Пример #1
TSimpleFileTransport(const std::string& path, bool read, bool write)
    : TFDTransport(-1, TFDTransport::CLOSE_ON_DESTROY) {
  int flags = 0;
  if (read && write) {
    flags = O_RDWR;
  } else if (read) {
    flags = O_RDONLY;
  } else if (write) {
    flags = O_WRONLY;
  } else {
    throw TTransportException("Neither READ nor WRITE specified");
  if (write) {
    flags |= O_CREAT | O_APPEND;
  int fd = ::open(path.c_str(),
                  S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR| S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
  if (fd < 0) {
    throw TTransportException("failed to open file for writing: " + path);
Пример #2
 * request for a page allocation
FixedSizeMemoryPage* FixedSizeMemoryPageFactory::getPage(bool throwOnError) {
  FixedSizeMemoryPage* page = nullptr;
  // lock
    SpinLockHolder guard(&lock_);
    if ((page = cachedPages_) != nullptr) { // cache is available
      cachedPages_ = cachedPages_->next_;
      --numCachedPages_; // get from cache
    } else { // allocate new page
      // check capacity
      if (numAllocatedPages_ * pageSize_ >= maxMemoryUsage_) {
        GlobalOutput.printf("FixedSizeMemoryPage::getPage: alloc %d, max %d",
          numAllocatedPages_ * pageSize_, maxMemoryUsage_);
        if (throwOnError) {
          throw TTransportException(TTransportException::INTERNAL_ERROR);
        return nullptr;

      page = (FixedSizeMemoryPage*)malloc(pageSize_ // memory itself
             + sizeof(FixedSizeMemoryPage)); // + object size
      if (!page) { // no memory available
        if (throwOnError) {
          throw TTransportException(TTransportException::INTERNAL_ERROR);
        return nullptr;
  // init page
  page->next_ = nullptr;
  return page;
Пример #3
void TZlibTransport::verifyChecksum() {
  if (!standalone_) {
    throw TTransportException(
        "TZLibTransport can only verify checksums for standalone objects.");

  if (!input_ended_) {
    // This should only be called when reading is complete,
    // but it's possible that the whole checksum has not been fed to zlib yet.
    // We try to read an extra byte here to force zlib to finish the stream.
    // It might not always be easy to "unread" this byte,
    // but we throw an exception if we get it, which is not really
    // a recoverable error, so it doesn't matter.
    uint8_t buf[1];
    uint32_t got = this->read(buf, sizeof(buf));
    if (got || !input_ended_) {
      throw TTransportException(
          "Zlib stream not complete.");

  // If the checksum had been bad, we would have gotten an error while
  // inflating.
Пример #4
void TMemoryBuffer::ensureCanWrite(uint32_t len) {
  // Check available space
  uint32_t avail = available_write();
  if (len <= avail) {

  if (!owner_) {
    throw TTransportException("Insufficient space in external MemoryBuffer");

  // Grow the buffer as necessary.
  while (len > avail) {
    bufferSize_ *= 2;
    wBound_ = buffer_ + bufferSize_;
    avail = available_write();

  // Allocate into a new pointer so we don't bork ours if it fails.
  void* new_buffer = std::realloc(buffer_, bufferSize_);
  if (new_buffer == NULL) {
    throw TTransportException("Out of memory.");

  ptrdiff_t offset = (uint8_t*)new_buffer - buffer_;
  buffer_ += offset;
  rBase_ += offset;
  rBound_ += offset;
  wBase_ += offset;
  wBound_ += offset;
TSimpleFileTransport::TSimpleFileTransport(const std::string& path, bool read, bool write, bool append)
    : TFDTransport(-1, TFDTransport::CLOSE_ON_DESTROY) {
  int flags = 0;
  if (read && write) {
    flags = O_RDWR;
  } else if (read) {
    flags = O_RDONLY;
  } else if (write) {
    flags = O_WRONLY;
  } else {
    throw TTransportException("Neither READ nor WRITE specified");

