/*! Sets the song \a duration. */ void MpPlaybackData::setDuration( int duration ) { TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "duration = " << duration ) mDuration = duration; emit durationChanged(); TX_EXIT }
void KeyCaptureTestApp::processEvent(const QString &prefix, QEvent *ev) { TX_ENTRY_ARGS(reinterpret_cast<int>(ev)); if (ev){ if (ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress){ QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(ev); QString keyName = mappingPtr->name(static_cast<Qt::Key>(keyEvent->key())); addTextLine(prefix + QString("KeyPress:%1\n").arg(keyName)); } else if (ev->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease){ QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(ev); QString keyName = mappingPtr->name(static_cast<Qt::Key>(keyEvent->key())); addTextLine(prefix + QString("KeyRelease:%1\n").arg(keyName)); } else if (ev->type() == XQKeyCapture::remoteEventType_KeyPress()){ QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(ev); QString keyName = mappingPtr->name(static_cast<Qt::Key>(keyEvent->key())); addTextLine(prefix + QString("KeyPress:%1 (native:%2)\n").arg(keyName).arg(static_cast<int>(keyEvent->nativeVirtualKey()))); } else if (ev->type() == XQKeyCapture::remoteEventType_KeyRelease()){ QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent *>(ev); QString keyName = mappingPtr->name(static_cast<Qt::Key>(keyEvent->key())); addTextLine(prefix + QString("KeyRelease:%1 (native:%2)\n").arg(keyName).arg(static_cast<int>(keyEvent->nativeVirtualKey()))); } } TX_EXIT_ARGS(reinterpret_cast<int>(ev)); }
/*! Slot to be called when an item is selected by the user. */ void MpCollectionContainerAlbums::itemActivated( const QModelIndex &index ) { if ( mCollectionContext == ECollectionContextAlbums ) { mCurrentAlbumIndex = index.row(); TX_ENTRY_ARGS("mCurrentAlbumIndex=" << mCurrentAlbumIndex); MpCollectionListContainer::itemActivated(index); } else if ( mCollectionContext == ECollectionContextAlbumsTBone ) { int row = index.row(); TX_ENTRY_ARGS("index=" << row); if ( mViewMode == MpCommon::FetchView ) { MpCollectionListContainer::itemActivated(index); } else { emit playAlbumSongs(mCurrentAlbumIndex, row); } } TX_EXIT }
/*! \internal Handles an active object's request completion event. */ void MpMediaKeyRemConResponse::RunL() { TX_ENTRY_ARGS( "iStatus=" << iStatus.Int() ); // if any existing -> Send response if ( iResponseArray.Count() ) { CompleteAnyKey( iResponseArray[0] ); // Remove already completed key iResponseArray.Remove( 0 ); iResponseArray.Compress(); } TX_EXIT }
/*! Stub */ MpEngine::MpEngine() : mBalance(0), mLoudness(0) { TX_LOG_ARGS("Stub") } /*! Stub */ MpEngine::~MpEngine() { TX_ENTRY_ARGS("Stub") } // Audio Effects related /*! Stub */ int MpEngine::balance() { return mBalance; } /*! Stub */ bool MpEngine::loudness()
/*! \internal Constructs the now playing widget private. */ MpNowPlayingWidgetPrivate::MpNowPlayingWidgetPrivate( MpNowPlayingWidget *qq ) : q_ptr( qq ), mPrimaryText(0), mSecondaryText(0), mState( MpPlaybackData::NotPlaying ), mPlaybackData(0), mMpEngine(0), mIcon(0), mDocumentLoader(0), mCurrentPressedState( BannerNone ) { TX_ENTRY_ARGS( " Q pointer=" << ( void * )qq ) QGraphicsWidget *widget; bool widgetsOk = false; HbStyleLoader::registerFilePath(NOW_PLAYING_CSS); mPlayIcon = new HbIcon( QString( "qtg_mono_play" ) ); mPauseIcon = new HbIcon( QString( "qtg_mono_pause" ) ); mDocumentLoader = new HbDocumentLoader(); if (mDocumentLoader) { mDocumentLoader->load( NOW_PLAYING_XML, &widgetsOk); } if (widgetsOk) { // find the main widget container and all of its child items widget = mDocumentLoader->findWidget(QString("nowPlayingContainer")); HbWidget* container = qobject_cast<HbWidget*>(widget); container->setParentItem(q_ptr); widget = mDocumentLoader->findWidget(QString("primaryText")); mPrimaryText = qobject_cast<HbLabel*>(widget); mPrimaryText->setObjectName( "bannerLabel" ); mPrimaryText->setProperty( "state", "normal" ); widget = mDocumentLoader->findWidget(QString("secondaryText")); mSecondaryText = qobject_cast<HbLabel*>(widget); mSecondaryText->setObjectName( "bannerLabel" ); mSecondaryText->setProperty( "state", "normal" ); widget = mDocumentLoader->findWidget(QString("playPause")); mIcon = qobject_cast<HbLabel*>(widget); mIcon->setObjectName( "bannerLabel" ); mIcon->setProperty( "state", "normal" ); HbStackedLayout *mylayout; mylayout = new HbStackedLayout(q_ptr); mylayout->addItem( container ); q_ptr->setLayout( mylayout ); } else { TX_LOG_ARGS("Error: invalid xml file."); Q_ASSERT_X(widgetsOk, "MpNowPlayingWidgetPrivate", "invalid xml file"); } mMpEngine = MpEngineFactory::sharedEngine(); mPlaybackData = mMpEngine->playbackData(); setEnabled(true); TX_EXIT }
/*! \internal Send the any key response back to Remcon server */ void MpMediaKeyRemConResponse::CompleteAnyKey( TRemConCoreApiOperationId aOperationId ) { TX_ENTRY_ARGS(" OperationId: " << aOperationId ); if ( !IsActive() ) { switch ( aOperationId ) { case ERemConCoreApiPausePlayFunction: { iRemConCoreApiTarget.PausePlayFunctionResponse( iStatus, KErrNone ); SetActive(); break; } case ERemConCoreApiPlay: { iRemConCoreApiTarget.PlayResponse( iStatus, KErrNone ); SetActive(); break; } case ERemConCoreApiStop: { iRemConCoreApiTarget.StopResponse( iStatus, KErrNone ); SetActive(); break; } case ERemConCoreApiPause: { iRemConCoreApiTarget.PauseResponse( iStatus, KErrNone ); SetActive(); break; } case ERemConCoreApiRewind: { iRemConCoreApiTarget.RewindResponse( iStatus, KErrNone ); SetActive(); break; } case ERemConCoreApiFastForward: { iRemConCoreApiTarget.FastForwardResponse( iStatus, KErrNone ); SetActive(); break; } case ERemConCoreApiBackward: { iRemConCoreApiTarget.BackwardResponse( iStatus, KErrNone ); SetActive(); break; } case ERemConCoreApiForward: { iRemConCoreApiTarget.ForwardResponse( iStatus, KErrNone ); SetActive(); break; } case ERemConCoreApiVolumeUp: { iRemConCoreApiTarget.VolumeUpResponse( iStatus, KErrNone ); SetActive(); break; } case ERemConCoreApiVolumeDown: { iRemConCoreApiTarget.VolumeDownResponse( iStatus, KErrNone ); SetActive(); break; } default: { TInt error = KErrNone; iRemConCoreApiTarget.SendResponse( iStatus, aOperationId, error ); SetActive(); break; } } } // already active. Append to array and complete later. else { iResponseArray.Append( aOperationId ); } TX_EXIT }