// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Fails only on OOM case
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosModulesSettings::ParseAttributedKeyL( 
	const TDesC& aString, 
	RModuleList& aList ) const
    // The sequence in the buffer is "H{8},D+,D+[,...]" 
    // which is "UID,status,cost"
    // H - hex digit, D - decimal digit, delimiter - comma
    // UID check is strict and fails with KErrCorrupt if something's wrong
    // Status and Cost checks a lazy, use default value if error
    // Status - inactive, cost - unknown
    // TLex uses whitespace as delimiter
    // Replace all commas with whitespace
    HBufC* string = aString.AllocLC();
    ReplaceCommasWithWhitespace( string->Des() );
    TLex lex( *string );
    while ( !lex.Eos() )
        TPosModuleListItem item;
        // parse UID
        TPtrC token( lex.NextToken() );
        if ( !token.Length() )
            break;  // no more items found
        item.iUid.iUid = 0;
        TInt err = ParseModuleUid( token, (TUint32&) item.iUid.iUid );

        // parse status field
        token.Set( lex.NextToken() );
        err |= TLex( token ).Val( (TUint&) item.iAvailable, EDecimal );

        if ( item.iAvailable != EModuleAvailable && 
        	 item.iAvailable != EModuleNotAvailable )
        	 err |= KErrCorrupt;

        // parse cost field
        token.Set( lex.NextToken() );
        err |= TLex( token ).Val( (TUint&) item.iCost, EDecimal );

        // Avoid duplicate UIDs ( in both lists )
        TPosModuleAttributes otherItem;
        if ( !err && !ModuleExists( item.iUid ) )
	        // Add module list item to the list
	        aList.AppendL( item );
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( string );
TBool CEmTubeVideoUploadDialog::OkToExitL(TInt aButtonId)
	if (aButtonId == EAknSoftkeyDone)

	    if( iQueueEntry->Title().Length() == 0 )
			HBufC* message = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_DIALOG_TITLE_AND_DESCRIPTION_NEEDED_TXT );
            CAknInformationNote* informationNote = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote;
            informationNote->ExecuteLD( *message );                    
			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( message );
    	    return EFalse;    	    
	    if( iQueueEntry->Description().Length() == 0 )
			HBufC* message = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_DIALOG_TITLE_AND_DESCRIPTION_NEEDED_TXT );
            CAknInformationNote* informationNote = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote;
            informationNote->ExecuteLD( *message );                    
			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( message );
    	    return EFalse;    	    

		TBool res = ETrue;

	    if( iQueueEntry->Tags().Length() == 0 )
	        res = EFalse;
	    TLex lex = TLex( iQueueEntry->Tags() );            
	    TPtrC16 ptr( lex.NextToken() );
	    TInt tokenCount = 0;
	    while( ptr.Length() && (tokenCount < 2) )
	        ptr.Set( lex.NextToken() );

		if( tokenCount < 2 )
			res = EFalse;
		if( !res )
			HBufC* message = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_DIALOG_TWO_TAGS_NEEDED_TXT );
            CAknInformationNote* informationNote = new (ELeave) CAknInformationNote;
            informationNote->ExecuteLD( *message );                    
			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( message );
    	    return EFalse;    	    

  		return ETrue;
		return CAknForm::OkToExitL(aButtonId);
Пример #3
 * Creates an sql query to fetch contact item IDs for all the contact items
 * which may contain the specified telephone number in a telephone, fax
 * or SMS type field.
 * The comparison method used is not exact.  The number is compared starting from
 * the right side of the number and the method returns an array of candidate
 * matches.  Punctuation (e.g. spaces) and other alphabetic characters are ignored
 * when comparing.
 * Note that due to the way numbers are stored in the database, it is recommended
 * that at least 7 match digits are specified even when matching a number
 * containing fewer digits.  Failure to follow this guideline may (depending on the
 * database contents) mean that the function will not return the expected Contact
 * IDs.
void CntFilterDetail::createMatchPhoneNumberQuery(
                                      const QContactFilter& filter,
                                      QString& sqlQuery,
                                      QContactManager::Error* error)

