Пример #1
void THD_set_dataset_attributes( THD_3dim_dataset *dset )
   THD_datablock *blk ;
   THD_dataxes   *daxes ;
   THD_diskptr   *dkptr ;

   int itemp[IFILL_DIM] , ii ;
   float ftemp[FFILL_DIM] ;

   int id , nx , ny , nz , nv , nxy , nxyz , ibr , nb ;
   MRI_IMAGE *im ;
   int save_order ;
   THD_dmat33 tmat ;
   THD_dfvec3 tvec ;
   mat44 Tc, Tr;
   float angle;
   char name[666] ; floatvec *fv ;

ENTRY("THD_set_dataset_attributes") ;

   /*-- sanity checks --*/

   if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset)    ||
       ! ISVALID_DATABLOCK(dset->dblk) ||
       ! ISVALID_DISKPTR(dset->dblk->diskptr) ) EXRETURN ;

   blk = dset->dblk ; daxes = dset->daxes ;  /* always used fixed daxes */
   dkptr = blk->diskptr ;

   /****** These attributes used to be set in THD_write_3dim_dataset() *****/

   /*----- write TYPESTRING attribute -----*/

   THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_TYPESTRING ,
                       DATASET_typestr[dset->type] ) ;

   /*----- write IDCODE attributes -----*/

   THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_IDSTRING , dset->idcode.str ) ;
   THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_IDDATE   , dset->idcode.date ) ;

   if( ! ISZERO_IDCODE(dset->anat_parent_idcode) )
     THD_set_string_atr( blk, ATRNAME_IDANATPAR, dset->anat_parent_idcode.str );
     THD_erase_one_atr ( blk, ATRNAME_IDANATPAR ) ;

   if( ! ISZERO_IDCODE(dset->warp_parent_idcode) )
     THD_set_string_atr( blk, ATRNAME_IDWARPPAR, dset->warp_parent_idcode.str );
     THD_erase_one_atr ( blk, ATRNAME_IDWARPPAR ) ;

   /*----- write SCENE_TYPE attribute -----*/

   itemp[0] = dset->view_type ;
   itemp[1] = dset->func_type ;
   itemp[2] = dset->type ;

   THD_set_int_atr( blk , ATRNAME_SCENE_TYPE ,
                          ATRSIZE_SCENE_TYPE , itemp ) ;

   /*----- write data labels -----*/

   if( strlen(dset->self_name) == 0 ) DSET_FIX_NAMES(dset) ;

   THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_LABEL1   , dset->label1 ) ;
   THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_LABEL2   , dset->label2 ) ;
   THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_DATANAME , dset->self_name ) ;

   if( dset->keywords != NULL )
      THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_KEYWORDS , dset->keywords ) ;
      THD_erase_one_atr ( blk , ATRNAME_KEYWORDS ) ;

   /*----- write parent names, if they exist -----*/

   if( strlen(dset->warp_parent_name) > 0 )
      THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_WARP_PARENT ,
                          dset->warp_parent_name ) ;
      THD_erase_one_atr ( blk , ATRNAME_WARP_PARENT ) ;

   if( strlen(dset->anat_parent_name) > 0 )
      THD_set_string_atr( blk , ATRNAME_ANATOMY_PARENT ,
                          dset->anat_parent_name ) ;
      THD_erase_one_atr ( blk , ATRNAME_ANATOMY_PARENT ) ;

   /*----- write axes orientation -----*/

   itemp[0] = daxes->xxorient ;
   itemp[1] = daxes->yyorient ;
   itemp[2] = daxes->zzorient ;

   THD_set_int_atr( blk , ATRNAME_ORIENT_SPECIFIC ,
                          ATRSIZE_ORIENT_SPECIFIC , itemp ) ;

   /*----- write axes origin -----*/

   ftemp[0] = daxes->xxorg ;
   ftemp[1] = daxes->yyorg ;
   ftemp[2] = daxes->zzorg ;

   THD_set_float_atr( blk , ATRNAME_ORIGIN ,
                            ATRSIZE_ORIGIN , ftemp ) ;

   /*----- write axes spacings -----*/

   ftemp[0] = daxes->xxdel ;
   ftemp[1] = daxes->yydel ;
   ftemp[2] = daxes->zzdel ;

   THD_set_float_atr( blk , ATRNAME_DELTA ,
                            ATRSIZE_DELTA , ftemp ) ;

