition.y);

	m_fSpeed = tMove.Length();
	if (m_fSpeed != 0)
		m_tDirection = tMove.Normalize();

	//if (iCollisionDirection == 0)
	//	// Stop déplacement haut/bas -> Speed.y = 0
	//	m_fSpeed = (m_fSpeed * m_tDirection).DotProduct(TGfxVec2(0, 1));
	//if (iCollisionDirection == 1)
	//	m_fSpeed = (m_fSpeed * m_tDirection).DotProduct(TGfxVec2(1, 0));

Пример #24
	void Move(TGfxVec2 tDest, TGfxVec2 tSrc)
		TGfxVec2 Move(tDest.x - tSrc.x, tDest.y - tSrc.y);
		float Time = (ArcheoStuffs::Absol(Move.x) + ArcheoStuffs::Absol(Move.y)) / g_iSpeed;
		Move = Move / Time;
		Move = Move * GfxTimeFrameGetCurrentDurationInSeconds();

		MoveX = (tDest.x) - (tSrc.x);
		MoveY = (tDest.y) - (tSrc.y);
		RatioX = MoveX / (ArcheoStuffs::Absol(MoveX) + ArcheoStuffs::Absol(MoveY));
		RatioY = MoveY / (ArcheoStuffs::Absol(MoveX) + ArcheoStuffs::Absol(MoveY));
		MoveX2 = RatioX * g_iSpeed;
		MoveY2 = RatioY * g_iSpeed;

		const float X1 = tSrc.x;
		const float Y1 = tSrc.y;
		const float X2 = tDest.x;
		const float Y2 = tDest.y;
		const float X3 = (tSrc.x + (GfxTimeFrameGetCurrentDurationInSeconds() * MoveX2));
		const float Y3 = (tSrc.y + (GfxTimeFrameGetCurrentDurationInSeconds() * MoveY2));

		if (
			X1 < X2
			&& Y1 > Y2
			&& X3 > X2
			&& Y3 < Y2
			X1 < X2
			&& Y1 < Y2
			&& X3 > X2
			&& Y3 > Y2
			X1 > X2
			&& Y1 > Y2
			&& X3 < X2
			&& Y3 < Y2
			X1 > X2
			&& Y1 < Y2
			&& X3 < X2
			&& Y3 > Y2
			tSrc.x = tDest.x;
			tSrc.y = tDest.y;
			g_bMoving = false;

			int sizeX = (GfxGetDisplaySizeX() / 2);
			int sizeY = (GfxGetDisplaySizeY() / 2);

			if (tDest == TGfxVec2(sizeX - 8, sizeY - 8))
				g_TPlayerData.m_ePlayerState = g_TPlayerData.EPlayerState_AtBase;
				g_TPlayerData.m_ePlayerState = g_TPlayerData.EPlayerState_AtCave;
			g_TPlayerData.iPos += Move;
			g_TPlayerData.iPosX += (GfxTimeFrameGetCurrentDurationInSeconds() * MoveX2);
			g_TPlayerData.iPosY += (GfxTimeFrameGetCurrentDurationInSeconds() * MoveY2);
Пример #25
void Initialize()
	g_pSprite = new TSpriteElement( TGfxVec2(0.f, 0.f), TGfxVec2(0.f, 0.f), "train_Station_v1.tga" );
	//TSLLRoot grooot;
Пример #26
void TCamera::updateCam()
	m_tPos = TGfxVec2(m_pCaillou->m_tPos.x - SCREEN_WIDTH / 2, 0);
	TGfxVec2 oldPos;

	for (int i = 0; i < NB_PARALLAX; i++){
		if (m_pParallax[i].getDepth() >= 1){
			oldPos = m_pParallax[i].m_tPos;
			m_pParallax[i].m_tPos = TGfxVec2(oldPos.x, SCREEN_HEIGHT - oldPos.y) - m_tPos;
			m_pParallax[i].m_tPos = oldPos;

	int heightOmbre = 10;
	SDL_Rect ombre = { SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 10, SCREEN_HEIGHT - (BASE_HAUTEUR + heightOmbre / 2), 20, heightOmbre / 2 };
	SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(g_pRenderer, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xDF);
	SDL_RenderFillRect(g_pRenderer, &ombre);

	for (int i = 0; i < TBounceZone::m_iMaxZones; i++){
		if (m_pBounce[i] != nullptr){
			oldPos = m_pBounce[i]->m_tPos;
			m_pBounce[i]->m_tPos = TGfxVec2(oldPos.x, SCREEN_HEIGHT - oldPos.y) - m_tPos;
			m_pBounce[i]->m_tPos = oldPos;

	oldPos = m_pParticle->getPos();
	m_pParticle->setGlobalPos(TGfxVec2(oldPos.x, SCREEN_HEIGHT - oldPos.y) - m_tPos);

	oldPos = m_pCaillou->m_tPos;
	m_pCaillou->m_tPos = TGfxVec2(oldPos.x, SCREEN_HEIGHT - oldPos.y) - m_tPos;
	m_pCaillou->m_tPos = oldPos;

	oldPos = m_pParallax[2].m_tPos;
	m_pParallax[2].m_tPos = TGfxVec2(oldPos.x, SCREEN_HEIGHT - (oldPos.y-(m_pParallax[2].getHeight() - BASE_HAUTEUR))) - m_tPos;
	SDL_Rect clip = { 0, (m_pParallax[2].getHeight() - BASE_HAUTEUR), m_pParallax[2].getWidth(), BASE_HAUTEUR };
	m_pParallax[2].m_tPos = oldPos;