    if (!filterSupported(filter) ) {
      *error = QContactManager::NotSupportedError;
    QContactDetailFilter detailFilter(filter);
    QString number((detailFilter.value()).toString());
    TPtrC numberPtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(number.utf16()));
    TInt matchLengthFromRight(KDefaultMatchLength);
    // no need to propagate error, we can use the default match length
    TInt numLowerDigits = matchLengthFromRight;
    TInt numUpperDigits = 0;
    if (numLowerDigits > KLowerSevenDigits) {
        numLowerDigits = KLowerSevenDigits;
        numUpperDigits = matchLengthFromRight - KLowerSevenDigits;
    else if (numLowerDigits == 0) {
        // best match phonenumbers
        numLowerDigits = KLowerSevenDigits;
    TMatch phoneDigits = createPaddedPhoneDigits(
                          numberPtr, numLowerDigits, numUpperDigits, error);
    if (*error == QContactManager::NoError) {
        // select fields for contacts that match phone lookup
        //  SELECT contact_id FROM comm_addr
        //      WHERE value = [value string] AND type = [type value];
        QString type =  QString(" type = %1").arg(CntDbInfo::EPhoneNumber);
        QString value =  QString(" value = %1").arg(phoneDigits.iLowerSevenDigits);
        QString whereClause = " WHERE" + value + " AND" + type;
        if (matchLengthFromRight <= KLowerSevenDigits) {
            // Matching 7 or less digits...
            sqlQuery = "SELECT contact_id FROM comm_addr" + whereClause;
        else {
            // Checking the upper digits...
            // select fields for contacts that match phone lookup
            //  SELECT contact_id, extra_value FROM comm_addr
            //      WHERE value = [value string] AND type = [type value];
            QString type =  QString(" type = %1").arg(CntDbInfo::EPhoneNumber);
            QString value =  QString(" value = %1").arg(phoneDigits.iLowerSevenDigits);
            QString whereClause = " WHERE" + value + " AND" + type;
            sqlQuery = "SELECT contact_id, extra_value FROM comm_addr" + whereClause;
            QList<QPair<QContactLocalId, QString> > contactMatches =  m_srvConnection.searchPhoneNumbers(sqlQuery, error);
            // Check if search query was successful
            if (*error != QContactManager::NoError) {
            QStringList list;
            for (int i=0; i<contactMatches.count(); ++i) {
                // Check the upper digits...
                TInt32 storedUpperDigits(0);
                QString extraValue = contactMatches.at(i).second;
                TPtrC extValString(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(extraValue.utf16()));
                if (TLex(extValString).Val(storedUpperDigits) == KErrNone) {
                    const TInt KDigitsToRemove = KMaxPhoneMatchLength - KLowerSevenDigits - phoneDigits.iNumUpperDigits;
                    for (TInt j = 0; j < KDigitsToRemove; ++j) {
                        // repeatedly divide by 10 to lop off the appropriate number of digits from the right
                        storedUpperDigits /= 10;
                    storedUpperDigits = TMatch::padOutPhoneMatchNumber(storedUpperDigits, KDigitsToRemove);
                    if (phoneDigits.iUpperDigits == storedUpperDigits) {
                else {
                    *error = QContactManager::UnspecifiedError;
            // Recreate query to fetch all match ids
            // SELECT DISTINCT contact_id FROM contact WHERE contact_id in (
            //      ..
            // )  
            QString ids = list.join(" ,");
            sqlQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT contact_id FROM contact WHERE contact_id in (";
            sqlQuery += ids;
            sqlQuery += ')';
        // refine search
        if (bestMatchingEnabled()) {
            QList<QContactLocalId> list =  m_srvConnection.searchContacts(sqlQuery,error);
            QList<QContactLocalId> bestMatchingIds;
            if (*error == QContactManager::NoError) {
                        bestMatchingIds = getBestMatchPhoneNumbersL(number, list, error);
                if (bestMatchingIds.count()>0) {
                    // recreate query
                    QString selectQuery = " SELECT contact_id FROM comm_addr WHERE contact_id in (";
                    QString ids = QString("%1").arg(bestMatchingIds.at(0));
                    for(int i=1; i<bestMatchingIds.count(); ++i) {
                        ids += QString(" ,%1").arg(bestMatchingIds.at(i));
                    selectQuery += ids + ')';
                    sqlQuery = selectQuery;
                else {
                    // empty list
                    QString selectQuery = " SELECT contact_id FROM comm_addr WHERE contact_id in (null)";
                    sqlQuery = selectQuery;
Returns an array of contact item IDs for all the contact items which may contain
the specified telephone number in a telephone, fax or SMS type field.

This is improved version of MatchPhoneNumberL method.
The number is compared starting from the right side of the number and 
the method returns an array of candidate matches.  
Punctuation (e.g. spaces) and other alphabetic characters are ignored
when comparing. Leading zeros are removed. Digits are compared up to 
the lenght of shorter number.

