Пример #1
 * Based on the implementation of the THTensor_(indexCopy) in torch7
static void THCudaTensor_indexCopy(THCudaTensor *tensor, int dim, THLongTensor *index, THCudaTensor *src)
  long i, numel;
  THCudaTensor *tSlice, *sSlice;
  long *index_data;

  numel = THLongTensor_nElement(index);
  THArgCheck(index->nDimension == 1, 3, "Index is supposed to be a vector");
  THArgCheck(dim < src->nDimension,4,"Indexing dim is out of bounds");

  index = THLongTensor_newContiguous(index);
  index_data = THLongTensor_data(index);

  for (i=0; i<numel; i++)
    if (tensor->nDimension > 1 )
      tSlice = THCudaTensor_new();
      sSlice = THCudaTensor_new();
      THCudaTensor_select(tSlice, tensor, dim, index_data[i]-1);
      THCudaTensor_select(sSlice, src, dim, i);
      THCudaTensor_copy(tSlice, sSlice);
      // It's faster to copy a float from an address in the device to another address in the device than 
      // retrieving it to the host memory and recopy it to the device memory
      THCudaCheck(cudaMemcpy(tensor->storage->data + tensor->storageOffset + index_data[i]-1,\
        src->storage->data + src->storageOffset + i, sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice));
Пример #2
 * Based on the implementation of the THTensor_(indexCopy) in torch7
static void THCudaTensor_indexFill(THCudaTensor *tensor, int dim, THLongTensor *index, float val)
  long i, numel;
  THCudaTensor *tSlice;
  long *index_data;

  numel = THLongTensor_nElement(index);
  THArgCheck(index->nDimension == 1, 3, "Index is supposed to be a vector");
  THArgCheck(dim < tensor->nDimension,4,"Indexing dim is out of bounds");

  index = THLongTensor_newContiguous(index);
  index_data = THLongTensor_data(index);
  for (i=0; i<numel; i++)
    if (tensor->nDimension > 1 )
      // create a new CudaTensor
      tSlice = THCudaTensor_new();
      // set its storage to point to the corresponding storage in tensor
      THCudaTensor_select(tSlice, tensor,dim,index_data[i]-1);
      THCudaTensor_fill(tSlice, val);
Пример #3
void THNN_(SparseLinear_updateOutput)(
          THNNState *state,
          THTensor *input,
          THTensor *output,
          THTensor *weight,
          THTensor *bias)
  int64_t h, i, hp0, hp1;
  int64_t outDim = THTensor_(size)(weight, 0);
  int64_t inDim = THTensor_(size)(weight, 1);
  int64_t batchSize = THTensor_(size)(output, 0);

  THArgCheck(THNN_(checkInput)(input), 2, "input must be in coo format, nnz x 3");
  THArgCheck(THTensor_(isContiguous)(output), 3, "output must be contiguous");
  THArgCheck(THNN_(checkSize1D)(bias, outDim), 5, "bias size wrong");

  int64_t nnz = THTensor_(size)(input, 0);

  THLongTensor * csr = THLongTensor_newWithSize1d(batchSize+1);

  weight = THTensor_(newContiguous)(weight);

//#pragma omp parallel for private(i, h, hp0, hp1) schedule(static) if (nnz > 10000)
  for (i=0; i<nnz; i++) {
    hp0 = (int64_t)(THNN_(get2d)(input, i, 0)) - 1;
    hp1 = (i+1 == nnz) ?
            batchSize :
            (int64_t)(THNN_(get2d)(input, i+1, 0)) - 1;
    if (hp0 != hp1) for (h = hp0; h < hp1; h++) {
      THLongTensor_set1d(csr, h+1, i+1);

  // output = weight * input + bias
#pragma omp parallel for private(h, i) schedule(static) if (nnz > 10000)
  for (h = 0; h < batchSize; h++) {
    int64_t i_start = THLongTensor_get1d(csr, h);
    int64_t i_end = THLongTensor_get1d(csr, h+1);
    for (i = i_start; i < i_end; i++) {
      real val = THNN_(get2d)(input, i, 2);
      if (val == 0) {

      int64_t offset = (int64_t)(THNN_(get2d)(input, i, 1)) - 1;
      if (offset >= 0 && offset < inDim) {
            COL_PTR2(weight, offset), weight->stride[0],
            ROW_PTR2(output, h), output->stride[1]);
      } else {
        THError("index out of bound. updateOutput: %d not between 1 and %d",
            offset + 1, inDim);