   /*-- write matrix for (i,j,k) to DICOM (x,y,z) conversion [15 Dec 2005] --*/

   if( !ISVALID_MAT44(daxes->ijk_to_dicom) ) THD_daxes_to_mat44( daxes ) ;

   if( ISVALID_MAT44(daxes->ijk_to_dicom) ){
     UNLOAD_MAT44(daxes->ijk_to_dicom, ftemp[0],ftemp[1],ftemp[2],ftemp[3],
                                       ftemp[8],ftemp[9],ftemp[10],ftemp[11] );
     THD_set_float_atr( blk , "IJK_TO_DICOM" , 12 , ftemp ) ;

   /*-- write matrix for (i,j,k) to DICOM real (x,y,z) conversion [18 May 2007] --*/
   /* to store obliquity information */
   if(!THD_update_obliquity_status()){ /* maybe update the obliquity unless refitting */

      if (ISVALID_MAT44(dset->daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real)){
           /* if not oblique already,compute Tc (Cardinal transformation matrix) */
           angle = THD_compute_oblique_angle(daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real, 0);

              THD_dicom_card_xform(dset, &tmat, &tvec);
                  tmat.mat[0][0], tmat.mat[0][1], tmat.mat[0][2], tvec.xyz[0],
                  tmat.mat[1][0], tmat.mat[1][1], tmat.mat[1][2], tvec.xyz[1],
                  tmat.mat[2][0], tmat.mat[2][1], tmat.mat[2][2], tvec.xyz[2]);
              daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real = Tc;
   if( ISVALID_MAT44(daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real) ){
     UNLOAD_MAT44(daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real, ftemp[0],ftemp[1],ftemp[2],ftemp[3],
                                       ftemp[8],ftemp[9],ftemp[10],ftemp[11] );
     THD_set_float_atr( blk , "IJK_TO_DICOM_REAL" , 12 , ftemp ) ;

   /*----- write markers, if present -----*/

   if( dset->markers != NULL ){

      for( ii=0 ; ii < MARKS_MAXNUM ; ii++ ){   /* put bad data in */
         if( !dset->markers->valid[ii] )        /* invalid markers */
            dset->markers->xyz[ii][0] =
            dset->markers->xyz[ii][1] =
            dset->markers->xyz[ii][2] = FFILL ;

      THD_set_float_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSXYZ ,
                               ATRSIZE_MARKSXYZ ,
                               &(dset->markers->xyz[0][0]) ) ;

      THD_set_char_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSLAB ,
                              ATRSIZE_MARKSLAB ,
                              &(dset->markers->label[0][0]) ) ;

      THD_set_char_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSHELP ,
                              ATRSIZE_MARKSHELP ,
                              &(dset->markers->help[0][0]) ) ;

      THD_set_int_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSFLAG ,
                             ATRSIZE_MARKSFLAG ,
                             &(dset->markers->aflags[0]) ) ;
   } else {
      THD_erase_one_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSXYZ  ) ;
      THD_erase_one_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSLAB  ) ;
      THD_erase_one_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSHELP ) ;
      THD_erase_one_atr( blk , ATRNAME_MARKSFLAG ) ;

   /*----- write warp, if present -----*/

   if( dset->warp != NULL ){
      int wdata_size = 0 ;

      switch( dset->warp->type ){

         case WARP_AFFINE_TYPE:{
            THD_affine_warp *ww = (THD_affine_warp *) dset->warp ;
            itemp[0] = WARP_AFFINE_TYPE ;
            itemp[1] = ww->resam_type ;

            wdata_size = MAPPING_LINEAR_FSIZE ;
            COPY_FROM_STRUCT( ww->warp ,
                              MAPPING_LINEAR_FSTART ,
                              float ,
                              ftemp ,
                              MAPPING_LINEAR_FSIZE ) ;
         break ;

         case WARP_TALAIRACH_12_TYPE:{
            THD_talairach_12_warp *ww =
               (THD_talairach_12_warp *) dset->warp ;
            int iw , ioff ;

            itemp[0] = WARP_TALAIRACH_12_TYPE ;
            itemp[1] = ww->resam_type ;

            wdata_size = WARP_TALAIRACH_12_SIZE ;

            for( iw=0 ; iw < 12 ; iw++ ){
               ioff = iw * MAPPING_LINEAR_FSIZE ;