@param aNumber Phone number string.
@return Array of contact IDs which are candidate matches.
CContactIdArray* CPplCommAddrTable::BestMatchingPhoneNumberL(const TDesC& aNumber)
    const TInt KUpperMaxLength = KMaxPhoneMatchLength - KLowerSevenDigits;

    CContactIdArray* phoneMatchArray = CContactIdArray::NewLC();

    TMatch phoneDigits = CreatePaddedPhoneDigitsL(aNumber, KLowerSevenDigits, KUpperMaxLength);

    if (phoneDigits.iNumLowerDigits + phoneDigits.iNumUpperDigits > 0)
        // build statement
        RSqlStatement stmnt;
        stmnt.PrepareL(iDatabase, iMatchSelectStmnt->SqlStringL());

        const TInt KValueParamIndex(KFirstParam); // first parameter in query...
        const TInt KTypeParamIndex(KValueParamIndex + 1); // ...and the second.

        User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KTypeParamIndex, EPhoneNumber));

        // fetch the list of any matching contact ids
        TInt err(KErrNone);
        const TInt KContactIdIdx(iMatchSelectStmnt->ParameterIndex( KCommAddrContactId()));
        const TInt KExtraValueIdx(iMatchSelectStmnt->ParameterIndex(KCommAddrExtraValue()));
        while ((err = stmnt.Next()) == KSqlAtRow)
            // Check the upper digits...
            TInt32 number = phoneDigits.iUpperDigits;
            TPtrC extValString = stmnt.ColumnTextL(KExtraValueIdx);
            TInt32 storedUpperDigits;
            TInt32 stored = storedUpperDigits;

            TBool nonZeroInStoredFound = EFalse;
            TBool nonZeroInNumberFound = EFalse;
            while ((number != 0) && (stored != 0))
                nonZeroInNumberFound |= (number % 10 != 0);
                nonZeroInStoredFound |= (stored % 10 != 0);
                if (nonZeroInStoredFound && nonZeroInNumberFound)
                number /= 10;
                stored /= 10;

            if ( (phoneDigits.iUpperDigits == 0) || (storedUpperDigits == 0) ||
                 (number == stored) )

        // leave if we didn't complete going through the results properly
        if (err != KSqlAtEnd)

    return phoneMatchArray;
Пример #5
 * Returns an sql query to fetch contact item IDs for all the contact items which may contain
 * the specified telephone number in a telephone, fax or SMS type field.
 * This is improved version of createMatchPhoneNumberQuery method.
 * The number is compared starting from the right side of the number and 
 * the method returns an array of candidate matches.  
 * Punctuation (e.g. spaces) and other alphabetic characters are ignored
 * when comparing. Leading zeros are removed. Digits are compared up to 
 * the length of shorter number.
void CntFilterDetail::bestMatchPhoneNumberQuery(const QContactFilter& filter,
                                                QString& sqlQuery,
                                                QContactManager::Error* error)
    if (!filterSupported(filter) ) {
          *error = QContactManager::NotSupportedError;
    QContactDetailFilter detailFilter(filter);
    QString number((detailFilter.value()).toString());
    TPtrC numberPtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(number.utf16()));
    const TInt KUpperMaxLength = KMaxPhoneMatchLength - KLowerSevenDigits;
    TMatch phoneDigits = createPaddedPhoneDigits(numberPtr, KLowerSevenDigits, KUpperMaxLength, error);
    if (*error == QContactManager::NoError) {
        // select fields for contacts that match phone lookup
        //  SELECT contact_id, extra_value FROM comm_addr
        //      WHERE value = [value string] AND type = [type value];
        QString type =  QString(" type = %1").arg(CntDbInfo::EPhoneNumber);
        QString value =  QString(" value = %1").arg(phoneDigits.iLowerSevenDigits);
        QString whereClause = " WHERE" + value + " AND" + type;
        sqlQuery = "SELECT contact_id, extra_value FROM comm_addr" + whereClause;
        QList<QPair<QContactLocalId, QString> > contactMatches =  m_srvConnection.searchPhoneNumbers(sqlQuery, error);
        // Check if search query was successful
        if (*error != QContactManager::NoError) {
        QStringList list;
        for (int i=0; i<contactMatches.count(); ++i) {
            // Check the upper digits...
            TInt32 number = phoneDigits.iUpperDigits;
            QString extraValue = contactMatches.at(i).second;
            TPtrC extValString(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(extraValue.utf16()));
            TInt32 storedUpperDigits(0);
            if (TLex(extValString).Val(storedUpperDigits) == KErrNone) {
                TInt32 stored = storedUpperDigits;
                TBool nonZeroInStoredFound = EFalse;
                TBool nonZeroInNumberFound = EFalse;
                while ((number != 0) && (stored != 0)) {
                    nonZeroInNumberFound |= (number % 10 != 0);
                    nonZeroInStoredFound |= (stored % 10 != 0);
                    if (nonZeroInStoredFound && nonZeroInNumberFound) {
                    number /= 10;
                    stored /= 10;
                if ((phoneDigits.iUpperDigits == 0) || (storedUpperDigits == 0) ||
                     (number == stored)) {
            else {
                *error = QContactManager::UnspecifiedError;
        // Recreate query to fetch all match ids
        // SELECT DISTINCT contact_id FROM contact WHERE contact_id in (
        //      ..
        // )  
        QString ids = list.join(" ,");
        sqlQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT contact_id FROM contact WHERE contact_id in (";
        sqlQuery += ids;
        sqlQuery += ')';
Returns an array of contact item IDs for all the contact items which may contain
the specified telephone number in a telephone, fax or SMS type field.

