int64_t FileReader::SetFilePointer(int64_t llDistanceToMove, unsigned long dwMoveMethod)
     TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: distance %d method %d.", __FUNCTION__, llDistanceToMove, dwMoveMethod);
     int64_t rc = XBMC->SeekFile(m_hFile, llDistanceToMove, dwMoveMethod);
     TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: distance %d method %d returns %d.", __FUNCTION__, llDistanceToMove, dwMoveMethod, rc);
     return rc;
    int64_t MultiFileReader::SetCurrentFilePointer(int64_t timeShiftBufferFilePos, long timeshiftBufferFileID)

        if (m_TSFileId != timeshiftBufferFileID)
            // We have to switch to a different buffer file
            TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "Change buffer file from %i to %i", m_TSFileId, timeshiftBufferFileID);

            MultiFileReaderFile *file = NULL;
            std::vector<MultiFileReaderFile *>::iterator it = m_tsFiles.begin();
            for (; it < m_tsFiles.end(); ++it)
                file = *it;
                if (file->filePositionId == timeshiftBufferFileID)

            if (!file)
                XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "MultiFileReader::no buffer file with id=%i", timeshiftBufferFileID);
                XBMC->QueueNotification(QUEUE_ERROR, "No buffer file");
                return m_currentPosition;

            if (m_currentPosition < (file->startPosition + timeShiftBufferFilePos))

                m_TSFileId = file->filePositionId;
                m_currentFileStartOffset = file->startPosition;

                TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "MultiFileReader::Read() Current File Changed to %s TS file id=%i\n", file->filename.c_str(), m_TSFileId);

        // Reposition the read pointer within the current timeshift buffer file
        TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "Move read pointer within buffer file %i; %I64d -> %i64d", m_TSFileId, m_currentPosition, m_currentFileStartOffset + timeShiftBufferFilePos);
        m_currentPosition = m_currentFileStartOffset + timeShiftBufferFilePos;

        if (m_currentPosition > m_endPosition)
            XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Seeking beyond the end position: %I64d > %I64d", m_currentPosition, m_endPosition);
            m_currentPosition = m_endPosition;

        return m_currentPosition;
Пример #3
void ExecuteDMLData::Notify(int iErrCode)
	lua_State* pLuaState = m_callInfo.GetLuaState();
	lua_rawgeti(pLuaState, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, m_callInfo.GetRefFn());

	int iRetCount = 0;
	lua_pushinteger(pLuaState, iErrCode);

	if (SQLITE_OK == iErrCode)
		int i = 1;
		std::vector<std::map<std::string,std::string>>::const_iterator c_iter =  m_vQuery.begin();
		TSDEBUG(_T("count is %d."),m_vQuery.size());
		for (;c_iter != m_vQuery.end();++c_iter)
			std::map<std::string,std::string> map_Row = *c_iter;
			std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator c_mapRow = map_Row.begin();
			for (;c_mapRow != map_Row.end();++c_mapRow)
				std::string utf8key = c_mapRow->first;
				std::string utf8Value = c_mapRow->second;
				lua_pushstring(pLuaState, utf8key.c_str());
				if (!utf8Value.empty())
					lua_pushstring(pLuaState, utf8Value.c_str());
				lua_settable(pLuaState, -3);
			lua_rawseti(m_callInfo.GetLuaState(), -2, i);
		TSDEBUG(_T("table pusher ok"),m_vQuery.size());

	XLLRT_LuaCall(pLuaState, iRetCount, 0, L"ExecuteDMLData Callback");
Пример #4
    long FileReader::Read(unsigned char* pbData, size_t lDataLength, size_t *dwReadBytes)
        ssize_t read_bytes = KODI->ReadFile(m_hFile, (void*)pbData, lDataLength);//Read file data into buffer
        if (read_bytes < 0)
            TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: ReadFile function failed.", __FUNCTION__);
            *dwReadBytes = 0;
            return S_FALSE;
        *dwReadBytes = static_cast<size_t>(read_bytes);
        TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: requested read length %d actually read %d.", __FUNCTION__, lDataLength, *dwReadBytes);

        if (*dwReadBytes < lDataLength)
            KODI->Log(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: requested %d bytes, read only %d bytes.", __FUNCTION__, lDataLength, *dwReadBytes);
            return S_FALSE;
        return S_OK;
    long FileReader::Read(unsigned char* pbData, unsigned long lDataLength, unsigned long *dwReadBytes)
        *dwReadBytes = XBMC->ReadFile(m_hFile, (void*)pbData, lDataLength);//Read file data into buffer
        TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: requested read length %d actually read %d.", __FUNCTION__, lDataLength, *dwReadBytes);