  flags |= O_BINARY; // unix에는 없지만 windows에서는 넣어주어야 모든 곳에서 사용가능 (O_BINARY아닐 때 \r\n을 붙이는 문제가 발생함.) - joygram(2016/02/01)
  if (write) {
	  flags |= O_CREAT;
	  if (append) {
		  flags |= O_APPEND;
	  } else if (false == read) {
		  flags |= O_TRUNC; // 읽는 것도 아니고 덧대는 것이 아닌 경우 기존 내용 제거 joygram(2016/02/01) 
#ifndef _WIN32
  mode_t mode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
  int mode = _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE;
  int fd = ::THRIFT_OPEN(path.c_str(), flags, mode);
  if (fd < 0) {
    throw TTransportException("failed to open file for writing: " + path);
Пример #6
void TPipe::open() {
  if (isOpen())

  TAutoHandle hPipe;
  do {
    DWORD flags = FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED; // async mode, so we can do reads at the same time as writes
                           GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
                           0,             // no sharing
                           NULL,          // default security attributes
                           OPEN_EXISTING, // opens existing pipe
                           NULL)); // no template file

    if (hPipe.h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      break; // success!

    if (::GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY) {
      GlobalOutput.perror("TPipe::open ::CreateFile errored GLE=", ::GetLastError());
      throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN, "Unable to open pipe");
  } while (::WaitNamedPipe(pipename_.c_str(), TimeoutSeconds_ * 1000));

  if (hPipe.h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
    GlobalOutput.perror("TPipe::open ::CreateFile errored GLE=", ::GetLastError());
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN, "Unable to open pipe");

  impl_.reset(new TNamedPipeImpl(hPipe.h));
Пример #7
uint32_t TQIODeviceTransport::read(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len)
  uint32_t actualSize;
  qint64 readSize;

  if (!dev_->isOpen()) {
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN,
                              "read(): underlying QIODevice is not open");

  actualSize = (uint32_t)std::min((qint64)len, dev_->bytesAvailable());
  readSize = dev_->read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(buf), actualSize);

  if (readSize < 0) {
    QAbstractSocket* socket;
    if ((socket = qobject_cast<QAbstractSocket* >(dev_.get()))) {
      throw TTransportException(TTransportException::UNKNOWN,
                                "Failed to read() from QAbstractSocket",
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::UNKNOWN,
                              "Failed to read from from QIODevice");

  return (uint32_t)readSize;
Пример #8
void TFileTransport::seekToChunk(int32_t chunk) {
  if (fd_ <= 0) {
    throw TTransportException("File not open");

  int32_t numChunks = getNumChunks();

  // file is empty, seeking to chunk is pointless
  if (numChunks == 0) {

  // negative indicates reverse seek (from the end)
  if (chunk < 0) {
    chunk += numChunks;

  // too large a value for reverse seek, just seek to beginning
  if (chunk < 0) {
    T_DEBUG("%s", "Incorrect value for reverse seek. Seeking to beginning...");
    chunk = 0;

  // cannot seek past EOF
  bool seekToEnd = false;
  off_t minEndOffset = 0;
  if (chunk >= numChunks) {
    T_DEBUG("%s", "Trying to seek past EOF. Seeking to EOF instead...");
    seekToEnd = true;
    chunk = numChunks - 1;
    // this is the min offset to process events till
    minEndOffset = lseek(fd_, 0, SEEK_END);

  off_t newOffset = off_t(chunk) * chunkSize_;
  offset_ = lseek(fd_, newOffset, SEEK_SET);
  currentEvent_ = NULL;
  if (offset_ == -1) {
    GlobalOutput("TFileTransport: lseek error in seekToChunk");
    throw TTransportException("TFileTransport: lseek error in seekToChunk");

  // seek to EOF if user wanted to go to last chunk
  if (seekToEnd) {
    uint32_t oldReadTimeout = getReadTimeout();
    // keep on reading unti the last event at point of seekChunk call
    boost::scoped_ptr<eventInfo> event;
    while ((offset_ + readState_.bufferPtr_) < minEndOffset) {
      if (event.get() == NULL) {