The comparison method used is not exact.  The number is compared starting from
the right side of the number and the method returns an array of candidate
matches.  Punctuation (e.g. spaces) and other alphabetic characters are ignored
when comparing.

Additionally, if the Contacts Model Phone Parser (CNTPHONE.DLL) is available,
then any DTMF digits are also excluded from the comparision.

Note that due to the way numbers are stored in the database, it is recommended
that at least 7 match digits are specified even when matching a number
containing fewer digits.  Failure to follow this guideline may (depending on the
database contents) mean that the function will not return the expected Contact

@param aNumber Phone number string.
@param aMatchLengthFromRight Number of digits from the right of the phone number
to use.  Up to 15 digits can be specified, and it is recommended that at least 7
match digits are specified.
@param aDatabase The database.

@return Array of contact IDs which are candidate matches.
CContactIdArray* CPplCommAddrTable::MatchPhoneNumberL(const TDesC& aNumber, const TInt aMatchLengthFromRight)
	CContactIdArray* phoneMatchArray = CContactIdArray::NewLC();

	TInt numLowerDigits = aMatchLengthFromRight;
	TInt numUpperDigits = 0;

	if(numLowerDigits > KLowerSevenDigits)
		// New style matching.
		numLowerDigits = KLowerSevenDigits;
		numUpperDigits = aMatchLengthFromRight - KLowerSevenDigits;

	TMatch phoneDigits = CreatePaddedPhoneDigitsL(aNumber, numLowerDigits, numUpperDigits);

	if (phoneDigits.iNumLowerDigits + phoneDigits.iNumUpperDigits > 0)
		// build statement
		RSqlStatement stmnt;
		stmnt.PrepareL(iDatabase, iMatchSelectStmnt->SqlStringL() );

		const TInt KValueParamIndex(KFirstParam);			// first parameter in query...
		const TInt KTypeParamIndex(KValueParamIndex + 1);	// ...and the second.

    	User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KValueParamIndex, phoneDigits.iLowerSevenDigits ));
    	User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KTypeParamIndex, EPhoneNumber ));

		// fetch the list of any matching contact ids
		TInt err(KErrNone);
		const TInt KContactIdIdx(iMatchSelectStmnt->ParameterIndex(KCommAddrContactId() ) );
		const TInt KExtraValueIdx(iMatchSelectStmnt->ParameterIndex(KCommAddrExtraValue() ) );
		while ((err = stmnt.Next() ) == KSqlAtRow)
			if (aMatchLengthFromRight <= KLowerSevenDigits)
				// Matching 7 or less digits...we've already matched.
				phoneMatchArray->AddL(stmnt.ColumnInt(KContactIdIdx) );
				// Check the upper digits...
				TInt32 storedUpperDigits(0);
				TPtrC extValString = stmnt.ColumnTextL(KExtraValueIdx);
				User::LeaveIfError(TLex(extValString).Val(storedUpperDigits) );

				const TInt KDigitsToRemove = KMaxPhoneMatchLength - KLowerSevenDigits - phoneDigits.iNumUpperDigits;
				for(TInt i = 0; i < KDigitsToRemove; ++i)
					// repeatedly divide by 10 to lop off the appropriate number of digits from the right
					storedUpperDigits /= 10;

				storedUpperDigits = TMatch::PadOutPhoneMatchNumber(storedUpperDigits, KDigitsToRemove);

				if (phoneDigits.iUpperDigits == storedUpperDigits)
					phoneMatchArray->AddL(stmnt.ColumnInt(KContactIdIdx) );