	ombre = { SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - 10, SCREEN_HEIGHT - (BASE_HAUTEUR), 20, heightOmbre / 2 };
	SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(g_pRenderer, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xDF);
	//SDL_RenderFillRect(g_pRenderer, &ombre);

	for (int i = 0; i < NB_PARALLAX; i++){
		if (m_pParallax[i].getDepth() < 1){
			oldPos = m_pParallax[i].m_tPos;
			m_pParallax[i].m_tPos = TGfxVec2(oldPos.x, SCREEN_HEIGHT - oldPos.y) - m_tPos;
			m_pParallax[i].m_tPos = oldPos;
Пример #27
void TBox::SetCollider()
	TGfxVec2 tRay(m_fRay_W / 2.0f, m_fRay_H / 2.0f);
	m_Collider.m_tSpot_LH = TGfxVec2(m_tCenter - tRay);
	m_Collider.m_tSpot_RD = TGfxVec2(m_tCenter + tRay);
Пример #28
void TCheckPoint::Initialize(TGfxTexture * pTexture, const TGfxVec2 & tWorldPos)
	TTrigger::Initialize(tWorldPos, CHECKPOINT_RADIUS);



	m_bActive = false;
	m_bRespawning = false;
	m_bEndCheckPoint = false;
Пример #29
EGame_State TTransition::Update()
	switch( m_eState )
	case ETransitionState_DoorClosing:
		TDoor * pDoor = nullptr;

		//get the opposite door to animate
		if( m_eTransitionType == ERoomResult_EntryDoor )
			pDoor = &m_pOtherRoom->GetExitDoor();
		else if( m_eTransitionType == ERoomResult_ExitDoor )
			pDoor = &m_pOtherRoom->GetEntryDoor();

		//check door anim progression
		int iAnimStep = pDoor->GetAnimStep();

		if( iAnimStep == TTextureControler::GetTileCountX( ETextureData_Door ) - 1 )// anim begining
			pDoor->SetAnimPlay( true );
		else if( iAnimStep == 0 )//anim ending
			pDoor->SetAnimPlay( false );
			pDoor->SetAnimReverse( false );

			return EGame_State_Playing;


	case ETransitionState_DoorOpening:
		TDoor * pDoor = nullptr;

		//get the door to animate
		if( m_eTransitionType == ERoomResult_EntryDoor )
			pDoor = &m_pCurrentRoom->GetEntryDoor();
		else if(m_eTransitionType == ERoomResult_ExitDoor )
			pDoor = &m_pCurrentRoom->GetExitDoor();

		//check door anim progression
		int iAnimStep = pDoor->GetAnimStep();

		if( iAnimStep == 0 )//anim begining
			pDoor->SetAnimPlay( true );
			pDoor->SetAnimReverse( false );
		else if( iAnimStep == TTextureControler::GetTileCountX( ETextureData_Door )-1 )// anim ending
			pDoor->SetAnimPlay( false );

			m_eState = ETransitionState_RoomTransit;
			int iTime = GfxTimeGetMilliseconds();
			m_pTimer->SetStartTime( iTime );
			m_pTimer->SetActive( true );

			//set opposite door to closing
			TDoor * OppositepDoor = nullptr;

			if( m_eTransitionType == ERoomResult_EntryDoor )
				OppositepDoor = &m_pOtherRoom->GetExitDoor();
			else if( m_eTransitionType == ERoomResult_ExitDoor )
				OppositepDoor = &m_pOtherRoom->GetEntryDoor();

			OppositepDoor->SetTile( TTextureControler::GetTileCountX( ETextureData_Door ) - 1, OppositepDoor->GetAnimLevel() );
			OppositepDoor->SetAnimReverse( true );

	case ETransitionState_RoomTransit:
		//lerp during transition delay
		if( m_pTimer->Update() == true )
			float fProgression = m_pTimer->GetProgress();

			int iDistance = 0;
			//define the distance of the transition depending of if the transition is vertical or horizontal
			if (m_tDir.x > 0.f || m_tDir.x < 0.f)
				iDistance = SCREEN_SIZE_X;
				iDistance = SCREEN_SIZE_Y;

			//set room position
			float fStep = fProgression * iDistance;
			m_pOtherRoom->TransitionUpdate( m_tDir * ( fStep - iDistance ) );
			m_pCurrentRoom->TransitionUpdate(m_tDir * fStep);
			//reset room position when transition ends
			m_pOtherRoom->TransitionUpdate(TGfxVec2(fBACKGROUND_POS_X, fBACKGROUND_POS_Y));
			m_pCurrentRoom->TransitionUpdate(TGfxVec2(fBACKGROUND_POS_X, fBACKGROUND_POS_Y));
			//reset door sprite
			TDoor * pDoor = nullptr;

			if( m_eTransitionType == ERoomResult_EntryDoor )
				pDoor = &m_pCurrentRoom->GetEntryDoor();
			else if( m_eTransitionType == ERoomResult_ExitDoor )
				pDoor = &m_pCurrentRoom->GetExitDoor();

			pDoor->SetTile( 0, pDoor->GetAnimLevel() );

			m_eState = ETransitionState_DoorClosing;
	return EGame_State_RoomTransition;