Пример #9
void TZlibTransport::verifyChecksum() {
  // If zlib has already reported the end of the stream,
  // it has verified the checksum.
  if (input_ended_) {

  // This should only be called when reading is complete.
  // If the caller still has unread data, throw an exception.
  if (readAvail() > 0) {
    throw TTransportException(
        "verifyChecksum() called before end of zlib stream");

  // Reset the rstream fields, in case avail_out is 0.
  // (Since readAvail() is 0, we know there is no unread data in urbuf_)
  rstream_->next_out  = urbuf_;
  rstream_->avail_out = urbuf_size_;
  urpos_ = 0;

  // Call inflate()
  // This will throw an exception if the checksum is bad.
  bool performed_inflate = readFromZlib();
  if (!performed_inflate) {
    // We needed to read from the underlying transport, and the read() call
    // returned 0.
    // Not all TTransport implementations behave the same way here, so we'll
    // end up with different behavior depending on the underlying transport.
    // For some transports (e.g., TFDTransport), read() blocks if no more data
    // is available.  They only return 0 if EOF has been reached, or if the
    // remote endpoint has closed the connection.  For those transports,
    // verifyChecksum() will block until the checksum becomes available.
    // Other transport types (e.g., TMemoryBuffer) always return 0 immediately
    // if no more data is available.  For those transport types, verifyChecksum
    // will raise the following exception if the checksum is not available from
    // the underlying transport yet.
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
                              "checksum not available yet in "

  // If input_ended_ is true now, the checksum has been verified
  if (input_ended_) {

  // The caller invoked us before the actual end of the data stream
  assert(rstream_->avail_out < urbuf_size_);
  throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
                            "verifyChecksum() called before end of "
                            "zlib stream");
Пример #10
  void TSaslTransport::open() {
    NegotiationStatus status = TSASL_INVALID;
    uint32_t resLength;

    // Only client should open the underlying transport.
    if (isClient_ && !transport_->isOpen()) {

    // initiate  SASL message

    // SASL connection handshake
    while (!sasl_->isComplete()) {
      uint8_t* message = receiveSaslMessage(&status, &resLength);
      if (status == TSASL_COMPLETE) {
        if (isClient_) {
          if (!sasl_->isComplete()) {
            // Server sent COMPLETE out of order.
            throw TTransportException("Received COMPLETE but no handshake occurred");
          break; // handshake complete
      } else if (status != TSASL_OK) {
        stringstream ss;
        ss << "Expected COMPLETE or OK, got " << status;
        throw TTransportException(ss.str());
      uint32_t challengeLength;
      uint8_t* challenge = sasl_->evaluateChallengeOrResponse(
          message, resLength, &challengeLength);
      sendSaslMessage(sasl_->isComplete() ? TSASL_COMPLETE : TSASL_OK,
                      challenge, challengeLength);

    // If the server isn't complete yet, we need to wait for its response.
    // This will occur with ANONYMOUS auth, for example, where we send an
    // initial response and are immediately complete.
    if (isClient_ && (status == TSASL_INVALID || status == TSASL_OK)) {
      receiveSaslMessage(&status, &resLength);
      if (status != TSASL_COMPLETE) {
        stringstream ss;
        ss << "Expected COMPLETE or OK, got " << status;
        throw TTransportException(ss.str());