		// leave if we didn't complete going through the results properly
		if(err != KSqlAtEnd)

	return phoneMatchArray;
Removes comm addresses from the 3 lists that are already in the database and have been updated.
It takes the 3 lists in as parameters and modifies them accordingly. It also populates the list
of comm address ids that are free to be recycled during updating.
void CPplCommAddrTable::RemoveNonUpdatedAddrsL(RArray<TMatch>& aNewPhones, RArray<TPtrC>& aNewEmails, RArray<TPtrC>& aNewSips,
					  RArray<TInt>& aFreeCommAddrIds, const TInt aItemId,CPplCommAddrTable::TCommAddrExtraInfoType 
                      aExtraInfoType )
	// build the RSqlStatement
	RSqlStatement stmnt;
	stmnt.PrepareL(iDatabase, iWholeSelectStmnt->SqlStringL() );
	const TInt KContactIdParamIndex(KFirstIndex); // first and only parameter in the query
	User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KContactIdParamIndex, aItemId) ) ;

	// fetch the results from the query and compare them with the new comm_addrs we have
	TInt err(KErrNone);
	while ((err = stmnt.Next() ) == KSqlAtRow)
		const TInt KType(stmnt.ColumnInt(iWholeSelectStmnt->ParameterIndex(KCommAddrType() ) ) );
		if (KType == EPhoneNumber)
			TMatch phoneNumber;
			TPtrC valString    = stmnt.ColumnTextL(iWholeSelectStmnt->ParameterIndex(KCommAddrValue() ) );
			TPtrC extValString = stmnt.ColumnTextL(iWholeSelectStmnt->ParameterIndex(KCommAddrExtraValue() ) );
			TInt extTypeInfoString = stmnt.ColumnInt(iWholeSelectStmnt->ParameterIndex(KCommAddrExtraTypeInfo() ) );
			User::LeaveIfError(TLex(valString).Val(phoneNumber.iLowerSevenDigits) );
			User::LeaveIfError(TLex(extValString).Val(phoneNumber.iUpperDigits) );

			TInt matchIndex(aNewPhones.Find(phoneNumber, TIdentityRelation<TMatch>(&TMatch::Equals) ) );
			// remove any phone numbers from the new list if we already
			// have them in the db and they haven't changed...
			if (matchIndex != KErrNotFound  && (extTypeInfoString == aExtraInfoType))
			// ...and add any spare ids to the recycle list
					stmnt.ColumnInt(iWholeSelectStmnt->ParameterIndex(KCommAddrId() ) ) );
		else // is Email or SIP
			TPtrC valString = stmnt.ColumnTextL(iWholeSelectStmnt->ParameterIndex(KCommAddrValue() ) );
			TInt matchIndex(0);

			// remove any email and sip addresses from the new list if
			// we already have them in the db and they haven't changed...
			if (KType == EEmailAddress)
				matchIndex = aNewEmails.Find(valString);
				if (matchIndex != KErrNotFound)
			else // SIP
				matchIndex = aNewSips.Find(valString);
				if (matchIndex != KErrNotFound)

			// ...and add any spare ids to the recycle list
			if (matchIndex == KErrNotFound)
					stmnt.ColumnInt(iWholeSelectStmnt->ParameterIndex(KCommAddrId() ) ) );
	// leave if we didn't complete going through the results properly
	if(err != KSqlAtEnd)
Пример #8
TBool CDataWrapperBase::GetCommandStringParameterL(const TDesC& aSectName, const TDesC& aKeyName, TPtrC& aResult)
	TBool	ret=EFalse;

	if ( aSectName.Length()!=0 )
		ret=CDataWrapper::GetStringFromConfig(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult);

		for ( TInt index=iInclude.Count(); (index>0) && (!ret); )
			ret=iInclude[--index]->FindVar(aSectName, aKeyName, aResult);

	if ( ret )
		if ( aResult.Match(KMatch)!=KErrNotFound )
			//	We have an entry of the format
			//	entry =*{section,entry}*
			//	where * is one or more characters
			//	We need to construct this from other data in the ini file replacing {*,*}
			//	with the data from
			//	[section]
			//	entry =some_value
			HBufC*	buffer=HBufC::NewLC(aResult.Length());