  THTensor* output_row = THTensor_(new)();
  for (h = 0; h < batchSize; h++) {
    THTensor_(select)(output_row, output, 0, h);
    THTensor_(cadd)(output_row, bias, 1.0, output_row);
Пример #4
void THNN_(SparseLinear_legacyUpdateParameters)(
          THNNState *state,
          THTensor *weight,
          THTensor *bias,
          THTensor *gradWeight,
          THTensor *gradBias,
          THTensor *lastInput,
          accreal learningRate_)
  real learningRate = TH_CONVERT_ACCREAL_TO_REAL(learningRate_);
  int64_t h, i;
  int64_t outDim = weight->size[0];
  int64_t inDim = weight->size[1];

  THArgCheck(THNN_(checkSize2D)(gradWeight, outDim, inDim), 4,
             "gradWeight size wrong");
  THArgCheck(THNN_(checkSize1D)(bias, outDim), 3, "bias size wrong");
  THArgCheck(THNN_(checkSize1D)(gradBias, outDim), 5, "gradBias size wrong");
  THArgCheck(THNN_(checkLegacyInput)(lastInput), 6,
             "input size must be batchsize x nnz x 2");

  int64_t batchSize = THTensor_(size)(lastInput, 0);
  int64_t nnz = THTensor_(size)(lastInput, 1);

  // collect unique offsets of non-0 val in input
  THTensor* offsets = THTensor_(newWithSize1d)(batchSize * nnz);
  int64_t cnt = 0;
  for (h = 0; h < batchSize; h++) {
    for (i = 0; i < nnz; i++) {
      real val = THNN_(get3d)(lastInput, h, i, 1);
      if (val == 0 ) {
      int64_t offset = (int64_t)(THNN_(get3d)(lastInput, h, i, 0)) - 1;
      if (offset >= 0 && offset < inDim) {
        THNN_(set1d)(offsets, cnt++, offset);
      } else {
          "index out of bound. updateParameters: %d not between 1 and %d",
          offset + 1,
  THTensor_(resize1d)(offsets, cnt);

  THTensor* uniqueOffsets = THTensor_(new)();
  THLongTensor* ri = THLongTensor_new();
  THTensor_(sort)(uniqueOffsets, ri, offsets, 0, 0);

  cnt = 1;
  real* uniqueOffsets_p = THTensor_(data)(uniqueOffsets);
  for (i = 1; i < THTensor_(size)(uniqueOffsets, 0); i++) {
    if (uniqueOffsets_p[i] != uniqueOffsets_p[i - 1]) {
      uniqueOffsets_p[cnt++] = uniqueOffsets_p[i];
  THTensor_(resize1d)(uniqueOffsets, cnt);

  // weight += -learningRate * gradWeight
  THTensor_(cadd)(bias, bias, -learningRate, gradBias);
#pragma omp parallel for private(i) schedule(static) if (cnt * outDim > 10000)
  for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
    int64_t offset = (int64_t)uniqueOffsets_p[i];
                  COL_PTR2(gradWeight, offset), gradWeight->stride[0],
                  COL_PTR2(weight, offset), weight->stride[0]);

Пример #5
void THNN_(SparseLinear_accGradParameters)(
          THNNState *state,
          THTensor *input,
          THTensor *gradOutput,
          THTensor *gradWeight,
          THTensor *gradBias,
          THTensor *weight,
          THTensor *bias,
          accreal weightDecay_,
          accreal scale_)
  real weightDecay = TH_CONVERT_ACCREAL_TO_REAL(weightDecay_);
  real scale = TH_CONVERT_ACCREAL_TO_REAL(scale_);
  int64_t h, i, col, hp0, hp1;
  int64_t outDim = THTensor_(size)(weight, 0);
  int64_t inDim = THTensor_(size)(weight, 1);