    // TODO : need to set the shouldWrap_ based on QOP
    String qop = (String) sasl.getNegotiatedProperty(Sasl.QOP);
    if (qop != null && !qop.equalsIgnoreCase("auth"))
      shouldWrap_ = true;
Пример #11
void THDFSFileTransport::write(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) {
  tSize rv = hdfsWrite(hdfsFile_->getFS()->getHandle(), (hdfsFile)hdfsFile_->getHandle(), buf, len);
  if (rv < 0) {
    int errno_copy = errno;
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::UNKNOWN,
  } else if (rv != len) {
      throw TTransportException(TTransportException::INTERRUPTED,
Пример #12
uint32_t THDFSFileTransport::read(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) {
  tSize rv = hdfsRead(hdfsFile_->getFS()->getHandle(), (hdfsFile)hdfsFile_->getHandle(), buf, len);
  if (rv < 0) {
    int errno_copy = errno;
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::UNKNOWN,
  } else if (rv == 0) {
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::END_OF_FILE,
  return rv;
 * Performs the server side of the initial portion of the Thrift SASL protocol.
 * Receives the initial response from the client, creates a SASL server using
 * the mechanism requested by the client (if this server supports it), and
 * sends the first challenge back to the client.
void TSaslServerTransport::handleSaslStartMessage() {
  uint32_t msgLength;
  NegotiationStatus status;

  uint8_t* message = receiveSaslMessage(&status, &msgLength);

  if (status != TSASL_START) {
    stringstream ss;
    ss << "Expecting START status, received " << status;
                    reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ss.str().c_str()), ss.str().size());
    throw TTransportException(ss.str());

  // Message is a non-null terminated string; to use it like a
  // C-string we have to copy it into a null-terminated buffer.
  // The first message should be the mechanism string.
  string mechanism(reinterpret_cast<char*>(message), msgLength);

  map<string, TSaslServerDefinition*>::iterator defn =
  if (defn == TSaslServerTransport::serverDefinitionMap_.end()) {
    stringstream ss;
    ss << "Unsupported mechanism type " << mechanism;
                    reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(ss.str().c_str()), ss.str().size());
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::BAD_ARGS, ss.str());

  TSaslServerDefinition* serverDefinition = defn->second;
  sasl_.reset(new TSaslServer(mechanism, serverDefinition->protocol_,

  uint32_t challengeLength;
  uint8_t* challenge = sasl_->evaluateChallengeOrResponse(
      reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(mechanism.c_str()), msgLength, &challengeLength);
  // TODO: this is necessary for DIGEST-MD5 but not for GSSAPI. There should be a more
  // general way to do this rather than checking the challengeLength. For GSSAPI, this
  // is zero, the server just authenticates. For DIGEST-MD5, this begins some back and
  // forth to send additional information.
  if (challengeLength != 0) {
    sendSaslMessage(sasl_->isComplete() ? TSASL_COMPLETE : TSASL_OK,
                    challenge, challengeLength);
Пример #14
bool TFramedTransport::readFrame() {
  // TODO(dreiss): Think about using readv here, even though it would
  // result in (gasp) read-ahead.

  // Read the size of the next frame.
  // We can't use readAll(&sz, sizeof(sz)), since that always throws an
  // exception on EOF.  We want to throw an exception only if EOF occurs after
  // partial size data.
  int32_t sz = -1;
  uint32_t size_bytes_read = 0;
  while (size_bytes_read < sizeof(sz)) {
    uint8_t* szp = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&sz) + size_bytes_read;
    uint32_t bytes_read
        = transport_->read(szp, static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(sz)) - size_bytes_read);
    if (bytes_read == 0) {
      if (size_bytes_read == 0) {
        // EOF before any data was read.
        return false;
      } else {
        // EOF after a partial frame header.  Raise an exception.
        throw TTransportException(TTransportException::END_OF_FILE,
                                  "No more data to read after "
                                  "partial frame header.");
    size_bytes_read += bytes_read;

  sz = ntohl(sz);

  if (sz < 0) {
    throw TTransportException("Frame size has negative value");

  // Check for oversized frame
  if (sz > static_cast<int32_t>(maxFrameSize_))
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::CORRUPTED_DATA,
                              "Received an oversized frame");

  // Read the frame payload, and reset markers.
  if (sz > static_cast<int32_t>(rBufSize_)) {
    rBuf_.reset(new uint8_t[sz]);
    rBufSize_ = sz;
  transport_->readAll(rBuf_.get(), sz);
  setReadBuffer(rBuf_.get(), sz);
  return true;
Пример #15
void TBufferedTransport::putBack(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) {
  assert(len < rBufSize_);