			TInt	startLength=KStart().Length();
			TInt	sparatorLength=KSeparator().Length();
			TInt	endLength=KEnd().Length();
			TInt	bufferLength;
			TInt	start;
			TInt	sparator;
			TInt	end;
			TPtrC	remaining;
			TLex	lex;

				sparator += (start + startLength);

				end=remaining.Find(KEnd) + sparator + sparatorLength;

				TPtrC	sectionName(buffer->Ptr()+start+startLength, sparator-start-startLength);
				TPtrC	keyName(buffer->Ptr()+sparator+sparatorLength, end-sparator-sparatorLength);

				TInt	entrySize=0;
				TPtrC	entryData;
				TBool	found=CDataWrapper::GetStringFromConfig(sectionName, keyName, entryData);
				for ( TInt index=iInclude.Count(); (index>0) && (!found);  )
					found=iInclude[--index]->FindVar(sectionName, keyName, entryData);
				if ( found )

				TInt	newLength=start + bufferLength - end - endLength + entrySize;
				HBufC*	bufferNew=HBufC::NewLC(newLength);
				bufferNew->Des().Copy(buffer->Ptr(), start);
				if ( entrySize>0 )
				bufferNew->Des().Append(buffer->Ptr() + end + endLength, bufferLength - end - endLength);
			while ( buffer->Match(KMatch)!=KErrNotFound );
			INFO_PRINTF4(KDataRead, &aSectName, &aKeyName , &aResult);

	return ret;
// Draws the item, which might contain an icon and a text.
// The format of the item text shall look like one of the following formats:
//		- "\ttext"				(text only)
//		- "icon\ttext"			(icon and text)
//		- "\theading\ttext"		(heading and text)
//		- "icon\theading\ttext"	(icon, heading and text)
void CMediaScreenListItemDrawer::DrawActualItem(TInt aItemIndex,
		const TRect& aActualItemRect, TBool aItemIsCurrent,
		TBool /*aViewIsEmphasized*/, TBool /*aViewIsDimmed*/,
		TBool aItemIsSelected) const
	const MDesCArray* itemArray = iListBox.Model()->ItemTextArray();
	if ((!itemArray) || (itemArray->MdcaCount() <= aItemIndex))
	// Gets the item text if the conditions above are met.
	TPtrC itemText = itemArray->MdcaPoint(aItemIndex);

	// We have to find the position of tabs to decide the components
	// available in the item text (icon, heading and text).
	TInt tabPosition1 = itemText.Locate('\t');
	TInt tabPosition2 = itemText.Mid(tabPosition1 + 1).Locate('\t');
	if (tabPosition2 >= 0)
		// We need to add tabPosition1 because the return value of
		// Locate() is relative to tabPosition1.
		tabPosition2 += tabPosition1 + 1;
	TInt tabPosition3 = itemText.Mid(tabPosition2 + 1).Locate('\t');
	if (tabPosition3 >= 0)
		// We need to add tabPosition2 because the return value of
		// Locate() is relative to tabPosition2.
		tabPosition3 += tabPosition2 + 1;
	TInt tabPosition4 = itemText.Mid(tabPosition3 + 1).Locate('\t');
	if (tabPosition4 >= 0)
		// We need to add tabPosition2 because the return value of
		// Locate() is relative to tabPosition2.
		tabPosition4 += tabPosition3 + 1;

	// Sets the attributes to draw the icon.
	if ((aItemIsCurrent) || (aItemIsSelected))

	// Gets the icon index, i.e. the number in the text item before
	// the first tab.
	TInt iconIndex = 0;
	if (tabPosition1 > 0)
		TLex(itemText.Mid(0, tabPosition1)).Val(iconIndex);

		TRect aActualItemRect2 = aActualItemRect;

		aActualItemRect2.iBr.iX = aActualItemRect2.iBr.iX + 0;
		aActualItemRect2.iBr.iY = aActualItemRect2.iBr.iY + 0;
		aActualItemRect2.iTl.iX = aActualItemRect2.iTl.iX + 0;
		aActualItemRect2.iTl.iY = aActualItemRect2.iTl.iY + 10;

	if ((iIconArray) && (iIconArray->Count() > iconIndex)
		&& (tabPosition1 > 0))
		// Draws the icon.
		CFbsBitmap* bitmap = (*iIconArray)[iconIndex]->Bitmap();
			TRect(TPoint(0, 0), bitmap->Header().iSizeInPixels),