        if (*dwReadBytes < lDataLength)
            XBMC->Log(LOG_NOTICE, "%s: requested %d bytes, read only %d bytes.", __FUNCTION__, lDataLength, *dwReadBytes);
            return S_FALSE;
        return S_OK;
Пример #6
void ExecuteDMLData::Work()

	int nErrCode = -1;
	if (Init())
		nErrCode = m_pfn_sqlite3_open_v2(m_strDBPath.c_str(),&m_db,m_OpenFlag,NULL);
		if (SQLITE_OK == nErrCode)
			nErrCode = execDML(m_strSQL.c_str(),m_bQuery);
			TSDEBUG(_T("open database failed,error code is %lu"),nErrCode);
	g_wndMsg.PostMessage(WM_SQLITE3, nErrCode, (LPARAM)this);
    long MultiFileReader::RefreshTSBufferFile()
        if (m_TSBufferFile.IsFileInvalid())
            XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s: buffer file is invalid.", __FUNCTION__);
            return S_FALSE;

        unsigned long bytesRead;
        MultiFileReaderFile *file;

        int64_t currentPosition;
        int32_t filesAdded, filesRemoved;
        int32_t filesAdded2, filesRemoved2;
        long Error = 0;
        long Loop = 10;

        Wchar_t* pBuffer = NULL;
            Error = 0;
            currentPosition = -1;
            filesAdded = -1;
            filesRemoved = -1;
            filesAdded2 = -2;
            filesRemoved2 = -2;

            int64_t fileLength = m_TSBufferFile.GetFileSize();

            // Min file length is Header ( int64_t + int32_t + int32_t ) + filelist ( > 0 ) + Footer ( int32_t + int32_t )
            int64_t minimumlength = (int64_t)(sizeof(currentPosition) + sizeof(filesAdded) + sizeof(filesRemoved) + sizeof(Wchar_t) + sizeof(filesAdded2) + sizeof(filesRemoved2));
            if (fileLength <= minimumlength)
                XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s: TSBufferFile too short. Minimum length %ld, current length %ld", __FUNCTION__, minimumlength, fileLength);
                return S_FALSE;

            m_TSBufferFile.SetFilePointer(0, FILE_BEGIN);

            uint32_t readLength = sizeof(currentPosition) + sizeof(filesAdded) + sizeof(filesRemoved);
            unsigned char* readBuffer = new unsigned char[readLength];

            long result = m_TSBufferFile.Read(readBuffer, readLength, &bytesRead);

            if (!SUCCEEDED(result) || bytesRead != readLength)
                Error |= 0x02;

            if (Error == 0)
                currentPosition = *((int64_t*)(readBuffer + 0));
                filesAdded = *((int32_t*)(readBuffer + sizeof(currentPosition)));
                filesRemoved = *((int32_t*)(readBuffer + sizeof(currentPosition) + sizeof(filesAdded)));

            delete[] readBuffer;

            // If no files added or removed, break the loop !
            if ((m_filesAdded == filesAdded) && (m_filesRemoved == filesRemoved))

            int64_t remainingLength = fileLength - sizeof(currentPosition) - sizeof(filesAdded) - sizeof(filesRemoved) - sizeof(filesAdded2) - sizeof(filesRemoved2);

            // Above 100kb seems stupid and figure out a problem !!!
            if (remainingLength > 100000)
                Error |= 0x10;

            pBuffer = (Wchar_t*) new char[(unsigned int)remainingLength];

            result = m_TSBufferFile.Read((unsigned char*)pBuffer, (uint32_t)remainingLength, &bytesRead);
            if (!SUCCEEDED(result) || (int64_t)bytesRead != remainingLength)
                Error |= 0x20;

            readLength = sizeof(filesAdded) + sizeof(filesRemoved);

            readBuffer = new unsigned char[readLength];

            result = m_TSBufferFile.Read(readBuffer, readLength, &bytesRead);

            if (!SUCCEEDED(result) || bytesRead != readLength)
                Error |= 0x40;

            if (Error == 0)
                filesAdded2 = *((int32_t*)(readBuffer + 0));
                filesRemoved2 = *((int32_t*)(readBuffer + sizeof(filesAdded2)));

            delete[] readBuffer;

            if ((filesAdded2 != filesAdded) || (filesRemoved2 != filesRemoved))
                Error |= 0x80;

                XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "MultiFileReader has error 0x%x in Loop %d. Try to clear SMB Cache.", Error, 10 - Loop);
                XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: filesAdded %d, filesAdded2 %d, filesRemoved %d, filesRemoved2 %d.", __FUNCTION__, filesAdded, filesAdded2, filesRemoved, filesRemoved2);

                // try to clear local / remote SMB file cache. This should happen when we close the filehandle

            if (Error)
                delete[] pBuffer;

        } while (Error && Loop); // If Error is set, try again...until Loop reaches 0.

        if (Loop < 8)
            XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "MultiFileReader has waited %d times for TSbuffer integrity.", 10 - Loop);

            if (Error)
                XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "MultiFileReader has failed for TSbuffer integrity. Error : %x", Error);
                return E_FAIL;

        if ((m_filesAdded != filesAdded) || (m_filesRemoved != filesRemoved))
            int32_t filesToRemove = filesRemoved - m_filesRemoved;
            int32_t filesToAdd = filesAdded - m_filesAdded;
            int32_t fileID = filesRemoved;
            int64_t nextStartPosition = 0;

            TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "MultiFileReader: Files Added %i, Removed %i\n", filesToAdd, filesToRemove);

            // Removed files that aren't present anymore.
            while ((filesToRemove > 0) && (!m_tsFiles.empty()))
                file =;

                TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "MultiFileReader: Removing file %s\n", file->filename.c_str());



            // Figure out what the start position of the next new file will be
            if (!m_tsFiles.empty())
                file = m_tsFiles.back();

                if (filesToAdd > 0)
                    // If we're adding files the changes are the one at the back has a partial length
                    // so we need update it.
                    GetFileLength(file->filename.c_str(), file->length);

                nextStartPosition = file->startPosition + file->length;

            // Get the real path of the buffer file
            std::string sFilename;
            std::string path;

            //size_t pos = sFilename.find_last_of(PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
            size_t pos = sFilename.find_last_of('/');
            path = sFilename.substr(0, pos + 1);

            // Create a list of files in the .tsbuffer file.
            std::vector<std::string> filenames;

            Wchar_t* pwCurrFile = pBuffer;    //Get a pointer to the first wchar filename string in pBuffer
            long length = WcsLen(pwCurrFile);

            //XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: WcsLen(%d), sizeof(Wchar_t) == %d sizeof(wchar_t) == %d.", __FUNCTION__, length, sizeof(Wchar_t), sizeof(wchar_t));

            while (length > 0)
                // Convert the current filename (wchar to normal char)
                char* wide2normal = new char[length + 1];
                WcsToMbs(wide2normal, pwCurrFile, length);
                wide2normal[length] = '\0';
                std::string sCurrFile = wide2normal;
                //XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: filename %s (%s).", __FUNCTION__, wide2normal, sCurrFile.c_str());
                delete[] wide2normal;

                // Modify filename path here to include the real (local) path
                pos = sCurrFile.find_last_of(92);
                std::string name = sCurrFile.substr(pos + 1);
                if (path.length() > 0 && name.length() > 0)
                    // Replace the original path with our local path
                    filenames.push_back(path + name);
                    // Keep existing path

                // Move the wchar buffer pointer to the next wchar string
                pwCurrFile += (length + 1);
                length = WcsLen(pwCurrFile);

            // Go through files
            std::vector<MultiFileReaderFile *>::iterator itFiles = m_tsFiles.begin();
            std::vector<std::string>::iterator itFilenames = filenames.begin();

            while (itFiles < m_tsFiles.end())
                file = *itFiles;


                if (itFilenames < filenames.end())
                    // TODO: Check that the filenames match. ( Ambass : With buffer integrity check, probably no need to do this !)
                    XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "MultiFileReader: Missing files!!\n");

            while (itFilenames < filenames.end())
                std::string pFilename = *itFilenames;

                TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Adding file %s (%" PRId64 ")\n", __FUNCTION__, pFilename.c_str(), nextStartPosition);

                file = new MultiFileReaderFile();
                file->filename = pFilename;
                file->startPosition = nextStartPosition;

                file->filePositionId = fileID;