  THArgCheck(THNN_(checkInput)(input), 2,
             "input must be in coo format, nnz x 3");
  THArgCheck(THNN_(checkSize2D)(gradWeight, outDim, inDim), 4,
             "gradWeight size wrong");
  THArgCheck(THNN_(checkSize1D)(gradBias, outDim), 5,
             "gradBias size wrong");
  THArgCheck(THTensor_(isContiguous)(gradOutput), 1,
             "gradOutput must be contiguous");

  int64_t nnz = THTensor_(size)(input, 0);

  THLongTensor* csc = THLongTensor_newWithSize1d(inDim+1);
  weight = THTensor_(newContiguous)(weight);

#pragma omp parallel for private(i, h, hp0, hp1) schedule(static) if (nnz > 10000)
  for (i = 0; i < nnz; i++) {
    hp0 = (int64_t)(THNN_(get2d)(input, i, 1)) - 1;
    hp1 = (i+1 == nnz) ?
            inDim :
            (int64_t)(THNN_(get2d)(input, i+1, 1)) - 1;
    if (hp0 != hp1) for (h = hp0; h < hp1; h++) {
      THLongTensor_set1d(csc, h+1, i+1);

  // gradWeight += gradOutput * input
#pragma omp parallel for private(h, i, col) schedule(static) if (nnz > 10000)
  for (col = 0; col < inDim; col++) {
    int64_t i_start = THLongTensor_get1d(csc, col);
    int64_t i_end = THLongTensor_get1d(csc, col+1);
    for (i = i_start; i < i_end; i++) {
      real val = scale * THNN_(get2d)(input, i, 2);

      h = (int64_t)(THNN_(get2d)(input, i, 0)) - 1;
      int64_t offset = (int64_t)(THNN_(get2d)(input, i, 1)) - 1;
      if (offset >= 0 && offset < inDim) {
            ROW_PTR2(gradOutput, h), gradOutput->stride[1],
            COL_PTR2(gradWeight, offset), gradWeight->stride[0]);
      } else {
            "index out of bound. accGradParameters: %d not between 1 and %d",
            offset + 1,

  // gradBias += gradOutput
  THTensor* buf = THTensor_(new)();
  THTensor_(sum)(buf, gradOutput, 0, 1);
  THTensor_(cadd)(gradBias, gradBias, scale, buf);

  if (weightDecay != 0) {
    THTensor_(cadd)(gradWeight, gradWeight, weightDecay, weight);
Пример #6
void THNN_(IndexLinear_accGradParameters)(
          THNNState *state,
          THLongTensor *keys,
          int64_t keysOffset,
          THTensor *values,
          THLongTensor *sizes,
          THLongTensor *cumSumSizes,
          THTensor *gradOutput,
          THTensor *gradWeight,
          THTensor *gradBias,
          THTensor *weight,
          THTensor *bias,
          THTensor *valuesBuffer,
          accreal weightDecay_,
          accreal scale_)
  scalar_t scale = TH_CONVERT_ACCREAL_TO_REAL(scale_);
  /* Retrieve all the dimensions of the problem */
  int64_t batchSize = THLongTensor_size(sizes, 0);
  int64_t keysSize = THLongTensor_size(keys, 0);
  int64_t outDim = THTensor_(size)(bias, 0);
  int64_t woutDim = THTensor_(size)(weight, 1);
  int64_t maxNormalize = (woutDim - outDim) > 0 ?1:0;
  THArgCheck(THNN_(checkKeysValues)(keys, values), 1, "Keys and values should have the same number of elements");
  int64_t* sizesData = THLongTensor_data(sizes);

  /* COmpute the cumulative sizes */
  THLongTensor* cumSizes = THLongTensor_new();
  THLongTensor_cumsum(cumSizes, sizes, 0);
  int64_t* cumSizesData = THLongTensor_data(cumSizes);

  /* Resize the gradWeight buffer to keep it dense.
   * That speeds up updates A LOT assuming random mem access. */
  THTensor_(resize2d)(gradWeight, keysSize, outDim * (maxNormalize>0?2:1));