  // Check that len fits.
  // We push rBase_ back below to rBuf_.get()
  if (rBound_ + len > rBufSize_  + rBase_) {
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::BAD_ARGS,
                              "TBufferedTransport called with oversize buf");

  // Reset the buffer to initial position, moving any unread data.
  if (rBuf_.get() + len > rBase_) {
    if (rBase_ != rBound_) {
      // advance further to get room for the putback bytes
      memmove(rBuf_.get() + len, rBase_, rBound_ - rBase_);
    rBound_ += (rBuf_.get() - rBase_);
    rBase_ = rBuf_.get();
  } else {
    rBase_ -= len;
    rBound_ -= len;
  memcpy(rBase_, buf, len);
  rBound_ += len;
Пример #16
void TMemoryBuffer::ensureCanWrite(uint32_t len) {
  // Check available space
  uint32_t avail = available_write();
  if (len <= avail) {

  if (!owner_) {
    throw TTransportException("Insufficient space in external MemoryBuffer");

  // Grow the buffer as necessary.
  uint32_t new_size = bufferSize_;
  while (len > avail) {
    new_size = new_size > 0 ? new_size * 2 : 1;
    avail = available_write() + (new_size - bufferSize_);

  // Allocate into a new pointer so we don't bork ours if it fails.
  uint8_t* new_buffer = static_cast<uint8_t*>(std::realloc(buffer_, new_size));
  if (new_buffer == NULL) {
    throw std::bad_alloc();

  rBase_ = new_buffer + (rBase_ - buffer_);
  rBound_ = new_buffer + (rBound_ - buffer_);
  wBase_ = new_buffer + (wBase_ - buffer_);
  wBound_ = new_buffer + new_size;
  buffer_ = new_buffer;
  bufferSize_ = new_size;
Пример #17
 * Set the server for this transport
void TSaslServerTransport::setSaslServer(sasl::TSasl* saslServer) {
  if (isClient_) {
    throw TTransportException(
        TTransportException::INTERNAL_ERROR, "Setting server in client transport");
Пример #18
void TQIODeviceTransport::open()
  if (!isOpen()) {
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN,
                              "open(): underlying QIODevice isn't open");
Пример #19
std::pair<folly::IOBufQueue*, size_t>
ProtectionChannelHandler::decrypt(folly::IOBufQueue* q) {
  if (protectionState_ == ProtectionState::INVALID) {
    throw TTransportException("protection state is invalid");

  if (protectionState_ != ProtectionState::VALID) {
    // not an encrypted message, so pass-through
    return std::make_pair(q, 0);

  assert(saslEndpoint_ != nullptr);
  size_t remaining = 0;

  if (!q->front() || q->front()->empty()) {
    return std::make_pair(nullptr, 0);
  // decrypt
  unique_ptr<IOBuf> unwrapped = saslEndpoint_->unwrap(q, &remaining);
  assert(bool(unwrapped) ^ (remaining > 0));   // 1 and only 1 should be true
  if (unwrapped) {

    return std::make_pair(&queue_, remaining);
  } else {
    return std::make_pair(nullptr, remaining);
Пример #20
void TFramedTransport::writeSlow(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) {
  // Double buffer size until sufficient.
  uint32_t have = wBase_ - wBuf_.get();
  uint32_t new_size = wBufSize_;
  if (len + have < have /* overflow */ || len + have > 0x7fffffff) {
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::BAD_ARGS,
        "Attempted to write over 2 GB to TFramedTransport.");
  while (new_size < len + have) {
    new_size = new_size > 0 ? new_size * 2 : 1;

  // TODO(dreiss): Consider modifying this class to use malloc/free
  // so we can use realloc here.

