static int ts_lua_client_request_set_uri_args(lua_State *L) { const char *param; size_t param_len; ts_lua_http_ctx *http_ctx; http_ctx = ts_lua_get_http_ctx(L); param = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, ¶m_len); TSUrlHttpQuerySet(http_ctx->client_request_bufp, http_ctx->client_request_url, param, param_len); return 0; }
static int ts_lua_server_request_set_uri_args(lua_State *L) { const char *param; size_t param_len; ts_lua_http_ctx *http_ctx; GET_HTTP_CONTEXT(http_ctx, L); TS_LUA_CHECK_SERVER_REQUEST_URL(http_ctx); param = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, ¶m_len); TSUrlHttpQuerySet(http_ctx->server_request_bufp, http_ctx->server_request_url, param, param_len); return 0; }
TSRemapStatus TSRemapDoRemap(void *ih, TSHttpTxn rh, TSRemapRequestInfo* rri) { int i, len; time_t t, e; MD5_CTX ctx; struct sockaddr_in *in; const char *qh, *ph, *ip; unsigned char md[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; secure_link_info *sli = (secure_link_info *)ih; char *token = NULL, *expire = NULL, *path = NULL; char *s, *ptr, *saveptr = NULL, *val, hash[32] = ""; in = (struct sockaddr_in *)TSHttpTxnClientAddrGet(rh); ip = inet_ntoa(in->sin_addr); s = TSUrlStringGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, &len); TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "request [%.*s] from [%s]", len, s, ip); TSfree(s); qh = TSUrlHttpQueryGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, &len); if(qh && len > 0) { s = (char *)TSstrndup(qh, len); if((ptr = strtok_r(s, "&", &saveptr)) != NULL) { do { if((val = strchr(ptr, '=')) != NULL) { *val++ = '\0'; if(strcmp(ptr, "st") == 0) { token = TSstrdup(val); } else if(strcmp(ptr, "ex") == 0) { expire = TSstrdup(val); } } else { TSError("Invalid parameter [%s]", ptr); break; } } while((ptr = strtok_r(NULL, "&", &saveptr)) != NULL); } else { TSError("strtok didn't find a & in the query string"); /* this is just example, so set fake params to prevent plugin crash */ token = TSstrdup("d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"); expire = TSstrdup("00000000"); } TSfree(s); } else { TSError("TSUrlHttpQueryGet returns empty value"); } ph = TSUrlPathGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, &len); if(ph && len > 0) { s = TSstrndup(ph, len); if((ptr = strrchr(s, '/')) != NULL) { *++ptr = '\0'; } path = TSstrdup(s); TSfree(s); } else { TSError("TSUrlPathGet returns empty value"); /* this is just example, so set fake params to prevent plugin crash */ path = TSstrdup("example/"); } MD5_Init(&ctx); MD5_Update(&ctx, sli->secret, strlen(sli->secret)); MD5_Update(&ctx, ip, strlen(ip)); if (path) MD5_Update(&ctx, path, strlen(path)); if (expire) MD5_Update(&ctx, expire, strlen(expire)); MD5_Final(md, &ctx); for(i = 0; i < MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) { sprintf(&hash[i * 2], "%02x", md[i]); } time(&t); e = strtol(expire, NULL, 16); i = TSREMAP_DID_REMAP; if(e < t || strcmp(hash, token) != 0) { if(e < t) { TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "link expired: [%lu] vs [%lu]", t, e); } else { TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "tokens mismatch: [%s] vs [%s]", hash, token); } if(sli->strict) { TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "request is DENY"); TSHttpTxnSetHttpRetStatus(rh, TS_HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN); i = TSREMAP_NO_REMAP; } else { TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "request is PASS"); } } if(i == TSREMAP_DID_REMAP) { if(TSUrlHttpQuerySet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, "", -1) == TS_SUCCESS) { s = TSUrlStringGet(rri->requestBufp, rri->requestUrl, &len); TSDebug(PLUGIN_NAME, "new request string is [%.*s]", len, s); TSfree(s); } else { i = TSREMAP_NO_REMAP; } } TSfree(expire); TSfree(token); TSfree(path); return i; }