               COPY_FROM_STRUCT( ww->warp[iw] ,
                                 MAPPING_LINEAR_FSTART ,
                                 float ,
                                 &(ftemp[ioff]) ,
                                 MAPPING_LINEAR_FSIZE ) ;
         break ;
      } /* end of switch on warp type */

      THD_set_int_atr( blk , ATRNAME_WARP_TYPE ,
                             ATRSIZE_WARP_TYPE , itemp ) ;

      THD_set_float_atr( blk , ATRNAME_WARP_DATA ,
                               wdata_size , ftemp ) ;

   } else {  /* no warp exists */
Пример #2
THD_dataxes * THD_superset_dataxes( THD_dataxes *ax , THD_dataxes *bx )
   THD_dataxes *cx ;
   float dx,dy,dz , axo,ayo,azo , bxo,byo,bzo , ae,be ;
   int nxa,nya,nza , nxb,nyb,nzb , ndif ;
   float cxo,cyo,czo ;
   int   nxc,nyc,nzc ;

   if( !THD_conformant_dataxes(ax,bx) ) return NULL ;

   /* create new dataxes as copy of first one */

   cx = myXtNew(THD_dataxes) ; *cx = *ax ;
   cx->parent = NULL ;
   /* if( EQUIV_DATAXES(ax,bx) ) return cx ; */

   /* load some variables from the input structs */

   dx  = ax->xxdel ; dy  = ax->yydel ; dz  = ax->zzdel ;  /* same for ax & bx */
   axo = ax->xxorg ; ayo = ax->yyorg ; azo = ax->zzorg ;  /* ax origins */
   bxo = bx->xxorg ; byo = bx->yyorg ; bzo = bx->zzorg ;  /* bx origins */
   nxa = ax->nxx   ; nya = ax->nyy   ; nza = ax->nzz   ;  /* ax grid lengths */
   nxb = bx->nxx   ; nyb = bx->nyy   ; nzb = bx->nzz   ;  /* bx grid lengths */

   /* extend origins to the outermost */

   ndif = (int)rintf((axo-bxo)/dx) ; cxo = (ndif <= 0) ? axo : bxo ;
   ndif = (int)rintf((ayo-byo)/dy) ; cyo = (ndif <= 0) ? ayo : byo ;
   ndif = (int)rintf((azo-bzo)/dz) ; czo = (ndif <= 0) ? azo : bzo ;

   cx->xxorg = cxo ; cx->yyorg = cyo ; cx->zzorg = czo ;

   /* extend grid lengths to the outermost */

   ae = axo + nxa*dx ; be = bxo + nxb*dx ;
   ndif = (int)rintf((ae-be)/dx) ; if( ndif < 0 ) ae = be ;
   nxc  = (int)rintf((ae-cxo)/dx) ;

   ae = ayo + nya*dy ; be = byo + nyb*dy ;
   ndif = (int)rintf((ae-be)/dy) ; if( ndif < 0 ) ae = be ;
   nyc  = (int)rintf((ae-cyo)/dy) ;

   ae = azo + nza*dz ; be = bzo + nzb*dz ;
   ndif = (int)rintf((ae-be)/dz) ; if( ndif < 0 ) ae = be ;
   nzc  = (int)rintf((ae-czo)/dz) ;

   cx->nxx   = nxc ; cx->nyy   = nyc ; cx->nzz   = nzc ;

#if 0
fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
INFO_message("ax: nxyz=%d %d %d  org=%g %g %g  del=%g %g %g",ax->nxx,ax->nyy,ax->nzz,ax->xxorg,ax->yyorg,ax->zzorg,ax->xxdel,ax->yydel,ax->zzdel) ;
INFO_message("bx: nxyz=%d %d %d  org=%g %g %g  del=%g %g %g",bx->nxx,bx->nyy,bx->nzz,bx->xxorg,bx->yyorg,bx->zzorg,bx->xxdel,bx->yydel,bx->zzdel) ;
INFO_message("cx: nxyz=%d %d %d  org=%g %g %g  del=%g %g %g",cx->nxx,cx->nyy,cx->nzz,cx->xxorg,cx->yyorg,cx->zzorg,cx->xxdel,cx->yydel,cx->zzdel) ;

   /* fix the matrices etc */

   LOAD_ZERO_MAT(cx->to_dicomm) ;
   THD_daxes_to_mat44(cx) ;
   THD_set_daxes_bbox(cx) ;
   cx->ijk_to_dicom_real = cx->ijk_to_dicom ;

   return cx ;