  /* Access the storage data/strides */
  scalar_t* gradOutputData = gradOutput->data<scalar_t>();
  scalar_t* valuesData =values->data<scalar_t>();
  scalar_t* gradWeightData = gradWeight->data<scalar_t>();
  scalar_t* gradBiasData = gradBias->data<scalar_t>();

  /* Make sure these inputs are contiguous to accelerate computations */
  THArgCheck(THLongTensor_isContiguous(keys), 1, "keys vector must be contiguous");
  THArgCheck(THTensor_(isContiguous)(values), 3, "values vector must be contiguous");
  THArgCheck(THTensor_(isContiguous)(gradOutput), 6, "gradOutput vector must be contiguous");
  THArgCheck(THTensor_(isContiguous)(gradWeight), 7, "gradWeight must be contiguous");
  THArgCheck(THTensor_(isContiguous)(gradBias), 8, "gradBias vector must be contiguous");
  THArgCheck(THTensor_(isContiguous)(weight), 9, "weight must be contiguous");
  THArgCheck(THTensor_(isContiguous)(bias), 10, "bias vector must be contiguous");
  THArgCheck(THTensor_(isContiguous)(valuesBuffer), 11, "valuesBuffer must be contiguous");

  int i,j,k;

  /* Separate cases: output dimension is == 1, or > 1
   * This allows for some optimizations.
   * No multithreading here as this could
   * corrupt the results (hogwild style) */
  if (outDim == 1)
    for (j = 0; j < batchSize; j++)
      int64_t offset = j==0?0:cumSizesData[j-1];
      scalar_t val = gradOutputData[j] * scale;
      scalar_t* lgradWeightData = gradWeightData + offset;
      scalar_t* lvaluesData = valuesData + offset;
      int64_t end = sizesData[j];

      if (maxNormalize)
        lgradWeightData += offset;
        i = 0;
        for(;i < end; i++)
          lgradWeightData[2*i] = val;
          lgradWeightData[2*i+1] = val * lvaluesData[i];
        i = 0;
        for(;i < end-4; i += 4)
          lgradWeightData[i] = val * lvaluesData[i];
          lgradWeightData[i+1] = val * lvaluesData[i+1];
          lgradWeightData[i+2] = val * lvaluesData[i+2];
          lgradWeightData[i+3] = val * lvaluesData[i+3];

        for(; i < end; i++)
          lgradWeightData[i] = val * lvaluesData[i];
      *gradBiasData += val;
      offset += end;
  else {
    for (j = 0; j < batchSize; j++)
      int64_t offset = j==0?0:cumSizesData[j-1];
      scalar_t* lgradOutputData = gradOutputData + j*outDim;
      scalar_t* lgradWeightData = gradWeightData;
      THVector_(cadd)(gradBiasData, gradBiasData, lgradOutputData, scale, outDim);
      for (i = 0; i < sizesData[j]; i++)
        scalar_t val = valuesData[offset] * scale;
        lgradWeightData = gradWeightData + offset*outDim;
        if (maxNormalize)
          lgradWeightData += offset*outDim;
          k = 0;
          for(;k < outDim-4; k += 4)
            lgradWeightData[k] = lgradOutputData[k]*scale;
            lgradWeightData[k+1] = lgradOutputData[k+1]*scale;
            lgradWeightData[k+2] = lgradOutputData[k+2]*scale;
            lgradWeightData[k+3] = lgradOutputData[k+3]*scale;

          for(; k < outDim; k++)
            lgradWeightData[k] = lgradOutputData[k]*scale;
          lgradWeightData += outDim;
        k = 0;
        for(;k < outDim-4; k += 4)
          lgradWeightData[k] = val * lgradOutputData[k];
          lgradWeightData[k+1] = val * lgradOutputData[k+1];
          lgradWeightData[k+2] = val * lgradOutputData[k+2];
          lgradWeightData[k+3] = val * lgradOutputData[k+3];

        for(; k < outDim; k++)
          lgradWeightData[k] = val * lgradOutputData[k];