Пример #1
void TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledCircle(int16_t x0, int16_t y0, int16_t r, uint16_t color)

	int16_t f = 1 - r;
	int16_t ddF_x = 1;
	int16_t ddF_y = -2 * r;
	int16_t x = 0;
	int16_t y = r;

    TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0, y0 + r, color);
    TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0, y0 - r, color);
    TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0 + r, y0, color);
    TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0 - r, y0, color);
    TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0 - r, y0, x0 + r, y0, color);

    while (x < y) {
        if (f >= 0) {
            ddF_y += 2;
            f += ddF_y;
        ddF_x += 2;
        f += ddF_x;

        TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0 - x, y0 + y, x0 + x, y0 + y, color);
        TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0 + x, y0 - y, x0 - x, y0 - y, color);

        TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0 + y, y0 + x, x0 - y, y0 + x, color);
        TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(x0 + y, y0 - x, x0 - y, y0 - x, color);

Пример #2
void TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color) {
	/* Code by dewoller: https://github.com/dewoller */
	int16_t dx, dy, sx, sy, err, e2; 
	dx = (x0 < x1) ? (x1 - x0) : (x0 - x1); 
	dy = (y0 < y1) ? (y1 - y0) : (y0 - y1); 
	sx = (x0 < x1) ? 1 : -1; 
	sy = (y0 < y1) ? 1 : -1; 
	err = ((dx > dy) ? dx : -dy) / 2; 

	while (1) {
		TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0, y0, color); 
		if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) {
		e2 = err; 
		if (e2 > -dx) {
			err -= dy;
			x0 += sx;
		if (e2 < dy) {
			err += dx;
			y0 += sy;
Пример #3
void TM_ILI9341_Putc(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, char c, TM_FontDef_t *font, uint16_t foreground, uint16_t background) {
	uint32_t i, b, j;
	if ((ILI9341_x + font->FontWidth) > ILI9341_Opts.Width) {
		//If at the end of a line of display, go to new line and set x to 0 position
		ILI9341_y += font->FontHeight;
		ILI9341_x = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < font->FontHeight; i++) {
		b = font->data[(c - 32) * font->FontHeight + i];
		for (j = 0; j < font->FontWidth; j++) {
			if ((b << j) & 0x8000) {
				TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(ILI9341_x + j, (ILI9341_y + i), foreground);
			} else {
				TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(ILI9341_x + j, (ILI9341_y + i), background);
	ILI9341_x += font->FontWidth;
ErrorStatus TM_ILI9341_Button_Draw(uint8_t id) {
	uint16_t fontWidth, fontHeight, x, y, i, j;
	if ((TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].flags & TM_BUTTON_FLAG_USED) == 0) {
		//Button not enabled
		return ERROR;
	//Draw label
	if (TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].flags & TM_BUTTON_FLAG_IMAGE) {
		//Draw picture
		for (i = 0; i < TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].width; i++) {
			for (j = 0; j < TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].height; j++) {
				TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(	TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].x + i,
										TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].y + j,
										*(uint16_t *)(TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].image + j * TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].width + i)
	} else {
		TM_ILI9341_DrawFilledRectangle(	TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].x,
										TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].x + TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].width,
										TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].y + TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].height,
										TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].background );
	//Display label
	if ((TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].flags & TM_BUTTON_FLAG_NOLABEL) == 0) {
		TM_ILI9341_GetStringSize(TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].label, TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].font, &fontWidth, &fontHeight);
		x = TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].x + TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].width / 2 - (fontWidth / 2);
		y = TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].y + TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].height / 2 - (fontHeight / 2);
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(x, y, TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].label, TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].font, TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].color, TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].background);
	if ((TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].flags & TM_BUTTON_FLAG_NOBORDER) == 0) {
		//Border enabled
		TM_ILI9341_DrawRectangle(	TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].x,
									TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].x + TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].width,
									TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].y + TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].height,
									TM_ILI9341_Buttons[id].borderColor );
	return SUCCESS;
Пример #5
int main(void) {
	char str[30];
	/* Create TouchData struct */
	TM_STMPE811_TouchData touchData;
	/* Initialize system */
	/* Initialize LCD */
	/* Fill with orange color */
	/* Rotate LCD */
	/* Initialize Touch */
	if (TM_STMPE811_Init() != TM_STMPE811_State_Ok) {
		TM_ILI9341_Puts(20, 20, "STMPE811 Error", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_ORANGE, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK);
		while (1);
	/* Select touch screen orientation */
	touchData.orientation = TM_STMPE811_Orientation_Portrait_2;
	/* Print some text */
	TM_ILI9341_Puts(20, 20, "Press on LCD", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_ORANGE, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK);
	TM_ILI9341_Puts(93, 310, "stm32f4-discovery.com", &TM_Font_7x10, ILI9341_COLOR_GREEN, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK);
	while (1) {
		if (TM_STMPE811_ReadTouch(&touchData) == TM_STMPE811_State_Pressed) {
			/* Touch valid */
			sprintf(str, "Pressed    \n\nX: %03d\nY: %03d", touchData.x, touchData.y);
			TM_ILI9341_Puts(20, 80, str, &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_ORANGE);
			/* Draw pixel on touch location */
			TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(touchData.x, touchData.y, 0x0000);
		} else {
			sprintf(str, "Not Pressed\n\n       \n      ");
			TM_ILI9341_Puts(20, 80, str, &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_ORANGE);
Пример #6
int main(void) {
	char str[30];
	//Create TouchData struct
	TM_STMPE811_TouchData touchData;
	//Initialize system
	//Initialize LCD
	//Fill with orange color
	//Rotate LCD
	//Initialize Touch
	//Select touch screen orientation
	touchData.orientation = TM_STMPE811_Orientation_Portrait_2;
	//Print some text
	TM_ILI9341_Puts(20, 20, "Press on LCD", &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_ORANGE, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK);
	TM_ILI9341_Puts(168, 308, "majerle.eu", &TM_Font_7x10, ILI9341_COLOR_GREEN, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK);
	while (1) {
		if (TM_STMPE811_ReadTouch(&touchData) == TM_STMPE811_State_Pressed) {
			//Touch valid
			sprintf(str, "Pressed    \n\nX: %03d\nY: %03d", touchData.x, touchData.y);
			TM_ILI9341_Puts(20, 80, str, &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_ORANGE);

			TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(touchData.x, touchData.y, 0x0000);
		} else {
			sprintf(str, "Not Pressed\n\n       \n      ");
			TM_ILI9341_Puts(20, 80, str, &TM_Font_11x18, ILI9341_COLOR_BLACK, ILI9341_COLOR_ORANGE);
Пример #7
void TM_ILI9341_DrawLine(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t color)

	short dx, dy;
	short temp;

	if (x0 > x1) {
		temp = x1;
		x1 = x0;
		x0 = temp;
	if (y0 > y1) {
		temp = y1;
		y1 = y0;
		y0 = temp;

	dx = x1 - x0;
	dy = y1 - y0;

	if (dx == 0) {
		do {
			TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0, y0, color);
		} while (y1 >= y0);
	if (dy == 0) {
		do {
			TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0, y0, color);
		} while (x1 >= x0);

	/* Based on Bresenham's line algorithm  */
	if (dx > dy) {
		temp = 2 * dy - dx;
		while (x0 != x1) {
			TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0, y0, color);
			if (temp > 0) {
				temp += 2 * dy - 2 * dx;
			} else {
				temp += 2 * dy;
		TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0, y0, color);
	} else {
		temp = 2 * dx - dy;
		while (y0 != y1) {
			TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0, y0, color);
			if (temp > 0) {
				temp += 2 * dy - 2 * dx;
			} else {
				temp += 2 * dy;
		TM_ILI9341_DrawPixel(x0, y0, color);