		// Draws the rectangle, just in case there are some icons that are
		// smaller than the height of item width and/or height.
		if (bitmap->Header().iSizeInPixels.iHeight < aActualItemRect2.Height())
			TRect rect(
				aActualItemRect2.iTl.iY + bitmap->Header().iSizeInPixels.iHeight,
				aActualItemRect2.iTl.iX + iMaxIconSize.iWidth,
			TRect rect1(
				aActualItemRect2.iTl.iY - 10,
				aActualItemRect2.iTl.iX + iMaxIconSize.iWidth,
				aActualItemRect2.iBr.iY - 40 );


		if (bitmap->Header().iSizeInPixels.iWidth < iMaxIconSize.iWidth)
			TRect rect = TRect(
				aActualItemRect2.iTl.iX + bitmap->Header().iSizeInPixels.iWidth,
				aActualItemRect2.iTl.iX + iMaxIconSize.iWidth,
		TRect rect(
			aActualItemRect.iTl.iX + iMaxIconSize.iWidth,

	// Sets the attributes to draw text, except the font.
	const CFont* font = Font(aItemIndex);
	if ((aItemIsCurrent) || (aItemIsSelected))

	// If there is only one tab, it means we have to display single line item
	if (tabPosition2 < 0)
		if (!font)
			font = CEikonEnv::Static()->TitleFont();
		TRect textRect(
			TPoint(aActualItemRect.iTl.iX + iMaxIconSize.iWidth,
		TInt baseline =
			(textRect.iBr.iY - textRect.iTl.iY - font->HeightInPixels()) / 2
				+ font->AscentInPixels();

		TBuf<2000> text;
		text.Copy(_L("   "));

		if (tabPosition1 < 0)
			iGc->DrawText(text, textRect, baseline,	CGraphicsContext::ELeft, 1);
			text.Append(itemText.Mid(tabPosition1 + 1));
			iGc->DrawText(text, textRect, baseline,CGraphicsContext::ELeft, 1);
		// If there are more than one tab, then we have to display double line
		// item text
		TRect textRect(
			TPoint(aActualItemRect.iTl.iX + iMaxIconSize.iWidth,
		textRect.iBr.iY -= aActualItemRect.Height() / 2;

		// Draws the first line.
		if (!font)
			font = CEikonEnv::Static()->LegendFont();
		TInt baseline =
			(textRect.iBr.iY - textRect.iTl.iY - font->HeightInPixels()) / 2
				+ font->AscentInPixels();

		TBuf<2000> text;
		text.Copy(_L(" "));
		text.Append(itemText.Mid(tabPosition1 + 1, tabPosition2 - tabPosition1 - 1));

		iGc->DrawText(text,textRect, baseline, CGraphicsContext::ELeft, 1);

		// Draws the second line. For the second line, we use normal font.
		font = CCoeEnv::Static()->NormalFont();
		textRect.Move(0, aActualItemRect.Height() / 2);
		baseline =
			(textRect.iBr.iY - textRect.iTl.iY - font->HeightInPixels()) / 2
				+ font->AscentInPixels();///
		text.Copy(_L(" "));
		//text.Append(itemText.Mid(tabPosition2 + 1));		
		text.Append(itemText.Mid(tabPosition2 + 1, tabPosition3 - tabPosition2 - 1));

		iGc->DrawText(text, textRect, baseline,	CGraphicsContext::ELeft, 1);
		//Loads 2nd bitmap
		TRect aActualItemRect1 = aActualItemRect;

		aActualItemRect1.iBr.iX = aActualItemRect1.iBr.iX + 0;
		aActualItemRect1.iBr.iY = aActualItemRect1.iBr.iY + 0;
		if (tabPosition4 >= 0)
			aActualItemRect1.iTl.iX = aActualItemRect1.iTl.iX + 160;
			aActualItemRect1.iTl.iX = aActualItemRect1.iTl.iX + 180;

		aActualItemRect1.iTl.iY = aActualItemRect1.iTl.iY + 0;
		text.Append(itemText.Mid((tabPosition3 + 1),1));
		TInt type;

		TLex lex(text);

		// Draws the icon.
		CFbsBitmap* bitmap = (*iIconArray)[type]->Bitmap();

			bitmap,TRect(TPoint(0,0), bitmap->Header().iSizeInPixels),

		// Draws the rectangle, just in case there are some icons that are
		// smaller than the height of item width and/or height.
		if (bitmap->Header().iSizeInPixels.iHeight < aActualItemRect1.Height())
			TRect rect(
				aActualItemRect1.iTl.iY + bitmap->Header().iSizeInPixels.iHeight,
				aActualItemRect1.iTl.iX + iMaxIconSize.iWidth,

