Пример #1
void IGraphicsCarbon::CreateTextEntry(IControl* pControl, IText* pText, IRECT* pTextRect, const char* pString, IParam* pParam)
  if (!pControl || mTextEntryView || !mIsComposited) return; // Only composited carbon supports text entry

  WindowRef window = mWindow;
  TXNFrameOptions txnFrameOptions = kTXNMonostyledTextMask | kTXNDisableDragAndDropMask | kTXNSingleLineOnlyMask;
  TXNObject txnObject = 0;
  TXNFrameID frameID = 0;
  TXNObjectRefcon txnObjectRefCon = 0;

  HIRect rct;
  HIViewGetFrame(this->mView, &rct);

  HIViewRef contentView;
  HIViewFindByID (HIViewGetRoot(this->mWindow), kHIViewWindowContentID, &contentView);
  HIViewConvertRect(&rct, HIViewGetSuperview((HIViewRef)this->mView), contentView);

  Rect rect = { rct.origin.y + pTextRect->T,
                rct.origin.x + pTextRect->L,
                rct.origin.y + pTextRect->B + 1,
                rct.origin.x + pTextRect->R + 1

  if (TXNNewObject(NULL,
                   txnObjectRefCon) == noErr)
    TXNSetFrameBounds(txnObject, rect.top, rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right, frameID);
    mTextEntryView = txnObject;

    // Set the text to display by defualt
    TXNSetData(mTextEntryView, kTXNTextData, pString, strlen(pString)/*+1*/, kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset); // center aligned text has problems with uneven string lengths

    RGBColor tc;
    tc.red = pText->mTextEntryFGColor.R * 257;
    tc.green = pText->mTextEntryFGColor.G * 257;
    tc.blue = pText->mTextEntryFGColor.B * 257;

    TXNBackground bg;
    bg.bgType         = kTXNBackgroundTypeRGB;
    bg.bg.color.red   = pText->mTextEntryBGColor.R * 257;
    bg.bg.color.green = pText->mTextEntryBGColor.G * 257;
    bg.bg.color.blue  = pText->mTextEntryBGColor.B * 257;

    TXNSetBackground(mTextEntryView, &bg);

    // Set justification
    SInt16 justification;
    Fract flushness;

    switch ( pText->mAlign )
      case IText::kAlignCenter:
        justification = kTXNCenter;  // seems to be buggy wrt dragging and alignement with uneven string lengths
        flushness = kATSUCenterAlignment;
      case IText::kAlignFar:
        justification = kTXNFlushRight;
        flushness = kATSUEndAlignment;
      case IText::kAlignNear:
        justification = kTXNFlushLeft;
        flushness = kATSUStartAlignment;

    TXNControlTag controlTag[1];
    TXNControlData controlData[1];
    controlTag[0] = kTXNJustificationTag;
    controlData[0].sValue = justification;
    TXNSetTXNObjectControls(mTextEntryView, false, 1, controlTag, controlData);

    ATSUFontID fontid = kATSUInvalidFontID;

    if (pText->mFont && pText->mFont[0])
      ATSUFindFontFromName(pText->mFont, strlen(pText->mFont),
                           kFontFullName /* kFontFamilyName? */ ,

    // font (NOT working)
    TXNTypeAttributes attributes[3];
    attributes[0].tag = kATSUFontTag;
    attributes[0].size = sizeof(ATSUFontID);
    attributes[0].data.dataPtr = &fontid;
    // size
    attributes[1].tag = kTXNQDFontSizeAttribute;
    attributes[1].size = kTXNFontSizeAttributeSize;
    attributes[1].data.dataValue = pText->mSize << 16;
    // color
    attributes[2].tag = kTXNQDFontColorAttribute;
    attributes[2].size = kTXNQDFontColorAttributeSize;
    attributes[2].data.dataPtr = &tc;

    // Finally set the attributes
    TXNSetTypeAttributes(mTextEntryView, 3, attributes, kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset);

    // Ensure focus remains consistent

    // Set the focus to the edit window
    TXNFocus(txnObject, true);
    TXNShowSelection(mTextEntryView, true);

    // The event types
    const static EventTypeSpec eventTypes[] =
      { kEventClassMouse,    kEventMouseMoved },
      { kEventClassMouse,    kEventMouseDown },
      { kEventClassMouse,    kEventMouseUp },
      { kEventClassMouse,    kEventMouseWheelMoved },
      { kEventClassWindow,   kEventWindowClosed },
      { kEventClassWindow,   kEventWindowDeactivated },
      { kEventClassWindow,   kEventWindowFocusRelinquish },
      { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown },
      { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyRepeat }

    // Install the event handler
    InstallWindowEventHandler(window, TextEntryHandler, GetEventTypeCount(eventTypes), eventTypes, this, &mTextEntryHandler);

    mEdControl = pControl;
    mEdParam = pParam;
    mTextEntryRect = *pTextRect;
OSStatus YASTControlAttachToExistingControl(ControlRef theControl) {
	OSStatus err;
	YASTControlVars *varsp;
	UInt32 outCommandID;
	EventHandlerRef controlEvents, windowEvents;
	TXNObject theTXNObject;
	RgnHandle outlineRegion;
		/* set up our locals */
	controlEvents = windowEvents = NULL;
	theTXNObject = NULL;
	outlineRegion = NULL;
	varsp = NULL;
	err = noErr;
		/* allocate our private storage and set up initial settings*/
	varsp = (YASTControlVars *) malloc(sizeof(YASTControlVars));
	if (varsp == NULL) {
		err = memFullErr;
	} else {
		varsp->fInFocus = false;
		varsp->fIsActive = true;
		varsp->fTXNObjectActive = false;
		varsp->fControl = theControl;
		varsp->fTabMovesFocus = true;
		varsp->fDrawFocusBox = true;
		varsp->fFocusDrawState = false;
		varsp->fIsReadOnly = false;
		varsp->fRTextOutlineRegion = NULL;
		varsp->fWindow = GetControlOwner(theControl);
		varsp->fGrafPtr = GetWindowPort(varsp->fWindow);
		/* set our control's command id.  we don't actually use it, but it must
		be non-zero for our control to be sent command events.  only set it
		if it has not already been set.  */
	err = GetControlCommandID(theControl, &outCommandID);
	if (err == noErr) {
		if (outCommandID == 0) {
			err = SetControlCommandID(theControl, 1);
		/* calculate the rectangles used by the control */
	if (err == noErr) {
		outlineRegion = NewRgn();
		if (outlineRegion == NULL) {
			err = memFullErr;
		} else {
			Rect bounds;
			varsp->fRTextOutlineRegion = outlineRegion;
			GetControlBounds(theControl, &bounds);
			YASTControlCalculateBounds(varsp, &bounds);

		/* create the new edit field */
	if (err == noErr) {
		err = TXNNewObject(NULL, varsp->fWindow, &varsp->fRTextArea,
			kTXNWantVScrollBarMask | kTXNAlwaysWrapAtViewEdgeMask,
			kTXNTextEditStyleFrameType, kTXNTextensionFile, kTXNSystemDefaultEncoding, 
			&theTXNObject, &varsp->fTXNFrameID, (TXNObjectRefcon) varsp);
		if (err == noErr) {
			varsp->fTXNObject = theTXNObject;
		/* set the field's background */
	if (err == noErr) {
		RGBColor rgbWhite = {0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF};
		TXNBackground tback;
		tback.bgType = kTXNBackgroundTypeRGB;
		tback.bg.color = rgbWhite;
		TXNSetBackground( varsp->fTXNObject, &tback);
		/* set the margins for easier selection and display */
	if (err == noErr) {
		TXNControlData txnCControlData;
		TXNControlTag txnControlTag = kTXNMarginsTag;
		TXNMargins txnMargins = { 2, 3, 2, 1 };	/* t,l,b,r */
		txnCControlData.marginsPtr	= &txnMargins; 
		(void) TXNSetTXNObjectControls( varsp->fTXNObject, false, 1, &txnControlTag, &txnCControlData );
		/* install our carbon event handlers */
	if (err == noErr) {
		static EventHandlerUPP gTPEventHandlerUPP = NULL;
		if (gTPEventHandlerUPP == NULL)
			gTPEventHandlerUPP = NewEventHandlerUPP(YASTControlCarbonEventHandler);
			/* carbon event handlers for the control */
		err = InstallEventHandler( GetControlEventTarget( theControl ),
			varsp, &controlEvents);
		if (err == noErr) { 
			varsp->fControlEvents = windowEvents;
				/* carbon event handlers for the control's window */
			err = InstallEventHandler( GetWindowEventTarget( varsp->fWindow ),
				gTPEventHandlerUPP, (sizeof(gYASTControlWindowEvents)/sizeof(EventTypeSpec)),
				gYASTControlWindowEvents, varsp, &windowEvents);
			if (err == noErr) {
				varsp->fWindowEvents = windowEvents;
		/* perform final activations and setup for our text field.  Here,
		we assume that the window is going to be the 'active' window. */
	if (err == noErr) {
		SetTextActivation(varsp, (varsp->fIsActive && varsp->fInFocus));
		/* clean up on error */
	if (err != noErr) {
		if (controlEvents != NULL) RemoveEventHandler(controlEvents);
		if (windowEvents != NULL) RemoveEventHandler(windowEvents);
		if (theTXNObject != NULL) TXNDeleteObject(theTXNObject);
		if (outlineRegion != NULL) DisposeRgn(outlineRegion);
		if (varsp != NULL) free((void*) varsp);
		/* all done */
	return err;