                GetFileLength(file->filename.c_str(), file->length);


                nextStartPosition = file->startPosition + file->length;


            m_filesAdded = filesAdded;
            m_filesRemoved = filesRemoved;

            delete[] pBuffer;

        if (!m_tsFiles.empty())
            file = m_tsFiles.front();
            m_startPosition = file->startPosition;
            // Since the buffer file may be re-used when a channel is changed, we
            // want the start position to reflect the position in the file after the last
            // channel change, or the real start position, whichever is larger
            if (m_lastZapPosition > m_startPosition)
                m_startPosition = m_lastZapPosition;

            file = m_tsFiles.back();
            file->length = currentPosition;
            m_endPosition = file->startPosition + currentPosition;

            TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "StartPosition %lli, EndPosition %lli, CurrentPosition %lli\n", m_startPosition, m_endPosition, m_currentPosition);
            m_startPosition = 0;
            m_endPosition = 0;

        return S_OK;
    long MultiFileReader::Read(unsigned char* pbData, unsigned long lDataLength, unsigned long *dwReadBytes)
        // If the file has already been closed, don't continue
        if (m_TSBufferFile.IsFileInvalid())
            return S_FALSE;


        if (m_currentPosition < m_startPosition)
            XBMC->Log(LOG_INFO, "%s: current position adjusted from %%I64dd to %%I64dd.", __FUNCTION__, m_currentPosition, m_startPosition);
            m_currentPosition = m_startPosition;

        // Find out which file the currentPosition is in.
        MultiFileReaderFile *file = NULL;
        std::vector<MultiFileReaderFile *>::iterator it = m_tsFiles.begin();
        for (; it < m_tsFiles.end(); ++it)
            file = *it;
            if (m_currentPosition < (file->startPosition + file->length))

        // XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: reading %ld bytes. File %s, start %d, current %d, end %d.", __FUNCTION__, lDataLength, file->filename.c_str(), m_startPosition, m_currentPosition, m_endPosition);

        if (!file)
            XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "MultiFileReader::no file");
            XBMC->QueueNotification(QUEUE_ERROR, "No buffer file");
            return S_FALSE;
        if (m_currentPosition < (file->startPosition + file->length))
            if (m_TSFileId != file->filePositionId)
                if (m_TSFile.OpenFile() != S_OK)
                    XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "MultiFileReader: can't open %s\n", file->filename.c_str());
                    return S_FALSE;

                m_TSFileId = file->filePositionId;
                m_currentFileStartOffset = file->startPosition;

                TSDEBUG(LOG_DEBUG, "MultiFileReader::Read() Current File Changed to %s TS file id=%i\n", file->filename.c_str(), m_TSFileId);

            int64_t seekPosition = m_currentPosition - file->startPosition;

            m_TSFile.SetFilePointer(seekPosition, FILE_BEGIN);
            int64_t posSeeked = m_TSFile.GetFilePointer();
            if (posSeeked != seekPosition)
                m_TSFile.SetFilePointer(seekPosition, FILE_BEGIN);
                posSeeked = m_TSFile.GetFilePointer();
                if (posSeeked != seekPosition)
                    XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "SEEK FAILED");
                    return S_FALSE;

            unsigned long bytesRead = 0;
            long hr;

            int64_t bytesToRead = file->length - seekPosition;
            if ((int64_t)lDataLength > bytesToRead)
                // XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: datalength %lu bytesToRead %lli.", __FUNCTION__, lDataLength, bytesToRead);
                hr = m_TSFile.Read(pbData, (unsigned long)bytesToRead, &bytesRead);
                if (FAILED(hr))
                    XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "READ FAILED1");
                    return S_FALSE;
                m_currentPosition += bytesToRead;

                hr = this->Read(pbData + bytesToRead, lDataLength - (unsigned long)bytesToRead, dwReadBytes);
                if (FAILED(hr))
                    XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "READ FAILED2");
                *dwReadBytes += bytesRead;
                hr = m_TSFile.Read(pbData, lDataLength, dwReadBytes);
                if (FAILED(hr))
                    XBMC->Log(LOG_ERROR, "READ FAILED3");
                m_currentPosition += lDataLength;
            // The current position is past the end of the last file
            *dwReadBytes = 0;

        // XBMC->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: read %lu bytes. start %lli, current %lli, end %lli.", __FUNCTION__, *dwReadBytes, m_startPosition, m_currentPosition, m_endPosition);
        return S_OK;