  // Allocate new buffer.
  uint8_t* new_buf = new uint8_t[new_size];

  // Copy the old buffer to the new one.
  memcpy(new_buf, wBuf_.get(), have);

  // Now point buf to the new one.
  wBufSize_ = new_size;
  wBase_ = wBuf_.get() + have;
  wBound_ = wBuf_.get() + wBufSize_;

  // Copy the data into the new buffer.
  memcpy(wBase_, buf, len);
  wBase_ += len;
Пример #21
void TMemoryBuffer::wroteBytes(uint32_t len) {
  uint32_t avail = available_write();
  if (len > avail) {
    throw TTransportException("Client wrote more bytes than size of buffer.");
  wBase_ += len;
Пример #22
void TZlibTransport::flush()  {
  if (output_finished_) {
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::BAD_ARGS,
                              "flush() called after finish()");

Пример #23
void TZlibTransport::finish()  {
  if (output_finished_) {
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::BAD_ARGS,
                              "finish() called more than once");

Пример #24
void TZlibTransport::consume(uint32_t len) {
  if (readAvail() >= (int)len) {
    urpos_ += len;
  } else {
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::BAD_ARGS,
                              "consume did not follow a borrow.");
Пример #25
void THDFSFileTransport::open() {
  // THDFSFileTransport does not handle resource alloc/release.
  // An open HDFSFile handle must exist by now
  if (!isOpen()) {
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN,
Пример #26
void TFDTransport::write(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) {
  while (len > 0) {
    ssize_t rv = ::write(fd_, buf, len);

    if (rv < 0) {
      int errno_copy = errno;
      throw TTransportException(TTransportException::UNKNOWN,
    } else if (rv == 0) {
      throw TTransportException(TTransportException::END_OF_FILE,

    buf += rv;
    len -= rv;
Пример #27
  uint32_t TSaslTransport::readLength() {
    uint8_t lenBuf[PAYLOAD_LENGTH_BYTES];

    transport_->readAll(lenBuf, PAYLOAD_LENGTH_BYTES);
    int32_t len = decodeInt(lenBuf, 0);
    if (len < 0) {
      throw TTransportException("Frame size has negative value");
    return static_cast<uint32_t>(len);
Пример #28
void pipe_write(HANDLE pipe, const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) {
  DWORD cbWritten;
  int fSuccess = WriteFile(pipe,       // pipe handle
                           buf,        // message
                           len,        // message length
                           &cbWritten, // bytes written
                           NULL);      // not overlapped

  if (!fSuccess)
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN, "Write to pipe failed");
TOverlappedSubmissionThread::TOverlappedSubmissionThread() {
  stopItem_.action = TOverlappedWorkItem::STOP;

  thread_ = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, thread_proc, this, 0, NULL);
  if (thread_ == 0) {
    GlobalOutput.perror("TOverlappedSubmissionThread unable to create thread, errno=", errno);
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN,
                              " TOverlappedSubmissionThread unable to create thread");
Пример #30
uint32_t TSocket::write_partial(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t len) {
  if (socket_ < 0) {
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN, "Called write on non-open socket");

  uint32_t sent = 0;

  int flags = 0;
  // Note the use of MSG_NOSIGNAL to suppress SIGPIPE errors, instead we
  // check for the EPIPE return condition and close the socket in that case
  flags |= MSG_NOSIGNAL;
#endif // ifdef MSG_NOSIGNAL

  int b = send(socket_, buf + sent, len - sent, flags);

  if (b < 0) {
    if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN) {
      return 0;
    // Fail on a send error
    int errno_copy = errno;
    GlobalOutput.perror("TSocket::write_partial() send() " + getSocketInfo(), errno_copy);

    if (errno_copy == EPIPE || errno_copy == ECONNRESET || errno_copy == ENOTCONN) {
      throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN,
                               "write() send() " + getSocketInfo(), errno_copy);

    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::UNKNOWN,
                              "write() send() " + getSocketInfo(), errno_copy);

  // Fail on blocked send
  if (b == 0) {
    throw TTransportException(TTransportException::NOT_OPEN, "Socket send returned 0.");
  return b;