		if (bitmap->Header().iSizeInPixels.iWidth < iMaxIconSize.iWidth)
			TRect rect = TRect(
				aActualItemRect1.iTl.iX + bitmap->Header().iSizeInPixels.iWidth,
				aActualItemRect1.iTl.iX + iMaxIconSize.iWidth,

		if (tabPosition4 >= 0)
			//load 3rd bitmap
			TRect aActualItemRect2 = aActualItemRect;

			aActualItemRect2.iBr.iX = aActualItemRect2.iBr.iX + 0;
			aActualItemRect2.iBr.iY = aActualItemRect2.iBr.iY + 0;
			aActualItemRect2.iTl.iX = aActualItemRect2.iTl.iX + 180;
			aActualItemRect2.iTl.iY = aActualItemRect2.iTl.iY + 0;
			text.Append(itemText.Mid((tabPosition4 + 1),1));
			type = 0;

			TLex lex1(text);

			// Draws the icon.
			CFbsBitmap* bitmap1 = (*iIconArray)[type]->Bitmap();
				bitmap1,TRect(TPoint(0,0), bitmap1->Header().iSizeInPixels),

			// Draws the rectangle, just in case there are some icons that are
			// smaller than the height of item width and/or height.
			if (bitmap1->Header().iSizeInPixels.iHeight < aActualItemRect2.Height())
				TRect rect(
					aActualItemRect2.iTl.iY + bitmap1->Header().iSizeInPixels.iHeight,
					aActualItemRect2.iTl.iX + iMaxIconSize.iWidth,

			if (bitmap1->Header().iSizeInPixels.iWidth < iMaxIconSize.iWidth)
				TRect rect = TRect(
					aActualItemRect2.iTl.iX + bitmap1->Header().iSizeInPixels.iWidth,
					aActualItemRect2.iTl.iX + iMaxIconSize.iWidth,
Пример #10
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAknKeyRotatorImpl::GetKeyRotatorCompensationL
// Parses wsini.ini to read key rotator compensation value.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAknKeyRotatorImpl::GetKeyRotatorCompensationL()
    TInt result = 0;
    HBufC* wsiniText = GetWsiniLC();
    // Now look for keyword
    const TInt pos = wsiniText->Find( KAknKeyRotatorKey );
    if ( pos != KErrNotFound )
        // Keyword was found. Check that it is the beginning of line.
        // Three cases:
        // 1. Keyword could be at the beginning of the file.
        // 2. Keyword could be at the beginning of the file 
        //    after byte ordering marker.
        // 3. Previous character can be end of line marker.
        const TInt previousPos = pos - 1;
        if ( previousPos < 0 || 
             ( !previousPos && 
               IsByteOrderingMarker( (*wsiniText)[ previousPos ] ) ) || 
             IsEndOfLine( (*wsiniText)[ previousPos ] ) )
            TLex text( wsiniText->Mid( pos + KAknKeyRotatorKey().Length() ) );
            // First, there must be at least a space after keyword.
            TBool fail = !( SkipSpaces( text ) & EAknWasSpace );
            // Case 1: Disabled
            TBool wasDisabled = EFalse;
            if ( !fail )
                wasDisabled = 
                    !text.Remainder().Left( KAknKeyRotatorDisabled().Length() ).
                    CompareF( KAknKeyRotatorDisabled );

                if ( wasDisabled )
                    // wasDisabled == True, KAknKeyRotatorDisabled was prefix
                    // of text. So skip over it
                    text.Inc( KAknKeyRotatorDisabled().Length() );
            // Case 2: Then follows a sequence of digits, optionally preceded by '-'.
            if ( !wasDisabled && !fail )
                // Check optional -
                TBool negate = EFalse;
                if ( !text.Eos() && text.Peek() == '-' )
                    negate = ETrue;
                // Get digit sequence and convert to integer value.
                TPtrC token = GetDigits( text );
                fail = !token.Length() || 
                       ( TLex( token ).Val( result ) != KErrNone );
                // Handle negation
                if ( !fail && negate )
                    result = -result;

            // That sequence of digits is followed by sequence of spaces until
            // end of line or end of file.
            fail = fail || ( SkipSpaces( text ) & EAknWasCharacter );
            if ( !wasDisabled )
                // Finally, that sequence of digits must represent
                // one valid decimal value of the following: 
                // -270, -180, -90, 0, 90, 180, 270.
                fail = fail || !CheckCompensationValue( result );
            // If any of above checks failed, use default value 0.
            if ( fail )
                result = 0;
                if ( wasDisabled )
                    result = KMaxTInt;
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wsiniText );   
    return result;